As a white person, far be it from me to tell the majority Black Seahawks that they’re protesting police brutality wrong, especially when they’re at work. Still, I think if you thought it hit the right cord or if you thought it was a bit too all-lives-matter, we can all agree fuck the mayor of DuPont. What an asshole. I hope he draws strong opposition next time he’s up.
Hey, I know how to deflect this! Let’s get a little kid with an incompletely developed immune system to hug our nominee!
Pneumonia Bug That Struck Hillary Clinton also Seriously Sickened Several Members of Her Staff
Travis – don’t bother.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Bruce Bartlett @BruceBartlett
Right-wing economists will never accept it, but inflation is essential for growth, at least under current economic conditions
You mean current, artificial economic conditions.
I guess that’s one way to express your fear that an interest rate increase right before the election isn’t going to do #CrookedHillary any favors.
Anyone who thinks inflation is essential to growth doesn’t remember the inflation of the Seventies.
As a child, I always wondered about grown people who repeated pledges, prayers and anthems and then would turn around and do the opposite. Was it all a ruse? Were they motivated by a need to be with the crowd?
“…with liberty and justice for all.” had a hollow ring to it.
@ 5
Oaths of office, while you’re at it.
I never could figure out the national anthem had to do with a football or a baseball game. Maybe we should just cut it out and play the damn game and have beers afterward.
Hillary Clinton ✔ @HillaryClinton
The most important quality in a president and Commander-in-Chief is steadiness—an absolute, rock solid steadiness.
6:49 PM – 8 Sep 2016
Madame Rock Steady has cancelled all events today and tomorrow.
I’m just really curious what Boob’s angle is these last couple of days. Since Johnson shit the bed about Aleppo, Boob’s been on a tear going after Clinton with more and more of the delusional extreme alt-Right, β♂, faux “conservative” ®epublican, world-dominating-hippie conspiracy victim attacks. Now that Johnson is left with no shot, is Boob really back on the Trump Crazy Train?
Even Boob has admitted that he’d do better financially with Clinton. Shit Boob, if you’re worried about rates, imagine how private lenders and investors would react to el Douche’s inauguration (to say nothing of global central bankers)? The motherfucker openly brags about joining forces with Russia and sending troops into the Middle East to seize oil resources. Don’t you think that might affect energy pricing this winter? Maybe? Just a teeny bit? Uncertainty much? Trump has been explicitly consistent on only one thing: his wall. Everything else has been impossible to count on. Smaller government? Hardly. Restraint? Seriously? Restraint from President Penis Jokes?
I’m afraid I may just have to concede, that despite his giant Doctor brain, Boob may be just as willfully ignorant and trapped within the modern “conservative” media event horizon as this guy.
@ 9
Even Boob has admitted that he’d do better financially with Clinton.
I said nothing of the sort. I said I don’t fear a #CrookedHillary presidency because the well-off will do fine, and income inequality will increase.
That’s nothing close to saying I’d do better under a #CrookedHillary presidency.
Truthfully, I haven’t thought of which would be better for me economically. I’m on the precipice of retirement so I really don’t fear tax increases on the higher-earners. Higher-earners will be funding my Social Security in several years. Well, them and Goldy’s daughter, anyway.
Johnson had not much of a shot to begin with. The Aleppo brain freeze was damaging. Of course, so was hiding illness and collapsing on camera, and you probably think that there will be recovery from that.
Not much I can do about Trump as a WA citizen. Damn sure I won’t be voting for him. Nor her.
“Damn sure I won’t be voting for him.”
And yet… it’s more than just a little obvious to those of us outside the singularity.
David ShusterVerified account
DNC delegate: If @HillaryClinton withdraws, every indication now committee will vote to replace with Biden. @BernieSanders team scrambling
Socialist or lauded serial molester of women.
Tough call.
November 8th.
David Axelrod ✔ @davidaxelrod
Antibiotics can take care of pneumonia. What’s the cure for an unhealthy penchant for privacy that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems?
5:20 AM – 12 Sep 2016
@13 Far be it that anyone want some privacy, amirite? I find my self asking this all the time. The only people it creates problems for are the “deplorables” and crybabies always looking for another conspiracy to quack about.
Build a wall, seal ’em in, and gas the “disrespectful little shits”! Right? Right, Boob? Riiiiiight.
based so many of your recent comments tongue lashing Hillary for going down with pneumonia, you seem to be going nuts for David Shuster’s deep throat commentary plunging into the DC rumor cavity.
