Terry Schiavo’s autopsy report is being released at this moment, and the AP has the first few details:
Terri Schiavo did not suffer any trauma prior to her 1990 collapse and her brain was about half of normal size when she died, according to results released Wednesday of an autopsy conducted on the severely brain-damaged woman.
Pinellas-Pasco Medical Examiner Jon Thogmartin concluded that there was no evidence of strangulation or other trauma leading to her collapse. He also said she did not appear to have suffered a heart attack.
“The brain weighed 615 grams, roughly half of the expected weight of a human brain. … This damage was irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons.”
The autopsy also concludes that Schiavo was blind, due to the fact that the vision centers of Schiavo’s brain were destroyed.
I’m guessing the autopsy report will settle the issue as to Schiavo’s condition… except for those people who choose to believe otherwise. For example, one “Pro-Life” blog prepared readers for the report by predicting it would be “outlandish:”
While I don’t know what the autopsy report will say, I’m going to go out on a limb here: I predict that the autopsy report will, in at least a tentative way, offer a conclusion that Terri was in a PVS.
I say this for three reasons:
Firstly (and perhaps this is just my cynicism coming out), it would fit the generally unfortunate and dishonest way that the rest of the Terri Schiavo saga has played out.
Secondly, doctors with whom I have discussed the Schiavo case share my pessimistic outlook. Dr. Peter Morin, a Boston neurologist interviewed for my March 16 NRO article, said that he anticipated “gross overstatements regarding the implications of the neuropathology.”
Yes, well… that’s the kind of open mindedness that we’ve come to expect.
This was a private, family tragedy in which cynical politicians shamelessly exploited a brain-dead woman for political advantage. Many, many people owe both Michael and Terri Schiavo an apology.
But I thought Dr Frist examined her via video and concluded with proper treatment everything would be A-OK.
Perhaps this should be the “Summer of Apologies” for the right wing. First we have the judges determination that there was no fraud in the Govenor Gregoiore’s election. Second, it turns out, strange but true, that Terri Schiavo was irreversibly, severly brain dead, just as her husband, her doctors, and the judge said. Soon we will see that of the 96 uncounted absentee votes that they break strongly for Govenor Gregoire.
Heck, maybe we can get Bush to apologise for claiming there were WMDs and for having fixed intelligence to go to war.
But, of coure, the fun of being a wingnut is never having to say you are sorry.
What’s sick about this is that the right wingers will try to find something in this report that they can twist around to find justification for the hijacking of this tragedy for political gain. I can only hope that Karma visits each of the right wing hateriots who tried to profit from Terri’s tragedy.
Remember the main lesson of this whole thing.
Individual freedom, the sanctity of marriage and state’s rights are all important to the republicans, except when they’re not.
It was shameful the things that were said about her husband, who stood up for her right to die with dignity, and was actually living in the hospice for the last 2 weeks of her life. Last night I was in a bathroom with writing on the wall that asked why liberals wanted to kill babies. This is the kind of propaganda the rightwing spreads about liberals, with a few thanks to Ann Coulter who calls anyone who thinks for themselves to be traitors. This from the same people who don’t want to feed the starving people of the world. Someday these Repubs are going to get their due. my blog
In all honesty I cannot understand the Republican mindset. Why is it impossible to explain to these people that curbing their inclination to force everyone to think and behave as they do is not an imposition on their freedom? The mere existence of something they disapprove of seems to be an insupportable burden for these people. They are the millstone around the neck of humanity.
“The autopsy and post-mortem investigation found no proof that she had an eating disorder, as was suspected at the time, Pinellas-Pasco Medical Examiner Jon Thogmartin said.”
Interesting how you so “shamelessly” left that part out.
All Fools @ 6 Uh… and do you have a point other than the one at the top of your head?
Toothe Faere only has 1/4 of a normal sized brain. Should IT be eliminated??
All Tools: The eating disorder was prior to her brain damage. In the intervening years any evidence of an eating disorder would have dissappeared due to the nutricious sustenance that this poor woman was receiving by medical device because she was not capable of feeding herself. In other words:
What does that have to do with the price of a Buick in China?
Mr Cyn-Irr, even if it were you who was in a PVS, I would allow you to die with the dignity you have not demonstrated in life.
“The brain weighed 615 grams, roughly half of the expected weight of a human brain,” he said. “This damage was irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons.”
Bad news chard-o-neigh, your screwed!
It doesn’t seem to matter what important issues our country faces, Bush and his Republi-nazis are always on the wrong side of history.
Lied about $200,000 worth of damage done to the White House by the outgoing administration. (Uniter, not a divider?)
President Clinton told the new Bush administration that Al Qaeda will be the most important issue. (Ignored the truth)
Paid ZERO attention to a daily briefing stating Bin Laden determined to use airplanes as missiles inside the United States. (Ignored while on a month long vacation 6 months into the new job)
Cutting taxes for the wealthy (unprecedented in a time of war)
Turning President Clinton’s largest surplus in the history of the United States into the largest deficit in the history of the planet. (racketeering)
Frozen with fear while our country was under attack on 9/11. (pussy)
Said that governments were either with us, or with the terrorist, yet failed to reign in Pakistan who installed and supported the Taliban. (Flip flopper)
Failed again to go after Pakistan while A Q Kahn was spreading Pakistan’s nuclear bomb secrets to Iran, Libya and North Korea. (More waffling)
Shaping the facts to fit the policy in order to go war in Iraq. (If President Clinton got impeached for lying about getting his dick sucked in the Oval office, then surely this is an impeachable offense)
Drained military forces from the War on Terror in Afghanistan to fight his revenge war in Iraq. Claims Bin Laden and the terrorist are “on the run.” (Some how Bin Laden is still free and managed to build NEW terrorist training bases in Pakistan)
Turns out in the time frame from 200-2002, Bay View Oil out of Houston, TX gave Saddam Hussein more dollars in the oil-for-food program than all other nations combined since the inception of the program. (Wink and nod from Bush admin.)
Bay View Oil money has successfully funded much of the insurgency that is killing and wounding our troops. (treason)
Trampled the 4th amendment with the Unpatriot Act. (But don’t take away Bush’s 2nd or 5th amendment rights, he’ll need ’em)
Claims the “sanctity of marriage” to propose a constitutional amendment to exclude the granting of rights to citizens. (Unprecedented in the history of our nation.)
