UPDATE [Lee]: Bumping up to the top.
4 Pierce County police officers shot dead outside Parkland:
The officers were sitting in the coffee shop with their computers out when the shooter came in. The officers were targeted, and it was not a robbery, investigators believe.
“It looks like a flat-out ambush,” Troyer said. “Some one came in and opened fire.
The baristas who were inside the shop are “stunned and shocked, traumatized,” Troyer said.
A $10,000 reward has been offered for information in the killings. The amount is expected rise, Troyer said.
“The first one to call with information gets it,” he said.
Sorry to use so much of the Trib’s post without adding much but I thought there ought to be a thread.
… The tip line if anyone reading has any information: (253) 591-5959
People have gone insane.
They’re saying that it was in a Forza coffee shop, which I think is Gig Harbor based and one of the founders is an ex-cop. Weird.
Holy shit!
its far past time to bring some draconian laws/punishment into the fold.
We as a society have been far too lenient on people who break the law.
Puddy suggests public execution after proven guilty of the crime.
@5..lebowski seconds the motion
How would you pre-punish this killer in a way that would prevent such crimes?
I think that having all the media jump on the Trib story is a good reflection of our society, that fact that it is such a terrible event, and we all agree on that message, has some power, too.
This is a terrible event, sickening.
– With the exception of absolute crazy, ambushes usually have motive.
– Being armed with guns and trained experts in their use did not prevent the death of these officers.
– Easy access to weapons and ammunition definitely was a contributing factor in the officers’ murder.
Lebowski, the laws covering cop-killers are already draconian. Doesn’t seem to be working.
Terrorism or gangsterism?
@7…the point being that when this person is caught, we will find that he has a wrap sheet a mile long….had he been dealt with more harshly previously, we may not be dealing with 4 dead cops.
to put it in perspective, how many damn times are we going to hear about a child molestor/killer with a prior record of child molestation…..
its time for some one-strike and your out – or dead – laws.
@9…I would guess gangsterism at this point…
I’m not seeing a difference.
based on what? the perp’s scruffy appearance? the fact that the perp is described as african american? tell me.
@13…based on location, description of suspect, and prior history of gang problems in that area.
I suppose we will all find out when they catch the POS.
You have no way in knowing if the perons who did this have been previously in trouble with the law.
Christor Monfort, for instance, has never had any serious problems with the law, except for traffic tickets.
In fact, he once wanted to be a cop himself and studied law.
@16…your right, I dont….but I would bet the farm that the guy has a long list of priors.
Personally, I think whoever did this should be caught, given a speedy trial, and incarcerated for life plus 1,500 years without even a hint of a possibility of parole, all done swiftly and with as little public fanfare as possible.
After what recently happened in Seattle, this has a strong odor of “monkey-see, monkey-do” about it…and it would be wise to avoid inspiring any more monkeys.
@17, prior rotations in Iraq?
The map shown on televion has the cafe on the opposite side of the street if the AFB.
i think the difference between gangsters and terrorists are like the difference between business and politics.
It’s impossible to believe that all the hate-talk against government, public workers, authority, plus the eliminationist and violent-overthrow rhetoric, emanating from the right in recent years hasn’t created a culture of violence and cheapened life.
@17, Without debating what constitutes priors, from a probabilistic analysis of what we know now, the fact that the perp has been identified as african american increases the probability he has a prior criminal record over that of a white perp. But this isn’t causal, just correlation.
@21…leave it to the bitter old rabbit to turn this into a “its the right wings fault” thread.
you are really a pathetic person roger.
@23 You can’t spew endless anti-government hate without having an effect on the deranged people already out there. Irresponsible free speech is protected from prosecution, but it’s not protected from criticism.
@23 Pathetic? You don’t know pathetic when it punches you in the nose. Rightwing hate-talk is pathetic. Criticizing rightwing hate-talk is responsible and thoroughly American. You’re putting yourself on the wrong side of this argument, bub.
Hey Dumb Bunny,
If the Perp is a Democratic, your worthless insipid argument FAILS miserably. Oh wait a minute… IT STILL FAILS MISERABLY
We’ll find out soon enough, but among many questions (why?!): what weaponry did it take to kill four armed and trained officers who (according to some early news reports!) were wearing ‘bullet-proof’ vests?
What a tragic day. My heart and prayers go out to the families of the victims, their co-workers, and others who knew and loved them.
Its not a right/left thing, its a hate thing. Had the hate talk and the eliminationist and violent-overthrow rhetoric been coming from the left the effect would have been the same.
I wonder if these killings were revenge for John Allen Muhammed’s execution? That seems far-fetched, but at this point anything is possible.
See #28
The perp being left wing or apolitical changes nothing.
If you fill the airwaves with hate and chants of kill ’em, someone’s going to take you up on it.
@26 Another pathetic apologist for rightwing hate talk … of course, poodle, we all know you have it in you …
Weird coincidence.
@9 The law in regards to cop killing shouldn’t be anything other than draconian, I suggest public hanging.
