In one of his signature fits of truthfulness, Sen. John McCain told John Carlson that the 8th CD race between Darcy Burner and Dave Reichert will be “a close one to watch.”
Well I’d certainly hate to make a potential GOP presidential nominee into a liar, so that’s why I urge you to make a generous contribution to Burner’s campaign. NOW.
See, Burner is working hard towards an end of reporting quarter goal of $320,000 cash on hand, and if she meets it, she’ll be eligible for $250,000 of DCCC “Red to Blue” money. Burner’s on the verge of becoming a national Democratic darling… but she needs your support to help push her over the top. So yank out your credit card, go to my Act Blue page, and give what you can afford.
Please help make Sen. McCain an honest man… and give to Darcy Burner.
I’ve been told that McCain’s exact words were that he called it a “tight race.” Same difference.
You need to drop in the mouseprint…
This is a paid political advertisement for Darcy Burner.
Glad to see that you are still dellusional.
Tell you what… when people start paying me, I’ll be glad to put in the small print. Under current FCC regulations I’m still permitted to advocate for whomever I damn well please.
Glad to see your short sighted, self righteous, arrogance apllies to why you are a failure in your politics as well as your family….
So Goldy you are a Sen McCain follower now? If it’s between Sen McCain and Hilaryin 2008, Sen McCain wins your vote?
Pud- McCain’ll get swiftboated again, just like in ’00. See, McCain is a Christian, and adopted a child from Bangladesh. But the rascist southern GOP (or Bush’s people) said he had a ‘black baby,’ outside of marriage. Nice one, fellas.
Watch out, Goldy: Chris Wickham will make you file paperwork that your comments are in-kind political contribtuitions to Darcy Burner, just like he did with Kirby Wilbur and John Carlson back in the I-912 days.
Hey Pompous, why don’t you teach Democrats how to be successful and popular in politics! Besides hacking Diebold machines, I mean. We already know you guys do that.
I see that BIAW and Pacific Legal Foundation have teamed up to file suit against endangered species status for Puget Sound’s orcas. Great move, guys! Along with BIAW’s Kevin Carns making crank robo-calls to scare little kids, this should help get western Washington voters in a mood to vote solid blue.
Did the DCCC pay you guys to do this, or are you Darcy’s new campaign volunteers?
McCain has the two character attributes which are a prerequisite to becoming a Republican politician–arrogance and hypocrisy. He acts like he’s something special and markets himself as a maverick, yet his voting record is among the most predictably conservative in the Senate. Moreover, his pandering to Bush over the last couple years, after what the Bushites did to him in 2000, is downright shameless. His record shows him to be a guy who wholly lacks integrity and class. He is the kind of whore who gives blowjobs in alleyways rather than at least requiring a motel room in which to perform the deed. I hope the Republicans nominate him in 2008.
Democrats would do much better with a heavyweight candidate in the 8th CD. Preferably someone who has held elective office or had a significant stature in public life previously. I would recommend State Representative Rodney Tom. He presently represents about 18% of the 8th CD in the state legislature. He is a moderate, and has had a proven vote getting ability among moderate and Republican voters. With someone like Tom, the Democrats could actually stand a chance of knocking off Reichert. With Darcy Burner, it will just be a very expensive sound and light show.
Once again Belltowner went racial. Even DLaw said you are stupid in the puppy thread! Do you need a remedial course in ASS Posting? Would you like to rereview the Democratic Racism posts I presented earlier this week you so adroitly decided to ignore because you had no retort?
Roger @ 7…
Okay, here’s my advice on how to be a good and successful democrat.
1. Divorce your wife.
2. Create an evironment where your kids are brought in seperate households.
3. Each house should make a point of talking badly about the other when the children are home.
4. Create a deeper emotional impact on your children by being a political hack, punchline and embarassing them in front of their peers.
5. Provide the absolute minimum in regards to time, money and attention to your childrens upbringing.
6. Look to the state to provide counseling for your children when the damage you have caused comes home to roost.
7. Rather than having a successful, steady income, work as a freelance journailist, software developer and have a political blog as a side hobby.
8. Make sure that your side hobby takes up at least 80 hours a week, when you could be acting as a father or earning better income to provide for your Family.
9. Most important!!! On Tuesday nights, rather than spending time with you family and helping your children with their homework… Go out drinking with a bunch of like minded morons and then post these conversations on;line, so that your classmates parents can see what an absolute moron your are, firsthand.