Ignored the “sanctity of marriage” because Terri Schiavo told her husband she didn’t want to live like a carrot, so her husband tried to fulfill that obligation. (hypocrite)
Flew from his Crawford, TX ranch to sign special legislation that only effected Terri Schiavo. (Illegal)
Now we’re supposed to believe he can fix Social Security?!?!?! (Oh, man, if it weren’t such a serious matter, and he wasn’t such a screw up, it’d be funny.)
I know I’ve left out a ton of stuff, but it paints the picture of the ‘tards being on the wrong side of history.
This is one of the few times I have to side with the liberals. The husband had final say. That’s what the I do till you die means, if you take your wedding vows seriously. The wife and I have made our pact.
So, I (gag) have (cough) to (sputter) agree with the libs on this one.
all fools @ 6
Gee, ya think that maybe that if she were allowed to pass normally they could have found the real cause of her illness. Forensic science can have its limits in a living vegetable. Bottom line here pal, is that;
a) “This (brain) damage was irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons.”
b)…found no evidence that she was strangled or otherwise abused.
c)About 40 judges in six courts were involved in the case at one point or another. Six times, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to intervene…Over the years, the Schindlers had sought independent investigation of their daughter’s condition and what caused it. Abuse complaints to state social workers were ruled unfounded and the Pinellas state attorney’s office did not turn up evidence of abuse.
Given the FACTS, we as a socity can (read, SHOULD) learn from this media diaster and effectivly communicate (verbaly AND written) our wishes when we go, cause it’s gonna happen sometime.
rename America to the United States of Denial!
PB @ 13
This is really what the abortion issue is all about. It’s not Pro Choice, it’s really about pro privacy and the ability for a woman to make a personal and private decision with her doctor and not having BIG BROTHER GOVERNMENT injecting their religious views into the matter.
I’m with puddy, but like always, tempted to side against the left just cuz their lead spokespeople (lucy) are such dummies.
GBS: What serious suggestions has your side said in response to the social security problem have been offered, except the wonderful lines from Nancy Pelosi:
“There is no Social Security crisis. We all agree that there is a problem down the road that we should address before it becomes a bigger problem. But according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, that problem doesn’t begin until the middle of this century. What we need to do is to have a fix for the middle of the century, until the end of the 21st century. We have time to do it right.
“Democrats do have a plan. Our plan is to save Social Security first, to stop the privatization of Social Security, to stop President Bush from taking money out of the Social Security trust fund and demand that he pay it back.”
Uhh Nancy, you are saying when you are dead and pushing up daisies is when the problem should be addressed? Wow, such credible thinking from dem libs. Last second liberals. Your party was in power for forty years raiding social security and nary a peep. Now you are out of power and it’s blame dem wascally Republicans? How convenient!!!
Pud @ 13
see righities, it can be done! You CAN admit to being WRONG and still survive…it wont kill you!
But on the off chance it does, should we stick a straw in your belly and waste hundreds of thousands of dollars to prove nothing, or just let ya pass?
Righton, I know the first thing that came to my mind was headless lucy is brainless lucy (0 grams), and donnageddon sits on her brains (and leaves a deposit in the toilet (at least once per day) to make room for her monthly San Francisco Treat activities on Castro street, Priscilla sometimes acts like she has no brains (excessive cursing), and other times surprises me with real brain power, David has a brain, just turns it off sometimes.
Last time I checked, the only person that spoke for me was….ME!
Pull your pud-ster @ 17
History speaks for itself. SS is not in crisis. Get the facts straight from the sources you site. Especially the inept GDP growth rate they claim until 2042. Which is only possible if Repuli-tards stay in the WH.
To demonstrate how minor of a problem this is all we need to do is raise the limit at which people stop paying into SS to $140,000.
WOW, that was a real brain teaser.
DamnageD: I never said I was wrong on this. I agreed with the Goldy position from the getgo. So how can someone be wrong when they be right? Non sequitor!
Sometimes in our zeal (right side thinkers) for right to life we go overboard. Okay. But we do feel that she could have lived as she from this autopsy didn’t seem to be in any pain. Withholding sustenance is mercy killing to many people. The parents did have the financial wherewithal to support her life and Michael Schlindler moved on to another woman and she bore his two kids. Our beef ( wife and me) was till death do us part.
GBS: Great Bull Shitter – Your side agreed with CBO that 2017 the fund starts having issues, and 2042 the fund goes broke. Read your own site materials. If the Lord delays His coming, will my sons have any SS money to get? Doubt it.
Factless lucy @ 9
If that is what the surgeon meant then wouldn’t he have said that? He said: “found no proof that she had an eating disorder, as was suspected at the time (AKA BEFORE HER LAPSE AND BRAIN DAMAGE)”
So as usual you have nothing pertainant to the conversation to add.
If you cannot comprehend simple paragraphs then you have no right cleaning up elementary kid’s urine, much less acting like you could ever teach them anything of use.
PuddlyBuddly @ 23 “Your side agreed with CBO that 2017 the fund starts having issues, and 2042 the fund goes broke”
If you would take a minute and get your head out of your ass and quit jerking off to right wing radio, you might learn something.
If the economy grows at the EXTREMELY DISMAL AND UNLIKELY rate used by the CBO to determine the solvency of SS, then
2017- The SS SURPLUS is run out.
2042 – Amounts owed to SS beneficiaries start to diminish.
And if the economy grows at the rate used by the CBO (1.5%) for the next 40 years, we will not have to worry about SS because we will all be living on dog food and dumpster dinners.
Now you may insert your head back into your ass.
Puddy @ 17
They would raise the taxable cap, not too complicated. Now if you want to talk about the crisis with Medicaid…
The fund doesn’t go broke in 2042, but you will not be able to fully fund SS at that point. However, as Paul Krugman has pointed out, with Clinton levels of growth, even that date is not hard and fast.
As for long term social security, we can do something equivalent to the Reagan/Democrat reforms of the 1980s and extend the solvency for as far as the eye can see. Heck, either get rid of the Bush tax cuts, and return to the tax levels of the 90s (you remember the 90s, when the economy was roaring?) and take care of the problem. Finally, we could lift the cap on the payroll tax to $150,000.00 a year and full fund again for as far as the eye can see. All of this with no cut to benefits. Personally, I would rather see a taxes raised on those making over $90k who have recieved great benefits from the Bush tax cuts than raising the retirement age to 69.
Back on topic, I’m glad that not everyone on the right bought into the John Carlsons of the world who insisted that the government knew better than a person’s spouse. If my wife had said that she would never want to be in that state, I would do everythign I could to enforce her desires. Over the years, I hope I could move on, but I would not abandon her wishes. I think that is what Michael Schiavo did.
