Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold needs your help in taking back the US Senate, and he’s coming out to Seattle this week to personally ask for it.
Sen. Feingold will join local elected officials at a rally on Saturday, May 20th, 12:30 PM, at Whittier Elementary School, 1320 NW 75th Street. Afterwards, volunteers will canvass the neighborhood. (Please RSVP rsvp@wa-democrats.org if you’re planning to attend.)
With his vocal, anti-war stance and his bold proposal to censure the President for illegal wiretapping, Sen. Feingold has become a darling of progressive Democrats nationwide. So I’m hoping some local progressives will take notice that Sen. Feingold is taking time from his busy schedule to come out to WA state to stump for Sen. Maria Cantwell. (He’ll also be joining her at a fundraiser on Sunday.)
Sen. Feingold gets the bigger picture, and if you want to help him achieve his agenda, then you need to help him win control of the US Senate. And the best way local Democrats can contribute is to help reelect Sen. Cantwell.
If you think I’ve got this wrong, then Saturday is your chance to ask Sen. Feingold yourself. See you there.
Goldystein, Are you related to SEN Feingoldsteinberg?
I hope the anti-Cantwellites have the guts to ask Russ what he thinks. Or they can just bellyache. The anti-Cantwell folks sure shit the bed at the “Crash The Gate” event. C’mon folks, let’s get some better questions, and don’t waste Russ’ time.
Yeah, right, like asking Cantwell to stand up for the U.S. Constitution every once in a while is some sort of disgrace. Will, your tantrum throwing is tiresome. Mabye you need to go back to 5th grade civics class and find out what that annoying U.S. Constitution is really all about. Otherwise, quit yer fucking whining.
Insurance Mike didn’t hug a rabbit today. He was too busy cashing his stock options.
Well duh.. get fleas or get cash…
what’s wrong with my fleas? my fleas have more class than your maggots.
Attention! The reward for information leading to the whereabouts of Roger Rabbit’s burrow has been increased to $12.50, effective today.
7 – FUCK YOU, fascist cheapskate! I’m worth at least $50.
JCH@1, you can go fuck yourself. That comment crosses the line in more ways than one. You are fucked up in the head.
Also, let’s cut this who-complains-more bit. The last thing anyone needs is a debate over who is whining more – it’s about as useful as comparing dick sizes.
I don’t really consider myself pro- or anti- Cantwell, but this screwing up Democratic events really needs to stop. Don’t people have better things to do? Even if you don’t like Cantwell, lobbyist whore McGavick is surely worse. Noones forcing you to campaign for her; just (as Will put it) stop shitting in the bed.
See you there (can you back your shit up?)
Oh whaa whaa sandal and will… let’s see your same phony indignation tonight when your fellow moonbats go for the throat over the Presidents speech. The man could recommend comrade hillary as queen of the universe and you two-faced hypocritical pricks would still call him a nazi or worse.
Speaking of pricks that ARE worse…
BIRMINGHAM — A Democratic candidate for attorney general denies the Holocaust occurred and said Friday he will speak this weekend to a “pro-white” organization that is widely viewed as being racist.
Larry Darby concedes his views are radical, but he said they should help him win wide support among Alabama voters as he tries to “reawaken white racial awareness” with his campaign against Mobile County District Attorney John Tyson.
Klearly the KKK is still alive and well in the Kommie…er, Demoncrat party.
The right-wingers are certainly grasping at straws to try and find even the most remote story that the “Democratic Party” has the same level of shame, corruption, and criminal activity that the repucliCON’s do.
If the worst you can find is one nut-job running for a County DA position in Alabama as a “Democrat”, who, is not going to be recognized officially by any level of the Democratic Party, then you’re only embarrassing yourself.
C’mon, How Can you Be Proud to be an Ass, you’re normally a better adversary than that. Where’s your “D” game at the very least? Let alone your “A” stuff.
Besides, most of the Southern Democrats that opposed segregation voted for George Wallace in 1968 and then became Republicans. This Darby clown is about as representative of Democrats as Lyndon Larouche.
