On a lighter note (well… unless you are a cat,) I point you to an amusing image posted over on Upper Left, that reminds all Americans that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is a cold, heartless cat killer.
No, really. As UPI Science and Technology Editor Dee Ann Divis reported back in December of 2002, Frist is a kind of kitty-cat Dr. Mengele, carving up kitties he fraudulently adopted from animal shelters.
Frist acknowledged in a 1989 book that he routinely killed cats while an ambitious medical student at Harvard Medical School in the 1970s. His office said it had no record on how many cats died. Frist disclosed that he went to animal shelters and pretended to adopt the cats, telling shelter personnel he intended to keep them as pets. Instead he used them to sharpen his surgical skills, killing them in the process.
Well so much for the “culture of life.”
Yeah, I know, you self-righteous, knee-jerk Frist defenders are going to whine that such actions are moral because cats don’t have souls… but then, neither apparently does Frist. These are kitty cats, and if not for their fraudulent adoption by Dr. Death, they may have lived out their lives as somebody’s beloved pet.
But what I find most disturbing about this little biographical tidbit is not that it shows what a heartless, unfeeling prick he is. We already knew that. It’s that it shows a pattern in Frist’s life of sacrificing ethics in the name of his personal ambition.
A man who could so callously carve up a cute little kitty is capable of anything.
Reading the comments in the thread, it seems to me that a lot of you righties miss the point, so let me spell it out for you:
“F R A U D”
It’s not that he dissected cats, it’s that he fraudulently adopted them from shelters. The guy is a total puke, with no moral or ethical compass. (And… he hates cats.)
I love how you have totally avoided any mention of the depositions of Dean Logan, Bill Huennekens & the KingCo Model Election Squad. Killing cats for research is a great subject to deflect away from the conduct of your guys (Logan & Huennekens). All this so-called credibility you have with the MSM will disappear as quickly as it arose…in the blink of an eye.
Read and weep about the revelations about these depositions. There is actually more to come. This is enough to get peoples attention Goldy.
Just so you don’t condemn me for getting off the topic of dead cats….DonSux says he has to deal with a “dead pussy” every day in his house!
To get the summary of deposition lowlights, please visit:
You’ve gotta be kidding me!!! Okay, I have lost the last single shred of respect I had for this man because of his status as a physician. Anyone who has a cat knows they have souls, personalities, are capable of love and are most certainly deserving of the same. This is disgusting beyond words. =(
“This election was a model for the rest of the nation and the world at large”.
—-Christine Gregoire, short-timer
Talk all you want about cats, gays, Eyman whatever Goldy.
I find it fascinating but predictable that you would avoid these depositions (UNDER OATH!). What does your magical, mystical Lawyer X have to say about these developments?
When will the Feds come in and when will Logan be held accountable?
Will Logan roll on Ron Sims and disclose any and all outside influence exerted on him during this travesty?
Yeah, I know, you self-righteous, knee-jerk Frist defenders are going to whine that such actions are moral because cats don’t have souls…
Maybe later. But first the right wingers will dispte that the incidents are even true in the first place. They will say that some one else did the killing and he just arrived later with a scalpel. No harm no foul.
Then, if it is true, I suspect their position will be yes he did it, but he was “reborn” after the killing so that washes his records clean.
you are so upset about the souls of cats, ya right. I hope you have an equal if not more amount of sadness for the aborted babies the left loves to promote. Sold for maedical research. will you also have sadness over the human cloning the democrats are so eager to start? liberals are the real soulless ghouls.
Cheap Whine @ 6
“the aborted babies the left loves to promote.” Cheap Whine, do you have an exaample of ANYONE promoting aborted babies? If not, then Shut the fuck up!
I’ll agree we are soulless, left and right alike, since the soul is an artificial construct created by people who can’t handle reality. However, I don’t know anyone who thinks abortion is a good thing. I just believe it is better than the alternative — young women crippled and dying due to back alley abortions, etc. And I give higher priority to the rights of those who are actually alive than to potential life.
As disgusting it is that Frist took cats from a shelter and carved them up, it’s even more disturbing to me that his conscience didn’t get in the way when he told the shelters that he was adopting the cats as pets. Now there’s a combination: a man with no conscience and a knife.
Ahhhh! The ultimate question “when does life actually begin?”
I know at least 4 woman who bought the abortion is ok lie decades ago. They will confess guilt to this day. They wanted any easy out for a mistake. All are good, tax-paying citizens. Fine people. Only 1 is a Christian. But all 4 guilt-ridden about the what did they really do.
I know of no more difficult question. The decision should be carefully weighed. Minors should have parental consent. The baby goes away. The guilt never does.
Cynical @1,
I was heading out of the house to go on a hike, and my hiking companion asked me how I thought people would respond to my “Frist kills cats” post, and I said “Oh… they’ll probably just attack me for trying to deflect attention away from the election contest… that’s what they usually do when they don’t have a comeback.”
So thanks for being so predictable.
Being a dedicated dog person, I’m considering voting Republican now in light of this revelation.