Cynical: Come on, it isn’t that hard, repeat after me: “I’m sorry that I let people on the right lead me astray and put my political ideologies in front of a person’s wishes and her husband’s attempt to see that her wishes be fufilled. I know that these are decisions that are best made by a person, not the government. I am proud of the courts for not being activist and upholding the law.”
See, it wasn’t that hard. If you need help with Judge Bridgs’ ruling or after it turns out that the minnow’s current quixotic charge uncovers more votes for Govenor Gregoire, let me know.
It’s time for your shift to go hold up that Alaskan Way Viaduct. If it falls over, YOU are responsible along with the other LEFTIST PINHEADS who have pissed away hundreds of millions of transportation dollars on endless planning, process and bureaucracy. Round up a flock of unwashed fake hippies to help you hold the damn thing up. Your my hero!
The whole Schiavo charade was part of the longstanding rightwing assault on the judiciary. The rightwing campaigns relentlessly to get Americans to lack faith in our own civil liberties and our judicial system. The rightwingers know that if they can bring down the independent judiciary, they can snuff out those nasty little individual rights that prevent them from stuffing delusional notions like creationism and an expanded Patriot Act down our throats. I just read a quote from Earl Warren that is somewhat on point: “It would be ironic indeed if, in the name of national defense, we would sanction the subversion of those liberties . . . which make the defense of the Nation worthwhile.” I doubt that Bush and his buddies recognize the irony.
Donnageddondingleberry: Glad to see you knew my head was up my ass. Why were you there? Tired of people checking out your head in your ass? Damn, I wondered what that itch was! I kept feeling I had a turd to let.
They also now estimate that by 2017 the system will not be taking in enough in payroll taxes to pay all benefits promised and will need to tap the special-issue bonds that make up its trust fund. That date was moved up from 2018.
If you look at the last 5 years: $94.5 billion in fiscal 2000, $98.7 billion in 2001, $89 billion in 2002, $82 billion in fiscal 2003, and approximately $71 billion in fiscal 2004 that just ended September 30th for a grand five year total of $435 billion. The Social Security trust funds (Federal Old Age & Survivors Insurance and Federal Disability Insurance that we normally think of as one trust fund,) now stands at $1.6 trillion and change, 22.2 percent of the national debt.
How much of that was GWB? – 1.600 Trillion – 2002 & 2003 & 2004 (242 Billion)=1.358 Tillion. So it looks like it was there before GWB arrived. He just wants to fix it.
Here is a good site to look at:
http://www.uncle-scam.com/Deficits/a-main.html. He treats Bush and Clinton the same.
” ‘All you need to know about the Democrat Party is we will defend abortion to the death, and the Republicans are mean, nasty people that want to starve old people and poison kids.’
That pretty much sums it up.
All I can say is the country will continue to be a better place to live if Howard Dean keeps calling us stupid, white, Christian morons who’ve never held an honest job. It will only ensure that the closest that Democrats get to seats of power is through the Capitol tours.” –Duane Patterson ++
“[I]f the Democrat Party is supposedly so diverse, why is the Democrat Party leadership apparently homogenously white? I mean the Democrat Party looks like an antebellum plantation from 150 years ago. You got the big, white owner and the white family in the big house, and thousands of black workers in the fields. Where’s the Democrats’ answer to a figure like Condoleezza Rice?” –Mark Steyn
…snicker… Maxine Waters?? Al Shartpton??
All tools: You’re making unfounded out of context assumptions about what the surgeon meant. If a car crashed because of brake failure and as an aside the investigator said he couldn’t find any evidence of the engine misfiring, what assumptions could you make about the brakes in relation to that remark. NOTHING…. You’re well of ignorance is so deep that if a person were (figuratively speaking)to drop a pebble into it, they’d never hear a splash.
Why the change of topic?
Comment on 30
The issue is not whether the system need be fixed, but how to fix it. Bush’s proposal, which was big on concept (so to speak) but short on details, was essentially to privatize the system. He had no plan initially to address Social Security budgetary shortfalls, but instead hyped the “crisis” by citing the shortfall over an infinite horizon, which is disingenuous at best.
Now, look at the other two “success” stories of retirement pension privitization: the UK and Chile — disasters both. What little we do know of the substance of the Bush proposal shows it to be little better than either of these. Just put your faith in the markets and all will be well.
Therein lies the Catch-22, as Paul Krugman pointed out a couple of months ago: Bush’s plan would assume an annual rate of return on stock investments of 6.5 to 7% (after inflation) for the next 75 years; the economic growth necessary for such returns, however, would generate more than sufficient tax revenues to fund Social Security for that period.
So, the “crisis” was dishonestly presented — that’s the problem.
PuddingBrains @ 23 “Your side agreed with CBO that 2017 the fund starts having issues, and 2042 the fund goes broke.â€
PuddingBrain @ 30 Did you read that CNN article you linked? It says “In their 2004 report, the trustees estimated the trust fund would be exhausted in 2042†That is the trust fund, NOT SS going broke you small minded turd! And that confirms everything I SAID. SS NEVER GOES BROKE!
Also from the same CNN link
“Four of the six Social Security trustees are members of the president’s administration, who are appointed because of their position in the federal government: They are: John Snow, treasury secretary; Elaine Chao, labor secretary; Mike Leavitt, secretary of health and human services; and Jo Anne B. Barnhart, commissioner of Social Security.
In addition, there are two outside trustees appointed by the president: economists John Palmer, and Thomas R. Saving, who also served on the president’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security. “
Also from the same article “At issue are when and how to make the system solvent and whether to add individual investment accounts, which President Bush favors. The accounts, however, do not aid solvency. “
Bush is not interested in “saving†SS He is interested in DESTROYING SS and at the same time giving a big payoff to Wall Street.
All that is need to save SS is to gt the fucking R’s out of power, get rid of that economy destroying TAX cut for the wealthy, and eliminate the FICA threshold.
Pud, what’s your point re: the fact that Congress has been using the SS Trust fund for other things before Bush asended to the throne? Is that actually in question?
The fact of the matter is in 1983 a highly regressive tax was levied on the middle class in order to “pre-pay” for the expense of the Baby Boomers retiring. That tax has been in effect now for 20+ years, primarily on the backs of lower and middle-income workers. Rather than allowing that extra money to sit in an account and earn interest, Congress decided to BORROW the money to pay for other programs. That BORROWED money is guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the United States, i.e. the safest investment in the world. But Bush wants to pretend that that money doesn’t need to be paid back. The 2017 date is completely irrelevant if the US is serious about honoring its debt.
