Sorry to step on Goldy’s post, but this kind of crap is getting old. A Selah man named Charles Alan Wilson has been charged with making death threats against Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., according to the P-I:
The criminal complain says Wilson called Murray’s office multiple times between March 22 and April 4 and left threatening messages. He said Murray “had a target on her back” and that he would help others in trying to kill Murray, a Washington Democrat.
Health-care reform was the reason for his anger.
Trying to get people access to freaking health care is not a reason to go around issuing threats of deadly violence. Responsible people know that. Responsible people will decry this and will speak out against violence and threats of violence in our political system. And it better not be any half-assed, “nudge nudge, wink wink, we want you to keep doing it” bullshit.
UPDATE 1:30 PM PDT–From Talking Points Memo:
In the conversation with the FBI agent, Wilson allegedly bragged about regularly carrying a .38 — which the FBI says it later confirmed, along with the fact that Wilson has a valid concealed weapons permit.
Wilson allegedly told the agent that Murray and Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) “need to be strung up, and I mean put [in] the gallows.” He called the two senators “Pike Street whores” and referred to Murray as “sneaker shoes Murray.”
Yuck. Just yuck.
After this individual is granted all his Constitutional and legal rights, including a trial by a jury of his peers if he wants it, should he be convicted I hope he gets the maximum sentence, which appears to be 10 years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine. We’ll see who he thinks is the “whore” at that point.
Unbelievable. It’s like someone told him And may they all be boiled in oil.
Nobody could have predicted.
Hope he enjoys his “socialized medicine” in Federal Prison.
Which of our trolls was this guy?
@1 Yeah, but Sharkansky does have a softer and gentler side: When a single-mom waitress tells his rowdy kid to quiet down because he’s disturbing other patrons, Shark doesn’t have her boiled in oil, he only gets her fired from her job. He saves the tough punishments for nurses who treat sick kids at taxpayer expense:
(Boy, what a waste of a good rack!)
The trouble with a lot of good racks is they come with witches, er, I mean, strings attached.
I’m not sure how to interpret that, but something tells me a certain rabbit is asking for it.
Who me? I didn’t say anything. I think I’ll go outside for a stroll.
[running feet]
This guy is getting free government health care while sitting in jail waiting for someone to post his $250,000 bail, but I suppose the irony of that flies over his head. Being 64 years old, I suppose he was upset about health care reform because he thinks his Medicare will get cut.
@6: Caught him! Come on over anytime and have your way with him…
lock the guy up
The wingnuts who incite this sort of sick stuff, then say “Who, me? I didn’t suggest any such thing…” Remind me a lot of Henry II, who is reputed to have said words to the effect that “…will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?” prior to the murder of Thomas Beckett.
@11 rhp6033 04/06/2010 at 1:13 pm,
spot on.
@9 Er, is anyone out there willing to post my bail? Quickly? Pretty please?
Aren’t you supposed to do this kind of dumb ass thing from a Pay Phone (the few that are left)? He called from his home phone using some kind of CallerID cloaker? FAIL!
@14 RobertSeattle 04/06/2010 at 1:32 pm,
Fortunately, by definition, criminals are stoopid, yet think they are smart. Teabag criminal is a special kind of stoopid.
Stooopid with at least three o’s. Yikes.
Well, regardless he won’t be able to get a permit after this.
The sad thing is I will bet there are friends and family of this guy that knew he was well over the line on this and didn’t say anything…until now that it’s a thing.
The guy is a kook…just like the folks that screamed “death to Bush”.
Seems like all of a sudden, this sort of thing bothers you Jon.
Imagine that.
A reasonable person would suspect it is not about kooks threatening elected officials…rather, it’s all about politics.
I wonder why this guy hates America.
Right WINGNUT politics.
re 17: You are so full of crap — always playing the equivalence game. You guys have senators and congressmen who heckle the president when he addresses them and when your retard was in office, observers were arrested simply for wearing t-shirts that had the number of our dead soldiers in Iraq on them.
You guys are apologists for murderers from the top down.
May you rot in hell.
The powers that be are trying to foment civil conflict so that they can declare martial law. Mark my words.
Cynical @ 17
There it is. False equivalence for the win.
Apart from our friendly rabbit (Sorry Roger), I don’t recall ANYONE from the left spewing hate speech and eliminationist rhetoric during the Bush Regime.
A doctor did call Cheney an asshole (to his face) during a photo op surveying the wreckage his policies did to New Orleans. So I guess that evens the scales, huh?
What Mr. Cynical Ass Clown Nigger Joke Teller forgets is that the Republican leadership orchestrated the mob mentality, whereas a anyone who shouted “Death To Bush” were either Iraqis, or kooks.
Certainly he CANNOT show any Democratic leader telling blatant lies like “Death Camps” “Pull the Plug on Grany” etc, etc, etc.
Hey, did Jesus forgive you for your nigger jokes?