Mr. Cynical, Goldy’s not deflecting attention from the election—he’s just paying attention to more interesting things. Do I really need to say this? Not a whole lot of people other than you are still thinking about the election contest.
Oh, and Cynical… so what you want me to do is, like the Snark, come to conclusions on depositions I haven’t seen, based on the characterizations of Chris Vance?
Yeah… now that’s responsible reporting.
Go read about your pal Dean Logan dickhead.
You should take great comfort that I am so predictable. Frankly, that’s what I admire about you. You are too. And what is wrong with that?? Our world is being watered down with putz’s who focus on civility and how you say things. Open-minded? Open-headed is more like it.
PS When hiking, watch out for those stinging nettles. I’m told a second encounter could be fatal.
Was you hiking companion a woman?
Perhaps it’s one of your groupees?
You do have groupees, don’t you Goldy?
I saw a midget on Howard Stern last night that claims he was with 4 woman at once at the Playboy Mansion.
If that ugly little gnome can get laid, certainly you can???
Wait, so let me get this straight, you are for killing Terry Schiavo, but against killing Cats? Seems like it’s all about political expedience for you Goldy.
Thousands of animals die every day for the betterment of science which saves human lives. Most of those who are for the protection of animals are only so until their own life is at stake and animal research might save them, and then suddenly killing animals is a great idea.
For the record, I’m for an individual’s right to determine when they live or die and in the absence of their capacity to reason, the decision goes to the spouse and then to the family. Schiavo was by the book, Michael was the correct person to make the determination, even if it frustrated a lot of people.
Mr. C
No doubt it is a difficult decision to make. It is not one I will ever have to make, obviously. No doubt some women feel guilty after the fact. Many women feel guilty after giving a child up for adoption as well.
It is unfortunate that so many women feel they have no alternative. It is also unfortunate that some women use abortion as a method of birth control. However, I don’t think the government should be interfering in the woman’s decision.
It has long been my suspicion that many religions object to abortion for the same reason they object to birth control. Because “sex is bad.” The church can’t very well ban it altogether, so they have to control it as much as possible. And the church wants there to be consequences, like babies and disease, both as a penalty and a mark of sin to discourage others, scarlet letters having gone out of style. Things like contraception and abortion, that allow people who have had sex to escape the consequences of their improper behavior, must therefore be opposed.
dave@3……..this is disgusting cruelty i agree. BUT, i must point out that if you think he is alone in this practice you are wrong. this is done quite often by med schools and the students themselves…..all of them.sadly most of this ‘practice’ can actually be done other ways including with dummies and virtual research now….but going to the shelter is still the cheapest.next time you go to your doctor ask him how many dogs die before a surgeon does a surgery he is not familiar with….they practice. and yes, i think it’s wrong.i personally think that the average animal has much more of a soul than the average human.
how many serial killer animals have you met?
Jeff @ 17
killing cats for research is entirely NOT the issue. Lying to shelter officials, and doing independent collection of animals to “practice on,” is. There are established protocols for students to obtain cadavers to work on. Frist went around the system, and then lied about it. Nice.
And I was going to say something about the rather mundane claims coming from Chris Vance, of all people–but Goldy made the point. Stefan really doesn’t care how stupid he looks by relying on that guy, I guess.
Christmasghost @ 19,
It may well be the case the practice is common, and that’s not a good thing. But I think you guys are missing the greater point to this. Frist lied to these animal shelters because he knew if they heard the truth he wouldn’t be granted access to the cats he killed. What he did went against everything the workers at the shelter were there for. How can you trust him on pro-life issues when he clearly didn’t respect it in his past?
TJ @20,
Thanks for once again pointing out the obvious to the denser people here. I’ve just updated the post to spell it out for these people.
wow, you guys are so desperate you will say anything. first of all wayne you moron, how many women actually have an abortion because it will save her life or prevent her from being crippled? 1 in a million at the most. that is a really old excuse. besides, why do you even care what any woman does? you need to worry about that pencildick of yours and how can you keep a condom on it. LOL cuz it’s so small. LOL
Second neddledick, go see http://www.silentscreams.org and watch the videos. we have this new technology called an ‘ultra-sound’ the original naral doctor is now making statement that he and they all lied just to get abortion legalized.
third, scrotumsak, go to any search engine and type in ‘baby body parts’ and see what pops up. OK? don’t puke.
so go ahead with your flaming frenzy over Frist, it will go nowhere just like Delay, just like Rumsfeld, just like everyone else your leaders go after. losers. someone should really be concerned about saving dean logans & ron sims souls. maybe you queens can take them on a nature hike, and reflect on this earth day, your big holiday. LOL, you guys are to funny. don’t get nettles in your bungholes.
you’d think there’d be no money in pointing out the painfully obvious, but…
Sooo I see you have been following the deposition of Dean Logan. You know the election FRAUD “cat” is out of the bag so to speak. And this is the best distraction you could muster? I expected better from you. Perhaps mention Tom Delay a few times. Oooops that’s right. Old Nancy Pelosi’s lobbyist paid junket to Puerto Rico in 2001 just came to light. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Ohio Democrat and member of the House ethics committee, listed registered D.C. lobbyist Smith, Dawson & Andrews. as the trip’s sponsor.
