Some of your offspring got loose, and have been impounded by the authorities. I would suggest that you get your wallet and bail them out, or alternatively, use your razar sharp claws and legendary firearms skills to effect a rescue.
Gee whiz, listening to that was like reading posts from those conservative whackos christmasghost and puddybuddy.
Macy’s is cutting jobs, about 2800 nationwide and 750 in Seattle, as it merges the Seattle region into a Western Region (headquarted in San Francisco). Buyers will be among those who are targeted, as Macys figures everybody on the West Coast dresses the same, I guess.
And here in Seattle, when the weather finally turns nice around mid-July and it occurs to you that you need to some new summer clothes, you will go to the stores and find that all the summer stock was on clearance – back in June – and the store shelves are already full of back-to-school clothes.
rhp6033 says :”And here in Seattle, when the weather finally turns nice around mid-July and it occurs to you that you need to some new summer clothes, you will go to the stores and find that all the summer stock was on clearance – back in June – and the store shelves are already full of back-to-school clothes.”
hey, where have you been? that practice has been going on forever! geez…just try and buy a bathing suit in july….ever.anywhere. i think the stores have been doing this for at least 30 years……..
It is true though, Seattle Untimely is better than Almost Live! ever was.
More proofs that the Republicans do NOT support the troops. Espceially wounded veterans who’ve paid the price with their blood.
Fucking backstabbing, unpatriotic, al Qeada supporting Republicans!
GOP senators block alternative stimulus plan
Democrats wanted to add rebate checks for disabled veterans
updated 41 minutes ago
WASHINGTON – Senate Republicans blocked a move by Democrats on Wednesday to add more than $40 billion in checks for the elderly, disabled veterans and the unemployed to a bill to stimulate the economy.
Yeah, you know you hate us veterans. That’s OK. We served so you could bitch. It is your right. Just wish you and your elected officials would show a little more appreication for us veterans.
Thanks for NOTHING!!
What do you know?
These Republicans just can’t stop stealing!!!
Top House Republicans were told in recent days that a former employee of their campaign committee may have forged an official audit during the contentious 2006 election cycle and that they should brace for the possibility that an unfolding investigation could uncover financial improprieties stretching back several years, according to GOP sources briefed on the members-only discussions.
Forging an audit! These guys have no shame. This loser was connected to Bob Ney and the swiftboat liars.
GBS…you mean you don’t have any FAITH in nancy “more botox please” pelosi?
wow….we agree on something……
@8 Since the Republicans said that they agreed with the provisions extending help to seniors and vets, your claim that Republicans hate veterans is spurious.
The objections were to the numerous “extras” that were tacked onto the bill, one of which I would strongly object to as well.
Why don’t you read beyond the headlines and see what really happened before making such a ridiculous claim? Oh, and I’m a vet too, before you bother going there.
“The bill also includes $10 billion in tax-free mortgage revenue bonds to help homeowners refinance subprime loans.”
You dims are freakin’ determined to save people from their own folly no matter what it costs. No one, NO ONE, signed up for one of these loans at gunpoint. You idiots going to bail me out of my mortgage too?
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
GBS: You know better than that and you went to Keith Olbermann’s site.
Tsk tsk.. Of all the lefties here I expect a higher level of mental faculties.
Oh ChristmasGhost succinctly answer this in another thread and I-Burn did in #12.
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
And clueless idiot posts something that was already covered earlier today by the rat.
Clueless Idiot is always on the short stack of brain power.
Roger Rabbitspews:
McCain Shoots Down Aid For Poor, Elderly, Veterans, and Unemployed
The Senate today, on a 58-41 vote, failed to overcome GOP opposition to including benefits for the poor, senior citizens, veterans, and unemployed in the economic stimulus package. Majority Leader Harry Reid’s “no” vote was a parliamentary maneuver that will allow him to bring the bill up for a revote; he would have voted “yes” if there had been one more “yes” vote.
With 99 senators present and voting, the absent senator was John McCain. If he had been present to vote, and had voted “yes,” the bill would have had the 60 votes needed to bring it to a floor vote and passage. He is responsible for its defeat.
Why does John McCain hate the poor, elderly, veterans, and unemployed?
