It is one thing for the Seattle Times to miss a story happening in its own backyard; that sorta thing happens all the time these days, what with the devastating newsroom cutbacks suffered industrywide over the past few years. But it’s another thing to fill that gap by credulously running an AP piece that totally mischaracterizes the underlying story, and under the misleading headline “In Washington, illegal immigrants canvassing for Democrats.”
Hear that…? Those dirty Democrats are at it again folks, this time using illegal immigrants to help steal another election. Or at least that’s the spin that’s prompted news outlets to pick up this provocative headline nationwide.
But in reality, that spin couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the real story here, the one which truly deserves the headlines, is the story about how Seattle-based OneAmerica Votes has put together a team of enthusiastic volunteers to canvass immigrant voters throughout Washington state. It is an inspiring story about how our region’s newest Americans have passionately embraced their adopted nation’s grassroots democratic traditions.
Instead, the AP cynically cherry-picks its lede:
When Maria Gianni is knocking on voters’ doors, she’s not bashful about telling people she is in the country illegally.
She knows it’s a risk to advertise this fact to strangers — but it’s one worth taking in what she sees as a crucial election.
The 42-year-old is one of dozens of volunteers — many of them illegal immigrants — canvassing neighborhoods in the Seattle area trying to get naturalized citizens to cast a ballot for candidates like Democratic Sen. Patty Murray, who is in a neck-and-neck race with Republican Dino Rossi.
As a writer, I can’t argue with the storytelling; admittedly, that’s a damn compelling lede. But as a journalist, AP reporter Manuel Valdes (or maybe, his editor) has selectively mischaracterized the nature of these outreach efforts, doing both his subjects and his readers a great disservice.
According to director Pramila Jayapal, OneAmerica Votes has recruited a team of over 150 volunteers, only four of whom Valdes interviewed. And of those four only Gianni told the reporter she was undocumented. That’s one out of four out of 150. So I’m not sure where Valdes conjures up the assertion that “many of them” are “illegal.”
“I have my suspicions,” Jayapal told me when asked how many volunteers were undocumented, “but we certainly don’t ask people about their status.” And while she’s “proud” of Gianni for the personal risk she is taking, Jayapal insists that whether it’s one or a handful or a dozen, the media’s focus on undocumented volunteers entirely misses the point.
“The exciting story here,” (and one, by the way, that starkly contradicts the prevailing national narrative), “is that even people who cant vote are energized about this election, because they understand that it’s their future that is at stake.” Indeed, many of OneAmerica Votes’ volunteers can’t vote, not because they are undocumented, or even non-citizens, but because they are simply underage.
“We have an amazing group of high schoolers who are canvassing with us,” Jayapal told me, “who say to me ‘Wow… I just woke up to politics.’ That’s very exciting to watch.”
As are the results. Over the course of this election over 162,000 immigrant voters throughout the state have been contacted by OneAmerica Votes, including over 41,000 homes canvassed by phone and/or at the door by volunteers. That’s a huge chunk of the 230,000 registered immigrant voters who make up over 7.5% of the Washington state electorate.
And far from this being the Democratic GOTV effort the AP headline implies, much of OneAmerica Votes’ efforts have focused largely on the many initiatives cluttering the November ballot, with the organization translating voter guides into six languages, and inviting proponents and opponents alike to initiative forums in neighborhoods with large immigrant communities. That’s a unique, grassroots voter education effort that should be celebrated, not vilified.
“It’s a shame,” Jayapal lamented. “The way that this whole story has been spun is scary.”
And ironic, especially considering that at the same time the FOX News crowd frets over a 13-year, tax-paying undocumented resident urging her fellow immigrants to exercise a precious right she doesn’t have, our media has for the most part shrugged off as politics as usual the tens of millions of dollars of out of state money pouring in to influence our local elections, many of the contributors undisclosed, and some of them even foreign.
Is it any wonder then that the most intelligent commentary on this latest manufactroversy comes from a satirist, the website Wonkette?
Does this make you feel bad about being a lazy Yuppie/voter? Well it should. Because it’s sort of sad that the only people willing to “get out the vote” are the people who can’t vote and also that these same people are hunted like feral animals by douchey government agents.
In the end, I understand the national media picking up this AP story, and lazily inferring the worst from its misleading headline and selective lede; that’s the way the wire services work.
