Sure, the market is down, but compared to the rest of the nation…
The report calls Seattle “a sturdy market,” saying it has become a “magnet for brainpower industries” and a global gateway.
Huh. I guess this lousy economic stewardship is why the building industry is betting the bank to defeat Gov. Gregoire?
Goldy, I like you, but you’ve gotten to be really predictable. Nobody else here has the balls to tell you like it is, but I do. Buddy, you’re a partisan hack. You’re a propagandist. You’re a tool. This blog has become Groundhog day. Same shit, different day. It’s almost like you’re on some sort of DNC payroll to spew out this shit. Here’s the deal. Either you stop phoning it in, and start putting some critical thought into your posts, or I’m out of here. Understood?
Troll @1,
Good riddance.
(And for the record, it’s much more likely that you’re on a partisan payroll than I am.)
Unemployment also dropped recently. Where’s the Rossi ads attacking Gregoire for the unemployment rate ONLY dropping .2%?
Wow, you responded to one of my comments. Let’s see if I can make it 2 for 2. And this time I’ll be polite. Hypothetical: Let’s say Obama, Gregoire, and Burner wins. How would that effect what you do here? Will you pull the plug on HA? Mission accomplished and all of that?
To answer my own question, maybe with a Democratic sweep, the chances of the Fairness Doctrine and Equal Time Rule being brought back will help get Goldy back on the radio.
Troll, don’t be a tease! get your ballsy self over to some wingnut blog where you can “tell it like it is” to an appreciative audience.
You are one truly ignorant stupid annoying Motherfucker.
Tyler spews:
Tyler you dipshit…it was Gregoire’s own staff at Unemployment that spewed out these numbers. According to Gregoire’s staff, 2204 State Workers lost their jobs….but no one can seem to document who they are.
It’s yet another political ruse that only a dipshit like you couldn’t see thru!
The Seattle Commercial Real Estate Market is interesting however. Seems like the residential downswing hit Seattle hard…but belatedly.
Answer this…what will happen to the Seattle Commercial Real Estate Market if Boeing Leaves?
How about Washington Mutual & other Financial Institutions folding?
What % of the Market are stores going out of Linens & Things.
How many Lawyers and other Professional Services are downtown and how many will survive??
1 & 7
And Troll don’t forget to take Mr. Cynical with you. And perhaps Marvin and PuddyPud too. You guys could form a think tank at what ever wingnut blog(s) you select and issue position papers.
do you ever keep your promises?
Goldy I though you were opposed to the BIAW … isn’t this THEIR issue?
Hmmm …
Is it really good that Seattle is having a real estate boom while the real estate values in Amerika fall?
1. Is our boom sustainable?
2. Is Bellevue’s eastern extension of cheaply built over priced high rises (aka Vulcania, aka SLU) good for the city in the long run?
3. Wha happened to Rice’s urban villages?
4. Anybody really like what is planned for the Great Canyon .. formerly known as Broadway on Cap Hill?
5. Quick, when was the last good architecture built in Seattle?
Koohaus ___, Pac. Science Ctr ___, Smith Tower ___ ….
meanwhile 2000 (the Condo) is falling apart and Pike pLace Market needs 75 million dollars to simply maintain itself.
BTW ..
oh yeh, we is building choo choo trains for Paul Allan .. I think Lionel is making the best bid.
Give me some blogs that you want me to go troll at. I was just blocked at one place I don’t want to name.
Goldy and these handful of KLOWNS at HA are “addicted” to Blogging! Addicts don’t know when to quit.
Frankly, I have enjoyed the bantering with these KLOWNS. Some of them actually make decent the blind pig getting the acorn.
I honestly believe this Blog is indicative of the anger brewing in America….and the vulgar, lunacy that dominates the ATHEIST PROGRESSIVE bowel movement currently the fad of Americans who feel soooooooooo. enlightened.
They need an outlet. This is it.
Goldy is a putz…but he ain’t stupid.
As Rog points out, this a foul-mouthed Leftist Blog….pure & simple.
I think you will see in the upcoming 4 years as this PROGRESSIVE ATHEIST nonsense quickly runs it’s course, that Americans will come back to their Conservative roots.
The biggest problem has been the Republican Party. As thehim points out….they have lost their conservative way and we settle for non-Conservative Candidates like Bush & McCain.
Trust me on this…with the recession intensifying, with lots of folks (Left, Right & Middle) seeing there 401(k) and retirement accounts plummetting (me excluded, thankfully!) and taxes rising at all levels of government (see Joel Connelly’s Editorial today….
And if Obama is able to follow thru on his handout campaign to illegals & lazy asses…free stuff if you have a pulse….
I GUARANTEE YOU, Conservatives will be swept back into power. Notice I said CONSERVATIVES and not Republicans.
The Republican Party has become it’s own worst enemy with mamby-pamby “leaders” like Bush.
No more.
Hell, if Joel Connelly…a die-hard Liberal says ENOUGH TAXES!…that’s a pretty good sign of things to come.
I read that Connelly article from today. He’s right.
Dino Rossi, the BIAW’s REPUBLICAN tool, wants WA state to be a magnet for “stupidpower” industries: building 10s of thousands of square miles of ticky-tack houses, McMansions, strip malls and big box stores.
Salmon? Open Space? Rural Preservation? Health of Puget Sound? Apparently, these things aren’t the priorities of “real americans”.
Either you stop phoning it in, and start putting some critical thought into your posts, or I’m out of here. Understood?
Goldy – please, please keep doing what you’re doing so this dipshit troll leaves.
