I was awakened this morning by my dog snuggling up against me in bed, shivering. Pussy. Granted, with my power still out it was 46 degrees, but that’s only a touch colder than I normally let my house get at night.
(Funny annecdote. I’ve got an old kitchen that probably hasn’t seen a major redesign since the house was built in 1912, thus my fridge actually sits outside the kitchen on an uninsulated, enclosed porch. I keep a thermometer in my fridge, and at 39 degrees, it was actually warmer inside the fridge than outside. My freezer has already defrosted, but at least my condiments won’t freeze.)
No doubt I was woefully unprepared for a prolonged power outage, but then again, I live in the middle of a fucking city, so I wasn’t expecting one barring a major disaster. Sure, we’ve got some rugged country around here, and we expect blackouts from downed trees and such. But not in-city. If this is what happens after a windstorm, imagine what it’s going to be like after a major earthquake? So here I am again back at the Tully’s on Broadway, recharging my iBook and my cellphone. (The Sony Ericsson W600i, by the way, has a helluva a useful flashlight function. Who knew?)
I don’t know enough about the situation to question the pace of repairs, but I do wonder a bit about the priorities. Down here in South Seattle, we tend to have a little chip on our shoulders about what we perceive to be a less than equal share of city services, so it didn’t escape my attention this morning when I called Seattle City Light for an update, and they proudly announced that they had restored all the downed feeders in the more affluent North end of the city, leaving us in the South end to freeze our asses off in the dark. The recording said that of the 55 feeders originally down, the 30 remaining are all in the South. Yippee.
But I suppose my dog and I should just put a few more layers of fleece on and throw my downed pear tree on the fire. Except, of course, not only don’t I have a fridge in my kitchen, I don’t have a fireplace either.
If only they allowed dogs inside Tully’s we could camp out here.
If your refrigerator temerature is warmer inside than what it is outside the best course of action is to leave the door open.
In 1985 when we had that pronlonged snow and cold snap a lot of people just pulled their freezers outside and opened the doors, saved a lot of frozen foods that way.
I hated breaking into my Earthquake Preparadness Kit for a windstorm, but I did keep track of everything I used and we’re going shopping to replace it today.
Hope your power is on soon.
Geez, Goldy, what are you complaining about? South Seattle gets more of everything! Cement factories, waste treatment facilities, power substations, bus barns, rail yards, depots, wrecking yards, recycling plants — you name it, you’ve got it! What are you complaining about?
Sounds like you own one of those $450,000 teardowns, Goldy. Just knock it flat, grab a shovel, and dig! Trust me on this, a few feet down it never gets colder than 55 degrees, there’s no wind chill, and you have lots of worms and bugs to keep you company. Yawnnnn … well, I gotta run … time to fire up my espresso machine …
Flatlanders always have trouble adapting to Seattle.
I was caught in the NY blackout last August a couple of years ago. The hotel had NO back-up generator and they allowed us back to our rooms, floor by floor. So the hotel staff had a few flashlights but, like Goldy, we took the cover off our cell-phones and used them as flashlights (plus one kid had those shoes that flash at the back, very useful). Being in a huge city (that was the main focus of 9/11) that was blacked out (and, you find out it is multi-state), separated from family with no food. It makes you realize you need to be calm and resourceful.
Everyone should think about what they have at home for an emergency and what they would do if they were away from home. We will have a major earthquake someday and as we learned from Katina, the government is NOT coming to help us. Have a plan for yourself, your family, your neighbors.
Hey Goldy — now you know why real estate costs more in the North End.
Hmmm … slow news day today – Dick Cheney got through a whole day without shooting anybody. Later, trolls.
Here’s a letter to the editor that perfectly captures Joe Wingnut’s simplistic thought process:
“I believe Rush Limbaugh was correct in his assessment of the [Iraq] study group and its recommendations. … Limbaugh … said the study group should have been composed of the NFL coaches. After all, he said, the coaches plan to win and then have the players execute that plan. Well said.
— John Moe, Federal Way”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What can you say about someone who thinks the way to win a war is put football coaches in charge of it? Even a dumb bunny knows better.
Does this idiot actually think our generals haven’t been trying to win?
More importantly, does Limbaugh — and the fools who listen to him — think our generals haven’t tried to win? And where was Limbaugh when Mike Holmgren needed him Thursday night?
