It’s one kind of crazy to believe these sort of things, as many Republicans obviously do, but it’s an entirely whole new level of crazy for a sitting US Senator to come out and say it.
Sen. Jim Inhofe said today that President Barack Obama’s speech in Cairo was “un-American” …
“I just don’t know whose side he’s on,” Inhofe said of the president.
Good thing for Inhofe the Sedition Act was repealed in 1920.
President Obama, like every other American, is on the side of the US. Why is the GOP so bitter these days?
There’d be even more Democrats if being an ass were the only requirement.
I see the Republicans have committed treason in the House.
ANYTHING for political gain. Loyal Americans these Republicans. Betrayers of our nation’s trust.
Next election. Look for even deeper losses for these fiends.
Inhofe? What a nutjob. Hopeless.
Maybe the people of OK can recall him but then maybe pigs can fly too.
Didn’t the Republicans scream bloody murder and rend their garments for the future of our country when Bush went overseas and Democrats critiqued him?
IOKIYAR, once again.
And when “the messiah” and the congressional libtards went public over the intelligence issues but wouldn’t release the info as Cheney requested it wasn’t for political gain clueless wonder?
Man you are as stupid as rujax.
Idiot @ 6
The person Dems should take orders from is Duck! Cheney.
You’d love that wouldn’t you?
Of course clueless wonder forgets they call Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy “Leaky Leahy”.
In a 1985 television appearance Leaky Leahy disclosed much of the secret information used in the capture the Arab terrorists hijackers of the Achille Lauro cruise ship and killed American citizens. It was classified secret that one of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s telephone conversations was intercepted.
In 1987 Leahy leaked secret information about a 1986 covert operation planned by the Reagan administration to overthrow Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi.
Leaky Leahy allowed an NBC reporter to view the Senate Intelligence Committee’s confidential draft report before the Iran-Contra hearings. Then in January 1987 when NBC used the confidential privileged information in a report, Leahy was forced to step down from his seat on the Senate Intelligence Committee.
This same fool said in 1998 “There is no doubt that since 1991, Saddam Hussein has squandered his country’s resources to maintain his capacity to produce and stockpile chemical and biological weapons.”
Yep that’s your man clueless wonder Leaky Leahy, trying to head a “Truth Commission”.
What was that babbling about in post #7? Looks like a nonsensical clueless wondering fool!
I doubt Sen. Inhofe is alone…far from it!
Friday, June 05, 2009
Obama is in freefall.
People don’t feel safe and are figuring out we are going to have to pay back all the debt Obama is ringing up.
Background noice from a Blog called HA is hardly a reflection of how America is feeling.
Moron @ 9
You lie. You’ve been trying to order people around since you got here. It’s your twisted right wing fantasy. You know exactly what I’m talking about.
Go ahead fool. Command me! Tell me to “shut up” like that fiend BillO. Order a doctor execution. Shout out a few orders to denounce HL while you’re at it.
The response will always be the same:
re 9: Your arguments don’t hold water, but it has become tiresome refuting them because you just repeat them anew.
Your whole approach is that of a filibuster. You might take a look at how well your approach has been working by the % of people who call themselves Republicans.
You are like a kid in the backseat of a care repeating over and over: ‘Are we there yet?’ ‘Are we there yet?’
What was that babbling about in post #11? Looks like a nonsensical clueless wondering fool!
And he gives me a LOL. ROTFLMBBAO
FIEND! @ 10
You pal Stupes’ favorite indicator at RCP shows Obama holding steady at 60 percent approval.
Numbers that devolved primate you voted for twice couldn’t touch.
Times are tough and they’re going to get tougher through probably the first part of next year but Obama is going to hang tough and his supporters will have the last laugh at you right wing fools.
OMG headless appears…
So Leaky Leahy didn’t say those things? Tell me please oh racist putz!
LMAO @ the fool @ 8..
Trying to cover for his right wing whackjob heroes in the House.
@10 (You POS):
You mean Republican HACK, Scott Rasmussen? Whose respondents get to self select based on whether they want to sit thru a 30 minute robo-call? Who then manipulates the data based on methods he refuses to reveal?
You don’t approach cynical. You’re just an idiot.
Come back when you have something reliable. Wait… just go away, you’re clogging up the thread you POS. You’re a waste of bandwidth.
Democrats always take words and change their meaning… The definition of sex, the definition of “is.” and now YLB is defining the word “IGNORED!” to mean keep replying to.
It sure is.
Go ahead and ignore me by hitting “submit comment.”
Wow Zotz@17: That was a real helping of progressive dummocraptism. Mine eyes have see the glory of the coming of progressivism with that screech. rujax couldn’t have been more progressive.