Either that, or you really enjoy crude commentary about oral sex.
@ 16
Perhaps you missed Cokie Roberts on NPR this morning, DR.
@13 Does keeping your tax returns from public view qualify as “unhealthy penchant” for privacy?
And if you were running for president, Chuckles, we’d give a shit about it.
No. 3 Senate Democrat Schumer discloses pneumonia diagnosis
maybe you’re in a hurry. But I take back the “giant doctor brain” comment.
The last year someone named Trump gave any money to “The Trump Foundation”:
In addition to the Bondi Bribery scandal in which Trump stole charity money to purchase cooperation from Republican prosecutors, on other occasions Trump steals from the charity to buy luxury decor for his home and offices. Besides the ridiculous Tim Tebow autographed football helmet (which has since been disposed of) Trump stole $20,000 from the charity to commission an enormous oil painting… of himself, of course.
Citing “privacy” Trump has never allowed any journalist to ask him any questions about his criminal misuse of his charity.
So there’s privacy. And then there’s “Trump Privacy”.
@ 23
So, let’s define “Clinton Privacy”, shall we?
Canadian Partnership Shielded Identities of Donors to Clinton Foundation
Aides to former President Bill Clinton helped start a Canadian charity that effectively shielded the identities of donors who gave more than $33 million that went to his foundation, despite a pledge of transparency when Hillary Rodham Clinton became secretary of state.
The nonprofit, the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada), operates in parallel to a Clinton Foundation project called the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, which is expressly covered by an agreement Mrs. Clinton signed to make all donors public while she led the State Department. However, the foundation maintains that the Canadian partnership is not bound by that agreement and that under Canadian law contributors’ names cannot be made public.
The foundation cited that restriction last weekend in explaining why it did not disclose $2.35 million in donations from the chairman of Uranium One, the subject of an article in The New York Times last week. The article examined how company executives and shareholders had sold a majority stake in the company — and with it a significant portion of American uranium reserves — to an arm of the Russian government in a deal that required the approval of the United States government.
Why is DR able to quote specific items and specific monetary figures? Because of the structure of the Trump foundation entity.
Why has #CrookedHillary been able to shield so much of what is laundered through the Clinton Foundation? Same reason – the structures under which the entities were created.
So DR feels free to expand on single items worth what a major charitable organization’s CEO earns in about three weeks.
Meanwhile it’s a struggle to piece together enough information to be able to determine that Bill Clinton sold access to a quarter of US uranium reserves to the Russians.
Apparently Trump wasn’t planning to run for president all those years ago. The Clintons never planned for anything but, when the CGF was established.
Gee. I wonder if three paragraphs is excessive cut-and-paste.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Glenn Fleishman ✔ @GlennF
I think freelancers and the self employed understand Hillary’s plowing thru illness better than those with sick days.
Any coach sitting on a lead with minutes to go and his team in a four-corners offense spread understands it, too.
It would seem to me that nothing would please Trump’s good buddy Putin more than for an increase in US military thrashing about the Middle East to interfere with that region’s oil production.
Nothing captures the attention of the cool kids like a geriatric expectorating pus into a handkerchief.
Young Millennials Love Obama, But Clinton Is Struggling To Win Them Over
And it’s really too bad that there’s a pothead in the mix as well.
Indeed, when SurveyMonkey asks 18- to 24-year-old voters to choose between Clinton and Trump (i.e., no Johnson or Stein), Clinton’s lead expands from 13 percentage points to 23.
And really, how many millenials have heard of Aleppo, anyway?
“Why is DR able to quote specific items and specific monetary figures? Because of the
structure of the Trump foundation entitypublic documents made available through criminal and civil discovery.”ftfy
Gaffe: When a Democrat accidentally speaks the truth.
Darrel Rowland @darreldrowland 1h1 hour ago
Ted Strickland says Tim Kaine is ‘ready to become the president’ if necessary via @DispatchAlerts
It’s not just her candidacy that’s dying.
Former DNC chairman calls for Clinton contingency plan
Read more:
Why else would he want a contingency in place by 6 o’clock today?
Lindy West @thelindywest 5h5 hours ago
you guys 100% of trump voters are racist you can tell because they want a racist to implement racist policies we don’t have to debate this
I haven’t read the 30 comments above, yet. So hopefully this isn’t a repeat post that someone already posted, but hopefully not.
