Sometime over the next day or so we’ll be introducing a new feature, with posts from Publicola (and eventually, other JOA blogs) occasionally appearing “cross-posted” to HA, and vice-versa. Of course cross-posting is nothing new—I occasionally cross-post to Huffington Post—and on the surface, it won’t appear like much of an innovation to the casual reader. But JOA’s new integrated cross-post works a little differently.
How is it different? Well, when I cross-post to HuffPo, I create two separate posts, one here and one there, with two separate comment threads and two separate audiences. But a JOA cross-post is a single post that merely appears in multiple places; edit the source on Publicola, and the changes instantly appear on HA. And more importantly, a JOA cross-post has a single comment thread, allowing JOA sites to not only share content, but also, share community. So don’t be surprised is click on post at HA and find yourself in a comment thread on another blog.
This is admittedly a baby step toward a much larger vision, but a step nonetheless, and a demonstration of where I think this little experiment of ours needs to go. Ultimately, the goal is to share revenue as well content, and integrated cross-posting could play an important role in efficiently distributing quality content to the widest audience possible while proportionately rewarding both content producers and traffic drivers for the value they create.
In a monetized environment, cross-posts, links and even block-quotes all have monetary value: if I link to Publicola, I should get a piece of the revenues generated from the page views I create, while Josh should get a proportionate piece of the revenues generated from my page views that include his content. How big a chunk each partner gets should be left to the market, but I’m pretty sure that it is only through the creation of a shared co-operative that a market for shared content can be created without giving up the largest chunk of the revenue stream to the entity who sets the rules and facilitates the transactions.
But I’m getting way ahead of myself. Look for the new cross-post thingy. And look for more new features coming soon.
So I guess this means I can stop downloading the RSS feed from your website (which has been mostly worthless of late unless youre interested in a bunch of bleeting from Clark County). Thanks for the heads up.
Umm, Goldy. I think it is great to have the cross-posting feature with Publicola.
But the shared comments thread? You may just be infecting Publicola with the troll element present on this blog….you sure you want to do that?
I mean this place is already a sewer and we all spew here…:).
I’m already bored. Guess I’ll have to stop downloading rss from the sites who duplicate
publicola? I won’t even drink cocacola
Wow, it’s similar to Ted Nelson’s transclusion concept. Xanadu, eat your heart out.
Are you going to clean up the puerile comments section? HA’s is ghastly and I wouldn’t think other sites would want to partake of the idiocy or be associated with it. Ugh.
Hmm. I hadn’t thought about the RSS feed. Actually, I think the code I wrote will just display a link to the crosspost in the RSS feed for now. Need to address that, one way or the other.
But I don’t see why including occasional crossposts should somehow diminish the value of the feed. Josh used to post at HA. Now he posts at Publicola, and a few of his posts will be crossposted to HA. Don’t see what the problem is.
joa? joint operating agreement? are all the blogs trying to destroy the seattle times?
What does JOA stand for?
I assume Joint Operating Agreement nut isn’t that rather in group and about to be dated?
Maybe you should buy this as a domain name? Copyright?
Nancy Pelosi is now saying that hundreds of millions in federally subsidized contraception is the key to helping the economy.
What more need be said than that? Any credibility she had is completely shot….
@10 – Can’t read and can’t weep
And your credibility for misquoting and misunderstanding – totally shot.
Contraception prevents disease and disease costs money. Abstinance has been proven to be ineffective – yet the rightwing nuts continue to push it.
Oh, and what fraction of the proposed stimulus plan is this (0.1%) – yet this is what the conservatives wingnuts are fixated on.
You fools.
You (and Publico) might want to get some legal advice. Remember that the Times/P.I. JOA was specifically authorized as an exception to the Sherman Antitrust Act.
Sure, you aren’t in a monopoly position on the internet, and wouldn’t be anytime soon. But anything which smacks of price-fixing could be illegal, regardless of your market share. And there’s always the question of how you define the “market”: could someone accuse you and Publico of seeking to monopolize the liberal blogosphere in the Pacific Northwest? Will your combined enfluence be so great that independent liberal bloggers will have no choice but to join, or be an unheard voice crying in the desert?
Anyway, just hypothetical concerns, for now. But if you are aware of them and set up the system correctly (especially as it relates to revenue-sharing), you might avoid some problems in the future.
Wow! The HA cesspool is going national! We’re all gonna be celebrities! Well … not you, pudcracker. I can hardly wait to get a call from Leno — it’s about time he had a rabbit on his show.
@4 Who drinks cocacola? Most people use it for chrome polish. It works good in yellowjacket traps, too.
@10 How’s the GOP’s billion-dollar investment in abstinence education working out for you idiots? If the GOP ran population control in this country we’d soon have more people than India.
@12 The first rule of law is you sue someone who’s got money, so Goldy doesn’t have to worry.
How dare you monetize anything. Progressives are supposed to give away everything for free. You don’t want to become part of the Greedy Rich do you Goldy?
Seeing the P-I go down the drain, Goldy models his Publi-culo on the same dipshit model. Way to go, dumbass!
Pelosi makes the GOP her bitch. She doesn’t need credibility – she has power and votes to back it up. Don’t like it? Tough. You got nothing to say about it dipshit republican. You’ve been bent over and fucked by America. Get used to it.