To the best of my knowledge, HorsesAss is still an exclusively white, straight male blog, if you go by who makes the most regular posts here.
Goldy, you claim to be a liberal progressive. Where are the black, gay, and female posters?
Anyway, I just think it’s funny that the military is more progressive than HA.
Dr. Zaiusspews:
kinda like those “make pot legal” meetings the Lee the toker was posting and showing pictures of…..nothing but a bunch of white people…and a whole lot of empty chairs.
Us gay guys read this blog all the time and sometimes even make comments.
I'm Not Tellingspews:
I know of at least two women who’ve been offered HA posting privileges in the past. And I know for a fact that at least two of the people with HA posting privileges are not heterosexual.
Given that only four people (Goldy, Lee, Darryl, Carl) post here now with any regularity, and the white maleness of the political blogosphere as a whole (conservative or liberal), that’s not bad. With such a small sample size, it’s more a fluke that the four I named are all roughly the same demographic. So grow up.
I'm Not Tellingspews:
@6 Just to clarify, there are several people other than the four I named that have HA posting privileges, but rarely use them these days.
Blue Johnspews:
Troll, you have a very short, selective memory. Why do you think I’m straight?
Besides, I don’t see you being into diversity much anyway. You always struck me as an unfunny version of the gray scale men in the bowling alley in Pleasantville.
I wasn’t aware you had posting privileges here at HA (as opposed to simply being able to make a comment in the comment section).
Blue Johnspews:
Ahh. You were not clear to me in defining the difference between the initiator of the thread and the diversity of the people discussing the thread, or ignoring the thread and talking about what they want to discuss instead.
You are right. I’m not a poster, I’m a commentator.
Brain Damagespews:
@3 Half white and gay here…so again, shocking, you’re wrong. What? A Republican just making up stuff and being factually wrong? I’ve NEVER heard of that before! What? The Earth isn’t 6,000 years old? What? Obama isn’t a secret Muslim here to destroy Christianity? What? Obama is an American citizen?
Wow…if this keeps up, I’m going to start thinking every time a Republican says something they’re just lying and making up stuff. SHOCKING!
I’ll just wait here cowering under my bed trying to avoid the Death Panels….I’m SURE they’re coming soon, the Republicans said so, and they don’t just make shit up…so ANY day now! RUUUUNNNNNNN! *
* “Death Panels” are a trademark of Fox News and in no way meant to be used in conjunction with actual death panels sponsored by Arizona Republicans, where politicians not doctors, get to limit resources and assign people to death to save money.
Blue Johnspews:
Yeah, those choice they are making in Arizona do seem like death panels, but I think the reasoning by conservatives is that it’s being done to poor people, the least among us, so it’s ok.
Outstanding statement made by my religio-crazy-winger bro in law…
“Since the military is overwhelmingly committed Christian, they shouldn’t be allowed to (repeal DADT.)”
So…Uh, Jews shouldn’t be allowed? Muslims? Nah…just the homos! (Never mind the shocking lack of first amendment understanding.)
Any decent human being “gives a fuck”. Many talented people have been denied serving their country due to that policy.
DADT was an improvement over its predecessor – witch hunts and outright persecution – but it was still a lousy policy and that finally dawned on even a few Republican Senators – and that’s amazing in itself!
Some Republican Dullardspews:
I’ve got a cousin who’s gay.
The only reason the military brass supported DADT in the first place was because they feared the reaction of the straight troops, both in terms of “unit cohesion” and recruiting. The only reason they support repeal now is because they are having so much trouble recruiting and retaining. Plus, now they can avoid a bunch of messy lawsuits by straight draftees when selective service is reinstated.
Great! Now the loony left will have to go back to it’s old reasons for hating the military while Log Cabins go out and serve to protect us.
I always thought ‘Horses Ass’ was describing a lesbian contributor?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 That would be damn funny if it weren’t so damn true.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Troll keeps reminding us why Republicans make us puke.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “Many talented people have been denied serving their country due to that policy.”
More to the point, many gay people have served their country, and died for it … in the closet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Where the fuck do you get this crap about liberals “hating” the military? As a liberal who enlisted and volunteered for Vietnam, I’ll say this: I have NO respect for the Republicans who tried to yank combat pay from our troops in Iraq (that nonsense was stopped by Democrats), or threw our wounded troops into moldy barracks, or were so cheap about providing our troops with equipment that Cher raised private donations to buy helmets for our soldiers in Iraq. Republicans? Support the troops? Nah. Republicans don’t support our troops. They hate our soldiers.
