SeattleJew gave me the OK to post this up to the front. He wrote:
Crack and theft, not to mention more violent issues are commingled in the African American community, Can the cops be expected to separate these issues? I guess that would mean only arresting a suspected perp for jay walking? Am I being sarcastic? No. Capone was never charged with murder, etc. “We” the good guys got him for tax evasion. On a grander scale, Nixon was on the road to impeachment not for treason but largely for profanity. Libby, may he rot in jail, was caught for this cover up, How is this different than the cops arresting a pimp for possession of a few black crystals?
Ignoring the fact that I have no idea what drug he’s referring to with the term “black crystals”, is he lying when he later says this?
As for the word Pimp, I did not use it esp. for anyone of any race.
UPDATE: More fun with SeattleJew. He also writes to me:
You seem to have some sort of similar problem with seeing others as racist. Could I call it, “Blogging while disagreeing with Lee?” This is why I warned you of McCarthyism. Throwing words like racist around is too easy.
I agree. Here’s something fun everyone can do. Open up the post where this comment appears and do a Ctrl-F. Type in the word “racist” and click Find Next. Was it in my lengthy post calling for Chief Kerlikowske to resign? Nope, it’s in the first full sentence of the first comment. Written by who?
SeattleJew. Strange that.
SeattleJew is a nice guy, but he’s wack-a-doodle-do.
And in this regard how would he would be different from a majority of the posters here?
“Libby, may he rot in jail, was caught for this cover up”
You Lie, and yo’ bref stank (like hummus). He’s out!..Presidential Pardon.
I am not sure why Lee wants to pick fights. But if he really believes that I am a racist, I think he, not I, has a problem.
While, I take offense, I must admit to not understanding why Lee would bother with this behavior. What he gains by tis, I do not know. Makes me sad.
FWIW, the thread began when I expressed concern that the Stranger and Lee were muckraking in re Chief Kerlikowske’s role in the recent police overview issues. In particular, I criticized Lee, and the Stranger, for depicting this as the Chief vs, the AA community when other leaders of the African American community had come out in opposition to James Bible, the Chief’s major critic. Apparently my statement of fact was enough to get Lee to add me to his name calling list.
I am not sure why Lee wants to pick fights. But if he really believes that I am a racist, I think he, not I, has a problem.
I posted this because you said that I mischaracterized that paragraph. I like to make it very clear when you accuse me of saying thing I didn’t say, or when you claim that you haven’t said things that you have. I didn’t call you a racist in this post at all.
While, I take offense, I must admit to not understanding why Lee would bother with this behavior. What he gains by tis, I do not know. Makes me sad.
I just enjoy deflating the pompous. It’s part of what’s fun about blogging.
FWIW, the thread began when I expressed concern that the Stranger and Lee were muckraking in re Chief Kerlikowske’s role in the recent police overview issues.
And more evidence keeps coming out that The Stranger is actually doing some great reporting on this and that Chief Kerlikowske clearly has some questions to answer.
In particular, I criticized Lee, and the Stranger, for depicting this as the Chief vs, the AA community when other leaders of the African American community had come out in opposition to James Bible, the Chief’s major critic.
And it turns out that the support for Chief Kerlikowske was solicited by the mayor, and not spontaneous voices of support. Unfortunately, that’s backfiring, as another group of minority activists is calling for “major personnel changes” in SPD.
Apparently my statement of fact was enough to get Lee to add me to his name calling list.
This latest post was actually a direct response to you saying that I should “admit my mistake” over how I said you used the word pimp in reference to the black community (which you clearly did in the paragraph above).
Is any but Lee interested in witnessing a cat fight? Last time I enjoyed something like this I was watching the gang fight in West Side Story.
Again, I think Lee has a problem with his mouth. It is apretty bad behavior to call someone else a racist. The purpose for this, according to Lee, is that insulting others is the “fun” of blogging. Hmmmm. I thought that was a concept of the wing nuts. Lee must really enjoy Limbaugh.
Having some training in psychiatry and in behavioral psychology, I will venture a guess about this sort of behavior.
