The Columbian is reporting that officials now don’t know what caused the deaths of six sea lions near Bonneville dam earlier this week.
The mystery is thickening in the deaths of six sea lions over the weekend near Bonneville Dam, with federal authorities reporting this morning that a preliminary examination of the bodies “found no evidence of recent gunshot wounds.”
Although authorities initially suspected the animals died due to gunshot wounds, the National Marine Fisheries Service reported today that the cause of death remains unknown.
“We are assuming nothing at this point,” said Brian Gorman, a NMFS spokesman in Seattle. “We don’t have a working hypothesis, but we’ll come up with one and we’ll pursue it and try to find a cause of these deaths. It’s a mystery right now.”
Okay then. We’ll just call it a mystery and leave it at that. Odd how this story was presented as some kind of mass carnage, and now it’s like “oops.”
They must have died from negative publicity – but the sea lion vote would not have counted anyways.
According to sources, the sea lions were actually terrorists who had trained at al quaida camps and taken Puget sound ferries. The McCain campaign is questioning their patriotism and implies that were killed for failure to wear flag lapel pins.
I still think PETA is involved.
@3 Broadway Joe
Me too! This has PETA written all over it!
Duh… don’t you guys know what killed them?
Ask Algore. He can tell you.
@5 It wasn’t stupidity, or you fucking trolls would be floating, bloated right along with them.
The article I read said they had shallow puncture wounds consistent with “sea lion bites” — is it mating season?
Being a feral rabbit, I can explain how things work among us wild animals. All the female bunnies in Green Lake Park are mine, see, and if another rabbit buck comes along and infringes on my territory I’ll remove all the flesh from his bones until there’s nothing left for the peregrine falcons but a fucking skeleton …
Shouldn’t sea lions have to show picture ID before being shot?
Down here is los angeles, they don’t require kids to show ID before being gunned down in the street by gangbangers.
I think if the sea lions had bite marks – then John McCain mistook them for Iranian shia terrorists from West Virginia – check the bite marks and see if they match up with his dentures.
@4: umm Hannah – are you saying that PETA bit the sea lions to death and caused animal deaths to protest the inhumane treatment of animals?
I know that PETA is a looney organization – but I don’t think they would kill animals to protest killing animals – I assume they would try to set them free (like the lab rats) and then the animals would die on their own….
@12: ummm correctnotright…yes I think PETA had something to do with it…it’s their freaky way…making a mockery of the system.
And I was agreeing with Broadway Joe, seems quite a few think it was a PETA act. And PETA kills thousands of animals a year, so they are not “pro-life” as some may believe.
Here’s a link to the videos that I’ve talked about on numerous previous threads, exposing the hypocrisy of the terrorists known as PETA. Including yes, the euthanization of animals they ‘liberate’:
Watch and learn.
And thanks for the backup, Hannah. I still say this totally stinks of PETA.
It’s okay correctnotright: Broadway Joe posted this earlier in the week. I realize being a staunch 16%er, you mind has a 24 hour carrying capacity… but I distinctly remember th outrage over the YouTube video when it was first posted here sometime ago.
You need to take some gingko as your memory powers are sadly lacking…