Nice to know you worry about cats being killed and sleep well with human babies having their brains sucked from their skulls. A liberals need his priorities.
The poor editors of the PI and Socialist Times must really feel like the little Dutch Boy with his finger in the dyke with the recent deposition revelations in the stolen election. The pressure is building and soon they won’t be able to suppress it.
“Cheap Whine, do you have an exaample of ANYONE promoting aborted babies? If not, then Shut the fuck up!”
Actually, if you look a few issue back in the Seattle Weekly, I believe you will see that there was a women’s meeting (some leftist group, can’t rememebr the name, but you can google it) and in the photo they were wearing T-Shirts proudly proclaiming “I had an abortion”.
TJ, you should try investigating organ donor practices. are people being cropped before they are actually dead? Are people being rushed to die just for their liver or heart? and really, human cloning? liberals all excited to save the whales, save the earth, save the spotted owl, the ozone, save everything, besides human life. Happy Earth day the religion of the liberals. absolutely funny. This is aprt of why the left is losing so badly in elections and ratings. the left now thinks they need to pass a law to force talk show radio stations to have liberal air time. you see what losers you are? Air America cannot make it so what do they do? they want to make it a law. Doesn’t matter, no one wants to hear the dooms day sky is falling message from the left. a majority of Americans are smarter than you ‘progressives.’
come here, let me knock on your skull a few times.
hellooOO, helloooo, anyone home? LOL
chardonnay, ranting drunkenly @ 27
you do know the “equal time” law you speak of is an old one that was only recently discarded, right?
Why am I investigating organ donor practices, again?
“You’ve gotta be kidding me!!! Okay, I have lost the last single shred of respect I had for this man because of his status as a physician. Anyone who has a cat knows they have souls, personalities, are capable of love and are most certainly deserving of the same. This is disgusting beyond words. =(” – Dave
As opposed to baby humans, whom liberals have no problem whatsoever ripping limb to limb in the mother’s womb.
dave @21….i have to agree with that. and i have lost alot of respect for him for doing that. however, not as an excuse, but all doctors do it. so who do you start blaming?
we all have to take responsability. us, the shelters[they know this goes on] and the doctors.
it’s amazing to me that in this day and age it’s alright to let pedophiles out on the street to re-offend, but if you are a dog or cat and no one ‘wants’ you anymore you can be dumped to be either killed, experimented on, or given to a new and more cruel owner. and all of this is as preventable as abortion. start taking responsability. no one HAS to own an animal anymore than they have to get pregnant.
it’s not rocket science folks. and yes, goldy, i do have a problem with him lying to the shelters. it smacks of end justifies the means and you can’t trust someone that will do that.
so what are you going to do about the scam that dean and gregoire have been pulling?
end doesn’t EVER justify the means…………
it’s not who’s right, it’s what’s right.
So, I guess a well-timed “Here kitty, kitty kitty” would be in poor taste?
31, you are funny.
love the name btw.
TJ @ 28
that is all you have? lol are you going on a nature walk today also or did you take the entire day off to worhsip? LOL
Mr Cynical @ 1
that was the funniest thing about DON you have ever said. ROFLMAO
Lib Pets–
That was a good one!
I was thinking about “I taut I saw a puddy tat”!
Is this a bad thing, maybe but let’s keep it in perspective people. The R’s have a guy that practiced on cats for medical experience. Did he use the best judgment in how he acquired the cats? I’d say not. But you guys have no issue with a Klan member being a leader of your party???? I would say being involved with the Klan is much worse then lying to get a cat, while in med school, to practice on. The result of Frists action, while not good judgment, had good intent. He would be able to better help people by his actions. The Klan likes to “Practice” on people; blacks, gays, Jews, etc. How many people were killed by the KKK while Byrd was a member? How many houses were torched? How many people were assaulted? How many incidents did he, himself participate in?
Trying to compare “fraud” to get a cat from a shelter to election fraud is juvenile Goldy.
Goldy, in your Update you state; “The guy is a total puke, with no moral or ethical compass. (And… he hates cats.)
Well Senator Byrd is a total puke, with no moral or ethical compass. (And… he hates Blacks.) But since he a democrat, let’s not make a big deal about it.
SENATOR BYRD AND HIS KKK PALS (from strangecosmos.com)
Which U.S. Senator is a former member of the Ku Klux Klan?
Which U.S. Senator wasn’t just a member of the KKK but was a “Kleagle” — an official recruiter who signed up members for $10 a head?
Which U.S. Senator said he joined because it “offered excitement” and because the Klan was an “effective force” in “promoting traditional American values.”
Which U.S. Senator wrote the following, three years after he claims to have ended his ties with the KKK: “The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia” and “in every state in the Union.”
