I keep hearing from people who claim to be Democrats who tell me that they just can’t vote for Sen. Maria Cantwell because of her ongoing support for the war in Iraq. Well, Andrew heard her speak at a fundraiser today, and gee, I dunno… she doesn’t sound all that pro-war to me:
Addressing the administration’s failures in Iraq, Cantwell declared to thunderous applause, “This year must be a year of transition. In 2006 we must get the Iraqi people back on their feet and bring our troops home.”
Though Senator Cantwell has been repeatedly criticized for not having a position on Iraq, it was clear tonight that she does indeed have one.
Senator Cantwell believes that our presence so far in the region hasn’t made Iraq a freer, safer, healthier country. She is evidently frustrated with the administration’s inability to bring stability to the Middle East, and its constant stonewalling.
Senator Cantwell’s speech had great themes. Most importantly, she showed that she does have a position on the Iraq War and that she is very concerned about the administration’s mismanagement of the conflict.
For those who want to see some sort of dramatic mea culpa in which Cantwell begs forgiveness from constituents for her vote to authorize the war, well… I just don’t think you’re going to get it. But I do expect her to further explicate her position on the war as the campaign unfolds. And as I’ve previously written, her position is decidedly not pro-war.
Good news! Now I won’t have to hold my nose when I mark my ballot for Maria. Filling in those ovals using only one hand is frustrating.
Maria supports the war or the occupation ? We already have the record that she supported the war in the beginning . Being opposed to the Bush results is not the same as opposing the war . Hillary complains we may need more troops ,and she opposes the Bush strategy but that does not make her anti-war . Just a differnet kind of war . Is it the same with Maria ? Caught by unsustainable conclusions that she cynically assumed would be resolved by this election cycle . Maria thought she could support the Iraq war and it would be over by now . So what is Maria’s new game plan , it isn’t leaving Iraq in 2006 , Is it 2007 when we leave , how about 2008 ?? How about never ? What is Maria’s exit strategy from Iraq and how long will it take . My guess is she intends to support the ” long war ” and as soon as this messy election stuff is over she can go back to Wash. D C and begin DLC led campaign for the White House .
Let’s have some answers Maria , I know a gal can change her mind , but have you ? , Do you really believe that the war was a mistake , Do you really believe all this death and destruction were worth it ? Or do you really believe that it is time to do a little quarterbacking for your confused “progressive base” who after 6 years of your reign don’t have a clue how we got to this point with a progressive leader such as you ?? Shame on you , Maria , stop the war .
Spit at 2: DLC campaign for the white house? Spit, are you arguing that Cantwell is running for president? If so, you’ll have to provide some evidence.
While we’re at it, could you provide some evidence that Cantwell voted against the then-prevailing sensibilities of the state electorate? And if her vote was in synch with polls, what’s so horrible about that? She won election by the slimmest of margins, so representing the majority view would seem to be a reasonable way to go — particularly givent he heavy-handed political pressure against anyone who went against the president.
You complain that Cantwell has ignored her “progressive base” for six years. What base? Since when does this “base” win statewide elections? Lowry only won the governorship in 1992 because of a weak opponent.
If you are so insulted that Cantwell has gone to where the votes are, let’s see your gameplan for making progressives a relevant political player in statewide elections.
If only people who oppose the Iraq War would go after the Republicans who run the country, then their complaining would make sense.
But Senator Cantwell is not President Cantwell, Vice President Cantwell, Majority Leader Cantwell or Republican Party Chairperson Cantwell.
Please give me a break, toss the Republicans out, give the Democrats a majority in either the House or the Senate or both and then maybe they would have some leverage to get the US out of Iraq.
But right now Cantwell’s vote and Patty Murray’s vote and every other Democratic vote in the Senate really will not end the war and bring American troops home if they don’t have a majority vote.
A Senator McGavick, one more Republican vote, will not change Bush’s actions, in fact it will strengthen his position. This election is a referendum on Bush, not Maria Cantwell.
Communicate to Cantwell your concerns, but how about beating on Bush and Republicans who support him in this state – like Reickert, McMorris and Hastings? Go after the Senators from Alaska like Stevens supporting McGavick.
We need to rally the democratic base not turn them off. Senator Cantwell is family as far as I’m concerned. Republicans have learned how to keep family squabbles inside the family. They also run the country.