Isn’t Murray up for re-election this year? The primary is in August. If this guy gets convicted, he just cost himself the ability to vote in that election, most likely. Way to go. Still, what people like this guy are doing has to stop.
Can’t wait to hear what Sean Hannity and his McVey-loving ass have to say in the defense of this guy. Cynical, you know you want to beat him to it, go ahead, go ahead and tell us why this is no big deal. By the way, the interwebs were around the entire time Shrub was in office, show us a link when this happened from the other side and was shrugged off as just politics by us lefties. Go ahead, walk the talk or do us the boon of walking away.
24: Unless he pleads guilty, I seriously doubt he would go to trial before the election in November.
You mean like anything Al Gore says about the environment? Those kind of blatant lies?
Mark @ 25
> Cynical, you know you want to beat him to it,
> go ahead, go ahead and tell us why this is
> no big deal.
Saving time and effort…
Cynical could just link to his preemptive defense of the wannabe Nazis who defiled our local synagogue.
Stuff @ 27
Your evidence of American left wing hate speech is a British mockumentary?
Delusion and paranoia for the win.
Nonsense like this gives me pause: Maybe we shouldn’t legalize marijuana.
Jesus christ wrong stuff, the movie, to which you failed to provide a working link, is BRITISH. So it utterly and completely fails to provide the cover you are looking for. I’d say “nice try”, but… it’s not.
– via Politico, re threats against Republican Eric Cantor.
Leboon sounds like GBS, and that’s no BS. No joke.
Dig that orchestrated mob mentality. GBS would know all about that if only he had mentality. But he’s mental to the max. Mental and postal. Wonder if he makes Saturday deliveries.
GBS accuses some of us of staying too long in the past, but we’re trying to buffer his relentless ignorance with inconvenient truths and context. And isn’t it droll that dozens of times, maybe hundreds, almost word for word, GBS wallows in a false past where he’s dry humping Reagan’s corpse. Dry humping while mired in the quagmire with Jimmy Carter. Gibbering GBS and Peanut Jimmy, a real pair to draw to if you don’t mind taking a shower after they steal your stash.
Typical conservative; never quite comprehending the written word.
I’m living in the present and laughing loudly as I walk away from the grave site of the Reagan Revolution. While I’m looking towards the bright future that is in store for America now that we’ve won the battle over Reaganism.
HCR killed the Reagan Revolution. Reaganism: Been there, done that, America ain’t goin’ back.
Or try this one …
Or this one …
And about Air America’s Fredo Option … recall that Rhodes didn’t get in trouble with left-wing radio for advocating the murder or George W. Bush (“Works for me,” she said) … Threatening the president was not a problem.
Rhodes didn’t lose her DeadAir America gig until she said a bad word about Hillary Clinton.
Go back and read your own trash. Pardon me, written words. Count the corpse-humping posts and let us know the count and the amount. Only dozens? Mere hundreds? Thousands?
Like my pet rabbit with his thisisaliberalblogi’mtheofficialexcretorKlakeisaNazi blather, you must have your GBSBS blather on a macro. One click and your mental/postal spew is on its way again. And again. And again.
So fire off a warning if the day ever comes when you have anything new or useful to add to this scintillating liberal discussion.
Was unable to open most links on this machine, so was unable to either trust or verify.
Appears, tho, that even if you want to try to quibble even half of them into the sewer with GBS, you’re still left with lots and lots of vicious vituperative vindictive ultra-violence from the left.
Are you retarded?
What’s really stupid is this guy at 64 is old enough to be a Vietnam veteran. Anyone who knows Senator Murray knows that she is a tireless defender of veteran’s rights. She spends quite a bit of her time on Capitol Hill making sure that this country honors its commitment to veterans. He’s probably like the guy in Alabama calling for bricks through windows while he cashes his monthly disability check from the US government.
blah @ 35
Persecution complex for the win.
Your overwhelming evidence is imagined, made up, invented, not real.
Not very convincing.
re 27: Explicitly state a ‘lie’ that Gore has spoken and your scientific refutation of it.
Bet you can’t.
Good thing we kept Guantanamo open — we have somewhere offshore to send the leaders of the Tea Bag Rebellion!
I hope he gets the same 24-7 diet of Barney cartoons the prisoners in Abu Ghraib did. It’ll undoubtedly be more intellectually stimulating than the steady diet of Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh et. al. this joker has been supping on to date.
lmao @ algore and his the earths core is “several million degrees”..
so was algore fibbing or just stoopid?
How many? I dunno. Furthermore, I don’t care!!
The truth hurts, doesn’t it?
I mean, the death knell of your political ideology and political identity.
You, believing in Reaganism, are now in the same boat as those who beloved in Nazism, Communism, Marxism, Fascism, and radical Islamic Extremism.
In the end, Liberalism was their foe and caused their demise. A footnote in history books.
The truth that is Liberalism will continue to march on in all its righteous Glory.
blah @ 35
I checked a bunch of those links.
It’s weird.
All the anti Bush agitprop is hosted on right wing sites. I’m not saying they’re all fakes. But as your messiah taught you: Trust, but verify.
