So I go to the list of applicants for the open seat on the Seattle City Council to try to figure out what time I might get my three minutes to speak tomorrow, and what do I find? I’m not on the fucking list!
Are they arrogant, incompetent, or just plain stupid?
I’m sure the Council received my letter — it was quoted in The Seattle Times. So what’s the deal? Did they reject me on some unwritten technicality? Did the downtown-centric members mistakenly believe that my South Seattle neighborhood was outside city limits? Did they simply choose not to take my candidacy seriously? Did they have that right?
We all know there are only a handful of serious contenders, and us other ninety-some applicants are mostly a bunch of crackpots. Yet the one crackpot to whom they choose to summarily deny consideration, is the one crackpot with the loudest voice. I mean, what do they possibly have to gain by dissing one of the most widely read and influential bloggers in the state? (Um… that would be me.)
“Oh sure,” they might say, “he wasn’t a serious candidate. He used the words ‘fuck’, ‘shit’, ‘prick’, and ‘asshole’ in his application.”
Well… fuck that.
Not a serious candidate? I see they’re giving Al Runte his three minutes, and yet when I personally suggested his name to Jean Godden a couple weeks ago, she actually laughed! I mean sure, Al’s got a funny last name and all, but Jean literally waved me off laughing at the thought of appointing him to the open seat. Really.
So Al they’ll humor, but me… not so much.
Which, from a media outreach perspective, is just plain dumb, because that private exchange between me and Jean is exactly the type of incident I wouldn’t have blogged on… if the Council hadn’t just given me the finger. (Fair warning to Peter Steinbrueck: next time you’re at the Intiman, you better start of all your sentences with “off the record”… you never know who might be seated near you.)
Yeah, I know I wrote an irreverent, foul-mouthed application letter, but that still didn’t give them the right reject it. And if the Council really didn’t want me to speak due to concerns about time, decorum, or anything else… all they had to do was politely ask.
For the irony is, I wasn’t even planning to speak tomorrow anyway. When I saw how many crackpot 3-minute speeches they’d have to sit through, I decided not to burden them with my own. Why? Because I had too much respect for the council members.
“Had” being the operative word.
I just received a reply from the Council in response to my inquiry:
The application process, described on the Council’s web page and in press releases, required that applicants send both a Letter of Interest and a resume. There is no record of receiving a resume from you; therefore, you were not considered an eligible candidate.
Well, really, that’s a load of shit… an excuse to keep me out of the process. When I first sent my application, they emailed back that they couldn’t print it out properly. If they technically needed a separate piece of paper with the word “Resume” on it, they could have told me, and I could have given them that too. Not that I would have put anything else on it.
As far as I’m concerned, this is just like the time the Attorney General sued me because my initiative was “outside the scope” of the initiative process, when they let some filings stand that weren’t even complete sentences.
As far as I’m concerned, the Council, like much of government, is filled with a bunch of fearful, self-serious, humorless drones. They need to lighten up.
Goldy, is it too late to try again? I think you’d be perfect for the job. You’d fit in well.
Hey I amy not live in Seattle. I may also be a very conservative Republican, so I agree with very little with Goldy. I would love to see Goldy on the council. It would reall shake things up.
Give ’em hell, Goldy!
As I said before though, you shouldn’t have brought the owner of the Seattle Times into it. You scared the council off with the prosepect of bad press from the city’s biggest daily.
You’ll just have to step up your own blasts against them here ;^)
Goldy – you might be alone in knowing you really expected to be on the list.
Most of us, at least this reader, thought it was your sense of mocking, satire, primo jokster, etc. — all the niffty traits you have, at work.
Your letter of application was good blogg craft. Lots of good old free speech.
Suggest – file in the fall. Will sent ten toward the fee.
Goldy, I live in Pierce County, so I think it’d be great if you were to run for Seattle city council. You’d be perfect, and I wouldn’t have to vote against you.
Heck, I live in Bellevue, and I’m looking forward to voting for Goldy. Anyone want to share a mail box on Queen Ann?
You could not do any worse than the rest of the City Council.
Unqualified, inept, easily corrupted and paid a 6 figure income?