Such hatred
Such vile thoughts
Such progressivism
Thanks for the “update”.
Got Facts, Pudwhacker? Didn’t think so…
18 – You take the cake for stupid on that one Stamn.
Keep up the great work!
Damn it’s fun to see these fools lose at every turn!
This coming the puppet master and circle jerk partner of MWS. This coming from the FIEND who inquired if my daughter was turning tricks yet.
The doctrine of “dopal infallibility”:
The PuddyBiotch is never never never never ever ever wrong. Just ask him.
This why Republicans are now 21% of the public at this point. Instead of actually arguing any specific points, they call anyone they don’t like “un-American”. Just like they were going to pass an actual BILL to name call the Democrats. SERIOUSLY. They just call people names. They did that to Obama throughout the election…and they lost. Just disagreeing with Republicans doesn’t mean you hate America, our troops and want our enemies to win.
Actually, Obama is the Commander in Chief now, so by attacking him, this Senator is attacking our troops, giving comfort to our enemies and obviously wants us to fail. That’s how Ann Coulter explained attacking the Commander in Chief at a time of war worked. LOL
Republicans…what a joke.
Re: the puddy(I am never never never never ever ever wrong. Just ask me)biotch
I’ve been at this stupid-ass sob for years. It never changes. No amount of sourced information, no amount of reasoned argument ever gets through. He is a true “idiot savant”. He is absolutely fixated on proving others wrong. That is all.
“GOP members on the Intelligence Committee on Thursday told The Hill in on-the-record interviews that they were informed that the controversial methods have led to information that prevented terrorist attacks.”
Now that is shocking!!!!!! A breach of Top Secret information…..
It’s only what VP Cheney and Republicans have been saying since the “torture” memos were declass’d.
“When told of the GOP claims, Democrats strongly criticized the members who revealed information that was provided at the closed House Intelligence Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing.”
And this response is conclusive evidence that the EIT were effective, stopped attacks, and saved American lives….
Why won’t President Obama declass this information?
Clearly it’s political…
Oh and before the outrage YLB, first address the host of Democrats who TRULY violate TS security….
Let’s start with Sandy Berger stuffing TS, classified materials in his pants and stealing them from the nation archive…?
Why the faux outrage now?
Moron@20: Your post #17 provided Puddy all the “facts” Puddy needs.
Maybe it’s just you rujax.
King of the HA swineflu weasel cretins.
Right Stuff, you are asking clueless wonder to be objective. That will never happen.
Pud…you’re a closed-minded pathetic blockhead.
RS @ 26
And this response is conclusive evidence that the EIT were effective, stopped attacks, and saved American lives….
How do you figure? We have Republicans and Democrats playing political games. The only thing this conclusively proves is that politicians are, well, politicians.
Unless we have specific details that each of us can go out and independently verify, we have conclusive proof of nothing.
Wow lookie here. The fool@30 got no traction on his previous comment so he copies himself to see himself make himself look good to himself. Isn’t that narcissism? Why yes it is!!!!!
Puddy has finally diagnosed rujax. He has NPD AKA Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He has to lord over his political opposition on HA swineflu weasels. It is also colloquially referred to as “the god complex”.
See ya NPD.
Right Stuff, you know you are on the right track because the Congressional Dummocraptics reacted so vehemently negative. They were knee-capped BIG TIME. Just look at the HA swineflu weasel reactions here.
After Republican-hired crony contractors built showers that electrocuted G.I.s in Iraq, and put wounded U.S. soldiers in moldy barracks to wait months for medical care, the U.S. Trademark Office revoked their trademark on “Un-American(TM)” for misbranding violations.
@6 et al. – Puttybutt is an apologist and enabler for traitors and other enemies of America.
@10 “I doubt Sen. Inhofe is alone…far from it!”
Well, he’s got you and puttbutt …
Kudos PuddyBud.
You’ve got rujax replying to himself.
Talk about being mindphucked.
@10 (continued) “Background noice from a Blog called HA is hardly a reflection of how America is feeling.”
You’re right. America is far, far angrier at the motley herd of traitors, pirates, liars, and nincompoops collectively known as the GOP than is reflected in the HA comment threadsas you’ve seen in the last two elections and will see some more in the next election …
Note: #39 sic
@24 Makes you wonder what’s wrong with the 21% doesn’t it? Did their mothers drop them on their heads when they were infants?
@25 I think you’re being unfair to savants.
Wrong Stuff @ all
If Berger did anything really that bad, he’d be in jail wouldn’t he? Or was he more valuable to the Bush administration out of jail? What was that point I made again about politics?
And why won’t Obama declass Cheney’s “information”? Hah! What a joke!