I am counting the minutes until somebody, in all seriousness, blames Bush and/or FEMA for punishing our progressive city by not being here to help us IMMEDIATELY.
Seriously Goldy, we live in a city that is near a major fault line. You have seen the signs to prepare for several days (3 days, 3 ways). You keep acting like this, I am going to start thinking you are from the Big Easy.
Affluent North end of Seattle? Whatever. I have no power either, and haven’t since Thursday afternoon, and they’re telling us it will most likely be Monday or Tuesday before partial power will be restored to my area, Wednesday/Thursday before we will probably have full power back. There is one Starbucks in the entire area with power that is probably breaking the law by exceeding its capacity, and the line for coffee is stretching out the door, and the line for seating and a power plug isn’t much shorter. I am currently staying with friends in Beacon Hill because they DO have power now – I believe that Beacon Hill is considered South Seattle, isn’t it? Just because the north end has its feeder lines up doesn’t mean we all have power, so stop with the woe-is-me-south-end-crap.
Well, I lost power for 26 hours. It is the longest since I have lived in this state. I do have a gas fireplace that even without the blower kept us warm. 3 flashlights and a dozen candles got me through it, but you know someone always has it worse than you. At least I am alive and still have a house intact!
12 Go spew your nonsense on the pathetic little jihad blog where your drivel will be more appreciated.
Hmmm … no trolls here today. Looks like the wingnuts are spending another night freezing in the dark.
OK.. I got some info for ya. I drove around all over west Seattle to Burian today snagging green firewood for next year from off the side of the road. (looks like professional firewood vendors and cold dark Seattlites got to most of them first) and the pattern of power outages in the south west is…..
no discernible pattern.
I mean blocks with power separated by blocks without. Sections on one side of the street with power and the other without. High end real estate with no power within 100 ft of low end rentals with power. And vice versa.
Mine came back about 10 last night and there is still a tree two blocks away with a high tension transit feeder tangled in it.
And what you see on tv is mainly the same footage over and over since it mostly looks the same. There are 5 ft diameter trees all the way across residential streets in West Seattle and city crews were working their way up Roxbury where I counted 15 down ahead of them in just 10 blocks. This is after the emergency trees were cut up that fell across the roadway on the other side of the street.
And I know many other places were hit harder.
Yes we live in a city and I did not even cut into my earthquake supplies. I did determine that I need to upgrade my 12v supplemental system if I want to keep on the net when the power is out since my 400w inverters sucked too much juice through the chained routers and one server I tried to keep on the net. A few deep cycle marine batteries and a heavier inverter will be on hand for the next storm/earthquake/volcano.
I was about 12 hours away from setting up my propaneburner and 8 gallon stock pot for some classic freezer soup. Other than forgetting to grind coffee before the storm, I was in pretty good shape … except for the internet withdrawals. I will not let that happen again.
I hope you get your power back asap.
I’m going on 47 1/2 hours with no power, and no heat in my house. The fridge and freezer are done and everything will have to be replaced. We left the house a while ago and are “living” with my parents until the power comes back on.
It could be worse. My neighbor down at the end of the street had 3 100 foot tall tress crash through their roof on Thursday night and had a gas leak. They were evacuated safely, but there are some folks out there who really got hit bad.
Furball: No; we neocons don’t make fun of others misery, unless of course you have problems. We leave that to libtards and the libtard MSM. See Senator Tim Johnson coverage!
Heh… every time in the past 5 years power has gone wonky in this city, my little enclave in Wallingford (the part that didn’t get a stick up its bum about the damn concerts..) is warm and bright the entire time.
I’ve been on the road around the Sound the past few days, and seen the massive stretches of darkened streets and shuttered businesses, but outside of South Seattle and the Eastside haven’t seen anyone going C-R-A-Z-Y at the gas stations; I feel like 710KIRO is hyping up the whole gas rationing story just a wee bit… Goldy, can you make some calls, get them to ratchet back the reporting on that a little? Occasionally there’s a gas station with massive lines, but then 2 blocks later there’s a station that’s in business with only the normal amount of traffic in and out of the pumps.
