The Seattle P-I’s Thomas Shapley sounds a little pissed….
Keep quiet about legislation pending in Olympia. After newspapers were outraged that a shield bill might be partly hung up over Senate Dems’ fear of a GOP attorney general getting credit for the media-friendly bill, Sen. Erik Poulsen, D-Seattle, told a Seattle paper, “you don’t threaten and insult the party in power and get your bill passed.”
Hmm. Really? So… um… if you want to pressure legislators to pass a bill, you gotta be (shhhhh) very quiet. Wow. Just think of all the money special interests are wasting on lobbying and PR.
Shapley snarkily continues:
That’s as crude as cautioning politicians about messing with folks who buy ink by the barrel.
Touche, but… uh… what’s so special about ink?
See, you didn’t hear much support for this bill from us bloggers, because quite frankly, it specifically excluded us… an exclusion the editorialists seemed well aware of every time they reassured their readers that the bill only shielded those who “earn their living” from journalism. Gee… thanks for the collegiality guys.
Of course I understand the pragmatic need to draw the line somewhere, otherwise anybody could throw just about anything up on Blogspot and cynically claim shield law protections. But it’s hard to argue that what I do — every single day — isn’t journalism. I do research, I conduct interviews, I threaten and insult politicians… and sometimes, I even break stories that influence current events.
And of course, I write. And I write. And I write and write and write and write. I often write more words in a day than columnists like Shapley write in a week.
But unfortunately for me, I’ve apparently violated the cardinal rule of capitalism: I’ve failed to commoditize myself by putting a price on my product. So no matter how professionally I endeavor to conduct myself, no matter how many hours I devote to my craft, unless somebody pays me by the hour I simply don’t deserve the same legal protections afforded professional journalists. Well ain’t that a slap in the face?
Notice, it’s not enough simply to earn a little cash from my efforts; part-time freelancers would have been excluded too. Advertising and donations bring in a little spare change, but no… apparently, I’d have to earn my living from blogging for the law to consider me a real journalist… and even then I’m not convinced the bill’s protections would have applied.
Hmm. I wonder if Seattle Times’ publisher Frank Blethen would fall under the bill’s protection, since in attempting to break the JOA, he has claimed his paper has lost money for years? So how exactly does a newspaper’s owner “earn a living” from a paper that loses money?
Well, not to worry Frank, because the bill was pretty much intended to protect only those journalists steadily employed by media corporations — and those who own them — because… um… you know… when our founding fathers proclaimed the exigence of a “free press,” they of course meant only that press which charged for its services. Which means Frank wouldn’t have to go to jail for protecting a source, but I would.
Well screw that.
To all you whistle-blowers, leakers, and law firm copy boys out there just itching to let the public know what you know we all need to know, whatever the information’s legal provenance, here’s a tip: I wouldn’t trust those pampered, princesses in the paid media as far as I could throw them. Listen to them whine about their precious shield law… what kind of confidence does that give you that they’d be willing to give up their freedom to protect yours?
Us bloggers, on the other hand, we’ve got balls.
Shield law? Shield law?! We don’t need no stinkin’ shield law! If I promise to protect your identity, I’ll protect your identity, whatever the consequences. And you can rest assured that no chicken-shit, lawsuit-shy publisher is ever going to hand over my notes… because I have no publisher. (And quite frankly, I’m so disorganized, I don’t really have notes.)
Why would I martyr myself to protect a source? Well, maybe because I’m a little nuts. And maybe I’m savvy enough to realize that the first local blogger to be jailed for not revealing his source is going to walk out of prison with a national profile.
But mostly it’s because I believe that the only protection against fascism is a free press, and I simply don’t trust the corporate media to fill this crucial role on its own. Sure, I’d rather the shield law be extended to bloggers like me than not — if only out of respect — but if Rob McKenna and the editorial boards and eventually the state Legislature want to measure a journalist’s professionalism in dollars earned, well then, that’s up to them.
Every day journalists the world over risk their freedom — and their lives — in defense of a free press. Now that’s professionalism. Kinda puts the spat over WA’s shield law into perspective.
Shield laws? I thought this thread was about Roger Rabbit asking Tookie Williams to use a condom!