I received my new crystal ball today and this is what I was in the year 2029.
Headlines from the year 2029!
Marie Cantwell is still running for office as a conservative.
Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia, formerly known as California.
White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia’s third language.
Baby conceived naturally – – scientists stumped.
Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual marriage.
Iran still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.
France pleads for global help after being taken over by Jamaica.
Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.
George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 036.
Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only.
85-year, $75.8 billion study: Diet and Exercise is the key to weight loss.
Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs.
Japanese scientists have created a camera with such a fast shutter speed, they now can photograph a woman with her mouth shut.
Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative.
Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights.
Average height of NBA players now nine feet, seven inches.
IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent.
Florida voters still having trouble with voting machines.
Ohh I forgot Dean Logan is still counting Votes in King County.
Pardon Me and Ron Sims is selling Pencils on Broadway to fight Aids.
Check out Joel Connelly’s article in the Seattle P.I. today. It details the web of personal/business relationships between Alaska Rep. Senator Ted Stevens and his family. It seems that there is more than one “bridge to nowhere”, and either Sen. Stevens or his family has investment property on the “nowhere” side which will be worth A LOT more once the bridges are built.
McGavick’s recent fund raiser was sponsored by Bill Bittner, Steven’s brother-in-law. McGavick is trying to avoid being photographed with Stevens during the latter’s trip to Washington state, but the connections are not that secret.
Ummm…Klake @ 5,
Plagerize much?
Greenthumb at #3 . I like to call it “the battered voter syndrome ” . That’s where your Senator ignores your opinion , the majority of Washington State Democrats opposed intervention into Iraq . Even after you hate their opinion , they come bask to the house and fill you with 1/2 truths , which the battered voter believes and then they leave and do it again . Cafta, Roberts , Interior from Idaho ?? , Cafta . Just how many times are you going to be beat up by her votes and have it thrown back at your progressive values. If Patty Murray could find her way to oppose the illegal occupation of Iraq , Maria could too. And she still can , Senators stop wars these days , They demand them to stop . Our Democratic leaders have idled on this issue for too long , It is sucking this nation of it’s wealth , it’s youth, and it’s opportunity for a sustainable progressive future.
Changing the subject to state democratic elections is an interesting topic , but it is not the subject of this thread .
Published on Tuesday, December 17, 2002 by the Los Angeles Times
But in the absence of new evidence from U.N. inspectors, 72% of respondents, including 60% of Republicans, said the president has not provided enough evidence to justify starting a war with Iraq…The poll also found that support for a possible war appears to be weakening, with 58% saying they support a ground attack on Iraq. In an August Times poll, 64% said they would support a ground attack.
Let’s make the label the Anti-war base, shall we? There were, after all, persons with varying opinions on issues beyond the war, including pacifism, among we who thought BombIraq a dumb idea.
The Iraq war had to be sold like Vioxx, complete with undisclosed dangers amid the hype, and during a period where support for the war was diminshing Senator Cantwell voted in favor to the Iraq war resolution. Senator Murray voted against it.
So, Cantwell’s vote was not in synch with the polls, or her constituency, and no amount of revisionism will unring that bell.
It is a hopeful sign, however, that after being literally screamed at for years on this issue, she has finally obtained a hearing-aid.
Maybe a Speedo nose clip will help.
Oh Goldy, you crack me up. First, I’m not sure I’d take the word of some crackpot partisan who attended a fundraiser, wait for the imminent press release from Cantwell’s office before making any grand proclomations on her behalf.
But, if we give your source the benefit of the doubt, this signals a MAJOR flip on Cantwell’s part. If we believe she is shedding her hawkish feathers–we’re going to need more than just–“troops out of Iraq by end of the year”.
All that means is she has lost hope for Iraq–unsurprisngly coming from a vote pandering Democrat who can smell public opinion changes in the air.
Careful now, or you’ll make Maria out to look like a flip-floper–err–wait, chickenhawk.
And Goldy, you forgot to mention that Cantwell appeared with the biggest flip-flopper of the new Century–John “Fonda” Kerry! What a loser!!! Some of that old-style Mass. vote-pandering communist wood-teeth talk is sure to rub off on Cantwell!
