As expected, the Seattle Times editorial board has endorsed Barack Obama for President of the United States, paving the way for endorsements of Republicans Dino Rossi, Rob McKenna, Sam Reed, Allan Martin, Dave Reichert and Cathy McMorris Rodgers, all the while leaving their vaunted bipartisan principles intact. At least, in their own minds.
In fact, with the possible exception of the race for Commissioner of Public Lands, I can’t imagine a single additional closely contested statewide or federal race in WA state in which the Times endorses a Democrat.
I’d be happy to be proven wrong. But I wouldn’t bet on it.
Hey, you forgot Doc Hastings! Don’t worry, the partisan PI will give you your slate of solid D’ endorsements.
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
Since Lee is either too stoned or just too confused by my comment in the open thread, I’ll repost my question to you here:
Why didn’t you cover the Rossi-Gregoire (non-)contest last night? Are you too embarrassed by Gregoire’s performance? Are you afraid her bribery scandal and fiscal malfeasance will drag down all the other Dems on the ballot this year — reminding people that you guys are the Party of Tammany Hall and
Mayor Daley’sBarack Obama’s corrupt political machine?With all of the Bush references, you’d think she’d hired Darcy’s impotent campaign strategists.
Since you’re too ashamed of Gregoire to discuss the debate and risk raising a dozen issues about her incompetence and why she shouldn’t be re-elected, maybe HA readers should just read Eric Earling’s live blog of the “debate.”
And, as I wrote in a follow-up:
This site used to be like kids’ juice — “at least 10% real content.” Now it is all filler. Four years ago, you would’ve been writing about city-, state- and region-level issues to counter SoundPolitics. you’d even have some real, original content. Now, all you’ve got is a rehash of Kos and other nutroot sites. So much for his goal of making this some sort of a regional liberal portal. THAT is why you’re not a “journalist” (to answer your earlier post).
Any comment on why you think Stefan is kicking your ass in terms of traffic? In a blue state, even!
FWIW .. I agree with TRM but, suggest he must not have listened very well to the debate.
Here are my comments as posted at SP:
And for those who do not visit SP on a holy day, here a few excepts from the thread on the debate:
Earling “Rossi A-. On message, just the dude you see on the campaign commercials. …. Didn’t seem as consistently on message on some individual topic questions.
Gregoire B- …. she’s a dogged, energetic debater who sticks to her talking points (Bush!). She got her shots in on Rossi, … If you believe Gregoire, this is about Dino Rossi evidently being a paved version of George W. Bush. A weird way for an incumbent to run for re-election.”
Duffman, “I was frankly disappointed in his inability to ‘drive any point home’ ”
Petegoud “hate to say this, being a Rossi supporter, but in my wife’s and my opinion Rossi was beaten in this debate purely by being too passive.”
Lysander,”given a few prime oppurtunities, Rossi missed them all. He talked about where he would spend even more money ”
Local Political Junkie “As a Rossi supporter, I was disappointed in his performance. Here’s my take… Gregoire did a great job .”
Local Political Junkie” Dino’s attire was surprisingly weak. .. He(r) red suit was extremely strong…Her gestures were strong and forceful. Dino’s spread hands and shoulder shrugs appeared weak and indecisive.”
Ryan “I thought that Rossi was going to roll over halfway through and ask Gregoire to rub his belly. ”
Southernroots “When you spend so much time tying all that is bad to Bush, and then tying Rossi to Bush, what is left? ”
Ben “Rossi’s math is off by approximately 400 percent.”
Local PJ “Gregoire came after him like an attorney on crack….
After thinking about it more- Rossi may have been smart to rope-a-dope in this round-”
Rocketman“I give Gregoire an A and Rossi a C. Her job was to claim huge successes and bash her opponents political record. In other words put lipstick on a pig and demonize Rossi as a slash and burn former Senate budget chairman.”
Mark @2,
Josh was at the debate, and he will post his own report. Excuse me for taking a Saturday night off from a non-paying job. Still, I’m in the midst of watching a tape, so I’ll have my own comments later.
As for (u)SP, they may have more traffic, but I have considerably more influence, and have for some time. When was the last time they broke a story or moved headlines?
But if you don’t like it here, please leave. I don’t do this for you.
Goldy @ 4
Sorry I hurt your feelings.
I will correct you on one last point. You HAD more influence… when you actually had real content and didn’t pawn the writing off on junior reporters, stoners and frustrated permanent students.
As for breaking stories and moving headlines… you’re STILL milking that FEMA thing from years past? You’re not the only blogger who has dug up someone’s past. Besides that, what headlines have you single-handedly driven? Oh… and from what I hear, Stefan gets a chapter in a book. How about you?
Your current trajectory makes you a Northwest Liberal Newt Gingrich. Sure, you can get a press pass based on your past rep. You can even get some in your own party to listen to you for that same reason. (Part of that likely involves pillow talk with Darcy, but that’s just a theory). You need to accept that your 15 minutes are over and soon the best you’re going to get will be back-up call-in panelist on some KIRO radio discussion.
Gee you are funny. Lets take it one step further … is it true you still lust after me? Or was that just a rumor?
@6 “lust after me”
You being of the same species as Mark, it seems unlikely.
LMAO!! Poor silly Mark. Nursing pathetic tired old right wing resentments..
Rick Larsen has in the past gotten the endorsement in a number of close races. But he no longer faces substantial competition.
@5: Good grief, man. The Prozac/therapy isn’t working. Time for a change of doctors for you.
YLB @ 8
What resentments? SoundPolitics is kicking HA’s ass traffic-wise… Stefan gets a chapter in a major book… Goldy is coasting on his 15 minutes of FEMA fame — to the extent that he even has an inadequacy crisis about whether he counts as a “journalist” (answer: no).
At least Goldy’s latest post about deficits is closer to his old stuff. One could do without the profanities, but Goldy is… Goldy. Ya take the bad with the “good.”
Vigorous debate of the actual issues is a good thing. Goldy gluing his lips to Kos’ ass and rehashing the national nutroots is just pathetic. Go back and search for Goldy’s reactions when he was first cited on Kos. He was like a giddy little girl. It was sad. And the beginning of the end.
11 – You’re such a joke. Vigorous debate?
You were never interested in this.
All you’re about is ugly name-calling and right wing paranoia.
Goldy, his co-bloggers and his supporters here in these comment threads are advocates for change – away from the disastrous failed policies of the last eight years.
You and your crowd want more of the same.
From now until election day. That’s the only real issue being “debated”. There’s nothing really more to discuss. The choice couldn’t be more clear.
If you have any shred of decency left I suggest you take your name-calling and your ugly stereotypes over to (un)SP where they’d be better appreciated.
Real Mark: Why do you hate Goldy, and America, so much? Why all this bitterness?
There are better medications these days. Get a second opinion before it’s too late. Don’t risk hurting yourself or someone else.
TRM is a low-down snake-in-the-grass fucked up asshole.
And a mean-spirited, really, really stupid son-of-a-bitch as well.
I like this blog a lot – and I am an old commie, fag.
BUT Goldy has a thing for Darcy. She is a poor candidate to go against Riechert – lots of people are making a lot of money off her race, too bad it is not Goldy.
To much blather about her here, she will not win.
I do not live in her district, but, I know more about her than the people I vote for.
Gregoire will squeeze by, Obama voters are said to be splitting their ticket for Rossi, ain’t that sweet.
Mc Cain will win. Racism in swing states, simple and now being openly expressed.
He should have picked Hilary, Biden brings no voters or balance to the ticket, the Biden choice over Hillary is the political mistake of this century.