Officers find, release 12 illegal visitors
Wichita Eagle, by Hurst Laviana Original Article
Posted By: wildcat1 – 3/4/2006 11:45:39 PM Post Reply
Sedgwick County sheriff’s officers stopped a U-Haul truck carrying 12 people illegally in the U.S. in east Wichita this week but were forced to release them after immigration officials said they didn’t have the jail space to process them. He said deputies later found that the two people in the cab — and the 10 in the back — were illegal visitors who said they were driving to Tennessee from Mexico. [12 more Democrat votes!! Where do you think the local Democrat Party is going to dump them?????????]
JCH- back to your Tookie obsession? You really cannot keep your mind off him
And about your other obsession re/ illegals. Aren’t the Republicans in power and therefore responsible for protecting the borders? What have they done to address this issue?
You are still a sorry excuse for a human.
How we duped the West, by Iran’s nuclear negotiator
The man who for two years led Iran’s nuclear negotiations has laid out in unprecedented detail how the regime took advantage of talks with Britain, France and Germany to forge ahead with its secret atomic programme.
In a speech to a closed meeting of leading Islamic clerics and academics, Hassan Rowhani, who headed talks with the so-called EU3 until last year, revealed how Teheran played for time and tried to dupe the West after its secret nuclear programme was uncovered by the Iranian opposition in 2002.
Iran has completed uranium enrichment equipment at Isfahan
He boasted that while talks were taking place in Teheran, Iran was able to complete the installation of equipment for conversion of yellowcake – a key stage in the nuclear fuel process – at its Isfahan plant but at the same time convince European diplomats that nothing was afoot.
[American liberal Democrats eat this shit up!! These Democrats are traitors and need to be hung.]
And what was Bush focused on during that time? Iraq. Dumb shit hit the wrong country. And in the process weakened our military so much we cannot do much.
K, Fuck you! The entire Democrat voter registration effort is to get millions of illegal third world “victims” into the USA. The libs always turn what ever you touch into shit. I give you Detroit, Gary, Philly, and South Central LA as examples. [Not a Republican anywhere near these Democrat Hillary Village shit holes.] Like the illegals, you liberals are traitors and need to be shot.
Remember the Alamo!!!!!!!!! Kill the illegal Mexican Democrats- to-be!!!!!!!
Answer the question asshole. WHat have the Republicans in power done to protect the borders?
8, Not enough!! Mine the border, and deport ALL the illegals. [The Democrats will lose 10 million votes overnight!!!!!]
Take Iraqi oil, plus 10%, to cover the cost of the war. JUST take the oil. Exactly who will stop us? Then leave. Fuck the Muslim towelheads.
Republicans have been in charge. What have they done? Who can you blame? Gonna try to pin it on Clinton? How about Carter? I know, JCH, give me the Tookie link. Your sorry excuse for a brain doesn’t have much else.
Mexico is dumping their human garbage into California and the SouthWest, and the Democrats love this shit as they will register millions of new “victims” and turn these states into Hillary Village shit holes. Remember the Alamo and kill all the Mexicans!!!!!!!!!!
Answer the question moron. Why do the republicans do nothing if the Democrats love it?
Don’t like to respond when you got nothing to say?
11, agreed. Bush hasn’t done shit. Nor has Clinton or the Democrats. California is now “Baja Norte” as millions of illegals demand and get free education, welfare, social services, and have 8 kids for free in LA. Fuck them…….Clean house and dump this human trash back to Mexico. Mine the border, and tell Fox the fuck off.
California- isn’t there a Republican in charge there too?
California is now a third world shit hole. The ONLY reason the private sector exists there is for “guvment” to tax. Any white person NOT in “guvment” needs to just…………leave!! Let the blacks tax the “guvment” hacks who will need to tax the illegals. Atlas has Shrugged.
K, The Democrats totally control Kalifornia, as Arnold found out in the last election. It is hopeless. Let the Democrat grasshoppers eat each other.
So let’s see a Republican governor of California cannot do anything. A Republican president (with full control of both houses) cannot do anything. Why bother with them?