Yep, you’d fit like O.J.’s Glove
If Goldy is appointed, look for the local cable access channel’s ratings to spike.
“fearful, self-serious, humorless drones”
Very much to be preferred over arrogant, self-important prima donnas.
Goldy, you need to court the dwarf vote.
Logan must love you.
you know I dig ya, Goldy–but Rule #1 when filing government papers is: Follow the rest of the rules. If you’d applied to a (different) city job that asked for documents A, B and C, and you omitted B, I can guarantee you that your name would be taken off their list, too.
If your Council meetings are like ours, there’s a signup sheet available before the meeting to get speaking time in the general agenda portion of it. You could probably get your day in court that way if you really wanted to. Prick. Asshole.
>Did they simply choose not to take my candidacy seriously?
>As far as I’m concerned, the Council, like much of government, >is filled with a bunch of fearful, self-serious, humorless >drones.
Goldy, you sound like Stefan today.
God, they missed a goldstein opportunity to pad their little club with a fellow idealogue!
Typical whiny liberal reaction though… blame everyone else because you couldn’t be bothered to learn what was expected of you and follow the damned rules… prefaced by the claim you really weren’t serious anyway, (but damn you secretly hoped and wished to be chosen).
Were you the one left standing when the other kids chose sides for pick up games too?
Erik at 11:
My thoughts exactly. Maybe it was distributed resume fraud. See, by using the word “fraud,” it makes it sound like there was fraud even though neither Goldy nor I have any proof.
Heck, why not up the ante. I hear by accuse the Seattle City Counsel and all of the City of Seattle’s government of distributed resume murder.
“Unqualified, inept, easily corrupted and paid a 6 figure income?
Yep, you’d fit like O.J.’s Glove ”
Since the glove didn’t fit…I guess that would be a compliment.
Proud to be an Ass:
“blame everyone else because you couldn’t be bothered to learn what was expected of you and follow the damned rules…”
Not a liberal reaction at all. Without that, the minnow wouldn’t even have a blog.
Goldy, I suggest you go see “The Producers”. It’s better than the original version. Better production, better stageplay, better punchlines. “Heil… me!” coyly cooed the fuhrer. The critics panning it are full of shit. Have fun. It’s Springtime for Hitler!!
by Goldy, 01/11/2006, 2:39 PM
“When I first sent my application, they emailed back that they couldn’t print it out properly. If they technically needed a separate piece of paper with the word “Resume” on it, they could have told me, and I could have given them that too. Not that I would have put anything else on it.”
Bet you don’t stop and ask for directions when you get lost too.
well if they require a resume and you didnt submit one, not much you can say but oops. Next time read the directions.
It’s a pity though, I would have enjoyed seeing you on the council, it would have been refreshing to see a non player there, and a smart ass to boot.
In an unrelated matter, I am still waiting for Roger to explain how a union guarantees more qualified labor.
The company hires and trains the people, not the union.
The union still exists to defend employees who make mistakes not to penalize them.
So what does a union bring to the table that makes them so good?
Sure, company hired employees would be better then hiring a contract firm, but they can do that without a union.
Please help clarify this Roger.
I said I was not going to comment here any more, and I have not, but I have to make an exception for this post.
Goldstein, I told you so. You don’t have the maturity to understand civil discourse. It’s not that people can’t appreciate a little profanity now and again, it’s that you have to know when it is appropriate and when it is not. This concept, like limited government, goes right over your head.
It’s quite gratifying to see that the City Council has at least some respect for decency and a sense of decorum for public office.
This is a severe blow to you and you deserve it. As I said many times in my previous comments, no one is going to take you seriously until you do.
Ok, I’ll be going again now. All of you angry echo chamber commenters, this is your cue to go nuts.
Next time Goldy, abide by the 4 ft. rule, and fer chrissakes, read the fine print. You can always apply for a seat on the Des Moines City Council. Given the grim fiscal state of affairs here, we could use a little levity. Not a resident? Just lie. It’s been done before (Wasson, Don, see).