You tell me genius. Seymour Hersh can’t get his contacts in the government to talk because of Cheney’s “leave behinds”.
@26 “And this response is conclusive evidence that the EIT were effective, stopped attacks, and saved American lives….”
Uh no, it’s not. It’s no more “conclusive” than the sales claims of a door-to-door encyclopedia salesman. What are these claims? Who made them? What evidence supports them? There’s nothing here to assess the credibility of these assertions, which could have been written by a GOP junior staffer, for all we know.
#26 demonstrates how gullible the rightwing sheep are. They’ll uncritically believe anything, without investigation or verification, if it’s what they want to hear. That’s why it’s so easy for their puppetmasters to manipulate them.
Remember how they swallowed the Nigerian yellowcake story whole? And the Kerry intern story? And Saddam’s WMDs? And the absurd claim that cutting taxes increases federal revenue? You could sell these idiots a refrigerator in Antarctica by slapping a “GOP” label on it.
This thread appears to be swirling in the cesspool at this point, so hopefully the following is not too off-point:
My fellow HA’ers, there comes a time in the life of a great blog, when we simply must pay homage to those who reveal the dark side of the global communication network that is the internet. We’re talking about those, of course, who, without the internet, would never have any opportunity to communicate with others at all because of their isolation from human contact. Such isolation is due mostly to extreme views, antisocial idiosyncrasies, and, well, let’s call it good old-fashioned weirdness. The internet permits communication among those who believe Craziness is a perfectly livable community. We pay such homage today by honoring a member of that community.
Before we get to the award ceremony today, let’s help our trolls celebrate the return of the HA Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat). Week after week, our trolls vie with vim and vigor for the trophy, but, sadly, too many weeks pass without an award. All for naught, must think our trolls—for what do I engage in nonsensical arguments that I cannot coherently express to people who are not listening to me if I can’t win the Goat? The Academy apologizes for its absence over the last several weeks. Binge drinking, wanton promiscuity, gambling addictions, too frequent visits to opium dens, you name it—members of the Academy have any number of reasons why getting together for a weekly vote on honoring a troll just didn’t take place. This week, however, the members mopped themselves off the floor, yanked themselves from their iniquities, and scraped the shit off their shoes so that they could walk into a decent establishment. What, you surely ask, inspired such devotion to duty? An unimpaired and unassailable notion of justice, of course. Despite the ease with which Academy members are distracted, they still will rally and focus when particularly egregious trollism occurs. We have been deluged with some particularly foul trollism lately, so here we are today to pay tribute to the perpetrator.
Our honored troll has been a regular on HA threads now for at least a year, if my addled memory serves me at all. He comments frequently, never adding anything of substance to a discussion. I generally like to point out endearing traits of our trolls, but this troll simply has none. He has a sense of humor that never developed beyond fourth grade fart jokes. He has a worldview that never matured beyond a notion of us versus them. He has a sense of justice that, well, I guess he really doesn’t have a sense of justice. This troll’s level of self-delusion exceeds even the clinically-significant mean that marks most trolls; his apparent belief that anyone gives a damn what he has to say would be amusing if he didn’t offer his opinions so often. This troll also has a remarkable gift for deceit; for months at the beginning of his time here he claimed to be a Democrat, yet all he could do was bash Democrats and laud the Neanderthal Right. Still, even in light of all that, we probably would not be honoring this troll today if not for another trait; it is another trait that puts this troll at the top of this week’s dung pile. This troll is an unapologetic and unrestrained racist. His insidious and insistent demand that any black on white crime be the subject of a thread is beyond tiresome. He is simply a waste of air, which is, of course, an attribute that marks him as a skilled practitioner of trollism.
I need say no more; everyone knows who this week’s winner is. And, the Goat goes to—
the eponymous Troll. Wallow in the honor, you fetid heap of afterbirth. Print this off and take it to your weekend KKK Klavern; your brethren will surely line up to give you sweaty man hugs. Celebrate your victory with your goldfish, or whatever species it is with which you keep company at home. Surely, no humans share your home. You’re at the pinnacle of trollism this week, Troll. Enjoy your perch while it lasts.
@32 Move along, folks. Nothing to see here. It’s only a mentally unbalanced fool walking in the street breaking bottles and muttering to himself.
Wow, blockhead…I’m wounded. Boy-howdy…you and you’re super-stupid sidekick marvin got the better of me this time.
I should know better than to take on someone who is protected by the doctrine of dopal infallibility…the ONLY human I know of that is never never never ever ever wrong. Just ask him.
Why do corporate conservatives want the US to become China?