Too bad “Bareback Mounting” didn’t include a 6 foot 3 inch, 300 pound black felon like Tookie Williams with a 9 inch wang!! Democrat gays would have eaten that shit up!!! I can just imagine all the Democrat queers and homos in the theaters breathing heavily in their seats as they wish they were the ones “taking it Tookie style”!!!!!!!! Maybe Bob from Boeing and you other Democrat gays were dreaming of the “Big Tookie Swallow”!!!!!!!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!
Hollywood libs leave their 9000 square feet homes, fly in private Gulfstream G-5 jets, shuttle in limos, and then get in “mini green” cars to show how they are concerned about “global warming”. Classic Democrat bull shit. Kind of like the Kennedys are concerned about drunk driving!!!!!!!
Typical JCH. If you have no answer, change the topic back to your Tookie obsession. Do you dream of him?
No question Hollywood makes a lot of shit. And people can either choose to see it or not. Are you advocating another system? Do you hate American free enterprise?
‘wonder if Thom Paine would make the cut as a “professional journalist”.
“I’d have to earn my living … for the law to consider me a real journalist…”
Well, that leaves out Frank Blethen — and every other publisher of a money-losing paper …
Hey Goldy! I have an idea! If the law DOES cover money-losing media, you can …
1. Incorporate HorsesAss;
2. invest $60,000 in HorsesAss, Inc.;
3. Use this money to pay yourself a salary of $60,000;
4. Recycle the $60,000 every year;
5. You are now a professional journalist making your living working for an internet publishing company.
Who cares if HA, Inc., is losing $60,000 a year? If Blethen can get shield law protection for his journalism hobby, so can you!
Roger Rabbit, I’ll bet the local Democrat Party In New Orleans made sure EVERY one of those New Orleans welfare hacks who were on the Canival Cruise Boat were registered and reregistered Democrat. Six months of room service and cable TV, and the “ACL Jew” filed a suit to have these fine black Democrats onboard for another 12 weeks. You Democrats are just trash. [How would you like to book a cruise on that ship AFTER the POS New Orleans welfare Democrats lived onboard for the last 6 months?????]
24, Isn’t that how Air America runs? You know, the money is stolen from poor New York City blacks, and then Al FrankenJew takes a 2 million dollar advance, and them they go “BK”??????
Just Canned Hate said @ 10 “Take Iraqi oil, plus 10%, to cover the cost of the war. JUST take the oil. Exactly who will stop us?”
Uh, they have already stopped us, idiot.
WHy don’t we just air drop JCH into Iraq and have him take the oil.
Yeah, that’s the ticket!
“JCH- back to your Tookie obsession? You really cannot keep your mind off him”
JCH sure misses Tookie, doesn’t he? But I can understand why a guy in San Quentin likes to imagine he’s in Hawaii — especially after losing his cellmate.
“you liberals are traitors and need to be shot”
Want to do the honors? Come and get me … (click-click)
JCH is the Republican Party.
What a proud symbol of the modern GOP he makes.
“Take Iraqi oil, plus 10%, to cover the cost of the war. JUST take the oil. Exactly who will stop us? … Commentby REV Jesse [JCH]Jacksoooooon— 3/4/06@ 9:34 pm”
Isn’t that what you guys have been trying for 3 years now? So far, you’re not doing so hot.
33, RR, waste of bites………
Too bad 9/11 didn’t take out the new DNC Building!!!!!
Good night, pig fucking parasite Democrats. May Bob from Boeing find you in your sleep and give you some black 9 inch Democrat Tookiw Williams anal love!!! Dream of “Brokeback Mountain”!!!!!
Send JCH to Iraq! He knows how to steal the oil and kill all the Iraqis.
JCH in Iraq is Americas only hope!
Drop him in the center of Baghdad!
Just Canned Hate @ 34 “Good night, pig fucking parasite Democrats.”
Translation: “My Mom just told me to take out the garbage and turn off the computer. I hate living in Kent.”
JCH- awful early for bedtime in Hawaii. Or is that another of your fantasies?
“Hollywood libs … fly in private Gulfstream G-5 jets”
This isn’t true. Most of them have second-hand G-4s. All the G-5s are in the hands of Republican business execs.
“Yeah, that’s the ticket!”
The air drop part, anyway. No, nobody said anything about giving him a parachute.
