You don’t get the Seattle Weekly to name you “Best Activist/Hell-Raiser” just by sitting on your ass. No sirree… last year I earned my award by rolling up my sleeves, getting my hands dirty, then washing my hands, scrubbing under my nails, and typing up an email to 700 people asking them to vote for me for “Best Activist/Hell-Raiser.” Yes it was a petty, self-centered, egotistical thing to do… but if it kept Tim Eyman from grabbing the honor two years running, then it was well worth the sacrifice.
Well it’s “Best of” season again, and this year I’ve got some real competitors who are at least as petty and egotistical as I am, but have an even bigger list. The children over at (un)Sound Politics have already posted, asking their 7000 readers a day to cast ballots for their preferred ticket, and well… I just don’t want those lying SOBs to enjoy the tiniest bit of pleasure from this bogus accolade… do you? And so I ask you, my loyal readers, to fill out the Weekly’s online ballot, and mindlessly vote the following slate:
3. Best local talk radio host: David Goldstein
9. Best local blog:
11. Best activist/hell raiser: David Goldstein
Um, no… I’m not actually a local talk radio host, but I’d like to be. So this award would look pretty damn good on my resume. The other two should be pretty self-explanatory.
The folks at (u)SP have also posted nominations in other categories, so we need to crush their hopes there too. Feel free to vote your conscience, but if you all vote mine instead, we’re much more likely to come out winners:
8. Best local website: Pacific Northwest Portal
14. Best scandal: Dino Rossi’s meritless election contest
15. Best local cause: ending homelessness
16. Best reform we need: a state income tax
And finally, for old time’s sake, I strongly encourage you all to vote in the following category:
42. Best fish market: Tim Eyman
That’s only eight categories; vote in two more and you’ll be entered in the Weekly’s prize drawing.
Anyway, you have until July 11, so please, please join me in my childish efforts to deny gratification to others while shamelessly pandering to my own inflated sense of self-importance. Vote early, vote often… vote for me.
Right on brother!!! This is fucking America…land of the free, home of the arrogant.
I didn’t see a category for most hideous voice so obviously didn’t get to vote for you on anything of importance.
Cynical… come on, admit it… you love me. You’d love me even more if I were a shill for your side, but you can’t help loving me just a little bit anyway.
Goldy: Hope you don’t mind, but I threw you in there for best local celebrity, too.
Goldy, is it true Stefan hired Ken Blackwell to count the votes? That sounds sinister.
Is there a spot for Quickest Troll?
I’d have to nominate CYN-IRR for that one…damn! He’s faster than a 7th grade prosti-tot looking for a John on HWY 99!
Can we stuff the ballot boxes here too?
Oh, shit…I wans’t supposed to say that was I …BAD LIB, BAD!!
I wouldnt trash the good people that toss fish for a living with Timmies shit name…I’ll use # 65, ” best reason to leave Seattle”
Goldy, I got your back.
Goldy: “Vote early, vote often… vote for me.”
Too bad there isn’t a category for most honest Liberal quote.
Goldy@2–“You LOVE me”
Ummmmmmmm….that’s not exactly the word that comes to mind faggot!
But I have grown to appreciate you.
I also have seen a few things that I agree with you on…very few but then again I really don’t think even you agree with everything you post here.
So I’ve decided to vote for you in the following category:
“Not quite as a big of a prick as he appears to be…but a prick nonetheless”! David Goldstein!!!!!
It felt good to cast that ballot for you Goldy!
As for me, I’m Mr. Cynical. I have to be a prick. If some folks don’t consistently question Big Government, it will devour us…and that goes for the assholes on the RIGHT and LEFT!!! The worst part of Big Government is entrenched bureaucrats. That’s why I supported Rossi…20 years of 1 Party in the Governor’s Office is too much. You can see all Gregoire did was play musical chairs and dredge up a few outside ineffective bureaucrats like the new L&I Director Weeks from Oregon.
I am not against ALL government workers. I am pro-teacher. I just hate the costly stifling bureaucracy they must try to function under.
I appreciate the men and woman with their hands on the shovel…who actually do something we can all benefit from.
I hate DSHS. What a friggin’ waste.