@30 What stupid shits like puddy don’t understand is that the wide dissemination of hate talk, public displays of weaponry, etc., has a psychological effect on unstable people. In effect, it gives them “permission” for such acts; it makes it sound like society is saying it’s okay to act out their violent fantasies. I have argued for years that violent movies, TV shows, and video games are responsible for inspiring and instigating the crazy violence in our society, and without question rightwing hate-talk is also contributing to the toxic social brew that plainly exists in our country. Thanks for nothing, rightwing bigmouths! You’re a problem, not a solution.
@26. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget,
Why? Because all Democrats are pacifists?
You don’t think that in a culture where at least 50% of the Best-Selling Video Games are oriented to gun violence, which has the largest gun owner per capita ratio on the planet that any spark can lead to a flame?
I doubt the wingnutia anti-government rhetoric had much to do with this assassination, but it sure as hell does not help.
Rabbit droppings, please explain in intricate detail how THIS shooting is a direct result of “right-wing hate talk”.
Conservative radio/tv isn’t known for being anti-police, quite the opposite.
Monfort’s crime was a political act. That guy’s head was spinning with “jury nullification,” which is rightwing bullshit. Targeting police officers is inherently a political act, and in fact is the first step of overthrowing an existing government. All the overthrow talk these days is rightwing bullshit, too. Add two and two, and see what you get. This crime wasn’t committed by some leftwing pacifist demonstrating against gun possession.
@36 See #34.
@35 “I doubt the wingnutia anti-government rhetoric had much to do with this assassination, but it sure as hell does not help.”
The right is saturating our culture with hate rhetoric, much of it couched in violent terminology, and regardless of whether or not it directly inspired this crime, the purveyors and cheeerleaders of rightwing hate talk deserve our harshest condemnation. The right’s behavior is NOT GOOD for our society!
Epic fail, rabbit…epic fail. Is it opposite day or something?, moronic fuckwit. Jury nullification does’nt fit with conservative views on crime and punishment, lay off the ganja hippie.
@40 Another fucking apologist for gun-toting rightwing eliminationists and revolutionaries. Piss on you!
Reading blogs on developing news stories shows how asinine some people are. I’ve scanned several news websites’ comments sections on this story and see a pattern of stupidity.
This incident is obviously a result of:
From so-called liberals:
police corruption
too many guns on the street
revenge for some past wrong
overuse of the death penalty
hate talk from the right
I’m a liberal myself so please shut the hell up! You’re embarassing us.
From so-calleed conservatives:
a horribly leniant justice system
too few guns on the street (even though the cops all had guns themselves)
the OJ trial
underuse of the death penalty
hate talk from the left
from so-called religious folks:
the end times
proof that our society is not Christian and going downhill
Everyone is also saying how this is proof that our society is very violent (even though the 1970s were much more violent)
Let’s just stay with what we know until we find out more facts:
Four police officers (three men and one woman) have been killed. We don’t know if they were targeted for a particular reason or if it was random violence against the police) We also don’t know the racial makeup of these officers yet.
There were several witnesses.
The police are now looking for a scruffy looking black man in his 20s or 30s.
That’s it. That’s all we know.
My heart goes out to the families of the deceased and to the witnesses who will be scarred for life.
THIS is rightwing political discourse these days.
When this gives unstable people ideas, you bet your rightwing asses you’re responsible.
Must suck being Roger, I know I wouldn’t like having an ass backwards brain.
@42 “Let’s just stay with what we know until we find out more facts”
Nah, I don’t think so, I’m having too much fun. They do it, so we can’t we? I believe in giving as good as getting. An eye for an eye, you know? That’s what it says in their Bible. When they stop doing it, I’ll stop too, but they have to stop first because they started it.
lebowski, most serious crime is already punished harshly. There’s only so much the threat of punishment can do and we make plenty of threats already. It’s possible that this is the work of a violent psychotic who was not detained. Our system does not handle violent psychotics well. Threats, however, don’t generally deter them.
I wrote “Terrorism or gangsterism? Mr. Baker, replies, “I’m not seeing a difference.”
Terrorism is political; gangsterism is not.
@44 So you think criticizing rightwing hate talk is “ass backwards”? That tells the world everything anyone needs to know about your character and values.
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Which political faction is unwilling to pay taxes to keep dangerous psychotics in public institutions so they’re off the streets?
[ ] 1. Teabaggers
[ ] 2. No tax, no way, no how Republicans
[ ] 3. Anti-tax conservatives
[ ] 4. Government hating tax protesters
[ ] 5. All of the above
@45…what a miserable, hate filled life you must live.
partisans like you are a cancer on this nation.
@42….good post.
I agree with you on most things but you’re being a dick on this.
@49 I’m no worse than hate-filled rightwing partisan. In fact, I’m not remotely as bad as them — I don’t disrupt public meetings, flash guns in public, pray for the president’s death, or do any of the other shit you guys do. All I do is criticize you guys for doing that shit. Your defending it is worse than my criticizing it.