“RR, waste of bites………Commentby REV Jesse [JCH]Jacksoooooon— 3/4/06@ 10:20 pm”
I didn’t say BITE me, asshole, I said LICK me. For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT.
Sheesh. Some humans are too dumb to follow a simple 1-step instruction — and JCH is one of ’em.
“JCH- awful early for bedtime in Hawaii. Or is that another of your fantasies? Commentby K— 3/4/06@ 10:40 pm”
See #28.
“nobody said anything about giving him a parachute.”
A real man like Just Canned Heat doesn’t need a parachute! He will knit one out of bird feathers on his way down to steal all the Iraqi oil, and kill all the muslims!
Note to Bush: Send JCH to Iraq NOW!
Fuck the shield law. Journalists should work and live under the same laws as anyone else.
Also, I don’t know about shield laws for bloggers. I mean, political bloggers are activists, Goldy. Some bloggers may be journalists by trade or otherwise, but from a free speech perspective, I think the government should, as a last resort, be able to compell a journalist to talk. Judith Miller is a big example. Why should she get special treatment for concealing the identity of the person who outed a CIA agent? Certainly there are examples on the flip side (liek the Pentagon papers), but when it comes to shield laws, its ‘take it or leave it’. And I vote ‘leave it’.
Could not have set it any better Mr.Goldstein. The media whores, aka Pre$$titutes that controll 99% of the puppet theater will never do any real Journalism. With the possible exception of Stewart, Olberman, and Air America, If it bleeds, it leads, pretty blonde girls in Aruba, is Jlo pregnent by Brad crazy, and a hundred other pieces of silly bullsh-t that has no more to do with Journalism them the WWF has to do with professional sports. Infotainment for the masses.
President, excuse me, I mean King George has made the puppeteers job extremely difficult because he is such an incompatent fool who constantly screws things up (Katrina, Iraq war, domestic spying, prescription pill fiasco, etc), but they still have managed to cover up his stupidity for the last 5 years. All in the sweet name of profit.
Am I the only one who will comment on the attitude of the Democrats who are being so petty that they would rather let a potentially decent bill die rather than let a Republican get credit for it? And what about that comment from Sen. Erik Poulson? Is THAT the kind of leadership we want in our capital? “How DARE you call me to task and mock me!!! Screw you guys, I’m going home!” Personally, I don’t care if a politician is a D or a R, but what I DO care about is for our politicians to be above silly schoolyard tactics. This is just plain sad…
“How DARE you call me to task and mock me!!! Screw you guys, I’m going home!”
He didn’t say that. He said, “you don’t threaten and insult the party in power and get your bill passed,” which perhaps was not a warning but merely a trenchant observation.
Go here for details of how the so called “working press” stood by while college newspapers were thrown under the bus because the court(s)refused to define a college newspaper reporter as a journalist. Both the recent journalism majors I know are going to law school since it seems you will need to be a lawyer to tell the truth in the “Brave New World” that BushCo and the BushCourt have in store for us.
This GOP inspired law is more about exclusion than just excluding bloggers. It is a pre-emptive strike at whistleblowers of all levels since the “working press” can be led around by their corporate nose rings while the bloggers, college papers and freelancers cannot.
As long as super bigot is complaining about immigration (legal and otherwise) let’s take a look at why it continues.
(Why look! Its the Repub policy of distraction from the real issue being used in it’s time honored role.)
The Search for Illegal Immigrants Stops at the Workplace
Published: March 5, 2006
IT may seem that the United States government has declared all-out war against illegal immigration. During the last decade, the budget dedicated to enforcement of immigration laws has grown by leaps and bounds. The Border Patrol has about three times as many agents as it did in the early 1990’s, and the southern border has been laced with high-tech surveillance gadgetry.
Less Pain for Employers
Yet a closer look reveals a very different portrait of immigration policy. It seems designed for failure. Most experts agree that a vast majority of illegal immigrants who make it across the border every year are seeking work. But the workplace is the one spot that is virtually unpoliced.
“What we’ve done is put a lot of people on the line of scrimmage, but when you do that the other side can just lob a little pass and score a touchdown,” said Richard M. Stana, director of homeland security and justice issues at the Government Accountability Office. “Trying to get a better balance between border enforcement and interior enforcement would go a long way.”
