P-I Endorsement: Burner is better
This newspaper didn’t endorse Republican Dave Reichert for the 8th Congressional District House race two years ago because he then faced a bright, terribly well-informed Democrat whose votes we believed would better represent the district and serve the nation.
This time, Reichert faces an even more substantial Democratic challenger in Darcy Burner.
Nonetheless, we believe it’s only responsible to be able to first make a case for removing and incumbent, no matter how impressive the challenger.
Reichert is a man seemingly pulled into elective office, first when the King County sheriff’s position to which he had been appointed was changed to an elected office, and then when asked to run for Congress, largely on the strength of his fame in the Green River case.
Once in Washington, D.C., to his credit, Reichert bucked House leadership and President Bush on some controversial votes, including stem cell research and the disgraceful business of Terri Schiavo.
But Reichert has been on the wrong side of votes regarding minimum wage, tax cuts, Tom DeLay’s ethics and, most recently, detention and trial of foreign detainees.
Burner, a former Microsoft manager, is as informed in her views as she is forceful in delivering them. Frankly, at a P-I Editorial Board session, it was difficult to tell who was the incumbent because her answers carried weight.
From how to balance the federal budget (and how urgent it is to do so) to how crucial it is to reduce human contributions to global climate change to Congress’ role in Iraq war policy, Burner has the better grasp of the issues and the greater passion to deal with them.
It’s a fairly strong endorsement, but notice how it’s neither mean-spirited nor totally one sided. And notice how it focuses on issues instead of some bullshit, I’m-rubber-your-glue, NRCC talking point about Darcy running a negative campaign. Notice how it’s written by grownups.
Uh, Goldy- why not tell the rest of th story of the Sunday editorials in the P-I. Trahant makes it clear that they believe that they had to make a straight party line list of endorsements- so l’il Darcy benefits, not because of the sophistry put forward to try an make her look better than Reichert but because she is carrying the D after her name.
Perhaps Trahant can clue us in to her grand plans for the balancing of the federal budget, curing global warming, getting us out of Iraq, and reinventing the internet. So far she hasn’t bothered to share any of that with the electorate.
L’il Darcy’s “solutions” have been more the “I’d support a missile shield that was effective, but we can’t spend any money to develop one that is effective” kind of blonde loopiness.
Why can’t you craft an arguement that doesn’t involve blatant misogyny?
At least Darcy knows exactly what a missle shield IS, FFS.
Jim King–
Come back and make your case as Postman’s. I miss you. It was a pleasure to defeat YOUR sophistry there.
What’s the matter Jim? Can’t make your case at a blog owned by Frank Blethen?
Yeah, I thought so. WATB.
Wow Goldy, it seems that the trolls are lurking in cyberspace just awaiting your every post to jump on. Alternatively, I guess that things are so boring over at Sound Politics that they lurk at your place instead. It reminds me of the trolls that inhabit the Boeing Yahoo Message Board, as well as many other message boards. I moved to my blog several years ago to avoid having to address or be baited by the trolls meaningless comments. It looks like they have now moved to the blogosphere also.
Anyway, I’m thrilled to hear of the endorsement, I truly do think Darcy is a better match for the 8th CD and think shes essentially a demographic match for the typical 8th cd voter. It was reassuring to see that PI recognized that a lot of Dave’s votes weren’t on the side of typical 8th CD voters; something that the Seattle Times can’t seem to comprehend.
Wow–black minuteman Marvin Stewart was attacked and called a N_g__r by leftists at Columbia University! Is this the road you guys really want to go down? Can’t blacks think for themselves in the your world? Must they be criticized for being of a certain skin color and thinking their own thoughts? Please, people, be better than this. Stand up against your leftist brethren and make it known that they do NOT score points with civilized people when they call non-leftist blacks horrid racist names.
