Token-Republican Jim Nobles showed up at Drinking Liberally last night, as promised, breathalyzer in hand. Now all we needed was a victim test subject to conduct our scientific experiment to see exactly how many drinks it takes to score a .17 blood-alcohol level — what the Urban Dictionary will one day define as “Mike McGavick Drunk.”
Sandeep’s years at The Stranger certainly left him well trained for the event, but he was too sleight of frame to approximate a 35-year-old McGavick, whereas as Nigel, at 240 pounds, was definitely too big. As for me, I’m too much of a pussy; I don’t think I could get through a six pack with throwing up.
Then in walked a newbie, Patrick: about 30-years-old, 185 pounds, and brashly proud of his Irish heritage (“I could drink McGavick under the table,” he bragged when I challenged him to donate his liver to science.) Best of all, he arrived with his own designated driver, his wife Tara. We’d found our man.
Patrick raised his first Mac & Jack’s at 8:25, and determinedly worked his way through four pints over the next hour with nothing but a hummus plate and some roasted garlic to buffer the alcohol. “I’m definitely drunk… I shouldn’t be driving” he told us at 9:25, before he courageously knocked back another pint.
At 9:35, five beers and an hour and ten minutes into the experiment, Patrick blew a 0.125, well past the legal limit of 0.08, but far short of McGavick’s state title.
At this point, I should take a moment to talk about what constitutes “a beer” or “a drink.” In my earlier posts on McGavick’s DUI I pointed out that all the online blood-alcohol calculators and charts suggest that it would take 8 to 9 drinks over the course of any hour for a 200 pound man to reach a 0.17, but of course, different beers have different alcohol content. For example, a Pyramid Snowcap might pack a 7.0% alcohol wallop, while it may surprise you to learn that at 4.0% Guinness has one of the lowest alcohol contents of any beer.
McGavick claims to have been drinking beer that fateful night, and we can be pretty damn sure that back in circa 1993 DC, he wasn’t drinking hopped up microbrews. Corona and Rolling Rock were pretty hip with the East Coast in crowd back then, both of which come in at 4.5% alcohol, while imports like Becks, Heineken and St. Pauli Girl top out at about 5.0% (as do standards like Coors, Budweiser and Miller.) So for the sake of comparison, let’s just assume that McGavick was drinking a 5.0% beer.
Patrick on the other hand was drinking a heftier, 5.5% alcohol Mac & Jack’s… at least he was until 9:48 when half-way through a sixth pint he switched to whiskey because he was getting too full.
10:05, halfway through a generous double Jack & Coke, Tara notes that her hubby of four months was “gettin’ loud,” and at 10:12, 1 hour and 37 minutes, and 7.5 drinks into the evening, Patrick blew a disappointing 0.14.
Patrick was clearly having trouble keeping up with his liver’s alcohol-processing capacity. Squinty-eyed, he started to question the test results
“I’m drunk… I’m so drunk you don’t even know,” Patrick slurred. “If I got in your car right now, I’d hit the car in front and behind me. FURTHERMORE, we need to look at how far he drove, because I couldn’t even make it a block.”
But drunk as he clearly was, he still wasn’t Mike McGavick Drunk, because he still had the common sense to know that he shouldn’t drive.
Still, nothing gets an Irishman’s Irish up like a challenge unmet and a drink undrunk, and so Patrick soldiered through yet another Jack & Coke. Finally, at 10:55, two hours, 30 minutes, and 8.5 drinks into our experiment, Patrick blew a .216.
Considering that McGavick blew his .17 nearly 90 minutes after being pulled over, we considered Patrick’s goal to have been met. Plus, we started to feel sorry for him, so we called the experiment a success.
Adjusting for alcohol content, I’d say Patrick’s 5 and a half nearly-topped-off pints of Mac & Jack’s was approximately equivalent to about 7 12-ounce bottles of Heineken, giving Patrick a McGavick-adjusted total of 10 drinks over 2 and a half hours. But what makes McGavick’s accomplishment all the more impressive is that he maintained his BAC over several hours, and still managed to blow a .17 at least an hour and half after he stopped drinking.
But however you want to compare the two’s alcohol consumption, there is one thing our little experiment proved beyond a shadow of a doubt: .17 is stinking drunk… well beyond the level of intoxication that even a drunk man would consider to be within the safe driving range. McGavick had been quoted as saying that he knew he shouldn’t have been behind the wheel the minute he was pulled over. But I’m pretty sure he knew he shouldn’t have been behind the wheel the minute he got behind it.
As for me, after my usual three Manny’s (5.5%) over a typical two and a half hour evening, I blew a .039%, less than half the legal limit. So there.
Did you happen to measure how much booze a broad would have to imbibe in order to blow a whopping .23 like the little lady Justice Bridge did?
“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.”
So, Richard Pope, care to apologize to Goldy for your post on the last thread, asshole!?
Apples/oranges. Tit for tat. STFU. You are female by the way. The tone and syntax indicate that fact. Dumb bitch!
I thought most American Brews topped out at 3.2% Alochol by weight, which is 4% by volume.
Monty Python made jokes about in one of their movies, how American beer was like making love in a Canoe….fucking close to water.
I would also note for sake of discussion that false positives happen, which is why a validating BAC blood test is preferred.
Air America was already morally, ethically and spiritually bankrupt.
Now they are financially bankrupt.
I’ll bet the lefty’s blame Bush for their demise somehow.
Oh, and “klake”. If you’re going to insult and berate someone, have the guts to use your real name. The people that ordered the attacks on our country are cowards, filled with anger and hiding behind false identities. Tell me. Exactly how are you different?
Comment by John Barelli — 9/13/06 @ 1:17 am
911 John don’t need a Liberal to tell me about hate and anger for I have none but you friends the Terrorist have and you support them daily. As for my name it right there for you to read unlike your LIBERAL friends. I post it with my comments, and don’t hide behind or under your mothers dress. Unlike you friends who hill women and children I wear a uniform and my troops do not display any hatred or anger towards anyone unless their life is threaten. They also wear name tags, plus what country they represent on their uniform. That includes the German, Dutch, Italians, Polish, and let’s not include the British uniforms. Now my Religion shows more compassion and understanding than the church that that you worship in (Church of Liberalism). You don’t need to preach to me about morals or anything else that blows threw you mind for is tainted when it comes out of your mouth. Those terrorist are not cowards by any means, they love their anger, hate, and expect to enjoy all those virgins in the hereafter. When you meet one of these chaps you don’t need to know their name, because you will feel no need to meet them again in this world or the hereafter. John for the most part they are better off dead, because you will not be able to convert them to you religion and visit that church of Liberalism. Sweet dreams chump; Ken Lake
Flaky Klakey @6: “You don’t need to preach to me about morals or anything else….”
So why not return the favor? Go preach to the choir.
ProudOfHerFatAss,Apples/oranges. Tit for tat. STFU. You are female by the way. The tone and syntax indicate that fact. Dumb bitch! -Commentby My Left Foot— 9/13/06@ 5:18 pm
tsk, tsk, tsk..anger and vulgarity are the halmarks of one without an idea or arguement.
Anger management, sweetcheeks, anger management.
That includes the German, Dutch, Italians, Polish, and let’s not include the British uniforms. Not to offend my British friends that was a type o error (let’s not forget our British soldiers.).
Bravo, Goldy!
A masterpiece of both political theatre and comedy!
Move this one to the top of your archive list! It’s going to get linked by lot’s of other sites.
Very well done!
So why not return the favor? Go preach to the choir.
Commentby Proud To Be An Ass— 9/13/06@ 5:39 pm
Ass you are the choir.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before being used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday.
The object is basically public relations. Domestic use would make it easier to avoid questions from others about possible safety considerations, said Secretary Michael Wynne.
“If we’re not willing to use it here against our fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use it in a wartime situation,” said Wynne. “(Because) if I hit somebody with a nonlethal weapon and they claim that it injured them in a way that was not intended, I think that I would be vilified in the world press.”
The Air Force has paid for research into nonlethal weapons, but he said the service is unlikely to spend more money on development until injury problems are reviewed by medical experts and resolved.
Nonlethal weapons generally can weaken people if they are hit with the beam. Some of the weapons can emit short, intense energy pulses that also can be effective in disabling some electronic devices.
