As expected, Idaho Sen. Larry Craig announced his resignation today after losing support from fellow Republicans in the wake of his arrest and guilty plea for lewd behavior in a public restroom. Craig will be remembered as much for his wide stance on the toilet as his narrow stance on social issues.
Joan “McJoan” McCarter, a native Idahoan and front page Daily Kos blogger, will join me in the studio tonight during the 9PM hour of “The David Goldstein Show” on News/Talk 710-KIRO to discuss the Craig affair and other issues of national interest. You can stream live at
Julie from Red State Rebels live blogs the Craig resignation on Daily Kos.
Now, maybe we can get some of our fish back.
LOL. The Craig Affair.
More like affairis interruptus.
Now that he has resigned he can go back to explaining to his wife why he was in the bathroom soliciting sex from, horror of horrors, men. On the bright side she now knows that this sexless marriage was not her fault. It was him.
Poor guy, he probably can never utter the phrase “Well my stance is…..” without sending his audience into convulsive laughter.
2 You mean his “beard”? Betcha she doesn’t wait for an explanation. The divorce is probably already in the works, and that there’s a pre-nup that allows her to take him to the cleaners.
Can’t help but wonder how her kids are going to tell the tale a decade or two from now.
As expected, Idaho Sen. Larry Craig announced his resignation today after losing support from fellow Republicans
And therein lies the difference between the parties. Conservatives quickly condemn and force the bad seeds out while you asses turn a blind eye, cover-up, excuse, disseminate, spin and re-elect.
Barney Frank
Ted Kennedy
Freezer boy
The homo in Jersey who dumped his wife and 3 kids
The mayor of SanFran
Bill Clinton
Why is David Vitter still in the Senate?
Why did no one in the Republican Party seem to care about Duke Cunningham’s problems until it became clear that he was headed to jail?
How come no one in the Republican Party seems to care about all the other Republicans, like Duncan Hunter and Jerry Lewis, who are closely tied to that scandal but still sit in Congress?
How come no one has called for Ted Stevens to step down yet, even though it’s becoming well known that he used public funds for his own personal use?
How come no Democrats can get away with that level of corruption?
Because Republicans are more concerned about sex scandals than about people stealing from the taxpayer trough.
Sandy Berger
Robert Torricelli
Jesse Jackson
Gary Condit
Daniel Rostenkowski
Melvin Reynolds
Charles Diggs, Jr
George Rogers
Don Siegelman
John Murtha, Jr
Gerry Studds
James C. Green
Frederick Richmond
Raymond Lederer
Harrison Williams, Jr
Frank Thompson, Jr.
Michael Myers
John Michael Murphy
John Jenrette, Jr
Neil Goldschmidt
Alcee Lamar Hastings
Marion Barry
Mario Biaggi
Lee Alexander
Bill Campbell
Frank Ballance
Hazel O’Leary
Lafayette Thomas
James A. Traficant Jr.
Jim Guy Tucker
Tom Dodd
Jerry Springer
Are you going to answer my question, or are you just going to paste random names into a comment?
Pretty desperate these days, aren’t you? Sure sounds like it.
Can’t blame you…. must be pretty uncomfortable waiting for the inevitable drubbing in ’08.
Spin as you like @ 4 and 6. This is the first one the Republicans have pushed out, and it is because their (your) party has become synonymous with corruption and hypocrisies. THey are scared to death of loosing their remaining “values” voters.
Sure there are some Democrats who have done wrong, though many on your list are irrelevant.
excuse me short memory ass… does the name Tom Foley ring a bell or is your drug drenched brain so far gone you barely remember yesterday?
You spin on it.. I hope it punctures your colon.
Oh let’s see…
The DNC – The Federal Election Commission imposed $719,000 in fines against participants in the 1996 Democratic Party fundraising scandals involving contributions from China, Korea and other foreign sources.
Hillary in bed with the chi-coms – repeatedly, but most recently (YESTERDAY) with a wanted felon, Norman Hsu.
Soros and ACT fined over three-quarters of a million dollars TWO DAYS AGO. Whose senior aid is deeply involved? Oh yeah, Hillary’s pal, advisor, confidant, fellow socialist and fellow criminal, Harold Ickes. There’s a surprise.
I remember TOm Foley, Democrat and former Speaker of the House. Defeated , in part, for his opposition to term limits by an individual who when the proposed limit to his term came proceeded to argue against limiting his own term.
I also remember Mark Foley, Republican, who resigned after the intern scandal.
My brain is fine, how’s yours.
Eat shit on China, pal. After all that has recently occurred with China trade under an administration which mortgaged our future to China you have the balls to bring that up!!!
If that’s your best shot, you’re shooting with blanks.
You ARE too funny! Wrapping that threadbare cloak of self-righteousness around you in order to do the High Drama Queen rendition of offended holiness, while stepping over the reeking corpses of deposed Republican perverts and crooks (though I think the antique commode of Cunningham fame may have a previously unrevealed deeper context) in order to divert attention from your present humiliation.
What do you do in the last act? It’ll be coming along here in a year or so.
4 and 6:
Deflect, spin, lie.
Your corrupt party is going down the tubes and all the stupid coments in this forum is not going to stop it.
Thank you for helping it along.
@13 said:
“Eat shit on China, pal.”
On first reading, I thought you meant he takes his food on porcelain, which is altogether consistent with his sanctimonious demeanor, and who can doubt that he dines on Republican shit…
@4 ” Conservatives quickly condemn and force the bad seeds out”
The numerous conservative crooks now rotting in jail turned themselves in? Bwahaaahaaaaahaaaaaaaa this bullshit is so laughable it deserves a bunch of HARs …
The Japanese would know what to do in this situation (skreeek) but Republicans have no honor.