But the Seattle Times has no such excuse. This is a story unfolding in its own backyard, and they could’ve just as easily picked up the phone and talked to Jayapal as I did. In fact, far from reprinting the AP story unchallenged, as Seattle’s sole surviving daily, and the largest newspaper in the state, I’d argue that the Times has a unique obligation to debunk it, thus setting the record straight.
So yeah, I’d say the Seattle Times owes OneAmerica Votes and our local immigrant communities a followup story… if not an outright apology.
That should read “13-year tax paying undocumented resident”. As opposed to the corporations that don’t pay taxes, but are funding the GOP.
As in the other thread, savor these words-
Former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.
Funny that these corporations can pay millions (maybe who can say what kind of sweetheart deals these corps are getting from media?) to spew anti-progressive propaganda..
But they can’t spare next to nothing for taxes.
As I said in the other thread, I’m still savoring these words,
uptown @1,
Nice catch. I’ve edited the post to fix my error.
Bottom line, illegal immigrants should not interfere with our elections. They have no right to participate.
You are confusing the issue.
We NEVER owe ILLEGAL Immigrants an apology because they are here ILLEGALLY. And certainly they should never be involved in OUR elections. They need to be DEPORTED and get in line like so many folks.
This could cost Murray the election.
Too bad.
Maybe we do. For making our borders ridiculously porous and not properly enforcing the laws on employers as well as employees we make this country an attractive place to work illegally. By not requiring all government functions be conducted in English, including school teaching (there are schools in California conducted entirely in Spanish, for Gods sake) we make it seem as if we welcome their interference in our politics. By the simple fact that, presumably, the offices of this political action group haven’t been visited by ICE we tell them we don’t care about their violation of our laws.
So we do owe them an apology. After all, we’ve pretty plainly told illegal immigrants that this is their country, not ours.
” When Maria Gianni is knocking on voters’ doors, she’s not bashful about telling people she is in the country illegally.
She knows it’s a risk to advertise this fact to strangers — but it’s one worth taking in what she sees as a crucial election.
The 42-year-old is one of dozens of volunteers — many of them illegal immigrants — canvassing neighborhoods in the Seattle area trying to get naturalized citizens to cast a ballot for candidates like Democratic Sen. Patty Murray, who is in a neck-and-neck race with Republican Dino Rossi.”
“I have my suspicions,” Jayapal told me when asked how many volunteers were undocumented, “but we certainly don’t ask people about their status.”
CASE CLOSED. Your assertion that the Seattle Times is wrong is beyond stupid.
Cynical @6,
I wrote that the Seattle Times owes “immigrants” an apology for conflating being an immigrant with being illegal… just like you just did. And you should both be ashamed of yourselves.
Wrong Stuff @6,
So you are really suggesting that foreign corporations have the right to spend money influencing local elections via undisclosed political contributions, yet people actually living and working here have no right to even talk to their neighbors?
And ironic, especially considering that at the same time the FOX News crowd frets over a 13-year, tax-paying undocumented resident
And how did you discover she’s tax-paying, again?
Canvassing to encourage voters to fill out their ballots is “interfering”?
Could you fuckers be any more transparent?
You’re no better than the filth who lynched Schwerner, Goodman, and Chaney.
Oddly enough, I agree that the Roberts Court over-reached in Citizens United. That specific legal issue was not, as I understand it, in front of the court in that case. If all this is true, then the majority acted outside of what generally is considered their purview. Though I don’t, like many on the left, think Citizens United the end of democracy in America and the beginning of a coming apocolypse..
Still, I’m curious, what proof have you that foreign corporations have spent a dime on Washington State elections?
How about the call you made to support elections across the country a few weeks back. Why is an election in California or Massachusetts any more your business than one in Washington is that of Airbus?
I have met Manual Valdez before. His misleading story doesn’t surprise me at all. He is the worst and most irresponsible reporter I have met during my campaign.
@13 remember how Washington doesn’t have an income tax? You might even recall hearing how we have initiative on that this election. Instead Washington’s taxes are raised via sales tax. You are aware of that, right? So every time she, or any other person in this state, buys something or goes to a restaurant, she pays taxes.
Fucking moron.
This is a seperate issue that I’d be happy to discuss. With regards to foreign money, remember that you live in a Soros glass house, before throwing stones.
Neighbors talking to neighbors is natural. Organized canvasing, recruiting and electioneriing by illegals, supported by Demorats, pushing democrat candidates, initiatives etc is not.