Which U.S. Senator also wrote that he would never fight “with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
Which U.S. Senator later filibustered the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act — supported by a majority of those “mean-spirited” Republicans — for more than 14 hours.
Which U.S. Senator opposed the nominations of the Supreme Court’s two black justices, liberal Thurgood Marshall and conservative Clarence Thomas.
Which U.S. Senator warned last year on national television: “There are white niggers. I’ve seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I’m going to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I’d just as soon quit talking about it so much.”
I’ll give you a hint. It wasn’t Strom Thurmond or Trent Lott. But he says it was a “mistake” and, more importantly, he’s a democRAT, so it’s o.k.
Char… I just don’t think I can fit “and callously carved up by Frist” in the name… I
VCR @ 25
You are just like a video recorder Old Nancy Pelosi’s lobbyist paid junket to Puerto Rico in 2001 just came to light. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Ohio Democrat and member of the House ethics committee, listed registered D.C. lobbyist Smith, Dawson & Andrews. as the trip’s sponsor.
You will just keep telling the same bullshit…well guess what you linked to this one earlier, so this is where I found it…this morning
So don’t blame me for the messenger. When will you guys ever learn that you need to check out these people who lie to you every day. How many lies does it take from these guys for you to say, Hmmm maybe what they say isn’t always the gospel.
You wonder why we call you goose steppers.
We need a little leavity here so let me try (at our hosts expense):
Goldy was out in the woods of Wisconsin illegally hunting house cats. A plump little feral scurried in front of Goldy and he nailed it in the head with one shot.
Goldy proudly stood over his prey and felt a tap on his shoulder an is face to face with a huge mountain lion. The mountain lion says “Goldy, you’ve got 2 choices. I maul you or we have sex”.
Goldy opts to take it from the mountain lion.
After recovering for 2 weeks, a pissed off Goldy searches out and kills the mountain lions that violated him. As he stands over his 2nd feline kill, Goldy feels another tap on his shoulder and turns around to see a massive, thought to be extinct saber-tooth tiger.
The tiger looks at the scared, puny little Goldy and says, “Admit it, you don’t come here for the hunting, do ya?”
chard @ 33
I might have a better response if I understood what on earth you were trying to say. You ARE drunk, aren’t you?
did you hear about the new jersey Secretary of State? She is being broke a federal law while working for the Kerry prez campaign. just hit the wire today. wow, it’s a diease among liberals.
A solution has been found for the problem of millions of stray cats roaming the greater Milwaukie area. The Wisconsin Govenor has requested Funding for a retirement home for the Frist family. The Govenor feels that if Frist contiues to hang out with low lifes like Tom Delay, that an early retiremnet is predicted. Frist was quoted as saying ” A Million and a Half cats, big deal, I could get through that in a week or two. But I do expect the state to give me some new scalpels, mine are all worn out.” Frist continued, that this could be a family event and would like to invite everyone over for barbecue later”.
“is being broke a federal law?”
What a completely dumb topic!!!! running out of bullets in your gun.
it’s amazing to me that in this day and age it’s alright to let pedophiles out on the street to re-offend,
I don’t think it’s “alright,” and neither would most people who also feel what Frist did was both morally and ethically wrong.
but if you are a dog or cat and no one ‘wants’ you anymore you can be dumped to be either killed, experimented on, or given to a new and more cruel owner.
Or a more cruel “owner” who will experiment on you and kill you. Most of the time shelters don’t want to put the animals they take in to sleep, but they can’t afford to feed them indefinitely. No way to excuse what Frist did.
TJ @ 40
how dare you blaspheme the word “earth” on this holy day. you should be ahsamed.
Mr Cynical, that was funny.
Yeah Tj–
Father Sun
Mother Earth
The mountains and rivers are our brothers & sisters.
You are part of that Unitarian Universalist crowd, aren’t you tj?
You know, the clowns that start all their prayers with:
and privately tell believers that they pray “JUST IN CASE”.
You just aren’t anywhere near finishing that 12 step program yet.
Your video are Bullshit Propaganda, I can send you ones that shows no plane hit the Pentagon.
You keep thinking that we approve of abortion, we don’t. We want it to be rare and last resort.
Lets solve the problems of poverty, and lack of jobs for the working poor. That is the number 1 reason these people give for having one. The GOP does not give a shit about these people, and that’s why rates are higher under Bush than Clinton….get it. Instead of Killing Doctors and Blowing up abortion Clinics, stop the cause, which is the working poor.
PS Even if you make it Illegal here, who suffers, the poor…the rich women (GOP) will just leave the country.
Don’t mean to be crass, But more Exported Jobs from the GOP.
Bill Frist put himself through Med. School restringing tennis rackets for the Yale boys.
Cheap white whine:
I was encouraged by Mr. C’s civility in discussing this topic. You, on the other hand, apparently can’t discuss any subject without insulting anyone who disagrees with you.