Hey if there is 30% of the population that still think G W is doing a heck of a job , why wouldn’t there be 30% of the population that would see Cantwell as a heck of a Senator , it only stands to reason . Those of profound faith would never admit there “man” was not not worthy of officeholder . Antiwar , but votes for war , for Labor and votes for Cafta , Remember those redneck judges that are on the supreme court . I hope Russ can straighten us out on how to feel about our gal Senator . Who cares what Russ thinks about Maria Cantwell ???
OK rabbit, have it your way. The official reward still stands at $12.50, but we took up a collection at the office, and with the addition of these private funds, the total reward is now $50.
Now you’re talking!!
Hey Yo, I see GBS finally taught you how to spell “liar”.
Your parole officer will be proud off your progress. You just might get that electronic ankle bracelet off sometime this decade.
What is the latest news on the Karl Rove indictment?
Goldy so you are looking for support from Senator Russ Feingold to sway the Far Far left of the Democrat Party to get Sen. Cantwell reelected again. The party is really stretching to save its bacon to craw in bed with a bunch of Socialist Democrats to win an election. Senator Cantwell needs to get the conservative Democrats to vote for her and a few of them will be Republican. Today the Republicans see a different picture than you and read the statements below.
We know the Democrats have had no legislative agenda during this Congress, but their political agenda is becoming clearer by the day.
They want the White House in 2008. But they know their policies won’t fly with the American people. So they’ve embarked on a plan to take control of Congress in 2006 and then use Congress to initiate a long series of investigations and possible impeachment to win the White House in 2008.
You know that Senator Russ Feingold has introduced legislation to “censure” President Bush. He has called for hearings and has vocalized his support for possible impeachment.
On a national newscast, Senator Dick Durbin, the second most powerful Democrat in the US Senate, refused to rule out impeachment of President Bush.
Another chilling comment from a Democrat Leader was in the Washington Post just a few days ago:
[House Democrat Minority Leader Nancy] Pelosi also vowed “to use the power to investigate” the administration on multiple fronts…. When asked if this would lead to impeachment of the President, she said, “You never know where it leads to.”
The likely Democrat Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee (where impeachment begins), has already made it clear that he supports the Democrat’s plan. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) has sponsored a resolution calling for an investigation with the clear aim of initiating impeachment proceedings. Already, 35 Democrats plus Senate candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have signed on as cosponsors. One of Rep. Conyers’ web-sites even has an entire section dedicated to investigations and possible impeachment.
If this were not enough, a coalition of over 100 liberal organizations have banded together to push the Democrat Leadership to impeach the President.
Roger and Gang for you score keepers, now it appears a Democrat is in trouble for scamming money for the poor. You know those Robin Hood ways of redeploying the wealth from the government into the poor Socialist Democrats wallets.
West Virginia Democrat is Scrutinized
Mollohan Has Close Ties to Groups Handling His District’s Appropriations
By Jeffrey H. Birnbaum
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, May 15, 2006; Page A01
Starting in the 1990s, Rep. Alan B. Mollohan (D-W.Va.) chose an unusual way to funnel federal funds into his poverty-ridden district. He set up a network of nonprofit organizations to administer the millions of dollars he directed to such public endeavors as high-tech research and historic preservation.
Over the same period, Mollohan’s personal fortunes soared. From 2000 to 2004, his assets grew from no more than $565,000 to at least $6.3 million. The partners in his rapidly expanding real estate empire included the head of one of these nonprofit groups and the owner of a local company for which he arranged substantial federal aid. Mollohan used his seat on the House Appropriations Committee to secure more than $150 million for five nonprofit groups. One of the groups is headed by a former aide with whom Mollohan bought $2 million worth of property on Bald Head Island, N.C.
Controversy over this blending of commerce and legislation has triggered a federal probe, cost Mollohan his position on the House ethics committee and undermined the Democrats’ effort to portray the GOP as the party of corruption because of the Jack Abramoff scandal. As early as today, the 12-term congressman will admit that he misstated some transactions in his congressional filings, according to Mollohan staffers.