20 “we neocons don’t make fun of others misery”
… In the weeks before the execution, Bush says, a number of protesters came to Austin to demand clemency for Karla Faye Tucker. “Did you meet with any of them?” I ask. Bush whips around and stares at me. “No, I didn’t meet with any of them,” he snaps, as though I’ve just asked the dumbest, most offensive question ever posed. “I didn’t meet with Larry King either when he came down for it. I watched his interview with Tucker, though. He asked her real difficult questions like, ‘What would you say to Governor Bush?'” “What was her answer?” I wonder. “‘Please,'” Bush whimpers, his lips pursed in mock desperation, “‘don’t kill me.'” I must look shocked — ridiculing the pleas of a condemned prisoner who has since been executed seems odd and cruel — because he immediately stops smirking. …
20 (continued)
… “Everybody is so overwhelmed by the hospitality, and so many of the people in the arenas here, you know, were underprivileged anyway. This is working very well for them.” …
20 (continued) Or how about this item from the Free Republic comment threads on the Wellstone plane crash:
“I’ll check out the crash as soon as I get through investigating this car wreck!”
(photo of guy with guns guarding car in ditch)
(20) Or how about another beauty from the Freepers?
“Best wishes to Sen. Johnson for a speedy recovery. However, this incident is a good dose of reality for the democrats – I believe they have several old senators who could go at anytime (although they need to be from a state with a GOP governor to affect the balance of power in the senate), let me be morbid and start a list: Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd, Inoue & Akaka from Hawaii, Chris Dodd…”
20 (continued) But let’s not forget that neocons are at their very worst when they’re in self-pity mode, as this example from the sucky little jihad blog shows:
Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM
(Note: HorsesAss ace investigator Richard Pope ID’d “FullContactPolitics” as defeated GOP legislative candidate Mark Griswold)
20 (continued) So MWS — you were saying something about neocons’ good taste? You DO know where I learned how to behave like this, don’t you? From you guys. I used to be a Goldwater Republican, and you guys trained me well.
You can take Roger Rabbit out of the GOP and make him a Democrat; but, unfortunately, you can’t take the GOP influences completely out of Roger Rabbit! It’s like trying to deprogram a Moony or keep an alcoholic on the wagon — it’s a lifetime effort to keep from relapsing and there will be occasional setbacks.
So MWS, if you don’t like it, you can kiss my cute cottontail! For a good time, call 1-800-LICK-ROG.
Oh yeah, did I forget to mention, it’s the RIGHTWING MEDIA that’s salivating all over Sen. Johnson’s illness?
Of all the absurd lies wingnuts tell, one of the wingnuttiest (it’s hard to choose, isn’t it?) is calling the RIGHTWING-owned, RIGHTWING-managed, and RIGHTWING-biased media the “liberal biased media.”
Can you think of even ONE of the so-called “liberal media” outlets that didn’t give Bush a free pass on lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie? Only after things began to fall apart under his incompetent administration did they begin to report that things were falling apart; and they still won’t call bullshit on him.
Left Behind @12,
Seriously, how am I supposed to prepare for this? I’ve got plenty of food and water. I’ve got candles and a couple flashlights. I’ve got blankets and warm clothes. What I don’t have is a fireplace, and my oil furnace won’t run without electricity. Short of buying a generator (which strikes me as overkill for a city dweller) how could I prepare for this?
I’m not living in the country or on an island… I’m in the middle of big city. It amazes me that the power is down for so long.
And I’m fortunate. I’ve got places to go to warm up and plug into the Internet. But there are little kids and elderly people freezing their asses off in the dark in the Rainier Valley right now, and nobody seems to think this is an emergency.
Can you think of even ONE of the so-called “liberal media” outlets that didn’t give Bush a free pass on lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie?
I dont know?! But I do know some liberal media outlets who spread forged documents after forged documents after forged documents after forged documents though. hehehehe
Goldy, invite Mayor Nickels over so he knows what cold feels like. Last night while I was huddled next to my fireplace and just being thankful that I had a fireplace and wood, I was listening to KOMO radio in hopes I might learn when power would be restored in my neighborhood.
While the host was interviewing a City Light spokesperson for a status report, he asked the spokesperson if Mayor Nickles had electricity at his home. The spokesperson laughed nervously and admitted that he did.
Asking a liberal about “media bias” is like asking a Nazi about anti-Semitism. Geeeeesh..
Once a liberal can explain how a Koran can get flushed down a toilet then I will believe his claims of no liberal bias in the press. hehehehehe
I believe Rush Limbaugh was correct in his assessment of the [Iraq] study group and its recommendations. … Limbaugh … said the study group should have been composed of the NFL coaches. After all, he said, the coaches plan to win and then have the players execute that plan. Well said.