@45 A most excellent suggestion, but you should hand out clothespins to award ceremony attendees to clamp on their noses in case the honoree shows up to collect his plaque.
erratum @49 “selection” not “suggestion” (Goldy’s edit function isn’t working today)
@48 Because they hate America, but most especially because they hate Americans; and of all the Americans they hate, which is basically all of them, they hate workers and consumers most of all.
There goes proud leftist@45 again playing with the goats on Kitsap Peninsula.
Troll, check to see if your goat is empty. When Puddy personally went to get his goat from proud leftist, Puddy was directed to the court house. Puddy was told the “great barrister” was there trying a case. When Puddy arrived Puddy asked everyone had they seen a lawyer carrying a goat-like object. It was a calamitous scene, with people cracking up laughing everywhere. It seemed proud leftist was carrying around these mini-goats for months. People thought he lost his “marbulls”.
One county employee said “Oh yes, he was in his office drinking from it.”
Puddy went “Huh?”.
The person replied “Yes he’s been drinking from a few of them before. He thought his office door was closed but there is a small scratch on it and you can see through the frosted glass. He looks out his window at the Olympics, puts his mouth between the mini-goat’s legs and starts sucking.”
Not knowing this Puddy became alarmed. What was proud leftist doing to my award? When Puddy finally received it it was empty…hollow. Cynical told Puddy his was filled with some liquid. Upon analysis, Cynical learned that liquid was Steve’s Stupid Solution concentrated strength. Puddy was relieved. His goat was empty. Puddy wanted to see what flavor of the month Steve’s Stupid Solution came in.
But Puddy wondered about the “drinking from a few of them before” comment. Why would proud leftist take these mini-goats for a test suck? Was proud leftist addicted to Steve’s Stupid Solution. There’s only one right answer… YES!!!
the troll is an excellent choice…he really puts the “twit” in “twitter”.
@52 the hater thinks he’s funny
re 15: I don’t recall Leahy ever saying that he wanted to be a dictator so that things would be ‘easier’.
I’d personally prefer to call it the Fred Phelps Award.
Inhofe is a traitor, just like ALL Rethuglicans, and should be treated accordingly.
Who’s the stupid one, PuddyTraitor? The 21-percent apologist dancing on the edge of the law with inflammatory statements (which in and of themselves are a pathetic attempt to make up for lack of intellect), or the MAJORITY of Americans, who’re sick and tired of your focus-group-approved lies and hate?
Oh, and speaking of lies and hate, how’s your boy Hal Turner? I’ll bet he’s enjoying his cell in New Jersey after being arrested for inciting his audience to to kill lawmakers and police in Connecticut?
Blow Job Joe@56: Puddy didn’t pay attention to Hal Turner. But keep that thought alive.
BTW fool, did you see more than 2:1 are against closing Club Gitmo and 3:1 are against placing them in domestic prisons? And it wasn’t a Rasmussen poll so suck on that one moron. So much for those inflammatory statements and pathetic attempts as you so worthlessly put it. But the HA swineflu weasel crew keeps marching to the drummer of a different beat.
Well, at least you had a thought today!
Nuff SAID Sucka
The Prosecution Rests
Moronic racist@55: Yeah Leaky Leahy loves to blab. Just like Biden and the bunker.
Hey 9-11 Truther, weren’t you one of those fools putting forth the rumor Bush was gonna cancel the 2008 election? Yes you were. So show Puddy where Bush was gonna be dictator. We see “the messiah” becoming the socialist chairman now. Didn’t he mention “I” 34 times in his General Obama Motors Corporation Speech a few days ago? What is “I” gonna do?
Wrong again eh?
Kudos. Humor is never out of place.
I just LOVE IT when Republicans, like Sen. Inhofe, call President Obama “un-American.” Or, when Newt Gingrich calls soon-to-be Justice Sotomayor a “racist.”
These seedy tactics used by right prove one thing: They have ZERO vision of what the future holds.
This is why they fail at governing.
I thought that the RNC was getting the message back when Ken Mehlman apologized to the NAACP for the RNC’s racist political platform known as the Republican Southern Strategy, but that was obviously not the case.
The FUTURE of this country is not, and will never be again, a white, Christian, male dominated society.
Just on the face of it, blathering on about President Obama being a failed president already, or calling him un-American isn’t going to sit well with the plurality of the electorate.
President Obama is doing exactly what he promised on the campaign trail, and that is why the American public overwhelmingly voted him into office. He’s already had more success as president than GWB.
Add to the equation that President Obama is the first person of color to become president, and soon-to-be Justice Sotomayor is the first Latina nominated to the SCOTUS to the changing demographic landscape of this nation and you have the perfect storm for Whig 2.0.
Not that I care much. At this rate the Republican Party will collapse in 2013 if they don’t gain seats in the house, senate in the 2012 election cycle. Because there is ZERO chance someone like Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin or Mike Huckabee will win the WH.