Pround to be an ass do you plan to volunteer to test out this new weapon?
ProudOfHerFatAss,Apples/oranges. Tit for tat. STFU. You are female by the way. The tone and syntax indicate that fact. Dumb bitch! -Commentby My Left Foot? 9/13/06@ 5:18 pm
tsk, tsk, tsk..anger and vulgarity are the halmarks(HALLMARKS) of one without an idea or arguement (ARGUMENT).
Anger management, sweetcheeks (two words: SWEET CHEEKS), anger management.
Comment by howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS — 9/13/06 @ 5:40 pm
Thought I would have some fun as our WingNut friends like to do. ProudOfHerFatAss is obviously drunk tonight.
Next time take your time, calm down and don’t jump before you leap. I am not angry, nothing angers me here. Ever! This is the internet, you are lying until you are proven to be telling the truth. (the lying comes naturally to WingNuts, they have a fear of the truth).
Now, STFU!
Did you happen to measure how much booze a broad would have to imbibe in order to blow a whopping .23 like the little lady Justice Bridge did?
Can you show us WHERE on this blog that someone defended Justice Bridge? No has said that what she did was right. Maybe if you admit that McGavick is a drunken fool that tried to show what a nice guy he was without coming clean with all the fact, we might take your idiotic comments seriously. But I doubt it.
Next time take your time, calm down and don’t jump before you leap. I am not angry, nothing angers me here. Ever! This is the internet, you are lying until you are proven to be telling the truth. (the lying comes naturally to WingNuts, they have a fear of the truth).
Now, STFU!
Comment by My Left Foot — 9/13/06 @ 5:57 pm
Whats your FEAR we all know you have many, come on spite it out fool.
sweetcheeks, I’m always calm, hence the lack of vugarity and anger in my posts.
It’s really quite a shame that you have yet to figure out we come her simply for the amusement factor.
But hey sweetcheeks… I hear you scored big in yesterdays elections.
Congratuations on your ascension in to the post of Mayor of Moron Central. All hail to the Moron! long may he/she/it reign!
stfu? Stop Taking Foots Underwear?
trust me sweetcheeks. Your whitey tighty’s are safe.
The pending collapse of Air America was predicted by Limbaugh when it first started. It’s real simple: America is NOT a liberal country. With the exception of a few cesspools like Seattle, the vast majority of the American people are conservative. When forced to confront the reality of free market economics, librul talk radio has shown itself not to be viable because the market for that kind of shit just isn’t there. Sure, it appeals to the kook fringe, but it’s out of touch with the real mainstream. The only way librul talk radio can survive is under the artificial protective umbrella of outlets like NPR that steal taxpayer money to make up for the losses that the market simply won’t cover.
Maybe it’s OK to have a small voice on the left out there… just to set a benchmark on the far left for the kooks to swarm to, and for the rest of us to stay away from. But in terms of Air Murka somehow representing some sort of mainstream, the free market has spoken loudly and clearly that the mainstream is elsewhere.
So good riddance to Air America and their message greed, intolerance, arrogance and hate.
Well, Klake, the fear I will ?SPITE? (spit) out is a fear of WingNuts lies.
The big win comes in November ProudOfYourFatLyingAss, primary elections mean nothing to either party as far as power and control are concerned. Pull your head out of your considerable ass.
I am always polite with people who deserve my respect. Those who spout off, get the same in kind. I am concerned that you are interested in my underwear. This is not normal blog conversation. Perhaps MTR and MWS would appreciate interest of that sort from you. Good luck.
By the way, Klake, go fuck yourself.
ProudOfHerFatAss, your high, mighty and holy attitude is capricious and disingenuous. (You can google the big words)
Here is some reading for you. You can find the rest of the article at Kind of shoots down MTR’s theory that American is conservative, America is middle of the road, asshole!
Mark Murray
Political reporter
WASHINGTON – Less than two months until Election Day, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that more than half of registered voters disapprove of President Bush’s job performance, even more disagree with his handling of Iraq and a strong plurality prefer a Congress controlled by the Democrats — all suggesting that Democrats are still poised to pick up seats in the upcoming midterms.
Enjoy the last days of your Rome.
Anger management, Left Foot, anger management. You may want to take a break from the blog, you so obviously are about to blow a gasket. All the venom you spew…
By the way- go fuck yourself, fool.
Here’s some insight into how the MIKE$ campaing could have gone off the tracks so badly.
On my way home I ran across a MIKE$ volunteer placing yard signs in my neighborhood park. I didn’t care for a confrontation so I discreetly stopped to ask if he had permission, knowing that of course he did not. Long story short, the guy was a kook (go figure) and harrassed me all the way back to my car and copied down my plate number (I was soooo scared).
In an effort to avoid shifting the cost of the litter removal to taxpaying prodoosers, and also to get the campaign to do a better job of policing it’s volunteers, I opted to place a very polite call to MIKE$’s campaign office.
Guess what? They blew me off totally! They simply didn’t care that one of their volunteers was out placing yard signs illegally and harassing any passerby who might question it. I may not think much of MIKE$, but my guess is that if he knew that overzealous vols were out littering public parks with his name and harassing the neighbors, he’d want it stopped.
I grew up in a Seattle politicians family and I’ve worked so many campaigns I’ve lost track. Politics has certainly gotten nastier over the years, but one basic rule has remained: never let your campaign become a public nuissance. Fot the people at the MIKE$ office to react in the way that they did shows just how badly things are spiraling out of control for them.
Gee – does Air Amerika declaring bankruptcy mean that they don’t have to make restitution for the $875,000 they stole from the Gloria Wiese Boys & Girls Club in the Bronx?
Well, Al Franken always said they had the money escrowed, and they were in the process of paying it back – so it MUST be true!
Jim King,
No anger here, you cocksucking, dicklicking, take it in the ass, motherfucking, piece of shit, pussy deprived, WingNut, worthless fuck, shame of your parents, waste of air.
I am still not angry. You NutJobs can’t handle it when the same tactics you use, are returned in kind.
Mr. King, kindly go back to (un)SP and post there, where your drivel impresses.
Go fuck your mother, she is the only woman who would have you.
I would explain the pun, but at that point it loses its charm.
Jim King @ 21
I agree with you 100%. I do owe Goldy a bit of an apology, but I certainly don’t deserve to be called an “asshole”. I did think it was interesting that Goldy decided to write about Eyman this morning, instead of posting the results of his science experiment.
Golly Gosh. Air America restructuring. The #1, and #2 talk radio programs in Seattle are Ed Schultz, and Thom Hartman, and they are still picking up listeners. Their shows are going along fine according to them.
Kinda funny how so many people listen to this brand new format, and have stopped listening to Liar ORiley, Rush dopehead, Hannity slanthead, and the rest of the right wing liars. It is funny how KTTH calls themselves the truth, and has radio host on that constantly lie. Who are they trying to fool?
Just remember Rush lost money for years, and years, but the right wingers needed to get their lies puked out over the airwaves, and subsidized him for a long time.
I love it when Rush takes a quote, cuts half the words out so it seems like the “person to be attacked” said something they never said, usually 180 degrees from what they said, and then scream outrage to the retards that listen to his program.
I would rather eat a turd than listen to a right wing liar.
You should have heard the Al Franken show today on AM1090. He had on a member of the Clinton Administration reminding us of when we had a real government. Remember the record surplus handed to Bush? That didn’t last long, and turned into the record deficit. How about 7 TRILLION dollars of debt that Reagan and Bush added to our national debt. The list goes on, and on of Bush’s catastrophy he spoke of. Remember the generals that planned the invasion and occupation of Iraq for years that were humiliated when they said it would take 500,000 soldiers to do the job right?
Bush has been a total disaster, and the Republicans who support him are enemies of America.
They are like a cult. No matter how much proof you give them, they will still believe what they want to believe….
If Jim Nobles reads this thread, and since he is a professional substance abuse counselor, perhaps he could explain this apparent anomaly:
“[A]t 10:12, 1 hour and 37 minutes, and 7.5 drinks into the evening, Patrick blew a disappointing 0.14.” [Note start time was 8:25, so actually time elapsed is 1 hour and 47 minutes.]
“Patrick soldiered through yet another Jack & Coke. Finally, at 10:55, two hours, 30 minutes, and 8.5 drinks into our experiment, Patrick blew a .216.”
