It’s probably the vast rightwing conspiracy up to their dirty tricks again. Remember, just because we’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get us.
O’Hanlon at Brookings (not part of the half-vast rightwing conspiracy) has the surge as a success story by every metric, although the ‘politics’ metric there and here is lagging. Still, even Americans are starting to see light aat the end of the tunnel, and maybe this time the light isn’t an oncoming train.
But Iraq could tank again by next week (in which case the DNC-captive media will start putting Iraq in their headlines again), and of course BO — the man with no middle name — could spin the Profit Jeremiah into a win. We progressives are gullible for pretty speeches, and we’re easily fooled. So no bets yet on whether or not Obama appoints Wright to his Rodney King Reconciliation Task Force.
Why don’t we all just get along?
Probably caused by a rash of republicans looking for kiddy porn and finding this site by accident.
Manic Recessionspews:
Speaking of crashes … We’re starting to party like it’s 1929. If Bush only had a brain, he’d bring back (not Paul O’Neill) but David Rubin and Larry Summers, who has the time because he got blacklisted by progressive Brownshirts when he got uppity.
I’m totally with Greenspan on this: Blue Dress Bill was a good Republican president after he had the good sense to elect a Republican Congress that held a gun to his head. Or at least after he (SOB, Save Our Bill) hired Rubin and Summers. They saved us from the bhat. They can maybe save us from the current meltdown.
Mark Centzspews:
Sure, Jive -Ass good name for you, btw.
Liked how the trio of serious Senators strolled through the safety of the markets on their just-finished tour, like last time St. John dropped in. Oh, wait, it was too dangerous for them to go. Also liked how Cheney made an unannouced visit, unlike the chief of that dangerous enemy, Iran, who made a state visit with flowers and sweets. You have us DFH’s on the run in Iraq, no doubt.
We’re really, really worried about November. Well, not so much, but only because of the wingnut media who are St. John’s base. After all those fine ribs, they’re not feeling up to asking him any tough questions about why he’s breaking his own campaign finance law, or what K Street will charge for running his campaign, or why he hasn’t released his taxes yet. That worries us.
harry poonspews:
re 4: “Why don’t we all just get along?” The very fact that you pose this question tongue-in-cheek gives an objective observer a strong clue as to why we can’t: Because people like you fan the flames of fear and hate to make this goal nearly impossible. God may love, but I don’t.
harry poonspews:
re 8: Left out ‘you’ in last sentence. Heh…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 My mistake. Given the recent downsizing of everything GOP, I’ll accept this correction in the same spirit in which it was tendered. In otherwords, you’re right, but go fuck yourself anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Well, there’s certainly a lot of kids on this site. See, e.g., #s 2 – 4 above.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh, and #6 is not to be overlooked.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Not to be overlooked is that he cooperated with the enemy and signed a propaganda “confession.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s why his fellow POWs got big medals and he didn’t.
Just what this blog needs — another lying wingnut pretending to be a progressive.
No, wait, I think this is one of our old trolls recycling himself under a new screen name. The “jive” language is a dead giveaway. This odor is recognizably puddy’s.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 P.S., if you want to know why we can’t all just get along, use yourself as Exhibit A.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 What amazes me is that anyone actually believed they would honor this contract after breaking every other contract they’ve ever signed. Hell, you don’t even want to put your money in a Republican owned bank these days, no matter how many signatures are on the deposit slip.
Roger Maggotspews:
Lose some ugly fat, Roger, and solve our health-care crisis. Start with cranial liposuction.
Roger Maggotspews:
Yep, I’m coming out. My inner progressive is coming out of the closet and getting in your fat face. I’m here, you queer. Get used to it.
Roger Maggotspews:
“God may love, but I don’t.” Thank God for that. Having come out, I’d be shaking in my shoes if I thought you were a lover, not a wanker.
Roger Maggotspews:
Signing off, scared Rabbit. You can come back now. And bring your hairy poon-tang blues with you.
Pelletizer – Sorry I don’t mimic your name. It was not me even though you are jive.
Sorry but your olfactory senses are off like your commentary in many posts.
Goldy, I’d suggest a solution to mitigate future server crashes butt the simmeringsimpleton will get a hard-on because he couldn’t think of this idea as his “title” is school teacher.
@5: No doubt they were searching for the video of that guy in Enumclaw. I guess nobody told them the horse was the “top.”
Jennie@25: That guy was from Jim McDimWitt’s district in Seattle.
JA Rabbit – complete idiot
Well – as soon as we get a nominee – they will kick republican butt.
How does that economy in free fall and that unnessary war look now? It ain’t gettin’ better and the republicans can’t squirm out of their messes this time.