Doc D
“You’re no better than the filth who lynched Schwerner, Goodman, and Chaney.”
Ah. Asking that our elections be conducted by and for those eligible to vote is equivalent to a violent murder? Interesting.
“yet people actually living and working here have no right to even talk to their neighbors?”
People who are here illegally have no right to be here at all, so yes.
As long as SHE doesn’t vote, I don’t care how she spends her time.
To riff on the previous logic between people and corporations. To the conservatives here…
When a foreign person comes here and spends time trying to influence how people vote and reaches a couple of dozen people, that’s terrible, a sign that the system is corrupt!
When a foreign company comes here and spends millions of dollars trying to influence how people vote and reaches hundreds of thousands of people, that’s OK, the system works just fine.
How do you justify that? How is unfettered corporate spending good for democracy?
Still, I’m curious, what proof have you that foreign corporations have spent a dime on Washington State elections?
Well, It is hard to tell. The party you most often support, the republicans blocked any and all legislation that would have required reported that.
@17 So every time she, or any other person in this state, buys something or goes to a restaurant, she pays taxes
Really, every time? That’s news.
And so she’s receiving state and other local gov services, presumably.
And what about all those OTHER taxes, Goldy – nice narrative, talking of spin, but where’s the supporting evidence?
Why is an election in California or Massachusetts any more your business than one in Washington is that of Airbus?
You don’t think things through very much.
Oh, I don’t know, the election in Arizona of mccain nearly sent all the boeing work to airbus, because he doesn’t like Boeing.
Why do we allow out of staters to post on HA?
I agree with you to some degree. I would have loved it if the Mormon church in Utah wouldn’t have been allowed to canvas and spend money in California over Prop 8.
By that logic, should every ad that links Reid and Pelosi to the the local candidate not be allowed because they cannot vote for Reid and Pelosi, just the local guy. They can mention The prez and VP because they are national and the local candidate, nobody else, because they cannot vote for them.
And palin, because she is not elected anywhere, and not running, shouldn’t be talked about at all.
I love the right wing mentality. Anything they’re obsessed with they blow out of proportion.
Insanely so…
Now the obsession is with undocumented people not paying ANY taxes..
In a society where they complaining about how they’re overtaxed – on utilities, retail, income, licences, registration, on and on and on.
The undocumented somehow is able to escape ALL of that when THEY, THE RIGHT WINGERS, CAN’T!
It never ceases to amaze me.
Blue John,
Actually, I wasn’t stating my own position so much as re-stating what his postings appear to make Goldys’.
That is, corporations have no right to spend money in elections, in or out of state. Foreign interests have no right to spend money in US elections. But individuals have a right to involve themselves in elections where their specific interests aren’t at stake.
Put another way and closer to home-
I don’t like Patty Murray or Bernie Sanders, or rather what either stand for. Patty Murray is the Senator for my state, and I have every interest in opposing her candidacy for re-election. Bernie Sanders decisions in Congress may impact my life. But he represents the people who elected him. If they choose to re-elect him, that’s their decision, not mine.
For my money our freedoms grant Goldy the right to villify whomever he wants, and to support candidacies in other states with whatever money he wishes to contribute. Heck, if he wants to go and personally canvas for Harry Reid, it isn’t any of my business.
It’s the left that wants to limit this, not the right.
Times and you owe me an apology. not calling BS on handing over our country and our jobs to hordes of illegals.
Gee, one of 150 volunteers is known to be an illegal, and the Seattle Times blows that up into a front-page scandal. Anyone still want to argue the Times practices objective journalism and isn’t merely a shill for the Republican campaign office?
By the way, Seattle Times editors, it’s not illegal for undocumented aliens to knock on doors and ask legal voters to vote for a particular candidate or ballot issue.
@27 “handing over our country and our jobs to hordes of illegals”
That would be George W. Bush and the corporate interests he so ably served, who wanted a large supply of cheap foreign labor. In case you don’t know, illegal immigration exploded under the Bush administration.
I think you might be falling in the same trap.
The fringe few might think this, however the vast majority understand that local (state, county, city) sales taxes apply to all.
That would be a local distinction. On a national level, income taxes are not reported for illegal immigrants. So it depends on whether we’re talking about local vs national levels of the issue.
This is the same trap you fall into when you characterise “right wing mentality” that wants a free market, without ANY oversight or controls. This again is a very very fringe viewpoint.