— John Moe, Federal Way”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What can you say about someone who thinks the way to win a war is put football coaches in charge of it? Even a dumb bunny knows better.
Yeah and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will do better? The American people will come to their senses eventually but unfortunately it will have to take some more 911’s.
25 Of course it’s completely lost on the Freeper fuck who wrote that garbage wishing death on various Democratic senators that (a) he misspelled Sen. Inouye’s name, and (b) Sen. Inouye is a World War 2 Medal of Honor winner.
39 Inouye had to wait decades for his DSC to get upgraded to a Medal of Honor because of racism. During WW2, not a single MOH was awarded to a black or Nisei. (There is a Nisei MOH recipient — another upgrade — buried in Seattle’s Evergreen-Washelli cemetery.)
In a famous “open mike” incident, a lawyer for Nixon henchmen John Ehrlichman and H.R. Haldeman, not realizing the microphone was still in, not-so-privately referred to Sen. Inouye as “that little Jap.”
Inouye continued serving in the Army after losing an arm in the bitter fighting of the Italian campaign, remaining in the Army until 1947 and rising to the rank of captain. He was a member of the all-Japanese-American 442nd Regimental Combat Team, the most decorated military unit in U.S. history.
Republicans claim they “support the troops” but in truth they have no respect for real soldiers, and never have. What they really mean is they “support the war.” No Republican ever met a war he didn’t like — as long as someone else fights it! To them, the soldiers are merely cannon fodder. That’s certainly how I was treated when I served in Vietnam while Nixon was commander-in-chief. Nixon didn’t give a shit about the soldiers. We were paid like shit, treated like shit, and the Republicans gave us shitty veterans hospitals and as little in veterans benefits as they could get away with. Republicans have never had any respect for the soldiers they send to war, and all the poor schmucks in Iraq will get their turn to find that out, too.
Fortunately for the wounded soldiers returning from Iraq, today the VA provides the best health care in the country. They run a better and more efficient hospital system than any private-sector for-profit company does, or even the nonprofits for that matter. VA medical care today is topnotch — a model of what health care can be like when government runs it.
Oooooo — I spoke a bad thing! Government-run health care!!! Now the wingnuts are gonna be all over my ass!!!
Goldy, wha’s up with this Republican-like rant?
City Light seems to have achieved 90% recovery in 48 hours. That’s a DAMNED impressive response to a non-localized emergency.
You’re cold? boo-frickin-hoo. Hard-working men and women are out there around the clock, doing dangerous work to the point where fatigue makes it more dangerous … just so you don’t have to hang out at Tully’s. I hope some of ’em find time to give you what-for on one of your radio stints this week.
“nobody seems to think this is an emergency”? Bullshit, Goldy. Ignorant, self-absorbed, wimpy, whiny bullshit.
34 I dont know?! But I do know some liberal media outlets who spread forged documents after forged documents after forged documents after forged documents though. hehehehe
Roger Rabbit Reply: The so-called “Killian documents” were NOT proved to be forgeries, but even if they are, that doesn’t exonerate Bush.
“The documents … purportedly made by Bush’s commander … allegedly showed that Bush disobeyed orders while in the Guard, and had undue influence exerted on his behalf to improve his record ….
” … Marian Carr Knox, who was … Colonel Killian’s assistant on the dates of the memos … believed they reflected the truth about Lieutenant Bush.
“Press Secretary Scott McClellan stated …, ‘We had every reason to believe that they were authentic at that time.’ Some have critically suggested that this belief of authenticity by the White House could not have existed if the memos contained information they knew to be inaccurate.
“CBS reported … that Killian’s son, Gary Killian, questioned one of the memos but stated that others ‘appeared legitimate’ and characterized the collection as ‘a mixture of truth and fiction’.
“Dan Rather continues to stand by the story, and in subsequent interviews has articulated that he believes that the … underlying story [is] true.”
In addition, there is indisputable separate corroboration of Bush’s troubled TANG service:
“Flight logs released by the White House … showed that Bush had been flying the F-102A Delta Dagger … until February and March of 1972, when he was assigned to a T-33, a two-seat trainer. He also resumed conducting practice sessions on a flight simulator. Both changes are unusual; they are signs of flight performance problems.
“Janet Linke, the widow of the pilot who replaced Bush in the Texas unit, said in a recent interview that she (and her husband) had been privy to adverse comments about Bush’s performance from his commanding officer: ‘He was mucking up bad, Killian told us,’ Linke said.
