Circumcision not only cuts off your foreskin, it also cuts in half your risk of contracting HIV:
Two major studies released Wednesday confirmed that circumcision can dramatically slow the spread of HIV among African men, suggesting that widely offering the procedure could prevent millions of deaths in countries most seriously affected by AIDS, researchers said.
The studies, in Kenya and Uganda, found that circumcised men are about 50 percent less likely to contract HIV than those who are not, a result that echoed similar research last year from South Africa. In all three studies, the results were so persuasive that researchers stopped their experiments several months early and offered circumcisions to all of the subjects, deeming it unethical to withhold a procedure that might prevent an often-fatal disease.
In related news, recent studies show that Jews are over one thousand times less likely to be killed or injured due to Christmas tree fires. So there.
Carl, 8 million Mooooooooooooslims who all vote Democrat say that Hitler did not kill and Jews. Can these Democrats be wrong??? hehe, JCH
And what were the stats on the disastrous effects of Christians leaving a burning menorah unattended? ;D
On the subject of creative cutting, I see a potential problem if circumcisions are not done with clean blades. You know that people in the countryside will not necessarily adhere to antiseptic practices. HIV can potentially be transmitted if group circumcisions are performed. Every cure has a side effect…
Sam Kinison told the world of the cure for aids in 1985. Just follow what he said and the problem is solved.
Amputating the end of penises without the informed consent of the victim is just as horrible as the female genital mutilation that goes on in some places of the world. If one is an adult male and wishes to be circumcised, fine, but we sholdn’t inflict this brutal procedure on male infants and young boys because of religion or any other reason.
OK, so research shows circumcism slows the spread of HIV in a certain population under study. Having sex with one and only one partner might be an even better way to stop the spread of HIV. Is this study implying the men involved in the study are not capable of being in monogamous relationships and must be surgically altered to help stop the spread of HIV?
Circumcism is a practice that needs to cease worldwide. The foreskin was put there for a reason, and to cut it off for religious beliefs or for whatever study is drawing media attention at the moment is just plain whacky.
Libertarian @4,
And Ron Sims’ gallbladder was put there for a reason. To cut it out was just plain whacky.
Nothing was put anywhere for a reason.
#4 – it isn’t amputating the end of the penis…so you want government to outlaw? Some libertarian you are…
If Ron Sim’s gall bladder got screwed up and had to be removed, then that was the correct medical procedure to follow. If a leg has gangrene, it may have to be amputated. Why do some religions think amputating the foreskins of penises is necessary medical procedure? Bill O’Reilly always drags his religious beliefs into the discussion. Don’t be like O’Reilly, Goldy, and drag your religion into this with that “Screw you, goyim!” crap!
No, I don’t want to government to outlaw circumcism. I want parents and adults to treat male infants humanely. Cutting off foreskins in not the way to do this. If an adult chooses to get circumcised, then that’s his choice, but circumcise for some ancient religious reason.
Both of you should google “circumcision” and see what comes up. It’s pretty interesting reading.
Jews, however, are much more prone to injuries resulting from splattering latkes.
Hey, good for the African AIDS fight. But here in the land of readily available showers, condoms and sex education, I won’t be going under the knife anytime soon.
After all, if you ain’t stupid, the chance of catching AIDS goes down even more dramatically than if you hedge your bets on maybe not catching anything because you’re clipped. As good as this is for the AIDS fight, I can only imagine the false sense of security that this instills that may end up doing additional harm. And it just doesn’t mean much of anything here in the first world.
But definitely good for the Jews – they need something to cheer them up during the holiday season, since the failure of their massive campaign to bleach the Christianity out of this nation, one airport waiting room at a time. As if having a strangehold on the American flatbread market wasn’t enough for you people! Christ.
@9 Just get back from Iran? How was the conference?
I was hoping my tongue was visible in my cheek there…I’m Jewish by maternal line, and as odd as my family may be, I love them to death. :)
@11 – my sincerest apologies…Mr. Goldy, please strike my previous comment in #10.
I am Republican – I lie, steal and cheat when I’m not being a family man (fat whore) or being a crying hypocrit. I also share the same feelings as 1 Billion Worldwide Mooooooooslims, I hate fags – Ted Haggard and Friends.
the real cure for the aids problem in african men….is african men. period.
until behavior changes…you know, that whole “i am HIV positive…so if i have sex with a female virgin then i will be cured” mentality…
really goldy….for someone who is supposedly so concerned with women’s rights the people you feel sorry for and rationalize for are an interesting bunch.
and libertarian…i am with you. after watching what my first born son went through i swore never again. i had to really fight with the doctors and my husband though when it came to sons #2 and #3….they were so stuck in “this is what we do to boys”
it is beyond cruel.
so since my husband is german and the doctor dutch i asked them if they really had any traditions that insisted upon circumcision. and they folded like cheap suits.LOL.
plus it didn’t hurt that they were still afraid of me at that point……funny what labor can do to you………
and ron sim’s gallbladder was put there to give him the same kind of pain that he inflicts everywhere else…..DUH!
Screw Iran, Screm Amenijad, Screw the Clerics. To say the Holocaust didn’t happen is as dumb as your friggin camels
that you ride and f___.