Am I missing anything?
I fear for our citizens if Darcy is not elected. How can anyone in their right mind support the current republican leadership and majority? It’s just wrong on every level.
The only family value you exhibit is hatred. Why are you such a bitter motherfucker? Did your parents abuse you? Did your older brother diddle you? Are you unable to hold a job because you have such a bad attitude? Anyone, including your own family members, who would want to spend time with you would have to be self-loathing. You are a miserable waste of air.
What a fuckhead, momus.
Rabbit Pellet: Does your brain shut down for good when you sleep like the movie with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore 50 First Dates? Looks like I have to present to you with donko facts just minted on ASSes yesterday:
WHere was the hue and cry of libruls over California and diebold systems. Are you saying a blue state has fraud in dem machines?
The Diebold system “has been shown time and time again to have serious, fundamental vulnerabilities to fraud and vote manipulation,” said John Eichhorst, a lawyer representing the 24 Californians who filed the lawsuit against McPherson. Also named in the suit are the elections officials of 18 counties where the machines are to be utilized this year, including Placer, Plumas, San Joaquin, Tulare, Los Angeles and San Diego.
Senator Debra Bowen, a Marina del Rey Democrat and chairwoman of the Senate Elections, Reapportionment & Constitutional Amendments Committee, said in a statement that the “lawsuit puts the spotlight on the question of whether (McPherson) has the power to ignore the law when it comes to certifying voting equipment for use in California.”
Bowen, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for secretary of state, has contended that McPherson’s certification of the Diebold systems violated state law.
Jennifer Kerns, McPherson’s spokeswoman, said the allegations are baseless. She noted that the systems survived rigorous internal and independent testing, including a thorough review by a University of California, Berkeley, professor who has been critical of electronic voting.”
So Rabbit Pellet, looks like California donks like Diebold Systems Voting Machines. So what’s your beef if the largest state likes them.
Hey ASSes: I am entering into Rabbit Pellet hijack a thread mode. If the turd master can do it, a right thinker can too. Proud Leftist, if momus got to you then this shold really get to you!
So the whiney, crybaby, tattletale little brats grow up to be conservative.
Who knew?
(from the Toronto Star via Alterman)
…And Racist!
(from WaPo via Alterman)
THAT’s a big shocker, ain’t it?
Don’t fergit to clean up yer pee and yer dookie, Pee-Dookie…it ALWAYS stinks after you’ve been here.
Rujax, I’d consider the source on that one…..
In case you’ve not heard, canada as a whole has kicked out liberalism in favor of conservatism.
It appears after years of trying to live a fairy tale, they realized one could not have confidence in a liberal agenda.
One thing ASSes should do is not let Rujax have a PC. From your URL rudejacks:
But Jeff Greenberg, a social psychologist at the University of Arizona who was critical of Jost’s study, was less impressed. “I found it to be biased, shoddy work, poor science at best,” he said of the Block study. He thinks insecure, defensive, rigid people can as easily gravitate to left-wing ideologies as right-wing ones. He suspects that in Communist China, those kinds of people would likely become fervid party members.
For conservatives whose feelings are still hurt, there is a more flattering way for them to look at the results. Even if they really did tend to be insecure complainers as kids, they might simply have recognized that the world is a scary, unfair place.
Their grown-up conclusion that the safest thing is to stick to tradition could well be the right one. As for their “rigidity,” maybe that’s just moral certainty.
The grown-up liberal men, on the other hand, with their introspection and recognition of complexity in the world, could be seen as self-indulgent and ineffectual. – So true. Just look on ASSes with the words of the ASSHeads!
Read the fucking article, maggot. Little too close for comfort I reckon.
Besides…Canada’s conservatives aren’t shitheads like ours. Aaaaand the Social Democrats fucked up enough to get booted from office, which makes the average Canadian voter smarter than…well…YOU!
Wipe yer mouth…errrr…yer butt…ouch!’s the same!!!!!
Wow, what an emotional and empassioned response. The term “truthiness” comes to mind when listening to your propganda.
Rudejacks: Let me ask you this: Why do eat shit and bark at the moon libruls display an overwhelming disinterest when crime waves hit predominantly minority cities like Detroit, New York, Philadelphia & somewhat Minneapolis. I remember the Move Operation in West Philly. I bet Goldy was sitting at home in his suburb home!