When will we finally have enough of these traitors and just start putting them on trial – and since they’re all so pro-death penalty – let’s see that they get to watch that work in real time.
In my opinion, if you are a Publican you are an enemy of the USA and I will treat you as such.
Thanks proud leftist. You bud rujax doesn’t get humor. He’s all hate all the time. Kind of like clueless wonder.
Troll: Congrats you put the twit in twitter. rujax said so.
I always thought rujax was the name of the monkey in that story about the organ grinder.
He sure has gotten bitter ever since the obama was elected.
Why aren’t the HA hooligans happy? They have democrats controlling their lives at the city/state/federal level. This should be progressive nirvana.
the marvie-poo needs to know that ‘Ol Rujax ain’t bitter…he’s just concerned for all those poor goats. Yukkkkkkk…..think the marvie-poo’s been tested????
Hey, Republicans, win any elections lately?
OMG!! This is just too much!!
Someone needs to launch a Goat Liberation League. Polar bears have advocacy groups, wolves do, even wild horses. But, what about the poor goats?
His stimulous package is sure doing a wonderful job of getting people back employeed. 9.4% and rising. Great Job Dems!
Rujax bitter???
You know who is bitter on this thread don’t ya?
The Minister of Propaganda for the American Taliban, and Welfarer King, Sheik “American Soldier Hating” al Marviiiinnnnnnn.
GS @ 68:
Are you really that stupid? Really?
The 7 MILLION jobs lost by the Bush/Republican Depression is beginning to be stemmed by the Obama Economic Stimulus plan.
Have you seen the decrease in the number of new unemployment claims?
No you haven’t, or you a liar, or both. Which is it?
Are you one of those fools who buys those late-night get-rich-quick schemes?
@65 Bitter? Heh. That dumbfuck Marvin just can’t stop projecting, Rujax!. Bigotry. Racism. Stupidity. Bitterness. Little Marvin projects the entire package. That dude is so totally fucked up! Hmm, must be due to all that self-loathing over the goatfucking he’s into.
@67 “But, what about the poor goats?”
Baaaaa means no!
I see that Norm Coleman believes that the key to success for Republicans “lies in the ethernet.” I very much encourage this line of thinking. Here’s to Republican success on the ethernet!
Where on earth do they find these people??
I know I’m late to the party but Cyn needs a bitchslap…
Do you even read polls? Do you look or just rely on summaries?
March 1, 2009, Strong Approve 38%
March 15, 2009, Strong Approve 37%
April 1, 2009, Strong Approve 37%
April 15, 2009, Strong Approve 35%
May 1, 2009, Strong Approve 34% (Funny that may 2nd 33% is as low as it has ever been)
May 15, 2009, Strong Approve 36%
June 1, 2009, Strong Approve 35%
Present, Strong Approve 34% (Also hilarious that that’s up a point from yesterday’s 33%)
Please define “freefall” for us? And why does this make you happy? Do you think that a daily tracking poll will get the President out of office any sooner?
Do you wake up, check the polls and then test the weight bearing load on your shower rod on days that it’s positive 3-5 points?
Yes let us all bow down and kiss the feet of Islam, makes perfect sense. Islam is a religion of pieces….boom.
To GS@68
The reason that unemployment claims are slightly lower is because many, many people have simply run out of unemployment benefits. If you used them up, you can’t claim! It’s that simple. Obama’s bullshit stimulus plan has done nothing of the sort! After interest, he buried us over 3.2 TRILLION in debt ! That’s more that ALL of the past presidents put together! You better wise up. This guy is the complete opposite of what the country needs.
Freefall ==
Obama’s Strong Approval vs. Strong Disapproval was +32 2 days after Inauguration.
It’s now ZERO.
In 4-1/2 months, that’s called FREEFALL son.
czechsaaz :
Look, Mr. “I hate American Soldiers” Cynical is here. The officialOsama ass likcer on HA.
Hey, how’s kissing Osama bin Laden’s butt going?
The biggest group of “un-Americans” in America is now called the Republican Party.
Mr. Klynical simply can’t deal with the real numbers. He finds comfort in the Approval Index Polls. To view the real numbers would likely burn his eyes:
AP-GfK 64 32 5/28 – 6/1/09
Quinnipiac U. RV 59 31 5/26 – 6/1/09
God, it must really suck to be Mr. Klynical, what with his outlook on life hinging on the results of a daily tracking poll.
Is Rasmussen the only polling outfit that won’t reveal it’s methodology???
Sorry GS@68, I mis-read the blog and thought you were being an ass. My bad.