Well, you get the point. I voted for 7 Democrats last election. I doubt that will happen again for awhile. I don’t belong to the Republican Party and actually actively campaigned for several Dems locally to take out entrenched Republicans.
The bureaucrats are running the state. No accountability. Lack of sensitivity to hard-working people’s tax dollars.
Am I a Libertarian??
Too bad there wasn’t a category for most likely to rape his own child, I would have nominated Steffy!
Where’s “most profanity” category for website, the host, or his frequent lib posters….
goldy and all libs
Read #11 and tell me where the invective comes from? Left is rude and mean, unable to have a decent debate…
righton @ 12 and 13,
Jeeessse, righton, if you don’t like it, then take your puritanical ass and deposit it on another web site. Whining and whining and whining will not change the way folks communicate and interact on this blog. More likely, your whining will earn you another “go fuck yourself.”
204. Most persistent whiner: righton
I’m down with all that.
Best reason to leave Seattle: I put Tim Eyeman there, too.
righton I see you jinxed the Mariners last night. Way to go.
dj @ 14
Hey Righton, you should start your own blog and call it ‘Anecdotal evidence, because it’s all I have’
Best reason to leave Seattle…… Democrats
Lush @ 11
You’re sick.
Rape of a child — especially one’s own — is NEVER funny.
Idiots like you give Dems/Libs a bad name.
Best reason to live in Seattle: to torment the Left
My vote for “Best Washington white wine” was
“I want do-overs!” from Republican Whineries.
funny DJ,
My vote for the favorite happy hour, was the same place as the best place to work.
King County Elections:
Apparently there is no accountability, no threat of being fired, great benefits and clearly, people can be drunk at the office.
See Ya’ prr…don’t let the door hit ya’ on the way out!
DJ @ 22
Classic, you win for best “tellin’ it like it is” category.
51. Best place to get adult videos: RNC or Mayor Jim West’s office
GBS @ 26,
“Best place to get adult videos: . . . Mayor Jim West’s office”
Eeeeexcellent! :-)
DJ @ 22: Credit where credit is due. Clever.
PRR @ 23: Right on target, too.
But I wish that someone besides righton had pointed out just how offensive Lush’s post @ 11 is. Do you Dems wonder why the Right thinks you’re all insane? Between Howard Dean’s verbal spewings and posts like Lush’s, well…
You’d think Flush LimpDick would be a little bit more sensitive to throwing out things like the best blogger in the world raping a child, wouldn’t you (post 11). Especially considering the tirade Goldy went into when some asshole falsely accused him of something and turned Goldy into authorities.
LEFTIST PINHEADS love to act offended…but grab free reign to be offensive.
Mr. C @ 29
I don’t care if he loves or hates Sharkansky… or if he tells the whole world how he feels. My point is that his post is neither funny nor clever nor true and crosses WAY over the line.
I personally know three (unrelated) people who were sexually assaulted as children by a parent or priest. Two of the adults (parents) were definitely not convicted and I’m not sure about the priest. Even hardened prison felons have a code that says if you touched a child, you’re going to be someone’s “wife” or dead. One would think that the Left finds such actions equally offensive (except, of course, for the NAMBLA-defending ACLU).
Lush has a First Amendment right to say what (s)he did. But if Goldy really wants to make progress in this world instead of just venting, he and the other reasonable Lefties will denounce the post @ 11. But DON’T delete it. Let Lush live with his/her words.
I’m a reasonable lefty and I denounce Post No. 11; OK?
But don’t generalize from one insensitive individual to the larger group…
“Between Howard Dean’s verbal spewings …”
Interesting that you should mention Howard Dean. Here’s what Dick “Fuck You!” Cheney said about Howard Dean today:
“Maybe his mother loved him, but I never met anybody who does.”
bj @ 31
I try not to generalize and I still love you cute widdle Wefties. :)
However, I did find it surprising that everybody else on here let something like that post slide. I always thought the Left stood for PC-ness and love and understanding and the perpetual search for really good weeeeeeeed. If Mr. C or somebody else from the Right or Far Right had said that, the Lefties on here would have been ALL over him for it.
Rog @ 32
So, if we’re to equate Cheney’s and Dean’s (many) comments, we’d get:
Cheney has honestly never met anyone who loves Dean, but feels that Dean’s mother might have loved him. OK, just a statement of fact.