@11 “Hillary in bed with the chi-coms”
You gotta be kidding. If anyone is in bed with the chicoms it’s Bush and his cheap labor conservative business buddies who …
a) sold our national debt to China
b) outsourced our jobs to China
c) imported shoddy and dangerous goods from China
d) supported lax labeling laws so we don’t know the crap being sold to us comes from China
e) devalued our currency to sell even more crap from China
You’re so full of shit you reek like a sick elephant who’s just had an enema …
Christ, who else besides Republicans would start a war against a third world country, finance it with IOUs so they can give tax breaks to billionaires, and sell the debt to our arch adversaries?
Bush and his fuckward pals have given the Chinese commies the means to bring down the U.S. economy. Next time he seems them, they’ll probably want to talk about Taiwan.
I wouldn’t put it past Bush to look the other way while they grab Taiwan so they won’t call his debts.
I have always grudgingly admired the way you dimwits stick together as a party. There is no scandal you won’t stand shoulder to shoulder on: murder, drugs, theft, treason, racism, illicit homosexuality, defamation, perjury, extramarital affairs… you guys get on the same page and sing the same tune on message. Really it’s quite incredible how close-mindedly loyal you are to anyone with a ‘D’… of course brain-dead zombies act in a similar fashion…
Suppose China invaded Taiwan tomorrow … what could Bush do about it? With our exhausted military bogged down in Iraq, where would he get any troops? Would he ask for 16-year-old volunteers from the private military schools? A strategic thinker Bush is not. A tactical planner he is not. China now has America by the balls, thanks to stupid Republican voters who put a chimpanzee in the world’s most important office.
@23 I have always grudgingly admired the way you dimwits stick together as a party. There is no scandal you won’t stand shoulder to shoulder on: murder, drugs, theft, treason, racism, illicit homosexuality, defamation, perjury, extramarital affairs… you guys get on the same page and sing the same tune on message. Really it’s quite incredible how close-mindedly loyal you are to anyone with a ‘R’… of course brain-dead zombies act in a similar fashion…
@23 See? I can play this game too.
@23 (continued) Except my comment rings far more true than yours does.
I can’t think of one public person who jumped to the defense of Craig. No one said ‘it’s personal’. No one said ‘it’s only about his sex, not his office’. No one said ‘it’s between he and his wife’.
Oh but when your Clinton acted similarly that’s all you dimwits screamed. His CABINET got out in public and condemned THE PUBLIC for intruding on his personal life.
You wonder why you are universally known as hypocrites? There is but one example. Volumes could (and have been) filled with others.
Gingrich wrote a book and was forced to return the fee.
Hillary wrote a book and was celebrated.
Abramoff languishes in jail
Berger wraps his slapped wrist in a bit of ice.
Mark Foley send an IM
Barney Frank has a prostition ring in his basement.
Cheney hits a guy with pellets.
Kennedy drowns a young woman.
We clean our house, you sweep your dirt under the rug then blame others for putting it there.
When does that housecleaning Bush promised about the Plame leak start? Remember his pledge if it came from his administration he would fire those responsible?
Oh, never mind.
And you’ve got be kidding about cleaning your own house. Yeah, sure, after they are convicted or resign.
Boy it is a good thing I don’t have to kiss the talibangelicals asses to get support for a campaign. What do “conservatives” do when they are not lying, stealing, or screaming “I hate Gay People” at the top of their lungs to get support from the mouth breathers, and knuckle dragging votes? I think the answer is having gay sex…..
You should have watched Hardball last night. Pat Buchanan was trying to defend the “Family Values” (sic / puke) party, and it got so bad that he had to laugh. Even this mouthpiece could not hold back the laughter trying to defend these hypocritical animals. Imagine a gay issue coming before the Senate next week, and Craig would have to vote against people like himself. The anti gay gay Senator. Matthews said something like “This is Crazy” I think. Pat could not hold the hypocrisy in…. and just started laughing.
God I would have to defend Republicons to earn a paycheck. I would rather just lock them all up, or put the ones not guilty of any crimes (if any exist) into nuthouses. They are definitely a threat to our nation, and to themselves.
I bet half the Republicons still believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth….. I know 20 million of them think the world is only 6,000 years old…. Bunch of nutcases. And to think, people this retarded are allowed to breed!
The guest that came on after Pat followed the “conservative / libertarian” guest refuting what the Republicon Party supposedly stood for. He said they stood for “Tax breaks for the rich, corporate welfare, and I think lying about everything”. Was almost too funny to watch.
I have always grudgingly admired the way you dimwits stick together as a party.
You’re talking about yourself and the Republicans right? After Cunningham, Safavian, Ney, DeLay, Abramoff, Foley and now Craig? After the Republican stooges that were recently disgraced and even jailed for forcing gay sex on other Republicans? And their hypocrisy and corruption is more or less peanuts compared to the utter disaster that is Iraq. Not excusing any of those crooks from enabling Iraq however.
Typical wingnut – always projecting.
Original Me @6,
That list of name is not very original, what web site did you copy it from? And did you know that not all of the names are Democrat? And some of them are over 50 years old? And some of them never held elected office or a post of high honor? Do you know many of them have never been charged with a crime?
Yet you ran this list to give the impression that they where all Democrats, all criminals and all held either elected office or a post of high honor. To bring up a quote from the same era of some of these names “know you no shame?”.
So please do a little bit of original research, give us the time frame that these people comitted their crimes, what was their crime where (if any), and what party they where a member of and what elected office or a post of high honor they held. I bet you can not do that.
And just because you like history keep in mind I can post a longer list of Republicans that where convicted of crime between 1972 and 1976.
PS does anybody here besides me think that the everybody went after Sen. Craig (I’m not gay, I just like to have sex with men in public restrooms) was gay bashing?
@29: Part of the problem revealed: Republicans can’t spell “prostitution”. That’s why they go to escort services.
Abramoff languishes in jail
Berger wraps his slapped wrist in a bit of ice.
WOW!!! Comparing what Sandy Berger did to what Jack Abramoff did!!! Holy mother of Christ, that’s a new level of stupidity! Even for a right wing troll!
hey @6
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep voting fascist!