The worst actual violence advocated by confirmed leftists is a shoe throwing target with Bush’s face.
I condemn all hate speech, which is advocating violence against others. (Calling people names like “Moron” and “War Criminal” is merely impolite.) So the shoe throwing thingie is out of bounds.
So. On one side, you have a few ill-advised posters. And maybe some loons (mentally ill) people doing stupid things.
On the other side, you have organized, orchestrated hate speech, implied violence, threats of violence, and actual violence. Mixed with healthy amounts of homophobia, xenophobia, and racism. For political purposes.
Repeating myself…
False equivalence for the win.
I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation. It’s like trying to convince Puddy the earth orbits the sun. Things reasoning people accept as truth. And yet we argue about them.
Maybe Goldy’s right. Maybe it is useful to have these trog memes aired here, in public, so everyone knows what we’re up against.
@ 40:
Yeah good thing GITMO is still open AND that President Obama kept the Patriot Act in tact.
Now he, as the president and at his sole discretion, can tag Teabaggers as the “Enemy Combatants” that they are and ship them off to GITMO. Now we can use “enhanced interrogations” without those pesky Constitutional protections like: due process, representation, humane treatment etc., etc., etc.
The adage “Be careful what you wish for you just might get It.” has never been more appropriate.
GBS may have half a clue, though. Kirby Wilbur on KTTH today and David Brooks at the Jayson Blair Times today suggest that it really is morning in America. Most of the stats are going in the right (Obama leftist) direction.
Despite what Limbaugh says, Obama’s America is not in the tank and Obama will probably ride a wave to reelection.
Ditto that. Still say he loses a few this November, then hangs around until January 2017.
On TVW right now:
In the Balance, Terrorism, Security and Civil Liberties
Panelists include John C. Coughenour (former federal judge), Jafar Siddiqui (human rights activist), Nick Metz (Acting Deputy Chief, Seattle Police Dept), and Enrique Cerna (KCTS TV). Recorded: 03/25/2010
Also watch recording from this link.
Terrorism is about creating fear in others.
@17 “folks that screamed “death to Bush”.”
I don’t remember anyone doing that, except the regime-orchestrated Iranian demonstrators, who want to kill everybody; but I do remember Bush’s goons arresting people at his townhalls for nothing more than a bumper sticker or peace button.
Actually, Jason @43, Jason @38 did say it was all fake. Which Jason is real, and which is a faux made-up fucked-up flaky fake?
Remember the same phylum of arrests at Clinton gigs.
Will try to link ’em tomorrow.
Outta here.
@33 Senseless, checked those out.
1.-ok, leftie said something indefensible. We aren’t immune from that, but what I asked for was examples of the left defending that crap. Still waiting for that example. 2.-linked to this very post. I make mistakes too, still waiting. 3.- linkopoluza. Left and right don’t agree, get pissy with each other! But no actual examples of lefties being defended for inciting violence. In fact, two links that might have applied, a) the Barney Frank congressionial hearing, in which he asks for the names of those banksters that took bonuses from AIG and had not returned them, the threats mentioned were most certainly genuine but not attributed, whoever made them were certainly angry but they might as easily have been eighties as lefties. And Barney explictly condemned these threats as soon as he was told of them, out loud, in public. Still waiting
b)- the SEIU video. We see a scuffle from sometime after it started between an SEIU member and some teabagger (I suppose as much, anyway), but everybody walks away on their own two feet, some scrapes and bruises but we don’t know who started it and no one was seriuosly hurt. Also, no one is calling for anyone else to be killed.
So, Senseless, still waiting for an example. You have eight years of the Bush regime to check, maybe you’ll find something yet, but so far all you have is a bucket of fail.
@22 “Apart from our friendly rabbit (Sorry Roger), I don’t recall ANYONE from the left spewing hate speech and eliminationist rhetoric during the Bush Regime.”
There’s no equivalence when I do it, either, because I’m just mimicking them to show them what they look like. Mine is satire, and clearly labeled as such, but they’re serious.
@23 “Mr. Cynical Ass Clown Nigger Joke Teller”
Coming from us this sort of thing, of course, is all in good clean fun!
@30 What do you expect from a bozo who NEVER researches or fact-checks anything?
@34 Why should we add anything new to the discussion? You guys haven’t for the last 130 years. Your ideas are stuck in 1880.
re 41: Without factchecking your assertion, as you provided no link to it, I would nevertheless ask you how a misstatement about the temperature about the earth’s core translate into lying about global warming?
I don’t know, maybe we need to stop with the satire. Since the only thing these idiots seem to understand is physical violence, perhaps it is time to get Medieval on their ass? Ship ’em off to camps for “re-education” where they can be waterboarded and subjected to “stress positions”.
Max @ 41
He misspoke. Like you’ve never done it.
Once, during an interview with an Everett paper, I kept referring to Pierce County. I know it’s Snohomish County. But it kept coming out wrong.