All things equal, that would mean that Dean hates Republicans (OK, doesn’t help bipartisanship, but it is a statement of fact) and that he thinks that African-Americans are best suited for menial service jobs, etc., etc.
The issue isn’t a comment or two by any politician. It is that new comments show up once or twice a week from the same person. AND that senior members of his own party denounce them/him.
Mark @ 33 “Bipartasinship” Is not an option until the repugs get their party back and dump these neo-con fascists to the deepest parts of the ocean.
And MArk, Dean is a grassroots money making machine! That is why the Neo-cons badmaouth him. If they really felt he hurt the democratic party, they would say nothing.
That goes for some of the “leadership” of the Democratic party. They are so filled by the largessof corparations that they fear Dean’s ability to turn the democratic party back into the real democratic party.
Fuck them all!
Hey, Mark —
It’s 3:30 p.m.; don’t you think that perhaps there are all of about five people paying attention to this blog at this hour? After all, most real people are working; even Goldy, who I’d suggest will condemn Post No. 11 too.
Ooops I misspelled my name
Mark said, “However, I did find it surprising that everybody else on here let something like that post slide.” Then, without coming up for air, he calls Cheney’s remark “just a statement of fact.” Kettle … hellooooooo … pot calling …
I feel post # 11 was offensive, innappropriate and not at all humorous.
Don @ 35 re: neo-cons
The “neo-con” term is poorly defined and I think the Left is just trying to make it a popular insult like the Right made “liberal.” Try a different term. However, I would also like to see the GOP taken back from the Far Right agenda.
Don @ 36 “Dean is a grassroots money making machine!”
I seem to recall an MSM (NYT?) article pointing out that Dean was acutally having a negative OVERALL effect on Dem fundraising. I’d bet that GOP actions do more for Dem fundraising (and vice versa) than Dean’s road show.
Don: “Fuck them all!”
Are you so lonely and hard up in your retirement that you’re no longer choosy about your partners? ;)
RR @ 39
First, I made NO reference to a horrific act perpetrated against a child — which was what the “let it slide” comment was about.
Second, it may well be a fact that Cheney doesn’t know anyone who loves Dean. I’m sure someone loves Dean. Cheney just hasn’t met them.
Do NOT equate political banter and jabs with the offensive comment @ 11.
Now that we all have correctly denounced the post @#11, it is time for the righties to publically and completely denounce the hateful and repeated lies made by Cheney regarding the connection of Iraq to 911, and Osama, that has lead us into a military quagmire costing the US over $200 billion and 1725+ lives and counting.
Given the exteme nature of Cheney’s lies, I expect VITRIOLIC comments for the right wing denouncing Cheney as a servent of Satan and the most terrible muderer since Joseph Stalin.
Righties, you may now commence the denounciation.
Mark, while you work 9on your denouncement of Cheney, I will respond point by point to your ludicrous post @ 41
“The “neo-con†term is poorly defined and I think the Left is just trying to make it a popular insult like the Right made “liberal.—
No the term Neo-con was coined by the Neo-cons themselves. You need to quit listening to the hateful blather from right wing radio, and fox News and get some education.
“I seem to recall an MSM (NYT?) article pointing out that Dean was acutally having a negative OVERALL effect on Dem fundraising.”
No, you don’t recall that at all. Dean has improved OVERALL fundraising two fold over the previous DNC Chairman. Again, you need to quit listening to the people who are repeatedly lyinh to you. (Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Fox News.)
“Are you so lonely and hard up in your retirement that you’re no longer choosy about your partners? ”
I am gainfully employed, and decades from retirement. And I am never hard up for companionship.
Now Mark, that we have dispenced of your delusions. Please continue working on your denouncement of Cheney.
Thank you for having the sense to point out the obvious parallel to what Goldy dealt with awhile back.
I would have chimed in myself if you had not…
Given the exteme nature of Cheney’s lies, I expect VITRIOLIC comments for the right wing denouncing Cheney as a servent of Satan and the most terrible muderer since Joseph Stalin.
Um, what “lies” are you talking about? The “fabrications” that came from intelligence services for 7 different nations? I think I’ll pass…
No, Mark, the LIES that had been renounced by EVERY intelligence organization. (read: Prague)
Quit wating time and complete your denounciation!