@51 Of course I’m being a dick. I mimic their behavior, and they’re dicks, so it follows that I’m a dick too. Which is the whole point of this. I do it because they do it, to try to get them to stop doing it. I think it’s worth a try, because nothing else has worked on them. Besides, I used to be a Republican, so nobody should be shocked when I behave like one.
Do you feel this “perp” listened to rush or hannity?
Maybe this “perp” listened to rap music. Were those the airwaves filled with “hate and chants of kill” cops that you talked about?
@51 (continued) So you think I’m a dick, huh? I’m not a warmonger or torturer. I don’t kill women and children by bombing their villages. I didn’t wreck the global economy. I didn’t try to block health care reform by disrupting townhalls, shouting down congressmen, or waving guns in people’s faces. The behavior of America’s loony right fosters a climate of disrespect for other people, social institutions, and authority figures. As I stated above, that kind of behavior tacitly gives “permission” to engage in antisocial acts. No one should be surprised when criminal acts follow.
During the Seattle WTO meetings, organized labor put tens of thousands of peaceful demonstrators in the streets to protest the undemocratic decisions being made behind closed doors by the corporate power elite. Not one of those labor protesters broke a window. Yet, over the last few days, I’ve seen the same rightwing shits who cheer on the disrupters and gun flashers blast those labor demonstrators for being simply pro-worker.
And you think I’m being a dick?
You’ve got the wrong rabbit, fella. They’re the dicks. It’s time you said so, and stopped mollycoddling the trolls and started attacking them instead of me.
Jesus H. Christ, man, do your duty.
@54 Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Are you proud that rightwing rhetoric is on the same plane as cop-killer rap?
Strictly speaking, Lebowski was the older gentleman. The other guy was the Dude, or Duderino, or the Dudemeister — depends on if you’re into that whole brevity thing.
I’m shocked, shocked.
That’s the second time I’ve heard that in the last 4 days.
The first time my GF’s 5 year old niece said it.
It’s cute on a 5 year old, not so much an old man.
@55 And you think I’m being a dick?
Yea, way out of bounds.
In other news, Michaele and Tareq Salahi, who may face criminal charges for crashing a White House state dinner last week, are tireless publicity-seekers, according to media reports.
“[They] had their pictures taken with President Obama during his inauguration, Prince Charles at a polo match and Oprah Winfrey at another event. They had Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy speak at their elaborate wedding …,” the Associated Press reported today.
The couple, whose wedding guest list was top-heavy with Republican political figures, have been sued dozens of times for not paying their bills, are deeply in debt, and have gotten into “ugly” quarrels with neighbors, according to news reports.
They had a camera crew with them at the White House dinner, and now they’re trying to peddle themselves to TV networks and are asking for “hundreds of thousands of dollars” for interview rights, the media have reported.
@59 If I’m out of bounds, then what is the American right? I’m a boy scout compared to them.
@58 Leave it to Marvie Stupes to criticize me for … ahem … behaving like them. I’m sure the irony is completely lost on him.
@57..I just want a new carpet…
The federal government has paid a $48,000 settlement to an illegal immigrant who was phsyically assaulted by two Border Patrol agents, but the agents have not been disciplined. Here are the facts of the case:
1. The immigrant was sitting on the grass in a Mount Vernon public park.
2. The agents were out of uniform, in an unmarked car, and didn’t identify themselves.
3. The agents were miles away from where they were supposed to be, and not doing what they were supposed to be doing, which was interviewing inmates at the Mount Vernon jail.
4. One of the agents is an outspoken anti-immigrant Ferndale city councilman; the other is an outspoken anti-immigrant Border Patrol union official.
5. The agents had no reason to stop and talk to the victim; they racially profiled him.
6. The agents’ conduct was so outrageous that both the Skagit County prosecutor and the Mount Vernon city attorney investigated the case and considered filing criminal charges against them.
7. Witnesses saw the agents wrap a chain around the victim, punch and kick him, and point a gun at his head.
8. The agents called for police assistance after one of them dropped his gun during the scuffle.
9. Local prosecutors refused to charge the immigrant because they said he had a right to defend himself because they didn’t identify themselves as law enforcement officers and he didn’t know who they were or why they were attacking him.
The more you read about this story, the worse it gets. These guys are nothing but rightwing asswipes who used their badges to take the law into their own hands. They should be fired. We don’t need vigilante bullies guarding our borders.
Hey, Turds McGee…thread intrusion much?
@60 It would appear that the once-wealthy Salahis have actually been flat broke and up to their Armani-clad asses in debt for quite some time, and have been maintaining lifestyle on “momentum” i. e. their remaining credit, their hoi-polloi reputation and the naive trust of their few remaining friends. Also probably of a bank or two that are more than happy to package their unpayable loans into derivatives and pass them off to unsuspecting 401K participants. This is one of several recent apparent incidences of formerly nouveau riche but now nouveau poor attempting to whore out their supposedly glamorous misery on Tee Vee.
When people have made displaying their own stupidity and failure on a “reality” show their only remaining aspiration, one step before they go out and stand by an onramp with a cardboard sign, is just one more example of just how totally fucked up decades of shameless glorification of shallowness and greed has made us as a people.