Re Des Moines. You could also follow in the footsteps of the late, but not lamented wingnut Richard Benjamin who regularly showed up for the last 10 minutes of the Council meetings to collect his 200 bucks from the taxpayers.
Then we could adjourn to a pre-funded drinking liberally session!
The company hires and trains the people, not the union.
posted by sven above @ 19 above
I challenge you to walk in to the Carpenter’s hall any night during class and make this assertion, Sven.
Mugged by reality, Goldy sputters and seeks a support group.
Follow the rules? Strictly for little people. Why didn’t they tell me? They assumed you were an adult and would look up the requirements.
But if you ever do get serious about serving, count on my support.
I was in two unions, and in both cases, I had to interview and be hired by the actual company, and in both cases the company provided my actual training. I was never the benefit of any union provided training, or apprenticing until I was laid off and it was part of my layoff package to retrain.
yes, some unions have apprenticeship programs like the carpenters hall.
But the relevent question is, do ALL unions provide them? Does a grocers union provide extra classes to help baggers bag? My daughter is in one, she still was hired by the store, she just joined the union (she had to) after she was hired.
Some unions may maintain a job opening list (a brewery I used to live near comes to mind), but the company has the final word on hiring.
Does a teachers union hire the teachers for the school, or does the district hire the teacher itself. What about civil service?
Most unions are a benefit/collective baragaining institution, not a training and skill building collective.
In the relevent case, did the airline union have training classes to make sure they ramp rats know how to handle baggage? Or did the company provide ongoing training, like Boeing did when I was a machinist?
My late father in law was a carpenter. I fully respect his working for 40 years to become a master carpenter and all the work he did, but that is merely one facet of what unions do in the current society.
Most people in a union these days never come close to that model. And while i was at Boeing, the union there proved to me many times that seniority was more important then skill.
I love it. “The Greatest Deliberative Body In The World” with Ted Kennedy challenging someone’s character. LMAO. Only in Murka…
Welcome to the “real” Seattle, Goldy. How duz it feel? Gotta love their attitudes! One even disses another progressive, Al Runte! “Are they arrogant, incompetent, or just plain stupid?”, Goldy asks. Yes, Goldy – They are just like the ASSHeads on ASSes!
You know, this is why I don’t go to church. They don’t laugh in church either. You people need to lighten up a little.
Goldy writes a real, if irreverant, request, and is not given the courtesy that was accorded to many of our other citizens, some much, much more eccentric than he? And he gets a little indignant, and that is cause for this incivility and revilement?
Please, let us discourse, or what are we doing here?
You raise a valid point, Larry. But have you ever tried to engage in discourse with Vagina Lips or puddypuller? The word seems to take on a new and unfamiliar meaning.
Hey Asshole – I posted a comment yesterday listing the evils of diversity. Engage in some “discourse” and take me down point by point.
Tell me, does it suck to go into a battle of wits unarmed? How the fuck do you argue with someone smarter and better informed than you?
See what I mean?
Asshole – I listed 5 points of discourse. Take on one or all. “Bring it on…”
I’m outraged!!!! You are certainly the stinkiest crack among the crackpots!!
This is a clear-cut case of Goldy being victimized by political correctness and QUOTA’S!!!
QUOTA’S (??) you ask….how could Goldy be a victim of quota’s?
Well obviously after much serious research and consideration, the Seattle City Council has rightly concluded that they already have far above their quota of ASSHOLES! Adding Goldy would only make the imbalance much worse.
I think your ONLY argument at this point GOLDY since they nailed you on a technicality (by they way, didn’t you even bother to read the application requirements dumbass???)…………
Goldy’s only argument is that he is such a gigantic ASSHOLE that it would actually improve public perception of the existing ASSHOLES.
Now I admit it’s a longshot. Perhaps if all Goldy’s fans dressed in Orange and picketed the Council??? Or we started throwing shit and busting windows….the Council LOVES anarchists.
Dang, I can’t believe the Council wouldn’t bend the rules to add an undisputed ASSHOLE like Goldy.
Maybe their is no God.