GWB – the gift that keeps on giving. McCain is old, admits he doesn’t know squat about the economy and supports the war that is draining our kids pockets. He is going down.
Daddy Lovespews:
4 J
Love your link. Today’s Gallup poll show Hillary beating McCain by 5 points and Obama beating McCain by 2 points. You’re the one pointing to the site; I’m just sayin’…
Daddy Lovespews:
And those numbers are before any candidate really starts taking McCain on and pointing out what a batshit-crazy, nasty-tempered, clueless warmonger he is.
When it’s time for the big show – McCain will have to answer…
1) How can a 72 year old man hold up to the rigors of President?
2) When will he release his medical records?
3) When will he stop fighting the release of his POW records?
4) What part did he play in giving aid to the NVA while he as a POW?
5) What about his constant flip flops?
6) How will he deal with the Bush recession – given his willingness to sign off on anything Bush seems to like?
7) How will he pay for the 100 year Iraq war and who will fight it?
8) When will he learn from scandals with lobbyists like the incident surrounding the Keating Five and his most recent scandal and potential affair with an energy lobbyist?
9) How about the association he has with religious bigots like the guy who says Catholics are evil?
Good luck JohnBoy you’ll need it.
Tiny Timspews:
Reagan brought down Communism…GWB brings down Capitalism, the Republican Crusader.
The only real problem the Democrats will have in 2008 is that nobody has enough money to make enough ads to detail all the problems/mistakes/greed/corruption of the Republican party over the past few years. We could have an hour-long “Frontline” documentary every night until the election, and we still wouldn’t have time to cover it all.
The principle campaign theme: Do you want four more years of Republican obstructionism, cover-ups of corruption, and pure incompetence in the art of governing? Because every vote for McCain is a vote for just those things.
I bet Roger Rodent was going outta his tiny mind! Probably called 911 too….
27 Remember, none of this financial mess happened until democrats
took over congress in 2006. Nice work.
Mark is back in his best comedic form. Blaming the Democrats for this mess????? What a riot!!!!
This is the same guy that five years into the Bush administration was trying to blame any problems Bush encountered on Clinton’s presidency.
Arn’t you even embarrased by the fact that your implications are obvious lies and distortions, and everybody knows it?????
Voters, remember Mark’s comment at # 34: more evidence that the Republicans think voters are idiots.
Homer Simpson, playing the role of George W. Bush:
“Stupidity got us into this mess, and stupidity will get us out!”
I talked to a server tech and he said most servers can only handle so much ignorance and stupidity before it goes haywire…I noticed Soundpolitics was still up.
Tommy Thompsonspews:
Mark knows better, just trying to get a rise out of you….he should hold his head in shame, sitting in a corner with a dunce cap on…holding hands with GWB. Pathetic.
Heathen Sinner@38: Not so nice to see you again. How’s your dunce cap? I hear yours was sprinkled in pixie dust.
Tommy Thompsonspews:
Puddy Dick for Brains, go join mark and GWB in the corner – they me need a blowjob that you could fulfill.
@41 They need you to give them a blow job?
By all means go forth and suck away…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “Pelletizer – Sorry I don’t mimic your name. It was not me even though you are jive. Sorry but your olfactory senses are off like your commentary in many posts.”
Does it really matter which wingnut I kick? To paraphrase Clint Eastwood, “You’ve all got it coming, kid.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Carrion scavenger @22: Your high opinion of yourself is not justified by the facts. My temporary absence has to do with Mrs. Rabbit and nothing to do with you. To wit: I have to give her a turn on the ‘puter or she’ll yank my ears.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 “Reagan brought down Communism” like Al Gore invented the Internet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s two wingnut myths in only 10 words …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 “The only real problem the Democrats will have in 2008 is that nobody has enough money to make enough ads to detail all the problems/mistakes/greed/corrup tion of the Republican party over the past few years.”
We don’t have to. The imploding Wingnut Economy is all the advertising we’ll need. I saw Mort Zuckerman on NBC News tonight saying America faces its worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. (Zuckerman is a Wall Street billionaire and media mogul with advanced degrees in business and law.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
make that “worst financial crisis”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 Bwahahahar har har … Congress doesn’t run the economy, dumbass!! Better retake your 9th-grade civics class.
@24 At least I can GET a hardon. Your jealousy is showing.
Manic Revisionspews:
@6: Whoa! Meant ‘Robert Rubin’ … David Rubin wrote a sex book. Paul Reubens is Rabbit in whimsical mode.
@50: Yes seeing a man’s hairy butt does that to you.
Wait, left wing whack jobs came to Gore’s Internet defense.
It’s generally accepted even by Gorbachev himself that Reagan did him in.
Too bad Pelletizer lives in revisionist history mode.
