From the Seattle Times today: “Rob McKenna made his case“.
Oh gimme a break!
I’ve had my nauseating fill this past week of gloating, pompous Republicans accusing Democrats of being sore losers for not obsequiously bending over and taking a political colonoscopy from our half-wit fuhrer and his vengeful cohorts. But the Times’ self-congratulatory piece of history-rewriting fluff is little more than partisan cheerleading.
Rob McKenna made his case? Yeah… sure… if by “making his case” you mean sitting back and reaping the rewards from $3 million of out-of-state special-interest, negative attack ads tearing down Deborah Senn.
If the Times editorial board really believes voters made an informed decision in the AG race, then it shows how incredibly isolated and out-of-touch they are. Hey guys… believe it or not, the rest of us did not have an opportunity to sit down and have a tete-a-tete with the candidates.
Of course, I think the Times fully understands that there was nearly no public debate on issues or qualifications, and that’s why they feel it so necessary to build up their candidate with fictionalized platitudes. I’ve never met McKenna (like most voters, I’m not on the Times’ editorial board), so I can’t attest to his “first-class temperament”. But I’ve listened to his public statements, examined his resume, and heard comments from former classmates and coworkers, and when the Times’ talks about his “combination of experience [and] brains” I am struck by his remarkable lack thereof.
When I make personal attacks like that, I generally like to back them up. But you know what? The Times started it… so let them prove to me why McKenna isn’t a mediocre intellect with a mediocre record.
Oh, and to their post-election pretensions to an even-handed analysis of Deborah Senn:
In her old job, we thought the line between zeal and grandstanding had been breached too often. But Senn was a smart, capable AG candidate.
Eat me.
The Times trashed Senn in the primary and the general election! They happily allowed her to twist in the wind as out-of-context charges branded her a corrupt incompetent. And now they throw her a compliment?
It’s not the editorial board’s partisanship that pisses me off — I’m at least as partisan as they are — but I’ve got the honesty to be out in the open about it, whereas the Times’ cloying efforts to masquerade manipulation as analysis not only makes for a bad public debate… it makes for bad writing.
Post-election conciliation my ass. It’s too late for rhetorical make-up sex… Senn has already been screwed.
This shows the sheer ignorance of the Times. They already endorsed McKenna, now they feel like they have to gloat about the fact that their choice is the winner. If Rossi wins, we can expect the same absurd “analysis”. Good riddance.
I hear you on that one. Methinks if and when Rossi wins, the cheering, the hooting, the hollering in the streets, the flag-waving and of course the honking like it’s 2001 in British Columbia will speak for itself…
(On that train of thought gentlemen, free advice to prepare for a Governor Dino Rossi world: Study Gordon Campbell. Then thank goodness we have Democratic majorities in the legislature.)
Please – don’t post the same comments twice, Josef.
You don’t want to make it appear as if you’re just using this as a medium for your own views. You waffle too much – I like Dino, no, wait, I sort of don’t, well I do, but only because Gregoire’s the only other choice – then again, well maybe not then again….methinks you don’t know what you’re talking about or what you yourself really stand for. You support a Democratic legislature and a Republican governor? That’s not going to be a combination that produces results. You need to do some soul-searching.
Go cheer, hoot, holler, wave the flag, and honk in the streets if Rossi wins. You can’t escape the fact Rossi is wrong for Washington.
I cannot even read that rag after Blethen forced the last strike at the paper… Poor Blethen All for him and none for anyone else. It was those nasty employees putting him out of business you know, just as bad as the PI… Sheesh! Once he gets Rossi and McKenna together for doing each other at lunch and the ensuing back-pat-a-fest, this will look to most like a Dog-sniff-a-fest- at a pony show. The State of Washington may be what they think of as a place becoming good for business, but it sure is looking bad for the workers. Everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die…
Will the last person leaving Washington please turn out the lights? Let the Fat rats have their ship…