Carl and Lee,
I know you guys must have given this one a lot of thought. And I know you feel some obligation to host a comment thread on this.
But just once, you might consider taking down the comments, even if you leave up the post.
This is simply a flat-out tragedy for the grieving families of these four slain officers, the TPD, surrounding law enforcement, and the entire community.
Given the overtly partisan and politically contentious leanings of the comment community on HA (leanings that I generally share and usually appreciate) you can’t be too surprised when the comments devolve into partisan rancor, oneupmanship, and the typical name-calling.
I can only say I hope none of the folks commenting herein ever have to experience the unique feelings of sadness and anger that accompany having the death of a loved one exploited to score meaningless political points on the inter-tubes.
Please consider sparing these four families and the law enforcement community those feelings at this time.
@64…what the hell does your drivel in post 64 have to do with the slain officers in Tacoma?
@68 Nothing. There’s more in today’s news than the wantonly evil slayings of 4 Lakewood police officers.
@67 All I said was rightwing hate rhetoric fosters a climate for this sort of thing and then the trolls went apeshit.
You’re over the top with your partisan smack today, Rabbit. fyi, I’m liberal.
I’d say ‘gansta rap dehumanizes people and makes things like this shooting more likely to happen.
You forgot to describe the suspect–
The real Lebowski was and is dedicated to the causes of social justice. The Dude would never call his rug a “carpet”.
You, sir, are a fraud and a typical brain dead right-wing hack.
Please just fuck off.
@71 Sure it’s partisan smack, and is over the top, but I’m not doing anything they don’t do every day.
“Joie” is a new screen name here. I’ve never seen it before. I’ve been defending American values against these fascist asswipes for 5 years on this blog. The first day you show up here, you criticize me for aping them, but don’t criticize them for being themselves. And lots of trolls come here and claim they’re “Democrats” or “liberals.”
Hmmmm …
@71 (continued) “I’m liberal.”
That’s what “maggie” said, too …
@73 What’s your point?
If there are other suspects, and no descriptions are available, we can’t rule out goats at this point.
This post was originally posted far earlier in the morning and I bumped it up. At the time Carl posted it, the description of the suspect had not been released (the link above has been updated since).
What is a fact is that one of the primary targets of Iraqi factions who are attempting to destabilize and delegitimize their own government is killing police personnel and police recruits.
That is not to say that today’s incident is part of a factional attempt to attack our legitimate government (which I might as well add is headed by natural-born US citizen President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama). However, if it is, then we are probably heading into a time of extreme trouble. Me, I won’t think that this is terrorist until the facts point that way.
That said, “gangsterism or terrorism” is a false dichotomy. Most if not all mass murders in this country have been performed by the isolated mentally ill. I think that it’s not even clear that someone like Haq (shot up the Jewish center–friend of mine is on the jury right now) had any particular ideological foundation for his actions beyond the sort of hazy rationalizations one would expect from the mentally ill.
Random thoughts:
– Studies show that the death penalty has little to no deterrent effect.
– For those who claim that their own posts on the subject were solely focused on reducing recidivism and not increasing deterrence, there was at least one post advocating public hanging, which clearly is intended for the latter purpose and not the former.
– Another thing that we DO know positively is that the death penalty is incredibly more expensive than the alternatives. More taxes, anyone?
– Harsh punishments to sate one’s blood lust (a lust that I do not share) may be personally satisfying TO YOU but will probably do little to nothing to fix whatever problem in which this is rooted, if any.
This is a tragedy indeed, and if there is any organized movement behind this beyond one crazed individual, then I fully support using any and all legal and Constitutional means to gather evidence against and arrest and imprison any and all of those involved.
I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with what RR is saying, and I also don’t complain about obvious bubble-tallk-spouting idiots like Cyn or Pud, except to their “faces,” and to the MGMT when they violates Ts and Cs (terms and conditions).
Why should we be so much more concerned about the proprieties of what we say about these poor victims but not about what we say about those who die from insurance companies canceling their insurance when they get sick, or those who are injured or killed by police abuse of the vile Taser, or those who are abused (as in the RR post) by La Migra, or teeenagers who are targeted by the police, etc.? Let your bleeding-cop hearth bleed for these of us as well.
Hey, Lou Dobbs used to tell us that Mexican immigrants are infected with leprosy (until he quit his job at CNN and decided he might want to run for office). I can only be glad that he appears to be such an idiot that he doesn’t know that video, you know…persists. His run for anything will be fun. Off-topic, I know.
Or a short post…
77. Roger Rabbit spews:
What’s your point?
How can you ID the suspect without a description?
Is it now illegal to describe a Black suspect as Black??
Roger Rabbit cares more about political correctness than catching a mass murderer!!!
Sounds like Obama and Ft. Hood!
You Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS have really gone off the deep end.
Michael sez:
Tell it to the Dumb Bunny. To him everything is political.
Michael can’t read. Of course everyone knows this is true.