Between 10:12 and 10:55, Patrick consumed precisely one Jack & Coke. There was also a 43 minute interval. How did this last drink make his BAC rise from 0.14 to 0.216? 7.5 drinks in 107 minutes caused only 0.14 BAC, yet the last drink, with another 43 minutes, increased his BAC by a little over 50% from what the first 7.5 drinks had caused?
Maybe Patrick didn’t blow hard enough at 10:12 p.m.? As for the final BAC reading of 0.216, it seems to be consistent with how much he drank, how much he weighs, and the time period elapsed.
By the way — compliments to Goldy on an excellent science experiment.
I took Goldy’s decision to write about Eyman to be in response to the price tag reported for the hand count. A sad waste of money in service to an egotistical con artist. I have no idea who Mike Dunmire is, but if he’s as wealthy as they say, then he’s walking proof that wealth is no indication of intelligence.
Too bad Dunmire won’t pay that bill. That’d be the honorable thing for him to do. I guess he’s both stupid and dishonorable.
Richard Pope @ 25
It was me, My Left Foot (Carl Grossman), who called you the name. I apologize. I had someone else in mind when I typed that word.
You have always been polite here and I was wrong.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat
Did Doctor JCH Kennedy and Mark The Redneck KENNEDY get married I
Just noticed they have the same last name. ?
David Horsey says it all
I think hong trans is gaining steam…..
Richard, Patrick was sucking on some ice at around 10:10pm so it skewed the results when he blew at 10:12. The most accurate method would have been to do a blood draw but I doubt Patrick would have been game for that (although as drunk as he was…hmm).
Fuck you Mark The Redneck KENNEDY. Get off this site. Nooone wants your hate filled bullshit. Drop dead.
Does anyone drink Rainier Beer? I love it they started useing the old rainier beer logo on the cans. It’s really great. It brings back a lot of good memorys for me.
How ’bout this, Wingnuts……….
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 — The Interior Department’s chief official responsible for investigating abuses and overseeing operations accused the top officials at the agency on Wednesday of tolerating widespread ethical failures, from cronyism to cover-ups of incompetence.
The blistering attack was part of Mr. Devaney’s report on what he called the Interior Department’s “bureaucratic bungling” of oil and gas leases signed in the late 1990’s, mistakes that are now expected to cost the government billions of dollars but were covered up for six years.
Does anyone drink Rainier Beer? I love it [. They] they started useing [using] the old [R]rainier beer logo on the cans. It’s really great. It brings back a lot of good memorys [memories] for me.
Commentby The Socialist…..[Remember the graduation from third grade?]
David Horsey says it all
Commentby The Socialist— 9/13/06@ 7:36 pm
Hey rabbit were you sent to the insane asylum with your French lover. You and Mark Twain may have something in common, can’t write with your real name.
Fuck you Mark The Redneck KENNEDY. Get off this site. Nooone wants your hate filled bullshit. Drop dead.
Commentby David in Wedgwood— […….Hey Dave! Where is the Democrat “love”? The Democrat “compassion”? The Democrat “understanding”? hehe, JCH]
Klake, been eating funny mushrooms again?
You may use your real name, but you can’t write.
Richard Pope @ 25
It was me, My Left Foot (Carl Grossman), who called you the name. I apologize. I had someone else in mind when I typed that word.
You have always been polite here and I was wrong.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat
Commentby My Left Foot [………………………………………..Carl, ANOTHER fuck up!! Not your night, is it? Perhaps a little “action” from Mrs. Grossman might put you back on your game. Let us know when she gets back from “shopping” with Jerome!!]
OK, Carl……I promise. The BOXCAR will take you to Hawaii. Now………..GET IT THE BOXCAR!!!!!!!!!
Jim King and Richard Pope may be lovers.
Richard Pope seeks scientific advice:
Perhaps it’s a demonstration of buffering capacity. Patrick (and the rest of us) metabolizes ethanol through an enzymatic process involving alcohol dehydrogenase in his liver. The enzyme catalyzes the conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde; other enzymes continue the process of metabolism to its eventual end.
He has a certain volume of the enzyme, which can metabolize a certain amount of ethanol in a given time period. But if there’s more ethanol around than can be metabolized, it remains in the circulation (and in the brain) as ethanol. Once his entire complement of alcohol dehydrogenase has been recruited to do its work — during which time his BAC hasn’t risen all that much — all additional ethanol will go unmetabolized while waiting for the already-present ethanol to be processed. At that point, the BAC will rise rapidly, even if he isn’t throwing down the drinks as fast as he was while building up to the enzyme’s full capacity to work.
N in Seattle,
Interesting…so would the BAC have gone up even without the Jack n Coke? Would maybe he hit the .17 after 6 drinks if waiting just a little more? Would having more food in his system help not make him feel wasted and still have the .17?
Nice that Goldy did that….by the way 3 beers in 2 1/2 hours I wouldn’t even expect Goldy’s BAC to be as high as it was.
Hizballah terrorist Mohammed Ali Hamadi, convicted in Germany of murdering US Navy diver Robert Dean Stethem aboard a hijacked airplane but freed last December in a probable ransom exchange for German hostage Susanne Osthoff (Germany denies this, of course), has rejoined Hizballah.
Imagine my surprise.
WASHINGTON — One of the most infamous terrorists of the 1980s has rejoined Hezbollah following his release from a German prison and deportation to his native Lebanon in December 2005, a senior Bush administration official told FOX News.
Mohammed Ali Hamadi was released despite strong U.S. objections, FOX News learned. Those objections were raised in phone calls to German authorities by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and FBI Director Robert Mueller, as well as by top-level State Department and administration counter-terrorism officials.
“[The Germans] ignored us and didn’t give us enough time to pursue it through legal action,” an official told FOX News on the condition of anonymity. “They gave us very short notice.”
U.S. officials said they “can’t rule out” the possibility that Germany deported Hamadi, after he had served 19 years of a life sentence, in exchange for the release of Susanne Osthoff, a German archeologist taken hostage in Iraq and freed four days after Hamadi’s deportation. German authorities have denied any such deal was made.
In June 1985, Hamadi was one of four Islamic militants who commandeered TWA Flight 847 — en route from Athens to Rome — and hijacked it to Beirut. The ensuing hostage ordeal lasted 17 days, with the plane shuttling among various Mediterranean airports.
On the second day of the hijacking, Hamadi and his accomplices learned that U.S. Navy diver Robert Dean Stethem was on board. Hamadi and his co-conspirators beat Stethem unconscious, then shot him to death and dumped his body on the tarmac of the Beirut airport. The hijackers later escaped. […………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..OK, The plan: nuke Iran, and take the oil. All of it. If any Muuuuuslim terrorists fuck with us, pick another Muuuuuuuuslim country and repeat. You will be surprised how the Muuuuuuuuuslim terrorists quit fucking with Americas after a few million of them are turned to ash. It is that simple!!!!!]
Dear John Craig Herman,
My husband has promised not to address, or acknowledge you, here at HA. However, I have made no such promise. Yet.
You are a vile, disgusting, ignorant lout. Your manners are non-existent. Your diction, spelling and sentence structure indicate a person lacking basic high school level skills.
Your claim to be a former military officer is laughable. My father and my husband (neither of whom see fit to brag about their experiences defending this country) both were members of elite units as officers. Both saw combat, both are decorated. For you to lie about your service record, denigrates and devalues the service of all members, past and present, of our military. Shame on you.
Your moral compass is beyond repair and, quite frankly, you embarrass yourself every time you post here. Your posts are filled with teenage level attempts at humor. You seem to post only to incite others. This is indicative of a deep personal struggle with feelings of sexual inadequacy and low self esteem. You don’t feel worthy, so you lie to build yourself up in other eyes, never realizing that the lies are recognized as lies and cause other to think even less of you. This, coupled with your need for attention, probably relates to you not having properly bonded with your mother.
I have empathy for you. You are tormented by these demons and until you seek help from a qualified professional, you will only continue along this path, leading in the end, to the realization that you have led a completely meaningless life.
I know that you will be moved to answer this open letter. Save your breath, John, I won’t be responding further to anything you post.
Have a good evening. I hope you get the help you need…………..And for my husband, the strongest, most honorable man I have ever known:
Vote early, vote often and vote Democratic!!!!!