It’s probably the vast rightwing conspiracy up to their dirty tricks again. Remember, just because we’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get us.
That’s ‘HALF-VAST rightwing conspiracy,’ nutbucket.
Maybe you need “A Responsible Plan For Making Your Server Work”.
So how’s that shiny new jackass brand working out for you donkeys? Rasmussen has McCain up six over Saint Obama, up six over the beast:
O’Hanlon at Brookings (not part of the half-vast rightwing conspiracy) has the surge as a success story by every metric, although the ‘politics’ metric there and here is lagging. Still, even Americans are starting to see light aat the end of the tunnel, and maybe this time the light isn’t an oncoming train.
But Iraq could tank again by next week (in which case the DNC-captive media will start putting Iraq in their headlines again), and of course BO — the man with no middle name — could spin the Profit Jeremiah into a win. We progressives are gullible for pretty speeches, and we’re easily fooled. So no bets yet on whether or not Obama appoints Wright to his Rodney King Reconciliation Task Force.
Why don’t we all just get along?
Probably caused by a rash of republicans looking for kiddy porn and finding this site by accident.
Speaking of crashes … We’re starting to party like it’s 1929. If Bush only had a brain, he’d bring back (not Paul O’Neill) but David Rubin and Larry Summers, who has the time because he got blacklisted by progressive Brownshirts when he got uppity.
I’m totally with Greenspan on this: Blue Dress Bill was a good Republican president after he had the good sense to elect a Republican Congress that held a gun to his head. Or at least after he (SOB, Save Our Bill) hired Rubin and Summers. They saved us from the bhat. They can maybe save us from the current meltdown.
Sure, Jive -Ass good name for you, btw.
Liked how the trio of serious Senators strolled through the safety of the markets on their just-finished tour, like last time St. John dropped in. Oh, wait, it was too dangerous for them to go. Also liked how Cheney made an unannouced visit, unlike the chief of that dangerous enemy, Iran, who made a state visit with flowers and sweets. You have us DFH’s on the run in Iraq, no doubt.
We’re really, really worried about November. Well, not so much, but only because of the wingnut media who are St. John’s base. After all those fine ribs, they’re not feeling up to asking him any tough questions about why he’s breaking his own campaign finance law, or what K Street will charge for running his campaign, or why he hasn’t released his taxes yet. That worries us.
re 4: “Why don’t we all just get along?” The very fact that you pose this question tongue-in-cheek gives an objective observer a strong clue as to why we can’t: Because people like you fan the flames of fear and hate to make this goal nearly impossible. God may love, but I don’t.
re 8: Left out ‘you’ in last sentence. Heh…
@2 My mistake. Given the recent downsizing of everything GOP, I’ll accept this correction in the same spirit in which it was tendered. In otherwords, you’re right, but go fuck yourself anyway.
@5 Well, there’s certainly a lot of kids on this site. See, e.g., #s 2 – 4 above.
Oh, and #6 is not to be overlooked.
@7 Not to be overlooked is that he cooperated with the enemy and signed a propaganda “confession.”
That’s why his fellow POWs got big medals and he didn’t.
Wanna read some really hilarious satire? Check out this silly stuff:
@4 “We progressives”
Just what this blog needs — another lying wingnut pretending to be a progressive.
No, wait, I think this is one of our old trolls recycling himself under a new screen name. The “jive” language is a dead giveaway. This odor is recognizably puddy’s.
@4 P.S., if you want to know why we can’t all just get along, use yourself as Exhibit A.
@15 What amazes me is that anyone actually believed they would honor this contract after breaking every other contract they’ve ever signed. Hell, you don’t even want to put your money in a Republican owned bank these days, no matter how many signatures are on the deposit slip.
Lose some ugly fat, Roger, and solve our health-care crisis. Start with cranial liposuction.
Yep, I’m coming out. My inner progressive is coming out of the closet and getting in your fat face. I’m here, you queer. Get used to it.
“God may love, but I don’t.” Thank God for that. Having come out, I’d be shaking in my shoes if I thought you were a lover, not a wanker.
Signing off, scared Rabbit. You can come back now. And bring your hairy poon-tang blues with you.
Pelletizer – Sorry I don’t mimic your name. It was not me even though you are jive.
Sorry but your olfactory senses are off like your commentary in many posts.
Goldy, I’d suggest a solution to mitigate future server crashes butt the simmeringsimpleton will get a hard-on because he couldn’t think of this idea as his “title” is school teacher.
@5: No doubt they were searching for the video of that guy in Enumclaw. I guess nobody told them the horse was the “top.”
Jennie@25: That guy was from Jim McDimWitt’s district in Seattle.
JA Rabbit – complete idiot
Well – as soon as we get a nominee – they will kick republican butt.