Chowchilla, Calif. — Health officials are investigating a woman’s claim that she found part of a human finger in a Subway sandwich — an allegation reminiscent of the chili bowl finger hoax at a Wendy’s restaurant last year. Two health inspectors visited the Subway restaurant Thursday in Chowchilla after the woman reported finding what appeared to be a half-inch piece of a finger a day earlier… [Representing the women will be the firm of Rosenblatt, Stein, Goodman, Lowenstein, and Loeb, Inc [A good Democrat Jewish trail lawyer firm who will sue anyone and do ANYTHING for money!!]
“The disgraceful business of Terri Schiavo?” It was a problem because anyone who looked into things could see that at some point her husband didn’t look like a guy who cared about his wife. He did some pretty mean things to her, like not letting her have visitors, not letting the care staff put towels in her hands to keep her fingers from curling (“THAT’S THERAPY! YOU CAN’T DO THAT!”), turning photos in the room toward the wall, saying things like “WHen’s that _itch gonna die?” Very cruel things that should cause any thinking person to pause and say something’s wrong here.
All her family wanted was to take care of her. If her brain was really so far gone that people claim she had no idea what was going on, then how would she know she was still living and being cared for by anyone like her family? They would have been happy to care for her even if she never knew what was going on, her husband could divorece her and marry that shack-up woman he was living with and had kids with, and she would have lived out a life cared for by people who do love her and want the best for her. I would have voted to save he life because of far too many questions about her husband’s motives, in looking at his actions in the latter years.
The disgrace was that in a country like ours, a woman could be intentionally dehydrated to death like that.i was disgusted by it. I could not believe this was the country I lived in. Can you imagine what her family went through to know their precious daughter was being treated so horribly? Any of you who have a daughter–TELL me you would have wanted to see your baby girl treated in such a manner when you would’ve given anything to just take her home and give her love, instead of what her husband was trying to do to her while living with the shack-up and making babies with her? Tell me you’d willing stand by and watch your daughter suffer so terribly, brain functioning at any level, in such a manner. No, you would not. You’d do anything to save her life. Reichert was wrong on this one.
9 and 10
Dear Food,
Terri was brain dead. The autopsy performed after her death confirmed this. In this country the spouse has the legal standing in medical decisions, not the parents. This is an emotional issue, to be sure.
The husband was able see Terri’s side and acted in a manner that he thought she would want. This is a terrible position to be in. How can you fault him? The quotes you passed on as his are just rumor. You have no documentation. The headspinning right to lifers will say anything to “prove” their point. The courts heard all the evidence and made an informed decision. When the parents ran out of appeals, they had the law changed. Fortunately, the Court of Appeals did their job too and rejected the “Schaivo” law.
Quite simply the selfish, self-serving parents disagreed. They were able to drag out the process for years, prolonging everyone’s suffering. They were unable to let go- she was their daughter and I understand that- I would hope that if placed in their position I would have the strength to allow my child’s suffering to end peacefully, accept the decision of his/her spouse and accept that sometimes, oftentimes, life is simply not fair and too short.
An argument based on religious or moral belief just has no validity in this case. The law was clear and it was followed. To the letter.
More bad news for the GOP:
Even though Mike McGavick was their handpicked Senate candidate in Washington state, neither the Republican National Committee nor the GOP senatorial campaign committee have plans to air television ads supporting him in the final 17 days of the race.
Republican Party officials said Friday that they remain optimistic McGavick will beat incumbent Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell, adding they still could decide to buy advertising time.
Likewise, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has not bought any television advertising time in support of Cantwell. But Cantwell has a low double-digit lead in recent polls and, though McGavick raised slightly more money in the last three months, Cantwell has $1.4 million more in her coffers.
Some political analysts said the decision not to advertise shows national Republicans have all but conceded the race to Cantwell and have decided to spend their money elsewhere as they struggle to retain control of the Senate.Given President Bush’s dismal poll standings, they said, the last thing he wants are television ads linking him to national Republicans.
