Looking back on my year and a half radio career, and comparing myself to a successful host like Bill O’Reilly, I guess my greatest mistake was that I was not a big enough asshole. If only I had invited guests on my show only to shout them down, I might still have a job.
That’s their M.O., Goldy. They “win” debates by not letting the other guy talk, and they “win” elections by not letting other folks vote.
O’Reilly is a total fool – he refutes nothing that Frank says and tries to talk over him. Frank, when he gets the chance shows that O’reilly has NO facts to back up his strident overwraught claims. Way to hold your ground Barney and make O’REilly look like an jerk AND an imbecile.
Like Frank is responsible for the bad loans made before he was even Chair…hahaha – republicans can really play the blame game with the best of ’em. too bad they have no real facts.
Or if your voice didn’t sound like a nail on a blackboard….
Frank fought against ANY tightening of oversight on Fannie Mae. HE is the asshole AND a liar.
No wonder MA continues to reelect Barney.
It is unbelievable to me that Bill-O would talk to a United States congressman in this manner.
What fuckin’ jerk.
Barney Frank needs a plate adjustment.Frank wants to do all the talking.
Ol Barney slipped in a “you’re too stupid” near the end. Truer words have never been spoken.
4. John425 spews:
“Frank fought against ANY tightening of oversight on Fannie Mae. HE is the asshole AND a liar.”
Right on John!
Barney also seems to enjoy tightening a$$holes (if you know what I mean)…which makes you wonder why Goldy “LOVES BARNEY” so darn much!
Bill O’Reilly:
At least Frank was able to get the obvious admission from O’Reilly!
@10 Neocon Suicide:
I guess that closes the case… using neocon principles of proof.
Neocon poop eaters like Mr. Cynical and John425 are attracted to neocon poop like flies to propaganda. The fact is that the actual legislation they’re unwittingly referring to without name—because they don’t know the name, since they’re just vomiting up the neocon poop they eat—is Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005.
That bill (you idiots) actually passed. It was introduced by the Senate and passed in 2005 (Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate at the time). Then it passed in the House—but with an amendment inserted on the floor by Michael Oxley, a Republican.
Because it was amended, it had to go back to the Senate, which it did—to the Conference Committee, as is the case whenever a bill like this is passed in amended form. Well, since Congress was controlled by the Republicans, the Chair of the Conference committee was Santorum (R), who then appears not to have moved it on.
So the O’Reilly rant on unspecified Barney Frank inaction was entirely about Republican actions and inactions.
…But you neocon idiots wouldn’t know that. You’re too busy trying to destroy democracy, capitalism, the free market, and true conservative principles by smearing it with the poop you love to savor and swallow before vomiting it all over the Constitution.
One could also listen to all the Dems trying to INCREASE regulations on Freddie and fannie……
Or, just read the meat….
Or, keep the blinders on and have some more kool-aid…..
Barney BoyToy Frank’s Fannie. Any more questions about why the housing bubble popped while Barney was getting it in the end?
Goldy loves Barney. Figures.
And about Mr. Goldstein’s brief radio career as a castrati singer, we can surely agree that he was better than a replay of the simpering simps on TBTL, Too Rotten To Rot.
Props to Bill-O for doing fair-&-balanced interviews with Hillary Obama that made them sound good. It was Hillary’s finest hour, the first and last time that many of us will respect her.
And a semi-prop to “Governor” Greg for going on with Dori Monson. She competently created the illusion that she’s competent.
(Remember when Hillary promised Miller of the AirHead America crowd that she’d make time to do a Miller interview? And then blew her off? And then went on Bill’s Fox? Priceless.
And remember Miller sliming and maligning Palin for a solid month? Miller, so unhinged that she sounded eerily like the left-tard loons who slimed and maligned Miller’s dad in 1964?)
@12, 13, 14 Neocon poop machines…
More neocon poop coming out of the neocon Fannie.