The clock is ticking on your credibility.
Actually, Donna-I-call-Everyone-Who-is-to-the-Right-of-My-Political-Thought-NAZIS, I was quite against the Iraq invasion for selfish reasons, but since it has happened the job needs to be finished. My son agrees, and he safely returned from there three months ago (thank you, God).
I just like to tweak you Pol Potparazzi Dick Durban types to see if you have added the names of any new mass-murderers to your GWB debasement lexicon. Congrats on Stalin (how original)…
MArks, my request is for Mark (sans S) but I am very greatful for your son’s service and that he has returned home safe. Several of my friends have now done extended tours in Iraq.
I know that Cheney and Bush do not keep track, but I visit this site every day to keep up with the names of those lost, and to remember them.
And if you can find anyone even holding a candle to Bush/Cheney in keeping Stalin’s memory alive, I welcome your comment.
It may not be original, but it is a very sad fact.
@ 49 I add “in this century”
You may be able to make a case for Jackson Brown song “Lawyers in Love” . Although it doesnt mention Stalin directly it does have a lot of references to Russia. Check out Lyrics Donna..
Last night I watched the news from Washington, The Capitol
The Russians escaped while we weren’t watching them, like Russians do
Now we’ve got all this bloom, we needn’t got the room
And I hear the USSR will be open soon
As vacation land for Lawyers In Love
Lawyers In Love
Oooo Shalala Oooo
Oooo Shalala Oooo
Oooo Shalala
Oooo Shalala
Lawyers In Love
Yep I have to go with Jackson Brown!!
Donna –
I’ve found this site is also helpful in monitoring the casulities…
I hope to NEVER find my family or friends here!
gbs; yeah Mariners lost to the boys from South Berzerkley (oakland). Of course I took advanatage of tax subsidized entertainment;, plus used free tickets so doubly good. I actualy felt ok paying $10 for great parking since the rest was free.
Thanks DamnageD, I cannot stress the importance of paying tribute to these soldiers. And while we can no longer see them honored by the media (pictures of their flag drapped coffins is banned), or the Bush administration (Bush has never attended a single funeral for these soldiers), we can all still read their names and honor them for their sacrifice, and give our support for their family.
Donna @ 49: “And if you can find anyone even holding a candle to Bush/Cheney in keeping Stalin’s memory alive, I welcome your comment.”
My relatives suffered under Stalin — including one in Siberia who Nixon personally requested (and got) out (along with a list of others).
Do you REALLY want to go down this path?
Comparing Bush/Cheney to Stalin is a joke unworthy of discussion. In terms of brutality, Hitler and Stalin are in a class by themselves.
Your opinion Mark. Others have them as well.
But then you have no credibility anymore so fuck your opinion
Don’t forget ‘ole Rummy rubber stamping his signature in the “so sorry you son got blown up” letters to parents.
Friggen A-hole!
ya know, Donna, I don’t understand the fuss about the flag drapped coffin thing. Maybe someone can explain WHY it’s such a BAD thing. I seem to recall images similar, if not identical to those from ‘Nam. So why now is it so taboo? Are they more dead than those soliders? Were they less likely to die than the boys from ‘Nam?
Please, somebody RESPECTABLE, please enlighten me on the logic here.
I see the rightys are back with their flag-burning amendment. Don’t get me wrong — I fought under that flag, would never desecrate it, and don’t think much of people who do. Buuuut … some protester burning an American flag is hardly a threat to our country. We’ve survived slavery, a civil war, two world wars, several depressions, and a bunch of other shit, so I suspect we can survive a flag burning too.
If this stupid thing passes (ha!) what do you want to bet the enforcement will be highly selective. I could maybe go along with it IF the right-wing yahoos who fly sun-faded, wind-tattered, filthy American flags from their car antennas are prosecuted and get the same jail terms as protesters who burn the flag to draw attention to themselves.
Your DAMN filter is eating posts again!!!
Is this a trick to buy you beer or something? For crying out loud! I’m going to have to save all my comments to word in case that damn filter dosent like something so I can attempt a re-post. AARRGGGG!
In reguards to the flag draping issue. Can someone RESPECTABLE please explain WHY its such a BIG deal??