12 Perfect Responses To Hillary Clinton Being A Human And Getting Sick
@8 did GWB have to cancel any appoinments because his lack of ability to learn how to ride a bike? Or did his bike accidents just coincide with his lengthy vacations at the Dude Ranch?
@ 32
Dumbass, cycling has inherent risks and mountain biking has greater risks because of the uneven terrain.
GWB43 was injured during physical activity.
Jimmy Carter (almost) collapsed during his presidency. It was during physical activity – IIRC correctly, during a 10k race.
#CrookedHillary was just standing there. Or, leaning while receiving support.
One of these is not like the others. Probably similar to what your parents were thinking when they were looking at you and your siblings.
I would like to condemn the burning of a mosque in Florida. We cannot allow a circle of violence. It will destroy everyone. One person’s evil does not define a community. And this is just another act of evil.
bike accidents, pretzel accidents, car door accidents, trailer accidents, stair accidents, more bleeding and diagnostics that a Chicago ER on Saturday night, and of course, snake fightin’ heh, heh, – none of it counts.
In a time of Zika, it is definately more important to be talking phneumonia.
Even the Seattle Times thinks our laws give too much protection to police.
@33 “One of these is not like the others.”
If you’re talking about Trump’s and Clinton’s qualifications for the presidency, you’re right. It’s not even close. Clinton would be a better president on her sickest days than Trump on his healthiest days.
What illness causes barfing on you Chinese hosts dinner table while strenuously lifting a glass or fork?
In the day and age of Citizens United does Boob really want to talk about transparency?
How about all the right wing Christian who want privacy on thier donations for their conservative agenda against Gay People?
Boob says Drumpf wasn’t planning to run for President years ago. Really? You have inside information? Didn’t he consider running in 2008? I’m sure the thought just popped into his penis about a year ago, because America needed to be Great again.
Regardless would that notion change the action? Probably not.
@28 I kind of implied that in a previous comment thread many moons ago to some degree that what does it matter. I do t need to follow tweets cause I have a brain that thinks for itself unlike The Twitter Boy.
It is bound to happen one day that the Veep has to step in. Too bad McCain wasn’t smart enough to figure that out. Burn baby Burn
Oh Boob. When I wonder if you rape your wife don’t cry so much.
And there is no difference, maybe Presidents should sky dive more often then. And my comment, which you neglected to consider was regarding Hillary having to take 2 days off due to whatever when GWB as Oresident hardly ever worked because he was to busy riding a bicycle when he should have stuck to the tricycle. Or mane he should have just sat with his bongos on o e location at a time, like the monkey grinder he was.
Now I’m just having fun with insults. At time then and now I actually can say that I admired GWB, something you and other partisan hacks would ever consider about Obama.
Your disrespect is appalling. Me I’m just getting back with a vengeance. Fight fire with fire.
Be gone now boy Boob.
I think if you look at little boys, like Frat boys, you’ll find that they rape.
Clinton’s staff also suffering from same ailment.
Something is fishy about that. Are we sure it wasn’t Drumpf and people of Russian ties to him didn’t have something to do with this. Like maybe the put teamed some type of germ in the air while at headquarters?
“Dumbass, cycling has inherent risks and mountain biking has greater risks because of the uneven terrain.”
Whereas an exclusive diet of McDonalds fast food combined with less than three hours of sleep daily is recommended by 4 out of 5 White Supremacists!
Any more I would have to assume that the well funded campaigns (and that certainly would describe Clinton) are already taking whatever measure they can to prevent these kinds of comedy shenanigans, which really aren’t so funny and potentially include things like this, or this.
P.S. I would assume this has quite a lot to do with the press travel limitations until the new plane was available. Given the stakes, and sums of money involved, this stuff is probably routine anymore. But routine never stopped an alt-Right, β♂, faux “conservative” ®epublican from discovering yet another conspiracy.
“The family of Khizr Khan, the anti-Trump Muslim who spoke at the DNC, was found using cheating site Ashley Madison, as well as found apparently using the building for Khan’s deceased son’s foundation as a private fetish sex club…
That’s right. Khizr Khan’s former home address is (or was) hosting what looks like a private fetish sex club called “Kinky Lick’s Wet Room.””
Trump reports. You decide!
Geez. Ol’ Bob is tumbling deeper into that rabbit hole of self-delusion. He’ll be spasmodically stabbing at his keyboard like The Schizo before too long, frantically punching the mouse over the submit button forty or fifty times in the effort to make it go faster.