” … National Guard pilots were required to take and pass an annual physical in order to remain in flight status …. For reasons that are unclear, Bush apparently chose not to take this mandatory physical examination in mid-1972. As a result, his flight status was suspended … regulations required … ‘an investigation as to why the individual failed to accomplish the medical examination.’ Following the investigation, the local commander was required to either convene a … Board … or report on his case up the chain of command. Either way, there should have been a record of the investigation.
“There is no record of a physical being taken in either 1972 or in 1973, the last two years in which Bush attended drills. According to his released military records, Bush never flew again as a National Guard pilot after April 1972.
“Bush has claimed that he did not take the National Guard flight physical because he was no longer flying and it was therefore unnecessary. … This is incorrect – during all of 1972 he was assigned to a pilot’s position in his unit, and an annual flight physical is required of all assigned pilots.
“During 2004, various people … accused Bush of being absent without leave (AWOL) from the National Guard in 1972-73. Initially, these charges were based on gaps in the documentation of Bush’s service. As records were released … during 2004, the accusations were based on actual gaps in service (one exceeding six months) and the number of drills performed. …
Released military records show that … on May 24, 1972, Bush … request[ed] a transfer to the 9921st Air Reserve Squadron in Montgomery, Alabama. … Based on his application, he was already in Alabama …. The transfer request itself was highly irregular. … Furthermore, ‘Air Reserve Squadrons’ … consisted of individuals with specific civilian professional qualifications (lawyers, doctors, clergy) … whose job within the military did not require … ‘military’ training …. More importantly, assignments to Air Reserve Squadrons were controlled completely by the Air Reserve Personnel Center in Denver Colorado … [which] rejected Bush’s reassignment request … stating that … Bush ‘is ineligible for assignment to an Air Reserve Squadron.’ Throughout this period, Bush remained obligated to train with his Texas unit, or perform substitute training each month. … Bush’s records show … no training during these months. Colonel Bricken is on record as stating that Bush made no effort to participate as a Guardsman with the 9921st.
“More than a month after the ARPC rejected Bush’s transfer request, … Bush requested permission to ‘perform equivalent duty’ at the 187th Tactical Recon Group in Alabama ‘for the months of September, October, and November.’ He quickly received approval to do so, and was told to report … for drills on October 7 and 8, and November 4 and 5 …. Bush’s records do not list any service on those dates …. In a document dated May 2, 1973, Bush’s immediate superiors gave him his annual performance review for the period from May 1, 1972 to April 30, 1973. The review stated that ‘Lt. Bush has not been observed at this unit during the period of the report.’ …
“Lawrence Korb, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for President Ronald Reagan, has reviewed the payroll records … and concluded that they indicate that Bush did not fulfill his obligations ….
“Critics of Bush felt that the validity of Rather’s original story had been underreported by the media, having been eclipsed by the controversy surrounding the alleged authenticity of the documents themselves. Bush supporters felt the story was an attempt to smear the president.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: American taxpayers spent over $1 million training George W. Bush to fly fighter jets, and got no useful service from him — without justification. If anyone but an influential congressman’s son had a service record like his, he would have been called to active duty (and likely sent to Vietnam) or court-martialed.
Later, when George W. Bush’s father was president, he received similar favored treatment from the SEC, at the time run by his father’s appointee, when he committed prosecutable violations of securities laws while running a company called Harken Energy that, as a business enterprise, was a disastrous failure.
It doesn’t matter that the “Killian documents” are unauthenticated. It doesn’t even matter that they may be forgeries. Those documents are not the story. The real story is Bush’s lifelong derelictions of duty to his country, his shareholders, etc. — and his flouting of laws and obligations — that would have gotten anyone without his family’s political influence into serious trouble.
The guy has been a fuckup all his life, and still is. Defend him at your own risk. And don’t think for an instant that he wouldn’t stab his own supporters and defenders in the back.
Dan Rather imposter @37 et al. — You wouldn’t believe facts contrary to wingnut ideology even if they kicked you in the shin.
38 “Yeah and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will do better?”
They couldn’t possibly do worse than you fucking idiots have.
“The American people will come to their senses eventually …”
They just did. Go back and read the Nov. 7 election results again. Loooooooser …
44 Hey Goldy, be happy you’re served by public power; if you were a Puget Power customer you’d have to wait a week ….
“NEW YORK (Dec. 16) – Congratulations! You are the Time magazine ‘Person of the Year.’