So, either McGavick is a lost cause, or desperately doesn’t want to be linked to the Republican Party…, How depressing must that be for Republicans.
My Left Foot:
Don’t forget the tragedy of Ms. Schaivo’s parents coming under the control of religious extremist like Randall Terry. The parents were willing to say just about anything against Mr. Schaivo after these “good” Christians came to dominate their lives.
There is a reason why Dick Armey has been telling anyone he can find that the Extremist Religious Right has destroyed the Republican party. “We are talking about gay marriage, while the Democrats are talking about stuff that people care about.”
Supreme Court upholds Arizona’s photo ID law for elections
I like it when your friends in the 9th Circuit, were found in fault for not waiting for the lower district court to rule. I love it how the moonbats won’t get their additional illegal votes! Jon Kyl will win.
Yes the lies of Burner and Cantvotewell are getting a pass in the media. You notice the paper about to go out of business swings moonbat?
More proof from the non-partisan experts that something is happening. The Cook Political Report made more House ratings changes yesterday. All are changes in the right direction:
IN-03 Souder Solid Republican to Likely Republican
NY-25 Walsh Likely Republican to Lean Republican
OH-02 Schmidt Likely Republican to Lean Republican
PA-04 Hart Likely Republican to Lean Republican
PA-08 Fitzpatrick Lean Republican to Toss Up
SC-05 Spratt Lean Democratic to Likely Democratic
WA-05 McMorris Solid Republican to Likely Republican
WV-01 Mollohan Lean Democratic to Likely Democratic
This is all good for 17 days out. The Cook Political Report carries weight. This means the GOP is defending more seats they thought were safe.
MWS at 27:
I like it when conservatives like you show just how stupid you are:
The Supreme Court on Friday did not decide whether the new voter ID rules are constitutional. That decision is still pending in federal district court. advertisement
Instead, the court decided that the 9th Circuit made a procedural error by granting an injunction to put the new rules on hold without waiting for the district court to explain its reasons for not granting an injunction.
This will be the worst election for the inbred republicans in a dozen years. And when we take back the Congress, I’m going to dedicate a post on this board every single day until the 2008 election rubbing the bad news into the chests of the right wing traitors.
Get ready for an asswhippin girls – you’re fucked!
Long live America, home of the free, the brave, the Democrats.
I’m glad that Burner has received an endorsement from the P-I. Since Reichart violated his oath of office, I have no use for him.
JDB: Again you can’t read. The uphold part comes in because it was voted in in 2004. The district didn’t issue and injunction and 9th Circuit overrulled what? NOTHING! So the Supreme Court allowed the law (upholds) to stand until the District Court rules.
Did I write they overturned the 9th Circuit?
Did I mention any vote by the SCOTUS?
Didn’t I blog the 9th Curcuit was faulted on rules?
Why is the 9th Circuit the most overturned one in the country?
From the link: “Arizona voters will have to present identification at the polls on Nov. 7 after all.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Friday that Arizona can go ahead with requiring voters to present a photo ID, starting with next month’s general election, as part of the Proposition 200 that voters passed in 2004. The ruling overturns an Oct. 5 decision by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which put the voter ID rules on hold this election cycle.
The Supreme Court on Friday did not decide whether the new voter ID rules are constitutional. That decision is still pending in federal district court.”
The above sophistry of JDB is laid bare for all to view!
David, is Darcy Burner really “more substantial” than Dave Ross? Really?
This old song reminds me of the wingnut/trolls on HA
This was a regional hit for the Nightcrawlers in a zillion different cities
from roughly 10/65 through 4/67, but never hit in enough areas simultaneously
to squeak any higher than #85 in Billboard. No, I don’t know what it’s about,
“The Little Black Egg”
(Chuck Conlon)
I don’t care what they say
I’m gonna keep it anyway
I won’t let them stretch their necks
To see my little black egg with the little white specks
I found it in a tree
Just the other day
And now it’s mine, all mine
They won’t take it away
Verse 2:
Here comes Mary, here comes Lee
I’ll bet what they want to see
I won’t let them stretch their necks
To see my little black egg with the little white speck
Verse 3:
Oh, goldurn, what can I do?