I seem to remember during ‘Nam, similar, if not exact images were televised and or printed in by likes of TIME or the National Goegraphic. SO WHAT GIVES?
Are these soilders more dead than the boys from Nam? Were they more “special”? Are the families more saddened or traumatized? What? I don’t understand why NOW it’s a issue?
Sombody PLEASE enlighten me on the logic of this…becaused it eludes me currently.
Donna @ 56
Let me get this straight… you actually think that Bush/Cheney are on par with a psychopath that murdered 20 million of his own citizens?
Well, then I guess I could equate you with Stalin because you’re both male, both current or former government employees, both WAAAYYY left of center and both out of your minds.
And as for your comment @ 57, how exactly did I lose my credibility? By not going along with your Stalin comment? I didn’t say Bush/Cheney aren’t without a significant number of faults. I just find it ridiculous to compare them to Stalin.
The flag burning amendment has been the Emotional Right’s holy grail for decades. Same folks who were against amending the Constitution to give equal legal rights to women, and were against passing federal laws to give voting rights to minorities, want to change the Constitution to legalize discrimination against gays and jail protesters who burn flags. Obviously these shallow, facile people don’t have anything important to do with their time.
No, compared to Stalin or Hitler, Bush and Cheney are merely small-time liars and con men who’ve killed a few tens of thousands of people with their neo-colonial war in Iraq.
Roger @ 59
I’m not sure a flag-burning amendment is right, either. Seriously.
Less seriously… I think that turning a fire hose on a hippie burning one as a “statement” would put a stop to that right quick.
Damn @ 61
I don’t understand the logic, either. I think they should be shown.
But… when I was a young press photographer (in a past career), one of the senior photogs showed me some of the tricks on how to “editorialize” with a camera through angles, composition, etc. I don’t think the media are trying to “honor” the soldiers by showing coffins. They’re more likely trying to shift the opinions of the mass of Americans who like pictures, but don’t read the words.
Why would you turn a fire hose on “a hippie” burning a flag? If that’s constitutionally protected free speech, what is your justification for using the fire hose, which is a form of violence? Do you have something against protesters? I’d rather see you turn that fire hose on people who smash windows, overturn police cars, or engage in other violent acts.
Roger @ 62: “Bush and Cheney are merely small-time liars and con men who’ve killed a few tens of thousands of people with their neo-colonial war in Iraq”
And I have no issue with you stating that kind of opinion — even if I don’t agree with it.
But while we’re on the subject of US Presidential responsibility… which is worse, action or inaction? Do you think Clinton was right in ignoring Rwanda — and, as has been reported, burying intelligence showing just how bad things were? I’m not asking you to “excuse” Bush or condemn Clinton. Just asking you to explain if you see a difference.
Better yet – turn that fire hose on corrupt lying politicians who start unnecessary wars, send other people’s children to their deaths in foreign lands on false pretenses, and loot the public treasury – all at the same time. You know who I’m talking about.
Roger @ 65
Perhaps I should have said “WAY less seriously.” I wasn’t really saying we should do that. I just got this cartoon violence image of putting out a small fire with a fire hose.
For the record, I don’t think you should do turn a fire hose on a flag-burning hippie. But I do think you should do so on rioters, etc.
Roger @ 68
You mean the Dems who authorized going to war??
roger; is neo-colonial the new slur…
Are you a neo-communist?
Right wingers criticized Clinton for intervening in Kosovo, and criticized Clinton for not intervening in Rwanda, which leads me to believe that right wingers would criticize Clinton no matter what he did, not based on principle, but based on raw, naked, unreasoning partisanship. Consequently, the right wing criticisms of Clinton’s Kosovo and Rwanda policies have no credibility and deserve none.
Whether the U.S. should intervene in other countries’ troubles is an excruciatingly difficult policy decision. What happened in Rwanda, and would have happened in Kosovo, offends our moral sense. But there are practical issues that complicate the decision making.
1. Does the U.S. have either the ability or responsibility to police the entire world?
2. Is it worth American lives to keep people in far-away lands from killing each other, when these events have no impact on our own security or national interests?
3. Are there any viable military options, or would intervention merely put U.S. troops into an untenable and dangerous situation, or drag the U.S. into an unwinnable war?