This the first I’ve heard of this imagined scandal. (Thanks for that.) I’m guessing he just confused temperature with pressure. I’m sure he did a face palm slap as soon as he went off camera.
Happens. No big deal.
Rabbit, Osgood,
Uhm, no one asked for a nationality…
” I don’t recall ANYONE from the left spewing hate speech and eliminationist rhetoric during the Bush Regime. “
The movie was made by a flaming liberal….
Roger, hope your health is good..
Chris @ 58
About 1/2 my relatives are trogs. I don’t want to see them get hurt. Everyone gets a second chance. And given enough time, I’m optimistic they’ll see the light.
I’d be satisfied with shame. For about 40 years, it wasn’t socially acceptable to be a trog in public. Absent a change of heart, strategic shaming, so that we don’t have to hear this same old crap day after day, would suit me fine.
stuff @ 61
You realize the British liberals are nothing like the American ones, right?
The teeth are so very different, for starters.
Hold on a second. I shouldn’t take anything for granted here. You know that Britain is on the OTHER side of an ocean, specifically The Atlantic Ocean, right?
Just making sure we’re on the same page. Establish a common bound, a foundation to build upon.
fun algorisms…
“When my sister and I were growing up,” Mr. Gore told a small audience made up mostly of women, “there was never any doubt in our minds that men and women were equal, if not more so.”
“A zebra does not change its spots.” – Al Gore
ok…you need some algore lies? stay tuned..
algore lie:
October 17; third presidential debate, St. Louis
CLAIM: “The big drug companies…are now spending more money on advertising and promotion — you see all these ads — than they are on research and development.”
TRUTH: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation reported in July that drug companies spent between $5.8 billion and $8.3 billion on marketing and $21 billion on research in 1998, according to CBS News.
algore lies again…
CLAIM: At Sept. 22 press conference, Gore says, “I’ve been a part of the discussions on the strategic reserve since the days when it was first established.”
TRUTH: President Ford established the Strategic Petroleum Reserves when he signed the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) on December 22, 1975 — two years before Al Gore became a congressman.
algore lies yet again..
March 1, 2000; San Jose Mercury News
CLAIM: “My family had grown tobacco. It was never actually grown on my farm, but it was on my father’s farm.”
TRUTH: Gore had already admitted growing tobacco on his own farm: “On my farm, we stopped growing tobacco some time after Nancy died” (Cox News Service, 4-26-99). Also, Gore received federal subsidies for growing tobacco on his farm (Wall Street Journal, 8-10-95)
basm @ 50
I’m glad someone understood whatever blah (@ 38) was trying to say. Hate to admit it, but my trog to English translation skills sometimes fail me.
algore lies yet again, part 2
February 20, 2000; New York Times
CLAIM: Gore said he has “always, always, always” supported Roe v. Wade.
TRUTH: In 1977, Rep. Gore voted for the Hyde Amendment, which says that abortion “takes the life of an unborn child who is a living human being,” and that there is no constitutional right to abortion. He cast many other votes favorable to the pro-life cause and earned an 84 percent rating from the National Right to Life Committee.
algore lies yet again, part 3D
December 27, 1999; Washington Post
CLAIM: Gore has suggested that he contributed important lines to Hubert Humphrey’s acceptance speech at the 1968 Democratic convention. “Young Gore later often told the story . . . [A]s [he] sat in the convention hall and looked up at Humphrey in the spotlight, he thought he heard his own words coming back to him.”
TRUTH: When Gore’s supposed conduit to Humphrey denied the influence, Gore blamed his recollection on “Faulty memory. Faulty memory.”
uh oh, algore lies again….
November 30, 1999; New England Business Council, Manchester, N.H.
CLAIM: “I was a home builder after I came back from Viet-nam. . . . I know a good bit about how to make money that way. . . . To build this country is a great thing.”
TRUTH: A Gore family corporation, Tanglewood Home builders, built nine houses between 1969 and 1973 on property once owned by Gore’s father. “I believe he [Al Gore Jr.] came by a time or two, but not too often,” Jewell Dillehay, the contractor for the development, told the Orange County Register on February 20, 1988.
Max @ 67
Referring to my grandfather’s farm, I’d also say “my farm”. Kind of like how my son says “my house” in reference to the house I own.
Please try harder.
For all the effort you expend, I expect to see some actual scandals.
In all this nation, there’s got to be some corrupt Democrats you could mock.
Gorebasam @ 46:
Is Kirby back on the air at KTTH or just filling in.
There’s one conservative I love listening to and occasionally talk with on the radio.
Does anyone know Kirby’s status?
yawn.. cut and paste from the coward..
From Oct 4, 2000 – National Review Online…
A conservative/neo-con I see.. But not Republican..
Yeah right…
I don’t give a damn if you were filtered, answer my question: are you retarded?
Here’s another question for you: Why do you hate America?
I’d love to see this coward post lies from a right winger..
Never gonna see it..
