Dan Savage has been bringing us the latest anti-gay zealot to be exposed as having a secret gay lifestyle.
I’ve always wondered (and may have even asked this question before at HA), is there an equivalent to this when it comes to being fervently anti-drugs? Have any hardcore drug warriors ever been exposed as secret drug users? Off the top of my head, I can only think of this one, but that guy was neither a politician, nor all that zealous a drug warrior. What’s the difference, then? Obviously, the major difference between homosexuality and drug use is that homosexuality is in-born, while drug use is a choice, but I’m not sure that difference alone explains why the phenomenon of self-loathing only happens with homosexuality.
UPDATE: In the comments, Troutski points out that Elvis was made an honorary narcotics enforcement official by Nixon. That also made me think of an obvious example of this, Rush Limbaugh, whose love of Oxycontin and frequent railing against druggies certainly qualifies.
I know this is sort of besides the point of your post, so forgive my anal-retentiveness, but Dan Savage didn’t bring you shit.
Miami New Times reported, wrote, took pictures for and edited the story. Savage just linked to it.
/steps off soap box
Not many people reading Miami alt news outlets locally, not even with all rhe innertoobz these days; Dan Savage- yes we do. So he amplified the weak distant message, and uh, yeah, *brought* it to us local readers. And he also gets a fair amount of national attention, so the amplification worked to bring it louder nationally as well. Advantages of networking, you know? But kudos to the New Times for doing the heavy lifting of the, ah, luggage.
It’s a BIT harder to hide a (hard) drug habit than a sexual relationship, so it’s not as common. I personally knew a couple anti-gay dicks growing up, who I THEN eventually found online looking for gay sex. It’s SO annoyingly obvious. These are folks who are gay, but SO scared that they’ll lose their parents love (or money) or friends or job…so they become the most “publicly” anti-gay folks. I’ve never met a truly straight person that really gives a rats ass about the gay thing. Oh sure, they might have opinions, but they won’t spent 5 minutes much less hours making up cute little signs and marching around protesting. I don’t like mushrooms on pizza, but I don’t make up homemade signs and march around downtown demanding it be made illegal. I just don’t eat them, problem solved. Don’t like gay sex? Don’t have it. Don’t like gay marriage. Don’t get one. Think god tells you not to eat bacon, drink alcohol, wear bright colored clothing or use electricity…don’t do it. Golly this is simple. But when you DEMAND it be illegal for ME to eat bacon, use electricity, wear bright colored clothing or have gay marriage JUST because it makes you sad…or because you just can’t “live in a world” where others are ALLOWED to eat bacon, and in FRONT OF YOU, flaunting their bacon eating lifestyle…well you need to grow up.
Yeah, what he said. I read Slog every day, not local Miami papers. And Savage adds his own commentary, which is always worth the read.
Homosexuality, inborn?! Hahahahahahaha Care to cite any scholarly journals that prove this with any scientific certainty?
I didn’t think so.
But since you’re so certain,, when are they releasing the cure?
Did you hear that Limbaugh claimed on his show that environmentalists blew up the Gulf oil rig? He’s nuts. And so is anyone who listens to him.
Even horse-guy Mike Brown bought a ticket on that crazy train.
These people truly are whacked.
@5 So there are NO such thing as gay animals? Or golly, do they “learn” to be gay from watching TV? ROTFLMAO. I love redneck conservatives. SO dumb. Anti-evolution, anti-science, anti-fact. Just creationist magical crazies. I know science doesn’t prove anything and the earth is 6,000 years old because a magical book tells you so. SIGH. But I’m sure the National Academies of Science is wrong and your magical beliefs are right. ROTFLMAO.
Say, when will we have a CURE for dumb southern rednecks? You know, the folks that use the highest % of welfare and have the highest divorce rate…while complaining the loudest about those vary same issues. LOL LOL LOL LOL. Crazy is funny!