Wrong Fool! Puddy responding to the retired Dumb Bunny left wing hater. Too bad the facts whizz right over your head. Is the tin foil hat too tight tonight?
Lee @ 79–
They need to catch this guy….pronto.
No matter what color he is.
The fact is the suspect is Black.
If he was White or Hispanic that would be releveant too.
Roger Rabbit is everything wrong with America today.
So good ahead and call Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson and have a Protest March calling for prosecutions of any White Guys calling Black Suspects Black.
Did I tell you Roger is an Idiot?
He could care less about Black folks.
Even Black people want this murderer apprehended Roger.
It’s just you that wants to make it more difficult by not identifying him to the nth degree that you can.
Did I tell you Roger is an Idiot?
He probably thought those cops were Republicans because anyone who “oppresses the masses” is a Republican per Roger Dumb Bunny and his smelly droppings here.
I’d say Roger’s Tin Foil Hat has cut off all the circulation.
Can you see his deep concern that identifying the the murder suspect as Black is pointless??
This is how bad it has gotten Puddy.
I post the description.
Rog is offended.
Turn up your OXYGEN TANK silly rabbit.
MikeBoyScout farts
Remember when some conservatives came out and decried the violence in video games? You see Puddy remembers things. Or you can read this fool… Notice the date… who is in control of the military?
Other than Roger Rabbit there is NOBODY on HA so adept at saying so little with so much, Daddy!
Roger Dumb Bunny farts again…
Jury nullification is the process whereby a jury in a criminal case nullifies a law by acquitting a defendant regardless of the weight of evidence against him or her.
How is that Republican or Conservative Roger Dumb Bunny?
Puddy corrected it for you Roger Dumb Bunny!
Roger Dumb Bunny farts again…
Oh really… Wanna see those comments again around Merry Fitzmas Roger Dumb Bunny.
Now that’s some pretty heavy projection right there…
Roger Dumb Bunny has a memory fart again…
Oh so your buds who hug dumb bunnies Code Pink didn’t do that at GWB administration pressers? Oh you forgot this web site covering leftist pinheads Roger Dumb Bunny?
Of course… you’re old, senile, stupid, and moronic!
How Lee? You not reading the vile bile from Roger Dumb Bunny?
His words…
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Roger Dumb Bunny diarrhead…
Sorry to break it too you Roger Dumb Bunny butt John Effin Kerry said you did…
Once again Puddy corrects Roger Dumb Bunny with the facts.
Corrected it again Roger Dumb Bunny.
You see Lee this is projection…
What happens if Roger finds out they vote Dummocraptic?
Oh no, another Roger Dumb Bunny missive KABLAMMMMMO!
@74 – suck my left nut Exlax….
you can tell that when Daddy Love first heard this story, he probably thought “well they had it coming to them”…..
his hatred for the police is quite evident.
Officers who were gunned-down in King and Pierce counties in about the last 10 years … and this is off the top of my head …
That King County officer Herzog who was killed with his own gun up in Newcastle: A black man did it.
That SPD officer who was killed on the Swift/Albro exit off of I-5: A black man did it.
That officer who was killed on Halloween: A black man did it.
The 4 officers that were killed today in Lakewood: A black man did it.
Des Moines, WA Officer Steven Underwood shot and killed: A black man did it.
King Co Deputy Steve Cox shot and killed in White Center: A black man did it.
Lee et al… They are looking for a 37 year old Maurice Clemons(?) who is a person of interest in the case…
I hear a lot of talk about how this is just payback. How officers are just getting back what they dish-out to the black community.
Can anyone give me a list of black citizens who have been executed because of the color of their skin by the police in King and Pierce counties in the last ten years?
Here comes the insanity defense …
Roger Dumb Bunny,
Puddy doesn’t think this cop-killing fool was swayed by anything you argued today.
This “person of interest” is one of 700 violent offenders that Republican Governor Mike Huckabee released. Isn’t this part of the Republican process of hating taxes and not wanting to pay for prisons to house these violent offenders? Maurice Clemmons received a 35-year sentence in the early 1990s for armed robbery and theft. His sentence was commuted in May 2000, and he was let out three months later.
Clemmons committed two armed robberies and other crimes and was sentenced to 10 years. You’d think they’d keep him locked up after that, but no: He was paroled last March and is now wanted for aggravated robbery.
From the Arkansas Leader newslink
about Maurice Clemmons released by Republican Mike Fuckabee.
http://www.arkansasleader.com/.....ckabee.h... –
Huckabee granted clemency to violent criminals, _ Maurice Clemmons received a 35-year sentence in the early 1990s for armed robbery.
… ___
http://www.arkansasleader.com/.....ckabee.h... – Similar
well..like I said before, this POS has a long, violent criminal history. He should have been rotting in jail for his entire life after the first few violent offenses.
Huckabee sure fucked up by letting this guy go.
BTW, it sounds like he was being investigated for child molestation – that should be an automatic death sentence. No do-overs or leniency when it comes to harming kids.
@103: And your point troll…..what is it?
Are you saying that the color of a persons skin determines whether they kill cops?