Maybe if you hadn’t been smoking so much pot and raping farm girls, we could have won Vietnam.
Eat shit, Freddie
#15 Did you marry him?
Rujax! Reminding Puddy That a Black Person Voting Republican is Like a Chicken Voting for Col. Sanders Since 2004spews:
I liked the part where the 43rd President went AWOL from his National Guard unit.
OH…and how many deferments did VICE-PRESIDENT CHENEY recieve again??? I forgot…
Bluecollar Libertarianspews:
A little something I posted elsewhere.
When I was a kid living on the navy base outside of Memphis I went to Catholic school and each morning on of the lay teachers would drive a group of us to the school where she taught 4th grade. This lay teacher was living with an officer on the base. That is they were living in a house provided by the U.S. Navy. The officer was the senior nurse on the base. To clarify the senior nurse and the lay teacher were both women living in government provided housing. It was common knowledge that they were lesbians and no one complained. For me as a seventh grade student this was my first knowledge that women had sexual relations together.
And if my recall of history is half way decent I believe that one of the officers responsible for training troops for Gen. Washington was gay or at least some of the troops complained because he kept a young man in his tent at night.
I believe that one of the officers responsible for training troops for Gen. Washington was gay or at least some of the troops complained because he kept a young man in his tent at night.
If he wasn’t gay, but he kept a young man in his tent at night he was probably a Republican.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Where the fuck do you get this crap about liberals “hating” the military?
Well since you asked Roger… You forgot when Steny Hoyer suggested…
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) praised the president’s announcement of a two-year pay freeze, but he said including the military would have increased savings and added “an element of fairness.”
Enough proof for Puddy! Hoyer, Pelosi’s number 2.
You can easily find the link. Per ylb he’s cataloged all of Puddy’s favrit sites.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
@25, The Dullard is Michael@28, his alter ego and a dullard in real life too!
Richard Popespews:
If Joseph McCarthy was still around today, he now would have been able to openly serve in the Marine Corps without having to hide his sexual orientation.
Richard Popespews:
Speaking of dogs serving in the military — they actually have commissioned veterinary officers who help take care of them. My cats’ favorite doctor is away from the clinic for six months, because she is serving an army reserve duty assignment.
@29. Puddy, do you enjoy being such an easy target of ridicule?
In an age of for ex furloughs and Republican fake posturing over deficit reduction, suggesting that the armed services and its personnel cut back equals HATING the military.
How long before Pat Robertson has a coronary over this? That gibbering little nebbish is probably already slavering over his next sermon.
who really gives a fuck about DADT anyway?
talk about an irrelevant issue…sheesh.
Military now more progressive than HorsesAss.
To the best of my knowledge, HorsesAss is still an exclusively white, straight male blog, if you go by who makes the most regular posts here.
Goldy, you claim to be a liberal progressive. Where are the black, gay, and female posters?
Anyway, I just think it’s funny that the military is more progressive than HA.
kinda like those “make pot legal” meetings the Lee the toker was posting and showing pictures of…..nothing but a bunch of white people…and a whole lot of empty chairs.
Us gay guys read this blog all the time and sometimes even make comments.
I know of at least two women who’ve been offered HA posting privileges in the past. And I know for a fact that at least two of the people with HA posting privileges are not heterosexual.
Given that only four people (Goldy, Lee, Darryl, Carl) post here now with any regularity, and the white maleness of the political blogosphere as a whole (conservative or liberal), that’s not bad. With such a small sample size, it’s more a fluke that the four I named are all roughly the same demographic. So grow up.
@6 Just to clarify, there are several people other than the four I named that have HA posting privileges, but rarely use them these days.
Troll, you have a very short, selective memory. Why do you think I’m straight?
Besides, I don’t see you being into diversity much anyway. You always struck me as an unfunny version of the gray scale men in the bowling alley in Pleasantville.
I wasn’t aware you had posting privileges here at HA (as opposed to simply being able to make a comment in the comment section).
Ahh. You were not clear to me in defining the difference between the initiator of the thread and the diversity of the people discussing the thread, or ignoring the thread and talking about what they want to discuss instead.
You are right. I’m not a poster, I’m a commentator.
@3 Half white and gay here…so again, shocking, you’re wrong. What? A Republican just making up stuff and being factually wrong? I’ve NEVER heard of that before! What? The Earth isn’t 6,000 years old? What? Obama isn’t a secret Muslim here to destroy Christianity? What? Obama is an American citizen?