Prosecutorial Misconduct May Jeopardize Moussaoui Conviction
“WASHINGTON (AP) – The lead prosecutor … against Zacarias Moussaoui likely knew the CIA destroyed tapes of its interrogations of al-Qaida suspects more than a year before the government acknowledged it to the court, newly unsealed documents show.
“The documents … detail efforts by Moussaoui’s attorneys to send the case back to a lower federal court to find out why the tapes weren’t disclosed and whether they would have influenced his decision to plead guilty.
In a Dec. 18, 2007, letter to the appeals court’s chief judge, the Justice Department acknowledged that its lead prosecutor … may have been told of the tapes’ destruction in late February or early March of 2006 ….
“During Moussaoui’s sentencing trial, prosecutors told U.S. District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema that no such recordings existed.
“Beginning in 2003, attorneys for Moussaoui began seeking videotapes of interrogations they believed might help them show he wasn’t a part of the 9/11 attacks. Brinkema … asked for confirmation of whether the government ‘has video or audio tapes of these interrogations’ …. Eleven days later, the government denied it had video or audio tapes of those specific interrogations. …
“Prosecutors … say the issue is moot since a jury failed to impose the death penalty in the case.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let me get this straight. Prosecutors get a defendant to plea bargain by threatening him with execution. The defendant and his attorneys base their decision on the evidence before them, which includes the government’s statements that it doesn’t have these tapes. The tapes potentially exonerate the defendant of the charges that expose him to possible execution. It turns out the government lied, the prosecutor knew the government was lying, and didn’t disclose the existence of these tapes to the court. I see two things happening here. One, the defendant’s motion to set aside his guilty plea and grant him a new trial is granted. Second, the prosecutor gets disbarred. In any case, that’s what should happen.
Another clusterfuck brought to you by the ethically challenged incompetents of the chimp administration.
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
So I have to go there. Senate Moonbat!s decided to add more than $40BM of extra pork to the slimmed down version passed by the house.
If they wanted to make these things as legislation, then create a bill that stands on it’s own…
something that was already covered earlier today
Well, now that SOMETHING has been covered LATER today.
That “SOMETHING” is the simple truth that Republicans are thieves, traitors, liars, hypocrites and if people have any sense at all, Republicans will be not be able to get elected dogcatcher for generations to come.
@18 Wasn’t that the lead editorial at the ‘Workers World’ site?
Puddy at 17:”If they wanted to make these things as legislation, then create a bill that stands on it’s own… ”
Fine by me, provided that the Republicans agree to get rid of the immunity provisions of the Telecommunications act.
But Bush & Republican Senators would rather the act not pass at all, and are already complaining that the delay is “putting national security at risk”, rather than remove that one provision and put it up for a seperate bill, to be debated on it’s own merits.
Now, why would Bush & Co. be so willing to “risk national security” if, as they claim, there are no violations which make the immunity provisions necessary? If no law has been violated, then why have the provision in the bill at all? In other words, is Bush lying when he says the immunity provisions are necessary, or is he lying when he says there are no violations of the law, or is he lying when he says that the nation’s national security is at risk if the bill isn’t passed, including the immunity provisions?
Obviously, the administration (and some Republican Senators) know something more than what has been revealed in public. If the telecommunications CEOs are threatened with prosecution next year (with a Democrat in the White House), you can bet that they will be turning state’s witness against those in government who encouraged them to violate the law. But if the CEOs are immune from prosecution, then the investigation stalls there, right? So it’s not the telecommunications companies that Bush & Co. are trying to protect, they are trying to short-circuit yet another investigation into their violations of federal laws.
The Anti-Headless Lucyspews:
#10 GBS says:
If we have to rely on Nancy Pelosi to prosecute this thing, then forget it. The Republicans are safe.
What does Harry Reid say about impeachment? Teddy Kennedy? Mary Jo Kopechne? Any democrat besides UFO boy for impeachment?
Ever ask yourself why?
Why don’t you list the reasons you believe that only UFO boy is calling for impeachment.
[hint:maybe nothing bush did is impeachable despite what moveon says.]
Rumor on the street is that soldiers in Iraq have found an underground “nucular” facility complete with french manufactured warheads. My guess is they will announce this just before the election. I can barely contain myself. I
knew they would find them. Now if we could just find that
oil that Bush and Cheney are hiding.
