The blogs are all a twitter with speculation that Gov. Chris Gregoire has flown to the other Washington, where she will be named tomorrow as President-Elect Barack Obama’s Secretary of Commerce, replacing his previous choice, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson.
Well, what we do know is that she is indeed in D.C., that she’s booked satellite time at 6 7 AM tomorrow morning for a big announcement… but folks who seem to know these kinda things seem pretty sure that she is not being appointed to Commerce, and that tomorrow’s announcement may be big, but not that big.
Of course, if the announcement is that big, it certainly throws a wrench into our state government, and at a particularly bad time. Lt. Gov. Brad Owen—nominally a Democrat—would take over until a special election is held in November of this year… an election that could be an absolute free for all on the Democratic side. As for the Republicans, Dino Rossi would have to be the favorite out of the gate, but I wouldn’t put it beyond Rob McKenna to throw his hat into the ring.
As for me, I’m still exhausted from the previous gubernatorial election, which essentially lasted for the past four years, so I’m crossing my fingers that the folks who seem to know these kinda things know what they’re talking about, and Gregoire remains governor at least for the time being.
No. 2 at Justice?
That dripping noise you hear is Dino McCabe salivating, and that slurping sound is Rob McKenna licking his chops. Maybe even Pam Roach will throw her replica WW2 German helmet into the ring after getting her Mauser kicked in the elections director race.
Ref also:
Our $40 million governor’s race
No one does this for the money I guess.
Goldy, give it a rest. Dino was not running for governor for four years, no matter how many ridiculous legal challenges are filed.
So what was Dino doing?
I enjoyed your interview on KOMO Radio this evening. I agree that a Gregoire defection might well result in a Rossi return and possible victory in November. If Chrissy does that to us, I’m going to be really, really pissed.
Wow! Can the HA Happy Hooligans say Governor Brad Owen? Sweet irony.
But I suspect Christine Gregoire is there interviewing for the job of upstairs deficit spender.
The Piper
@7 Well, she’d be a massive failure at that, after eight years of Republicans. Nobody can spend like Republicans.
August 2009 Primary results:
Rossi: 26%
McKenna: 23%
Sonntag: 21%
Inslee: 17%
Owen: 14%
Top-two! Top-two!
I need alcohol…
If she gets appointed, maybe she can take Paula Hammond and David Moseley with her! The White House needs janitors.
The Piper
@4 Yeah, sure, and I’m the Easter bunny.
FactCheck on Idiot Comment @7: In her 16 years of elected service in Washington, Gov. Gregoire has never presided over a deficit.
@9 I’m sure Rossi would have real cred in Oly after getting the job by default following two ignominious defeats.
Actually, I can see that happening, simply because he has name familiarity. The millions of L & I tax dollars that Tom McCabe threw at Rossi’s campaigns, if nothing else, bought some name familiarity.
Rossi would turn state government upside down. He’s already said he would replace all the agency heads. That means 200 agencies will be run by inexperienced amateurs. FEMA, anyone? And he’ll pick fights with state workers’ unions, freeze pay and lay off workers, and everyone who can retire will leave. Yep, we can all look forward to the collapse of state services and years of turmoil if Rossi gets in through the back door, after being twice repulsed by voters guarding the front door.
If the statehouse is to be turned over to a Republican, one has to hope that McKenna gets it.
I posted it first on HA, at 7:04 PM in the previous thread. I beat Goldy by 5 minutes. Tra-la, tra-la.
Silly rabbit! It’s called “creative destruction”. Pay no attention to the scorched earth it is for your own good!
oh man after all that work to get rossi defeated…. this ruined my night. i hope it’s not true
The erection of Queen Chrissy took four years because she immediately broke her first promise, her second promise and almost balked on her third promise. Then the libtards like Goldy had to work his minions to keep them “electrified”.
Here’s her first promise “To go out and tax people at a time when we’re just trying to get ourselves out of a recession, to me, is the wrong direction for the state.”
Do you libtards remember the other two? Another PuddyHistory Lesson!
Well maybe with her moving to WA the sea ice will come faster, without all her hot air.
yelling loser boy… don’t click the link, it’s scientific.
Did anyone attend one of Dino’s “Forward Washington” pep talks?
I bet Dino never mentioned “my opponent” but he must have blurted “the incumbent” once or twice or thrice during his tenure at that “non-partisan” outfit.
What a great day it would be if she was swept away to DC.