Hey heyhey…
The little YELLOW ELEPHANT is back.
Ohhhh Kaaaayy!
You know what Maria DOESN’T support…
…the CULTURE OF DEATH, DIVISION AND DESTRUCTION that defines the Republican Party in 2006.
Enlist you yellow little fuck…put yer ASS where yer MOUTH is.
Patrick @ 12 – you’re a complete fraud. McGavick is going to fold the tent and retreat to the Highlands to spend his millions. You’re going to be out of a job (blogging for McGavick’s money) and you’ll have to go fight the war on terra because the econonmy is so crappy the only things left are selling widgets made in China.
LMAO at you!
What follows is a transcript of a meeting at McGavick headquarters:
MM: Patrick, you’ve been called here to perform a service to our party and my candidacy. As sycoph.. err I mean party loyalists go, I understand you are without peer.
PB: Yes Sir. Thank you sir. You will not regret this decision sir.
MM: There’s a certain terrorist blogger who undermined the credibility of Michael Brown at FEMA so that Brownie was forced to resign. Now the Preznit said Brownie did a heck of job – there is no higher honor so this terrorist must be neutralized.
PB: Yes Sir. I know this terrorist sir! I will accomplish the mission Sir.
MM: Very well, Patrick. Your compensation will be commensurate with a junior clerk at my previous company.
PB: Excellent sir. Money is no object sir. I’d do this for next to nothing, sir. Your victory in November is all that matters, sir.
MM: Don’t get too carried away now Patrick. As a cheap labor conservative, I’d usually outsource this task to India but their grasp of American idiom is faulty at times so that’s why you’re being given the job.
PB: Of course, Sir. You will not regret this decision, sir! I will accomplish the mission, sir…
MM: Yes, very good Patrick. Now move along now. Get to work…
Yellow Elephant!
Welcome back. You have yet to tell me why you haven’t enlisted so that I can fill in your square on the Yellow Elephant Bingo card. Can I expect your answer by the end of the day?
Yellow Elephant:
It is not a flip-flop if you change your position after being lied to.
And, don’t you know, today, more proof that Bush lies even when he knows better:
On May 29, 2003, 50 days after the fall of Baghdad, President Bush proclaimed a fresh victory for his administration in Iraq: Two small trailers captured by U.S. and Kurdish troops had turned out to be long-sought mobile “biological laboratories.” He declared, “We have found the weapons of mass destruction.”
The claim, repeated by top administration officials for months afterward, was hailed at the time as a vindication of the decision to go to war. But even as Bush spoke, U.S. intelligence officials possessed powerful evidence that it was not true.
Anti-Goldy above,
Lay off the crack, man. Seriously…we need you to be healthy and ready to serve your country.
Give your life some meaning…visit a recruiter today!
Yellow Elephant:
A link you may want to visit:
Oh my god, another pipsqueak Republican from a private college. C’mon fellas, he can’t enlist. He might break a nail shaking his fist at how the Iraqis don’t revere him.
“This year must be a year of transition. In 2006 we must get the Iraqi people back on their feet and bring our troops home.”
Rhetoric … just empty rhetoric. Even if Democrats win every single seat in congess, Bush, Cheney, and a GOP congess will be running things until at least January 2007. Nothing will change in 2006. Bush’s military misadventure in Iraq will continue to go off the rails, there will be more scandals, etc. Hell, by 2007 Iran could be a smoking, glowing, hole in the ground! 2006 is doomed, gone, a write-off, like the money your father invested in WorldCom stock. And if Maria, Darcy, and a whole bunch of other Democrats don’t win in November, 2007 and 2008 will be goners, too. We may all be goners.
Plagerize much?
Commentby dj— 4/12/06@ 7:52 am
dj do it all the time, I cut and post you commints all the time on other web sites. Everybody could us a good laught at some else expence. Have a great day mate.
It should be obvious what the exit strategy is. We’re going to lose, and we’re going to pack up and go home. On our way out, the last Americans will be lifted off rooftops by helicopters. I hate to sound like a pessimistic, but as we learned in Vietnam and the Russians learned in Afghanistan, even superpowers can’t defeat a determined, sustained, indigenous guerilla resistance. There is no reputable military thinker in the world who claims to know who to win an urban guerilla war, or who believes it can be done.