In a strategy document in 1999, the Immigration and Naturalization Service put monitoring the workplace last among its five enforcement priorities. Today, the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which has replaced the I.N.S. and is a branch of the Department of Homeland Security, devotes about 4 percent of its personnel to enforcement in the workplace, down from 9 percent in 1999.
Demographers estimate that six million to seven million illegal immigrants are working in the United States; that is some 5 percent of the nation’s work force. Yet in 2004, the latest year for which there is data, the immigration authorities issued penalty notices to only three companies.
The current approach hasn’t halted illegal immigration: some 400,000 to 500,000 illegal immigrants enter the United States every year, almost double the rate of the 1980’s, before the buildup in border enforcement.
Regardless of whether the United States ought to have more or less immigration, the nation’s policy must be flawed when almost half of all immigrants come in illegally. Indeed, some experts argue that the basic reason illegal immigration hasn’t stopped is that the country doesn’t want it to. Gordon H. Hanson, an economist at the University of California, San Diego, said the ineffective approach was the product of a collection of interests.
“Employers feel very strongly about maintaining access to immigrant workers, and exert political pressure to prevent enforcement from being effective,” Professor Hanson said. “While there are lots of groups concerned about immigration on the other side” of the argument, “it’s not like their livelihood depends on this.”
Employers have long been the main driver of immigration policy, Professor Hanson said. Not surprisingly, they tend to dislike the provision in current immigration law for penalties against employers.
That may explain why fines for hiring illegal immigrants can be as low as $275 a worker, and immigration officials acknowledge that businesses often negotiate fines downward. And why, after the I.N.S. raided onion fields in Georgia during the 1998 harvest, a senator and four members of the House of Representatives from the state sharply criticized the agency for hurting Georgia farmers.
(see link for more)
Hey Goldy. Why I’d bet money if you went into Blethen’s office and threatened him that he would be more than happy to print your letters to the editor, right?
Sure, the shield law issue has become unduly complex in the era of Judith Miller, but I do think there is some value to it.
In addition, I suspect that a shield law may be most helpful to the small, independent papers that don’t have the deep pockets of the Seattle Times. These small papers are an endangered species, and sometimes worth protecting.
Defining a journalist by whether he or she earns a living from the craft is a crude measure, but what’s a better alternative that doesn’t start casting judgments about content? Do we want someone making judgments, e.g., that Blog A is merely political activism, but Blog B offers reporting, and is thus engaging in journalism? What about blogs that do both; must it have at least 50 percent reporting? This starts sliding down the slippery slope of licenses to publish.
One more thought: If blogs like yours are going to be sustainable, most will eventually need to “go pro.”
The fact that this law didn’t protect bloggers leaves me feeling like I am glad it died. Soon, if the righties get their way, freedom of the press will die whether or not we have shield laws. Dictators like the coward and traitor GW Bush don’t care about laws. He’s said as much recently while signing the torture ban. Said he’d violate it if he felt like it. So why bother with laws? Pretty soon the only law will be a gun and that’s why liberals should change their position on firearms. I got mine. You should too.
If it is written that person-X told the writer that George Bush provided nuclear weapons to Iran to maintain his reign of fear, the need for a legal shield arises from the prospect that the statement is true.
Whether the public believes the writer should be the point, not whether anyone made money on the story.
Who will be the first Democrat to stop standing and clapping for “Brokeback Mounting”?? Will the cheering ever end??? [This will be like the Stalin Speeches before the Soviet General Assembly. They were scared shitless to stop standing and clapping!!!!!!!]
Who will be the first Democrat to stop standing and clapping for “Brokeback Mounting”?? Will the cheering ever end??? [This will be like the Stalin Speeches before the Soviet General Assembly. They were scared shitless to stop standing and clapping!!!!!!!]
Who will be the first Democrat to stop standing and clapping for “Brokeback Mounting”?? Will the cheering ever end??? [This will be like the Stalin Speeches before the Soviet General Assembly. They were scared shitless to stop standing and clapping!!!!!!! Bob from Boeing……….This will be a big night for “your community”!!!!!!!!]