I’m serious – if you are so fucking stupid to believe that bush, cheney and their friends need you for anything other than
a doormat,
cannon fodder,
a boot licker,
a serf
then I’m glad your free to believe their fucking lies!
chumps like you’ve been getting the SHAFT since … before the 40 hour work week was passed in 1938?
you’ve been getting the shaft and you keep lining up to get kicked, fucked, shat on and spit on
if only you can carry dear leader’s flag!!
at least you get what you deserve.
Anyone calling themselves Republicons these days belongs in prison. The crime? Aiding and abetting. To support Bush, and his criminal enterprise by calling yourself a Republicon is a crime. If we had an Attorney General that was not a co-conspirator, we would have to build a bunch of federal prisons to hold all the guilty cronies, defense contractors, and war-mongerers.
Anyone calling themselves Republicons should be instantly shipped off to Iraq to die from Bush’s mistakes, instead of us sacrificing the lives of soldiers that don’t know any better.
Oops, I forgot. Most Republicons are far too cowardly to fight for the crime they believe in.
#7 Lee says:
Random names of democrats involved in scandals/illegal/un-moral acts?
Even I have to admit so are too old to really use as troll bait, but the name Melvin Reynolds sure raises some issues. Convicted on 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography. Was convicted of bank fraud and lying to sec investigators.
And then clinton commuted the sentence. Clinton let a convicted sex offender loose on the streets. What’s up with that? What about the children? At least larry craig had the decency to hit on an adult.
Marvin, you and I both know that both political parties will always try to protect their own and sweep bad things under the rug. What’s ridiculous is when someone comes in here and says that it’s JUST a Democratic Party problem. It’s not. Not only that, but Republicans have been involved in recent corruption (like the Jack Abramoff situation) that is beyond anything the Democrats have been involved with in recent times.
Come on rabbit, think and reflect before you hit submit comment. Two 1 sentence posts are not better than 1 two sentence post.
Having the most posts in a thread does not make you a winner.
#41 Lee says:
Damn, did you just admit that both parties do the same thing?
Recent meaning since bush was elected, there sure were scandals galore under clinton. Lot’s of people went to jail because of them.
#37 Lee says:
How do you feel about sandy berger stealing documents about the actions of clinton as regarding terrorism. Do you think sandy was covering up for his old boss?
Two words for you:
Two more words for you:
Fuck you!!
One more word for you:
Left Foot showing his limited intellect… and the fact thst he’s probably not getting fucked since his “sife: left him.
So Marvin, is there a difference between shoplifting and treason?
What is really funny is the security guards supposedly saw Sandy Berger stuffing papers in his pants, but did not stop him. Something not add up there?
The dems have some problems, but the entire party is not one single crime syndicate.
Democrats do not support criminals. Republicans only support criminals. That is the difference.
You cover up and protect yours. You let the homo rumors about Craig and Foley fall like so many used rubbers. You hide and protect law breakers such as Delay and Cunningham. You do this until it becomes impossible to hide them any longer. All this to protect your power.
You still do not get the hypocrisy of voting against equal rights for gay and lesbian members of our society, all the while you are busy sucking a strangers cock in airport bathrooms.
Family values? Fuck you and your family values, asshole.
Is this a sort open thread?
Anyhow, as this is a blog about asses, I think some here may wantt to enter this contest.
Better Asses
Using the term “limited intellect” does not indicate that you have any. The last three words of you post are the rantings of an obviously confused and disturbed individual. Get some help. Get a thesaurus and spell check. Then come back to play.
I know, I know. I use bad language and that means I have no intellect. Same boat as Dick “Go fuck yourself” Cheney or Dick “its always the fuckin’ Jews” Nixon.
The level of your intellectual dishonesty, does it have no bounds?
Damn, did you just admit that both parties do the same thing?
All political parties protect their own. That’s human nature. That does not mean that the level of corruption engaged in by each party is at the same level.
Recent meaning since bush was elected, there sure were scandals galore under clinton. Lot’s of people went to jail because of them.
But anyone with half a brain can easily see that the level of corruption involving Abramoff, involving Iraq and lost money and weapons, involving the way evidence was twisted in order to start a way, and involving how the Department of Justice has been politicized, are at a level that is far and away worse than anything done under the Clinton administration.
How do you feel about sandy berger stealing documents about the actions of clinton as regarding terrorism. Do you think sandy was covering up for his old boss?
I have no idea what he was doing. He shouldn’t have done it. But to use that one little incident as some kind of equivalence between the level of corrupt within the Clinton and Bush Administrations is so laughably absurd that I’m surprised that even you are dumb enough to try it.
start a way
start a war…obviously…
@28 “I can’t think of one public person who jumped to the defense of Craig. No one said ‘it’s personal’. No one said ‘it’s only about his sex, not his office’. No one said ‘it’s between he and his wife’” blah blah blah …
You’re full of shit. The Democrats didn’t conduct a witch hunt for Craig, like Republicans did with Clinton. It was Republicans, not Democrats, who demanded Craig’s head on a platter and forced him to resign. Democrats didn’t say a damn thing; they hunkered down, kept their mouths shut, and let the GOP deal with their own guy. So, where the fuck do you get off claiming Democrats should have defended Craig? He isn’t their responsibility.
@30 “Go Mow the Lawn says: We clean our house, you sweep your dirt under the rug then blame others for putting it there.”
This statement would be true if you were a Democrat commenting on how Republicans behave.
@30 (continued) But you don’t have to take my word for it. Here’s a suggestion: Let the voters decide who cleans their house, and who sweeps dirt under the rug. I can hardly wait! Only 14 more months until the GOP disappears.
