I’m heading off to Darcy Burner’s “Send a Message” Virtual Town Hall on Iraq, and this is the kind of performance I don’t expect to see:
Go to www.darcyburner.com at 3PM PST today and tune in to a real leader conducting a real forum on dealing with the mess in Iraq. And while you’re there, please put your money where your heart is. We’re only about $7,000 short of our ambitious $100,000 goal, but we’re trying to reach 3000 Act Blue donations by the end of the day.
So please do your part by joining 114 other HA readers in sending the message to Republican incumbents nationwide that they will not profit by toeing the Bush line on Iraq. Just five or ten bucks speaks volumes.
With Bush leaving office in January 2009, how is she going to manage to run against Bush? It reminds me of Democrats running agains Newt Gingrich during the 90’s even after he resigned and wasn’t on the ballot in their district anyway. You would have though there was a person named Dole Gingrich in 1996 from watching the commercials.
Well, cheeze whiz, Mark…then why did running against Bill Clinton seem to work out so well for the Publicans in 2000?
Oh, yeah, I forgot…cum stains on one dress are supposed to count for so much more than blood flowing all over Hell’s half acre.
What does Bellevue Really thing of Reichert?
Not much.
Is it true HorsesAss.org is changing web site name to AllDarcyAlltheTime?
Is it true HorsesAss.org is changing web site name to AllDarcyAlltheTime?
Now that’s the substantive commentary we’ve come to expect from the dean of the WA state press corps.
The musculature, the hair, the repetition of the standard right wing talking points – that’s all the “qualifications” needed for a wingnut.
how is she going to manage to run against Bush?
Easy. She’s will run against the empty suit warming the seat right now.
It is even easier to run against Bush because every single Republican candidate is doing his best to match Bush on policy or even go further. Giuliani is adopting the “nuke’em all” foreign policy strategy, Romney wants to imprison more people without charges or warrants, and Thompson… well, he just spouts off mindless talking points. Ok, Thompson is not as mindless as George, but the point is he is trying.
I think “Had Enough?” will win the Democratic Party another 10-20 seats in the House next go around.
More than 96K raised so far. She ought to make the fundraising target before Bush gets off the tarmac at Boeing field.
OK, anyone see this?
Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho pleaded guilty this month to misdemeanor disorderly conduct after being arrested at the Minneapolis airport.
Wait there is more. Apparently he was not really guilty according to this statement from his office:
“At the time of this incident, I complained to the police that they were misconstruing my actions,” he said. “I should have had the advice of counsel in resolving this matter. In hindsight, I should not have pled guilty. I was trying to handle this matter myself quickly and expeditiously.”
Misconstrued his actions? What? He had his dick in his hand and was shaking it after peeing? How the hell did he cover it up for over a month?
Republicans, this is one of your guys.
Here is the REST of the story:
Roll Call, citing the police report, said Sgt. Dave Karsnia made the arrest after an encounter in which he was seated in a stall next to a stall occupied by Craig. Karsnia described Craig tapping his foot, which Karsnia said he “recognized as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct.”
Wow! Who knew? You tap your feet in a public restroom for sex? Only real pervs know that.
Okay, okay Goldy. Couldn’t be so heartless after reading your “Send a Message” spiel.
Sent a donation. Not as much as I would have liked to send, but at least I was able to participate.
Can’t wait to see the rush hour traffic reports on the news in 15 minutes! Reichert INFLICTING Bush on the poor citizens of Bellevue, plus all the folks attempting to fly in/out of Seatac Airport! This is going to be funny, I bet.
As of around 5:21 Pacific Time:
2,826 contributors
I don’t know why the democratic party is still behind her? Could they get someone who is more aggressive in exploiting Reichert and his ignorance?
Is there anyone lined up to usurp her of her top position?
There must be someone better than Darcy.
“My Left Foot”
Dear God! I tap my foot out of nervous apprehension before I pee!
Thanks for telling me that!
#13, Esquire, actually we are tired of Blue Dog (balls) Democrats that are little better than Republicons. We need true progressives to move this country forward, and Darcy fits the bill. No coddling to big pharma, energy companies, and the military industrial complex. If Darcy gets all her money from “US” then she can support “US” the people, and not the corporations that would be pulling her strings.