A link you may want to visit:
Commentby JDB— 4/12/06@ 9:40 am
JDB I did not know you were interested in supporting your country in that matter. Go Army!!!!!
“Ohh I forgot Dean Logan is still counting Votes in King County. Commentby klake— 4/12/06@ 7:41 am”
What’s wrong with that? I don’t see anything wrong with that. I’d rather have Dean Logan than Diebold counting the votes.
Speaking of counting votes, as I mentioned to some of my friends at DL last night, I’m to a point where I think there’s only one way to count votes: Get rid of machines, use paper ballots, mark “X” in the box, and count ’em by hand. We have plenty of senior citizens who need the temporary jobs, and I no longer trust ANY electronic or mechanical method of recording or counting votes because no matter which one you use, Republicans will rig it.
We absolutely do NOT need to know who won the election 10 minutes after the polls closed! Or 3 hours after the polls closed! Take whatever time is necessary to get an honest count. ANY voting machine or counting machine can be gamed, and as long as Republican-owned companies supply the machines, WILL be gamed.
Exhibit A:
“In 1996, Chuck Hagel ran for the US Senate against Ben Nelson, who was the governor of Nebraska at the time. Although many people believed he had no chance of winning at all, he won a stunning upset in the election, receiving 54% of the votes. …
“Six years later in 2002, Hagel overwhelmingly won re-election with over 83% of the vote, the largest margin of victory in any statewide race in Nebraska history. …
“Hagel is the former CEO of American Information Systems Inc. (AIS), which changed its name to Election Systems & Software (ES&S) in 1997. Voting machines made by AIS have been the focus of intense scrutiny since the 2000 Presidential election due to their alleged susceptibility to fraud and tampering.”
There is no reputable military thinker in the world who claims to know who to win an urban guerilla war, or who believes it can be done.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/12/06@ 10:45 am
Cheer up little bunny, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. You are wrong on all counts, but that is ok you did not go to a military college to lean the art of warfare. You could have headless Lucy send you some books on the subject that she hides in the back of his library. Start with guerilla warfare in the 21st century, and the use of large armies that can defeat the terrorist without destroying the local population. Roger think positive that was a luxury you did not have in Viet Nam. You know you were sidetracked with fine wine, free sex, and all the drugs you want. Now days the Army bans all of that and limit the amount of wine you can partake in a day.
Isn’t it interesting that exit polls showed the opposition party winning an easy victory in Italy, but the actual vote tally is a tossup. Did Chuck Hagel supply the voting machines used in the Italian election, too?
“You are wrong on all counts” Commentby klake— 4/12/06@ 11:04 am
Can you cite references with links, or are you just blowing smoke out of your ass?! Unless you consider yourself some sort of military expert (not!), you will need sources, otherwise you’re just a full-of-shit wingnut talking off the wall.
Who the fuck IS “klake” and WHY is he/she/it so goddamn stupid?
Hey klake, what reputable military thinks a sustained urban guerilla resistance can be overcome, and has a strategy for winning such wars? Name one.
what reputable military theorist thinks a sustained urban guerilla resistance can be overcome, and has a strategy for winning such wars? Name one.
I think so, too, RR. Let the president be sworn in on March 4, as they were for 140 years. Since Congress only meets about 90 days a year, there’s no urgency in calling them away from home district/state fund raising just to get the keys to their offices. The states and local governments can follow suit.
Election day should just be a cutoff to accepting votes. Count the all and count them right, and let the networks get on with the current reality TV.
Any citizen should be able to observe and understand what and how many are being counted. No one but the governed should “own” the procedure.
klake is blowing smoke out of his ass again
Who the fuck is “klake” and WHY is he/she/it so goddamn stupid?
[ ] 1. klake is a paid GOP troll
[ ] 2. klake is a 12-year-old kid posting on HA while simultaneously looking at dirty pictures in split-screen mode
[ ] 3. klake is a “sleeper cell” terrorist
[ ] 4. klake is a research lab chimpanzee who got out of the cage and is playing with a graduate student’s keyboard
[ ] 5. klake is a trained dolphin at Seaquarium
[ ] 6. klake is a lobotomy survivor at Western State
[ ] 7. klake is a kindergarten dropout living in a derelict car at a wrecking yard in Ellensburg who blogs at the local Starbucks without ever buying anything
[ ] 8. klake is a WSRP intern
[ ] 9. klake is a 6-year-old who was kidnapped by a Republican pedophile, and after long captivity, is suffering from Stockholm syndrome
[ ] 10. klake is a robo-calling machine that shorted out and turned bad
Oh, I forgot this one:
[ ] 11. klake is a nazi
Is this multiple choice?