How does that economy in free fall and that unnessary war look now? It ain’t gettin’ better and the republicans can’t squirm out of their messes this time.
GWB – the gift that keeps on giving. McCain is old, admits he doesn’t know squat about the economy and supports the war that is draining our kids pockets. He is going down.
4 J
Love your link. Today’s Gallup poll show Hillary beating McCain by 5 points and Obama beating McCain by 2 points. You’re the one pointing to the site; I’m just sayin’…
And those numbers are before any candidate really starts taking McCain on and pointing out what a batshit-crazy, nasty-tempered, clueless warmonger he is.
When it’s time for the big show – McCain will have to answer…
1) How can a 72 year old man hold up to the rigors of President?
2) When will he release his medical records?
3) When will he stop fighting the release of his POW records?
4) What part did he play in giving aid to the NVA while he as a POW?
5) What about his constant flip flops?
6) How will he deal with the Bush recession – given his willingness to sign off on anything Bush seems to like?
7) How will he pay for the 100 year Iraq war and who will fight it?
8) When will he learn from scandals with lobbyists like the incident surrounding the Keating Five and his most recent scandal and potential affair with an energy lobbyist?
9) How about the association he has with religious bigots like the guy who says Catholics are evil?
Good luck JohnBoy you’ll need it.
Reagan brought down Communism…GWB brings down Capitalism, the Republican Crusader.
The only real problem the Democrats will have in 2008 is that nobody has enough money to make enough ads to detail all the problems/mistakes/greed/corruption of the Republican party over the past few years. We could have an hour-long “Frontline” documentary every night until the election, and we still wouldn’t have time to cover it all.
The principle campaign theme: Do you want four more years of Republican obstructionism, cover-ups of corruption, and pure incompetence in the art of governing? Because every vote for McCain is a vote for just those things.
I bet Roger Rodent was going outta his tiny mind! Probably called 911 too….
27 Remember, none of this financial mess happened until democrats
took over congress in 2006. Nice work.
Mark is back in his best comedic form. Blaming the Democrats for this mess????? What a riot!!!!
This is the same guy that five years into the Bush administration was trying to blame any problems Bush encountered on Clinton’s presidency.
Arn’t you even embarrased by the fact that your implications are obvious lies and distortions, and everybody knows it?????
Voters, remember Mark’s comment at # 34: more evidence that the Republicans think voters are idiots.
Homer Simpson, playing the role of George W. Bush:
“Stupidity got us into this mess, and stupidity will get us out!”
I talked to a server tech and he said most servers can only handle so much ignorance and stupidity before it goes haywire…I noticed Soundpolitics was still up.
Mark knows better, just trying to get a rise out of you….he should hold his head in shame, sitting in a corner with a dunce cap on…holding hands with GWB. Pathetic.
Brutal Chuck@37.
Heathen Sinner@38: Not so nice to see you again. How’s your dunce cap? I hear yours was sprinkled in pixie dust.
Puddy Dick for Brains, go join mark and GWB in the corner – they me need a blowjob that you could fulfill.
@41 They need you to give them a blow job?
By all means go forth and suck away…
@23 “Pelletizer – Sorry I don’t mimic your name. It was not me even though you are jive. Sorry but your olfactory senses are off like your commentary in many posts.”
Does it really matter which wingnut I kick? To paraphrase Clint Eastwood, “You’ve all got it coming, kid.”
Carrion scavenger @22: Your high opinion of yourself is not justified by the facts. My temporary absence has to do with Mrs. Rabbit and nothing to do with you. To wit: I have to give her a turn on the ‘puter or she’ll yank my ears.
@31 “Reagan brought down Communism” like Al Gore invented the Internet.
That’s two wingnut myths in only 10 words …
@32 “The only real problem the Democrats will have in 2008 is that nobody has enough money to make enough ads to detail all the problems/mistakes/greed/corrup tion of the Republican party over the past few years.”
We don’t have to. The imploding Wingnut Economy is all the advertising we’ll need. I saw Mort Zuckerman on NBC News tonight saying America faces its worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. (Zuckerman is a Wall Street billionaire and media mogul with advanced degrees in business and law.)
make that “worst financial crisis”
@34 Bwahahahar har har … Congress doesn’t run the economy, dumbass!! Better retake your 9th-grade civics class.
@24 At least I can GET a hardon. Your jealousy is showing.
@6: Whoa! Meant ‘Robert Rubin’ … David Rubin wrote a sex book. Paul Reubens is Rabbit in whimsical mode.
@50: Yes seeing a man’s hairy butt does that to you.
Wait, left wing whack jobs came to Gore’s Internet defense.
It’s generally accepted even by Gorbachev himself that Reagan did him in.
Too bad Pelletizer lives in revisionist history mode.