John McDonald @20
Good to have you back again, John. Wish you Republicans were as solicitous of other people’s lives as you are of other people’s language. Leaving again so soon? Horses Ass too hot for ya? Chickenshit. Buh-uhk cluck-cluck buh-uhk cluck-cluk
Rumor has it you were NOT disqualified due to failure to submit a resume…..
Nor were you rejected because of your obvious lack of intellect.
These Bastards rejected you because of your Pee-Wee Herman voice!!! One of the key Councilors doing behind the scenes politics to zap your chance of a lifetime was overheard saying he would rather have bamboo shoots rammed under each fingernail, each toenail and even jammed down the tip of his dick rather than have to listen to your shrill, unpleasant voice for more than a nanosecond.
Tough break Goldy. I think you may have a Civil Rights claim here as you were BORN sounding like the 3 Chipmunks impersonating Gilbert Gottfried!!!
MTR @25
Ted Kennedy’s character does not render Samuel Alito’s character irrelevant. Kennedy is not asking anyone to confirm him to the U.S. Supreme Court.
too bad the smug little clique of smarter than us “leaders” wouldn’t let you in for a few minutes … seattle diversity = we all kind of think alike, ESPECIALLY about people who are direct (NOT nice), who use foul language (NOT nice), who have ideas (NOT nice), and are NOT nice.
I could never vote for the fascist party and the corporate thieves, BUT,
the smug smarter than everybody progressives … yeck.
So I go to the list of applicants for the open seat on the Seattle City Council to try to figure out what time I might get my three minutes to speak tomorrow, and what do I find? I’m not on the fucking list!
Are they arrogant, incompetent, or just plain stupid?
Duh, all three!! They are liberal. What a dumbass question.
Puttyferbrains @26
Before you nazi fucks showed up, dissing each other was our favorite sport! It’s like domestic violence — you know … when the cops show up, the couple stops beating each other and join forces to beat the cops. We like to watch you Republifucks do that to each other, too.
Before I forget, prr is a nazi
“have you ever tried to engage in discourse with Vagina Lips or puddypuller?”
these two trollfucks don’t know the difference between discourse and intercourse, because neither of them has any experience with either
“How the fuck do you argue with someone smarter and better informed than you?”
It would be fun, if such a person ever posted here.
aaarghh .. Jean Godden….
Man, she makes goldy look intelligent.
She’s as bad as Patty.
I already answered that.
MoonbatMobyTroll@28: If you, as a resident ASSHead could frame a cogent argument on any topic, I would enjoy the debate. Until then; moonbat on mobytroll!
Comment on 11
“‘is filled with a bunch of fearful, self-serious, humorless >drones.’ Goldy, you sound like Stefan today.”
Stefan posted on his sucky little blog:
“SB 6265, introduced in the State Senate yesterday by 3 Seattle Democrats and a Kitsap County Republican — ‘Concerning the rescue of pets by emergency workers. It is the policy of the state of Washington that in the event of an emergency or disaster, and for the purposes of search and rescue activities, an emergency worker shall make every practicable attempt under the circumstances, when engaged in emergency management activities, to rescue a victim’s pet animal.’
“And the rest of us shall pray that our houses don’t burn down while firefighters are risking their lives elsewhere looking for singed hamsters.”
Public Notice — Stefan throws rocks and glass bottles at rabbits, too. Creep!
Stefan is an animal-hating CREEEEP!!!!!
I read somewhere that many serial killers got their start by abusing small animals.
“could frame a cogent argument on any topic, I would enjoy the debate. Until then; moonbat on mobytroll!”
Listen to the empty suit talking! We’ve done that numerous times, and you’ve always responded with vacuous troll shit.
Tell me, does it suck to go into a battle of wits unarmed?
No, Vagina Lips. The result is not pretty. When you have gathered some wits, get back to me.
Ted Kennedy’s character does not render Samuel Alito’s character irrelevant. Kennedy is not asking anyone to confirm him to the U.S. Supreme Court.
You are completely correct. The fact that the swimmer is elected to the senate is more of a testimony to how morally corrupt the people of Massachusetts are and democrats in general.
Oh yes Roger Rabbit, you as one of the leading moonfuckbats here on ASSes are lecturing us on the difference between discourse and intercourse? Hardy har har! You with fur-in-mkouth disease?