Absolutely! You can check all 11 boxes if you like, and add more boxes of your own and check those, too! :D
Oh, I forgot this one, too:
[ ] 12. klake is the tailpipe of a 1962 Fairline with cracked rings
Thanks, but I can narrow it down. 2,7 & 11.
should be “Fairlane” — for photo of klake, click here: http://www.4wheelz.net/virtual....._500_2.jpg
I would vote for at least those three, and some others …
Don’t be shy! HorsesAss is a big tent. There’s room in this blog for all 12 choices.
I’ll take #9 and #11 for $300, Bob.
see Michelle Malkin’s (michellemalkin.com) blog for an example of how the left “supports” the troops.
The Pacific Northwest–it’s not known for being a Republican stronghold. Nonetheless, there are a few important developments in GOP politics out there right now that could well change the face of politics in the region. There’s also quite a bit of controversy, and as several races are heating up, innuendo, mischaracterization and misrepresentation are becoming the main political tools of some of the principal contenders.
Let’s start by looking at one of my favorites, the race for the 8th district in Washington, currently represented by Congressman Dave Reichert. In a state where policy-making off the back of extensive research and analysis is prized, and explaining policy by reference to religion or dogma is very much frowned upon, Congressman Reichert has become a respected representative known for his careful, independent study of issues, and his willingness–even as a first term Congressman–to break ranks with the GOP leadership on issues like the development of ANWR and the overhaul of endangered species legislation. Last month, he was recognized as a centrist by National Journal, probably because of these votes, his vote against federal intervention in the Terri Schiavo case, his vocal support for separation of church and state, and his belief in changing laws so that “everyone has the same rights” to ensure that legal hurdles for gay couples are eliminated, without gay marriage being legalized. He is an outstanding example of a legislator who takes an investigative approach to issues, and whose approach and views accord with large proportion of Washingtonians–and the majority of people in his district, based on my personal experience. He is a libertarian-leaning, environmentally concerned, supply-side Republican–just what the 8th district needs.
Reichert may have won his first race with just 51% of the vote, but his record makes him far stronger than anyone would have predicted. Certainly, Reichert is looking stronger than his Democratic challenger, Darcy Burner, a former Microsoft executive who for some reason thought her anti-war platform and her lack of discussion on her website of her positions on tax and spending–which are of core concern in this fiscally conservative district–would play to the masses. Having realized that Reichert’s record is in sync with the profile of the district–and that in line with that, he’s doing well in raising money–she and fellow Washington Democrats have resorted to innuendo, mischaracterization and misrepresentation in order to weaken his chances.
Back in February, Burner’s campaign tried to imply that Reichert is anti-environment by pointing to a 28% rating by the League of Conservation Voters. This is a blatant mischaracterization of Reichert’s record and stance when it comes to the environment–a big issue in the 8th district. Reichert gets ratings in the 30s from the American Wilderness Coalition and the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund. In the case of AWC, that means that Joe Lieberman outranks Reichert by less than 20%– making the divergence between him and those recognized as Congressional leaders on environmental protection initiatives look smaller than Ms Burner seeks to imply. And Reichert still outranks moderate Republicans like Jim Kolbe by more than 20%, based on LCV’s 2005 rating.
Plus, the Sierra Club commended Reichert for his refusal to back ANWR drilling–a position which sadly he, and many other pro-environment legislators had to abandon after being forced to choose between paying for continued military operations in Iraq, or preventing drilling.
8th district voters should pay attention on this one. Reichert may not be an eco-warrior like some from Washington. But when allegations are made to suggest that he reliably toes the party line on the environment, and that he’s weak when it comes to environmental protection, it’s mischaracterization and distortion of the worst kind. And it’s all the less credible given that the anti-environment innuendo is being made by a candidate whose website shows that she is not endorsed by a single environmental organization.