It’s absolutely clear that presidents of both parties pick and choose their interventions. No clear litmus test emerges from a study of the various cases. Turmoil on our own doorstep is likely to draw a U.S. military response (e.g., Haiti). On the other hand, when turmoil is far away and doesn’t threaten U.S. interests, a president is under less political pressure to do something about, and the desire to do good is tempered by fear of a debacle. Every future president will have Reagan’s fiasco in Lebanon and Clinton’s failure in Mogadishu on his mind when weighing whether to commit U.S. forces in a Uganda, Rwanda, or Darfur. This world simply has too many problems to solve, and some of these problems are not amenable to a military solution even if you decide to intervene. All of this things — U.S. interests, the implications for regional or world peace, the potential cost in U.S. lives and treasure, the odds of success or failure — have to be weighed.
Bottom line: Every case is unique, and is a judgment call. Making those calls is what we pay our presidents to do. There will always be second guessing afterward. As Jimmy Carter observed, “In this job, you get criticized no matter what you do.”
Roger @ 63
I’d re-check your history on the GOP and women’s suffrage & civil rights laws. Take a look at who was behind the various Civil Rights Acts. And tt was the GOP that proposed the 19th Amendment, which finally went through a GOP-controlled Congress after being blocked four times by a Dem-controlled Senate.
You can argue over the merits of school choice (you are in favor of choice, right?) and how it impacts minorities, but that is a question of method instead of goal.
Most Dems don’t want to be defined by the fringes of their party. Most Republicans don’t, either.
Roger @ 72
Thank you for your thoughtful and well-stated reply. As someone with family that benefited from US foreign policy, I tend to lean more in favor of intervention. However, I absolutely agree that it is a tough call. And hindsight is 20/20.
mark @ 65
Ya mean people only look at the pictures, they don’t read?!? Say it aint so , man! You almost make it sound like the images are more important the facts…oh, wait…I see smiling faces on Iraqi children on CNN, so everything must be okay!
Not showing the coffins is also editorializing. Let me ask you this – since you’ve worked in the journalism trade (and by the way, I attended one of the country’s leading journalism schools; have a college major in journalism; worked as a journalist; and have a parent who was a career journalist – so I’m quite familiar with the journalism profession) – what is the difference between “news judgment” and trying to “sway” your readers, listeners, or viewers? Certainly, a photographer can shoot a scene in a way to give it more or less drama, and to emphasize certain aspects of the event over others. Let’s take, for example, covering a fire. One photog shoots scenes of the burning building; another shoots a portrait of a weeping tenant sitting on the curb crying over the loss of her home. Is the latter picture less “news” and more “editorializing” than the former? Where, and how, do you draw the line?
Professionals in any occupation have to make judgments, and ask us to trust their judgments. You and I are not going to ask for copies of blueprints of the I-90 floating bridge and pore over them before driving across it; we take it on faith the engineers knew what they were doing, and if they didn’t, we may end up in the bottom of Lake Washington. Generally speaking, we trust journalists to exercise their judgment in deciding what to report, how to report it, and how to depict the events that affect our lives. That is what is meant by “news judgment.” We trust doctors to diagnose our ailments correctly and choose a treatment that will work, even though medicine is an inexact science and doctors are sometimes wrong. And so on.
So – back to the coffins. Our government can be counted on to attempt to sanitize war. The language used by military spokesmen and politicians is designed to depersonalize the violence and distract attention away from the hideous and gory results of war — the horrible mangling of human bodies, the deaths of innocents, and so on. They fill our language with phrases like “friendly fire” and “surgical strike” and “security sweeps.” At some point an editor steps in and says, “Wait a minute, our boys are coming home in coffins” – a fact politicians want us to forget, especially when the war was optional and is going badly.
In my opinion, asking whether a journalist is “patriotic” in deciding what to report or how to depict it is an inappropriate question. Being patriotic is not a journalist’s job. His role is not to rally public support for the politicians or their policy. On the other hand, we expect a journalist to find out what’s going on and tell the story accurately, objectively, and honestly. Those are the standards by which journalists are judged, not whether their reporting is helpful to whichever politicians are currently in power.