@30 (continued) P.S., feel free to run on Chappaquiddick as your party platform in ’08! Here’s how you did in Kennedy’s last election (’06):
Edward Kennedy, Democrat, 1,497,304 (69.46%)
Kenneth Chase, Republican, 658,374 (30.54%)
Kennedy’s victory margin: 838,930 (38.92%)
But wait! Let’s not stop there. Here’s how much traction you guys have gotten from Chappaquiddick in previous elections:
2000 Senatorial Election
Kennedy, 73%
Republican, 13%
1994 Senatorial Election
Kennedy, 58%
Mitt Romney, 41%
1988 Senatorial Election
Kennedy, 65.6%
Republican, 34.4%
1982 Senatorial Election
Kennedy, 60.8%
Republican, 38.3%
1976 Senatorial Election
Kennedy, 69.3%
Rrepublican, 29%
1970 Senatorial Election
Kennedy, 61.2%
Republican, 37%
1964 Senatorial Election
Kennedy, 74.3%
Republican, 25.4%
1962 Senatorial Election
Kennedy, 55%
Republican, 41%
Chappaquiddick, in case you’ve forgotten (and most people have), happened in 1969. Notice what happened AFTER Chappaquiddick — Kennedy got over 60% in EVERY subsequent election, crushing his opponents, except for your likely 2008 presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, who barely managed to squeak over 40%. So, like I said, PLEASE RUN ON CHAPPAQUIDDICK!!! Did Kennedy get away with manslaughter? Yeah, he did, but the voters of his state don’t give a shit. Right or wrong, they don’t care about that issue. It did wreck Kennedy’s White House aspirations, though. Kennedy is never going to be president; take that as your consolation prize, and shut up about it. Chappaquiddick is old news — almost 40 years old — and if you’ve got nothing better than Chappaquiddick to complain about, you’ve got nothing at all.
Tobacco smoke does better at the polls than Republicans do against Kennedy — put that in your pipe and smoke it.
I sure hope Romney mentions Chappaquiddick at least 12 times in his nomination acceptance speech.
Romney might do all right at the polls if he promises to shoot a bunch of Republicans after summary trials.
Just kidding! I can’t resist flinging out a little of that down-home wingnut humor myself! Ann Coulter is one funny woman, let me tell ya! And Pat Robertson — he’s hilarious! The black jokes these freaks spit out at GOP tent shows are the country’s best entertainment! So I’m stealing a little of her thunder. Why should Republicans have good death jokes all to themselves? But if they start cracking one-liners about one-legged Iraqi veterans, I’m gonna get pissed.
@40 ” … the name Melvin Reynolds sure raises some issues. Convicted on 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography. Was convicted of bank fraud and lying to sec investigators. And then clinton commuted the sentence. Clinton let a convicted sex offender loose on the streets. What’s up with that?”
What’s up with that is you don’t have your facts straight.
1. Reynolds served all 5 years of his sexual assault sentence.
2. Reynolds served 42 months of his 78-month bank fraud sentence in prison, bringing his total time served behind bars to 102 months (8 years, 4 months).
3. Clinton commuted the remaining 36 months of Reynolds’ bank fraud (NOT his sexual assault) sentence, but Reynolds had to spend that 36 months in a halfway house, not “loose on the streets.”
4. After consecutively serving all 138 months (11 1/2 years) of his original sentences in either a prison or halfway house, Reynolds was released (as all inmates are upon completion of their sentences), but is required to register as a sex offender.
Contrast this with Bush’s commutation of Scooter Libby’s sentence. Libby committed treason and didn’t serve one fucking day in jail.
@62 Roger Rabbit 1, Lying Wingnut 0.
Thanks for playing, Stamn. You lose again.
@42 “Come on rabbit, think and reflect before you hit submit comment.”
I did, and then I did.
BTW, my thinking is a good deal more functional than yours.
@43 “Damn, did you just admit that both parties do the same thing?”
Yes, he did; but one of them does a lot more of it than the other, and we both know which one.
@44 “How do you feel about sandy berger stealing documents about the actions of clinton as regarding terrorism. Do you think sandy was covering up for his old boss?”
That one is right up there with Ollie North shredding classified documents while Reagan’s cops looked the other way.
@66 Actually, it isn’t, because Berger only made unauthorized copies of documents under low-level classification, and neither removed nor destroyed any original documents. North destroyed evidence of presidential wrongdoing.
You’re delusional. Bush is in bed with the Chicoms. He’s opened our markets up to their shoddy and tained goods, he’s given our jobs to them, he’s devalued our currency so they can sell more of their shoddy goods to us, and by selling his IOUs to them he’s given China a chokehold on the windpipe of our economy. Now what do you think will happen when the Chinese say to Bush, “Let’s sit down and talk about Taiwan?”
So here’s the difference, the Republicans under Rove made it clear that their goal was to establish a “permanent Republican Majority”. Their words, not mine. Their goal WAS NOT to do what is best for this country, it was to grab and hold onto power. Yes, the Democrats want to win too, but they never have been as monolithic as the Republicans. THey do challenge their leaders when they disagree. Compare that to the Republican Congress when they and Bush had power. The Republicans abandoned Craig because of fear of impact to themselves. No, the Democrats are not saints and they have their sinners too.
Their sins pale before what the Republicans have done to this country. We will be paying (and I am referring to more than the deficit) for years.
Lee says:
Let’s talk about the abramoff scandal. How much did the publicans get, how much did the democrats get.
repubs – $2,575,588 dems $1,123,333 (for a difference of @$1.5 million)
“As Media Matters for America has noted, Democrats
received money from Abramoff’s clients, but not from
Abramoff directly.”
Even you have to admit that’s misdirection. That would be like bush saying I didn’t out the spy, my friends did when I asked them.
How much did norman hsu (wanted felon) raise for the democrats-
“He’s given an estimated $600,000 of his own money to candidates ranging from San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and Assemblywoman Fiona Ma to presidential hopefuls like New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, and helped raise hundreds of thousands more.”
Should I google the huang/chinese fundraising contributions and see how much of that $ went to publicans.
I admit bush was incompetent in his handling of the war.