Mrs. Left Foot
Mrs. Left Foot, Then I guess a blow job tonight is out of the question?
Final question: Mrs. Left Foot, Do you like train rides?
Geez, I’m kinda wishing that the Seattle School District kept Graham Hill on the ‘to be closed’ list. Those repetitive posts were more entertaining, as we didn’t know what was going to happen.
These McGavick posts are just plain boring as he has about as much chance in winning as Goldy starting a drive to repeal the 22nd Amendment.
And for my husband, the strongest, most honorable man I have ever known:
Vote early, vote often and vote Democratic!!!!!
Mrs. Left Foot
Commentby Mrs. Left Foot— 9/13/06@ 9:15 pm
No anger here, you cocksucking, dicklicking, take it in the ass, motherfucking, piece of shit, pussy deprived, WingNut, worthless fuck, shame of your parents, waste of air.
I am still not angry. You NutJobs can’t handle it when the same tactics you use, are returned in kind.
Mr. King, kindly go back to (un)SP and post there, where your drivel impresses.
Go fuck your mother, she is the only woman who would have you.
I would explain the pun, but at that point it loses its charm.
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/13/06@ 6:40 pm
Apples/oranges. Tit for tat. STFU. You are female by the way. The tone and syntax indicate that fact. Dumb bitch!
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/13/06@ 5:18 pm
That poor, pathetic woman, used and abused so much she suffers from the Stockholm Syndrome.
Or perhaps she just can’t read….
The democraps fight the ‘enemy’.
The democraps settle on a defining issue
The democraps have a strategy to fight terrorosts
ps, WARNING: you libs may have to have a basic grasp of American history to understand this one
“Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.”
(crickets chirping)
Commentby Facts Support My Positions—— 9/8/06@ 8:28 pm
Hey righties cheer up. I only asked you one of the ten questions Republicans can’’t answer.
You can’’t even answer question #1. I have 9 more……..
Commentby Facts Support My Positions—— 9/8/06@ 9:22 pm
Your first question was so stupid that I can’t wait to see the other nine, so I’ll make an offer–– if you show us the other nine questions I’ll answer all ten of them. Moonbats are so funny when they’re trying to be clever.
Commentby americafirst—— 9/8/06@ 10:07 pm
Still waiting for the other nine questions, phoney.
Rosie ODonnell correctly said today that America has as much to fear from Christian extremists as it does from the Taliban. Well said Rosie.
Bravo, Goldy!
A masterpiece of both political theatre and comedy!
Move this one to the top of your archive list! It’s going to get linked by lot’s of other sites.
Very well done!
Commentby Had Enough Yet?— 9/13/06@ 5:41 pm
Right, keep it up. Maybe McGavick the pussy will get mad and fight back.
ProudOfHerAss @ 51
Apparently humor and parody escape you, ProudOfYourFatAss. I simply used the same terms used by your cohorts here. If you are offended, I am sorry that you are offended, but that is your problem, not mine. I am not sorry that I printed the parody. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing, ain’t it. Three generations of this family have FOUGHT to protect that very right. I use it every chance I get. I make no apology for that.
Now, when you can stand in front of me with your service record and the emotional and physical scars that come with participating in a combat theater, come talk to me. Until then, pipe the hell down.
I am proud of how my wife feels about me. I try to honor her everyday. I have no such incombency when it comes to you or anyone else on this blog. If one wishes my respect, then one must earn it.
Rosie ODonnell correctly said today that America has as much to fear from Christian extremists as it does from the Taliban. Well said Rosie.
Commentby KlakeSucksDick— 9/13/06@ 9:46 pm
The actual quote:
Rosie O’Donnell: ‘Radical Christianity is Just as Threatening as Radical Islam’
Posted by Scott Whitlock on September 12, 2006 – 17:06.
Rosie O’Donnell, the new host of “The View,” restrained herself for exactly one week before letting fly with her extreme liberalism. On the September 12 edition, in response to fellow co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s comment that militant Islam is a grave threat, O’Donnell stated that “radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America.” The comedienne also attacked America’s response to 9/11:
O’Donnell: “We were attacked not by a nation. And as a result of the attack and the killing of nearly 3,000 innocent people we invaded two countries and killed innocent people in their countries.” Source:
Typical self-hating, America-hating fucked-up moonbat.
incumbancy, sorry for the typo in post 59
geez INCUMBENCY. there.
Again, ProudOfYourFatAss, look up the big words. is an excellent source.
Commentby klake— 9/13/06@ 5:35 pm
Mr. Lake
I appreciate your honesty, and while I still think your anger at me is misplaced, I appreciate straight talk, and prefer honest anger to false sentiment.
Somehow you seem of the impression that I do not believe that we should pursue these criminals, capture them if possible and kill them if necessary.
While my church (Christian, United Methodist) does require that I love and forgive my enemies (and the terrorists certainly qualify) it does not require that I like them or agree with them. “Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those that sin against us.” Essentially, my own sins are forgiven only to the extent that I forgive others. I admit that the terrorists do not make this easy.
Forgiveness also does not imply that we should allow them to go on hurting others, nor that we should somehow forget what they have done. Our safety requires us to remove them as a threat, and my religion does not contradict this.
It does require that I do so without hate, without bitterness and without anger. Revenge, as we normally consider it, is not an option for me.
I would wish that somehow, these terrible people could turn from the path that they have chosen, and in some minuscule way, atone for their heinous acts. But I’m not betting on it, and think that their atonement should be done from the most secure cell available. They must not be allowed to hurt anyone else, and while I can hope for their redemption, I am not willing to risk anyone else’s life on it.
If they cannot be safely captured, then they must be killed. While I would regret this, I would also be willing to pull the trigger myself. And yes, I would lose sleep over it, but I would do it anyway.
I have always believed that the commandment to forgive our enemies was more for our own benefit than for the benefit of those enemies. Carrying around a load of hatred is exactly what those enemies are doing, and what they want you to do. I decline to accommodate them.
I have spent most of my adult life in the Armed Services, defending our country. You are welcome to check this, as I have posted the link to the US Navy Memorial on other occasions, and will at the end of this post as well.
Your post seems to imply that you are in the Armed Services yourself. I would ask you to print my posts and take them to your command Chaplain. Ask him or her to explain them from a Christian perspective.
Regardless, I wish you well, and as you imply that you are in a combat area, know that my prayers are with you and with your troops.
John Barelli, NCC(AW), USN-FR
56 –
The question itself exposes why librulism is wrong on its face. Got news for ya… it is NOT the role of government to give stuff to people. That kind of “thinking” is fundamentally un-American. Instead, Murka is founded on the premise that limited government provides the freedom for Murkan citizens to achieve all they can be on their own.
Librulism is founded on the ideas of selfishness, greed, covetousness, hate, etc. If you want to shake loose from that and put yourself back in control of your life here’s the prescription:
1) Take advantage of the education system which is so lavishly subsidized by the tax paying producers.
2) Study a field that results in marketable skills. Hint: “Women’s Studies” is not a marketable field.
3) Get a good job with a good company. Show up every day for 4 decades or so and work your ass off. Alternatively, start a business and work 18 hours a day every fucking day.
4) Spend less than you make.
5) Invest the savings wisely.
That’s it. That’s all there is to it. And then you’ll be free. Doesn’t that sound appealing?
The Washington Times reports that several witnesses saw a beet-red Moran carrying the boy, yelling and cursing. At first Moran didn’t intend to press charges but now he says he may change his mind.
“‘I had hoped that this boy would learn that this is not acceptable behavior but if the parents are not going to teach him that this is not acceptable behavior, then maybe the courts will.’ The boy told the Washington Times he didn’t do anything wrong, says it’s the congressman who threatened him. ‘He choked me and then cussed me. I thought he was going to kidnap me or kill me. All I told him was that I liked his car.'” Now, there’s something missing in this story, is there not? What is the race of the little boy? Yeah, the little boy, eight-year-old black boy admiring Moran’s car, and Moran assumes he’s going to steal it and then tells the story about the kid threatening him with a gun, when he had no gun. Second story. This is from June 4th of 2004: “Longtime advisor to Congressman Jim Moran has lodged about the most damaging allegation that could be made about the congressman from northern Virginia at this point in the reelection campaign, that he heard him make an anti-Semitic remark.