Oh, speaking of spittle-flecked ratings of a lunatic: You “Conservatives” are fucking insane.
The events of yesterday enable us to look back on the last time a presidential candidate’s health was scrutinized for good reason, and how that candidate responded.
During his first presidential run, eight years ago, McCain disclosed hundreds of pages of records to reporters as he sought then to counter what aides called a “whisper campaign” questioning his mental fitness. In those records, medical personnel concluded that his years in prison, including solitary confinement, left him with no psychological wounds. Aides said McCain has had no mental evaluations in the past eight years.
This time, a small group of reporters reviewed 1,173 pages of medical documents that span 2000 to 2008 over several hours in a conference room at a resort just outside Phoenix and a few miles from the posh Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, where McCain receives most of his medical care under a pseudonym – which reporters were asked not to disclose.
Dems seemed so much less concerned about privacy back then. Unless it had to do with their guy’s Occidental College records.
So… was OK to attack and probe into John McCains health, butttt…….its not OK to ask the same of Hillary’s?
things that make you go “huh”??
Why should she, really? All it does is dilute the vodka.
Clinton’s reluctance to drink water causing tension with her staff: report
Gee, another one of Schizo’s Heroes.
It wasn’t all that long ago that a Pretty Little Innocent White Girl could get knocked up and blame some black kid for raping her. So, the local “Honest Folk” go out and pick some poor slob up at random and string him up and torture him with blowtorches and then hang him in some town square with 200 people all standing around and cheering. The Good Honest Folks. Fine upstanding Christians, one and all.
Meanwhile, she “goes away to live with her sister” for a while and eventually gives birth to a perfectly white Aryan baby and puts it up for adoption and nobody has to say a word or ever concern themselves with it again, because out of sight, out of mind.
and to think, I cant seem to find my Tawana Brawley collectible doll!
You think its worth more than the average Cabbage Patch doll now?
Hey now, wasnt her biggest supporter a “reverend”?
Grim milestone.
Why, that’s a term I can’t recall hearing much since….
Well, since about January 20, 2009, roughly speaking.
Chicago passes another grim milestone: More than 3,000 shot this year
Small wonder Barack ain’t goin’ back.
Gee, Nobodies perfect.
Remember kids, while the upper limit of the Intelligence Quotient for Police Officers is in the mid-90s, there is no lower limit.
Americas First Responders, heroes to the man. Not a single one would refuse to lay down his life for any other Cop.
Non-Cops? Meh. Killemall.
sending troops into the Middle East to seize oil resources
Well Oregon moron, you were here long ago when headless racist lucy claimed Bush was after Iraq’s oil. Butt then again the racist one was very wrong back then!
Just a basket of deplorables from the racist one!
Travis @56,
Puddy’s favorite Chicago tracking site…
The only people it creates problems for are the “deplorables” and crybabies always looking for another conspiracy to quack about.
Wow dunceman, how do you really feel? Apparently you feel just like Barbra Streisand’s friends last Friday; chuckling and laughing! Just like those bitter clingers you and your scum sucking bros hate!
@13 Does keeping your tax returns from public view qualify as “unhealthy penchant” for privacy?
Like keeping 33,000 emails from public view after receiving a Congressional subpoena qualifying as a “unhealthy penchant” for privacy!
Now you guys are beginning to look just absurd.
But, as absurdity is beyond the Conservatives ability to realize or cogitate, the joke is on them. Everyone is laughing at you fools, y’know? Not with you. You really aren’t very funny. You’re just sad. Your shtick just gets weaker and more visibly pathetic every time one of your “experts” opens his or her mouth.
If Don the Trump breaks 150 electoral votes this election, I’ll eat my hat.
Of course, this would give the greater Dildonian “silent majority” types the perfect excuse to start throwing firebombs into libraries and school buses, just as they’ve always done before.
Thanks vomit producer. You just proved where the Oregon moron placed its post three weeks ago with the same FBI data about white crime statistics which Puddy DESTROYED using the same data based on population.
Remember how the Oregon moron went goatse on this blog over the population values?
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
So the other half of Trump’s supporters have real grievances against the Obummer sadministration’s handling of the economy, etc.
Remember this woman can’t remember her security briefing when questioned by the FBI.
Using raw story doesn’t help your case vomit producer.