Government employees, ’nuff said. Remember, there are democrats (soldiers/military leaders) over in iraq… aren’t there?
The democrats twisted the same intel, should I post their comments again? Why did the democrats repeat the lies bush lied about? Sure, a couple democrats didn’t lie, but the others did lie.
Maybe you’re too young to remember, here’s a video from the old days of janet reno firing all the publican attorneys.
It demonstrates a pattern. One small piece of a big puzzle.
Are you saying that convicted sex felons are under house arrest in a halfway house? Maybe they are not as free as a rabbit to roam the streets, but they aren’t confined 24/7. Think of the kids you pervert defender.
Maybe I am a twisted phuck, I would rather a perjurer walking the streets than a man convicted of child pornography. Maybe that’s why I don’t support the aclu supporting nambla.
#54 Roger Rabbit says:
Oh, so this guy is not a democrat?
#57 Roger Rabbit says:
Well said. You admitted he was responsible for an innocent girl’s death AND made the point that democrats are held to such a lower standard than publicans that he’s been re-elected over and over.
Oh, so this guy is not a democrat?
He’s an activist. He wasn’t working at the behest of people in the Democratic Party the way the people who went after Clinton were working at the behest of people in the Republican Party. He was a single guy who investigated whether or not Larry Craig was gay. That’s not even close to the same as how the Republicans in the 90s went after Clinton.
Are you really that fucking dumb?
Well said. You admitted he was responsible for an innocent girl’s death AND made the point that democrats are held to such a lower standard than publicans that he’s been re-elected over and over.
So, do elections have a liberal bias? I don’t understand your point (if you actually have one). George Bush was an alcoholic and a cokehead until he was 40 and he won the governorship of Texas and the Presidency twice. Does that mean that Republicans are held to a lower standard? Do you really think you’re proving that Democrats get away with things that Republicans don’t? Do you have any concept of how little sense you’re making?
Lee @ 73 got it just right about Marv @ 71. One (or more) bloggers are not the same as throwing the full weight of the Republican party, its Congress, and investigators against Clinton.
And those who rail about the liberal press should know the press had rumors about Craig for years and did not print them.
And those who rail about the liberal press should know the press had rumors about Craig for years and did not print them.
Exactly. Anyone who thinks a Democrat in Idaho would’ve been protected for so long from a closer look is one gullible individual.
Much as former Sen. Bob Dole pitched Viagra, I see a pharmaceutical company ad campaign in Larry Craig’s future, for Restless Leg Syndrome.
#74 Lee says:
Wasn’t it drudge that PROVED clinton was lying with the blue dress? I never knew drudge was an elected official. But whatever, you think you can be outed more than once. Armitage outed the spy and then bush’s friends outed her in your opinion.
#79, Marvin, it wasn’t just Armitidge. It was an organized effort by the Cheney gang to shut up a war critic any way they could. After refusing an interview with Novak (who should have been hung alongside Libby for treason by now) one day Armitidge calls Novak the traitor, and agrees to do an interview, and spills the beans on “Wilson’s wife”. Accident? I think not. The “family” doesn’t do accidents.
Rove also repeatedly lied to the grand jury, and Fitzgerald, like a good Republipuke refused to charge him with obstruction of justice. Even if he recanted it was obstruction. Fitz is a gooooood Republican slimeball, just like the rest. The CIA just wouldn’t let him bungle this prosecution.
Remember the CIA told Novak multiple times not to print her name, which he admits, and he committed an act of treason anyway. He must have some big time cover in the White House ya think?
This was an organized effort to attack Wilson. They are all guilty of treason. How do I know? It is because it is their standard mo. Politics is blood sport. If you demand they tell the truth, they come after your family. Pigs. Scum. Slime.
There is no form of life worse than the average Republicon. Like the rabbit says. I can’t wait till your whole party of lying, crooked traitors are voted off the face of the earth in ’08. Even if your buddies control 95% of the media, your days are over.
Don’t ya just love how Bush is not releasing any information to congress? If his gang was innocent (which no one is stupid enough to believe) they would want to clear their names right?
By the way, if you don’t believe the fact that the Republicon Slimeball traitors control the media, count how many reporters knew who the leakers were, and were too scared to tell the American People before the ’04 election. Miller, Cooper, Novak, and Woodward all knew, and kept their slimy mouths shut. Instead of reporting the news, they refused to print an earth shattering story in order to help Bush the destroyer get re-elected, or worse. Maybe they were threatened, and I would not put that past the Rove / Cheney gang. They are just criminals. Anyone with a brain can see that.
The Cons have a stranglehold on our press, and it is time Americans cut their damn hands off.
Murdorch, and his 100% lies network is pathetic, and the retards that watch his Faux Lies shows belong in institutions with Vitter sized diapers on. Can you imagine how retarded one would have to be to believe a word that comes out of Limbaugh’s mouth? You would have to hate America reeeeeeel bad!
K & Chadt: You are sooooooooooooooooooooooo funny.
I guess you two and other Moonbat!s excuse Mattel Corporation who had to recall 18 Million + toys NOT MADE BY US UNION WORKERS because they are cheap labor liberals. I guess lead paint on toys NOT MADE BY US UNION WORKERS is also excused.
Oh well, at least we who think right figured you two out!
Marvin. Stick a fork in the GOP. No one believes their lies anymore. When I say no one, I mean no one with a brain. 25% of Americans appear to have single digit IQ. 25%, or whatever Bush’s approval rating is…..
If you still think Republicons are good for America, you probably think NAZIS were good for Germany.
If there are any Republicons that are not going to prison for corruption, it is because they have been too busy spewing hate, and trying to scare people, while ignoring, or making worse the real problem.
I think their strategy was to make the whole world hate America, and Bush has done a fine job at that!
The GOP is dead. R.I.P. Oops, I mean burn in hell not R.I.P. The lake of fire awaits all your party’s leaders. God doesn’t let warmongering, lying hypocrites past the pearly gates…..