Enough to make an old democrat proud. hahaha
RE 59… you are simply not important enough to offend me, sweetcheeks, so therefore, I am wholly uninterested in “earning” your “respect”… excuse me while I gag at the thought.
However, IF you wife is aware of your vile, disgusting language I doubt she feels “honored”. I expect she doesn’t know the extent of your misogyny and I further expect the word you were grasping for is “ashamed”. You must have confused your synonyms and antonyms.
Dear Mrs Left Foot, You should probably be prepared.
You are female by the way. The tone and syntax indicate that fact. Commentby My Left Foot— 9/13/06@ 5:18 pm
Playing Carnac again?
Dear Mrs. Left Foot, have you considered Hip Hop?
I rarely grasp for words. I see that you have trouble with them all the time, unable to read something and understand what you have just read.
The use of this word is another example of your lack of linguistic ability: misogyny, which means: hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women.
You believe that my dislike of you relates to all women? My your ego is bigger, and with less actual cause, than anyone I know. For you to think that because I don’t like you, means that I hate all women is laughable.
Look sweetie, you are in over your head. You can’t read and you certainly are no judge of character. I stand by everything that I have posted here. Language included. By the way, you are right about one thing, my wife does not hear me swear. I save that for undeducated, ignorant fools like you. It seems to be language your kind understands.
Now, lock up the trailer and get to bed. Going to be a long day down at the 7-11.
No sweetcheeks, I am most certainly not in over my head. I don’t think you dislike me and I don’t care if you do. You seem to not grasp the concept that you are inconsequential to anything beyond my amusement at any given moment of boredom.
And as for uneducated, your use of language is the defining clue. As I taught my children, there are so many wonderful words from which to choose, even for insults. Why would you choose the ones that so indicate you are uneducated and classless?
Trailer? Only the ones we sell sweetcheeks, only the ones we sell… you may have seen them… King County Solid Waste owns a whole big bunch of them.
You DO know what that means don’t you? YOUR tax dollars are going into our pocket! Thanks, sweetcheeks, sleep well knowing we put those big bux to good use.
I can find funny pictures too. Here is one of ProudOfHerFatAss.
ProudOfHerFatAss, Apples/oranges. Tit for tat. STFU. You are female by the way. The tone and syntax indicate that fact. Dumb bitch! Commentby My Left Foot— 9/13/06@ 5:18 pm
So much for that civility pledge last week. I see us on the right got to you Carl.
Cushing’s Syndrome!
My dear liberal friends,
I’m been feeling guilty lately about how mean I am to the wingnuts that come here. So I’ve been trying to see things from their point of view for a change. So with that in mind I’d just like to say:
You are all just a bunch of whining bastards.
I’ve been coming to this site for the last year or so, and what I’ve been reading has been crazy and depressing. “This is bad,” “that’s bad,” it’s all so fucking bad. A gullible person would think that the world was about to end or something, but I’ve come to the conclusion that you are all just a bunch of whining bastards.
You complain, whinge, moan and bitch about nothing, all the time, just to try and make people feel bad so they’ll vote against Bush. Yet most of the things you complain about are actually fine and dandy. And so below the fold is where you get a lesson about what’s really going on.
National debt is at an all-time high. The trade deficit is at an all-time high. I’ll repeat that, an ALL-TIME HIGH. A record. And that STILL isn’t good enough for you people. You guys aren’t even happy when we break a frickin record – no, you’re still bitching and moaning.
You talk all the time about “people-power”, and then in the next breath you complain about consumerism, like it’s some kind of disease. Are you all morons? Consumerism IS people-power!
Without the people-power of consumerism, America wouldn’t be what it is today. A year ago I only had three blades on my razor. Now I have five! That’s a 67 percent increase. And you try to tell me that the economy’s in bad shape.
Some of you joyless commie freaks will no doubt try and claim that shaving with one blade at a time has worked fine for hundreds of years. Well screw you, I’ve got five.
It’s getting warmer. What in God’s name is your problem?
You keep banging on about how there was no link between Bin Laden and Saddam. Well that’s a good thing isn’t it? Jesus, imagine if there had been a link! Al Qaeda would have had nuclear and chemical weapons and we’d be wiped off the face of the earth by now. And you’re complaining!?
And your problem is? Shit, if they’d had them, then Saddam’s best buddy Bin Laden would have had them straight off him, and we’d be wiped off the face of the Earth by now. Do you want us all to die?
I could go on, but I’ve got more important things to do. I know there are some people out there who must be as sick as I am of all this left-wing whining. Please add your comments to help explain the truth to these people and maybe we can shut the bastards up.
My use of language, blue or otherwise, is indicative of my ability to speak to the lowest common denominator. Nothing more. Don’t get too weird on me here.
I can’t tell you how underwhelmed I am at your employment disclosure. WOW! I am happy you work. At least you don’t claim wealth as many of your kindred spirits do. Nice to see you contributing to society, trash pickup is very important, and honorable, work.
Jim King, No anger here, you cocksucking, dicklicking, take it in the ass, motherfucking, piece of shit, pussy deprived, WingNut, worthless fuck, shame of your parents, waste of air. I am still not angry. You NutJobs can’t handle it when the same tactics you use, are returned in kind. Mr. King, kindly go back to (un)SP and post there, where your drivel impresses. Go fuck your mother, she is the only woman who would have you. I would explain the pun, but at that point it loses its charm. Commentby My Left Foot— 9/13/06@ 6:40 pm
Koros Syndrome.
Fuck you! (civily of course)
WOW, I have NEVER had one of my posts copied once, let alone three times in one day. I guess I hit a nerve. You bastards really are crazy. I thought it was just Downs syndrome you suffered from.
Klake, been eating funny mushrooms again? You may use your real name, but you can’t write. Commentby K— 9/13/06@ 8:23 pm
I’ll take his military experience over your U of Moonbat anyday!
And yes Carl Perpetual Penis Nose Grossman, I know where Keith Olbermann went to school.
No sweetcheeks, you misunderstood…again… twice.
I don’t work.
We own.
Hence, we EMPLOY.
But no, we would not consider you for a position.
We have standards.
And, no we aren’t in “trash pickup”.
But, even yours wouldn’t be picked up without our product.
That poor, pathetic woman, used and abused so much she suffers from the Stockholm Syndrome. Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 9/13/06@ 9:25 pm
Oh darn HowCan, you stole my line.
Imagine; Stockholm Syndrome and Koros Syndrome in the same house nonetheless?
Do you mulch your yard, sweetcheeks?
The folks who provided your mulch used our products.
Do you buy produce, sweetcheeks?
The folks who grow your produce used our products.
Isn’t it comforting to know that so many aspects of your little life provide profit in mine?
How about a word to your pal who likes to talk about sex acts with my wife? Where is your outrage there MWS? Why haven’t you castigated him for the vile, ugly comments he makes? Why the double standard? You don’t like my language, tough. Go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.
Fucking two faced, lying, motherfucking bastard. Take your sanctimonious, ill placed self-righteousness and shove it up your ass!
Your getting too predictable, sweetcheeks.
You need a new riff to stay fresh!
Rosie ODonnell correctly said today that America has as much to fear from Christian extremists as it does from the Taliban. Well said Rosie.
That fat lezzie butch? I can see why she’s your hero. Dyke Worship, from the librul altar.
You are female by the way. The tone and syntax indicate that fact. Dumb bitch! -Commentby My Left Foot— 9/13/06@ 5:18 pm
Fucking two faced, lying, motherfucking bastard. Take your sanctimonious, ill placed self-righteousness and shove it up your ass! -Commentby My Left Foot— 9/13/06@ 10:54 pm
…confused or merely indecisive?
Mrs Grossman: Please answer these questions or as the Riddler on Batman used to say “Riddle Me This”.
Do you like Rosie ODonnell? What is her redeaming quality? Does she express herself well? Would you invite her for tea?
The internet is full of liars, MissProudOfMyFatAss. Until proven otherwise, you are as meaningful to me as a two year old fart.
Would you invite her for tea? -Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/13/06@ 10:59 pm
Only if I could find a uniform to fit her and if she could possibly learn to serve it properly.
Left Foot… what part of inconsequential are you having difficulty with?
