Survey USA recently posted the latest results of its Senate approval ratings tracking poll, and Senate Guru has a concise analysis of what the reelection landscape looks like for Washington’s Sen. Patty Murray:
Patty Murray Jan. ’09 Feb. ’09 Mar. ’09 Apr. ’09 Approve 55 54 54 54 Disapprove 36 37 34 32 Senator Murray’s numbers remain remarkably stable and quite safe with little Republican opposition on the horizon.
I dunno, perhaps after losing her King County Executive race, Susan Hutchison will offer herself up for another beating, this time at the hands of the diminutive Sen. Murray, but for the life of me, I can’t think of any other prominent Republican who might be willing to jump into the race. Certainly not Dino Rossi, who seems contentedly devoted to making himself some more money. And while I’ve heard rumors that Rep. Dave Reichert might be considering a challenge, I have a hard time believing he’s that stupid.
No, as things stand, the only Republican with a hope of taking down Sen. Murray is State Attorney General Rob McKenna, and I’d be shocked if he isn’t wisely biding his time in preparation for a 2012 run at the governor’s mansion.
Of course, there’s plenty of time for things to change. The economy could go even further down the toilet, causing voters to blame President Obama and the Democratic Congress. Or some other disaster, political or otherwise, could strike.
But Sen. Murray has always been a much more adept politician than her opponents have ever acknowledged (publicly, or to themselves,) and to describe WA’s Republican bench as weak is to deceptively imply that the state GOP actually has a bench. It’s more like a three-legged stool. With two of its legs missing.
Local R’s sure do enjoy mocking Murray as the dumbest Senator in the other Washington, yet they can’t ever manage to scrape up a credible challenger. Huh. I wonder what that says about them?
I’ve met Murray, she smart.
I’m hoping for another east-west match up with Republican Cathy McMorris-Rodgers stepping up to the plate. CMR’s even dumber than Reichert.
Rob McKenna’s really smart. Probably smart enough to know he’d be facing a potential ass-whoopin’ and if he won he’d be going from an insider and a big fish to an outsider and a small fry. I can’t see any politician with brains wanting to do that.
Well crap-my-pants, it looks like the R’s already have their upper-class, white, christian, male to go up against Murray.
As a convert to Murryism, I agree she is a great Senator and will be re-lected.
What more to ask?
Isn’t this sort of time ripe for leadership in our own state? The guv is not leading .. she is too worried about McKenna. I am not sure what the Democratic party is worried about, their lack of leadership is going to be awfully hard to sell should the Radical Right reorganize around a McKenna as moderate movement.
Imagine how effective Patty would be if she were to take a hand in state politics?
How could that be?
1. Proteges … she could be grooming proteges … starting here in Seattle where we have a self satisfied eternally elected congressman who is ineffective. A real leader would convince Jim to step aside so someone younger and stronger could use this position to build a long term career.
2. State Tax System .. Unless I misunderstand Patty is a citizen of THIS state. Her opinions on this matter could go a long way if only by way of educating our voters. Why else build all this political capital?
3. Immigration. Patty could be THE leader on thsi issue because Washington State has a unique balance of problems. We need foreign workers at our tech industries and our farms and need to minimize the costs of doing both.
4 Hmph…with a name like Sean Salazar? Hispanic/Irish, maybe?
His site doesn’t have a bio, just says he’s a doc who’s been in the millitary. Anyone else have more detail?
Says they need more Republicans working as ballot counters.
Salazar says: “He currently practices at his sports medical clinic in Edmonds, Washington. ” Chiropractic is not medical. The guy misrepresents his practice on his website. What is it about Republican politicians that prevents them from telling the truth?
Looks like a white guy to me. My last name’s Dutch, but my ancestry isn’t.
Hey Troll if you’d take that big black dildo out of your ass long enough to read – you’d see finding publican ballot counters is going to be tough. Only one in five of you asslickers is willing to admit you’re GOP!
Troll: Notice stillbentover never mentions a big WHITE dildo?
Why? They don’t exist!!!
ALthough there are huge red ones and blue ones and purple ones. What do you think that means?
ALthough there are huge red ones and blue ones and purple ones. What do you think that means?
ALthough there are huge red ones and blue ones and purple ones. What do you think that means?
@1 McMorris should stay home and raise her child. She’s a bad mother.
Methinks the puddybiotch forgets the light colored artificial appendage sticking out of his own ass.
10 Whatever color they are to start with, they’re brown when Republicans are finished using them.
We don’t need cheap foreign workers to drive down the value of citizen’s pay; but we need to raise the wages of the workers. That way folks can afford to buy stuff, and we avoid another great depression.
As for Murray, who needs a Republican when she’s backed finance industry ‘reform’, all the wars, is against the inheritance tax, and is in favor of giving the finance/banker racketeers whatever they want with no strings attached?
Man, I hope Dave Reichert is that stupid. Well, I wouldn’t wish that on to anyone, but still! Murray beating the socks off him I would like to see.
Why should Rob McKenna even think about running for the U.S. Senate? He would be part of a national party that doesn’t have a politically viable plan for our country, not so much support at the national level, and even less support in this state.
Running for Governor, the party labels can be less important. McKenna can define his own platform and policies — especially with his intellect and administrative abilities — and not be so tied down by the unpopular national Republican policies. McKenna can even influence state Republicans to have policies that are more sensible and popular.
McKenna would be stupid to get his ass kicked for U.S. Senate in 2010, when he would probably kick ass for Governor in 2012. And who knows — if the Republican Party heads over the cliff, McKenna can always switch parties …
I’ve grown carrots that are smarter than that dumbfuck Murray!
@20: Hmm, a truly intelligent comment from a carrot.
Muraay is a heck of a lot smarter than:
Michelle Bachmann
Dave Reichert
Michael Steele
and other Republican luminaries.
@19: McKenna is not all that bright. I have met him. He is mediocre at best, not all that fast at thinking on his feet and is a pretty dull speaker.
Also, he was involved in unethical campaign contributions – not so good for an AG. He is a died in the wool republican – I really doubt he would switch.