#80 Facts Support My Positions says:
He was the first, even Lee knows this. After being outed, how do you out someone a second time. Think about it.
#81 Facts Support My Positions says:
Good point, bush’s poll numbers suck. So, what are the poll numbers for the democrat controlled congress. What’s the point of having the democrats in control if they are going to do what bush wants anyway. Oh well…
Can you find a post where I say the publicans are good for the country?
How many times you been out of the country whit bush as the president? How many times you been out of the country when clinton was president?
America, the land where there is a problem with pet obesity, while people in other nations starve. Or maybe try explaining to the average worker in Mexico that you spend as much on a cup of java from starbucks every morning than he makes in a day. How many people (driving age) in your household, how many vehicles? What about that family in china that only has a broken down bicycle as the family transportation, it sure makes us Americans look greedy and I’m not even going to mention the cost of your vehicles dwarfs the yearly income of many many families in other countries. Think about the father in some third world nation that has already watched 3 children die along with many other members of his family from starvation, and then he thinks about us asshole Americans that have machines built into their sinks to dispose of unwanted food. Damn, unwanted food. Yeah, we’re hated! When politicians and America’s poor appear on tv complaining about the quality of their lives, the poor across the world look at them and wonder how someone with a microwave, color tv, cell phones, etc, and sporting a few extra pounds have the audacity to call themselves poor. Hell, even the middle class in many European countries would love to live the lifestyle of America’s poor.
The hatred for America has NOTHING to do with Bush. It’s very simple why they hate us, we’ve got it all!!! The freedom to “be all we can be.” We’re the best, and we’re hated because of it. We achieve what we dream, how many other countries offer that. We live in a country that not only are we allowed to criticize the president, but our Founding Fathers (oops, that’s not politically correct, the new term is “framers of the constitution”) expect us to. So much so that if you read the writings of them, they wanted to make sure that we would always have a chance to protect ourselves from the government by including an amendment (2nd) into the constitution. Imagine if America was like so many other countries across the globe (most of which vote AGAINST us in the United Nations), the likes of Michael Moore, Bill O’Reilly, Al Franken, Ann Coulter, etc. would have body parts removed by force and female family members raped as was the practise in Iraq to silence their voices. America has a problem with immigration, not emigration. If all countries had open borders like America does, where do you believe people would flock to? What other country is someone like George Soros after being convicted of insider trading be allowed to spend millions and millions of his money to promote his political agenda.
I won’t even go into what Americans consider “entertainment” and how others across the globe view our violence and sex laced filled movies and how we portray other nationalities, kinda like racial profiling for profit. The amount of violence/hate portrayed in the movies offends the world and since our movies/tv/music are often the only contact/knowledge they have about America it distorts and skews their view of us. Not all of us are stupid fat white men, some are skinny. Instead of becoming more tolerant, America is being divided more and more everyday. I might be mistaken (duh, no surprise), but I believe the “N-word” is much more prevalent in movies, music and tv than anytime I can remember. As a kid I spent many a days at my grandmothers house at 35th place and vermont, the end of the block where the watts riots happened and never even thought about me being white or the kids I played army with as black. Since any republican (ie: trent lott, etc. etc.) that says anything that could even be construed as racist is branded a racist and shamed into retirement, who has allowed the racial divide to grow? Where were the black leaders during the Clinton administration when Clinton’s justice department jailed more blacks than under 2 terms of Reagan and Bush Sr combined. Most Americans, don’t completely understand the real reason behind the practise of killing babies, ala abortions. Of course they say it’s a woman’s “choice,” yet when it comes to school vouchers “choice” is bad. Or even a “choice” to vote for Nadar requires the Democrats to rush their lawyers into court to keep him off the ballot. It was the dixiecrat slave owners that started the practise of abortions to breed only the strongest slaves and to also limit the number of blacks. For some reason I can’t figure out, despite the black population being approximately 13% of the population, blacks engage in abortions at over 35%.
What else makes the world hate us… hhmmm, maybe our support for Israel. Should we stop our support of Israel? Wasn’t it was Israel that in 1967 attacked the USS Liberty, yet we didn’t retaliate. Is this more evidence that the US is nothing but a puppet state for Israel? How many millions of $$ do we send to Israel every year? But don’t we also send $$ to a lot of other countries and when natural disasters occur we rush to their aid? Don’t we have a reputation for rebuilding countries after going to war with them? After the Northridge earthquake, I don’t remember many countries coming to our aid.
Look how the white ruling class (remember, both Kerry/Bush are members of the exclusive Yale “skulls & crossbones” club) controls the country. Why do only rich/privileged men become president? Year after year were are given the choice between twiddle-dee and twiddle-dumb, or more accurately, twiddle-dumb and twiddle-dumber. What “we the people” need is a third and forth party, instead, we get the democrat party using any means necessary to eliminate the people’s choice of Nadar from the ballot and nothing needs to be said about voter registrations being “misplaced” by both the dems and reps.
Any thoughts that Bush has divided the country one only has to look at how all the recounts of the votes in Florida proved Bush won by the slimmest of margins. So slim that if I had a dollar for each vote it would just barely cover a month of my Krispy Kreme bill. Even with what many consider to be the worst president in American history, the country is still divided so evenly that both sides are putting together legal teams to make sure they can win at any cost. For some reason I can’t come close to understanding, Democrats/Liberals can so easily see the wrongs of the Republican/Conservatives yet refuse to admit their party is just as bad… and Republican/Conservatives can so easily see the wrongs of the Democrats/Liberals yet refuse to admit their party is just as bad.