Maybe, possibly, if the most pessimistic assumptions come true, the trust fund will be completely exhausted in 2041 or so. At that point, retirees would be able to get ~70% of their promised benefits. But chances are pretty good that that date will move further out in the future. So where’s the crisis? Why is SS in need of immediate and radical “reform” (aka Bush getting rid of it)? Medicare (which was made significantly more burdensome by Bush’s drug company giveaway) is where the real problem lies.
Why assume that privatized SS funds would be best administered and invested by Wall Street interests? The unions have a better record with safely administering retirement funds. If union members SS money were administered by the unions, I would have no objection to the plan. Is there any reason, Puddwhaker and Wipeoff, why you would be against that?
The only thing the autopsy proves positively is that poor Terri, in the last years of life before her judicial execution, was a LIBERAL: BRAIN DEAD and BLIND
(Dumber than Patty Murray) lucy @ 31
No it’s more like the husband saying that the accident was caused by bad brakes. However when a mechanic looks at it he says the brakes are in good working order so it must have been something else other than what the “loving” husband claimed.
Whatever though, it’s not worth arguing with someone who stares at the sun all day and then says it doesn’t exist.
All Fools @ 37 It was DOCTORS who theorized an eating disorder based on a low potassium level in her blood. Why in any account can you attempt to attribute any blame to the husband?
Have you NO decency?
The following is a post by Media Matters when Joe Scarborough interviewed Dr. Ronald Cranford. This pretty much sums up the whole Schivo affair and the reality based community (it even has a video). Poor Joey got his head handed to him:
The CAT scan is out there. It shows severe atrophy of the brain. The autopsy is going to show severe atrophy of the brain. And you’re asking me if a CAT scan was done? How could you possibly be so stupid?
The interview was 3 months ago!
Don-A-Sputter @ 38
“Have you NO decency?”
Guess not since I am so evil as to believe that life is a special gift that should be treated as such.
But ogg @ 39, Scarborough (and Hannity, O’Reilly, the usual bunch of liars) interviewed a “Noble Prize nominated Doctor who proclaimed he could cure Terri! They even mentioned over and over again that this was a “Noble Prize nominated” Doctor. Actually he was NOT noinated for a Nobel Prize. But the truth never worried the enough to find it.
Donnageddon “Noble Prize nominated blogger
I agree that Frist, et al, exploiting her situation for political gain was disgusting. No doctor in his right mind would make a diagnosis based on what he saw in a video. As evidenced by the leaked memo, he didn’t give two shits about her, but only about political gain. It is however, possible to think it was wrong to disconnect the feeding tube without being a right wing freako-Nazi or something. First, Michael Schiavo had a financial stake in his wife’s demise. He stood to inherit the remainder of the medical malpractice award, well over $1 million, upon her death. In the real world, that’s called a “conflict of interest.” The ultimate decision should have been made by a disinterested third party, but as I understand, he refused to allow one to be appointed.
Second, she wasn’t on “life support” as has been claimed. She was being fed via a tube. Food and water, regardless of how delivered, are not “life support,” but basic medical care. Treatment for infections – that he denied/tried to deny on several occasions – is basic medical care. As to Michael’s claim that “she said she wouldn’t want to live like that,” that was an oral statement made one time by her, possibly taken out of context. Even if not, everyone has probably said that at one time or another. If that truly was her wish, then she should have done an advance directive. Plus, the guy had taken up with another woman after his wife’s collapse. That’s understandable, but if you don’t want to put in the hard work to care for her, then divorce her and let her parents do whatever they will with her.
The truly frightening scenario I envision is when HMOs say that they’re not going to pay for tube feeding. Or that they won’t pay for expensive cancer treatments, but they will pay for assisted suicide. Anyone who thinks it won’t happen needs only to look at the Netherlands and what kind of mess they are in with their “death with dignity” laws. If, however, these practices don’t become legitimized, then we have less reason to fear.
So All Fools, life is so special you have no trouble with it being snuffed out by the hundreds of thousands by Shrub in Iraq? You gonna keep every brain dead person on life support? Forever? Don’t give me that “life is so special” crap.
Comment on 2
“Perhaps this should be the ‘Summer of Apologies’ for the right wing.”
Nah. Let’s just burn ’em at the stake.
Comment on 13
Don’t feel bad about choking, Puddybud. Lots of sports stars do it, too. We can’t all be power hitters in clutch situations.
See Puddy — even Wrongon can spit it out without choking. There’s hope for you.
I’m at a loss to understand your reply, since nothing you wrote has anything to do what I have posted. I take this to mean you have absolutely no response, and just fired that off so you didn’t have to admit that I was right.
I am glad that you know how to use the caps lock key. You can always tell an intelligent poster because of their fondness for the caps lock key. Bravo!
So, take a deep breath, and if you have nothing to say, just thank me for putting you straight and move on. Here, to make it easy, I’ll type it for you and you can just cut and paste it.
“I am sorry that I’ve wasted time with my PINHEAD STUPID RIGHT WING RANTS that have no basis in fact. I will, from now one, try to think BEFORE I TYPE. I might even try to TYPE SOMETHING THAT isn’t just and insult next time. WHILE I REALISE that at the minnow’s board PEOPLE CAN GET away with not having any facts, I DO UNDERSTAND THAT most of the time, it is best to know something BEFORE YOU TYPE.
“THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP!!!! I am humbled that you have taken the time to speak to a person WHO SO OFTEN HAS SO LITTLE to say.
“–Mr. Cynical”
Reply to 17
Pelosi is right — there is no Social Security crisis. If nothing is done, future beneficiaries will receive higher benefits than today’s recipients, after adjusting for inflation. The only “crisis” is that under the more pessimistic economic projections, the benefits would fall short of what’s been promised.
Doing nothing is infinitely better than Bush’s plan, which would create $11 trillion of new deficits with the potential of leaving future retirees MUCH WORSE OFF because they will be vulnerable to market swings.
Sometimes it’s better to leave well enough alone. Since the R’s can’t do any better than this, this is one of those times.
Reply to 22
“Sometimes in our zeal (right side thinkers) for right to life we go overboard.”
Really? Where was that zeal when Shrub invaded Iraq? 1700 U.S. dead and counting …
Dick @42
As to Michael Schiavo not allowing a disinterested third party to make the decision…he did. The court system. And it ruled again and again and again that Terri’s wishes were to not be kept alive in that manner.