Pats @6 on the head and rustles his hair. No go play with your toys and let the grown ups deal with this issue.
Homosexuality, inborn?! Hahahahahahaha Care to cite any scholarly journals that prove this with any scientific certainty?
I can point you to any number of homosexuals who know that they were gay from a very young age. If all of them experienced some common influence early on that made them all gay, what is it? Either way, it was something that someone did not choose to be. That’s the real distinction.
Some of the recent research on the subject makes it fairly clear that there’s a very strong likelihood that homosexuality is genetic – or related to other pre-natal factors.
But since you’re so certain,, when are they releasing the cure?
Right after they release the cure for left-handedness.
I know the dumb redneck won’t read anything, but at least WATCH the movie Kensey, about the ground breaking sexual researcher. One thing that you don’t know, and most people don’t realize, is that sexual identity and attraction is more varied than almost anyone realizes. It’s always just be buried by societal stigma and pressure for uniformity and consistency (which doesn’t just include sexual behavior).
Won’t matter but:
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: “[Neuroscience researchers] found that the brains of homosexual men and heterosexual women were more symmetrical than the brains of heterosexual men and homosexual women. A similar difference emerged when the researchers looked in particular at the amygdala, a brain region associated with emotional reactions. Heterosexual women and homosexual men had more connections between their right and left amygdala and more connections with other brain regions than did homosexual women and heterosexual men.
Scientists have spent decades looking for brain differences between homosexual and heterosexual people and since the early 1990s have been finding anatomical distinctions in regions associated with sexual behavior. The new study suggests broader brain differences between homosexual and heterosexual men and women, even in regions not linked to sexual attraction.”
one phrase: Nude Men’s Yoga….
There may be more genetic predisposition to alcohol and other drug addiction than there is to sexual orientation. That all remains to be seen, so glibly asserting one is choice and the other is genetic is not intellectually defensible.
Most marginalized groups have some manifestation of self loathing. It’s really bad when one is part of several marginalized groups. Pile up Jewish, gay, short, intelligent, and you get Roy Cohn.
@11….not sure what the relevance is being “born gay”(if that premise is true)…I dont know, or care.
People are born with mental disorders all the time…being homosexual is just one of them. Add crossdressers, tranvestites, switch-hitters, and the gender confused to that list as well. Certainly not something to be “celebrated” in my opinion, any more so than being bipolar or having ADHD is worth “celebrating”.
that being said, I dont give a rats ass if homosexuals get married or not – do whatcha wanna do….
There, all fixed.
Steve Earle, in talking about his drug addiction issues, has said something to the effect that he was born an addict, that he would have become a heroin addict regardless of what else happened in his life. I’d like to think that he’s wrong about that, but there ya go.
The drug thing is a weird one. If you become a drug addict, go to treatment and get cleaned up people are OK with that. Look at all the recovered alcoholics in the political world. If you try something and have a bad experience and never do it again, people are OK with that. But, if you smoke pot responsibly, have a nice relaxing time, don’t wreck you car or marriage, don’t need rehab, then you’re a zoned out pot smoking hippie and that’s a bad thing.
Drugs are the only thing I can think of where you are stigmatized for using them in a responsible manner.
I’ll agree with you on that one.
@15..Lavrenty GBS Beria makes another worthless appearance…
the only thing that should have been “fixed” was your parents before spawning you….
there, fixed.
It’s time to flip your calendar over to the 20th century. Your complete imperviousness to facts, your inability to learn from experience, your haughtiness despite your limitations, constitute strong evidence of a mental disorder. Being gay is not a mental disorder.
@11 it’s KINSEY you numbskull. I got my undergraduate bilogy degree @ IU, I know who he is. He was a child molesting pervert.
As for brain differences in homosexuals, you are aware that the brain is an adaptive organ, right? Your ‘evidence’ would be like me citing that the tactile region of a blind person’s brain being larger than someone with site is the reason that they’re blind. That’s why the hypothalamus and all other brain studies prove squat.