Is war the answer? Never among civilized rational people. *IF* I was so filled with jealousy and hate because you have so much more in life than I do, would you be willing to give up yours to appease me? What if that still didn’t satisfy me because then your neighbor still had more than I did even after being given yours. At what point would you take a stand to defeat me. Clinton tried his best to appease N Korea, giving them a lot of taxpayer $$ that could of been better used to help America’s poor that ended up building the very weapons he was hoping to avoid. Now what do we do, give them more money and hope this time they don’t play us for a fool? Even Spain in their last presidential election tried to appease terrorists by electing a president that was opposed to Bush and his war, at least they caught the terrorists before they launched a second attack against more innocent people. appease v. “To pacify or attempt to pacify (an enemy) by granting concessions, often at the expense of principle” Is there a time giving up your principles to appease your enemy has ever proven to be successful? Ask France if appeasing hitler worked for them.
As far as preemptive war, if you could go back in time to 3 days before hitler took power, would you do anything? If war is only to protect America like the founding fathers wanted, what part of America did hitler invade? Kosovo… another war that America engaged in without being attacked AND without the support of the United Nations, thus, once again failing the “global test.” The people that are so up in arms about not having UN support in the war against iraq despite UN resolution after UN resolution have yet to complain about the handling of kosovo.
Am I simply trying to take cheap shots at Clinton/Democrats without sending a few towards Bush/Republicans? Nope, I’m confident that you/I already know the evils of Bush. From Enron/republicans to WorldCom/democrats, it’s always “we the people” that suffer from the privileges of those in power. I know that both parties will do whatever it takes to gain power. “We the people” are the very least of their concerns.
How can politics be improved? To start with… Put another checkbox on all ballots to allow “we the people” to not only vote people into office but to vote them off the government payroll. This will remove the cronyism that ALL politicians actively engage in. If a politician after being voted out of office can’t be placed on a high paying committee by one of his cohorts they will be forced to do what is in the best interest of “we the people.” Make the politician(s) live in the worst conditions of the area they govern. Force them to use the same services that regular people use. As soon as the rich politicians have to watch their kids flounder/sink in public schools there’s no doubt in my mind the education system will improve… and I don’t mean more tax money being funneled to bureaucrats, but real improvements. Take away the government perks. Must be nice to be in congress and enjoy a retirement program that not only do they not pay into, but pays them soooooo much money after a short time in office. Speaking of retirement programs, for a good laugh, set up the same type of program (ponzi scheme) for your company as social security and watch the government haul your butt into jail. But since it’s a government program, it’s all good. Unfortunately for African-Americans, since their life expectancy is lower than that of whites more of the money taken from blacks is given to whites, once again keeping the agenda of the Dixiecrats firmly entrenched. End the two party system. The ruling class has won and have split the country into two. If their were no “party” to pledge their allegiance to, then “we the people” would finally be served. Imagine a third party that takes the best from the dems and reps, wow, what a fantasy land I live in, the ruling class will NEVER allow that to happen. Term limits on the taxpayer payroll. How many politicians float from one government job to another their whole life? Despite what the Hahns, Bushes, Gores, Kennedys, etc., believe, being a government employee is NOT a right, it’s a privilege. A federal sales tax. Once the government loses it’s ability to play the poor against the evil rich it will be harder to control the sheeple. I would say make the tax code “fair,” but the word “fair” isn’t in the constitution, it’s in the communist manifesto. Why should someone work, get paid and for most people, have 50% of their money taken for various taxes (federal income, state income, property, vehicle, sales, gas, utilities and a multiple of other taxes that go unnoticed often disguised as fees), and should they die before spending it, have even more of a tax burden.
The scroll wheel was developed to cope with Marvin.
It’s the only rational way.
Marvin, you’ve covered a lot of ground above. Let’s keep talking and see if we can discuss your points one-by-one in some future threads.
Basically, it seems you’re saying what I’ve long felt to be the essential problem: those who seek power (or strive to hold onto it) offer up their nice little one-sentence answers, without even knowing the questions.
Wow – it seems a populist has spoken.
A lot of material, but fuck right on when we talk about the gap between rich and poor – and why – and the very corrupt political system.
One error – the Euro middle class does not envy America. Germany and France are starting to hire extensively the top end scientists and managers – offering job security, benefits, and lots of vacations – less stress.
America has been taken over by a greedy ruling class – and are becoming a banana republic. Wage slave is increasingly the code for most of us.
@87 good post!
Wasn’t it drudge that PROVED clinton was lying with the blue dress? I never knew drudge was an elected official. But whatever, you think you can be outed more than once.
Drudge was behind Whitewater too? And the federal investigations that followed? Just because an activist had a small part in it, doesn’t mean that he was acting alone! How on earth does that compare to Mike Rogers outing Larry Craig. Seriously, man, you’ve gotta know when you’ve been beat!
But whatever, you think you can be outed more than once. Armitage outed the spy and then bush’s friends outed her in your opinion.
Did I not embarrass you enough in the previous thread on this topic? My last comment back there is still unanswered. And I provided you links to the Wikipedia page on the Plame affair so you can educate yourself. I know, I know, it requires common sense too, so maybe you can borrow someone’s.
Several people were leaking Valerie Plame’s name to reporters at around the same time. Just because Richard Armitage was the first does not mean that he was acting alone. In fact, during the trial it became very clear that there was a conspiracy to get her name out there and several jurors were wondering why the VP was not being charged with anything.
He was the first, even Lee knows this. After being outed, how do you out someone a second time. Think about it.
Do you even understand what a conspiracy is? When it comes to that particular statute, the crime requires intent. It would probably be up to a judge to decide, but if a person leaked the name of a CIA agent, not knowing that someone else already had, they could probably still be charged, even though they technically weren’t the first.
How many times you been out of the country whit bush as the president? How many times you been out of the country when clinton was president?
I know this wasn’t directed at me, but I’ll answer it. I lived in Europe in 1996 and people were almost embarrassingly pro-American, even in Russia. In my most recent trips, that hasn’t been the case. It hasn’t been a drastic change, and even in my recent trip to Cairo, I didn’t see people chanting “Death to America” in the streets (people everywhere are generally very good at differentiating their disapproval of our government with anger towards individual citizens), but my friends overseas have been telling me about how America’s image has been significantly tarnished under Bush. Bill Clinton, however, is still a very well-respected individual.