Someone really stupid said “We know the Democrats have had no legislative agenda during this Congress”
Uh,.. no they did not have the majority needed to pass an agenda. It was the Republican majority, which was too busy trying to escape indictments for its criminal activities that had no agenda.
But keep lying. You ain’t fooling anyone.
Will – you’re obviously not as well-versed in politics as you’d like everyone to believe. NO, I don’t expect Feingold to take Cantwell to task for being the exact polar opposite of him on practically every issue (which she most certainly is). That’s not how the game is played. He is here to rally the troops. Duh. All the other WA State Dems in our region will be there too, and I can assure you, they DON’T agree with Cantwell on ANYTHING except environmental protection. Back up my shit? Here goes, little tantrum thrower:
Cantwell voted to give the President a blank check that allowed him to declare and commit war on Iraq at a time of his choosing. (Feingold voted against, as did Murray). Turns out, all the justifications he gave for needing that war have proven to be bald-faced lies. Three years hence, Cantwell says she has “no regrets” about that vote. But more importantly, the authority to declare war rests solely with the Congress. In it’s in the Constitution. Read it sometime.
Cantwell voted, not once but TWICE, for the fascist-inspired Patriot Act, which infringes on 1st, 4th, 5th and 9th ammendment rights. One could also include the 8th ammendment, which protects against cruel and unusual punishment. “Extraordinary rendition”, “black sites”, “aggressive interrogation” – these are terms made into art by the Bush Administration. Feingold was the only Senator with the guts and integrity to consistently rail against the Patriot Act. Many who voted in favor October 2001, have seen the light and voted against its reauthorization earlier this year. Not Cantwell though. She thinks it’s just as hunky-dory now and she did back then. And those ammendments to the Constitution? Good people have died for them. I doubt the founders included them for fun and profit. Read them sometime.
Cantwell refused to even answer any questions entertaining the notion of supporting Feingold’s censure resolution, the one that holds the President accountable for all executive actions circumventing the Constitution. What a novel and wacky notion – holding the President accountable for circumventing the Constitution and breaking the laws of the land. And up until this week, Cantwell ran away and hid anytime the subject of illegal NSA spying on American citizens was raised. Not to mention the clear contravention of the FISA law, the NSA monitoring emails, the FBI and the Pentagon infiltrating and spying on peace groups like the Quakers. Yes, those Quakers must be a very dangerous bunch. But only now, after the entire WA State Democratic delegation and the majority of American citizens cried foul on the president’s illegal acts and outrageous invasions of privacy, does Cantwell make a statement criticizing the President. What courage, what foresight, what a maverick, eh? No dice. Those laudible terms can only be applied to her polar opposite – Senator Russ Feingold, a man I would be proud to call my Senator. In the next lifetime, perhaps. For now Cantwell could do herself more favors by NOT co-sponsoring threatening resolutions against Iran with man-on-dog Rick Santorum, who is quickly becoming a continual embarassment even to his own party.
The U.S. Constitution – it’s not just for breakfast anymore.
And yeah, as long as the Feingold event is a Democratic rally, I’ll be there with bells on. But if it’s a fundraiser for Cantwell, I’ll find better things to do with my time and money.
Donnageddon … a friendly reminder … “Yo” is a contraction of “yahoo” (as in “trailer park yahoo”) and is properly spelled “Y’o.”
O boy! I’m gonna collect the $50 reward! Who cares if they know where my burrow is. Their stupid traps can’t fool me!
My Bad, Roger.
Y’O is an idiot. YO is what is said by Disney workers at “The Pirates of the Caribbean”
Shoephone: Alright. Fair enough.
Additional question though: Do you think I can get a phone for myself? These spikes and hidden dart guns arn’t cutting it in this day and age. I need more.
For folks who want to see Feingold and can’t bring themselves to contribute to Maria *yet*, he’s also going to appear to raise money for Jim McDermott’s legal defense. I’m telling the more hard-core progressives to just come and/or donate to Jim—I can’t imagine any of us thinks he should lose his house for his defense of the first amendment.
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