You guys could form a think tank at what ever wingnut blog(s) you select and issue position papers.
These guys can’t think. A stink tank is more their style.
There are real Americans, and there are people who hate America. You don’t believe that? Those protesters who tried to block Palin’s car aren’t real Americans. I would deport them if I could.
Yes, there is an anger brewing throughout America. And it’s directed at you and your Republican co-consipirators, who’s economic and foreign policies have been proven to be disasterous for America as a whole, and for the average Americans in particular.
And if you want to believe the Limbaugh line that the problem is because Republicans just weren’t “Republican” enough, then go right ahead, if it makes you feel better. Keep running more and more wingnut candidates, and watch them get defeated by larger and larger margins.
As it is, the only reason McCain’s still in this race is because he’s still trying to run against his own party, and trying to convince people he’s a “reformer” and “for change”. Most people aren’t buying it, however. What future does a political party have if it’s only chance for victory is to run against itself?
Cynical – you’re fast coming up on another reality slap to Mr. Irrelevant.
It has little effect on you I know.
As for Rossi, he’s been desperatly trying to convince people that a state which is in pretty good shape economically, compared with the U.S. as a whole, is somehow totally went into the crapper in less than four years. Well, maybe not yet, but in the near future!
He’s tried just about everything in the book, hitting every hot-button issue he can think of, from claiming that the state is in a fiscal crisis (it’s not), to allegations of shady dealings with disreputable Indian casino interests (she actually prevented expansion of casinos), to the recently really sleazy ads trying to make her responsible for every sexual predator who may or may not be in the state (the Republican Attorney General running for re-election is campaigning that the state is now doing MORE to keep track of sex offenders).
Fortunately, it seems people aren’t buying it, if recent poll numbers can be believed. I’ve been dissapointed that the Gregoire campaign hasn’t been more aggresive in responding to Rossi’s sleazy ads, but hopefully they are backfiring against him on their own.
I’m a realist. With America’s demographic shift, the traditional Republican base is slowly shrinking. The Republican party is the party of white people and rural areas, and the Democratic party is the party of the poor, minorities, and urban areas. By the year 2050, white people will be a minority in America. Unless the Republican party changes its party platform, and reinvents itself, its future is doomed.
By the way, in the Kind-of-Related category:
Tyrone Willingham should probably be ordering up packing boxes from U-Haul, as his career at the U.W. is probably over as of the evening of the Apple Cup. The way things are going, that last game of the season might well be the only win in the U.W. column, and then only because the Couger football program has collapsed even faster. (Due to injuries, last week the Cougers were holding “open tryouts” among the general student population for the position of backup quarterback!)
Now, I’ll be sad to see Willingham go. I think he got stuck with a program that had lots of infrastructure problems due to the previous coaching controversies which have hurt his ability to recruit. Add to that the incredibly difficult schedule which he inherited this year. But college football being what it is, after four + years on the job a coach has to have a winning season, and winning only one game against a near-corpse of an opponant won’t cut it. The announcement of Willingham’s departure will in all likelihood be in the newspapers the day after the Apple Cup, regardless of how the rest of the season goes.
In that light, let’s take perhaps one more look at the success of the Republican Economic Plane, as measured by the DJIA during the Bush administration. As of 11:30 a.m. PDT today, the DJIA was 17.8% lower than when he took office almost eight years ago.
As for his defenders who blame this performance on the bubble or 9/11, you might want to break it out between Bush’s two terms of office. At the end of his first term, the DJIA was -0.78% from when he first took office, and as of this morning it was -17.16% during his second term. Note also that the DJIA performance would be MUCH WORSE now, except for (a) multiple discount interest rate deductions by the Fed, (b) multiple instances of the Fed giving direct cash infusions into the banking market amounting to tens of billions of dollars, and (c) the Treasury Dept. spending several hundreds of billions of dollars to date to prop up bank stocks by purchasing shares under the bail-out plan.
Clearly, the whole coaching staff needs to be changed. Such a dismal on-the-job performance could never be tolerated in any private industry any more than in college football.
You said you had the balls to leave Troll. So fucking leave already.
Goldy, when you say “building industry is betting the bank”, I assume that you mean the BIAW and their membership. I haven’t seen a list of the builders who are BIAW members but I’ve understood that they represent home builders, probably the residential developer/builder type rather than those developers and contractors involved in Seattle’s commercial development and construction.
Your post can be taken to infer that the likes of Vulcan/Paul Allen, Howard S. Wright and Sellen are BIAW members. I can’t say for sure, but I think it probable that the big guys have nothing to do with the likes of BIAW. At least I hope not. However, if it is true, that aspect alone would be worth an investigation and reported on. Unless you know yourself that the big developers and contractors are involved with BIAW or pouring money into Rossi’s campaign, I suggest that your post is misleading and should have refered to those builders doing so in clearer terms.
#4 Hypothetical: Let’s say Obama, Gregoire, and Burner wins. How would that effect what you do here?
I cannot speak for the others, but I would hope we would continue to advocate for what is right. The Republican are the biggest most obvious target. Get rid of them, get rid of the low hanging fruit. Then we keep after who ever is corrupt and doesn’t have promote progressive middle class values. Regardless of the letter after their name.
10 “Vulcania”….HAR HAR…I love it!
In general, if it’s assumed that the slump is going to be with us for a while, what’s likely to become of many of those half-built 5-story cardboard condo blocks? Most likely some of ’em will become graffiti-encrusted shells, shooting galleries and squatter havens.