You did it again. You really are stupid. You reprint two quotes of mine. One directed at you. Then you pretend the second one was directed at you also. Here is the post in its whole from, not cherry picked to show something that does not exist. What a dumb BITCH. However, it is telling that you think everything I write is for you. This was directed at MWS. He who believes he is a practicing shrink.
How about a word to your pal who likes to talk about sex acts with my wife? Where is your outrage there MWS? Why haven’t you castigated him for the vile, ugly comments he makes? Why the double standard? You don’t like my language, tough. Go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.
Fucking two faced, lying, motherfucking bastard. Take your sanctimonious, ill placed self-righteousness and shove it up your ass!
Comment by My Left Foot — 9/13/06 @ 10:54 pm
How about a word to your pal who likes to talk about sex acts with my wife? Where is your outrage there MWS? Why haven’t you castigated him for the vile, ugly comments he makes? Why the double standard? You don’t like my language, tough. Go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on. Fucking two faced, lying, motherfucking bastard. Take your sanctimonious, ill placed self-righteousness and shove it up your ass! Commentby My Left Foot— 9/13/06@ 10:54 pm
Sorry Carl, nothing is shoved into my ass. I don’t care how many medals you have an how honorably you served. BTW since you did serve I honor your service. Now that the platitudes are out of the way, I am not into animals. Furball is. Are you mixing me up with Furball?
Regarding JCH, Puddy castigated him. He took him to the woodshed over some of his black jokes. Did you read GBS and DJ throwing it in his face what Puddy wrote? Where we you when Left TurdinHand went off. I never read anything from you against him. Do you FUCKING remember anything Carl Grossman? Is Cushing’s Syndrome causing Koros Syndrome or is the Acromegaly taking it’s toll? Just STFU because I’m ROTFLMAO
Carl, If your wife had a brain, she could put JCH back into the 1980s with a few short quips. Bust a gut, she married you. Demonstrably, she is not light in her shoes.
I care that you own because? I am impressed, whY? You honestly believe that I care. The fact you are volunteering this information indicates that you believe you make a difference in my life. Psychiatrists refer to this as projecting.
I couldn’t possibly care any less about your employment or ownership of anything. I am not impressed. You on the other hand have no idea about my life. Work, play or otherwise. I am simply amused at your willingness to “take on” an unknown person and actually believe you are impressing me or anyone else here.
Enjoy your evening. I have grown bored.
Damn, what do black people call that… … … … … … … … (these ellipses signify thinking Carl) … … … … …
Oh yeah, she can’t play the numbers.
Carl says: “Psychiatrists refer to this as projecting.”
No they don’t! For $100 Carl will take Door #2…
Good night, Mikey. Go suck whatever it is you suck. see you tomorrow, if they don’t hang you first.
Why do parody, mimicking and sarcasm escape the WingNuts? Can anyone explain this to me? I really don’t get the lack of a sense of humor.
Interesting drinking experiment! Sounds like a fun night. Luckily, the drinker was smart and mature enough to realize he was bombed and didn’t try to drive.
Back to beer
Sven writes in article 4:
I thought most American Brews topped out at 3.2% Alochol by weight, which is 4% by volume.
In the bad old days (i.e., when your 30-something writer was too young to shave, let alone drink), there were laws on the books limiting beer to 3.2% ABW. Those laws were revoked in Washington back in the 70s. There are laws that define beers as malt liquor or some such, which requires that they be sold in state liquor stores, but I’ve had far too much tipple to look them up. The limit for private sales here is very high. Fin du Monde, from Quebec is 9.1%, is sold in grocery stores in Washington, and is very yummy (but not cheap, and thus exempted from the AIA regs).
Most Northwest microbrews weigh in at somwhere between 5-6%. Please adjust your memory banks accordingly.
You guys convinced me, I voted democrap in the pimary, as did my family. Just doing our part to help Maria Cantvotewell melt back into civilian life.
“I’m Mike! McGavick, and I drank this message.”
That was me.
ASS @ 1
Well, women typically have lower body weight than men and metabolize more slowly, so that answer might well be “less alcohol.”
“vast majority of the American people are conservative.”
That’s a claim that could use sme support. I’d say it’s pretty clearly wrong, but I’d rather you try to prove it rather than expect us to believe that your fantasies are real.
MTR @ 65
I thought that the road to financial freedom was:
1. Found a phony company that sells some murky service.
2. Hook up with a compliant Congressman who then steers multi-million-dollar government contracts to you in exchange for donations.
3. Pass said Congressman under-the-table money by paying more than market value for his house and/or setting up a phony charity to lavishly pay his family members for doing nothing.
4. Repeat.
Now, isn’t that how a “producer” would do it?
Carl FullofLeftFeets: I have taken JCH to the woodshed when he goes overboard. Lately he’s been identifying the vast donk-wing conspiracy of blacks against blacks. How else do you allow a NoI member who on tape said nasty things and your side turns a blind eye. Your side cares nothing for my people. I know I am one of them. You are not one of them.
Lately JCH been expressing himself against you. Seems to me he has entered that teeny weeny brain of yours and caused a “Ball of Confusion, That’s what your brain is today, heh heh!” – Temptations 1970. Applies to your condition today.
Lately JCH has “entered” into your wife too. As MWS wrote in this thread, if your wife could think on her butt and write a few missives back at JCH she could “Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee” – Muhammad Ali. There’s no need for swearing like her husband does on his futile rants, just drop a dozens or two on JCH.
Look here Mrs Grossman. I feel sorry for you Why? Two reasons:
1) You married Carl
2) As HowCan said – Stockholm Syndrome
3) You’re both mentally challenged
4) JCH can go overboard
5) Your hubby basically said bring it on when he outed himself
6) Your hubby wrote I’ll ignore and then forgets
7) Your hubby wrote he’d play nice then forgets
So Mrs Grossman, I”l take pity I’ll help you It’s a start. Practice makes perfect.
Carl you practice another Aliism – “I don’t always know what I’m talking about but I know I’m right.”
Mrs Grossman did you get the two reasons?
Let me help you again.
Reason 1 – Enumerated list of issues
Reason 2 – Help in finding the Dozens URL
I hope that clarifies the confusion you demonstrate living with Carl all these years.
“Whaa, Whaa! It’s every one fault except mine” – Fifi la Ketchup
WOW!! I’d never checked out a local blog before. Always thought W.WA was pretty uniformly “blue”, bot some of the wingnut trolls you’ve got ’round here are incredible. I guess they try to make up for being hopelessly, eternally outnumbered by being just as vicious as they can possibly be. Must be what Rush is like when he goes down to the Dominican Republic to get drugged up and molest children. WOW!! look forward to seeing these guys on the RSO website soon. I’d actually be a little scared of them if they weren’t impotent mama’s boys with enormous chips on their shoulders.
Good Morning Puddy,
I’m trying to imagine you with a personality. 100,000 sperm to choose from, and you were the fastest? Wonders never cease. If brains were explosives, Puddy, you are not in possession of enough to blow your own nose. The more I think about you and your cronies, the less I think of you and your cronies.
Puddy, don’t let your mind wander – it’s far too small to be let out on its own. I don’t know what makes you so dumb but it is really working well. Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn’t have given you worse advice, PuddyPud.
And finally, one from my husband, that seems particulary appropriate in your case, He’d like to see things from your point of view but he can’t seem to get his head that far up his ass.
I’m very careful of how I express my opinions of you because I want to put as much vituperation in them as possible.
Look it up, Puddy.
I have court this morning. Please, by all means return the serve. If you come up with something clever, I will play further. If not, I don’t spar with unarmed opponents. Grab my attention, keep up and we can play for a while. Well, until your momma calls you in. Deal?
I have court this morning. -Commentby My Left Foot— 9/14/06@ 9:06 am
What are you charged with?
Search for: Carl Grossman
Sorry, no Carl Grossman found in or nearby Seattle, WA
Search for: Carl Grossman
Sorry, no Carl Grossman found in or nearby Olympia, WA
Search for: Carl Grossman
Sorry, no Carl Grossman found in or nearby Bellevue, WA
Search for: Carl Grossman
Sorry, no Carl Grossman found in or nearby Tacoma, WA
Actually, I am not charged with anything. I failed to change the moniker to Mrs. Left Foot. I apologize for any confusion, I recognize how easily confused you are.
I am an attorney. I can see why you would think I was charged with something. You Republicans are always jumping to conclusions without thinking.