I’m curious about the distinction between “life support” and “basic medical care”. A respirator is pumping necessary oxygen into a body which otherwise wouldn’t get it. How does that differ from a feeding tube?
As for your final fear about HMOs saying they won’t be paying for feeding tubes, just look at Texas’s law that allows hospitals to deny such care if patients can’t pay for it. Mr. Compassionate Bush signed the law which allows poor babies to be ripped from life support, but he’d have us believe he’s promoting a “culture of life” by insisting a vegetative woman be kept alive against her wishes.
Boy, Mark Fuhrman timed his book release pretty badly:
I don’t think there’s any truth to the rumor that his next book will be, “Forever Cursed: Why the Boston Red Sox Will Not Win the 2004 World Series.”
Reply to 23
You make it sound like SS will simply stop in 2042. That’s utter bullshit. The SS fund doesn’t “go broke” in that sense in 2042 — or ever. That’s only the date when (depending on which set of economic projections and actuarial estimates you use) the SS Trust Fund will be exhausted. There will still be revenue coming in from the SS tax, which will be sufficient to pay 75% of promised benefits. And because SS benefits increase faster than inflation, those benefits will be higher in relative purchasing power than today’s benefits.
I’m back Puddybud. What a stupid name! Did you get that moniker because you can’t stop being buds with your pud? Do you need to have your hand surgically removed from your tiny penis? Again?
You got some (metaphorical) balls calling me the Great Bull Shitter.
You’re inept post with all their lies were quickly and completely dismantled. You see, when you shed the light of truth on pure evil it is sent scurrying like the cockroaches in your kitchen when you flick the light on at night. Why don’t you and the rest of your kind just finally admit that you HATE America! You HATE democracy! What you want is a one-party theocracy called Ameri-Ka.
You Bin Laden lovin’ piece of dog shit.
GBS @ 55 What You Said!
The real irony of this debate is Bush keeps saying SS will go broke in 2042 based on shitty economic projections. Then he was going around saying that he’s going to cut the deficit in half. Using another set of rosier economic projections! Based on the projections Bush is using to cut the deficit there won’t be an SS funding problem.
So, which lie is it Mr. Bush? We have a SS crisis, or halving the deficit?
Such utter bullshit.
SF Treat Donnageddon: Still using those 1984 computer copying skills, eh? What part of the Social Security puzzle do you not understand? Even skinny said in his response below you that the people would be getting reduced benefits, something your puny mind just can’t seem to understand, dufusette! The Trust Fund is “where the IOUs get placed for the funds removed by Congress to spend on pork”! HAs please help donnageddondingleberry. She doesn’t comprehend how SS works. http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/ProgData/funds.html
Maybe these will help you d-dingleberry: http://www.heritage.org/Resear...../em940.cfm
http://www.libertyhaven.com/po.....cial.shtml Focus on the last sentence
Dingleberry: I submit this last web site to you because there are some pretty flash events that could distract your little mind! http://home.flash.net/~bob001/ss.htm
Why did you skip over this, selective use of copy? “There is no painless way to solve Social Security’s solvency problems,” said Ron Gebhardtsbauer, senior pension fellow at the American Academy of Actuaries, in a statement. The solution, he noted, will require reductions in benefits, increases in taxes or some combination of the two.”
Well Bush doesn’t want to raise taxes on the little guy, but all on your side only see tax increases. I thought that would be part of your argument. Hmmm… So tax increases are out of the question by democraps? Wow a change of heart.
Skinny: You wrote: The fact of the matter is in 1983 a highly regressive tax was levied on the middle class in order to “pre-pay” for the expense of the Baby Boomers retiring. Who was in charge of Congress placing regressive taxes on the poor masses? Democraps! Another Nuff Said there.
Brainless: I can’t speak to union adminsitered pension plans. I have no idea about them. I can’t argue for or against.
@ 57, and if the economic projections used to claim that SS will be underfunded by 2042, the very last place you will want your retirement money is in a privatized account in the Stock MArket!
You know another stupid thing bush said re: SS is that the SS trust fund was full of worthless IOU’s.
It’s full of US Treasury Bills. The very same thing that is funding his out of control deficit spending. Now when the President of the US says T-Bills are worthless, why should the officers of central banks around the world risk their capital investing in the US?
And, why does he own $5.9 million dollars worth of T-Bills? If they’re so worthless I’d be happy to give him 10 cents of the dollar for his “worthless IOUs!”
I repeat: Is there anyone who would be against unions administering the SS funds of union members if the privatization gets passed and why not? The Christo/Fascist nazis who hate the real Jesus have not tackled that question. So, I’ve asked it again. The unions have a better record handling retirement funds than the private financial sector, so they should be in charge of union members privatized funds. It’s only logical. You want what’s best for people, don’t you? I’ll tell you what, you put Ken Lay in charge of your money and I’ll put the unions in charge of mine! And I’ll be laughing my ass off at you in30 years.
Great Bull Shitter, I am not a Bin Laden lover. If you look at my blog emails, I hate Bin Laden more than you do. I have stated it many times on asseshorse. Where is your proof?
My links are being validated by Goldy’s bloggerator. I used some lefty sites to prove the “trust fund” moniker was started by your side and how in 1983, the IOUs were started by the Democraps and that there is no money in the fund. We’ll see once you read dem. When the fund says it is going broke, it means that the existing funds are gone.
Nancy Pelosi said: The plan for solvency is to stop robbing Social Security of its money for other purposes. The plan is to return the money back to the trust fund, as President Clinton did when he was president.
In the Clinton years — the closing years of the Clinton administration, there were three years of no deficit, zero deficit.
PELOSI: And with the surpluses that were created, President Clinton was able to put nearly $400 billion back into Social Security. It’s an issue of solvency.
Well Nancy likes to talk about the system solvency and the money Clinton gave back to SS, Great Bull Shitter. Now the truth!
Well, in 2000 Supposed Surplus $236.9 Billion
Where it came from
Income taxes Overcharges (on budget) $87.1 Billion
Entitlement Overcharges (off budget) $149.8 Billion
What are these Entitlements
Social Security Funds from Taxes $95.4 Billion
All Other Entitlements (Medicare, etc) $54.4 Billion
Well, in 2001 Supposed Surplus $127.2 Billion
Where it came from
Income taxes Overcharges (on budget) -$33.5 Billion
Entitlement Overcharges (off budget) $149.8 Billion
What are these Entitlements
Social Security Funds from Taxes $98.7 Billion
All Other Entitlements (Medicare, etc) $62.0 Billion
After fiscal 2000, Clinton, Gore, and most democrats, were eager to brag about the greatest surplus in U.S. History and how they used much of it to pay down the national debt. So this magical crap Pelosi and your buddies like to spew is LIES, DAMNABLE LIES!
http://www.uncle-scam.com/Laun.....-main.html is a good site. “Since 1998 (Clinton Balnced Budget?), the federal government has been moving debt from one side of the national debt to the other side. From the honest Investor side of the debt to the dishonest Entitlement theft side.” He accurately potrays the extra debt that Bush did incur but he debunks this balanced budget garbage you HAs love to discuss.