Liz mair
Wow, the GOP is really scared of Burner. Between Sharansky’s propaganda and posts like above, it is all they can talk about.
And isn’t it interesting in a thread about Cantwell, you bring up ANWAR, which brings up McGavick’s sucking up to Ted Stevens:
Sen. Ted Stevens’ brother-in-law Bill Bittner is a sponsor of the McGavick event. Bittner has also played a major role in business deals that made Stevens a millionaire.
“An Anchorage lawyer and lobbyist, Bittner represents major business interests for whom the senator has repeatedly gone to bat,” the Los Angeles Times found in a 2003 investigation.
“Stevens engineered a $9.6 million federal appropriation that chiefly benefited a Bittner client, part of South Korea’s Hyundai conglomerate. Stevens tucked a single line into a must-pass appropriations bill that used federal tax dollars to buy the company out of a coal-loading facility in Seward
Read all about the culture of corruption that McGavick wants to bring down south from Alaska to our fair state:
Cantwell voted for the war before she voted against it…….
Deja Vu?
Michelle Malkin is THE dumbest bitch on the planet.
I hate to disagree, but I’m pretty sure Ann Coulter wins that one.
Both are useless bomb throwers though.
It sounds like Cantwell is echoing the recent statement by the US Catholic Bishops (I understand she’s Catholic, so that’s not a huge surprise). Basically, they’ve stated that the United States screwed up bigtime by embarking on the war at all, but that we’re now morally obligated to make an effort to clean up our mess. Then we should say our mea culpas and get the hell out of there.
Hey klake, what reputable military thinks a sustained urban guerilla resistance can be overcome, and has a strategy for winning such wars? Name one.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/12/06@ 11:15 am
Below is one statement made by your most favorite source, but headless Lucy has many more reliable sources that you can read in length.
However, guerrilla warfare has generally been unsuccessful against native regimes, which have nowhere to retreat to and are highly knowledgeable about their own people, society, and culture. The rare examples of successful guerrilla warfare against a native regime include the Cuban Revolution and the Chinese Civil War, as well as the Sandinista overthrow of a military dictatorship in Nicaragua. More common are the unsuccessful examples of guerrilla warfare, which include Malaysia (then Malaya) during the Malayan Emergency, Bolivia, Argentina, and the Philippines. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), fighting for an independent homeland in the north and east of Sri Lanka, achieved significant military successes against the Sri Lankan military and the government itself for twenty years. It was even able to use these tactics effectively against the IPKF forces sent by India in the mid-1980s, which were later withdrawn for varied reasons, primarily political. The mutual attrition on both sides in the island led to a ceasefire following the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Roger and Gang this method used below is why the terrorist will lose in Iraq. The two groups in Iraq that are fighting each other will come to an agreement when one side or the other getting the upper hand. That is accomplished by internal assassination within that group, and old Arab custom that has been practiced for years.
Guerrillas in wars against foreign powers do not principally direct their attacks at civilians, as they desire to obtain as much support as possible from the population as part of their tactics. Civilians are primarily attacked or assassinated as punishment for collaboration. Often such an attack will be officially sanctioned by guerrilla command or tribunal. An exception is in civil wars, where both guerrilla groups and organized armies have been known to commit atrocities against the civilian population.
Chaps that used this type of warfare in their time and was declared a winner at the end of day. John Kerry and Historians recognize him as one of the greatest military minds in recorded history, establishing as he did the largest contiguous empire ever, the Mongol Empire, from 1206 until his death in Autumn 1227. Genghis Khan
Guerrilla warfare is one of the oldest forms of asymmetric warfare. Primary contributors to modern theories of guerrilla war include Mao Zedong, Wendell Fertig, Regis Debray, Vo Nguyen Giap, Josip Broz Tito, and Che Guevara. Later students of guerrilla warfare included Swiss Major Hans von Dach who wrote the now widely available Swiss Army field manual “Total Resistance”.
Sorry Goldy for the long post but the wabbit could not do his home work.
Cantwell’s position isn’t really an indictment of anything
“This year must be a year of transition. In 2006 we must get the Iraqi people back on their feet and bring our troops home.”
I don’t see that out of line with any pro war person who believes we should leave Iraq as soon as they are stable.
She nuanced it well enough to be right on the fence still.