You know Mr. Inhofe is the same guy who in a different time would have said that allowing natives to settle themselves on their own land would be unamerican or that if you didn’t go out in the street when challenged and get shot at you’re unAmerican or that if you don’t allow uber oil inc to drill in your backyard you’re unamerican I’d love to see all these fatcats get bucked down if I were in charge all the bulletproof lincolns would disappear they can make lexan to fit a cobalt or a neon why should we foot the burden of someone who talks green thinks in oil colors and talks brown as in the b.s. that comes out of his mouth somewhere in oklahoma a village is missing it’s idiot and I think we’ve found him Mr. Inhofe here is your sign [DUMBASS] where it with pride you senseless self indulgent pretentious fake friend to your state. Long Live Tar Creek Mr. Inhofes legacy
Sheik al Marvin, one of yours is being a bigot at 85. I wonder if he’ll admonish Jason equally for being a bigot or if he’ll prove himself a hypocrite?
@84 “OH, AND HE’S GAY!”
I’m glad you didn’t call him a “faggot”. I don’t want Marvin to start to cry again. That would be so sad.
Unhinged I see like what’s left of the rest of your shrinking party.
OK, dumb ass, pay attention. I didn’t say the unempolyment rate was slowing down. I get the part that the true unemployment rate is higheer than the reported rate because of the reasons you site.
What I said was “Have you seen the decrease in the number of new unemployment claims?
The operative wording here is “new unempolyment” claims.
Those people who go past the 26 weeks fall off the unemplymet rolls.
You know, those folks who started losing their jobs back in October of 2007 when the financial and stock markets started their crash on Bush’s watch.
OK. You seem a bit cranky. I think it’s time for you to take a nappy nap. If you’re good boy and wake up “dry” you can have some milk and cookies and we’ll read your favorite book “My Pet Goat.”
Jason @ 84:
Dude, do all of us American loving patriots a favor.
Take what you’re saying and move away from the keyboard and go out into the streets and scream it as loud and as often as you can.
Say to as many people as possible. Don’t stop, man. America is depending on people like you and Rush Limbaugh to spread your words.
Good God, man, what on Earth are you waiting for? Go shout it now.
Hey, it’s on the front page of the Globe! If it’s a lie, let’s see him sue ! Dept. of Justice statistics : 70% of pediphiles are also homosexuals. It’s simple. Don’t want a gay man as president! Not the example I want to set for my kids. Morality does equal intolerance when it comes to kids and un-natural acts. You libs are sooo mis-guided. Were you not raised with any morals, values, ethics…?
Steve @ 82:
My brother!
You hit the nail right on the head. Why would someone who “says” he’s rich and is a multi-millionaire, living in the Big Sky country, spend so much of his life focused on a “daily tracking poll” and blogging how much he hates American soliders, Gold Star Mothers, and America in general no a liberal blog site.
You’d think he’d find better things to do with his time. You know, like hunt, fish, golf, vacation.
I know what a rose smells like and I know what bull shit smells like, and Mr. cynical’s fantasy posts smell like BULL SHIT.
Oh PuddyTraitor, you must be on your period again.
Jason, here’s a suggestion: Make sure the gun is loaded, put the barrel in your mouth, slowly squeeze the trigger…..
See? All better now!
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Holy sheep shit, Jason quotes the Globe as a legitimae news source.
Oh, man. Please, someone tell me that Rujax playing a right-wing sock puppet to give us all a good laugh.
Because afterall, even the “Dee-Dee-Dee” trolls on this blog aren’t that dumb.
Yayyyy Jason!
So now…finally…”the marvin” and the puddy (the man who is never never never never ever ever wrong, just ask him) biotch, the excreble cyniklown and the “golden goat” winning troll, have some strong competition!!!
Good goin’ son!!! You stupid fucking little asshole.
I love these liberal sites. Seattle is known for this kind of crap! “The toilet of America” That’s why you have the largest population of un-wed mothers! Not a real man among you! Enjoy your welfare…it won’t last much longer… :)
This guy has REAL talent!!!
I don’t think that the Glode is a legit paper, but I do know that one more lawsuit and they’re out of business, so they better be right!
Rujax @ 95:
So you’re not spoofing us as “Jason, The Friday the 13th Scary Conservative?”
You mean, someone is reallllllly that stupid?
Holy Crap!
Jason, you’re one really dumb POS.
“Largest population of unwed mothers”
Wow! I did not know that!
Hey Lil’ Jason…when are YOUR folks getting married?
Damn, GBS…if I was THAT good a satirist I’d be pullin’ in the big bucks in LA…LOLOL
Jason @ 98:
You “KNOW” that for a fact. Tell us, how do you KNOW just one more lawsuit and they’re out of business.
