I cut my teeth as a blogger covering the recount and legal contest following Washington’s excruciatingly close 2004 gubernatorial election, playing the role of Democratic yin to Stefan Sharkansky’s paranoid, mean-spirited, conspiratorial, Republican yang over at (un)Sound Politics. But for his part, Stefan was already an old hand at this blogging thing, having cut his online canines as a paranoid, mean-spirited, conspiratorial critic of his Bay Area congresswoman, Rep. Nancy Pelosi.
And so it was with some curiosity — and admittedly, more than a little swagger — that I wandered over to u(SP) to read Stefan’s well considered take on last night’s historic passage of health care reform legislation:
National News
by Stefan Sharkansky, 08:43 PM219 Democrats voted tonight to wreck the U.S. health care system.
May their victory be Pyrrhic, short-lived and reversed.
Speaking of which — the RNC has a new website “Fire Nancy Pelosi”, where you can donate to support this year’s Republican House candidates.
So how does it feel Stefan, to know that the congresswoman you hate most, has managed to achieve what other Speakers only dreamed of over the past century? Since you started your personal crusade against Pelosi, she not only rose to become our nation’s first female Speaker, but within a few short years managed to make her indelible mark on history with an extraordinary legislative accomplishment that will shape U.S. policy for generations. How’s that feel?
Does it sting? Does it burn?
I sure hope so.
Repugnantcans are all apoplectic now.
Doesn’t sound like Stefan’s in the beer-buying mood, lately.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer
prickguy.If it burns, you’re lowering him into his own oil pot too quickly. You want each new patch of unburned skin to tingle and sting for a while before the nerves die and it goes numb.
That chickenshit Stefan deleted my comment from his “boiling oil” thread merely because it referred to him getting a poor waitress fired for telling his rowdy kid to be quiet. Stefan has no guts.
GOP Medicare Chief Opposes Repeal
“I hope it is not repealed, because we do need to extend coverage to most of our population,” said Gail Wilensky, who ran Medicare for President George H. W. Bush and remains a leading health care adviser to Republicans.
This spring the legislature was taking steps to cut off Stefan’s taxpayer subsidy, but I don’t know what the final fate of the public records act revisions were.
Excessive gloating before the fat lady sings is a recipe for future humiliation.
And BTW, the Plastic Faced Pelosi is a real nut. Her speech was filled with evil, devilish sounding noises.
Her speech is a perfect Campaign Ad…especially the weird noises.
Now Goldy, I know how much you appreciate the letter of the law by your past attitudes toward Eyman. If you were a reasonable man, you would welcome the legal challenge. You would welcome Stefan’s opinion on a weird woman’s conduct.
In Politics, NOTHING is ever really over, is it? As much as both sides would like to be King for a Day (or in the case of Barney Frank & Pelosi…QUEENS for a day)…our system doesn’t work that way for good reason.
Something this huge should have been done more openly and with Bi-partisan support. It wasn’t. It’s up to those in power to make sure that happens. Obam-Mao is not a uniter…obviously…even though he says repeatedly he is.
Just because Obam-Mao says something doesn’t make it so.
Progressives will have to justify both the Bill itself…and the process…in the 2010 and 2012 elections. Where we are after 2012 will be more of an indication of the will of the people than today.
Actions have consequences.
Process is very important too as many voters vote based on appearance of fairness.
How are you going to explain to your daughter Goldy how she will pay back all the entitlements and other unfunded liabilites?
I’m curious.
Are you just gonna pretend they aren’t there?
I’ve already apologized to my kids for not paying more attention long ago and being even more active in stopping the creeping crud of Socialism.
Obviously, you must think some magical, mystical event will occur and the debt and unfunded liabilities will be miraculously wiped out??
Tell us Goldy…how are our kids going to deal with this??
You were a cheerleader for more & bigger government enabling yet another entitlement on top of the other 2 unfunded monsters.
5. Roger Rabbit spews:
You know Rog…for a guy on an oxygen tank due to your own cigarette smoking foolishness, you sure are mean. I guess it’s someone else’s fault you smoked for decades and are so pathetic today??
My dad died of emphysema. It was very painful suffering…but he kept a great attitude even though he was in pain and knew it would get progressively worse. I really admired that. He never blamed anyone but himself…unlike you who blames cigarette companies as if they jammed the cigarette in your piehole, lit the cig and forced you to inhale.
Rog, you are exactly where you deserve to be. Accept it, turn your life over to Christ and be born again. My Dad did. It’s NEVER too late.
Let’s see:
A black President and a woman Speaker triumph despite the “best” efforts of some old white republicans, corporate toady conservadems, the dregs of the Southern Strategy, and millions of corporate lobbying dollars.