Now, Miss ProudAss, shouldn’t you get back to trash collecting or whatever it is you seem to want the world to know that you do?
Search for: Carl Grossman
Sorry, no Carl Grossman found in or nearby Vancouver, WA
Search for: Carl Grossman
Sorry, no Carl Grossman found in or nearby Bellingham, WA
Sorry, no Carl Grossman found in or nearby Yakima, WA
Sorry, no Carl Grossman found in or nearby Yakima, WA
Sorry, no Carl Grossman found in or nearby Ellensburg, WA
Sorry, no Carl Grossman found in or nearby Everett, WA
An attorney not listed in any major city.
How do your clients find you? Psychics?
Oh! I get it… they are ALL Carnac wannabe’s… just like YOU!
By the way, Miss ProudAss, try your search at or I am sure even you can do that. A Yahoo search is very limited. When you find out that you have made a mistake, an apology is not necessary. Your ability to read and comprehend (or lack thereof) is well documnented here at HA.
Good day!
Sorry, no Carl Grossman found in or nearby Vancouver, WA
Yellow pages, sweetcheeks, you don’t exist in the Yellow pages.
Big deal on your zabawhatever… all that does is list people that EXIST.
Nice try sweetcheeks.
You’ve proved some pootr suckers whose name you’ve borrowed exist.
What you haven’t proven is that YOU exist as an attorney.
“I’m Mike! McGavick, and I threw up on this message.”
Again, ProudAss let me take you to task. Carl is not the attorney, I am. I work for a Fortune 500 company as in house legal counsel.
ProudAss, you do seem to be as baffled as Adam on Mother’s Day.
“I’m Mike! McGavick, and I don’t remember this message.”
Again, ProudAss let me take you to task. Carl is not the attorney, I am. I work for a Fortune 500 company as in house legal counsel.
ProudAss, you do seem to be as baffled as Adam on Mother’s Day.
Commentby Mrs Left Foot— 9/14/06@ 9:50 am
You’re a LIAR… either about your name ot the “fact” that you are an attorney… probably BOTH.
WSBA Lawyer Search
Click on column headers to sort by column.
Click on a member’s bar # to view additional profile information.
Your search returned 0 results. Change Search
This is page 1 of 1.
What? No rants about Mike!’s proposal to drug test adults on welfare receiving families? I think it’s a wonderful idea. All too often too many people abuse the system. I’d say at least half are illegitimate recipients. Most just don’t want to work-pperiod. That, or they have bullshit “disabilities” but they aren’t really disabled. What’s the matter, some of you afraid you might lose your $$? I know most likely Roger Rabbit is. What would he do if he had to work for a living and couldn’t sit on the internet all day? Can you imagine!?
Ah, come on Goldy; you’re reaching now. Beating a trivial and tiny dead horse issue to death when no one cares seems to be your M.O. Kinda like the Rossi thing…..perhaps change the name to: Thanks.
Carl is not the attorney, I am. I work for a Fortune 500 company as in house legal counsel. Commentby Mrs Left Foot— 9/14/06@ 9:50 am
Uh huh. Right.
And as we all know attorneys so very busy preparing to head out to court just have so very much free time to jump on a little blog to defend their femimen and wuss hubby from big bad conservatives.
newsflash sweetcheeks… a member of my family presently works for the Attorney General in a support staff position while awaiting bar results (no, not WA bar, either, so don’t bother) and even support staff in a busy attorney’s office… or a busy private sector office, has no time to play.
You have failed to prove that you exist as a human being.
Your statement, “Yellow pages, sweetcheeks, you don’t exist in the Yellow pages.
Big deal on your zabawhatever… all that does is list people that EXIST.
Nice try sweetcheeks.
You’ve proved some pootr suckers whose name you’ve borrowed exist.”
This statement is so full of errors and contradictions, I don’t know where to start.
1. Exactly, zaba search lists people who exist. My husband is incapable of lying. His name is Carl Grossman.
2. “You’ve proved some pootr suckers….” You’ve PROVEN some pootr (poor)…… Correct again, It proves my husband exists.
You know, this morning my prayer to God was a very short one: “Oh Lord, please make my enemies ridiculous.” God has granted my wish.
One last note, ProudAss. Carl and I share a wonderful marriage. We do not share a last name (professionally). I am sure you are still trying to search for Carl Grossman.
ONE LAST TIME, read slowly: C a r l i s n o t t h e a t t o r n e y. I a m.
Your search is worthless. Do you understand that? Read this again until you do.
You are the sort of girl who only remembers what she gives and forgets what she gets. Eases the pain for you, doesn’t it.
I would support Mike?(tm) plan if he would include a breathalyzer exam daily on the floor of the Senate for all Senators.
Sparing with you requires little time, and even less thought. You come to battle unarmed. I can multi-task. It is not difficult for me, I am a woman. Now, try to get Carl to have a conversation and watch a football game at the same time…that is a whole different story.
Congradulations on demonstrating your lack of ability to use a simple search engine. Try entering “Grossman” in the Last Name field. I get six results, two in Seattle, one with a commonly female first name.
In the word’s of a Kevin Kline character, “Aaapologize!”
And as we all know attorneys so very busy preparing to head out to court just have so very much free time to jump on a little blog to defend their femimen and wuss hubby from big bad conservatives.
So either you are a liar or “carl” is dressing up in your underwear and pretending he’s an attorney named Heidi, again.
Which is it?
Roger isn’t on welfare. He is a retired attorney. He collects social security, a pension, and has investments.
Find someone else to make a welfare example of…………
ProudAss, I will be back shortly. I have a meeting with staff and then court. That should give you some time to come up with some witty comebacks, or in the alternative, time to wipe the tears and compose yourself. It has been a rough morning for you, getting your hiney kick all over the internet today.
Does your FORTUNE 500 EMPLOYER {/snicker} know you use the time for which they are paying you to play on the net and defend your femiman?
Rick @ 133:
Thank you, Rick.
Carl is right about two things. Blogging can be fun and conservatives make such easy fodder. Kind of like fishing at a trout farm, you can’t miss.
One last thing. I am not defending Carl. I am here on my own. He is quite capable of “defending” himself. He might get a bit worked up and type before he thinks it all the way through, but he is in no need for my help in dealing with “children of the corn” like you.
I really must go now.
Mark1 @ 127
“I think it’s a wonderful idea.”
Well, you would, wouldn’t you?
“I’d say at least half are illegitimate recipients.”
And I’d say you don’t know shit. Whose opinion do you think is more accurate?
I think the “drug testing forr welfatre” thing shows Mike! as desperately trying to shore up his base by throwing them some red meat. This is not an issue with which to get moderates to take your side. Maria Cantwell is on TV telling WA voters exactly what she proposes to improve port security. Think the ol’ GOP standby “welfare queens” is going to beat that among moderate voters? I think it shows that Mike! is fundamentally not serious about governance.
Also, states hat have implemented programs do not have mandatory testing, and I think that mandatory testing will NOT pass Constitutional muster. Providing treatment, on the other hand, typically returns more benefits than it costs, and I am all for it.
For someone who constantly has “to go” you are amazingly still not gone!
As an “attorney” on the payroll of a “Fortune 500 company” aren’t you the least bit ashamed of stealing from them. By spending your l=time here protecting little “carl” that IS exactly what you are doing, you know.
It must suck to be “carl” having to run to mommy to jump in and defend him.
In real America, it’s the MAN that is chivalrous and the defender of honor… and not one that is a thief.
“I’m Mike! McGavick, and I’ll drink to that message.”
howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedyandanASS at 137.
Femiman. Did you come up with that on your own? Just because your man wears plaid shirts with no sleeves, rolled up and torn blue jeans, a John Deere ball cap with grease all over it, has unkempt hair and smells like acombination brewery-tabacco farm does not that a man who dresses smartly, bathes regularly and can string a sentence of more than five words together (your mans idea of a long sentence “Get me a beer, bitch”) is feminine or gay.
Please, crawl up out of the dark ages and join us here in the real world. Where men can be sensitive, kind, caring and loving……without smelling, cursing and slapping women around, although I must admit in your case, the slapping might be justified.
You certainly seem to hold some pretty rigid gender stereotypes. Must not be too much fun, I would think. Don’t you get tired?
Me thinks the ladies (aka, femimen) doth protest too much.