Hmm… From 2003 and 2004. First, Freddie and Fannie were not involved much in subprime lending way back then.
From Media Matters:
Furthermore, the neocon legislation in question didn’t address the problem the neocon poop eaters NObama and Tina’s Ass have swallowed and are now vomiting all over our democracy.
Section 205 of that legislation specifically EXCLUDES what the poop eaters/spewers say it addresses:
…But those neocon idiots wouldn’t know that. They’re too busy trying to destroy democracy, capitalism, the free market, and true conservative principles by smearing it with the neocon poop they love to savor and swallow before vomiting it all over the Constitution.
@Neocon poop eaters and spewers:
Respond to the facts in #11 and #16 or keep the poop down (You can do it—you’re used to suppressing your gag reflex) and spare America from your anti-democracy shit breath.
If you show us your coherence, we’ll show you ours. “Section 205 of that legislation …” refers to what? What “that” are you pewling about? Antecedents matter, bro.
And your quoted material about Fannie and Freddie “losing market share” is not the same as your screeching assertion that F&F “were not involved much” in subprimes, way back then, then being the period that ended last year.
The phrases “losing market share” and “not involved much” are nonsense when you fail to lay your numbers down. Your phrases, like your brain, are as elastic as Silly Putty.
But, smart ass that you are, you probably knew that already.
Do you think O’Reilly, America’s favorite sexual harrasser, will win another Peabody for this segment?
C’mon, poop-for-brains. You showed us that you can flip your feces, now show us your intellectual rigor.
Or maybe you’re too busy being in bed with Barney and Goldy.
Don’t know about a Peabody, but he’s a slam-dunk cinch for winning a luffa.
(Was it happy coincidence that Borat did a bit about his retard brother Bill-O?)
Kasey’s Kountdown Kontinues. Still waitin’ for the Amazing Dave to amaze us with his mastery of logic and detail.
Or to at least amuse us by flipping more feces through the bars of his cage.
Oh, well … life’s way too short to wait for Diptard Davey to assemble his spazzed synapses.
This has got to suck for you, Puddylips.
This, too.
@18 Tina Fey Goldstein:
Are you capable reading the bill before invoking it in your rant? It is, as I said in #11, from the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, which is the bill you were unwittingly referring to in ranting against the issue that you’re completely ignorant of.
It still remains that Republican action (amendment on the floor) and inaction (killing the bill in the Republican Chaired Conference Committee) is solely at fault for the legislation not becoming law.
The legislation called for further deregulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and rendering the program it created completely impotent. That’s what Frank was speaking against.
It was a bill for the privatization of regulatory agencies, and it did nothing to address fraud and tighten oversight.
That’s what Frank was speaking against.
The legislation passed overwhelmingly. It was killed by Santorum, the Republican Chair of the Conference Committee. Frank had nothing to do with the bill not reaching the president for signature. It was killed by neocons.
The clip-out that O’Reilly uses as propaganda, by the way, excludes the entire context of Franks statement. Frank called for a larger federal government role, as socialist Democrats are known to do at the drop of a hat, and was opposed to the bill’s call for less government oversight. Frank also specifically voiced his vote of no confidence in investing in Frannie and Freddie, as he said against O’Reilly’s neocon bloviating:
Prior to 2003, Fannie and Freddie were nearly completely uninvolved with the subprime mortgage market. From the September/October 2002 issue of the National Housing Institute’s Shelterforce Online:
And, as Frank indicated between O’Reilly bloviations, within months of taking control of Congress, H.R. 1427, the Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2007, a bill “To reform the regulation of certain housing-related Government-sponsored enterprises, and for other purposes”, was passed on May 22, 2007.
It’s neocon bullshit like what you neocon assholes spew all over our democracy that gives truly conservative principles a bad name. You are plutocratic socialist enemies of democracy, the free market, and everything that America stands for. Get out of the Republican party and start your own bullshit kleptocratic anti-American party and see how far you get.