Larry the Urban Moonbat: Why are you lefties crying a river? You have Urban in your moniker, so how does it feel to be “represented” by these types of (thanks Cynical) KLOWNS? Now you see how leftist pinheads in absolute power treat the “common” people? Yes, I am calling Goldy a commoner here.
Someone sent me this:
“Friends, Family and Professors,
As Sam Alito steps into the limelight today, I hope you’ll take a moment to get informed and – if we have done our job here at the Alliance – get a little outraged.
Our very long (read: comprehensive) report on Judge Samuel Alito’s record, with an emphasis on split decisions, a series of helpful at-a-glance charts, and a short easy to read summary is available at
I hope you’ll take time to read at least the summary to get an idea of what our country is in for if we allow this man to be confirmed to a lifetime seat on our highest court.
If you want to read a little further than the executive summary, I suggest you start with Pirolli (where Judge Alito votes against allowing a man with a 75 IQ to bring his sexual harassment case before a federal court, after the man
alleged that co-workers grabbed him from behind in a darkened locker room and in a separate incident pushed a broom into his behind (sorry so graphic – but doesn’t this sound like a sexual harassment suit that needs to see the light of
day)), then Doe v. Groody (where Judge Alito – as Fox news didn’t like to hear us put it – VOTED TO ALLOW A STRIP SEARCH OF A TEN YEAR OLD GIRL, even though the warrant only authorized the search of one suspect, John Doe), and then maybe – for you environment buffs out there – PIRG v. Magnesium Elektron
(where Judge Alito voteD to vacate a $2.6 million dollar judgment for 150 Clean Water Act permit violations on the basis that environmental groups lack standing) and W.R. Grace (where Judge Alito voted to overturn an EPA cleanup standard and cleanup plan for a plume of ammonia threatening 297,000 Lansing Michigan residents’ drinking water).
And don’t forget to check out our charts. They quantify Judge Alito’s record on issues dividing split Third Circuit three judge and en banc panels. You’ll learn that in split decisions on lawsuits pitting individuals against the government, Judge Alito VOTED FOR THE GOVERNMENT MORE THAN 80% OF THE TIME. You’ll learn that Judge Alito voted against criminal defendants in 40 of 45 decisions, against asylum seekers and deportees in 7 of 8 immigration decisions, for corporations and against
the government in 3 of 3 environmental decisions, and for employers and against employees in 13 of 15 of civil rights decisions.
If what you see and hear here makes you worried, then please, please, please circulate broadly, talk to people you know, call your Senators, and urge people you know to call their Senators. As you have no doubt realized, the Supreme Court is a big deal. As you may not have realized, we have a real opportunity
to put the breaks on this nomination. Our Senators simply need to hear from a lot of people that they must take whatever steps necessary to block this nomination.
Warmest regards,
Sasha Hallissey Sajovic
(writing to you in my personal capacity, but nonetheless Dorot Judicial Selection Fellow at Alliance for Justice,
RUFUS sez:
“Are they arrogant, incompetent, or just plain stupid?(per Goldy)
Duh, all three!! They are liberal. What a dumbass question.
Comment by RUFUS— 1/11/06 @ 7:47 pm
I wish I would have thought of that comeback.
Sometimes the most obvious things become a haze in the quagmire of the LEFTIST PINHEADS!
“Hmmmm … trollfucks … “moonfuckbats” … I smell a plagiarist in our midst.
Roger Rabbit: Read his name. Listen to the huge sucking sound. Vacuum in the making? No a toilet flushing, more of his worthless pellet shit flowing into the sewer lines!
“you as one of the leading moonfuckbats here on ASSes are lecturing us on the difference between discourse and intercourse?”
Why not? I have expertise and vast experience in both.
Signed, Roger Rabbit
Over 100,000 Female Bunnies Served
Shows how little you know. I shit on Stefan’s lawn, not in a toilet.