There is a chance Democracy may someday recover, and end the corporate control of our elections. Someday…..
Darcy is the real thing, and not just and empty suit waiting for instructions from Herr Fuhrer Bush.
I love it. Another Republicon Senator trying to have sex with a police officer in another bathroom. Can you believe it?
I just can’t wait to see Ted Stevens marched off in handcuffs. Any day now….
Mark @ 1:
Dems will blame Bush for the failings of today and tomorrow much as Republicans continue to blame Clinton for everything that you feel is wrong now.
The Bush Legacy, if you will, is the corrupt, feckless Recraplican Party you see now, where intelligent, principled conservative debate has been shunted aside in favor of the hatemongering neo-fascists who dominate talk-radio, those who think that anyone who dares oppose their POV should be jailed, shot, or otherwise intimidated into silence. Is that really freedom, Mark? Is that what our forefathers fought and died for? Is that what my two stepsons are in Iraq for? For the Republican party to survive, these cancers will have to be removed, and actual intelligence and small-c conservatism embraced, rather than the corporatist/theocratic noise, the monstrosity that the Party of Lincoln has become.
That’s what Democrats will run against, Mark. And that’s what they’ll likely win against.
I agree with her positions. It is her and her failed political strategy. In other words, we need a better voice of the party.
Darcy’s so much of a progressive she had to hide away in a room on her ‘puter rather than speak and march with the protesters massed right there in her district.
The Bush Legacy, if you will, is the corrupt, feckless Recraplican Party you see now, where intelligent, principled conservative debate has been shunted aside in favor of the hatemongering neo-fascists who dominate talk-radio
No, it just that you donks are offended by the truth. Why else would you dems support the (un)fairness doctrine.
those who think that anyone who dares oppose their POV should be jailed, shot, or otherwise intimidated into silence. Is that really freedom, Mark?
Actually it you dems who want to do this to the right. At every turn you try to force your opions down people throats through the public school system to PBS..ect. If you dems were really for freedom you would be for school choice and elimanation of PBS. Until then your are full of crap.
Doofus @ 20
You’re full of shit as usual. Who’s been running things more or less since Ronnie Raygun? Who was running things for the last six years until Nov 2006?
The fairness doctrine, PBS and public schools didn’t stop Raygun from getting elected or the chimp in the White House you worship.
You lose again. Thanks for playing.
The fairness doctrine, PBS and public schools didn’t stop Raygun from getting elected or the chimp in the White House you worship.
You have got a point. Even with subsidized speech with taxpayer’s money and massive voter fraud you dems still lose elections. You guys wouldn’t even be in the running without an unfair advantage.
You got any proof of that, “massive vote fraud”?
Michael @ 23
Rufus (d.b.a. Dan Rather on this blog) doesn’t have any proof of anything. He is a typical wingnut sore loser, still bitter after having to swallow the bitter pill that there was no evidence of election fraud in the 2004 Gubernatorial election whatsoever.
Rufus just listens to a little too much wingnut radio, (that and he suffers from generalized GOP gullibility syndrome). That’s all.
@4 Hey joel, news flash, this is a partisan block! Goldy doesn’t do journalistic neutrality. That’s your job.
blog not block
@17 What part of Darcy’s political strategy “failed”? She came within 2 points of unseating a Republican incumbent in a district that has never elected a Democrat.
Just finished watching Eisenstein’s Oct. 25. Came ot my screen to this news. This is huge, historic news. Congratulations to Goldie and others on the Darcy team.
There is a new public square! Hurrah!
1 Mark
Well, Dave Reichert’s nose is so far up Bush’s ass he’s going to have to fly with him to Texas on January 20, 2009. I think that’s a legitimate election issue. How could he serve even if he DID win?
14 EE
Do you also plead guilty to lewd conduct charges? If not, you’re probably pretty safe.
When was the last time someone on Air America suggested that Bushies like you should be hunted down and killed?
Righties like you talk that kind of hate EVERY DAY.
What, afraid of reality?
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick…….