“The annual honor for 2006 went to … citizens of the new digital democracy, as the magazine put it. The winners this year were anyone using or creating content on the World Wide Web.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Creating content … yup, that’s what I do.
Why Health Care Costs So Much
“Feds Target Health Care Provider for Fraud
“(Dec. 6) — When Beatrice Schiff died … she was laid to rest … but her bill for prescription drugs lived on …. An Omnicare subsidiary charged Medicaid for her drugs. … Her case was among 150 counts of fraud and racketeering brought by Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox.
“Although it has never admitted any wrongdoing, in the last two months alone, Omnicare has agreed to pay $102 million to settle Medicaid fraud cases in 42 states ….
“‘They’re ripping off the taxpayers, there’s no question about it,’ says Jim Moorman, a former assistant U.S. Attorney General …. ‘The business plan of Omnicare is to pump as much money as they can out of the federal government and the state government, without regard to consequences,’ Moorman says. …
“Omnicare’s lucrative strategy is to buy up … pharmacies with contracts to nursing homes. CBS News has learned that one of those purchases is under investigation by the Illinois attorney general for a kickback scheme. Sources say the inquiry focuses on whether Omnicare CEO Joel Gemunder conspired in 2004 to defraud Medicaid by paying a grossly inflated price for a company called Total Pharmacy — in exchange for lucrative nursing homes drug contracts 10 times longer than the industry average. ‘That’s a huge red flag,’ says a health care insider, who … has intimate knowledge of Omnicare …. ‘The only thing that would induce a nursing home owner to sign a long-term contract is cash — money,’ she explains. ‘Kickback. There’s no other reason.’
“‘They’re ripping off the Medicaid program, and they’re harming the people who depend on it,’ Moorman says. How big of a rip-off is it? Estimates are that up to 10 percent of government spending on Medicaid and Medicare is lost to fraud every year. That’s about $50 billion of your tax dollars.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info, see http://tinyurl.com/ujhek
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Gemunder is a GOP donor — surprise surprise. http://tinyurl.com/yejorf
Republican = crook
Goldy, welcome to the “progressive future” … blackouts, cold shivering masses…food lines, gas lines..
I am waiting for the gov’t nonsense to come out of this; programs for free generators, or sustainable blah blah blah. Power companies discriminating against people of color
I”m headed over to Mayor Nickels’ house to get warm.
I’m waiting for some wingfuck to blame it on Clinton.
Yep, I noticed too.
Goldy, I am not saying to go get a generator or a few dozen hamsters on wheels to power your house. Get a camping gas-powered stove to heat that which is important.
On the other side, we were all told about this storm HOW MUCH in advance? And yet, like when it snows here, we all seemed to be stuck on stupid. (Myself included…I didn’t think to fuel up the night before.) If people actually listened to what was being told, this would not have been quite as bad. Are we grasshoppers or ants?
Roger Rarebit
WADr you clog threads so much they unreadble.
Roger Rabbit Reply: The so-called “Killian documents” were NOT proved to be forgeries, but even if they are, that doesn’t exonerate Bush.
“The documents … purportedly made by Bush’s commander … allegedly showed that Bush disobeyed orders while in the Guard, and had undue influence exerted on his behalf to improve his record ….
” … Marian Carr Knox, who was … Colonel Killian’s assistant on the dates of the memos … believed they reflected the truth about Lieutenant Bush.
Now type the same crap in a 1970 sub-script you dumb bunny. hehehehehehe Liberal are so dishonest they even lie about their lies. heheheehe
56 Get a camping gas-powered stove to heat that which is important.
Wingnuts, please use yours indoors. Liberals, please use yours outdoors.
57 Don’t read them, then. Reading HA comments is a voluntary activity.
Roger … Rarebit
Your are correct and to be honest I do not read you posts .. I just scroll by hoping someone else will post here.
But seriously, since you enjoy writing so much, who not make a rarebit blog of your own?
The Rare Bit
Rabbit Droppings
back at the issue …
It seems to me that a bigger issue than repair speeds is the need to make the system less fault prone. Wasn’t there a proposal to put it all underground?
stephen schwartz;
must be a seattle thing; cure it all via underground
you should drive east and see the magnitude of elevation change, distance, trees, and those big honking 270kv lines that you’ll never put underground (like a tunnel through the cascades)?