It ravages the people and destroys their lives. But you libruls take notice and complain when crime hits where the moonbat people live. Let me present donk city Minneapolis. Why do I bring this up? I was in Minneapolis this past December. I was in uptown but I drove through downtown.
Hey self-indulgent and ineffectual librul rudejacks: Yes the truth does hit home!
Rudejacks: Here are two restaurants in Uptown Minneapolis, where the “good looking” libruls congregate!
Librul racism: Nuff Said!
Put DOWN the crack pipe! WALK AWAY from the crack pipe!
Rudejacks: If you were black, I could give you a pass. I have been called an Oreo and other librul hip and kool names that Republicans don’t use! But deep down I have a core caring for my people. I grew up in cock-roach filled Philadelphia tenements. Goldy didn’t in the burbs! I remember watching someone getting stabbed across the street where I lived. Goldy didn’t in the burbs! I remember watching drug deals on the corner. Goldy didn’t in the burbs!
You libruls control the cities but they are just getting worse! Why is that? The Great Society was to fix that? The Great SOciety started in 1965. What a librul failure.
I don’t expect a cogent intelligent answer from you rudejacks. You are a self-indulgent and ineffectual librul!
ASSes: I present post #29 for your inspection. I present facts to the crackhead rudejacks and he tells me to drop his pipe! Yes rudejacks drop the crack pipe!
You have nothing, nothing, did I say nothing to offer!
Can you imagine if the donks get teh House again? Tax increases throught the roof!
Let me present whiny libruls:
WTF: Most ASSHead libruls claim the MSM is not librully bent. Then why does the WaPo need to do this?
After you get your head out of your ass you can tell the doctor what your COLON looks like…P-D, you whining jerk.
Here’s some good stuff about that great new WaPo conservative calumnist (pun intended).
BTW-Gilliard’s a REAL man…not a gelding like you PD.
Steve Guilliard is a real man because his politics agrees with yours rudejacks? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Sorry, real men think on their own, not with the herd mentality!!!
I make no call on Ben Domenech. I haven’t read his columns. If he is a bad person I’ll agree. But to agree with Steve Guilliard, he had nothing to say when Condi’s cariacature was being ridiculed in editoral comic papers or Michael Steele when his social security number was used by Chucky Schumer operatives. You see rudejacks, it’s laughable to use Guilliard when he is so biased it comes through his pores!!!
I suggest you get another black hero than Guilliard!
Rudejacks: I measure people on what they say when people of their own color are attacked by people of their political persuasion. This is my measurement and you’ll never measure up!
Go ahead, blow your money on a candidate who has no experience. Make my day.
Rudejacks: The disease is assfacia. Donngeddon has it. For the Clueless has it. Today, you came down with it.
Assfacia: It’s a peculiar disease where your ass looks like your face and your bowels don’t know which way to move!
Gilliard had a picture of Steele in clown makeup. It’s a look Steele should try. Truth in advertising. Might get Steele two or three extra votes. ‘Bout all he’ll get. Saw him on Insanity and Colmes. A right-wing whining crybaby. Just like the rest of you right-wing whining cry-babies.
I think it is funny – the repubs are in power, and all the dems can do is whine about how mean and awful they are. No new ideas, no alternate plans. Just no, no, no.
And then they put out a study that whiny people are conservatives. Sounds like you get what you look for, and the Berkeley professors were out to prove their whiny little point of view.
The Republican National Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and even the Bush White House (Karl Rove of course)–may have had a role in the criminal Election Day phone jamming scheme that disenfranchised countless New Hampshire voters in 2002.
The Union Leader today reported that “court records show Ken Mehlman’s office received more than 75 telephone calls from now-convicted phone-jam conspirator James Tobin from Sept. 30 to Nov. 22 of that year.” At the time, Mehlman–the current RNC Chair–was White House political director. [Union Leader, 3/23/06] This raises the disturbing question of whether Tobin, who worked for the RNC and the NRSC at the time and has since been convicted on two criminal charges for his role in the scheme, discussed the plan with one of the President’s most important political strategists.
Today’s news also has important implications for other national Republican figures. At the time the phone jamming scheme was devised and implemented, Tobin’s supervisor at the RNC was Terry Nelson, who Arizona Republican Senator John McCain recently hired as a senior strategist for his Political Action Committee. This means that McCain may have hired one of the key figures in the phone jamming scheme.