Uh Oh—
Goldy, I have NEVER apologized on this Blog before….but I must this time. I just found out the reason they kicked your ass to the curb was because of MY endorsement letter for you. In hindsight, I should have left well enough alone but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I had to try and help you fulfill your lifelong dream of becoming an appointed elected official. I think it was the part I ad libbed a little on your love for Ronald Reagan, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Tookie Williams, Whitney Houston. I took it upon myself to stretch things a bit and try to make you look like a tolerant fellow who longed for true diversity. I’m sure the part I put in there about your love trist with Barney Fag didn’t hurt any.
Anyone, I should have left well enough alone Goldy. I’m sorry.
Hey, I just read there is an opening on the Yelm Cemetary Board…are you interested?
Roger that would be moonbatfucks. I used the other term. Good try though! Moonfuckbats are leftist pinheads coming out at night, aflitter all over the ASSes website, and leave their guano droppings on ASSes. We on the right say WTF?
It’s ok for you to refer to these KLOWNS as KLOWNS anytime. It’s not like it’s some big secret!
When watching Joe Biden….I could easily picture him with red yarn hair, a red nose, pancake makeup and lipstick all over his face.
I could hear Biden ending every sentence with a squeeze of his klaxon. I think in the 26 minutes he droned there were maybe 2 periods! What a KLOWN Biden is. Doesn’t he know that when you are questioning a Supreme Court nominee the idea is to get the nomineee to talk????? Alito spoke 4 minutes…Biden 26. It’s supposed to be the other way around!!
And Senator Kohl was totally bored as he monotoned his questions that were obviously prepared by someone else and Kohl never read beforehand. Kohl will vote for Alito.
And then there is Ted “The Swimmer” Kennedy…..concerned about integrity down to the literal gnat’s ass. “Swimmer” already has a KLOWN nose courtesy of 756,000 double Manhattan’s consumed in his illustrious career!
Puddy….what else can you call these LEFTISTS that is more spoton than KLOWNS!?
If Goldy was nominated to be on the McDermottzone council, would he have to face hearings? I would hope so. If I could get on the panel, I’d ask such intrusive humilitating and mean spirited questions, I’d make his wife cry and I would be totally unapologetic about it.
Cyn and Puddy – “Alioto” (to use The Swimmer’s term) will get confirmed and there isn’t a fucking thing Ted or Chucky or Pat or even Roger Rabbit can do about it. If they wanna go nuke I say “Bring It On !” Put a stop to this bullshit once and for all.
The White House and the Republicans have to be licking their chops at the Judicial debates. It is a win win for the conservaties and sheds light on the hypocrit liars who are the democrats. To have the swimmer up there asking questions is hilarious.
Libs keeping libs from speaking? I love it!!!!
Cynical, I’m sure that’s it — your endorsement is the kiss of death. And that word is spelled “tryst” not “trist,” which leads me to suspect you’ve never had one.
Puddycheeks —
@52 you said “moonfuckbats,” @59 you said “moonbatfucks” — which is it? Get back to me when you’ve figured it out.
I hope you guys do go “nuke,” so we can do it to you when our turn comes.
I can see it now … Mr. Justice Rabbit … has a nice ring to it … I like it!!! :D :D :D
First case I’m gonna decide is that rabbits have aboriginal rights to all carrots wherever found.
Who is more qualified to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court?
[ ] a. Samuel Alioto
[ ] b. Roger Rabbit
Pudwhacker — from now on, when you address me, I’m “Judge Rabbit” to you, and you will say “sir.”
If you were choosing a U.S. Supreme Court justice, and had to select from the following candidates, who would you nominate:
[ ] a. Samuel Alito
[ ] b. A dog
Goldy- Just say you are a homo or better yet you used to be a coach at a Seattle public school and preyed on little girls. That way they would be obligated to hire you back, of coarse they would move from one city council position to the next.
The White House and the Republicans have to be licking their chops at the Judicial debates. It is a win win for the conservaties and sheds light on the hypocrit liars who are the democrats. To have the swimmer up there asking questions is hilarious. -Comment by RUFUS— 1/11/06 @ 8:55 pm
And, with John Paul Stevens hitting 86 in April and Ruth Bader hitting 73 in March combined with her ill health , it’s a good bet that GW will have himself a THIRD SUPREME COURT APPOINTEE…. sucks to be your team doesn’t it, nutburgers?