I hope this helps even more.
Limp Dick @ 44
So how the weather on planet Denial?
” First, Michael Schiavo had a financial stake in his wife’s demise. He stood to inherit the remainder of the medical malpractice award, well over $1 million, upon her death.”
Do your research! That mystery money went directly to pay of the care recieved while “alive”. The courts worked with the husband on this matter.
“As to Michael’s claim that “she said she wouldn’t want to live like that,” that was an oral statement made one time by her, possibly taken out of context.”
How many friggen courts and judges need to tell you folks that communication like that IS acceptable?!? “40 judges in six courts were involved in the case at one point or another. Six times, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to intervene” Why can folks NOT get over this fact? My wife and I have had these talks between ourselves and i’ll be damned if you FOOLS dont waht to believe me or her if the tables were turned!!
How about this…
“exploiting her situation for political gain was disgusting…at least your close, lets not forget the media circus, and the extreme idiots camped out around the care center, and all the people making $$$ off them. The disgust runs deep to the core!
And as far as your fear of your HMO…get a LIVING WILL! Has anyone figured this out?
Goldy, please post my earlier answer to GBS with the other links.
Thank you
No pud, your bullshit only resonates with facist, neocon bin laden lovin’, America hatin’, right-wing whacko nut jobs like yourself.
Clinton is far and away a superior president to Bush, Bush Sr. or Reagan. He created more jobs, a better economy and paid off the deficit Bush Sr and Regan ran up.
Not only did Democrats rightfully brag about the surplus, your own dumb ass leader used it on the campaign trail a thousand times when he ran for president in 2000. Remember when he said of the surplus “it’s your money, you should get it back.” Even Greenspan acknowledged the Clinton generated surplus. You dolt.
So, where you in the Army or the Marines?
What do you want, more planning? Or is it finally time to tear the damn thing down and build something? Apparently not, according to you.
PudllyBudlly @ 61 I started to analyze what you posted for a smack-down rebuttal.
Until it dawned on me. You haven’t got the foggiest idea what you are rambling about!! There is not a shred of … anything to hold on to. Just a rambling ,irrational, seemingly random collection of letters and punctuation points.
Can you try to focus and state what yoou are trying to say in sa cohrent fachion? Maybe a small paragraph and some bullet points.
“life is a special gift that should be treated as such”
except when bombing babies in Iraq.
I wonder if stem cell research will allow new neurons to be grown in the future? And if this can happen, will it be able to help people with conditions like Terri Schiavo had? Or people with Mad Cow disease or Alzheimer’s? Certainly didn’t seem to be much hope for Terri with current medical technology. But she still had half her brain tissue left, and most people use less than 10% of their brains. And people can go a long ways on half a brain … But if you have nearly all the neurons missing in important sections, that is obviously a different story.
pud @ 61
you really stepped in it. Since 1983 when the additional levy was applied, Clinton is the ONLY President to use that money to pay off public debt. And even he only did it with his last two budgets. The yearly budget was balanced, and there were a couple hundred billion left over, which were applied to the debt as originally intended.
Conversely, Bush is by FAR the most profligate spender of those SS levies. They should amount to roughly a TRILLION dollars misallocated to yearly budgets instead of SS. And now Bush would like to relieve himself of the burden of paying that money back–and put it on wage-earning Americans. What a fucker.
RP @ 68 “most people use less than 10% of their brains” all obvious jokes aside, this is an urban legend.
This is what I love about this blog, slappin’ down American hatin’, Bin Laden lovin’ right-wing nut jobs like pud puller.
Nice job Torrrid Joe
I volunteer enlisted and joined the military eventhough my classification was 4F due to two small birth defects and my date number < 110. I went in on Navy scholarship, and I joined anyway. In college severly broke my right knee playing basketball. Lost major amount of cartilage and the Navy suggested I scrub out, as it injury severely hampered my mobility. I was selected was destined for the nuclear submarine program and was looking forward to it. See the world from underwater! So now you know. Made many friends in school from Vietnam war vets who admired my zeal to join after being classified 4F. My sister and husband are retired Navy and it was paying the bills in college. Pudster
Which branch?
First of all, Terri Schiavo didn’t get $1 million. It was $700,000, and her husband got a separate award of $300,000 for loss of consortium. I don’t know whether that was before or after attorney fees, but attorneys usually get 30% to 40% in a successful tort case (they get nothing if they lose).
Seondly, Michael Schiavo stood to inherit virtually nothing. For crying out loud, how long do you think it takes to spend 700K when the patient is in a PVS and requires round-the-clock nursing home care? Not to mention the extensive tests, consultations, therapies, and 10 years of legal expenses.
Thirdly, you’ve twisted the money issue until it’s ass backwards. It’s the Schindlers who wanted money, and got ugly when Michael refused to split his LOC award with them. He had no obligation to do so. That money, too, is gone; spent on Terri’s care, and to support Michael during the years he couldn’t work because he was taking care of her. He had expenses traveling across the country to consult with specialists, and his own legal expenses.
I’m not afraid of an HMO pulling the tubes if I’m ever in a condition like Terri’s. I won’t be aware of it, because I will be dead, as Terri was dead. What frightens me is that I might not be completely gone as she was, there might be just enough conscious awareness left to be aware of my hellish, tortured existence — and a gang of total strangers driven by religious zealotry (their religion, not my religion) barges in and demands that I continue to exist like that for years or decades to come. THAT is frightening.
PuddlyBuddly @ 72, and you made it through even before the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy!
According to your medical records, which I obtained through a contact in the Homeland Security Department, the “two small birth defects” were:
No brain
No balls
You’re killin’ me today Donnageddon! LOL
Another zinger RR. You two ought to take this on the road.
“But she still had half her brain tissue left, and most people use less than 10% of their brains.”
You are mistaken. “Most” people are not Republicans. Only half the people use less than 10% of their brains.
Which branch of the service did you serve, Puddy????
