For the record, here’s the relevant portion of the form letter I got today in response to this. For what it’s worth, she voted the right way on the bill and on all the amendments.
As you may know, H.R. 6304, the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, is the most comprehensive overhaul to the nation’s electronic surveillance laws in thirty years. The bill also provides retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies that participated in the president’s warrantless wiretapping program. Though it was an improvement over previous legislation in many ways, H.R. 6304 offered blanket retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies that may have illegally allowed the government to spy on innocent Americans, and I voted against it.
And here’s the substance of the response I got to a similar e-mail I sent. You’ll recognize the first paragraph:
I’d post the response I received from Congressman Adam Smith, but it’s rather lengthy.
GOP: Turning America Into Bangladesh, One Sweatshop At A Time
“When investigators unearthed serious child labor violations at a dozen Wal-Marts, officials in the Bush Labor Department signed a highly unusual secret agreement promising to give Wal-Mart fifteen days’ advance notice whenever inspectors planned to visit a Wal-Mart store to look for more such violations.”
Source: Steven Greenhouse, “The Big Squeeze,” Alfred A. Knopf Co.: New York, 2008, at p. 14.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why would anyone trust a Republican? I don’t! And I’ll never vote for one. Voting Republican causes child abuse.
Note, Steven Greenhouse is a reporter who covers business, economics, and foreign affairs for the New York Times.
Corporate Welfare, Case #2008-1752834116-0
A new air terminal in North Bend, Oregon, that cost taxpayers $20 million will open next Monday. Unfortunately, Horizon Air announced this week it’s eliminating service to North Bend to save money. However, the airport won’t go completely to waste. According to the Associated Press, “private jets use the airport for access to the Bandon Dunes Golf Resort.” (Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s too damn many welfare bums in this country! Let’s take away their airport and make ’em drive to the golf course.
U.S. Airways is removing the movie equipment (which weighs 500 lbs.) from its planes to save fuel. From now on, passengers will have to amuse themselves on long tedious flights by reading comic books or assaulting each other.
Yay, Patty Murray!
I wonder how badly she’s going to trounce her next Republican opponent.
Keep trying to post this, maybe with space on the webaddress:
Slightly off topic, but before I forget, loved the YouTube too:
“McCain Lies to Vet About Voting Record”
h ttp://
Note: the transcript comment:
“Has McCain never heard the old adage, “Never try to bullshit a guy who’s clutching a sheaf of papers?” I think it was Mark Twain.”
Seriously FANTASTIC news, phone call came in, so who knows what I was doing with the post @ 7.
My only nephew, 23 yrs, great hardworking kid from out of state, just came out of surgery with his lung transplant. We weren’t sure he was going to be strong enough to make it to the table. But, hey, he GOT it! He’s made it through the surgery, hoping the recovery goes okay. Our family is doing cartwheels!
@8. Perhaps I should clarify. Nephew’s younger Sister didn’t make it to the table last March, of this year, after also being #1 on the list too. (CF is a heartless, relentless disease.) We’ve been so terribly worried!
Congrats on the good news for your family. Nothing better than to hear that one who was at risk of leaving gets another chance.
Good for you and good for your nephew.
The Piper
‘Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s too damn many welfare bums in this country! Let’s take away their airport and make ‘em drive to the golf course.’
You gotta be fucking kidding me, the king of “gov’t cheese”, dial-up, and unemployment spews the above.
Definitions: Hypocrisy
1. An expression of agreement that is not supported by real conviction.
2. Insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have.
(from Webster’s)
Hmmm, maybe that wiretapping isn’t such a bad thing after all, unless you’re rooting for the other team.;catnum=0
@ 10 Piper
Thanks! My Brother only had two kids, one whom we lost too early a few months ago and now, this is a blessing! It was so devastating, his little Girl was his life! I’m sorry that someone lost their life, but the Nephew will make good use of this gift. He’s gifted and just wants to work, so many friends, much to offer.
– – –
Last Fall, when we were having ID theft, credit card issues, many people assumed it must be a “nephew” doing the bad stuff when I said “young relative”. So far the banks have held Sister’s Daughter responsible and as long as she makes monthly repayments, she stays out of jail. So far, so good. The banks pulled my Sis out of the draw or her ability to rescue this time. FINALLY, life may be allowing that child grow up.
Why does Dino Lossi refuse to call himself a Republican?
Why does he use ‘GOP’ instead?