Lee, not I, seems to see this paragraph as saying something about pimps being African American. As a well married guy, I simply lack the expertise to comment but my understanding is that there are no “racial” occupational requirements in that profession. FWIW my own grand uncle was, inter alia /i> a pimp. He had other, less pleasant jobs but was most definitely not African American.
One explanation for such behavior may be projection. Perhaps Lee himself is preoccupied with the racial images of Pimps? Certainly a lot of Limbaugh’s muckraking makes one wonder about whether the plump pundit of partisan politics is attracted to shady behavior? When Limbaugh talks about Hillary’s legs, I wonder why is this fella is so fascinated by a candidate’s games? Same issue arises for Lee. Why does he need to call me names?
Back to the issue of the Chief, my criticism of Lee’s post was quite specific. He challenged my comment that others from the AA community had opposed Mr. Bible’s attack. This included both Carl Mack and James Kelley. Lee was simply wrong. Not a big deal but he would have gotten more done by admitting the error. I do not count points.
Perhaps there is a way to turn this fracas to our advantage. I suspect that Lee and I are in close agreement that the racial gap in our society remains a major issue. I for one an very grateful to Lee and others for organizing DL. Thank you! DL, however, is as segregated as a convention of the National Party in South Africa. What can we all do to increase diversity on Tuesday night?
Fianlly, back at the meat of your post, if your reason for blogging is to make a mess, that seems like a poor use of either of our time.
Am I pompous? I suspect I can appear that way. It is a talent that I would rather not have. OTOH, sometimes when discussing matters with folks like you, esp matters where i do have a lot of expertise, I do find it hard not to become pompous in response.
Is any but Lee interested in witnessing a cat fight? Last time I enjoyed something like this I was watching the gang fight in West Side Story.
You’re enjoying this? That’s good to hear.
Again, I think Lee has a problem with his mouth. It is apretty bad behavior to call someone else a racist.
There’s one small problem here. As I pointed out in the post, YOU’RE the one who seems very quick to be calling others racist.
The purpose for this, according to Lee, is that insulting others is the “fun” of blogging.
Actually, pointing out your hypocrisy is the “fun” of blogging.
Hmmmm. I thought that was a concept of the wing nuts. Lee must really enjoy Limbaugh.
Well, you’re wrong. I think Limbaugh is as much of a hypocrite as you. Any chance that you’ll be able to process that information properly?
Having some training in psychiatry and in behavioral psychology, I will venture a guess about this sort of behavior.
Oh lord, this’ll be fun.
Lee, not I, seems to see this paragraph as saying something about pimps being African American.
Well, you can be the expert in psychiatry if you want, but let me explain to you how reading comprehension works. You started out the paragraph with the following sentence:
Following so far? Good. You then followed that up with several examples of how cops have used certain tactics to nail people with lesser crimes rather than the bigger crimes they were guilty of. At the end of the paragraph, you were clearly referencing the first sentence above with this:
When you used the word pimp there, you were discussing how to deal with the black community. Whether you consciously did it or not does not matter. I’m not offended or think you’re a racist because of this, I just found it hilarious that you used that word.
As a well married guy, I simply lack the expertise to comment but my understanding is that there are no “racial” occupational requirements in that profession. FWIW my own grand uncle was, inter alia a pimp. He had other, less pleasant jobs but was most definitely not African American.
Good for him. And I’m glad you know that pimps don’t have to be African-American. Congratulations.
One explanation for such behavior may be projection. Perhaps Lee himself is preoccupied with the racial images of Pimps?
Um, no. There’s a much simpler explanation for this. I nailed you and you’re not capable of handling it.
Certainly a lot of Limbaugh’s muckraking makes one wonder about whether the plump pundit of partisan politics is attracted to shady behavior? When Limbaugh talks about Hillary’s legs, I wonder why is this fella is so fascinated by a candidate’s games? Same issue arises for Lee. Why does he need to call me names?
Because it makes you flip out and say ridiculous things. And I write for a blog that makes fun of people who say ridiculous things. The reason I provoke you is because you keep giving me great material for Effin’ Unsound in return.