@26 Gee, lost, you made a decent argument until you blew your comment with that bullshit of a last sentence.
@23 Undocumented immigrants pay the exact same taxes that every Washington State resident does. Sales taxes, excise taxes, state property taxes, etc. Last time I checked, cashiers don’t ask immigration status.
I don’t see how illegals can get out of paying gas taxes or sales taxes. And I’m pretty sure their landlords are paying property taxes out of their rent payments.
If illegals aren’t paying income tax or FICA withholding, that’s the fault of their dishonest employers, not the workers.
Roger, what is the legal point on this?
They are here illegally, so anyone who would step foot on my property as a fugitive, would not have any right to knock on my door. They would have only miranda, no?
And if they provide false documents?
re 35
I’m not any more fond of the apparent decision we’ve taken to abandon border enforcement than you.
Still, from what I’ve heard the legal position taken with regard to undocumented aliens is that they haven’t comitted a crime unless they are deported and return. Someone overstaying a visa or simply running across the Texas desert wouldn’t be a criminal on that basis, though they could be subject to deportation. Thus, an undocumented alien may or may not be a fugitive.
Other laws would apply to provision of false documents to obtain employment, housing, drivers licenses etc. But these would be violations apart from the act of being in the country without legal immigration status.
I also could be wrong and welcome any correction from more knowlegeable folks.
Then taxes are being deducted from their pay silly!
Times and you owe me an apology. not calling BS on handing over our country and our jobs to hordes of illegals.
How bout greedhead right wing employers?
Like this guy.
Do they owe you anything? Naaah.. You want to lower their taxes so they can “create more jobs”.
Looks like being here as an unauthorized alien is a crime. Which would not give them any right to knock on my door and any other door.
They are fugitives from justice.
So in this scenario, they would most likely have taxes deducted from their pay. Does that make them any less unauthorized? Do they now have rights to services such as healthcare and schools? Or is it that they now are committing additional federal crimes providing false documents compounding their illegal status.
Employers who KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY hire unauthorized aliens are guilty of federal crimes and should suffer the consequences, regardless of their ideology..
Fuck you, liar.
Nobody “reported” on in this joke of a newspaper is “conducting” anything. You are a liar. Own it.
Your comment attempts to imply that some vague “others” are insidiously stepping into the election process. Your state elections are conducted primarily by your Republican Sec. of State, Sam Reed. Once again, slowly this time, so you fucking retards can take it all in.
The volunteers with OneAmerica are going door to door to encourage folks in Washington to be sure to fill out and mail in their ballots. The ballots dropped last week, while you were too busy jerking off over crusty pictures of Christine O’Donnell (shame on you). It’s just a bit too late for us filthy hippies to tamper with your precious election (we completed that project last spring). Sorry. Nope, these folks are just contacting already registered voters to remind them to vote.
Which is precisely what pisses you off. Just like it pissed off the Neshoba County Klavern of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan when a couple of Jew-boys came down to stir up their coloreds. They were “outsiders” then too. And they were “tampering” with the “election processes” of Mississippi.
Face it. What upsets you people here is the idea of poor, uneducated, unskilled, low income workers having the opportunity to be heard. After all, they’re just supposed to clean your toilets and shut the fuck up. Right?
41 – Your outrage is a bit assymetrical..
Always against the unfortunate slob fleeing destitution.
Next to nothing for the greedhead exploiting the cheap labor – like the right winger Weissbach.
Maybe a few mumbles of lip service.
Move the sanctions way past the cost of doing business and the undocumented immigrant won’t come here.
Re 42
Even if everything you say is true the score stands like this-
Conservative- One error about the nature of a politically motivated group trying to get out the vote.
Daneeka- One equation of questioning whether illegal aliens ought to be involved with our elections to violent murder.
Gee, I think you lost this one, Doc D. Own it.
Employers who KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY hire unauthorized aliens are guilty of federal crimes and should suffer the consequences, regardless of their ideology..
Haha, of course Republicans never seem to KNOW that they have done something wrong. So they always get a mulligan. Just check out the GOP candidate for Gov in CA, totally clueless.
@ If illegals aren’t paying income tax or FICA withholding, that’s the fault of their dishonest employers, not the workers
Well, they may be one and the same . . . do you understand?
In any event, the fact of the matter is Goldy spun a little self-serving narrative:
“considering that at the same time the FOX News crowd frets over a 13-year, tax-paying undocumented resident”
that in fact he had no evidence for.