The fact is that you dipshit leftists love an untestible narrative over empirical objectivity any day.
@19….that is your opinion. It sure as fuck isnt normal.
You love Darwin so much – try connecting the dots.
Shoulda, woulda, coulda the mantra of the 1st place loser.
Homosexuality is not a mental disorder. If you knew anything about Darwinism, you’d get the irony of your stupid statement.
Try reading some science books instead of your mythology.
@23…I never mentioned religion. Religion has nothing to do with it.
strawman fail.
@22..the only loser here is the wannabe internet tough guy who threatens to “take down” anyone who doesnt share his political beliefs.
Still waiting for you to come and take me down, btw….
Lavrentiy Beria, indeed.
Dre: “It sure as fuck isnt normal.”
Who gets to define “normal,” dumbfuck? It sure as hell isn’t you. When we’re talking about the full range of human behavior, normal is an utterly meaningless concept. Thanks for playing, though.
@26..whatever you say, freak.
I’m quite sure I get along a little better than you do, freak.
@20 –
And you call Alki Postings a numbskull?
Jebus H. Christ. Maybe you can trade your “bilogy” degree for a fucking dictionary.
You’re on to something here. If I recall correctly, one of the first psychological surveys ever done was on American Temperence Union ladies who brought us Prohibition. A majority of them were identified later as alcoholics who couldn’t acknowledge / take responsibility for their own weaknesses…so they took to blaming others to exorcise their demons and feed their own self-loathing.
History is littered with this brand of conservative (and I’m not just talking about HA’s prolific self-hating Trolls / broken men)
See Roy Cohn for the self-hating anti-gay right wing thing.
See Michelle Malkin for the self-hating anti-Asian/fereigner thang.
See Alan Keyes for…well, no further description needed there. Psychoanalyst paradise!
Same for thrice-divorced Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, and countless fallen Televangelists and conservative Catholic Priests, etc.
Lee, you know what’s funny: Dr Dre/Ren/Easy’s hero Rush Limbaugh made that very claim one day in his radio show, back in the mid-90’s, citing the common stories of personal (gay Republikan) friends.
Guess what happened after that? Yep, the Dre/Easy/Ren right-wing Talibangelist listenership / sheep FREAKED OUT on Limbaugh’s phone lines. And Rush never brought it up again, preferring instead to take their money and buy the next trophy marriage.
Speaking of pathetic & absurd freaks, how is it that Dre/Easy/Ren -the latest in a long line of self-defeating HA Trolls – takes the name of the notorious N.W.A.? Nixon and Reagan’s GOP was founded upon the idea that weirdos need to be stopped in their tracks. The HA Troll set seems to be quite comfortable assuming their freaks & nutjobs role.
“As for brain differences in homosexuals, you are aware that the brain is an adaptive organ, right?”
Let’s break down that statement for a sec? The implication is that the brain, at least in early man, is set to “normal” and only deviates in response to some experience or stimuli. So if the earliest hominids (call them Adam and Steve if you’re the type who believes they were created ready made as Homo sapien modern) were all set to normal, what’s the adaptive event? Where does the first homo branch from the norm?
Or if the physiological differentiation of the brain is the key, maybe it’s a random mutation that created a single individual of its kind. What’s the survival advantage that passes on the adaptation? Why would the first “different” brain be advantageous and passed on? And if not advantageous, why would a random brain adaptation remain resistant to extinction throughout millennia of recorded history?
If homosexuality is purely of psychological origin then why would homosexual behavior exist across a variety of genera?
If your scientific credentials aren’t just a toss off, you probably recognize the paradox. If it’s biologically or physiologically, or psychologically “wrong” where does homosexuality originate, and more interestingly, why does it persist? Surely a BS in Biology would lead you to ponder these questions?
Been busy lately and a fear my return is a little on the philosophical side.