I’d love to see ylb work for a living..
never gonna see it….
Uh, not the kind of good clean fun I like to have. I’m just confronting racism where I see it.
If we don’t confront the ills of society, then we allow it to fester. I cannot be neutral when someone like Mr. Cynical is promoting blatant racism.
He has to be called out for what he is.
Mr. Cynical is:
A) an Ass Clown, and
B) a nigger joke teller.
I wish none of it were true, but it is.
Unless, of course, you’re an Aussie, then England is on the left side of the Atlantic.
Dear righties,
If you read the news reports of what Charles Alan Wilson is alleged to have done, there is no way that any sane person can draw an equivalency between what he’s being accused of and anything you’re accusing the left of having done.
Even if there were equivalency that wouldn’t make what Mr. Wilson’s done OK.
83 – I’d love to see this right wing coward actually get a life for a change outside of the hateful Dori Monson bubble.
Not in anyone’s lifetime..
LOL @ british teeth..
fuck, you would think with all that “free”(LOL) healthcare they have, that they would at least go see a fucking dentist…
@87…I’d love to see this lazy left wing limpwrist get a job outside of the hateful horses ass.
Not in anyone’s lifetime…
Not really relevant to a conversation about someone leaving a months worth of hate filled messages on a senators office voice mail.
1. I was simply responding to a post by another person
2. If you want to talk about irrelevant and off topic shit, might I point you in the direction of goebbels rabbit, who pollutes every fucking thread with his inane, off topic bs.
GBS @ 84
I ask that you please stop using that word.
Maxie pad is employed by the RNC as “office supplies” when he’s actually a paid troll.
Where’s the next Young Eagles meeting, Maxie Pad? The Lusty Lady?
Baaa haaa haaa haaa.
Republicans couldn’t be trusted with the People’s money when they had power and rang up an $11 TRILLION dollar debt when they were in charge.
Now that they’re out of power, the pattern of lavish spending on frivolous items continues. The only difference is now it only the money of RNC donors.
What makes Republicans think that after all the bullshit, the American voting public is going to believe they’ll behave any differently if we were to hire them again this fall?
The disconnect between they’re rhetoric and their behavior is the reason they’ll get slaughtered in the polls this fall.
Yes, the public is feeling angst over the economy, but really, what have the Republicans done to convince a nervous electorate they’re mature enough to handle America’s checkbook and credit cards again?
When they can honestly answer that, then I’ll begin to worry about the Dem’s chances of getting re-elected.
Until then, Reaganism is DEAD!
someday, gbs will actually be old enough to go to 7-11 and buy some beer legally…
The girls at The Lusty Lady would probably kick them out.
@95..speaking from experience?
Jason @ 92:
That’s a very respectful request. And you’ve asked in very respectful manner.
I’ll give it the serious contemplation it deserves.
First, I’ll assume you mean the N-bomb.
Second, you’ll have to give me a reason why. Beyond it’s an offensive word.
I use that word on purpose. Not because I like using it, but because it inflames the very nerve that creates the revulsion of its use.
That nerve is racism. The culprit is Mr. Cynical.
When Mr. Cynical publicly apologizes on HA for his racist joke telling on HA I’ll back off of it.
If you can convince me that I shouldn’t confront racism in all it’s ugliness I may back off of its use as well.
The ball of reasoned debate has just landed in your court. I am a person who can be persuaded by reason.
I look forward to your reply.
Max @ 88
Interesting that you should mention it. Dental care is not covered by Britain’s universal health care. I don’t know the details. Something about the powerful dental lobby holding back progress and screwing everyone in the process.
Whatever the back story, Britain is a natural experiment:
“Free market” capitalism for dentistry.
Universal health care for everything else.
Which system would you say is performing better?
Once they get him inside the walls Mr. Wilson will be “encouraged” to do a few things most “Pike Street Whores” charge extra for.
Or so I’m told. I don’t personally have any experience with what a “Pike Street Whore” actually does. Nor what he or she might charge for doing it.
That day has come and gone during Reagan’s first term in office. More years ago than I care to admit.
I can remember when Reagan invited leaders of the Terrorist Taliban group to the White House and proclaimed “These people are the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers.”
Can you imagine your real outrage if Al Gore had said Islamic terrorists were the moral equivalent of George Washington, Ben Franklin, Sam Adams, John Adams and the like?
@98…thanks for correcting me RE the dental coverage…
as for your question, I guess one would have to assume that modern dentistry even exists in England…and I will damned if I know that it does.
@ 99:
I’ve never been waterboarded but I’m smart enough to know it’s not pleasant.
I’ve never been to prison or been raped but I’m smart enough to know it happens.
Mr. Wilson, who at this moment in life is an innocent man, but if found guilty is going to be gang raped like Randal “Duke” Cunnignham is getting ass pounded right now.
Heh. ’nuff said.. What an ugly hater..
@100…truth be told GBS, I was rooting for the soviets in afghanistan….
as evil as they were, at least the soviets were predictable and could be reasoned with.