I guarantee more than one in a million abortions are based on health concerns, although that was not what my prior comment said. I am also certain there were many women who were crippled or killed through back alley abortions before Roe v. Wade. I suppose that doesn’t bother you because they deserved whatever they got, right?
I am puzzled by your fascination with the size of my package, although it may be consistent with your general obsession with homosexuality. Nevertheless, you should really consider upping your dosage. That, and get a dictionary.
I see Cynical has poured himself a glass of whatever Chardonnay was having (chardonnay, perhaps?)
You Christo/Nazi Republican trolls should be commended for not once saying “Socialistic Program” or “Christian Haters” throughout this entire thread. I’ve been told it’s a hard habit to break once you’re hooked.
charred array, is strictly a maddog 20-20 gal.
Here’s a good place for you to start.
Dead Cat Test
A kindergarten pupil told his teacher he’d found a cat.
She asked if it was dead or alive.
“Dead,” she was informed.
“How do you know?”, she asked.
“Because I pissed in his ear and it didn’t move,” said the child innocently.
“You did WHAT?!?”, the teacher squealed in surprise.
“You know,” explained the boy, “I leaned over and went ‘pssst’ and he didn’t move.”
I missed that one. I will always remember the stories about Niel Goldschmidt, the child raping Oregon Democrat. Funny thing was, you couldn’t tell he was a Democrat from the MSM stories – they never mentioned his party. It was from then on that I developed a rule that has yet to be broken by the MSM – if they don’t mention the sleazy politician’s party, it must be Democrat.
Media Matters??? A left wing website?? That is your “evidence”?
The fact is that Rep Tubbs initially listed the lobbying firm as the ones who had paid for the trip. When she was caught red handed, they went back and altered the form.
Next you will be claiming that Joe Leiberman and Bernie Sanders never hired their families for their campaigns either. Quick, run to google. Some leftwing site must have it somewhere.
Please quote a credible, unbiased source and then we can take you seriously.
The object of the whole exercise is to unseat and discredit Tom Delay. If Lieberman goes down, who cares?
Remember Bob Packwood? :)
I remember Brock Adams. http://www.horsesass.org/wp-im....._smile.gif
Clueless Lucy@60,
So much the the facade of righteous indignation.
Clueless Lucy…pssst (whispers in her ear) When trying to discredit and unseat, you need to make it look like you are morally superior and outraged and that there is no political motive. You don’t actually admit your motive is to discredit and unseat.
[Clueless Lucy]: “Ohhh. Dang it! I messed up.”
I know somewhere I asked Joe how to embed (imbed??) URL’s (do you use that pormise promise to pay attention.
Well, THAT didnt work!
I hate cats too, but I don’t think I’d adopt them from shelters under false pretenses so I could feed them to my dog. Well, maybe if they were declawed.
to quote Nelson’s ever present comments on SP:
I suspect the reason they’re all so quiet is because they all slipped over to Pullman for the liberal version of heavenly rapture: Noam Chomsky was lecturing today.
Didn’t you feel the state tip eastward?
tj – At first I thought, perhaps he is a person with conviction. Then I began to suspect drug use. Now I’m firmly convinced of your stupidity.
Why the hell does Chardonnay deserve so much of your vitriol?
The whole cat thing is just creepy.
Hmmmm…..to kill a cat or abort a baby….
At least when you kill a cat you can call it murder, Goldy. What about partial-birth abortions? Ever ask yourself what the OTHER part is?
Zapporo….TJ does it because he is weak….have you ever seen him say that anything a Democrat did was WRONG? If you put a big “D” next to Pinochet’s name he would vote for him, that’s pretty obvious.
Launching a personal attack on someone because they have actual convictions is just a sign that you don’t have any yourself….weak.
And you will never get him to say that Robert KKK Byrd did anything wrong….and that’s really sad.
Cheap Whine, still can’t find ANYONE promoting aborting babies? Again, until you can: SHUT THE FUCK UP! You have embarrassed yourself enough by making statements you can’t defend. Better yet, turn off the right wing propaganda, and quit drinking the Kool Aid.
Mr. Cynical @ 10
The right has no such qualms or hesitation when it comes to executing inmates who may be innocent. Why?
Mr. Cynical @ 1
The reason Goldy didn’t mention the deposition is because this thread is about kitty killers.
Chris @ 37
Why cats? Why not dogs? It sounds like discrimination to me. Anti-kittyism is rampant and must be stamped out! Anty-kitty groups are a threat to society.
1. Thoroughly clean the toilet.
2. Add the required amount of shampoo to the toilet water, and have both lids lifted.
3. Obtain the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.
4. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids (you may need to stand on the lid so that he cannot escape).
CAUTION: Do not get any part of your body too close to the edge, as his paws will be reaching out for any purchase they can find.
5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a ‘power wash and rinse’ which I have found to be quite effective.
6. Have someone open the door to the outside and ensure that there are no people between the toilet and the outside door.
7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.