Wow…if this keeps up, I’m going to start thinking every time a Republican says something they’re just lying and making up stuff. SHOCKING!
I’ll just wait here cowering under my bed trying to avoid the Death Panels….I’m SURE they’re coming soon, the Republicans said so, and they don’t just make shit up…so ANY day now! RUUUUNNNNNNN! *
* “Death Panels” are a trademark of Fox News and in no way meant to be used in conjunction with actual death panels sponsored by Arizona Republicans, where politicians not doctors, get to limit resources and assign people to death to save money.
Yeah, those choice they are making in Arizona do seem like death panels, but I think the reasoning by conservatives is that it’s being done to poor people, the least among us, so it’s ok.
Outstanding statement made by my religio-crazy-winger bro in law…
“Since the military is overwhelmingly committed Christian, they shouldn’t be allowed to (repeal DADT.)”
So…Uh, Jews shouldn’t be allowed? Muslims? Nah…just the homos! (Never mind the shocking lack of first amendment understanding.)
Any decent human being “gives a fuck”. Many talented people have been denied serving their country due to that policy.
DADT was an improvement over its predecessor – witch hunts and outright persecution – but it was still a lousy policy and that finally dawned on even a few Republican Senators – and that’s amazing in itself!
I’ve got a cousin who’s gay.
The only reason the military brass supported DADT in the first place was because they feared the reaction of the straight troops, both in terms of “unit cohesion” and recruiting. The only reason they support repeal now is because they are having so much trouble recruiting and retaining. Plus, now they can avoid a bunch of messy lawsuits by straight draftees when selective service is reinstated.
Great! Now the loony left will have to go back to it’s old reasons for hating the military while Log Cabins go out and serve to protect us.
I always thought ‘Horses Ass’ was describing a lesbian contributor?
@11 That would be damn funny if it weren’t so damn true.
Troll keeps reminding us why Republicans make us puke.
@14 “Many talented people have been denied serving their country due to that policy.”
More to the point, many gay people have served their country, and died for it … in the closet.
@17 Where the fuck do you get this crap about liberals “hating” the military? As a liberal who enlisted and volunteered for Vietnam, I’ll say this: I have NO respect for the Republicans who tried to yank combat pay from our troops in Iraq (that nonsense was stopped by Democrats), or threw our wounded troops into moldy barracks, or were so cheap about providing our troops with equipment that Cher raised private donations to buy helmets for our soldiers in Iraq. Republicans? Support the troops? Nah. Republicans don’t support our troops. They hate our soldiers.
Maybe if you hadn’t been smoking so much pot and raping farm girls, we could have won Vietnam.
Eat shit, Freddie
#15 Did you marry him?
I liked the part where the 43rd President went AWOL from his National Guard unit.
OH…and how many deferments did VICE-PRESIDENT CHENEY recieve again??? I forgot…
A little something I posted elsewhere.
When I was a kid living on the navy base outside of Memphis I went to Catholic school and each morning on of the lay teachers would drive a group of us to the school where she taught 4th grade. This lay teacher was living with an officer on the base. That is they were living in a house provided by the U.S. Navy. The officer was the senior nurse on the base. To clarify the senior nurse and the lay teacher were both women living in government provided housing. It was common knowledge that they were lesbians and no one complained. For me as a seventh grade student this was my first knowledge that women had sexual relations together.
And if my recall of history is half way decent I believe that one of the officers responsible for training troops for Gen. Washington was gay or at least some of the troops complained because he kept a young man in his tent at night.
If he wasn’t gay, but he kept a young man in his tent at night he was probably a Republican.
Well since you asked Roger… You forgot when Steny Hoyer suggested…
Enough proof for Puddy! Hoyer, Pelosi’s number 2.
You can easily find the link. Per ylb he’s cataloged all of Puddy’s favrit sites.
@25, The Dullard is Michael@28, his alter ego and a dullard in real life too!
If Joseph McCarthy was still around today, he now would have been able to openly serve in the Marine Corps without having to hide his sexual orientation.
Speaking of dogs serving in the military — they actually have commissioned veterinary officers who help take care of them. My cats’ favorite doctor is away from the clinic for six months, because she is serving an army reserve duty assignment.
@29. Puddy, do you enjoy being such an easy target of ridicule?
In an age of for ex furloughs and Republican fake posturing over deficit reduction, suggesting that the armed services and its personnel cut back equals HATING the military.
Nice try Puddy.
For ex? Forced.