When editors decided to publish the coffins photo, they were reminding their readers this is a real war and our kids are dying in it. That fact is germane to the discussion of whether our leaders’ Iraq policy is wise or unwise, and the public has an interest in that discussion. Our government does not have a right to hide either the numbers of combat deaths or the fact they’re occuring. The photo violated no one’s privacy because none of the casualties in those flag-draped aluminum boxes were identifiable from the photo or identified by the accompany cutlines or news stories. It simply showed the cost of war. We, as citizens, have a right to know, to see, to think about this cost of war and ask ourselves whether it’s worth it. The government leaders who sent those young men to Iraq work for us. The consequences of their decisions is news, and is information we have a right to have. When the journalists cut through or bypass the government bullshit and tell us the facts and show us the images, they are working for us.
Yes, if you go back far enough in time, it was a GOP president who freed the slaves and pushed through the 13th and 14th Amendments, and it was the southern Democrats who excluded blacks, opposed integration, condoned lynchings, and went out into the night garbed in white sheets. But in modern times, it was Democrats who pushed through the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, and Republicans who have opposed these laws and suppressed minority voting. The parties have completely flipped. Historically, the Democrats had the racists, and the Republicans championed minority rights; now it’s the reverse. Some other things have reversed, too. Not so long ago, Democrats were deficit spenders; now, Democrats are fiscal conservatives and Republicans run reckless deficits.
Pictures undeniably can make immensely powerful and moving statements. The film clip of the flag-raising on Iwo Jima. The photo of the firefighters raising the American flag over the smoldering wreckage of the WTC. The firefighter carrying the dead child in Oklahoma City. The film clips and photos of bulldog-faced, cigar-chomping Winston Churchill flashing the “V” for victory sign when no rational person would have found anything to feel optimistic about. That’s why there’s a Pulitzer Prize award for news photographers who capture the essence of an important or moving story in a striking and memorable way.
Of course, DD, I’m only a dumb bunny who can’t read so I ALWAYS look at the pictures!!! :D
Rog @ 73
Nahhh… you don’t have to go back to the 13th and 14th. As I said before, try the 19th. Do you consider 1964 not “modern times?”
Suppressing minorities by keeping the poor dependent on welfare and limiting school opportunities is a PRESENT DAY Democratic strategy.
RR @ 77
I couldn’t agree more! I know you see my scarsm for what it is. But, I still have no RATIONAL explaination of WHY its a big deal now.
I think we are now justified in calling Iraq a neo-colonial war. It’s clear that Bush entered office intending to invade Iraq and would have done so regardless of whether Saddam complied with UN resolutions, had WMDs, or anything else. The reasons for the war, the intel, the diplomacy — all were gamed. The real motivation of this war is to assure U.S. access to Mideast oil on American terms. Let’s not forget that under George W. Bush the U.S. government is being run by oilmen. Bush is anticipating an intensifying competition among nations for the world’s dwindling oil supply and wants the U.S. to be first in line at the spigot. The planners of the Iraq invasion expected the U.S. to obtain a dominant position in the Persian Gulf vis-a-vis Russia, China, and other competitors by establishing large, permanent, U.S. military bases in the region which obviously would intimidate the governments of the other Persian Gulf countries and make them think twice before bucking U.S. desires. The fact Iraq has the world’s second largest oil reserves was a bonus, and U.S. occupation policy clearly is designed to give American companies control over Iraq’s oilfields and pipelines. It’s no accident that when U.S. forces rolled into Baghdad, the first thing they secured was the Oil Ministry building.
What the U.S. war planners didn’t anticipate was that U.S. forces might get thrown out of Iraq, as now seems probable.
“Neo” implies “new” or “contemporary.” Bush is most definitely pursuing a colonial policy toward Iraq, but it has a 21st century flavor, and is not a replication of 19th century colonialism. The objective is still economic, but this time the economic objective involves control of resources, not of territory or populations. So it is different. But it’s still colonialism, because it involves using military force to violate another country’s sovereignty and impose our control over that state.
Roger @ 77
If you re-read my post, I said that I thought banning the photos was wrong. I was only seeking to explain, as requested, the “logic” of why the government might do so.
I think your bridge example is faulty because the likelihood of a bridge builder being a homicidal maniac is far less than a journalist, editor or publisher having a strong opinion. Bridges also go through many layers of review and inspection. Doctors have to have significant training with objective tests of skill to receive a license. There are no licenses for being a journalist.