You know what? my crap detector is starting to go off. I think Puddy might have served with the Taliban
Apparently the bloggerator does not like less than signs. I have had four messages partially of fully destroyed by this madness. I wrote how I joined etc. but not going to write that again.
Oh yes, donnadingle et. al., I do know what I am saying; it’s your side that hates Bush so much that when SS experts analyzed the words of Clinton-Gore, there was no paydown of the debt OR PLACING MONEY INTO SS. What is it about you all, can’t read the pretty charts because it shows something that is not true? It was and still is a shell game started by your side and continued unfortunately by our side. In 2042 the “trust fund” no longer has money. Everyone has to see their benefits reduced as the money coming in will only sustain 75% payout. That’s what I said. The fund is broke, and it is only sustained by incoming SS taxes taken out of our children.
Torridjoe: Why didn’t you give credit to Ed Henry for your last paragraph. And also why didn’t you use Ed Henry to prove thae Clinton Surplus was a lie? Is this more selective quoting from the HA side? If you are going to paraphrase excerpt his work, at least give him credit!http://www.thepriceofliberty.o...../henry.htm
Yep, the crap detector is pegged. Puddy is either a pinko commie or an al qaeda operative, or possibly both.
PuddlyBuddly Puddin’ Brains @ 81
Even when the links you yourself post prove you are full of shit, you refuse to see it. Theonly way SS is in danger is if the fucking repugs steal the money, and implode the economy.
Take a minute, and actually READ the crap you are linking to. It may be a lot of fun, but it is not good sport to keep pulling the pins out of the hand gernades you throw and then tossing them back at you.
“Everyone has to see their benefits reduced as the money coming in will only sustain 75% payout. That’s what I said.”
No, Puddy, that’s not what you said.
Here is what you said: “If the Lord delays His coming, will my sons have any SS money to get? Doubt it.”
Donnageddon @ 83. Tossing their grenades back at them is great sport, and great fun. Win-win. The bottom line is I don’t trust Republi-nazis enough to click on their links. I’ll probably end up at Mayor Jim West’s personal web site depicting unspeakable acts with boy scouts, or sheep.
No thanks. I know the truth. Hell, I lived to see what good can become of the economy when Dem’s are running the WH. And, I’ve seen what happens when dip shits like Repuli-nazis are in charge. Since 1980 we’ve had 3 Republi-nazi as presidents and each one had at least one recession. Two of them were severe contractions of the economy. Clinton recessions: Zero. That’s all you really need to know.
Arrogant Rabbit @ 67
“life is a special gift that should be treated as such” – me
“except when bombing babies in Iraq.” – you
I’m sorry babies are meant to be aborted not bombed, now I got it.
All Fools @ 86
If you have any evidence of even ONE SINGLE baby being aborted, I will eat your shorts.
Nothing in the Bible says you have to bomb the ones that aren’t aborted. Why do you guys do it?
Donn-a-stupidly butting in @ 87
Babies are aborted everyday in the U.S. and other countries, what exactly are you looking for?
Any evidence for the claim of ANY baby being aborted, All Fools. You seem so sure, it should be easy!
Gutted Rabbit @ 88
That is one of the most stupid comments I’ve ever heard. Innocent die all the time, not to say that is right but they die in car wrecks, drowning, climbing accidents, as well as cross-fire/ bombings.
Abortion is no accidental death of the innocent, so what is your excuse?
Donnageddon @ 90
I know plenty who have had abortions of babies (aka living fetuses.) What do you want a list of their names?
Checking uSP today, I see SS is silent about Schiavo, but he calls Huennekens an “idiot” and bleats about KC looking for a new Elections Superintendent now instead of waiting until David Irons is elected County Executive.
OK Stefan, answer me this: Who’s supposed to run said election, “the idiot?” I suspect you haven’t thought this through completely.
I’m also slack-jawed at your blithe assumption that a Republican will be elected to run the county that gave 65.4% of its vote to Kerry and 65.1% to Murray. Where is Irons going to find all the votes you think he’ll get?
You aren’t planning to stuff the ballot box, are you? Well — are you?
Living fetuses. Bingo. Not a single baby has ever been aborted in this ocuntry or any country. Thuys your post @ 86 was a lie.
But then that is not surprising, almost all your posts are lies.
Donn-a-Hypocricy @ 94
It’s living and concious that is what matters, you aredoing nothing more than trying to justify murder. You are rationalizing what you attack others for.
It is a mass of tissue, you idiot! And it is no more murder than having your appendix out is. If abortion is murder then every single sexually active female is a murderer because sopontaneous abortions happen all the time when an embryo or fetus is aborted and flushed down the toilet.
You gonna arrest a pregnant woman who slips on the stairs? Charge her with manslaughter?
No you ain’t, because you are a hypocrit to the bones.
That is a natural process, not an intentional act you stupid ass.
Natural process? What? Slipping on the stairs and aborting a fetus is a natural process? Are you insane?
Acoording to this clinic they perform abortions upto 24 weeks of the fetus development.
Acording to this study the brain starts forming at 20 weeks (consiousness is gained)
It is not intentional that is my point, when was the last time you heard someone say “woops I accidentaly got an abortion.”
Perhaps I’ve been too hasty in my judgment of Senator and cat murderer Frist’s video diagnosis. An alternative theory:
Happens every day All Fools. And manslaughter does not require intent, you moron.
Intent makes it first degree murder though.
Acording to this study the brain starts forming at 20 weeks (consiousness is gained)
So any amount of brain equals consciousness?
Another TJ @ 104
Obviously it is not always true, take Don for instance.
Jesus, All Fools @ 103 Reread the posts from the beginning, I am not gonna hold your hand through this discussion. You are going to have to do some work yourself.
It’s none of your fucking business. Like Terri’s case, it’s a private matter between a doctor and a woman for her to make a personal decision without the intrusion of religious zealots.
Living fetuses. Bingo. Not a single baby has ever been aborted in this ocuntry or any country. Thuys your post @ 86 was a lie.
But then that is not surprising, almost all your posts are lies.
Comment by Donnageddon— 6/15/05 @ 4:54 pm
Nice try you disengenous ass:
He was a
living fetus until
assholes like you,
And I have no doubt you are celebrating the Kansas abortionist accused of eating the fetuses he aborted.
Enjoy your dinner you culture of death minions
Oh, and the intrusion of BIG BROTHER into our personal lives. Whatever happened to less government is best government?
Obviously it is not always true
Which of your two positions on this question will you advocate next?
It is upto me wether I kill another human being. Likewise it is upto a mother wether she kills her offspring or not, however the consequences are not equal though the crime is the same in many people’s eyes.