8. The now-clean cat will rocket out of the toilet, and run outside where he will dry himself.
Sounds like Frist was running his own Unit 731 in his college lab. http://www.aiipowmia.com/731/vivisection.html (caution — do not open link after eating) Why is this beast a U.S. Senator? Did he anesthetize the kitties first, or were they howling and screeching as he slowly carved them up into little pieces of kitty?
In Washington, treating animals like this is a felony. Hmmm … maybe this explains something … has anyone checked what the felon voters were convicted of? Proportional analysis would allocate those convicted of First Degree Kitty Torture to Rossi, based on a national study showing that 100% of U.S. Senators from Tennessee known to have kidnapped, tortured, and killed poor little innocent fluffy cute kitties vote … Republican.
The Dog – Now that’s the way to wash a cat. There ought to be a way though to fit in a shop vac or toaster oven to help the poor thing dry off.
The one thing God never gave a self-righteous liberal out on a toot was perspective.
You all smugly act like he was doing this YESTERDAY, when in fact, only until recently it was the NORM for medical students… and it seems it still is the norm in 30%+ of med schools.
Get a grip and find something a little more recent and relevant to writhe and waggle over with phony outrage.
“…For generations, all medical students were required to take a laboratory course in medical physiology that involved hands-on experience with living animals. The course typically began with the study of basic physiology in animals such as frogs, turtles and rabbits. It then moved on to the intensive study of physiology using dogs, which were usually obtained from a pound.”
“…It was in the “dog labs” that students learned the basic techniques of surgery they would later apply to humans. ”
“…But the most important aspect of training was yet to come, one that no anatomical model or computer program can duplicate, and that was the control of bleeding…”
Only 32 percent of medical schools reported using dogs or other live animals in laboratory training in 2001, down from 62 percent in 1994 and 73 percent in 1985, according to a study published in Academic Medicine, the journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.
The hundreds of dogs used in medical school labs barely compare to the more than 70,000 used annually in research experiments, new drug testing and other procedures.
how many of them were obtained under false pretenses?
The only ones we know obtained under false pretenses were the ones OPENLY ADMITTED TO by Dr Frist.
Again Cat killer fans the point is lost.
Frist was commiting FRAUD when going to the Shelter to get the Animals. Lieing comes naturally to this guy.
I am sure most of you have your doctors diagnose your health from a 3 year old video tape.
now I know why Hypocratic and Hypocrite are so close.
It’s like Snarky going to the Foodbank saying he is collecting food for the Poor and taking it back to his Million Dollar Greenlake home. Except nothing dies.
Or Like Cynical saying to the IRS that the money he gives to his church is deductable, when it is just to have sex with the priests.
Or like White wine going to the Garden/Feed Store and buying a truckload of Fertilizer for her garden, before she blows up Planned Parenthood.
Culture of life..my ass
And VCR fuck you, you sent me to Media Matters in the first place….and to all you fucking righties…please post what qualifies as a reliable news source to you.
Here is a bet dumbshit, You go to Air America/or Media Matters website, and I’ll go to a Hannitty,Scarbourogh,Novak or any other of your Hitler youth meeting places.
And let’s see who can prove facts written on these sites as LIES more quickly.
You don’t Listen to Air American cause your stupid so you can’t quote what goes on there.
EVERYDAY…they gone on with Clips from these HITLER propogandists, then locate the facts and dispute them. Normally with GW’s own government studies.
I know facts mess with your mind….but a mind is a terrible thing to waste, look what happen to Chardonay with all the Boozin all these years…just like GW a drug using drunk, then find Jebus and is saved in time to make up words like Partial birth abortion.
Cynical, well there is no hope for a paid shill, living off the guvment rebates, all we can hope for is that his priest fools around and doesn’t use protection.
Whoa! The anger!
All things liberal not going too well for you there dannyboy?
Spiritual Healer & Anger Cleanser.
See http://www.shantimai.com
PUUULLLEASE visit the http://www.shantimai.com website ASAP.
It will truly help you understand the Danny and other LEFTIST mentality….and perhaps feel some compassion for these losers.
There are no Republicans who posted testimonials on that website,,,I can guaran-damn-tee it!
Look what I just found on frist’s website!!
I just get frustrated with you sheep. I know many of you were once good Republicans, with real goal of fiscal responsibility and less government involvement. (except the whine, who has fallen into right wing spin. Brain damage from falling off her 12 step allows for no reasonable thought.)
I have still not been taken up on which media site is good for you to believe. and who tells more lies. I’ll start it off, Lies ‘Oreily has been telling you….Prove them wrong. Scroll down, but just about anywhere on the page it is him denying he ever said anything….then they show the transcript.
These are using his own words. (is that good enough for you nimrods?)
Then he lies and tries to turn it around on the caller, claiming the infamous leftist conspiracy.
What does it take? prove me wrong. (do the same for Franken, Milloy, Grafalo…any of them)
I can send you the lies on each and everyone of these Goebblesque Charcaters from their own filthy mouths….wake up from the nightmare, except Char…just pull the tube 15 years is long enough for you too.
Oh Good grief.