Could it be . . . there’s going to be a bloodbath by the voters for anyone with an R next to their name???
Yeah, you know it.
Sad news to report. Tony Snow has lost his battle with cancer and died this morning at a Washington DC hospital around 2am today.
I disagreed with Tony Snow politically to be sure, but he was driven to do his best as he saw it and was a great father to his 3 kids.
Condolences to his family.
Tony Snow dying is NOT sad news. He was a traitor. He worked hard to destroy the country that many have fought and died for to protect. He lied every single chance he got on behalf of the Bush regime. He was constantly spewing right wing hate on his radio show and made up 90% of whatever he said.
Snow would have been right there cheering on the destruction of our rights in this FISA case. He would have been on TV spewing the Bush line no matter the truth. We don’t need people like that. That goes beyond political disagreement to outright hatred of freedom.
And he probably died because of it.
Good riddance. Any chance we can get Puddylicker, Pooper, Marvin the child molester and all the other right wing turds here to follow Tony to Hell?
I’ll sleep better tonight thinking of a Snow-less world.
Two notable deaths to report this morning: Pioneering heart surgeon Michael DeBakey, of natural causes, at age 99; and Bush propagandist Tony Snow, of colon cancer, at age 53.
The Seattle Times website also has died. It hasn’t been updated since Wednesday morning. Has anyone checked Frank Blethen’s pulse in the last few days? Did the dreaded Inheritance Tax finally catch up with him?
Looks like Minnesota may have a 3-way Senate race this fall. Jesse Ventura will decide Monday whether to run as an independent. Ventura calls Iraq “a war built on fraud” and says “we’ve got to get our hands around the throat of this deficit.”
(Source: Newsweek)
Once again we see the moron gene appears strong in bybygoober. Never a kind word for someone or their family when your politics conflicts with theirs.
Trust me bybygoober, you’ll get yours soon enough. I’m looking for a special one for next Wednesday…
Pelletizer@19: Wow you are only three days late with the same news I shared with GBS on James George Janos. Maybe you should pay attention to life for a change!
It proves once again Puddy is ahead of the pack.
@21 I can’t help it. The free online version of the fucking newspaper is three days old. Frank Blethen is contributing to societal ignorance by expecting people to pay for news.
12 db
First, we don’t have “state security agents.” It wqs the Colombians who first listened to the woman’s calls and alerted US authorities.
Second, there is not and never has been a provision in FISA that would prevent the govenrment from obtaining a warrant for tapping conversations between “the regional finance and supply chief for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia” (FARC) and other FARC members, particularly overseas.
However, wiretapping within the US without a warrant violates the US Constitution and is not to be tolerated under any circumstances.
It’s pretty typical Republican obfuscation to twist resistance to warrantless surveillance into resistance to surveillance per se. It’s all about the warrants, baby, and judicial oversight of State power.
Fuck you puddylicker – you ain’t gonna give anyone anything. You’re just another loud mouth right wing bitch.
I am SO glad my post bothered you. That makes this a BANNER day. We got rid of one right wing traitor and I made another one mad. It just keeps getting better.
Off to fuck your fat ugly wife in the ass again bitch. See ya later.
re 11: If you, after all this time, have not noticed every ‘liberal’ commenter here has been all along inveighing against welfare for the rich and corporations, then you are deaf — as well as stupid.
If you find RR inconsistent, then take it up with the Piper. He’s the one who’s always saying that consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.
@23 There’s the problem that the left is ignoring. Most of the world’s phone calls now route THROUGH the US. FISA has to cover that situation and now it does.
And Obama voted for it. Why aren’t y’all OK with that? He is. Oh that’s right, you got shivved in the back.
Roger, what the hell are you talking about with the Times Web site? Go click “refresh” on your browser and then go munch on some yummy carrots for a couple of yours while it reloads over your dial-up connection.
Or…maybe you don’t realize that today’s news really is about the same as it’s been for the last three days. It’s like that old Gary Larson cartoon with the caption: “Ed! Wake up! You’ve been having a nightmare. Of course, we are still in hell.”
bybygoober, your post didn’t bother me. I was making a comment on swine like you. I ain’t mad like you, a raving lunatic.
Oh you mean you’re going to jerk off again. Think Darcy.
Yours is coming soon enough.
“For what it’s worth, she voted the right way on the bill and on all the amendments.”
This is almost true. She did vote for the filibuster (against cloture), but only after voting against the filibuster in late June.