Oh really…
passed out and can’t remember…
Holy Smelly DUMMOCRETIN Batman…
“self-inflicted f—ing nightmare.”
Gotta luv it.
Looks like Sarah Silverman is a true DUMMOCRETIN ASShole eh?
@51, and the schiz, and your sock puppets, etc. (geez, Really?),
“I paint my face and travel at night. You don’t know it’s over until you’re in a body bag. You don’t know until Election Night.”
It was the Christian Right that authored the McCain smear back in 2000 when Jr. got into trouble. And it was the Trump Supremacist alt-Right NPI that latched onto it and resurrected it for 2008. This shit is your world. You motherfuckers breathe life into it every single day. It works its way up from the depths of your fever swamps in increments via established right wing media shops. That Fuckwad can’t go twenty minutes without giving birth to another vast conspiracy of global hippies trying to outlaw Christmas or inoculate all the kiddies with the “fag” germs. You can’t spend three straight days smearing pig shit all over yourself in the name of your abandoned political ideology only to suddenly put on your ice cream suit and wonder where all the stains came from. Richard Viguerie invented this con fifty years ago. You’ve fallen for it again and again ever since, to the point where you can’t even smell your own farts anymore. Don’t blame us. Open a window. Or better yet, get the fuck off the train.
Hillary is having a run of bad luck, but that doesn’t seem to be helping Trump much, whose momentum has stalled, according to Nate Silver.
So, with Hillary still enjoying better than 2-to-1 odds, and Trump reaping no gains from her recent problems, there’s no reason to panic but Democrats can’t afford to be complacent. It won’t be in the bag until the debates reveal him to be the stinky horse’s ass he is.
Hey fuckwad loon, I’m PROUD of what Democrats built: The New Deal, the New Frontier, the Great Society, unions and middle class prosperity, the United Nations and a more peaceful world, etc.
The Republican vision of a “great society” is an “every man for himself” jungle like their ancestors had 2 millions ago. To Neanderthals like the fuckwad loon, “social progress” is a dirty word. The rest of us thought their kind went extinct 50,000 years ago, but they’re still here, we could’t see them because they never left their caves.
Until the fuckwad loon crawled out.
So annoying when Puffballs copies you. He is so unoriginal. Clueless without any talent. Still baffles me that it hasn’t started copying tweets like the Twit.
“Democrats you built that”
Get you own slogan you moron.
@71 well said. Repukes are the devil that complain about themselves.
Repuke lady stands by her politician hubby of prostitution allegations in the Bible thumping state run in the past by Jingle Bell Boy.
“”He’s a good man, a loving husband, and an incredible father to our two children,” Bridget Boustany says in the email. ”
She forgot to leave out “and he fucks bitches, because he is a man with needs and rape like urges”
Carl I disagree with your analysis. The man is a retired Colonel from JBLM. Dupont is a bedroom community that depends on that base. That puts a different bent to the politics of Du Pont compared to Seattle. The man did a politically astute call for him. Dupont will reelect him if he wants to remain in the position of Mayor. He ran unopposed. And some know former Army colonels can be jerks.
Now for entertainment purposed are you going to tell him face to face to fuck off? I hope that you will and that you have sent him your little tirade here. Myself I want to sell tickets to the event where you tell him to fuck off, and I want to watch.
I’m personally unsure on this whole controversy, to a degree I support it, but how long is it going to go on, and the power of rebelling loses it’s punch over time. In any case the Mayor made the right call for being Mayor of Dupont. The Mayor of Seattle made a different call apparently. If he’s made the wrong call politically for the city of Seattle then he may be looking for a new job come election time. Or did he try to stay above the fray? Can he remain above or will this flag controversy make an impact on the this years elections.
I always say fight fire with fire, but I also think that that doesn’t diffuse a situation but instead is counter-productive.
Seems like a war mentality that suggest that there will be a winner, but not sure there are any winners in wars. Eventually a Winner’s time is due, and you succumb via the same vehicle that made you a Winner. Maybe searching for peace, love and understanding is a better way of insuring that we all remain Winners. Just ask Charlie Sheen – he seems to have stop fighting back, and when he did he seems to have become a better person.
Police: Muslim Woman Set On Fire While Shopping In NYC
You would think that this action would only incite anger and give more rise and ammunition for radical Muslims to persuade all Muslims that they need to go to war with the West. It’s only natural to want to defend yourself, and feel that you have to fight back.
Fire Away!!!!