Are you saying that you inherently trust a reporter for Fox News just as much as you trust the Old Gray Lady? Not all journalists or editors or publishers are the same. To me, personally, it seems like MSM publications do more and more editorializing in the “news” sections simply as a means of standing out in the crowd and competing with cable news & the Internet.
As for photo editorializing… Do you think that a photo of a politician at a podium speaking to empty seats or to the crowded seating section are equally honest if, in fact, neither is totally true? On the front page, both can have a significant impact on public opinion, yet would never get “caught” as being dishonest.
To Roger R. —
Excellent and thoughtful comments. I hope you stay around.
Roger R. Has been here for many, many (too many) months under 97 different identities and personna’s inluding Priscilla, thatPrick, Alan, Don, et al. you dumbass! Most of his comments under various personna’s are far from thoughtful….they are laced with fucking obscenities you stupid cocksucker!!!
Mr. C @ 86
Say it ain’t so! Roger is the same as Don? That would mean that he is/was a journalist, a judge and who knows what else. What about Donnageddon? DamnageD? Is he having self-congratulatory conversations with himself on here?
One would wonder if he has multiple personality disorder.
Amen!! We need a comprhensive, graduated income tax, but I have to agree with the conservatives that we need to get rid of that regressive gas tax.
If we want to fix roads, let’s do it with a prgressive tax for a change.
Mark @ 87 Rest assured Donnageddon is always Donnageddon. And ne’r shall be anything else.
As for Mr Cyn-Irr, He is irrelevant and, as even the casual observer can discern, absolutely void of content. If his CAP KEY, and the words “leftist†and “pinhead†did not exist, he would be as vacuous as the ether.
Mark @ 84
“Not all journalists or editors or publishers are the same”
True, but this is only half of the story. The other half: Not all readers and audiences are the same. Some people want the news media to cater to their opinions and get upset when it doesn’t. A journalist knows he’s objective when both Democrats and Republicans are calling to cancel their subscriptions.
Is the news media less objective than in the old days? My father, now close to 100 years old, was an “old school” reporter who practiced the profession for 40 years, in the days when journalists had no money but tons of pride in their work. Yes, he says, it’s changed. Now, journalists have tons of money and no pride in their work, and what you get from the media isn’t as good as it used to be. Today’s young bucks care too much about career advancement and not enough about getting the story right, he says. You can take that for what it’s worth, but having been a journalist myself, I know what he’s talking about; and when Dad speaks on this subject, it’s almost like listening to Moses. Practically none of his generation is still living, and he’s telling it like it was.
Mr. C. @ 86
Give Mr. C. 2 points for consistency: He keeps the same identity and the same stupid right-wing ideas.
Mark @ 87
I am frequently attributed with screen names and posts that are not mine. I am not inclined to clear up the confusion, as the whole point of using fake names and changing them frequently is to keep anyone from identifying me. However, my advice to you regarding Mr. C’s speculations is this: If you’re ever in a tavern with him, and Mr. C starts throwing darts, get the fuck out of there because sometimes he not only misses the dartboard but even misses the wall and there’s no telling where the dart may end up, if you get my drift.
A journalist knows he’s objective when both Democrats and Republicans are calling to cancel their subscriptions.
Or he sucks. ;-)
To any proposition there’s always room for an alternative theory. :D
Roger @ 90
Just wondering your opinion of the CSM. Journalism prof once told me that was one of the few publications that could be relied on to be more objective.
Lush, that was completely out of order (#11) and you owe Stefan an apology right now!! How dare you say that about anyone, Dem OR R who doesn’t have a history of such???
Funny thing about Lush…I guess he got banned fron (u)SP for being an asshole.
Damn dude…take it easy, or the only person who you’ll be able to talk to will be yourself (if it isn’t already).
mark @ 87
Just ’cause my moniker starts with the big letter’D’, dosen’t mean i’m affilated with Don, Donna, JohnJacobDingleheimerSchmidt. The right, left, strights, fags, aliens, crocidiles or any other assumption you might have, shit!
I have aggrements with CYN-IRR and Donnageddonn. I post, therfore i have too much free time.
Goldy, shame on you for not removing Lush’s #11 post. That’s well beyond the pale, even for this blog!