@ 18
If you show us your coherence, we’ll show you ours.
Why should your coherence be predicated on someone else’s?
As for “that” legislation, Dave’s talking about the “Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005” mentioned at 11.
As for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae being not all that involved in subprime mortgages, you might want to look up the definition of “subprime mortgage.” You might also want to ask yourself why, given that we’ve already nationalized the two GSE’s, was it necessary for Congress to allocate an additional $700 billion float to allow Treasury to continue to try to resolve the credit crisis?
@ 21
Don’t know about a Peabody, but he’s a slam-dunk cinch for winning a luffa.
But first he’d have to figure out the difference between a luffa and a felafel.
@22 & 23 Tina poopy (Giggle, giggle… I said “poopy”!):
Demand for and contempt of fact and detail, all in the same sentence. Do neocons never stray from their illiterate stereotype? I guess Tina’s government-sponsored reader had another client appointment at 1:00pm?
Neocons make liberal Democrats look like Barry Goldwater conservatives.
Maybe they should have named it “FANNY” MAY.
Neocon poop eaters
attracted to neocon poop
vomiting up the neocon poop
smearing it with the poop you love to savor and swallow
Apologies, Dave. I came in after @11, and didn’t notice you were continuing a copraphagic rant @16, rather than confecting a copraphagic rant from dirty air.
So you had an antecedent to your argument (such as it was) that I didn’t catch. You also had a vapidity and vacuity of argument that I did catch, rather like a disease, and that was even before I noticed your diseased obsession with eating shit.
@28 “Waaaa”
You’re saying that your Republicans sat on their ass for ten years and did nothing about it? I bet you’re really pissed at them.
@29. Jesse Ventura:
It’s hard to ignore the stench of shit when some neocon jumps in and starts spewing it all over our democracy.
What was it that was vapid and vacuous? Referring to the legislation that the neocon had no idea it was referencing, the actual debate from the floor of Congress, or the data that the neocon had no idea it was talking about?
Just because you’re an anti-democracy, anti-free-market parasite on true conservatives in the Republican party doesn’t make your spew anything more than a brain fart.
You’ve only smeared your poop on the messenger. Do you have any actual argument about the still unrefuted facts that:
Or is your only defense that I’m calling shit on more neocon shit?
If you don’t like vapitidy and vacuity, come up with something substantive that’s relevant to the neocon socialist kelptocratic whining about the stupidity of other neocon idiots.
@29 Your line of reasoning is similar to Pudnuts. Dave points out that Republicans eat shit and you come back saying that Dave is obsessed with eating shit. I point out that over 200 Republicans have been busted in the past few years for pedophilia, lewd behavior and goat sex, and Pudz claims I’m hung up on pedophilia, lewd behavior and goatfucking. Weird. It would seem that Republicans won’t or can’t take responsibility for a damned thing they do. Of course, when people like you fuck goats and eat shit, I can see why you’d be deep into denial.
@31 It’s just another Puddy sockpuppet. The fucktard has deep-seated issues with both goatfucking and shit eating. Thank God his stench doesn’t make it through the internet tubes.
Vacuity & vapidity, the sequel:
To the extent that your argument was launched from empty phrases such as “losing market share” and “not involved much,” your argument’s empty. Formless and devoid of content.
You still haven’t nailed any numbers to your meaningless phrases, so that part of your discussion goes into the pooper.
Looks so far like you’re on solid ground with your discussion of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005. Your 8-point follow up is also lookin’ good, but I’ve read neither FHERRA nor H.R. 1427.
Will give you the benefit of the doubt and will assume for now that you’re not pulling stuff or Steve out of the poop chute.
Wow. There must be something to all this ass-covering by the Dems. All the hyperventilating…..must be something there. Let’s hope the next month is not too long for the kool-aid drinkers.
Also, it takes 60 votes to get things passed in the Senate, at least for the last several years. Who has control makes no difference without the 60.