Of course, most mass murderers are white…..so therefore…..
therefore nothing!
It is just BS trying to link crazy people to skin color.
If Huckabee screwed up Puddy will say so. But before another libtardo jumps to conclusions… it seems that Clemmons was in Pierce County jail recently…
“Clemmons had been in jail in Pierce County for the past several months on a pending charge of second-degree rape of a child.
He was released from custody just six days ago, even though he was wanted on a fugitive warrant out of Arkansas and was staring at eight felony charges in all out of Washington state.
Clemmons posted $15,000 with a Chehalis company called Jail Sucks Bail Bonds. The bondsman, in turn, put up $150,000, securing Clemmons’ release on the pending child-rape charge.”
Sooooooooooooooooo there you go again@109 jumping to conclusions… Way to go libtardo@109… nice job playing the HorsesASS again…
Thin ice pud. Yes, Pierce Co. screwed up releasing him. So did Huckabee.
The guy’s a sociopath and two separate systems let him go free. The errors of one do not erase the errors of the other. And the fact Huckabee cut him loose makes the arguement its liberals fault ring hollow.
and btw, roger has been over the top today. Our first thoughts should be with the officers families, not our ideologies.
Not thin ice, just facts. Remember it wasn’t Puddy who screamed Merry Fitzmas! It’s liberals who call for clemency. It’s conservatives who want to throw away the key. If Huckabee screwed the pooch on this one he’s done as a presidential candidate.
But on the other issue, how could Pierce County let him go without the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Interstate Identification Index background check first?
Glad you agree Roger Dumb Bunny took too many blue pills today…
But why, pud, do you jump harder on Pierce Co than Huckabee when the rap on both seems about the same? Ideology first, which has been why I find exchanges with you meaningless.
K did you miss the first sentence in post #112.
So what are you facial tic’ing about again?
PS Puddy’s reaction was over the fart of #109. Puddy just posted facts. You read more into it on purpose. Why did you do that K? Ideology?
BTW it seems Arkansas rearrested Clemmons the next March and he was recently released on parole.
I think I will not wallow in the mud and with you while you grandstand over the deaths of these officers.
It’s all yours. Spew away
Good try K. Now you are engaging in damage control. Not much difference between you and Roger Dumb Bunny. Go for it.
@Rog & #84
Its not a right/left thing, its a hate thing. Had the left been engaging in eliminationist and hate speech, the effect would have been the same.
You forgot Tacoma police chief David Brame who killed his wife and then himself. Brame was a white guy, btw. Brian Eggleston, who killed Pierce County sheriff’s deputy John Bananola (1995) is a white guy. Eggleston is serving a life sentence in Walla-Walla.
“Most if not all mass murders in this country have been performed by the isolated mentally ill.”
Recently. But consider Chicago in the 1920s.
@83 “Is it now illegal to describe a Black suspect as Black??”
Not that I know of.
“Roger Rabbit cares more about political correctness than catching a mass murderer!!!”
How did you extrapolate this from my simply asking what your point was?
@84 “Tell it to the Dumb Bunny. To him everything is political.”
This one is, because a Republican presidential candidate let this “person of interest” out of jail. Following which he came to our state and assaulted a cop and raped a kid. And maybe did this, too. At the time of my earlier posts in this thread, I didn’t know these details — it just had a vague wingnut smell to it. I had no idea it would turn into a Republican fiasco so quickly, although in retrospect, I’m not surprised. Puddy, it’s time for you to acknowledge that we rabbits have more sensitive noses than you do. Just because you can’t detect the acrid stench of Republican bungling doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
My point is black people be violent.
@85 See response to #84 @124.
@86 Who made an issue of the guy’s skin color? I didn’t. I don’t think anyone else did, either.
@123, @124, @126, 127, and @128 were posted by Roger Rabbit.
@87 & @88 et seq.: You guys look pretty silly now that the whole world knows a Republican presidential candidate let this “person of interest” out of prison over the prosecutor’s objections.
@84 revisited: Oh yeah, one more thing, blockhead … this is a POLITICAL blog and people come here to post PARTISAN comments. If you want to read Ann Landers buy a fucking newspaper.
@88 “I post the description. Rog is offended.”
Where do you get this from? All I did was ask what your point was.
So Dumb Bunny,
Are you saying Pastor Mike Huckabee has engaged in “hate talk”? Since you are now conflating all the issues together, is that your “final offer”?
So you are arguing Huckabee letting a black man out of jail was a mistake? Commuting his sentence makes Puddy look silly?
Uhhhh note to the dumb bunny. Nope you dope!
@89 “Remember when some conservatives came out and decried the violence in video games?”
No. Do you know who patronizes the mindless violence in movies, on TV, and in video game? Hint: Not the science and literature crowd.
@95 Who’s Code Pink? Isn’t she a rock star?
@96 What were you expecting, a cute little hamster who spends all day running in a wheel for your amusement? I don’t need those gigs, because I have a better job — I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist.
@97 It should be obvious to you that I wouldn’t cut off anything higher than their toes, because that’s a high as I can reach.