Commentby REV Jesse [JCH]Jacksoooooon— 3/5/06@ 11:59 am
Will Hollywood all wear a pink ribbon to show “awareness” of the gay community???????? Classic Democrat bull shit!!!!!!!!
Commentby REV Jesse [JCH]Jacksoooooon— 3/5/06@ 12:01 pm
Will there be ANY mention of AIDs and HIV infections tonight, or will Hollywood applaud for hours at the mere mention of “Brokeback Mounting”???????
Commentby Democrats Love AIDs!! [JCH]Jacksoooooon— 3/5/06@ 12:02 pm
Will Roger Rabbit and GBS be seating in the front row and applaud wildly during the presentation of the Oscar to “Bareback Fucking”?????????
“Both the recent journalism majors I know are going to law school since it seems you will need to be a lawyer to tell the truth in the “Brave New World” that BushCo and the BushCourt have in store for us.”
Law school only teaches you how to cop a plea to get a reduced sentence.
For all of you who think the MSM is under control of the right, what about the UAE/Clinton connection, and how it is being reported?
Mr. Clinton has had financial ties to Dubai for several years, which means Mrs. Clinton has benefited from a foreign govt. So, now she comes out in opposition to the deal that her husband help broker. I’m betting she wanted the publicity of being against a deal that was already done, so she could have it both ways – demonize the Arabs for the votes, and pocket the money.
If this was a repub couple, it would be on the front page. So far, I have seen little of this printed, and what has come out has downplayed the whole affair.
But don’t let this get in the way of Carla reporting on phantom scandals with repubs.
Janet S: You got the wrong couple…
Role of Sen. Dole’s Husband at Issue
By Jeffrey H. Birnbaum
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, February 24, 2006; Page A06
The lobbying of former Senate majority leader Robert J. Dole on behalf of the Dubai-owned company set to take over management of terminals at six major U.S. seaports is creating a political problem for his wife, Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R-N.C.).
The chairman of the North Carolina Democratic Party, Jerry Meek, yesterday called on Sen. Dole to remove herself from “any congressional oversight” of the Dubai port deal. “The fact that Dubai is paying her husband to help pass the deal presents both a financial and ethical conflict of interest for Senator Dole,” Meek said.
Don’t let facts get in the way of a good Clinton-hate rant, Janet!
The difference is – Mrs. Dole isn’t testing the water for a presidential run. And, she didn’t come out grandstanding for the crowd about how we should take back foreign control of ALL ports.
Are you denying that Clinton has received speaking fees and library donations? Both couples are on thin ice. But, then, no one ever said a word when Tom Daschle’s wife was a major lobbyist for the airline industry. Shouldn’t he have recused himself? Doesn’t matter now, he got voted out of office.
Once again I just have to laugh at the idiots on the right. They repeat chapter and verse whatever lie their hear on the Faux News Channel.
Dickless Morris hints at some absurd connection between President Clinton and the UAE and this is news why? We KNOW that Baby Bush has a UAE connection. We don’t have to guess. He’s trying to turn over six of our ports to the UAE. Where’s the outrage from the faux patriots? And isn’t it pathetic that for 20 years to come, the best the righties will EVER be able to do is say, “But Clinton did it too!” What a bunch of hypocrites.
Remember, it’s not fact, it’s faux!
What are you guys smoking? Are you seriously denying that Bill Clinton has gotten huge money from the UAE? Even Joe Lockhart admits Bill was trying to get him a job with the ports company. And, yes, it matters, because his (Clinton’s) wife is testing the waters to be president. Either she is lying about not knowing where her husband’s money is coming from, or she is the dumbest woman on earth.
61, LauraBushKilledAGuy, Didn’t “Dickless” Morris used to work for Bill and Hillary???? [hehe…..Fuck you, lib!]
@ 63
That’s the typical Republican excuse machine in action. Bob Dole is pimping for an Arab nation that has supported terrorism. Liddy Dole will cave under White House pressure, and American ports -US ports!- and their safety will be in the hands of an anti-American government-owned company.
If John Kerry had come out with this kind of plan in 2004, you would have savaged him in no uncertain ways. I live near the Port Of Seattle, and I’ll be damned if George W Bush is going to start selling out my safety.