@18: Puddy and the inability to understand or interpret scientific data:
clicked on the link – oops it has been debunked as cherry picked data:
@17: oops
Puddy is wrong again:
Guess her recent budget proposal that includes NO major new taxes means – she kept that promise and Puddy is wrong again.
That is two wrongs in a row for Puddy. does that make a right? I doubt it…
@13: After the illegal campaign contributions by the BIAW to BOTH Rossi and McKenna – they are tainted.
I say – bring them on….an attorney general who disregards the law and a two time loser in the pocket of an illegal lobbyist…both are LOSERS.
Roger Rabbit @ 2
I don’t think Gregoire would give up the governor’s position for a number two spot at the Justice Department. There is no precedent for a sitting governor to resign and take a sub-cabinet level position.
Secretary of Commerce seems like a plausible appointment, even though Gregoire’s credentials for such a position are not overwhelming. Her credentials are still pretty damned respectable, however, and I am sure she could do a good job in that position.
I think Rob McKenna would be a formidable candidate for Governor. McKenna has won two kick-ass elections for Attorney General, against strong Democratic opponents in strong Democratic years.
McKenna was just re-elected with 59.46% of the vote, and carried 37 of the state’s 39 counties. Pretty impressive, considering that Obama carried the state by a 17.17% margin in that same election — a swing of over 26 percentage points between the two races.
We will probably be stuck with McKenna as Governor, if Gregoire gives up the position. Brad Owen will keep his Lieutenant Governor position, and simply serve as acting Governor, until an election can be held in November 2009. If Owen goes for it, and gets into the top two, McKenna can beat him. And I think McKenna can beat any other Democrat as well.
McKenna just happens to be really popular. And there are enough people that would like a change in administration in Olympia. The Republicans would like to win this one, and I can see Dino Rossi declining a third opportunity to run.
If McKenna were elected Governor, he would have the right to appoint a successor of his own choosing as Attorney General. There would be an election for that position in the following November general election, which would be in November 2010, for the remainder of the term.
Gregoire would probably be a good person for the benefit of the nation as Commerce Secretary. I would certainly prefer a popular political leader, as opposed to some business or corporate figure in this position. But for the good of state politics, I hope she serves out her full term as Governor.
I for one will not be sleeping well on this night.
If this is the subject and if our great governor does accept, Rossi will be very much alive. Look for Ron Sims, Phil Talmadge,Jay Inslee,and perhaps Frank Chopp or Hans Dunshee, to divide the pro boy Democratic vote and Lisa Brown to win the primary. Rossi or Mckenna would be very hard to beat. I think Brad Owen could retain and return to his duly elected office (if he is smart).
Please oh please say it isn’t so. Several could fill this post for Obama and right now we really need stability.
CNR – Stupes is missing in action yet again. I think you exploded his pin head.
Yet again…
Gregoire will not bhe Sec Com. She lacks the skills for that job. She could be an officer at Justice BUT, the damage that would do to WASTATE is huge. Owen should never have been permitted to return as LG .. that is enough evidence that CG lacks the political skill to be a cabinet officer.
22 Archtypical right-wing idealogue’s cognitive dissonance. It’s a little like being color blind, only worse–rather like not being able to perceive the difference between shit and ice cream.
@17 What taxes has she raised this year, pudcracker?
@25 You think Senn was a “strong opponent”?
Roger Rabbit @ 31
Senn was certainly much stronger than the defeated Attorney General candidates in the two general elections prior to McKenna’s election.
But look at how McKenna really cleaned Ladenburg’s clock. 59.46% of the vote. Ladenburg certainly had the political strength and qualifications for the position. Several terms as Pierce County prosecuting attorney, and two terms as Pierce County executive. Ladenburg only carried two counties, and even got beat by 16.40% in Pierce County — which had elected him numerous times to countywide office. And all this in a heavily Democratic year, where Obama carried the state by more than 17 points.
By contrast, Gregoire’s last re-election as Attorney General in 2000 looks rather anemic. Only 55.98% of the vote against an opponent who didn’t even bother to campaign. Lost about 15 or so counties. A little bit better than Gore’s 50.16% in that same election of course, but nothing near the 36 point swing McKenna pulled off this year in his race.
So McKenna will be a serious threat when he decides to run for Governor. I think he will do it in 2012, and that Gregoire will not seek a third term.
@30 L&I went up again like it always does and they have billions and billions of dollars in over charges on business.
If you remember correctly Rossi won the first election 2 out of 3. The Grinch stole the election!! Unfortunately for us even Obama isn’t stupid enough to take her!!