@103..thats kinda funny, especially coming from Racist YLB…
Your chronicle of misstatements from Al Gore proves what? It proves to me that you have far too much time on your hands. It also proves to me that you haven’t a clue what matters. Oh, and you are a liar, Maxie. I mean, I don’t want to hurt your feelings or anything, but you don’t much like the truth. Quit proclaiming any sort of independence from the Republican Party. You just announce your hypocrisy when you do so.
#1 – I’m an upper middle class white guy living in North Seattle. The N-Bomb isn’t a punch in the stomach for me.
I just think it’s crass and unnecessary.
I’d rather that Goldy just bulk deleted everything Cynical has posted. And be done with it.
Failing that, I don’t see how lowering ourselves to Cynical’s level serves a purpose.
#2 – With everyone calling everyone else a racist here on Horse’s Ass, it just becomes noise.
#3 – Being lily white, I can only speculate. But if I had African heritage, I can’t imagine ever coming back to Horse’s Ass, seeing the N-bomb in use so openly.
If true, that’d be too bad. I already know what the white folks are going to say. It’d be nice to hear some other voices now and then.
Heh.. This fiend capitalizes racist.
Could it be??? Projection? What an idiot..
Will this hater ever work up the stones to tell what set him off last Sept 20? Naah.. Too frightened to reveal his stupidity.
It was a good month for me. I was kicking right wing butt and taking names.
@106…sorry to tip your cart over proud leftnutist, but I believe political parties should be illegal in this nation.
just because you have been bought and paid for by the democratic party, does not mean that everyone is a party lemming.
thanks for playing though..
Max, I greatly appreicate your candor and won’t hit you over the head with siding for the Soviets, but what is your take on Reagan calling terrorists, let alone ANYONE, that they are the “moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers”?
Seeing how no group of men in history, or since, has done so much to promote the ideals of liberty and freedom.
@108…I capitalized it because it is part of your name…you fucking idiot.
“Racist YLB” is your handle now..
for fucks sake, get a damned clue.
Speaking of the N-bomb, I remember that banned right wing copy/paster Stamn condemning me for NOT using the N-word in all its glory.. I made the mistake of just using “N-word”.
He thought it showed I had a problem with black folks.
I tell you, the insanity of the right wing knows no limit.
@110..whats that old saying? “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”..or something to that effect.
as far as the Reagan quote – well I do not agree with him on that one – but I do agree with your assessment of the founding fathers.
Uh, Maxie at 109,
Please tell me how the First Amendment permits making political parties illegal. I really look forward to your answer.
111 – Nope, get your eyes checked. My handle reads YLB coward.
Ooops. No eye doctor can cure blindness by hatred.
See a shrink instead.
@114…it probably doesnt…
no Racist YLB, you are Racist YLB, that is your name…you have earned it.
just like Goebbels Rabbit his earned his name.
deal with it..its who you are.
Uh, Goldie, or whoever’s modding tonight, concerning @60, was it too many caps, or what? I didn’t think I crossed any lines seen here and certainly wouldn’t have done so if I thought I was in danger of so doing. You have my contact info, and I’ve tried to be a good citizen here. Thanks.
[No prob…It was a response to an off-topic comment. See see the HA Comment Policy]
We have similar backgrounds then, and I’ll admit the word is “gross.” That is exactly why I use it. Racism, and all its vile ugliness are gross and the point is never driven home more clearly when it’s exposed for EXACTLY what it is. I learned to use a seatbelt religiously after seeing “Red Asphalt.”
I can’t do that. While that would put it out of our view, sweeping it under the carpet is EXACTLY what the racists want us to do so they don’t have to be confronted with their ugliness. It’s like combat, you don’t want to have to confront your enemy, but there is no other way to win a gun battle then to be see and kill your enemy. Trust me it’s ugly business ask Roger Rabbit. We’ve both seen it from the butt end of a rifle.
You couldn’t be more wrong. I will never stoop to Mr. Cynical’s level and tell a racist joke. Using harsh words to confront the ugliness or racism, and telling racist jokes could not be any farther apart.
#2 – With everyone calling everyone else a racist here on Horse’s Ass, it just becomes noise.
I can’t look into someone else’s mind and know what they are thinking either so I won’t participate in conjecture. I do know, from my own experiences in life, when someone is on the side or right, and when they are on the side of wrong no matter how they frame it.
Agreed. I wish Steve and I weren’t the only ones challenging Mr. Cynical’s racist behavior.
I would encourage you to join us the open fight against all forms or Mr. Cynical’s racism. You don’t have to use the N-bomb, but please confront him non-stop. At leas to the degree you’d like to see the end to racism.
Can I count on you to confront Mr. Cynical until he apologizes on HA for posting a racist joke?
Will you take a stand and be counted?