The hatred for America has NOTHING to do with Bush. It’s very simple why they hate us, we’ve got it all!!! The freedom to “be all we can be.” We’re the best, and we’re hated because of it.
This is simply not correct. The reason that anti-Americanism has been skyrocketing in recent years is due to the War in Iraq and a belief that Bush is an imperialist leader that does not care about the health and welfare of the rest of the world. By all measures, Europeans have more freedom than we do (and having lived there, in even one of the most socialist European countries, I can very confidently say that). We are not hated for our freedom. Most people around the world don’t even have a concept of what it’s like to even live in the United States. To them, the United States is more of an abstract, only viewed through the prism of our foreign policy.
We live in a country that not only are we allowed to criticize the president, but our Founding Fathers (oops, that’s not politically correct, the new term is “framers of the constitution”) expect us to.
Sure, and this has become the norm across most of the first world. In fact, when New Zealand recently tried to pass an anti-satire bill, it was noted across the world for being so odd. America is certainly the originator of a lot of these values, but we’ve also been governed by a President and an administration that disagrees with the idea that people should be able to criticize the President. In fact, President Bush has openly stated that he believes that such criticism is “irresponsible”.
So armitage wasn’t acting alone. Was he one of bush’s henchmen, did bush tell him to leak the name? Cheney using mind control to get armitage to out the spy? If you don’t mind me making a suggestion, stop eating those fermented carrots of the rabbits.
If you want to say the bush people took advantage of armitage leaking the name, I’ll agree 100%.
Let’s say I post your personal info on this blog. Puddybud jumps in and posts what I posted, which one of us outed your personal information? Jim mvgreevy is gay. Did I out him?
I guess here’s the question that you are overlooking, how does one out someone already outed?
So armitage wasn’t acting alone.
Correct. This is a well-known fact. Several members of the administration gave Valerie Plame’s name to reporters at around the same time.
did bush tell him to leak the name? Cheney using mind control to get armitage to out the spy?
We don’t know, dumbass! Because Libby was able to deflect Fitzgerald when he lied to the grand jury.
If you want to say the bush people took advantage of armitage leaking the name, I’ll agree 100%.
You can believe whatever the hell you want to believe. I think it’s fair to say that I’m far from impressed with your analytical skills. In fact, when I find myself in agreement with you, it gives me pause.
Let’s say I post your personal info on this blog. Puddybud jumps in and posts what I posted, which one of us outed your personal information? Jim mvgreevy is gay. Did I out him?
I guess here’s the question that you are overlooking, how does one out someone already outed?
Um, are you completely retarded? It’s about intent. When Rove and Libby discussed Plame’s name to reporters, they obviously had no concerns about the fact that they were outing a CIA agent. In fact, Novak had to assure Rove that he wouldn’t let him get in trouble for it. And as I’ve mentioned several times, the fact that Plame’s name was being leaked to the press like this, from several different sources, is a damn good indication that it wasn’t just Armitage working alone. Something else had to be happening.
#92 Lee says:
Sounds like Fitzgerald didn’t want to hear the truth. Why wasn’t armitage asked who put pressure on him to out the spy? Why ask libby and not armitage who told armitage to out the spy?
Sounds like Fitzgerald didn’t want to hear the truth.
And what do you base that on, Einstein?
Why wasn’t armitage asked who put pressure on him to out the spy?
How do you know he wasn’t?
Why ask libby and not armitage who told armitage to out the spy?
Again, how do you know that he wasn’t?
#94 Lee says:
I asked you- (#91) did bush tell him [armitage] to leak the name? Cheney using mind control to get armitage to out the spy?
You answered (#92)
So you said we don’t know because libby was able to deflect when he lied.
Just imagine IF armitage had told fitzgerald that bush/cheney told him to lie, don’t you think you would know it?? It would be the “blue dress” to prove that bush/cheney was responsible for the spy outing.
From MSNBC RE:Craig (and somebody tell me how to insert links here, please)
By Jonathan Alter
Sept. 10, 2007 issue – Earlier this year, Idaho Sen. Larry Craig explained why he favors Mitt Romney. “First and foremost,” Craig said, “he has very strong family values.” That platitude had power for Craig, as it did for his party. But it turns out that family values might no longer have a “wide stance” athwart American politics. The haste with which his fellow Republicans called for Craig’s resignation suggests that they fear many voters will no longer automatically associate the GOP with superior moral standing.
Let’s try this for the above.
That worked? OKFINE.
Just imagine IF armitage had told fitzgerald that bush/cheney told him to lie, don’t you think you would know it??
Why do you think that Armitage had as much to hide as Libby? Isn’t it entirely possible that Armitage didn’t have as much inside knowledge of the bigger picture that Libby did? Just because Armitage was the first person to leak the name doesn’t necessarily mean that he was the person most of aware of everything that was going on.
Gosh libtards, just can’t let Valerie go can you…?
The topic was actually initiated by Mr. Stamn, one of yours.
#99 Lee says:
I’m surprised you don’t know what armitage confessed to. Obviously it doesn’t paint bush in a bad light, *IF* it did you would be writing it here and call me a dumbass. Face it, after armitage outed the spy it was no longer a secret.
#101 Lee says:
I’m surprised you don’t know what armitage confessed to. Obviously it doesn’t paint bush in a bad light, *IF* it did you would be writing it here and call me a dumbass. Face it, after armitage outed the spy it was no longer a secret.
It doesn’t paint Bush in a bad light. It also doesn’t prove that there wasn’t a larger push within the Bush Administration to get Valerie Plame’s name in the media.
Close your fucking blockquotes, you idiot.
My comment is somewhere trapped in the comment above. My god, you’re useless.
#103 Lee says:
I screwed the pooch on that one. thanks for fixing it.