Perhaps Mr Putin needs to be reminded of President Carter’s policy that the US would seize the oil fields if doing so is in the interest of the US, particularly to keep them out of Russian hands. That policy is still in place, so I don’t see what all the caterwauling is about on here.
What you all have woken up to the fact it would be very messy if either major party candidate were to drop over dead (or be incapacitated). You just got all up in arms at me for suggesting it could statistically happen. Actually it has happened after the voting had taken place. Grant beat the Democratic candidate who died, after voting took place and the Democrats did not even give an alternative for the electoral college.
@38 Last time I checked it’s the American people whe determine who among the candidates is the best qualified. IE that person is elected President by the electoral college and if we don’t decide the it’s the House of Representatives.
There is no practical way of proving what your saying here unless we set up a pseudo White House that the loser occupies and compare the two. Could be the next big reality TV show. Even then there is no way to prove your hypothesis, other than it shows your bias, which is understandable in light of where you are saying this. Even so it can’t be proven and we will find out soon enough. Could be more fun and interesting if that Trump fellow wins.
@62 Please provide a photo of said hat you will devour if Trump gets more than 150 electoral votes. You do own a hat? Also do you have a preferred condiment? Or will you be eating said hat sans any condiment? Do you have a preferred drink to go with your dining pleasure?
Goldy please note the statement @62 and in proper Horses Ass mode please ensure he does the penance should his prediction not come to pass.
@73 Too bad so many Democrats don’t truly support those accomplishments of yesteryear. At least so far this go around there is no third way. Which seemed to me at the time a way to sweep all those things under the table and be more Republicans than the Republicans.
Deplorable is a white racist, a doctor who gloats when cops shoot an innocent black child and then leave him to die without receiving medical care.
Deplorable is a self-loathing black loon, a self-appointed messenger of God who is incapable of communicating anything but unintelligible CAPS-LOCKED hate.
Hillary Clinton in a shocking revelation, as per reports, is using a body double. The 68-year-old presidential nominee stumbled and was helped into a van by security officers’ while attending the 9/11 ceremony in New York on Sunday.
Begins being reported Sunday by alt-Right fringe kook-shops, trends overnight on social media, by Monday night Rushbo, Beck, and Hannity are on the story!
I’m PROUD of what Democrats built
Yeah Dumb Senile Wabbit; let’s clear the air…
In 1868, the 14th Amendment passed with 94% Republican and 0% DUMMOCRETIN support, gave full citizenship to freed slaves.
In 1870, the 15th Amendment passed with 100% Republican and 0% Democrat support, gave freed slaves the right to vote.
Republican President Eisenhower integrated the military
The same President Eisenhower passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1957? Lyndon Baines Johnson… DUMMOCRETIN Senate Majority Leader.
Remember these wonderful DUMMOCRETIN thoughts?
Jim Crow Laws
Racism still rules in the DUMMOCRETIN party. Instead of the overt kind, now it’s the subtle kind… Keep blacks on the government dole!
Who repeatedly golfed at an all white golf course until Jerry Brown flagged it?
Bill and Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton!
CBS is in the tank for Careless Crooked Heilary… This was well known by Dan Rather years ago…
What Bill said:”“Well if it is, it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors,” he said, “because frequently—well not frequently, rarely—but on more than one occasion, over the last many, many years, the same sort of thing happened to her when she got severely dehydrated.”
What CBS played… “Well if it is, it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors. Rarely—but on more than one occasion, over the last many, many years, the same sort of thing happened to her when she got severely dehydrated.
Of course morons like H3TL and idiots like the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch…
will miss the difference!
CBS is in the tank for Careless Crooked Heilary… plain and simple!
Like Heilary, Like Johnny!
Like Heilary, Like Johnny!
Obummer is screaming about Trump and Putin. Well HA DUMMOCRETINS, Obummer was with Fidel and Raul yuk-yukking it up at a Cuban baseball game!
A hate-filled Trump supporter sucker-punching a 69 year-old woman who needs an oxygen mask and carries a tank? Deplorable.
“69-year-old Woman Punched In Face Outside Rally By Trump Supporter”
Uh-oh! I see that Colin Powell calling out Trump as a “national disgrace” is causing what’s left of the loon’s head to explode again.
“In 1868”
LMFAO!! Ignoring a half century of the GOP’s “Southern Strategy” as though it never happened, the loon goes back 150 years to find something about Democrats to whine about.
What a loon!