I have to agree with Jason’s request concerning your use of the N-bomb. Your commentaries are always worthwhile, and your talent at troll-bashing is enviable. Still. We all know that Cynical is an intellectual non-entity, a small person who has no idea how silly he comes across to others. He virtually never responds to me, and certainly never answers a question. For weeks, I’ve been trying to get him to explain why he supports privatization of Social Security at the same time that the healthcare legislation’s tax on failure to buy private insurance is unconstitutional. Silence, utter silence. It is pointless to goad him, or to try to get him to defend himself. The N-bomb just isn’t helping, man.
Yes, and OK I get it.
Well, we agreed. The sun will come up tomorrow – I hope.
117 – I disagree. I’ve asked you to present evidence of this and the closest you’ve come is some vague reference to something I said about blacks in the south. No link. Nothing more.
One time you said I agreed with Goldy on Kemper Freeman when I never even expressed an opinion on the matter. You either lied or hallucinated Max. Prove me wrong.
On the other hand I think you’ve definitely earned the title of an ignorant hater, misogynist and coward..
You refered to Seattle people as “limp-wristed”, i.e. homosexual.
You referred to Rachel Maddow as a “carpet munching cunt”.
Your political ideas are totally vapid, uninformed.
There’s plenty of evidence for all of this. Shall I show you?
But when asked to man up and defend your judgements you do nothing. Are you afraid Max?
Proud Leftist, Jason.
Hmmmm . . . OK, I’ll have to back down a notch or two. but I need your help.
How do I confront Mr. Cynical’s racism, drive the point home and not offend other readers.
And, more importantly, can I countt on the two of you to constantly confront Mr. Cynical’s racism at every turn?
Until he earnestly apologizes that is.
GBS, I’m late to this corner of the party but I’ll throw in with proud leftist & Jason on language, that’s a corrosive term and doesn’t really achive your goal by using it. I’m an irregular here, but if I’m in the ring I’d be only too happy to call out racists for who they are
But tonight, Centz has been deleted while Cynical types away unhindered here in Left Blogosta. Topsy turvy, I tell you.
@109 “I believe political parties should be illegal in this nation.”
Well, the GOP Party, anyway — maybe we can get ’em under a sedition law.
@126…spoken like a true nazi….goebbels rabbit is in favor of “camps” for anyone that doesnt think like him…
re 127: Wingers ‘think’? Surely, you jest.
Is the Henry J. Kaiser Foundation the entire funding of the drug industry? You take a quote from Gore on the TOTAL amount, tell us what the Kaiser Foundation spent, and consider that proof.
Still using Q-tips to wipe your ass?
GBS @ 123
Response part 1 of 2: No Can Do
Sorry. I can’t help you with Mr. Cynical (or Puddy, or Max, or…).
By providing the forum which Mr Cynical abuses, Goldy owns this problem.
Mr. Cynical’s schtick works because he’s anonymous. No sane person would sign their real name to the crap he says.
Goldy could easily ban Mr. Cynical. Or Goldy could switch to Facebook (or OpenID, or…), taking away Cynical’s protective white hood, err, anonymity.
Imagine how Mr. Cynical’s real life neighbors, business cohorts, and fellow church members would respond to his overt racism and general purpose misanthropic bent, if only they knew.
Response part 2 of 2: The Reason
A) Persons such as Mr. Cynical, Puddy, Max, Empty Suit live to fight. It gives them pleasure. You can never win against them. Digby explains this pathos in The Action is the Juice. (I actually didn’t believe this thesis at first. I experimented on a few of the disposable trogs in my life. Imagine my disappointment verifying that Digby, as usual, was right.)
B) They are The Unpersuadables. You might was well just talk to a brick.
C) Mr. Cynical’s core purpose is to distract, incite, inflame. Any time you spend engaging him (or the others) is time you’re not working your program. They’re not fighting to win. They’re fighting to keep you from winning. And by tying you up, they win by default, IF you let them.
I advise ignoring Mr. Cynical and the others. Like all brats, provocateurs can’t handle being ignored. It drives them nuts.
Just remember that Mr. Cynical (and the others) are Goldy’s creation. Only he can uncreate them.
Meanwhile, if you want to defeat Mr. Cynical, work for a more just world. Work your program. In real life. Do good things. Fight inequity. Organize your tribe to oppose evil. Build a better tomorrow.
There will always be more Mr. Cynicals. Our job is to work around them. Let them defeat themselves (witness Rob McKenna’s being such a glorious role model).
If you happen to get in a few opportune jabs now and then, as I did @ 22, well, no one could hold the act of sanity against you.
Sorry I came in late. Like GBS, I’m someone who regularly confronts the racist KLOWN and I’ve also used the “N” word doing so. So I find this to be an interesting discussion. I’m glad you guys have expressed your thoughts.
“I advise ignoring Mr. Cynical and the others.”
Sorry, but we need better advise than that. I would rather be dead than fail to confront racism when I see it. Alas, I’ve never come up with a pleasant way of confronting it. Not that I really try that hard. Sigh! That’s just the way of it, I suppose. But I reckon GBS and I could manage to do our thing without our incorporating the “N” word as we’ve done in the past.