Back to the issue of the Chief, my criticism of Lee’s post was quite specific. He challenged my comment that others from the AA community had opposed Mr. Bible’s attack. This included both Carl Mack and James Kelley. Lee was simply wrong.
Um, no, here’s what you wrote:
There are not “numerous” people in the African-American community supporting the chief. There were 2 – and one lives in Virginia. YOU, as always, were wrong.
Perhaps there is a way to turn this fracas to our advantage. I suspect that Lee and I are in close agreement that the racial gap in our society remains a major issue. I for one an very grateful to Lee and others for organizing DL. Thank you!
You’re very welcome.
DL, however, is as segregated as a convention of the National Party in South Africa. What can we all do to increase diversity on Tuesday night?
How about not suggesting that The Stranger is racist for reporting on incidents where the SPD violated the civil rights of black people? Or is that too difficult for you? The reason there are no black people at DL is because the progressive establishment in this city doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the black community. And this entire exchange has demonstrated as well as anything I’ve ever seen why that is.
Fianlly, back at the meat of your post, if your reason for blogging is to make a mess, that seems like a poor use of either of our time.
My reason for blogging is to point out the hypocrisy of fools. I think it’s a very enjoyable use of my time.
Am I pompous? I suspect I can appear that way.
Yeah, you think?
It is a talent that I would rather not have. OTOH, sometimes when discussing matters with folks like you, esp matters where i do have a lot of expertise, I do find it hard not to become pompous in response.
But you don’t have a lot of expertise on this issue. Issues of crime and race are something that I follow closely. In the second comment of the original post, you wrote this:
This is flat out wrong. The disparity in drug arrests is not just a function of the fact that black people are more into other illegal activity surrounding drugs. Statistically, that is true, but the difference is way too small to explain the overall disparity. The idea that police have to aggressively arrest people for drug use in the black community because the drug markets have been rooted there is why many black communities have become devastated over the past few decades.
You may know Chief Kerlikowske more than me, but I’ve followed criminal justice issue well enough to know what it looks like when there’s an accountability issue in dealing with the African-American community. This is far from the worst I’ve seen, but it’s lousy for a city that prides itself on its progressivism.
As I keep saying, I think you can find better uses for your time.
As for the issue of whether the Stranger is racist, what do you think? How does one measure racism? Pandering, condescension, are forms of racism, no? Does the stanger do this?
What about the token black faces we see as an editorialist in other newspapers? Is that racism? You claim not be racist (and I do not think you are) but you seem preoccupied with the racial bias of the Seattle police. Why is this such a big issue for you???
Oh yeh, YOU enjoy exposing hypocrisy. Do you ever wonder abut your own hypocrisy? BTW, is there a candidate fr President you do not hink is a hypocrite?
As fan of Jefferson and King and Ghandi, I must admit to admiring their hypocrisy. Where would be without Jefferson’s tangled efforts at dealing with slavery or King’s odd academic issues or the Mahatma’s late-in-life need for young girls to share his bed?
Maybe I will start a new blog for hypocrites. I might begin by trying to identify anyone I think is not a hypocrite:
bin Laden
GW Bush
Pope Gregory
David Duke
President Hu
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Jimmy Carter
Bill Gates
Donald Trump
Mike Tyson
Ron Sims
Patty Murry
Joel Connoly
Harold Dean
Senator Hagel
Al Frankin
Larry Sommers
the Hamas leadership
What do you think?
How about the opposites:
Falwell (less so now)
Billy Graham
Pope Gregory
Bill Clinton
Al Gore
Louise McKinney
Seattle Times’ management
UW athletics dept.
Steve Jobs
Tim Eyman
Barry Bonds
Clarence Thomas
Colin West
Colin Powell
the Fatah leadership
Francis Collins
Al Sharpton
Interesting .. this list does not neatly divide liberals vs conservatives. Where do YOU fit?
Oh yeh, YOU enjoy exposing hypocrisy. Do you ever wonder abut your own hypocrisy?
Give me one example.