So I got an email blast from Markos today, showing Sestak finally pulling ahead of Toomey, and cheered by the news and feeling my Pennsylvania roots, I clicked through the link to the Orange to Blue page, and chipped in my ten bucks, as requested.
Understand, that I almost never give money to political candidates — I give more than enough at the office — so this was a very unusual impulse donation for me.
A few minutes later, Darryl called to talk about the new CNN/Time poll (Murray 51%, Rossi 43%), and he mentioned that he was sensing a shift in mood amongst Democrats nationally. And as evidence of that intuition he mentioned that he had received an email from Markos, and uncharacteristically clicked through to drop some money into Sestak’s coffers and a couple other races.
Coincidence? Perhaps, but apparently we weren’t the only ones. Markos’ email said he was looking for 500 contributors, but while I clicked through almost the minute I got it, he’d already surpassed his goal. In fact, he’s had to raise the target twice since then, with the campaign now sitting just 200 contributions short of its new 1,500 contribution goal.
Compared to the last two cycles, it’s been a tough year to raise money online, but this… well, it’s got that wistfully familiar 2008 air to it. Like a fresh ocean breeze. Or possibly even a shifting tide.
embrace the doctrine of less suck!
Wishful thinking Goldy. This year is still going to suck hard.
Reports of the death of the Democratic party might be greatly exaggerated.
Perhaps. But lets be realistic. It’s TRADITIONAL, normal, historical, expected that after a Presidential election the Congress shifts toward the other party. It’s a 100% natural reaction. Reagan had to deal with a Democratic Congress. Clinton ended up with a Republican Congress. Bush ended up with a Democratic Congress. And Obama might end up with a Republican Congress.
To sum up, it doesn’t mean anything. Every time EITHER party wins the White House or Congress they go on and on and on about how the “people” and repudiated the “other” party and clearly want their party’s philosophy…yeah, for 18-36 months anyway.
The Republicans will make gains in Congress. Now if they didn’t it would mean something VERY odd and horrible for them. The Democrats won’t be “swept” out of power. They’ll just loose some seats. This entire thing will swing back and forth 6 or 7 more times in my lifetime. It’s like listening to Yankee’s and Red Sox fans bitch about each other, or the Bloods and Crips. Most outsiders can hardly see the difference, but the two sides hate each other with a passion.
Regardless which party we vote for, I can guarantee you this. The military will get bigger. The budget will be bigger than last year. You will still pay taxes, within a single digit % of what you pay now. The Department of Ag, Education, NASA, FBI, CIA, NSA, EPA and FAA will still exist. In my short lifetime we’ve had Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, Bush all promise to shrink government and not ONE, not one of them did. Not one signed a budget smaller than their predicessor. Not one. Ever. Not once. The last two significant Federal departments (EPA, Homeland Security) were F**KING created by Republicans. So excuse me if I don’t believe you when you say THIS time you mean it.
Yeah everytime a Republican president ended up with a DUMMOCRAPTIC congress Congressional spending went WAY UP. When Clinton received his Republican congress all of a sudden “almost balanced” budgets appeared.
Thems the facts no matter how Just Factless and others spin it.
Puddy @5,
Except the Dems lost control of Congress, at least partially due to their vote to raise taxes. The result a balanced budget and a booming economy.
Bush comes in, slashes taxes, mostly on the wealthy, starts two wars, and brings us back to record deficits.
not seein’ any such good and surprising news in PA senate race….http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....-1059.html
Vote to raise taxes Goldy? Puddy has been told peeps wanna pay taxes on HA. When the Republicans got hold of the reigns the economy boomed.
There goes that standard class warfare issue. When DUMMOCRAPTS got hold of the purse strings, what was the first thing Pelosi screamed. “I’m going after the oil companies”. And what happened January 2007 Goldy…
Oil prices went up and up. GBS and Puddy discussed how oil is priced. Then the housing market started tanking.
We now know Barney Frank is “sanguine” on Freddie and Fannie now that it’s a political hot potato around his political ASS. Yet he was gung ho on jockstrapping Freddie and Fannie back in 2003 & 2004. Puddy knows you saw the videos. If you missed it ask the pink haired troll, TEH HA DATABASE KEEPA ylb.
8 – Too stoopid.. Goldy had a database way before I ever did..
2003/2004 – Republicans ruled the roost – they had little interest in re-regulating the GSEs..
Didn’t jibe with “letting the market decide”.
BULLSHIT Alert. Go back and review TEH HA DATABAZE dirt stain! Review the YouTube videos dumb and dirt ylb. See who blocked any moves from the Bush Administration. Barney Frank was front and center.
10 – Yawwwn… None of that proved JACK-SHIT..
Dems got health care done didn’t they? You saying Republicans couldn’t do GSE reform in 2003/2004 because of what a minority party committee co-chairman was saying..
Once again the dirt stain has issues with facts. As you and other HA fools decry “2010 Republican blocking” this was DUMMOCRAPT blocking back in 2003-2004. The senate was blocking any financial moves by parliamentary procedure. The other thing was the slobbering lamestream press was on their side dirt stain.
Regarding the health care bill. It passed with no Republican intervention!
This is why you are dumb as dirt ylb.