RE 32: You mean like Cornwallis’ in the Am. Rev.?
Hey, how did California 50 go for you guys? LOL.
Geeze, when the former Congressman is convicted of bribary, in an open seat, you can increase your vote total by .5% over Kerry! Outstanding!
In the Republican mind-set, elections are far too important to entrust to the voters. That’s why they try to hem it in and restrict it.
re 32: Then why did Bush ignore Shinseki’s advice. Klake, you’ll just keep twisting things and insisting you are right whether you are or are not.
You are a lying sack of liquid crap, and that’s that.
Lucy you bring up a great point about General Cornwallis. One of mine ancestors fought with Cornwallis in the American Revelation and they got their buts whip by the Yankee’s. After they left Americas, Gerard Lake went to India to redeem his name, and did not do such a bad job of expanding the British Empire. Lake built an Army out of the local peasants, and then continues to conquer part of India. They were also fighting guerillas along the way but finish them off the in the battle at Punjab. Lucy in order for the guerillas to win they have to form a major operational organization in the end, and that is where you defeat their army. Check out where Cornwallis was put to rest in India.
RE 32: You mean like Cornwallis’ in the Am. Rev.?
Commentby headless lucy— 4/12/06@ 2:45 pm
Operations were, however, continued against his confederate, Holkar, who, on 17 November 1804, was defeated by Lake at Farrukhabad. But the fortress of Bhurtpore held out against four assaults early in I805, and Cornwallis, who succeeded Wellesley as Governor-General of India in July of that year, superseding Lake at the same time as commander-in-chief, determined to put an end to the war. But after the death of Cornwallis in October of the same year, Lake pursued Holkar into the Punjab and compelled him to surrender at Amritsar in December 1805. Wellesley in a despatch attributed much of the success of the war to Lake’s matchless energy, ability and valour
re 32: Then why did Bush ignore Shinseki’s advice. Klake, you’ll just keep twisting things and insisting you are right whether you are or are not.
You are a lying sack of liquid crap, and that’s that.
Commentby headless lucy— 4/12/06@ 2:54 pm
Lucy if you get more than three Generals in a room nobody can agree on anything. The same hold true with Lawyers in a town, get two lawyers in a town and everybody is suing everybody.
The problem though, Klake, is that most of the General’s agreed. The people who disagreed were Rumsfeld’s people and the AEI/Neocons in the White House.
And wars work best when you leave the battles to the Generals. See: Bush I and Clinton.
Ohh I forgot Dean Logan is still counting Votes in King County. Commentby klake— 4/12/06@ 7:41 am”
What’s wrong with that? I don’t see anything wrong with that. I’d rather have Dean Logan than Diebold counting the votes.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/12/06@ 10:53 am
Yeah, the fruadulent vote but the queeny over the top. I dont blame you wabbit.
You seem to forget that the Republican’s spent millions and in the end only proved four fradulent votes, three for Dino Rossi and one for the libertarian.
So, you arguement seems to be that despite Dean Logan counting fraudlent Republican votes, the right person got elected? Good to see you for once arguing from a point of reason.
2006 – A Year of Transition! (Cantwell’s NEW Position)
“2006 will be a year of transition in Iraq.” How bold is that approach? What does it mean? One thing it does not mean is any form of an exit strategy from that foreign policy mistake. Even with the continuing “insurgency” that the commanders in the field acknowledge is Iraqi based (some might refer to it as a resistance to occupation), Cantwell and the rest cling to the notion that we should be establishing “clear goals and benchmarks” for our troops before we can bring them home. We have been there three years! 2006 should be the year that we define the mission?? The only real transition we will see in 2006 will be the transition from 2000 dead GIs to 3000 dead GIs. Iraq has transitioned – with our intervention – from a troubled but essentially harmless despotic regime to a festering hell hole of terrorist recruitment with American soldiers as the training targets.
The next thing will be for her to denounce the Patriot Act when Feingold comes to town.
Chad (The Left) Shue
Dudes, please! Cantwell is not going to serve the people unless the people get really pissed! We have to make her change her position, and if that takes voting for someone else, then so be it. If it encourages her to play to her base, then perhaps it’s the best thing for all involved.
I really appreciate what you are trying to do with this Blog. Congratulations and keep up the good work!