@8 “Excessive gloating before the fat lady sings is a recipe for future humiliation.”
Project much? I’ve heard that it’s a Psych 101 thing.
Breaking: Klynical admits to fucking goats on HA!?
Steve notes about Cynical:
Cyn’s referring, no doubt, to May 1, 2003, his Dear Leader’s finest hour.
Cynny says: “Something this huge should have been done more openly and with Bi-partisan support. It wasn’t. It’s up to those in power to make sure that happens. Obam-Mao is not a uniter…obviously…even though he says repeatedly he is.”
I don’t know if this is hyperdisingenuity or actual dishonesty. Bipartisanship is impossible with the current group of congressional Republicans is impossible. Their only motivation at the moment is to stop Obama and congressional Democrats from getting anything done, even if they bring the country down in so doing. Your side is not a responsible group. You are children, who just want to take your ball and go home.
@12 Oh, no! How embarrassing for his sheep!
Elections really do matter.
Sad to say, Frum’s right. This doesn’t get undone. No repeal possible. Break it to Stefan gently, which isn’t like breaking it off in Stefan.
Hey, if this health care thing turns out to suck, we can just repeal it. What’s the big deal? We repealed Prohibition. Same thing goes for this health care bill.
I’m thinking his sheep are feeling relief if he favors his goats.
Hey rodent, is it true? do you have lung disease from smoking?
He has a new fantasy for tonight after turning the lights down. He is tied to the bed and Mistress Nancy is teasing him with her cat-o-nine tails, and he is waiting for that exquisite moment when it bites into his flesh.
Or something like that.
Klynical is a clumsy and inartful, some would say amateur, liar who propagates the lies of professional liars.
Even simpler:
He’s an ignorant, lying slut for lying whores!
BTW: hyperdisingenuity…nice word
Stefan is a prick with an air supply. He abuses single mother waitresses, and would take the health care from the mouths of her babes.
I usually say, “God bless sluts,” but, in Cynny’s case, uh, not so much . . .
Ugh, much as I hate to agree with MrSin, there is still one hurdle that concerns me. The Roberts Court has four votes waiting to undo the Commerce clause decisions that underlie the New Deal and other federal projects up to this reform bill. Kennedy is a possible fifth. The Four will certainly not be concerned with the fallout such a decision would have on the country. We have the Supremes to worry about for years yet. Heckava job, Shrub.
Wouldn’t they have to legalize personal use drugs too, since the CC was the rationale? And there is recent water under the bridge on this, including a couple by Scalia.
I hope you’re wrong, but as I repeatedly point out / am reminded by events, these rightwing fucks cannot be embarrassed, e.g., Citizens and Bush v. Gore, to name just a couple of the many outrages.
Plate o shrimp- next place I jump to is TPM where I see Josh Marshall is thinking along the same lines as I am. My broken clock moment of the week:
Gotta love J.H. Kuntsler’s latest.
Zotz (your handle is terrible unfunny Tom Poston movie, he’s often ok but not that time),
they’re all about getting the results they want and the reasoning will be found. Maybe our guys do the same thing, but our results are better, dammit. Personal freedom and responsiblity are paramount with them unless you’re a woman, or a wealthy banker, or a war criminal Vice President. Exceptions that prove the rule. Drugs? Those are for dirty fucking hippies and the coloreds, but they’re ok if you are a popular radio broadcaster, say.
Stefan’s got the clap!
I can’t believe we made it to #30 without someone post this.
Well I can’t speak for Sharkansky’s effectiveness against Speaker Pelosi in California, but it is rather odd that one of the 8 Democrats to switch from NAY to AYE was in Sharkansky’s back yard. Heck they didn’t even need his vote to win.
Such is the organizing power Sharkansky, his blog, his front pagers, his peanut gallery and the WA Republican party.
What other parts of the country need his help?
Veto proof majorities for straight laced constitution abiding Republicans are assured in 2010 and the bad and monstrously unconstitutional HCR law will be Pyrrhic, short-lived and reversed, or may you all be boiled in oil.
It’s from the Karig novel, which is quite good.
I think you might have missed the “fun” of it (nuclear, apocalyptic, military industrial craziness) and the power of the name when invoked!
And yes, I am dating myself.
And I thought you just had bad taste in candy.
Mr. Cynical @ 8,
“[Pelosi’s] speech was filled with evil, devilish sounding noises.”
That was just your hearing aids squealing. Turn down the volume a little, gramps!