Okay, I’m treating this as an open thread:
Roger Rabbit:
Some of your offspring got loose, and have been impounded by the authorities. I would suggest that you get your wallet and bail them out, or alternatively, use your razar sharp claws and legendary firearms skills to effect a rescue.;dept=40
Gee whiz, listening to that was like reading posts from those conservative whackos christmasghost and puddybuddy.
Macy’s is cutting jobs, about 2800 nationwide and 750 in Seattle, as it merges the Seattle region into a Western Region (headquarted in San Francisco). Buyers will be among those who are targeted, as Macys figures everybody on the West Coast dresses the same, I guess.
And here in Seattle, when the weather finally turns nice around mid-July and it occurs to you that you need to some new summer clothes, you will go to the stores and find that all the summer stock was on clearance – back in June – and the store shelves are already full of back-to-school clothes.
rhp6033 says :”And here in Seattle, when the weather finally turns nice around mid-July and it occurs to you that you need to some new summer clothes, you will go to the stores and find that all the summer stock was on clearance – back in June – and the store shelves are already full of back-to-school clothes.”
hey, where have you been? that practice has been going on forever! geez…just try and buy a bathing suit in july….ever.anywhere. i think the stores have been doing this for at least 30 years……..
madlib/goldy… you too…….
Holy cats, that Seattle Untimely is untimely. Its almost a year old, and not even close the funniest they’ve done.
@ 5
Yeah, I know, but I liked it better than their new one.
@6 Most hella funny SU = Fair weather fans
Or, the Canadian Economy
Or, the Consumption Report
It is true though, Seattle Untimely is better than Almost Live! ever was.
More proofs that the Republicans do NOT support the troops. Espceially wounded veterans who’ve paid the price with their blood.
Fucking backstabbing, unpatriotic, al Qeada supporting Republicans!
GOP senators block alternative stimulus plan
Democrats wanted to add rebate checks for disabled veterans
updated 41 minutes ago
WASHINGTON – Senate Republicans blocked a move by Democrats on Wednesday to add more than $40 billion in checks for the elderly, disabled veterans and the unemployed to a bill to stimulate the economy.
Explain this one Christmasghost, Puddybud.
Yeah, you know you hate us veterans. That’s OK. We served so you could bitch. It is your right. Just wish you and your elected officials would show a little more appreication for us veterans.
Thanks for NOTHING!!
What do you know?
These Republicans just can’t stop stealing!!!
Forging an audit! These guys have no shame. This loser was connected to Bob Ney and the swiftboat liars.
Let this get to Rove! Please! Please!
@ 9:
If we have to rely on Nancy Pelosi to prosecute this thing, then forget it. The Republicans are safe.
GBS…you mean you don’t have any FAITH in nancy “more botox please” pelosi?
wow….we agree on something……
@8 Since the Republicans said that they agreed with the provisions extending help to seniors and vets, your claim that Republicans hate veterans is spurious.
The objections were to the numerous “extras” that were tacked onto the bill, one of which I would strongly object to as well.
Why don’t you read beyond the headlines and see what really happened before making such a ridiculous claim? Oh, and I’m a vet too, before you bother going there.
“The bill also includes $10 billion in tax-free mortgage revenue bonds to help homeowners refinance subprime loans.”
You dims are freakin’ determined to save people from their own folly no matter what it costs. No one, NO ONE, signed up for one of these loans at gunpoint. You idiots going to bail me out of my mortgage too?
GBS: You know better than that and you went to Keith Olbermann’s site.
Tsk tsk.. Of all the lefties here I expect a higher level of mental faculties.
Oh ChristmasGhost succinctly answer this in another thread and I-Burn did in #12.
And clueless idiot posts something that was already covered earlier today by the rat.
Clueless Idiot is always on the short stack of brain power.
McCain Shoots Down Aid For Poor, Elderly, Veterans, and Unemployed
The Senate today, on a 58-41 vote, failed to overcome GOP opposition to including benefits for the poor, senior citizens, veterans, and unemployed in the economic stimulus package. Majority Leader Harry Reid’s “no” vote was a parliamentary maneuver that will allow him to bring the bill up for a revote; he would have voted “yes” if there had been one more “yes” vote.
With 99 senators present and voting, the absent senator was John McCain. If he had been present to vote, and had voted “yes,” the bill would have had the 60 votes needed to bring it to a floor vote and passage. He is responsible for its defeat.