The little black egg’s gonna tell on you
I won’t let them stretch their necks
To see my little black egg with the little white specks
5 Food
That’s right. The Minutemen appear at the request of the orgnization that gave us Grover Norquist and Karl Rove, to tell us about how great it is to have armed vigilantes threatening Latinos at our borders, and the anti-racism protesters carrying a “There are no illegals” banner in three languages are the racists. Uh-huh.
18 MWS
“Why is the 9th Circuit the most overturned one in the country?< ?i>”
Duh. Because it is the largest federal circuit court, covering about a quarter of the US, and it issues by far the most rulings.
When you look at percentage of rulings overturned, it is quite reasonable and in line with other circuits. But your stupid people did a simple count and try to turn that into more misleading and deceitful propaganda.
I don’t think you’re stupid. But I know you lie.
Yes she is. Even if she were as insubstantial as Reichart, it is seriously doubtful she would be a rubber stamp for the Bush administration.
A congressman who admits in an interview that the administration tells him when to vote “yes” and “no” is not representing their district and the people who voted him into office. He’s only showing that he is a flip-flopper with no convictions or opinions.
EXCERPT and link. Don’t paste the whole fucking thing. That’s a copyright violation.
Besides, no one is going to read all that. I’ll read a long post of someone’s own thoughts, but I skip right over huge paste jobs.
Followed the link adn read it. They think Santorum’s going to win? I think that shows the depth and reliability of their “analysis.”
PA-SEN Zogby Int. Oct 19 Casey (D) 52%, Santorum (R) 44%
Darcy? Darcy who? Darcy Burner? Who the hell is that? Sounds like something used in a science lab to me.
The GOP is defending even more seats they thought were safe. That’s good for Democrats everywhere.
CNN poll: 74% of Americans think Congress out of touch. This number is almost the same as the results in 1994 when the GOP came to power. 79% of those surveyed in the new Opinion Research poll said they feel big business does have too much influence over the administration’s decisions. The poll comes after a congressional lobbying scandal and questions about White House ties to the Halliburton Co., a key U.S. contractor in the Iraq war. The percentage of people who feel the administration is overly influenced by corporations is up 10 percentage points from a poll conducted in April 2001, a few months after Bush became president.
Not that Dave Reichert has ever spoken out.
hit em where it hurts. take back the money.
Socialist Pravda-Intelligentsia recommend comrade Burner. Big surprise there. NOT!!
Why is RubberStampReichert afraid to debate Darcy? THIS is the fool who claims he’ll protect us? The fucking coward won’t even show up to debate a girl! What a fucking punk!
In less than Three weeks GBS will need my permission to post on HA.ORG. Sweet!!!!
I’m a moderate Republican who lives in the 8th District…
I watched the debate between Reichert and Burner the other night, and was quite shocked. I had always assumed that Reichert had some ability to think on his feet – and would be prepped for the debate by his staff. I mean, he IS a member of the US Congress for crying out loud…
During the debate, he kept asking what the question was again and again, spoke very poorly and appeared rather foolish and well, plainly ignorant. I was shocked at his inability to come up with responses that were assembled correcty or think on his feet generally.
His voting record is reason enough to get rid of him – especially when someone of Burner’s intelligence is available – and his performance the other night just seals it.
Burner has my vote. It’s time to DUMP Reichert – perhaps he can upgrade his mind by listening to classical music or something…
Just as you ask me for permission to make my Atlas Shrug.
Calling BS on “moderate” republican at 39. OK, fair to say he’s stiff, but your giveaway (that you are a lib) is “someone of Burner’s intelligence is available”…..gosh, i mean my car mechanic is smarter than baby fat burner.
I love it, but does anyone read the PI anymore?