Apparently, after four years of championing Rep. Dave Reichert for his “conscience-driven independent streak,” the Seattle Times editorial board finally suspects that he might be a little “cynical.”
WHAT was 8th District Congressman Dave Reichert thinking?
Reichert, three-term congressman from Auburn, told a recent gathering of Republican precinct committee officers that to remain in office there are “certain moves, chess pieces, strategies I have to employ.”
He said he toes the party line most of the time but suggested a few select environmental votes keep environmental groups from spending millions of dollars to defeat him. How cynical.
And in tomorrow’s editorial, the Times finally admits that Reichert did not catch the Green River Killer.
Yeah, but the Times’ main point is, “Reichert should never have shared such feelings with a group of people,” which makes them as cynical as him.
So what? There isn’t an elected politician alive who doesn’t have his/her hand in someone elses pocket.
Speaking of cynicism, a few grafs into the editorial:
So it’s OK to have such “feelings” — just don’t get caught expressing them when you’re not positive that there might be leakers in the room.
@2: Cynical much?
Sorry, I expect my elected officilas to actually stand for something.
As for the Seattle times, this is a telling quote:
Umm, that is not the point at all. The point is that he has no interest in the environment at all – but just wants to keep the environmental groups at bay. He knows that his constituents value the environment – so he PRETENDS that he cares by making symbolic but meaningless votes.
He lies, he cheats and he deceives to stay in office. What could be more LOW?
Does anyone really think we are going to prevent environmental catastrophes by electing Republicans?
Greed and recklessness are destroying the planet. What more reason could one need to vote for progressives?
It’s time to bounce Reichert.
DONATE to Suzan DelBene!
I wonder if Reichart still carries a piece. If so, perhaps they should take it away from him, before he shoots himself in the other foot, as well.
4. “He lies, he cheats and he deceives to stay in office. What could be more LOW?”
Show me a politician who doesn’t. Arlen Sphincter is the lowest of the low. He stands for whatever will get him reelected. First he was a Democrat, then he was a Republican, then he was a Democrat again. Lies are the politicians stock in trade.
@7 TwoCentVent on 06/07/2010 at 9:14 am,
Let’s keep it local, shall we?
I am unaware of any evidence that Jim McDermott (WA-7th) has lied and cheated to stay in office.
Have you any evidence or reports about McDermott comparable to what Goldy reported about Reichert?
You know, telling his supporters that his votes are duplicitous to stay in power. Tell us please.
Cynicism in government is probably a good thing, Goldy. FOr example- I am cynical about Dumb-as-a-Carrot Patty Murray being in government. She has her head so far up Harry Reid’s ass that her cheeks are brown. The woman hasn’t had an original thought in 40 years. Voted the 99th least bright out of 100 Senators and you support her.LOL!
I wonder when they are going to print that truth that Dave Reichert is one of the least effective members of Congress and is an RCH away from being THE least effective member of Congress.
8. Oh yeah, McDermott is a real prince. Seems to me that it wasn’t too long ago that he had to hold a fund raiser to help pay the fines over ethics violations he committed while he was a senior member of the Ethics Committee. How do you tell when Jim is lying? Whoops, his lips are moving, his lips are moving.
@11 TwoCentVent on 06/07/2010 at 11:27am,
Naturally you are free to distrust McDermott, but you did not identify a situation or reference a report of a situation of McDermott’s that is in anyway comparable to what Reichert was caught saying and doing.
I submit that absent you providing an example, none exists.
Furthermore, you can’t find any of WA’s congressional reps being caught for being bald face duplicitous liars with their votes to represent us for the purpose of getting re-elected and hold their seat.
Reichert got caught because he is a lying worthless individual who uses his elected position(s) for his own self interest and only his self interest.
@9: Umm, then I guess you did not like dumb people such as:
Dave Reichert (who does not have a four year college degree).
George Bush
Rush Limbaugh (who dropped out of college becuase it was too tough for him)
Glenn Beck (who could not think his way out of a paper bag) and
Sarah Palin (who has trouble witrh third grade geography.
Patty Murray is smarter than all of those idiot clowns that you have supported….so that makes you an idiot hypocrite.
@11: The ethics violation was not for lying – he exposed republican liars (named Newt Gingrich and Jim Boehner who were talking about the ethics violation by gingich and Boehner was the republican head of the committee) by publicizing Newt’s overheard speech and that was his “ethics” violation.
14. Maybe I am wrong, but I always believed that elected representatives were sworn to uphold the laws, not break them. Do not all politicians swear to uphold the laws in order to get elected? If I am correct, that elected official swear to uphold the laws, then I guess that makes McDermott a liar. You tell me.
re 7: If he was lying about something that doesn’t really matter (e.g., being a devout born again Christian), it would be one thing.
But he’s not. He’s deceiving voters about public policy so that they will vote for him even though he is really against them.
Why is it that the Republican apologists on this thread can’t come up with a better defense of Reichart other than “Well, I suspect YOUR GUYs do it too”?
That seems to be the typical response from both sides when “their” guy looks the fool.
Just look up some of Goebbels Rabbit’s threads for confirmation.
15: maybe you need a definition of lying – not telling the truth is a good palace to start.
gingrich and Boehner lied – the tapes proved that. McDermott leaked the truth. That apparently was illegal. go figure.
#13 proves the old adage that education is not a predictor of success. Obama is a Harvard-trained lawyer and he doesn’t know jack shit.