Why does John McCain hate the poor, elderly, veterans, and unemployed?
Prosecutorial Misconduct May Jeopardize Moussaoui Conviction
“WASHINGTON (AP) – The lead prosecutor … against Zacarias Moussaoui likely knew the CIA destroyed tapes of its interrogations of al-Qaida suspects more than a year before the government acknowledged it to the court, newly unsealed documents show.
“The documents … detail efforts by Moussaoui’s attorneys to send the case back to a lower federal court to find out why the tapes weren’t disclosed and whether they would have influenced his decision to plead guilty.
In a Dec. 18, 2007, letter to the appeals court’s chief judge, the Justice Department acknowledged that its lead prosecutor … may have been told of the tapes’ destruction in late February or early March of 2006 ….
“During Moussaoui’s sentencing trial, prosecutors told U.S. District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema that no such recordings existed.
“Beginning in 2003, attorneys for Moussaoui began seeking videotapes of interrogations they believed might help them show he wasn’t a part of the 9/11 attacks. Brinkema … asked for confirmation of whether the government ‘has video or audio tapes of these interrogations’ …. Eleven days later, the government denied it had video or audio tapes of those specific interrogations. …
“Prosecutors … say the issue is moot since a jury failed to impose the death penalty in the case.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let me get this straight. Prosecutors get a defendant to plea bargain by threatening him with execution. The defendant and his attorneys base their decision on the evidence before them, which includes the government’s statements that it doesn’t have these tapes. The tapes potentially exonerate the defendant of the charges that expose him to possible execution. It turns out the government lied, the prosecutor knew the government was lying, and didn’t disclose the existence of these tapes to the court. I see two things happening here. One, the defendant’s motion to set aside his guilty plea and grant him a new trial is granted. Second, the prosecutor gets disbarred. In any case, that’s what should happen.
Another clusterfuck brought to you by the ethically challenged incompetents of the chimp administration.
So I have to go there. Senate Moonbat!s decided to add more than $40BM of extra pork to the slimmed down version passed by the house.
If they wanted to make these things as legislation, then create a bill that stands on it’s own…
something that was already covered earlier today
Well, now that SOMETHING has been covered LATER today.
That “SOMETHING” is the simple truth that Republicans are thieves, traitors, liars, hypocrites and if people have any sense at all, Republicans will be not be able to get elected dogcatcher for generations to come.
@18 Wasn’t that the lead editorial at the ‘Workers World’ site?
Puddy at 17:”If they wanted to make these things as legislation, then create a bill that stands on it’s own… ”
Fine by me, provided that the Republicans agree to get rid of the immunity provisions of the Telecommunications act.
But Bush & Republican Senators would rather the act not pass at all, and are already complaining that the delay is “putting national security at risk”, rather than remove that one provision and put it up for a seperate bill, to be debated on it’s own merits.
Now, why would Bush & Co. be so willing to “risk national security” if, as they claim, there are no violations which make the immunity provisions necessary? If no law has been violated, then why have the provision in the bill at all? In other words, is Bush lying when he says the immunity provisions are necessary, or is he lying when he says there are no violations of the law, or is he lying when he says that the nation’s national security is at risk if the bill isn’t passed, including the immunity provisions?
Obviously, the administration (and some Republican Senators) know something more than what has been revealed in public. If the telecommunications CEOs are threatened with prosecution next year (with a Democrat in the White House), you can bet that they will be turning state’s witness against those in government who encouraged them to violate the law. But if the CEOs are immune from prosecution, then the investigation stalls there, right? So it’s not the telecommunications companies that Bush & Co. are trying to protect, they are trying to short-circuit yet another investigation into their violations of federal laws.
#10 GBS says:
What does Harry Reid say about impeachment? Teddy Kennedy? Mary Jo Kopechne? Any democrat besides UFO boy for impeachment?
Ever ask yourself why?
Why don’t you list the reasons you believe that only UFO boy is calling for impeachment.
[hint:maybe nothing bush did is impeachable despite what moveon says.]
Rumor on the street is that soldiers in Iraq have found an underground “nucular” facility complete with french manufactured warheads. My guess is they will announce this just before the election. I can barely contain myself. I
knew they would find them. Now if we could just find that
oil that Bush and Cheney are hiding.