This is pretty awesome.
Murray and Democrats on the defensive with just over a week to go!!
Keep discussing this and trying to rationalize ILLEGAL ALIENS doing anything connected to this election. The longer it is out there and being discussed, the better for Rossi.
Shoot, you’re off your schedule a bit. Your day-in-the-life portrayal (Open Thread) had you sitting down at the computer at 6:02. You’re early at 5:03. Did you have to skip part of your routine today?
KVI switching from hate talk to Mexican music.
Delicious irony? Schaedenfreude?
We should write a corrido about the cyniklown…golden goat hall of famer.
Stick a fork in yourself…your done pal.
It’s pathetic watching you kicking & screaming.
It’s the 2012 Election where Conservatives will rule…and guys like you who cannot compete in the free market will starve unless charitable folks like me help you out…which I would do willingly.
With gems like this, you crybabies might want to rethink that “English first” plank.
@49 That’s too funny.
“Conservatives will rule”
That’s one of the problems with you wingnuts. You want to rule rather than govern.
Precisely. Not that Cynny would understand your distinction, however.
“kicking & screaming”
The KLOWN’s getting excited. I’m sure the goat gets nervous when that happens.
Poor poor POOR little cyniklown has his little panties in a bunch. My heart bleeds for the asshole (sorry Blue John, I’ve been at it with these jerks for too long).
Enjoy it while you can you deluded imbecile. We may lose…but we MAY not…your side is doing most of our heavty lifting for us now…acting so loony the regular folks are starting to notice. And guess what…folks don’t want mega-corporations buying elections. Folks don’t cotton to a Senator beholden to China. THAT’S what your side does…and that’s what folks are seeing.
Folks like their Medicare/Medicade. They like Social Security. They like the Constitution the way it is. They like thier civil liberties. They DON’T like thugs and liars and stupid people…which is all you cretins seem to put forward for candidates. They don’t like the christianist version of sharia law that your hate pastors want to push.
Maybe it’s too litle, too late like 1994…but maybe not…like 2006. You win now though…and after folks see what you guys are really up to…2012 will be a bloodbath and the end of the Republican Party.
Now go drink more vodka and fuck your goat like a good little cracker.
Where’s the proof? Seems to Puddy Al Gore reminded us of the “No controlling legal authority”. We all know when unions (SEIU) buys elections. They lay off 70+ corporate office employees after it.
NeoCons and privateers, in their worship of the so-called free market, slobber over the necessity of capital to go anywhere in the world to obtain the highest possible return….but labor, also a factor of production in economic theory…well, not so much.
Pudfucker @ 59: “We all know when unions (SEIU) buys elections.”
You don’t know shit, lickspittle.
He’s just bent out of shape because his Tea Bagger Lovely’s are going down in flames, like Dan Maes down by 11 last I checked and Carl Paladino down by 23.
You’ve got to try really hard to be down by 23.
Jim Keet’s been making the rounds at Tea Bagger events. He’s down by 26% in AR. 20-fucking-6. Yeah, the Tea Baggers are going to take over and turn this country around!
Yeah, sure….more effinglLip service. If you believed that you’d be on the next bus to burn every fruit growers’ farmhouse in the Yakima Valley. Funny how most of those landowners are your ideological kin….try explaining that one to the peanut gallery.
But really, the only first hand knowledge you appear to have with alleged “illegal immigrants” are the those guys you see standing out front of Home Depot.
I sure as fuck hope so.
Yep, and so far the Obama Admin is doing a better job at that than the Bush folks did.
And who’s enabling them to operate in this economy?
Easy – those whose bottom line is always the bottom line.
Right Stuff,
“This is a seperate issue that I’d be happy to discuss. With regards to foreign money, remember that you live in a Soros glass house, before throwing stones.”
What the fuck?!? Doesn’t Soros have the same rights and limitations in his campaign donations as any other American citizen?
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Just out of curiosity, what was pieceofahit posting that got him deleted? Not that he shouldn’t always be deleted . . .
Proud Leftist,
manofselfloathing, in other threads, was increasingly leaving off-topic comments that seemed aimed at little more than disruption. I’ve deleted a small number of them lately. (His same comments would not have been deleted in an open thread.)
But, in this thread, I have deleted (according to the comment policy) his “[c]omments on deleted comments.” Again, these comments likely would have been tolerated in an open thread.