“Each new development in this case raises troubling questions about the extent to which key national Republicans had knowledge of or were involved in a criminal scheme to keep New Hampshire voters from getting to the polls,” said Democratic National Committee spokesman Luis Miranda. “The revelation that, in the days leading up to the phone-jamming campaign, Ken Mehlman spoke regularly with a man who has been convicted of criminal charges in this case raises deeply disturbing questions about the Bush White House’s commitment to protecting fundamental right of Americans to vote.
“The American people have a right to know whether the White House political director had a hand in building an Election Day game plan predicated on keeping people from voting. And they need to know why John McCain is turning a blind eye to the role one of his closest advisors may have played in this scandal. Democrats will continue to fight to protect every Americans’ right to cast their vote and have their ballots counted.”
McCain Strategist Terry Nelson Supervised James Tobin During NH Phone Jamming Scandal; Tobin Convicted of Federal Telephone Harassment Charges. Tobin worked for the RNC and the NRSC during 2002, and was supervised by RNC Political Director Terry Nelson. On Election Day, a telemarketer hired by the New Hampshire GOP jammed the telephones of five state Democratic and one firefighters union get-out-the-vote phone banks. James Tobin was found guilty in December of federal telephone harassment charges for his role in the scandal. [Manchester Union Leader, 10/20/05; Union Leader, 3/23/06]
Tobin Called The White House Office of Political Affairs 75 Times In Six Weeks. “In the days before and after the state Republican Party’s 2002 Election Day phone-jamming scheme, the man who now chairs the Republican National Committee was the White House director of political affairs. Ken Mehlman’s office received more than 75 telephone calls from now-convicted phone-jam conspirator James Tobin from Sept. 30 to Nov. 22 of that year.” [Union Leader, 3/23/06]
McCain Strategist Terry Nelson Served As Middleman in DeLay TRMPAC Money Laundering Scheme, Named in Indictment and Had to Testify. Before the 2002 election, John Colyandro, the executive director of Texans for a Republican Majority, sent a blank check to Jim Ellis. According to the indictment, Ellis, who ran DeLay’s Americans for a Republican Majority, negotiated an exchange of corporate money for campaign donations with Terry Nelson, RNC Political Director. As a result, TRMPAC contributed $190,000 to the Republican National State Elections Committee on September 20, 2002 – a contribution that included corporate money. Within two weeks, the RNSEC contributed the same amount back to seven Texas legislative candidates that were TRMPAC targets. Nelson testified to the grand jury investigating the DeLay scandal in March of 2004. [Austin American-Statesman, 9/14/05; Travis County District Court Bill of Indictment, Thomas Dale DeLay, 9/28/05; CQ Weekly, 3/20/2004; San Antonio Express-News, 3/15/2004; Austin American-Statesman, 2/26/2004; FEC,4/8/2004; Texas Ethics Commission, 4/8/2004; AP, 3/20/04; Houston Chronicle, 10/15/05]
Despite Convictions, Indictments and Grand Jury Testimony, McCain Says Charges are “Not True” But That He Would “Check It Out.” When McCain was asked about Terry Nelson’s involvement in these scandals by a caller on a Seattle radio show, he said flatly that the statement was “not true” but that he would “check it out.” [WKVI Seattle, The John Carlson Show, 3/20/06]
Who knew?
On one side: “successful, steady income”
then, its polar opposite: “software developer”
Someone should tell BillG.
so john mccain sent me a letter today asking me to send money to mike mcgavick – even though mccain is the chief pain in the rear to mike’s boss, senator stevens of alaska. mccain opposes stevens’ pet pork and pet ANWR. mcgavick aligns with stevens, not mccain.
mccain wrote something about mcgavick being able to work across party lines and being less partisan than the current congress
what a joke.
mike mcgavick was the beginning of the end of bipartisanship in washington’s congressional delegation. while working for gorton he publically bashed republicans who worked with democrats – even though dems controlled both houses of congress at the time.
and he led partisan whining within the delegation when booth gardner appointed a democrat as his dc representative, something about he couldn’t work with her.
there are newspaper stories documenting all of these things. too bad none of the people who wrote them are around to point these things out to today’s youngters and lazy editors, who are doing their best to portray this as a race.
it looks more like a wipeout.