Exactly, what is their balance sheet right now?
Hmmm . . . or are you just talking out of your A Hole?
Don’t worry, Obama’s in charge. All is safe. Now you guys can go back to your coffeehouses and sip latte and real poetry….
You guys crack me up! Do you really believe in the causes you support? I feel very sorry for you.
Rujax, don’t sell yourself short man, you’re pretty damn good.
I love the beat downs you serve up.
Backatcha my brother.
GBS about Rujax:
Yeah, great beatdowns….that and a quarter and you could park in front of a meter for an hour….
I don’t know, when is your mother available??
Don’t get smart little bitch, we haven’t EVEN started with you yet.
If Jason had shown up a few hours earlier he just might have snatched the goat from Troll.
Yes, Jason we do believe in our causes.
Liberty and justice for ALL. Like Dick Cheney approves of Gay Marriage because in America everyone deserves FREEDOM.
Like saving the planet from envrionmental disaster because, um, well, in the endless universe it’s the only fucking place we can live.
Honesty in government.
Living by the Rule of Law, not breaking it.
A stong middle class that earns a living wage.
Fighting and killing terrorists, not letting Pakistan live by the “peace deal” they made with al Qeada on Bush’s watch.
Being patritotic to the principles of our Founding Fathers. Like the Separation of Chruch and State.
Anything else, dumb ASS!
GBS @ 102
My friend works in their NY office as a copyright assistant. He says they’ve almost gone broke over lawsuits. The “one more lawsuit” quote is a figure of speech, although I’m sure it’s not to far from the truth.
GBS spews:
Yes, Jason we do believe in our causes.
Liberty and justice for ALL. Like Dick Cheney approves of Gay Marriage because in America everyone deserves FREEDOM.
Like saving the planet from envrionmental disaster because, um, well, in the endless universe it’s the only fucking place we can live.
Honesty in government.
Living by the Rule of Law, not breaking it.
A stong middle class that earns a living wage.
Fighting and killing terrorists, not letting Pakistan live by the “peace deal” they made with al Qeada on Bush’s watch.
Being patritotic to the principles of our Founding Fathers. Like the Separation of Chruch and State.
Anything else, dumb ASS!
Yeah, you mis-guided fuck. All the bullshit you’re spewing isn’t what the founding fathers meant! You’re like those people that take parts of the Bible out of context….moron!
Testy little prick isn’t he?
I wondered why Obama did not reverse all of the shit the bushcheneygang set up. Hey, I can clearly see Inhofe at Gitmo sucking down some mountain dew in a waterboarding contest with Treason Dick and George the Deserter. Hey, they are out of office, I can call them whatever I want.
When I was in the service senior NCOs told me I could be courtmartialed for calling a Nixon a coward. My reply, of course, was how about if I call him a goatraping, cow blowing motherfucking coward, would they send me to the Nam for that? 2 corp 69-70, saw three massacres. Want to challenge my patriotism, 12 gauges at ten paces because I really don’t care for your third rate country. Kill me I’ve been walking dead since 1970.
I had no quarrel with the Vietnamese. I
@52 Pudding butt seems to have gone completely crackers.
@76 WTF are you babbling about?
@79 Your party lost. Obama will be president for 7 1/2 more years! Eat shit, wingnut.
83 – 85 Looks like someone left the asylum door unlocked this morning and one of the inmates got out.
Moron@115, proud leftist got it. You and rujax are haters. Crazy nutcases both of you.
@106 Been a few years since you’ve parked at a meter in this town, hasn’t it? How often do you get off the pig farm to visit the Big City? Once every 25 years?
@108 Hey, do we have a new troll here? Should I give him the official greeting?
Ouch that’s a big time smackdown.
Need more tampons? Contact stillbentover. He has a few up his ASS!
@111 Gee, another illiterate troll who can’t spell big words like “too” who claims to have media connections. Haven’t we seen this plot line before?
I know how to be a name dropper, too! My cousin’s girlfriend’s dad’s boss has a nephew whose accountant’s brother went to school with a guy whose sister’s husband works with a guy whose brother-in-law’s dentist’s cousin works for the New York Times and he says the only papers still making money are the ones printing UFO photos.
Best tabloid headline I ever saw was,
With a lede like that, how can you not sell papers?
How cum Iran can have nuclear power but the United States can’t?
Does that make sense? Only to a dummocraptic!
@114 Welcome home, brother! I hope you kept your 12 gauge because you and I might have to serve again if these wingnut traitors try to overthrow our elected government like some of them are saying they want to do.
@119 I don’t hate you, puttbutt. I pity you. It must suck to be you.
