Jealous that HA has never made a tribute post honoring your body of work?
Hardly worth listening to. He left S.P.D. in disgrace, and now clearly has two or three marbles rolling around upstairs. Sounds like’s he’s having flashbacks from the 60’s. This man was never a “real” cop. Perhaps Lee will see him at Taco Bell.
some really funny ones – like Jamaica (illegal but ignored) or Barbados (death if convicted of possession).
Perhaps because legalization of Marijuana would endanger U.S. foreign aid, or mean the elimination of U.S. anti-drug money? Their military would have to buy their own helicopters?
This guy was never a real cop? And that would be, what, exactly, mark1?
Yeah, let’s keep doing things the way we’re doing them because they’re obviously working great. That’s why our prison population is bursting at the seams.
The drug was continues and it has been nothing short of an absolute, complete waste of money and resources.
The readers of this blog might be interested to know that Norm Stamper wore a badge for more than 30 years, was decorated several times, attained high rank with two different departments, earned a P.hD, wrote a book (“Breaking Ranks”) and is now a sought-after lecturer on police reform. His conduct during the WTO riots was exemplary: almost alone among those involved, he tried to protect the civil rights of the law-abiding marchers, the vast majority of those on the streets in Seattle.
In my years in military and government service, I have lived all around the USA, and if there is police chief who has better served both the citizenry and the Constiution than Norm Stamper, I don’t know that man’s name.
Obama’s Approval Rating = 68%
And we know who the other 32% are …
In other news, Waco cultist David Koresh’s mother has been stabbed to death, allegedly by her sister. I’ve always felt that family had issues.
@2 The wingers probably will blame this on Clinton, too.
I posted that a few hours before you did. I think insanity runs in that family, you agree?
What an intelligent, thoughtful man. I admire him. I’d admire him even more if he would have bashed in the heads of those WTO protesters.
I’d admire him EVEN MORE THAN TROLL if he’d bashed in the heads of the Troll!
Jealous that HA has never made a tribute post honoring your body of work?
Hardly worth listening to. He left S.P.D. in disgrace, and now clearly has two or three marbles rolling around upstairs. Sounds like’s he’s having flashbacks from the 60’s. This man was never a “real” cop. Perhaps Lee will see him at Taco Bell.
I wonder why in most countries drinking alcohol is legal, but smoking pot is illegal?
@9: Nice link:
some really funny ones – like Jamaica (illegal but ignored) or Barbados (death if convicted of possession).
Perhaps because legalization of Marijuana would endanger U.S. foreign aid, or mean the elimination of U.S. anti-drug money? Their military would have to buy their own helicopters?
This guy was never a real cop? And that would be, what, exactly, mark1?
Yeah, let’s keep doing things the way we’re doing them because they’re obviously working great. That’s why our prison population is bursting at the seams.
The drug was continues and it has been nothing short of an absolute, complete waste of money and resources.
The readers of this blog might be interested to know that Norm Stamper wore a badge for more than 30 years, was decorated several times, attained high rank with two different departments, earned a P.hD, wrote a book (“Breaking Ranks”) and is now a sought-after lecturer on police reform. His conduct during the WTO riots was exemplary: almost alone among those involved, he tried to protect the civil rights of the law-abiding marchers, the vast majority of those on the streets in Seattle.
In my years in military and government service, I have lived all around the USA, and if there is police chief who has better served both the citizenry and the Constiution than Norm Stamper, I don’t know that man’s name.