@100 “What happens if Roger finds out they vote Dummocraptic?”
What happens if you find out they vote for Repukes?
@101 That’s a physical impossibility, cunt.
@107 “Puddy doesn’t think this cop-killing fool was swayed by anything you argued today.”
I’m sure he wasn’t, because the crime was committed before I posted anything today.
That’s easy Roger Dumb Bunny… progressive libtardos. Hollyweird makes those movies for your types. Remember the Christian movie “Fireproof” and the attacks from the Libtardos here?
@112 Yep, just an honest Republican businessman in the Republican town of Chehalis posting bond for a guy like Clemmons … hey, that bail bondsman has to make a living too …
Good try Dumb Bunny. You said
Puddy postulated this dude wasn’t one of those listeners. Looks like Puddy right again!
@113 All I did was say rightwing hate talk creates a climate that encourages violence.
@114 “It’s conservatives who want to throw away the key.”
Like they did when they put Doc Hastings in charge of making sure their crookery wasn’t investigated?
@125 You’re full of shit. Lots of black people aren’t. Criminal and violent behavior is an individual thing. It has nothing to do with race.
@132 “Are you saying Pastor Mike Huckabee has engaged in “hate talk”?”
No. I said “rightwingers” engage in hate talk. Feel free to intrepet that to mean the whole rightwing movement if you like, although I have specific hatemongers in mind. All I said about Mike Huckabee is that he let this “person of interest” out of prison over the objections of the prosecutor who locked him up. I didn’t even mention that Huckabee’s kid lynched a dog.
@140 “Hollyweird makes those movies for your types.”
Butt Roger Puddy remembers you said in Feb 2008… Roger Rabbit Announces Presidential Preference! – I’ve decided to vote Republican in Washington’s Feb. 19 primary, and I’m going to vote for Mike Huckabee! You are now saying you didn’t research your primary candidate then?
Wrong again Dumb Bunny. How come the Passion of the Christ met full derision by the “Hollyweird Elites”? Same for Fireproof?
@142 I guess you win a point this time, puddy. This guy doesn’t appear to be a rightwing wacko. He’s merely a coarse criminal that a rightwing governor and presidential candidate released from prison for no good reason. And if you guys nominate him in 2012, we’re gonna run ads with footage of the cops’ funeral procession — think “Willie Horton.” We want Palin! We want Palin! We want Palin!
Roger how do you know the file Chehalis people are Republican
Dennis Dawes
Anthony E. Ketchum
Terry F. Harris
Daryl J. Lund
Dr. Isaac S. Pope
Robin Fuller
Chad E. Taylor
Tell us or is this another pull out of your ASS Comments?
@151 Last time I was down that way, not only weren’t there any Democrats in Chehalis, but they had roadblocks set up to make sure none got in. I had to take the long way around town.
Tell that to MISTER PuddyBuddy (Col. Sander’s Favorite Chicken).
It was a SHITTY MOVIE, dumbass.
@149 Who watches Bruce Willis and Chuck Norris flicks? Who puts “Grand Theft Auto” in their kids’ Christmas stockings? Who votes Republican? Hmmm?
Fuck…that craptacular superstitious crapto-religionist PuddyCraphead is insufferably stupid.
How a sentient being can be that mind-numbingly stupid is completely beyond me.
Mike Huckabee’s statement…
“The senseless and savage execution of police officers in Washington State has saddened the nation, and early reports indicate that a person of interest is a repeat offender who once lived in Arkansas and was wanted on outstanding warrants here and in Washington State. The murder of any individual is a profound tragedy, but the murder of a police officer is the worst of all murders in that it is an assault on every citizen and the laws we live within.
Should he be found to be responsible for this horrible tragedy, it will be the result of a series of failures in the criminal justice system in both Arkansas and Washington State. He was recommended for and received a commutation of his original sentence from 1990, this commutation made him parole eligible and he was then paroled by the parole board once they determined he met the conditions at that time. He was arrested later for parole violation and taken back to prison to serve his full term, but prosecutors dropped the charges that would have held him. It appears that he has continued to have a string of criminal and psychotic behavior but was not kept incarcerated by either state. This is a horrible and tragic event and if found and convicted the offender should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Our thoughts and prayers are and should be with the families of those honorable, brave, and heroic police officers.”
If a Democratis Governor pardoned that asshole you would not be so kind.
This is the second miscreant “Holy Mikee” has pardoned. The first was pardoned becaause he “only raped a Clinton”. Your fucks are just precious aren’t you?
More stupid from the stupid stupid.
Ahhh the dumb cinder block big time atheist makes a comment on Passion and Fireproof… proves to Puddy you are the jackASS!
The movie grossed $611,899,420 for a Christian movie jackASS! And that’s with no big movie house promoting it.
So much for your “intelligence” moe-ron!
Man this rujax is the dumb cinder block…
Just for you since you seem to be cracking at your interstitial walls… here is what Puddy wrote earlier…
Too bad moronic mindless memory malady strikes you every 5 minutes fool!