I see my wife was here. She is so good with words.
ProudOfHerFatAss is at it again. I am not sure how to answer her regarding my wife defending me. It seems to me that we are individuals who are quite capable of expressing ourselves. Mrs. Left Foot is highly educated, expressive and quite willing and able to stand on her own. If someone were to physically assault her, it would be my honor and duty to defend her and be all chivalrous and everything (does your husband get an erection when he is chivalrous? Do you get all wet and excited too? Must be some role play you do. Whatever flips your switch). When it comes to a battle of wits and intelligence, she is more than capable of handling herself, particularly with a mindless twit, such as yourself.
You are so self-righteous, sanctimonious and smug. The amazing thing to me is that you have no basis in fact to bolster your completely undeserved self-importance.
Have a nice day!
Mrs left foot may be all those wonderful things… but she is also a THIEF stealing the time for which her employer pays her to come play in the litter box, clean your diaper and defend you.
So, either way…
I don’t know if you have a spouse/partner/significant other, but if you do or if you did, and that person were being attacked in their absence, would you defend your SO?
Secondly, some people have very little latitude in how they conduct their time at work, and some people have a great deal of latitude. If a person does an exemplary job at a high level of performance, how could it be “stealing” to do other activities as well that are not against their company’s policy?
My employment contract restricts me from activities that would compete with the business of the organization for whom I work, for example, but not from freelancing.
Let me clarify something for you ProudOfHerFatAss….Mrs Left Foot is not an hourly employee. She is on salary. There are many evenings when she is working at home until two or three in the morning. She works on weekends and that Goddamn laptop goes on vacation with us too. There is no stealing going on. She is no thief. She is a respected executive ( I know you love that work, with Darcy and all your rantings) at her company. You on the other hand work in a family business (good thing too, because with your ancient attitudes about women, work, and the world, you would have great difficulty working in the outside world) where you never have to worry about perfomance, no one is going to dismiss you for poor work, attitude or ability.
By the way, if you are working in the family business how is it that you are blogging day and night? If you really work are you not stealing? Are you not a thief? And isn’t stealing from family as low as you can go?
You really are a dumbass.
The point, daddy, is that everytime “carl” gets uncomfortable “Mrs” suddenly appears.
The point, daddy, is that I call bullshit on that: “carl” and “Mrs” are the same pathetic bloke and he has painted himself into a corner and now has no way out.
Of course, when “carl” can’t find his way out of a corner he predictably resorts to vile language and insults… they’re coming, you can bank on it.
The point, daddy, is that “Mrs” claimed a big important in-house counsel job for a Fortune 500 company who was so very busy and heading to court… and yet rather than preparing for “court” which her employer is paying her to do, she’s here defending the hapless “carl”.
tsk tsk tsk “carl”, take that Ritalin.
I never claimed to WORK for the family business, I claimed we OWN it.
See the difference?
You don’t own shit. Please, your family may own something, but your name appears nowhere.
As for Mrs. Left Foot and work, I can assure you of this; if she needed to be in court today, she was ready three days ago. You are such a fan of a conspiracy theory that you see them everywhere, even in places where they don’t exist. We can both blog at the same time or at different times and you would still be confused.
So tell me, since you don’t work for the family business, yet last night you bragged my trash was putting money in your pocket, are you a user? You are not a producer, you now claim you don’t work (at least for the family business. Christ, they won’t have you either?). Which is it, ProudOfYourLyingFatAss?
Does your hero teddy the sot “work” for the family business that provides his tax sheltered income?
I rest my case.
Does Melinda “work” for the business that provides for her philanthropy? Not anymore.
I rest my case.
Does mrs ketchup “work” for the company that provides fifi the ability to play presidential candidate?
I rest my case.
ps, Nice try.
ps2, I suspect Fortune 500 company expects “Mrs” to actually work when she’s at the office, not play superhero to her hapless hubby.
Furthermore, any attorney who hasn’t reviewed and prepared in an up-to-date manner should be sanctioned for not providing able counsel.
I’d fire any attorney who claimed they reviewed their notes 3 DAMNED DAYS AGO and then found something better to do immediately prior to proceedings.
There goes the deflection again. I asked about you. I did not ask about the folks you mentioned.
So answer the question?
Same concept, dumbass
You do understand how SALES and PROFITS benefits OWNERS don’t you?
You do understand the concept of EMPLOYING OTHERS, don’t you?
Well, maybe not.
Well, it’s been fun “carl”. Let us all know how your “prepared 3 days ago” alter ego fared in “court” today, will you!
Toodles, sweetcheeks.
Of course, she’ll win…. how could a superhero alter-ego do otherwise!
You really do fancy yourself an intellectual. Take my word for it. Mrs Left Foot is the most detailed, thorough and precise human on the planet. It can one nuts when she packs for a trip with the same fervor and attention to detail.
Now, explain to me what could change in three days, lets say the papers were filed and today is argument day, and how reading through the file just before court, would put her at a disadvantage or make her a poor lawyer? You are talking out of your considerable ass here. We are not talking about fluid circumstances like you would find in your divorce case. Corporate law is far more rigid and precise.
Now, be sure to tell my wife I told you to GO FUCK YOURSELF!
Be gone, I have grown weary of you baseless arguments and banter. Perhaps another of the bloggers wish to engage you in conversation. I am sure this portal to the outside world is all you have, a fantasy life to help you overcome the feelings of inferiority that come from living in a trailer park in White Center. I know we are consequential to you, you keep coming back for more. ProudOfHerFatLyingAss, this is your life.
“Hi, I’m Mike! McGavick and I woke up drooling all over this message.”
Accurate and precise… and relying on details refreshed in her memory 3 DAYS AGO … GROSS incompetance.
For kicks, I searched the words Gross, man… an accurate likeness, I’m sure, but I’m not entirely convinced you should be off-leash, sweetcheeks.
“The point, daddy, is that…. everytime “carl” gets uncomfortable “Mrs” suddenly appears/“carl” and “Mrs” are the same pathetic bloke/“Mrs” claimed a big important in-house counsel job for a Fortune 500 company…yet rather than preparing for “court” which her employer is paying her to do, she’s here defending the hapless “carl”.”
I don’t think so. I think that the POINT probably is that you don’t really know shit about them, and the POINT more than likely is that “Mrs.” can manage her own time without any help from you.
Of course, when “carl” can’t find his way out of a corner he predictably resorts to vile language and insults… they’re coming, you can bank on it. -Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 9/14/06@ 11:07 am
Alcohol numbers don’t peak until about 45-50 minutes after the drink.
Good Morning Puddy, I’m trying to imagine you with a personality. 100,000 sperm to choose from, and you were the fastest? Wonders never cease. If brains were explosives, Puddy, you are not in possession of enough to blow your own nose. The more I think about you and your cronies, the less I think of you and your cronies. Puddy, don’t let your mind wander – it’s far too small to be let out on its own. I don’t know what makes you so dumb but it is really working well. Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn’t have given you worse advice, PuddyPud. And finally, one from my husband, that seems particulary appropriate in your case, He’d like to see things from your point of view but he can’t seem to get his head that far up his ass. I’m very careful of how I express my opinions of you because I want to put as much vituperation in them as possible. Look it up, Puddy.
I have court this morning. Please, by all means return the serve. If you come up with something clever, I will play further. If not, I don’t spar with unarmed opponents. Grab my attention, keep up and we can play for a while. Well, until your momma calls you in. Deal? Commentby My Left Foot— 9/14/06@ 9:06 am
Did she say 100,000 sperm? Now I know Carl wasn’t ever packing! Mrs Lawyer Grossman: The average sperm count is 100,000,000 or more How did you conceive with that number? Turkey baster?
Now we know Mrs Grossman is a lawyer. A moonbat lawyer to boot!Puddy, You got to Mrs Grossman. Good job. You give her an assist and what does she do Attack you! She can’t take on JCH. And she argues cases in court? You give her the link and she claims …? What did she claim? You head is up you ass? That’s an amazing charge, since we KNOW Carl has his head up her ass!
Survey FOX/Opinion Dynamics LV
Republican Democratic — Other/Unsure
Candidate % Candidate % REP or DEM% Dates – – -Lead
* * 38 * * * * 41 * * * * * * 21 * * * 9/12-13/06 3 D
Oh no! Real questions real poll results.