Wabbit – You guys ain’t gonna have a turn for decades. Many of them. Who the fuck it gonna be? TSWITW? LMAO ! ! !
If you were choosing a U.S. Supreme Court justice, and had to select from the following candidates, who would you nominate:
[ ] a. Samuel Alito
[ ] b. A dog
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/11/06 @ 9:16 pm
Wabbit that polls has already been decided, it is called the 2004 presidential election. You know the one where 62 million pick Sam Alito and 59 million picked the dog.
We had this discussion yesterday about your spelling. You are slowly giving yourself away as a high school student gone bad. From now on try this. Open WORD in a new window. Type your response there, the program will correct your spelling as you go along and help you with grammar and punctuation too. When you are done with your drivel and shit prose, copy and paste it back here. Then you you won’t embarrass yourself any further than you already have by being a dumb fuck RightWingNut.
I suggest you print this out so you can refer to it for instructions in the future. You are such a dumbass. Your parents must be so proud. How are they doing in the trailer park back in Arkansas?
You really work up a sweat over the small stuff, don’t you?!!
If looking for spelling errors is your hobby, you are one sorry SOB! Get a life dude. Or better yet, keep spending your time spellchecking others work. Has it dawned on you that your obsession for the wrong things is probably why Roberts was confirmed and Alito will be too?? Maybe Ted “The Swimmer and Killer of a Young Woman” Kennedy will hire you….if you can drink 3 double Manhattans in 20 minutes, pick up a young chick, drive her into a river and then leave her. Teddy has high standards for those who he associates with.
Ancient history. Old news. And still no argument from you, just rantings and ravings. I don’t use spell check high school boy. I can spell. I don’t waste my time here, I learn. I learn from everything I see, read or experience. For instance today, I learned that RightWingNuts continue to make the same mistakes over and over and over. The supreme court hearings are fun, but the main show is yet to come. Abramoff is about to destroy your party. Say good-bye to the Congress later this year. Oh yeah, one last thing, high school boy, fuck you and the horse you rode in on!
Alito Factcheck information
Since Roger missed the part about contextual infomration, here is the fact check information which tells both sides of the story without bias.
MLF, you are mistake concerning Mr CynicalIdiot, he did not ride in here on a horse, the horse rode him here from Enumclaw
Local left wing blogger, Goldy of HorsesAss.Org (aka: Ron Sims Ass) decided to toss his hat in the ring and put in an application for the open spot on the Seattle City Council. He had all the right qualifications: Lives…
Cougar: Get it straight. The horse fucker was a Seattleite. Who lives in Seattle? Donks! You can’t project donkocratic actions on us.
YOU GOTTA LOVE IT. Puddy @ 46 is calling the writer of 28 ‘moonbatMobytroll. I guess he did not like that guy. LOL, low and behold the writer of 28 is none other than….PUDDY. I just can’t figure you Republicans out. You want everything for yourselves and you want to take credit for everything also. When will our wingnuts realize that a conservative poster on a liberal blog is the ‘troll’? I want to make a presentation. I hereby award Puddybud the official name of ‘moonbatMobytroll’ to be used by all when addressing him here in HA. All in FAVOR….
Roger Rabbit:
Saw on channel 13 the other day that they are rounding up rabbits at Greenlake, taking them to vets, spaying and neutering them, and shipping them out to some bunny reserve in Redmond.
Which is worse, the spay or neutering, or living in Redmond?
And if a prospective employer didn’t call you back because they feel like you didn’t meet the requirements? Tough luck. Interview processes in America naturally cull those that don’t meet the specific request. The figuring is that if you didn’t go out of YOUR way to meet their expectations, would you be more attention detailed if hired? Probably not.
I guess I’d have to see the applications as you turned it in and compare it to the actual process.
Moonbat@86: Buzzer Noise! I guess you were rejected by your own ASSHead friends. Must be comprehension issues.
Good. Maybe there’s hope for Seattle after all………..
I think they didn’t take you because of anti-semitism