Using Bill O’loofah’s logic, shouldn’t Bush and Cheney resign also?
Oh wait, they are neo-cons, so they are never responsible by definition.
And O’Loofah, being always correct, never had a hand in cheer leading us into eight years of disastrous leadership. So, no apology forthcoming from him.
Iraq, Afghanistan, Republican leadership, free market economics, Katrina relief. O’Loofah has been wrong about everything.
Napolean had a good idea for guys like O’Loofah. It was called the guillotine.
@34 Pudnutz R Us:
Some facts are pretty much well-known, but according to the August 2008 Freddie Mac Update (a publication of Freddie Mac), the charts on p. 17, using data current as of December 31, 2007, show that the “small” amount referred to by my earlier NHI citation was around 5% of Freddie’s $2.2 trillion holdings at the end of 2001. That increased to 20% of $3 trillion for 2006, before contracting to 3% of $1.8 trillion in 2007.
I don’t have Fannie Mae data at hand, but I know that it’s similar.
Very good. Appreciate your seriousness, and regret (some of) my snarkasm.
@35. NObama:
The bill was passed in the Senate. It also was passed in the House, but with amendments introduced by a Republican. It was then referred to the Republican-chaired Conference Committee, which is what happens when a bill like this, handed down from the Senate, is passed with amendments.
No action was taken in the Conference Committee, and the bill died.
Merely making general remarks about Congressional rules that have no bearing on what actually happened gets you nothing.
@38. Pudnutz R Us:
It’s a snarky forum here. Expected, accepted, and handed-out as well!
The dirty little secret that everyone is trying to avoid is the explosion of sub-prime mortgages, boosted to increase home ownership of minorities and others who were unlikely to pay the loans back. Luckily, Obama has an expert on his staff to deal with the issue.
The trend is clear.
Say it with me, trolls, President Obama, Vice President Biden. Get used to it. You’ll be saying it for the next eight years.
Bathhouse Bwaney/Elmer Fudd sputtered around trying to excuse why he’s so fucking incompetent. O’Reilly slapped the dog snot out of the old Queen Fwank…….there’s always pottery Bwaney
Steve, HAs Biggest Goat User:
Puddy’s first visit is now. Not earlier. Must be cuz superior intellect scares you.
NObama: I put Pritzker on this site 3 weeks ago. She was the one who told NObama to go against the Iraq War to make his image.
This is even better stuff!
This is why you need FactCheck.org BTW look at the date. Puddy elevated this discourse way before 10-01-08.
I use it to keep the ignoramuses at bay.
If you can remember past 24 hours I said:
The GLB bill wasn’t that much of a problem. Lefties here on this blog disagreed. So I went to FC.org – “The truth is, however, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act had little if anything to do with the current crisis. In fact, economists on both sides of the political spectrum have suggested that the act has probably made the crisis less severe than it might otherwise have been.”
Puddy said Alan Greenspan (Mr Andrea Mitchell) promoted policies that laid the groundwork for the collapse. Some leftist idiots like rhp6033 disagreed, saying it was all Bush’s fault. So I went to FC.org – “Instead, he described “serial bouts of financial deregulation” going back to the 1970s. And he laid blame on policies of the Federal Reserve Board under Alan Greenspan, saying “the Fed has become the chief enabler of a dangerously speculative economy.””
Puddy gave video links where the Donkey said there was no Fannie or Freddie problem, it was all racism. Puddy then said the bill was killed cuz of racist overtones. Donkey would use this bill against Republicans all over the libtard MSM! rhp6033 and others said I was wrong. I posted the links; one was 9 minutes long with their own words. So I went to FC.org – “It’s true that key Democrats opposed the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, which would have established a single, independent regulatory body with jurisdiction over Fannie and Freddie – a move that the Government Accountability Office had recommended in a 2004 report. Current House Banking Committee chairman Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts opposed legislation to reorganize oversight in 2000 (when Clinton was still president), 2003 and 2004, saying of the 2000 legislation that concern about Fannie and Freddie was “overblown.” Just last summer, Senate Banking Committee chairman Chris Dodd called a Bush proposal for an independent agency to regulate the two entities “ill-advised.””