I thought Stefan retired from blogging because he got a job at–of all things–a health insurance company?
goldstein, you fucking scumbag, as the jew nina totenberg said about clarence thomas…i hope you get aids, you scumbag. and your little dog too.
and another thing
“listen to me you jew money lover, if it wasnt for me, every wise guy skull out here would take a bite out of your jew ass, then where would you be? i’m what counts out here, not you and your fancy tv shows.”
lol….is that all unstable enough for ya?
Dramatic news footage from the future of socialist obamacare.
Stefan retired from blogging because he was getting he ass kicked in the remarks section after every new post.
Go take a look at his latest and stroll through the thread. It’s hilarious.
26. Mark Centz spews:
At least you are in the same area code as the real world.
Insults with no substance is the status quo for HA.
Read the comments…any real content or discussion by Goldy’s NW Division of Lunatic Moonbats?
Of course not.
Empty blathering.
You’d think a grown man with young children would have better sense than to hang his half baked political opinions out like the village idiot, particularly in this town.
@33, I saw it when it was new or almost new, and as I was just under a decade it is entirely possible good things contained within it escaped my notice, but it seemed to be aimed at folks my age at the time, and it certainly didn’t appeal to me then. And oddly enough I did not worry about the novel possibly being better than the adaptation, because I didn’t read novels. But older & wiser, I’ll take your word for it that an acorn of goodness spured it into being. Maybe one day to see it again, like I did Moon Pilot recently, which was terrible too but did feature a fetching French starlet, sadly who will not date me.
The stupidity of Oba-MaoCare is starting to show it’s obvious flaws–
#1—It ties the hands of the IRS in enforcing and collecting fines.
It’s actually closer to voluntary than not.
How is that going to work??
Please explain.
I expect you fools to continue to simply jurl insults than defend the ongoing list of flaws.
That’s why I love Paul Ryan (R-WI).
He is a detail guy.
Read bill.
How many of you believe Maxine Waters read and understands the Bill???????????????
Wouldn’t you love to hear her try and explain it?
Oh, Mr Sin is unhappy we are not obsessing over the pearls he has put before us swine. Too bad the bone of HCR has been knawed too throughly for us too chew on presently. And considering how many pixels are used in this slice of Left Blogostan by the usually rationality-free rantings of the Caucus of Trolls, seeing any of them making remarks about content here is to laugh. Feel free to hang out out (un)SP Mr Sin, you won’t be missed here.
It is the doom of conservative truth tellers to suffer under the barbs of liberal hate mongers. Poor Stefan, I salute you. And there are some who might say unto the Gold(y)en Idol of Seattle liberalism that it is he who shall be “screwed.”
Hey wingfreaks! Have you survived your first day in the Unionized Socialist States of America (USSA)? It looks like it — so far, none of you are dead, on collective farms, or in forced labor camps. Nothing has changed since yesterday; you’re the same whiny cry babies you always were, with your liberty to bawl and throw things still very much intact. So much for the communist takeover of U.S. health care …
@8 Whiiiiiiiine … hey Cynical, your lawnmower sounds like it needs oiling.
@9 “You know Rog…you sure are mean.”
WTF were you expecting, a teddy bear? And if you think I’m mean, what does that make a guy who gets a single mom fired from her job for telling his rowdy kid to be quiet?
P.S., I don’t smoke, and never did, except when I was in the Army. You’re confusing me with my cousin Eddie. This is Eddie:
@20 No. I don’t smoke, and never have, except when I was in the Army.
@24 Correction, he’s a thin-skinned prick with an air supply who can’t take criticism.
@26 Well, if they undo the Commerce Clause, they undo the whole economy and that’s a lot to answer for.
Cynny @ 45: “That’s why I love Paul Ryan (R-WI).
He is a detail guy.”
He proposes privatizing a mandated payment, that of Social Security. The healthcare plan privatizes a requirement for health insurance, but does so only because your party would not conceive of a public option. Please explain, with reference to specific provisions of our Constitution, why Ryan’s proposal is constitutional, but the just-passed healthcare legislation is not.
Cynny, and I mean this with all due fondness, you are a hypocritical, partisan asshole who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what is best for this country.
@37 You seem like the type who would infect a dog with AIDS. Go right ahead! We rabbits will spare you for now, until all the dogs are gone.
@43 I agree with you … I don’t understand why Stefan does it.
@54 “Cynny, you are a hypocritical, partisan asshole who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what is best for this country.”
Why are you so generous to him?
In another universe, a GOP President and a GOP Congressed just passed an identical bill and UnSound Politics Commenters were congratulating themselves on this great success. It’s a politics. All they really wanted for this is for it to fail, nothing else matters.
26. Mark Centz
The USSC will in all likelihood never hear a case such as this until the law is fully implemented (there is no individual mandate prior to 2014) and has been operative for a while. Lots could happen to the Court before that time.