OK, which of the gentlemen (sic) shown below is sleazy discredited pastor Mark Driscoll? Which one is sleazy discredited initiative whore Tim Eyman?
I’m sure I’m not the only person around who’s noticed a resemblance between these characters.
Yes, I’m coming out of a long hiatus on HA just to publish this bit of frivolity. If you wish, you can consider this to be an open thread.
Ya notice how all the “Conservatives” seem to be these overfed, smarmy looking cheesdicks with that used-car salesman’s cheap smile? Thats all they really are, salesmen. They’d sell their mothers for another easy buck. They’re your best friend until you run out of money or wise up to the cheap glass beads they’re selling. Guys like these made fortunes on shit like firewater, tulips and wampum.
That picture of Timmeh, the expression on his face makes him look like he really, desperately needs to take a huge shit, but is too terrified of what that would do for his image.
@1 He’s already left several huge dumps that stank up the whole state.
Throw in a picture of Dick Balch gripping his sledgehammer and you’ve got yourself a Washington State Hucksters Hall Of Fame.
Small eyes. Smooth philtrum. Thin upper lip. All indicative of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Now that you know what to look for, you’ll be amazed at how many conservatives share these traits.
They don’t look at all alike. This is stupid.
Cheezdicks? Um, doughy white douche bags!
The answer is both.