We’re supposed to not laugh at a site dedicated to hating O’Reilly and you claiming it’s proof he lies?
Dannyboy, you’re losing it, kiddo.
OREILY LIES, prove me wrong.
Quit shooting the messenger and read the message.
How much more clear do I have to make it…. THEY ARE HIS OWN WORDS
I know it is a site that keeps an eye on him, why? because he lies all the time.
where do you go to verify his tales and bullshit?
According to your logic, we should forget about what Gary Ridgeway did too, because it was a long time ago.
People who study psychopaths tell us their psychological development is arrested (often by abuse or molestation) at an early age … as they grow up something is missing … namely, a conscience.
Therefore, what happens to people at age three or four can ruin them for life. Typically, the behavior escalates, starting small and growing into something big. (Pulling wings off butterflies -> torturing cats -> ?)
I wonder how many times Bill Frist, one of history’s most notorious mass kleptomaniacs, had committed shoplifting crimes bt the time he reached age 4. Most likely, he started with small pieces of candy and progressed to stealing other kids’ lunch money, presaging his subsequent careers as a serial catnapper and Republican member of Congress.
90 is a reply to 79, in case you didn’t figure that out
According to YOUR logic, all those shoplifters busted at Kmart are on their way to becoming mass murderers??
OHHHH… you seem to want to imply that a practice that was absolutely acceptable at one time is the very same thing as mass murderer Gary Ridgeway just because it all happened a long time ago.
Failed that Logic 101 class, did you?
Hey, AllHatAndNoHorse (aka, all gums, no teeth) Thanks for that website.
I guess it just goes to show…
There’s more than one way to skin a cat!
dannyW at 82
what a cry baby you are. did we hurt your feelings because i see wet your pants again. tolerance danny, tolerance. BTW, Air America is going down in the ratings people don’t listen because they spew hate and lies out of desperation. that’s what commies must resort to. So go change your sponge bob under pants and start listening to Rush, LOL. geez dannyW…het danny W, George W. I think there may be hope for you yet.
dannyw was the first and only client ever rejected from SHANTIMAI (see http://www.shantimai.com) as an “unclean spirit”.
His only hope is the exorcist.
Can you imagine dannyw speaking to a group on stoned hippies at a peacenik smoke-in going off like he does here???
dannyw screams at his kids at night:
dannyw will certainly be one of those parents coaches HATE. Screaming kill the ump at his 5-year old tee-ball game!
dannyw====Old Yeller
Dave @ 3
Your comments could also be used towards queers…Maybe they’re next on the hit list.
Heil Bush!
@ 5
Convicts do the same thing, but it still dosent change the fact they did the crime. Folks can “hide” behind the words of their God, but will pay when the truth comes out in the wash.
Pet Poop @ 92
“According to YOUR logic, all those shoplifters busted at Kmart are on their way to becoming mass murderers??”
No, I didn’t say that, I said they’re on their way to becoming Republican congressmen.
Mr. Cynical – The healing site is hilarious. ROFL. LMAO. Your keen perception of applicablity to the liberal mental midgets that blather on here is genius, sheer genius.
Dannyboy has some issues. The most plausible diagnosis is an Oedipus complex with severe Oreilly dimensions. Frathouse hazing might snap him back into line, but he’ll have to ditch the whiny voice, pocket-protector and shitty haircut first.
IRS Crookical, Vinegar, Zapporo, and the poop.
You have all changed my mind, I am know considering the darkside.
Of course there has been no one to post any proof that AA or MM are lieing on there sites. Unlike “The Fucktor”. But that’s okay because I am changing.
You are right my tolerance level has changed.
I thought there was a place for everyone, I was wrong. I have been misled by all those Bread vs bullets meetings I attended.
I name David Goldstein as a communist….whew got that off my chest.
Please let me know the correct way to get on board, and if there is anyone besides gays and intellectuals we are going after next, let me know and I want to jump on board early.
Which of the fine Fox programs do I need to get my talking points from, or will I just get a Sanchez memo when I am needed.
I think I would be really good at those Activist judges, Can you imagine most of them appointed by Republicans, and turning their backs on us.(by us, I mean good white christian folk) Guess they haven’t heard of Tom Delay…fools.
So Mia Culpa’s to all of you, your right it is so much easier to deflect to something else than actually deal with facts.
and so much more fun.
I am a little squeemish about initiations, Do I have to kill an abortion doctor, or can I just go down to south and lynch a balck guy.
Thank you all for helping me see the light
I’ll wait for the memo.
FRAUD? Oh as in Fraudoire and Dean Logan. As in Ron Simms and John Kerry. Fraud why yes. All you had to do was say King County and we’d all know what you meant. Democrat would have also worked.
Wrong! I WAS once a democrat. But the traitors and 60’s leftover liberal radicals have taken over that party. In a time of war we cannot afford to hand the reigns of power over to traitors who will surrender the nation to the first terrorist that says boo. That was one of the reasons John Kerry lost.
I keep trying to tell you crazy liberals that you are driving the Democrats out of your party. You prefer to tow the radical liberal line at any cost rather than admit that you alienate the middle.