“Goldy could easily ban Mr. Cynical.”
I’ve suggested this myself. I even offer money as added incentive. I wouldn’t ban the KLOWN in an attempt to stifle his speech, be it the racism, wingnuttia or whatever. I’d ban him for simply being the dumbest fucktard on the planet as well as his repeated violation of copyright law.
by coincidence I’m starting a book about ethnics. This dovetails into this conversation
“…Americans are loosing their ability to debate and disagree. In order to have a debate, we must first be civil. Civility is the public manifestation of our private morality. It requires we be fair and charitable to those who disagree with us.
We cherish the democratic entitlement to have and hold our own opinions, but forget that democracy also requires us to enter into genuine dialogue and allow the better opinions to persuade us. Otherwise there is no capacity for consensus, which is necessary if a democracy is going to work and not just atrophy into non-communicative anarchy.
We have developed the unfortunate habit of taking uncompromising moral positions. When we do that, it sends the message that no matter what anyone else says, we will not budge or change. This is moral exclusiveness and it is destroying our civility.”
Civility is the public manifestation of our private morality.
By this logic, many of the trolls here have either uncompromising moral positions or no morality what so ever because they certainly are not civil.
Steve @ 130
Good post, thanks.
I suggested two ways to shut down Mr. Cynical.
Banning preserves the commons, is a quick short term fix, but is ultimately futile. And some people get uncomfortable about censoring.
Taking away his anonymity would do the trick. Pronto. Good old fashion shame (peer pressure) works magic.
Flaming online is performance art. Media guru Clay Shirky has written about this quite a bit. My own experience, both as the forum provider and one of the performers, validates Shirky’s views.
Goldy provided Mr. Cynical with a stage. Only Goldy can take it away.
I’ve also told Goldy that I’d donate to Horse’s Ass should he ever stop underwriting the trogs. (I don’t see why my money should support my ideological opponents.)
There is a downside, a tradeoff. Posters like Roger Rabbit would also lose their nyms. Multilateral disarmament isn’t all pretty.
Lastly, for the record, the constant stream of crap from the trogs keeps me away (most of the time). I imagine it deters others as well.
I always learn something from rhp, alki, and others. But the transaction costs are just too high.
Kind of makes me sad. An opportunity wasted.
Fuck civility. (Just joking.)
Uhhh.. guys…
Maybe you should all read some more Camille Paglia.. Yeah, her political judgments sometimes cause me to tear my hair out and I get impatient with her when she so often seems to emphasize how things appear on the surface.
However, I think she’s spot on about the nature of America. Guys our country is a melting pot and melting pots are a little crude looking and boil over at the edges. But THEY BOIL. They’re full of energy and a strange vitality.
Calls for “civility” border on the totalitarian – there I said it. Is Goldy “civil”? NO! Camille Paglia would love a blogger like Goldy just like she ick.. seems to like Rush Limbaugh.
And just like the best way to deal with internet porn is to put a filter on your PC and talk to your kids about sex, the best way to deal with trolls is to either ignore them or SHAME THEM. Isn’t activism about fighting for what you believe in? Then roll up your sleeves and slug away.
Every election cycle has done more to eliminate trolls around here than any rules could ever hope to do.
I’ve seen many trolls come and go in these threads and the ones that stick around do have some value.
They’re living examples of what this country should reject.
Two trolls have been banned from here. Both were more or less spammers, repeating the same right wing bilge over and over again. Mr. Cynical and Puddybud have been here since the beginning. They are our mascots. They trundle in the latest right wing bullshit for all of us to laugh at.
Closed forums are pretty boring and staid. And too exclusive like the political salons of old.
I’m for the melting pot. Not to everyone’s taste for sure but it’s my preference.
And before Stupes whines how I was looking forward to him being banned – NO – I was looking forward to a system of troll rating. If he has an argument to make, let him make it without name calling and knowing him, under such a system, he wouldn’t last very long.
LMFAO…an name-caller complaining about name-calling….hehehhee, thats funny…
YLB, I like Puddy, respect his program, and haven’t ever called for his banning. I even consider him to be a friend, strange as that might seem to a few progressives. I suppose I could say the same of a couple of other trolls. But I fail to see what the KLOWN brings. It’s just the same old arrested development bullshit delivered with little variation and, despite repeated warnings, there’s just too damned many copyright violations. I see him as even failing as a wingnut mascot. If he would at least quit boring me to tears then I might back off.
136 – There’s room enough in the world and the comment threads for a vapid coward and tool like Max as well.
Well the entertainment value tends to a long term payoff. You have to wait for November..
He’s done the same thing every election cycle. The same repetitive stupid stuff. Every time he seems totally sure of himself. And when judgment time rolls around – he’s been proven wrong every time to our endless amusement.
It sure sucks to be him. As far as I can see, this November won’t be any different.
Mr. Irrelevant.. He actually coined the name.
134 – My sentiment exactly. To a point, of course.