I even posted Bill Clinton’s own words that it was Donkey doings.
Puddy even told rhp6033 that he was pissed the Bush Admin didn’t use the press against the Donkey and it was both sides fault. So I went to FC.org –
# The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.
# Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.
# Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.
# Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.
# The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.
# Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.
# Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.
# Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.
# The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.
# An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.
# Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.
Looks like Puddy was right AGAIN! And Fact Check verifies Puddy comments.
Sucks to be you lefties. So rhp6033 it’s better to stop shouting and improve your argument.
Silly Puddy, you inveterate fool. You still can’t tell the difference between a fact and an opinion. FC.org’s analysis that you’ve quoted actually gets a few points wrong, and misses one critical factor. Can you tell us which ones are wrong or explain the missing critical factor? Of course you can’t. You haven’t a clue what the article’s talking about.
I’ll give you a hint, though. The folks at FC.org could have done a better job of reading their own sources. Better yet, they should stick to citing facts, and leave the analysis to the people who know what they’re talking about.
It’s not too late to start reading Barry Ritholtz. When Puddy was wrong in taking Sam Zell’s predictions over those of Nouriel Roubini’s, Barry Ritholtz and yours truly were backing Roubini’s analysis. Why? Because Roubini’s analysis was sound. Zell’s wasn’t.
Ritholtz has been on this story for years, and he’s been spot on from the causes of the housing bubble to lax lending standards to the impact of CDOs with sketchy ratings. Read Barry, and understand. Or, continue to be a fool quoting stuff because it says what you want it to say and not because the analysis is sound.
Sorry, Neo-socialists, but Frank and the Dems are in the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mess just as much as the Reps. Frank deserved to be beaten-down by O’Reilly. If Chris Cox from the SEC comes on The Factor, O’Reilly will spank him, too.
This whole debacle was caused by both Reps and Dems. The Dems started pushing banks around and got them to make loans to people who simply had no business borrowing money. All this was done under the Community Re-investment Act (CRA) (initially passed under Carter). During Clinton’s time, the Dems started pushing banks around by insisting banks make sub-prime loans under the CRA. That’s when the snowball started rolling down hill. Then the Reps added to the mess by repeal of Glass-Steagall and dong their normal business.
Both parties are guilty in this one.
hey, a-hole. are you really telling me that you defend barney frank, maxine waters, the CBC and raines?? are you truly that f’in dumb. I don’t give a rat’s ass what o’reilly does, but if you’re going to distort the truth about frank, man you ARE a horses ass…..
Dave –
yeah right, there’s nothing to the idea that frank and waters and raines leaned on lenders with the old “racism” crap, and that’s where all these bad loans originated. nothing to it, right pal? it’s the republicans that wanted to make risky no-doc loans to the poor??
@50 sUb:
I don’t know what you’re spewing about with unrelated racism ranting.
I pointed-out the Congressional Record on the facts of the legislation. Don’t smear you’re inflammatory crap on the record. You’re bullshit has no relationship to what I wrote.
The bill passed. Whatever Franks did or didn’t said didn’t alter that fact.
It died in the Conference Committee, chaired by a Republican.
Those are facts.
If you’re too stupid to understand that the bill passed, that’s your fault and the faulty of your parents.
If the neocons wimped-out because Franks called them racists, that’s something I’m not familiar with, and their failure to man-up in the face of being called names by Barney isn’t something I’m about to defend.
Neocon idiots like you only make it more difficult for good, true conservatives, to get good, true conservative legislation passed.
You’re a fucking liberal anti-American, anti-free-market, kleptocratic piece of shit.
Massachusetts…stop the insanity. Why do you elect these fools? Barney Frank is Dishonest and a LIAR. The proof is in his own words. Just listen!