Bill Clinton is not the President.
George W Bush is.
This selloff of American Ports to a Terrorist supporting Government is his doing.
That is all there is to it.
Yeah it is funny. The righties seem to think that somehow it’s bad that Bill Clinton has UAE ties but it’s okay that Baby Bush has STRONGER ties. It’s bad that Bill Clinton has UAE ties but it’s okay that Papa Bush is the paid pimp of the Saudi government. It’s really amazing that all the righties can do is somehow try to make Bill Clinton the bad guy when it’s their own guy who’s sitting in the White House giving control of our ports to a foreign government. No wonder the country’s so fucked up. They let these idiots vote!
Did I ever say there was anything wrong with Bill getting money from the UAE? I don’t care whose payroll he is on, I just don’t buy it that his wife doesn’t know about it. Does that give her credibility? Maybe she could cry about the millions that are supporting her life style.
For all of you who are against the port deal, what about the Israelis coming out in favor of them? What about the fact that this company runs the largest US Naval foreign base? Does it matter that the Dubai govt was spying on Afghanistan for us? I have my reservations, as well, but please don’t go off on such an ignorant rant.
@ 68 “ignorant rants”?
You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.
Uninformed and filled with complete Bullshit rants, that is more your style. I.e. post @ 68
@ 68
– Israelis coming out in favor of them?
Citation please
– this company Dubai Wold Ports) runs the largest US Naval foreign base?
Citation please
– Dubai govt was spying on Afghanistan for us?
Citation please.
Janet can argue anytime she wants to, but if she is going to post bullshit, she needs to provide evidence of the bullshit.
You Dumb Ass Wash Out, do not need to post evidence, every post of yours is evidence of your ignorance.
Notice how when you confront a lying, traitor, scumbag right winger and demand proof that they shut up? Idiots who post this right wing screed are just quoting back the shit they hear on Faux News or Matt Drudge. None of it has a shred of truth to it but being stupid, inbred morons, they don’t care about truth.
The funny thing is, even some of the big-name republicans are calling Baby Bush to task over giving away our ports to an Arab government. I guess the wierdo righties who post here think these republicans are part of some vast left-wing conspiracy?
It is sad that no one here reads a newspaper. Ever thought of getting your news somewhere other than Daily Kos?
Israeli ports deal:
Naval operations in UAE:
Dubai helping in Afghanistan:,2933,186858,00.html
(Before you dismiss it due to the source, it’s an interview)
It makes me feel so much better when the response to my postings bring so much personal invective. It leads me to believe that you have no argument whatsoever, and even fewer brains.
Janet S. lied when she said concerning the U.A.E. government take over of US Ports:
– what about the Israelis coming out in favor of them
Janet then offered a newsarticle about the Israeli shipping giant Zim endorsing the deal. Zim is a CORPORATION, not the Isreali people. Janet Lied.
– What about the fact that this company runs the largest US Naval foreign base?
Janet then posted an article as evidence that contained no evidence Dunai Ports Wold runs ANY US Naval foreign base, let alone the largest. Janet Lied..
– Dubai govt was spying on Afghanistan for us?
She then posts an interview from FOXnews that says ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING about the Dunai goevernemnt spying for ht e US in Afghanistan. Janet Lied.
Janet why do you feel the need to lie so much?
Janet said
“It makes me feel so much better when the response to my postings bring so much personal invective.”
Lying will bring a lot of personal invective on you, Janet.
Donna – the largest port manager in Israel doesn’t speak for the Israeli people, but are you really so dense to believe that they don’t share the views of the govt? They are hired to enforce the security of the country.
If you could read, you’d learn a lot. The other articles spoke directly to the point. I’m sorry you can’t read and comprehend that much information.
@ 78 Bullshit! IF the articles speak to your claims, then post what portions do!
You can’t and you won’t because they DO NOT SAY WHAT YOU CLAIM.
You are not only a liar, but you stubbornly stick to your lie, when anybody who reads the URLS you posted can see that you are a liar.
You are an insincere lying MORON.
An ZIM speaks for the Isreali people as much as Haliburton speaks for the American people.
Janet, why do you lie so much?