Oh very dumb cinder block rujax,
For a bad movie Passion is #13 in the all time US list.
Butt facts and fools are diametrically opposed!
Facts – IMDB
Fools – rujax
Just beacuse you fucking superstitious sheep pumped the incredibly anti-semetic Mel’s pockets full of you holy green so he could get arrested for drunk driving, be extremely disorderly afterward, plead (successfully) for the record to be expunged…then defile your precious holy matrimony by dumping his wife for some trollop.
Right godly guy you dumb-fucks got yourselves there.
PS-why don’t you assholes ask Mell’s daddy what happens to you all that aren’t conservative catholics. (Hint…it ain’t pretty)
So much for YOUR intelligence, moron.
And rujax, if white Republican governors didn’t pardon blacks and hispanics you’d be on this blog calling them all sorts of names fool! You’d be one of the first calling the white Republican governors racists similar to you spouted off when whites disagreed with Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm earlier this summer over health care reform. Then you got weally weally qwiet when blacks started disagreeing with Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm. Somehow it wasn’t racism then…
This “holier-than-thou” attitude isn’t moving the masses moe-ron!
Did you go see Passion rujax or did you take someone else’s word for it?
Rujax don’t aqnswer questions from clownservatardos…KA-blammmmmo…!!!
The moron known as colsandersfavoritechickenhas NO PROBLEM supporting serial philanderers. he has a real problem supporting monogamous same sex couples. What’s up with that?
OF course rujax DIDN’T see Passion… he just makes disparaging comments on the movie based on libtardo posts and movie critics.
Lee once said just because someone does something doesn’t mean others support their action. Just because Mel Gibson split with his wife doesn’t mean Puddy supports it.
This is why rujax jockeys with ylb arschloch as being the dumbest of the dumb on HA Libtardos. You are stupid and you demonstrate it every time your fingers hit the keys.
How fucking stupid can a stupid stupid be?
I’m sure we’ll find out directly.
Pretty stupid, stupes.
Nice job.
Rujax seems to be the in the same club as YLB: The racist, bigoted lefty club.
fire bombed any churches lately rujax?
You’ve got the Atheist Progressives spewin’ their Christian-hating Dogma.
Their hate knows no bounds.
Huckabee commuted the sentence only making him eligible for parole. The Parole Board released the guy…and put him right back in jail until 2004.
It’s what happened after 2004 that should be seriously investigated and disclosed…especially the Judge granting bail with 8 felony charges outstanding in Washington alone.
Explain that please??
The only time the murderers skin color mattered was when they where trying to hunt him down. The fact that certain media knew he was Black and did not disclose it was unconscienable. Finally Q13 did.
Political correctness is getting folks killed…and will get more killed.
When you have a suspect, it is absolutely necessary to describe the suspect in every way possible.
To know he was Black…or if he was White/Hispanic/Asian…and not disclose it is mind-boggling.
Our media has sunk to the lowest low possible.
Your Christian-hating diatribe will be coming back at you before a much higher authority than Puddy or I.
Good luck when God calls you on this you unrepentant Atheist.
Your heart appears to be swamped in a dark kloud of hatred. Deal with it.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
102 leb
What is “evident” is that you don’t know shit about what I think. And the evidence is that you have to make shit up instead of finding anything to attack that I have actually, you know, said.
Rujax – You forgot that the wingers only recognize one measure of quality – MONEY. It’s over Puddy’s head that people who make movies, people who critique movies for a living, and people who generally understand the art said it sucked. It doesn’t matter that the vast majority of people who went to see it went for purely ideological reasons. It only matters that it made lots of MONEY. Therefore, to folks like Puddy, it was great!
Daddy Love – Common argument from the Right. I’ve read countless comments from countless wingers who claim to know what another, be it another commenter or a public figure, was REALLY thinking. It’s a weird winger phenomenon, and an entirely stupid foundation for an argument; but, as you are well aware, wingers aren’t known for being the brightest bunch.
You fruits do realize that your “winger” nickname for righties doesn’t really work right? I mean you flakes are left-WINGERS, so you are in fact “wingers” yourselves.
Glad you fuckheads know me so well.
Hey Cyniklown…what if you are wrong? What is the Jews are right? What THEN, asshat? What a fucking superstitious moron…like the fucking Mister Puddybuddy.
True that, doggril.
Exlax should be on some hate-crime watch groups list….
Exlax’s idea of fun is spray painting swastikas on church windows..
Doggy, there are many stupid movies that your ilk run and see that have no real story. Of course that goes right over your head.
GI Joe comes to mind.
Transformers comes to mind.
Meet the Fockers comes to mind.
Also since most movie critics are anti-religious Hollyweird types that goes right over your head. This is why you wear those rose colored leftist pinhead glasses.
And Doggy see if you can answer this question about movie critics… how many of them are weekly church attending peeps? Since most are agnostic or atheist, how can they critique a film on a topic they have no clue about? The film was in Aramaic for a reason doggy!
rujax sees facts and he becomes a pile of cinder block dust.