Kudos to Jim Brunner at the Seattle Times for finally getting Rep. Dave Reichert on the record about the embarrassing leaked audio in which he brags to room of Republican PCO’s about taking environmental activists “out of the game” in his district with a few well placed, cynical votes.
Reichert tried to laugh it off as “tongue in cheek,” just so you know.
But considering their scoop — I know other reporters have attempted, and failed, to get a comment from Reichert — um… 3PM on a Friday afternoon before a three-day weekend? Could the Times have buried this any further?
Brunner writes that he’s been meaning to get to this sooner, and that he even posted on his day off, and I’ve got no reason to doubt him. But it’s awfully damn frustrating to see Reichert consistently get the benefit of timing, as well as doubt.
I’ll take everybody at their word here (except, of course, Reichert), and just say that the Times owes DelBene a raincheck which, if they’re as fair and balanced as they claim to be, they’ll ultimately deliver.
“In order to be able to stay in office and perform his “number one” goal — protecting America, Reichert said there are “certain moves, chess pieces, strategies I have to employ.””
Uhh, Dave. Those are not chess pieces you’re playing with. They’re Legos.
And of course, Obama Dems would NEVER bury uncomfortable story details on a Friday afternoon before Memorial Day. Today’s admission of an illegal, Blogojevich-like quid pro quo federal job offer to Rep. Stestak is simply part of this administration’s ‘new transparency’.
in an off-the-record statement, reichert promised to support delbene’s pledge to turn her waterfront mansion into the medina national wildlife refuge.
You are smarter than the nonsense you post. The Sestak “thing” is, of course, nothing. It is politics, the way it is, the way it has been, the way it will always be. You know that. St. Ronnie did it. No story. So, with all due respect, why don’t you just go fuck yourself?
Yeah we’ll see Ol Goatie. If it was nothing why did it take weeks for Odumba and his disciples to work on the “thing”? The truth comes out in seconds… cover-ups take weeks and months to plan!
Silly slingshot… Lego has a very nice chess set.
@ 4 “The Sestak “thing” is, of course, nothing.”
It’s nothing in the no-ethics, in-the-gutter, illegal world of Chicago politics. In the law abiding remainder of the US, it’s wrong, despicable and exactly what will become the downfall of Sestak and the WH posers.
@4, Indeed.
Get back to us when someone in the Obama Administration:
Outs a CIA officer and her field operation.
Uses the media to leak classified intelligence, and then uses that leak as justification to discuss the recently “unclassified” intelligence on “Meet the Press”.
Lies about the facts on the ground to launch a “preemptive stike” on another country.
Shoots someone in the face, but faces no police questioning.
Fires federal attorneys because they are not willing to be complicit in voter suppression and election tampering.
Misses the opportunity to stop the largest terrorist attack on the nation in its history.
Filibusters any attempt to hold investigations into said terrorist attack.
Well that person who outed Valerie Plame was DUMMOCRAPT lover Richard Armitage… HE ADMITTED IT!
Butt then again about slingshot, he slings and he misses.
Misses the point and the right president who allowed them in and didn’t check on them.
Butt then again about slingshot, he slings and he misses.
@9: Typical Puddy Lies:
Cheney outed Plame. Armitage was working in a republican administration – but Cheney was pulling the strings and his chief of staff went to jail to protect Cheney.
wow, pUddy, are you that biased or that stooopid?
It was Bush who was in charge, who demphasized al qaida, who refused to listen to outgoing clinton advosor Clarke – who warned Bush.
wow, pUddy, you forget more recent history than you know.
Revisionist history from Puddy = history minus the facts.
# 8: Actually, there are far more examples, you’ve just listed a summary of a few of them.
Quite frankly, I should have kept a daily list of the Bush administration screw-ups. Just about every day, with increasing regularity which approached multiple progression, there was something revealed which was surpassed everything that had gone on before it. By 2008 I had lost the ability to be surprised and outraged, although I still retain a deep anger at the lingering damage done which will take a generation or more to repair.
The Bush administration revealed the answer to a basic question which America has wondered about for quite some time:
How much damage can a President really do?