Darryl @ 73,
Thanks for the illumination. Checking the rules, I apologize for those times when I cross the line.
The whole “illegal immigrants are stealing our jobs and resources” thing is a big smokescreen trying to cover up that the Republicans outsourced our jobs overseas and figured out ways for corporations and rich people to not pay their fair share of taxes.
Once again the ASSFace King@61 has lost it to the facts.
Oh Really?
Oh Really?
Oh really?
“SEIU is $85 million in debt, down from its 2008 high of $102 million, and has been forced to lay off employees.”
““We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama – $60.7 million to be exact – and we’re proud of it,” he boasted to the Las Vegas Sun last year. In all, under Mr. Stern, SEIU spent more than $85 million to elect President Obama and give Democrats control of Congress”
Oh Really?
“Seems you don’t know jackshit, SFB”
Lata ASSFace!
Really sucks to be you!
Tell that to the libtardo head of Apple Steve Jobs and the libtardo head of the Shaw Group and the libtardo head of General Electric Jeffrey Immelt MORON!
In fact Immelt took $$$$$$ Millions in Porkulus money and laid off 18,000 US employees in 2009. Ask TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA dirt stain ylb for the links to GE and their Porkulus waste. Or you can look it up yourself since you claim to know “facts”.
Roger Rabbit once said all you need is one fact to destroy an argument. Puddy delivered three. Pavlov predicts the dirt stain ylb will be fact checking like always so ask him for help.
Sucks to be you Michael. Facts seem to elude you lately. IDIOT!
let’s see. if you’re a member of seiu (really any union), and you vote republican, your dues go to elect a democrat. yup, thats real fair.
maybe we should have a “fairness doctrine” for unions.
77 – Heh. If only the Republicans had their way with Obama and cut GE’s taxes – that would have “saved jobs” or even added them!
Yeah right!
Oh wait – a third of the stimulus was a TAX CUT!
76 – Gee at least people like the Beck-worshipper in chief (Puddybud) know what unions like SEIU spend.
There’s a whole host of right wing outfits thanks to the Roberts court with many, many times more than 60 million from who know where trying to buy November’s election
Wow is the Beck-worshipper in chief trying to tell us that SEIU bought an election for Barack Obama?
And it only cost 60 million bucks????
Gee all those foreign corporations helping the Chamber (Beck’s favorite) to buy this election don’t know how to bargain shop.
They ought to talk to SEIU – according to Beck-worshipper in chief!
Notice how dumb as dirt ylb can’t refute the facts. Puddy uses his “wife’s” ex-union leader’s own words and notice the fecal deflection from the dumb as dirt ylb?
It cost $60 Million bucks and cost at least 74 union headquarter jobs.
This is your new attack “BECK WORSHIPPER IN CHIEF”
bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What happened to ASSFace proud to be an ass? Waiting for his latest refutation of the UNION Label!
Oh, oh! The psycho-laugh is back.
“bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
And it’s getting worse! We all know what that means.
heh- Somebody didn’t take their morning meds.
It cost $60 Million bucks
Wow! The Beck-worshipper in chief really does believe that right wing fools can be defeated for so cheap!
How clever that
… S E I U…
The Chamber by contrast is bunch of spendthrift buffoons…
Whatever it’s their money – or foreign corporation money anyway.
Poor SFB dumb as dirt ylb. Puddy just brings the facts. You can’t stand facts so you go into moronic mode.
Puddy doesn’t worship Beck like you worship the Daily Kos throne. Puddy doesn’t worship mammon moron!
illegal immigrants: bag em and tag em and boot them the fuck out….anything else is unpatriotic..
the progressives seem to be all up in arms-n-shit about SUPPOSED Chinese money(never seen any proof) going into republican campaigns…yet how come they never said a peep when algore was taking money(and trying to be secret about) for Clinton’s re-election.
and fuck, he was taking money STRAIGHT FROM THE CHINESE MILITARY!
whatever happend to johnny chan(or whatever his name was) anyway? disappeared back into china.
you fucking progressive crooks…you will do anything to sink this country.
Haha. Well at least the Seattle Times wasn’t making stuff up! Like this site did:
If we did that where would the builders (R), meat packers (R), hotels (R) and agri-business (R) get their workers?
Immigration, both legal and illegal is slowing, we’ve got lots-o-folks headed to our southern border (the one we share with a failed state) and deportations are running at an all time high. I’m not sure what you’re carrying on about.