Patriotic Americans don’t like to watch you continually trash this country. Liberals like Jane Fonda who once admonished that if “you knew what communism was, you’d get down on your knees and pray for it”. What is she doing now> She is SELLING exercise videos and books and crap. She is the biggest damn capitalist since John Jacob Astor. And who can forget her atop the anti aircraft guns shooting at our pilots?
And when terrorist struck us, what was the Democrat answer? Democrat Barbara Lee voted AGAINST goint into Afghanistan – THE ONLY member of congress to do so. And who can forget Susan Lindauer, the aid to Democrat Carolyn Mosley Braun? Lindauer has a Northwest connection. She used to be a PI reporter. I guess that it should come as no surprise she was arrested for spying for Saddam Hussein.
Lynch a black guy? Well you party invented it int he 19th century. You are the original racists.
VRWC @ 102
Jane Fonda was also married to one of the wealthiest capitalist in the country (liberal democrat Ted Turner). This is what is so hypocritical of the left. They spew hatred towards corporations and capitalists while the Kennedys fight over Ethels $6.5 million dollar Cape Cod property. And lets not forget how daddy Kennedy made his money. He sucked up companies thru the bank he worked for. And the big F Delano R family, big money in opium runners.
Yes, the left is full of sweethearts.
It seems rather sad to me that all of us have to get to name calling, insuations, condescensions etc. Reading through the past weeks post the ‘right’ side has instigated 80% of all ‘name calling episodes’. It is normal when children play, for the accused to lower themselves to the level of the accuser. Sad state of affairs indeed. Everyone should try to get back to a decent level of integrity in their posts and try to talk truths, not extremist talking points. This is the greatest nation the world has ever seen, lets try and keep it that way.
VCRW @ 102
“In a time of war we cannot afford to hand the reigns of power over to traitors who will surrender the nation to the first terrorist that says boo. That was one of the reasons John Kerry lost.”
Fascinating observation, given that Bush’s and Kerry’s positions on fighting terrorism and what to do about Iraq (now that we’re stuck there) were virtually identical. I thought Kerry lost because of stupid voters who believed the Swift Boat Liars.
VCRW @ 102
You and your nut-wingy ilk are probably the only people on earth who pay any attention to Jane Fonda.
VCRW @ 102
“And when terrorist struck us, what was the Democrat answer? Democrat Barbara Lee voted AGAINST goint into Afghanistan – THE ONLY member of congress to do so.”
What this means, of course, is that every other Democrat in Congress voted FOR going into Afghanistan. In other words, the Democrats SUPPORTED invading Afghanistan by a near-unanimous consensus within their caucus.
VCRW @ 103
It’s true the southern racists and KKK killers used to be Democrats, but they’re all in your party now — not something I’d feel very comfortable about, if I were in your shoes.
fireside @ 105
This used to be the greatest nation until the wingys took it over. Now we’re the world’s biggest debtor, and a country that invades other lands and tortures their citizens.
Fireside @ 105–
Your stats that 80% of all name-calling is instigated by the right is false. You obviously decided you wanted to make a point and went back to find threads to support your already made conclusion. That is the typical LEFTIST approach to statistics. This is why your ilk have invented JUNK SCIENCE.
If you want a calm, loving discussion go call our resident spiritual healer Shantimai @ http://www.shantmai.com. For $70/hr. she will listen to your meaningless LEFTIST drivel and spare us.
PS Have a nice day!
Mr. Cynical @ 111 Show me the numbers!!!!!! Your side is incredibly gifted at shooting (guns, mouths and money down the toilet) Give me ‘your’ spreadsheet, reading here it seems like you are the CPA……
You made the original claim dude..back it up.
How do you define name-calling??
Do you include WingNut, throwing around the words racist and homophobe etc.
Take a look at the posts of jpgee, danw and Don/Alan/?????? with his multiple posting ID’s? How aabout Goldy himself..our beloved host–
Stefan Sharkansky is a prick
Tim Eyman is a whore
Arbitrarily calls people killers, murders, whackos etc. etc.
Mr. Cynical @ 113
Goldy gets to call SS a prick and TE a whore because this is his freaking blog, you moron.
Please, please, please, feel free to set up a BIAW blog and allow open comment threads! Please?
In the mean time, Goldy has asked us to stick to the thread’s topic, so take this kind of bullshit to the open thread, prick.
Topical content: How WILL Frist prove that he wasn’t sexually molesting those cats before cuttin’ ’em up?
Even the sensitive LEFTIST pricks have their limit, don’t they?
I tell you what, if you are serious about civility, you police your own ilk. We’ll watch and laugh as they ignore you!
Mr. Cynical @ 115
“if you are serious about civility, you police your own ilk.”
Say, what? I never suggested anything about civility. Half the fun of the comment threads is the bloodsport :)
Topical content: How WILL DeLay prove that he wasn’t sexually molesting Frist’s cats before Frist cut ‘em open?