@126 6,000 warheads not enough for you? Are you yearning for the good ol’ days when the U.S. and Russkies had 25,000 nukes apiece? Are you one of those rightwing suicidal nuts who are disappointed because we never got into a full-scale nuclear exchange with them?
Remember, folks, it was the wingnuts who wanted to launch a pre-emptive nuclear attack against Stalin! It was the wingnuts who wanted to bomb Cuba during the missile crisis! It was the wingnuts who wanted to use nukes in Vietnam!
Pelletizer the only sucking sound is in your house dude.
@126 I guess if I were an Iranian, I’d be asking how come Americans can have nukes but we can’t? I mean, really, don’t you think that when Republicans run around talking about “regime change” in countries they don’t like isn’t that going to motivate every tinpot dictator in the world to acquire nuclear weapons as fast as he can?
But hey, if you really want to get Iran’s centrifuges working overtime, just post a lot of talk on wingnut blogs about exterminating Muslims … you know, threaten ’em with a Holocaust, that’ll get ’em to lay down and roll over …
How cum Playboy magazine can publish women rape thoughts and no libtard condemn it?
Where is the NAGs?
Where are the HA swineflu weasels?
Where are the libtard denunciations?
Amazing… If a Conservative said that about Helen Thomas or others, PMSNBC would be exploding about it!
Pelletizer what a fool.
Yes we need to keep them out of Dummocraptic hands. Look at what Dummocraptics did to Japan with nuclear power. Look at what Dummocraptics did to Vietnam with napalm.
@131 I could’ve sworn the noise I heard was you sucking farts out of your own ass.
@134 You got something against napalm? What are you, a fucking commie? Did you want the VC to win?
As I understand it, the U.S. invasion plan for Japan included “prepping” the landing beaches with A-bombs. They were going to vaporize a few more cities, then shift the focus of the A-bombings to the invasion areas. They planned to send a million G.I.s ashore through the blast craters with no protective gear — they didn’t know about radiation in those days. Can you imagine what a mess that would have created? Instead of 20% of the U.S. population being deformed mutants, we would all have been Republicans!
To listen to you bag O winds the Job market is so good under Yomama we shouldn’t disconnect our phones we’d miss all those job offers coming in.
You must be living in a cave to this this job market and spending spree will do anything for the dems in 2010.
@138 In case you slept through it, the employment implosion began on your boy Bush’s watch, and he planted the seeds for it, too — a decade of unregulated greed. Obama has been on the job for only 4 1/2 months and he’s already turning it around — monthly job losses down from 600,000+ under Bush to around 350,000 now. Once again, a Democrat is saving capitalism from Republicans.
So using nuclear weapons is okay Pelletizer? Just checking…
Here’s what Wikipedia has about Operation Downfall and the use of nuclear weapons:
“On Marshall’s orders, Major-General John E. Hull looked into the tactical use of nuclear weapons for the invasion of the Japanese home islands (even after dropping two strategic atomic bombs on Japan, Marshall did not think that the Japanese would capitulate immediately). Colonel Lyle E. Seeman reported that at least seven bombs would be available by X-Day, which could be dropped on defending forces. Seeman advised that American troops not enter an area hit by a bomb for “at least 48 hours”; the risk of fallout was not well understood, and that short amount of time would have resulted in substantial radiation exposure for the American troops.”
And here’s how Operation Downfall has an effect on the military to this very day:
“Nearly 500,000 Purple Heart medals were manufactured in anticipation of the casualties resulting from the invasion of Japan. To the present date, all the American military casualties of the sixty years following the end of World War II — including the Korean and Vietnam Wars — have not exceeded that number. In 2003, there were still 120,000 of these Purple Heart medals in stock. There are so many in surplus that combat units in Iraq and Afghanistan are able to keep Purple Hearts on-hand for immediate award to wounded soldiers on the field.”
Wow you mean John Effin Kerry could have gotten his fair share of Purple Hearts?
Right wing idiots,
Look at this MORON sore loser ramble on about the future of your bankrupt party.
The key to your future lies in the “ethernet”. Hmmm. Didn’t Bob Metcalfe think that up in the early 70’s?
Not only is he going to LOSE. He’s going to cling to your ugly party like a soiled diaper. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.
@144 yeah LOL the right wingers are so fucking stupid and down-trodden that I ALMOST feel sorry for them. Could you write a script that contained a character that was HALF as inept as the GOP? I don’t think so. They excel at being fools. Which of course is why 4 out of 5 Americans REJECT their bullshit.
“@126 I guess if I were an Iranian, I’d be asking how come Americans can have nukes but we can’t?”
Nah, If you were an Iranian, you’d be asking “why do we need a nuclear reactor when we are sitting on a sea of oil?”