Whatever happened to to the socially responsable horse shit you tote?
The point you just made is purely conjecture. Get to the facts.
If your daughter is gang raped and becomes pregnant, I guess you would call her a murderer if she decided to get an abortion, huh?
All Fools @ 110 “It is upto me wether I kill another human being”
Human Being <> Fetus. Big difference. But we have been through this, you are just to dense to let one fact stay in your mind for more than 10 seconds.
Here’s your choice you heathen murderers… now go take a good look at your children and then try to look yourselves in the eyes and attempt to reconcile your love for them and the actions you not only support, but celebrate.
Sweet dreams tonight, executioners, try not to think about the faces of YOUR children on those bodies of murdered babies.
Let me repost a point that isn’t being let through.
Suppose through violent means your daughter becomes pregnant. If she elects to have an abortion she’s murderer?
Donnageddon @ 113
Fetus: a developing human from usually three months after conception to birth.
You are accepting the looser socially irresponsable defenition, where as I am accepting the morally responsable defenition.
Suppose through violent means your daughter becomes pregnant. If she elects to have an abortion she’s murderer?
Comment by GBS— 6/15/05 @ 5:35 pm
Yes. And you’re sadly deluding her if you attempt to convince her murdering her child by violent means will take away any of the pain of the violence she experienced. How could you love your child and want to put the lifelong guilt of abortion on her? You should be ashamed.
GBS @ 114
I see and understand that point, but there are other viable options such as putting the child up for adoptions. I would not attack someone for that decision if they chose to, however that is between them, their concience, and their creator.
OK Tool, thanks for proving my point.
“however that is between them, their concience, and their creator.”
Not you, or anyone else.
Is it any of your business if I kill cats, dogs, and all forms of pets and wildlife, for intruding on my property?
A moral and ethical line has to be drawn by society at some point other wise there is no order.
Gotta run. OK all you America hatin’, bin laden lovin’, right-wing nut-job whackos, I’ll be around to bitch-slap you tomorrow.
Peace, out! Except you r/w nut jobs, you know who you are.
real quick @ 118.
Not it’s not my business. Because meat taste like murder and murder tastes pretty damn good. Mmmmmmmm. Make mine rare. I’ll cut off a hunk off and ride the rest home.
Yes, if you’re breaking the law. It’s also society’s business if you stage cock fights or torture your own pets or farm animals on your own property. Also note that wildlife is the state’s property, not your property.
Use your tools @ 99
The beginning formation of a central cortex does NOT mean theres is a consciousness!
1. The state or condition of being conscious.
2. A sense of one’s personal or collective identity, including the attitudes, beliefs, and sensitivities held by or considered characteristic of an individual or group: Love of freedom runs deep in the national consciousness.
1. Special awareness or sensitivity: class consciousness; race consciousness.
2. Alertness to or concern for a particular issue or situation: a movement aimed at raising the general public’s consciousness of social injustice.
…not to be confused with conscious…
con·scious Audio pronunciation of “conscious” ( P ) Pronunciation Key (knshs)
1. Having an awareness of one’s environment and one’s own existence, sensations, and thoughts. See Synonyms at aware.
2. Mentally perceptive or alert; awake:
2. Capable of thought, will, or perception: the development of conscious life on the planet.
“It is during the second trimester (around 20 weeks) that the sulci sul·cus
n. pl. sul·ci (-k, -s)
1. A deep, narrow furrow or groove, as in an organ or tissue.
2. Any of the narrow fissures separating adjacent convolutions of the brain.
begin developing, and they significantly deepen after 28 weeks. By 40 weeks, or term, the brain is a masterpiece of architecture”
The brain begins its formation much sooner.
and as far the that “consciousness” argument goes (quote from above link)
“The elaborate ensembles of neurons, their dendritic branches, and their projective axons communicate via a myriad of connections known as synapses…The process of synapse formation probably starts in the mid or late second trimester and continues during the life of the individual.”
So what does that mean? It means all your doing is GUESSING! Kinda like with Terry…Brain dead, but people WANT to believe see was more “conscious” than she would ever be again.
rusty tool @ 124
“Is it any of your business if I kill cats, dogs, and all forms of pets and wildlife, for intruding on my property?” -you
“life is a special gift that should be treated as such” – you
How in the fuck can you preach that pro life bullshit and then show such complete disreguard for all other life?!?
You have no class, no ethics, and are a fucking damn disgrace!
And you aren’t guessing? Nobody knows for sure science is not a for sure thing, to think so is extreme arrogance and niavety given the history of science. The world use to be flat, there never use to be bacteria, and leaches use to be the cure all.
DamnageD brain @ 130
I was making a point not admitting to a crime.
sure sounded like an admission
@ 131
Funny, sure sounds to me like an admission that nobodies really sure of the facts, RIGHT? If that’s so, then the argument becomes more invalid.
The FACT is, we will never know when a in-utero fetus developes true “consciousness”. For the simple reason that a fetus cannot communicate what it remembers.
And if we use Terry as an example of “science says”…and they were right, then where does that leave your argument?
Hey Crap Detector: What is wrong with me doubting that much money will be there? Both sons will be 65 after 2050. Will there be much money to take from SS, doubt it. The 2042 starts at 75% (AARP says 70%) and it will drop as the population drops. Dipsticks, what did I say differently? Absolutely nothing. Parse till your heart is content.
Oh, and calling me a pinko-commie or a Nazi made my point in another thread. So thanks again for proving the truth about democraps and name calling.
I did read the posted links. Donnageddon reads the first two and the last two paragraphs of many documents, “Oh he made my point”, calls me a dummy, but decides not to read the posts for what they are. “Cliff Notes Donnageddon Dingleberry”. Remember she was the one that adamantly said there was no links to Al-Qaeda and Saddam. I proved her idiocy with the words right out of the mouth of Lee Hamilton, retired democrapic congressman and co-leader of the 9/11 commission. Sorry donnageddon stoopid proven again.
One post: Ponzi Shell game with the SS monies started in 1998. Ignore that one says donnadingle, doesn’t make my point.
Another post: Clinton surplus a lie from a liberal. Pelosi repeats it, it’s still a lie. Ignore that one says donnadingle, doesn’t make my point.
Another post: The “trust fund” will be depleted so we need to raise taxes, from another liberal. Ignore that one says donnadingle, doesn’t make my point.
Another post: Trustees said the money may run out of the “trust fund” sooner. Ignore that one says donnadingle, doesn’t make my point.
Another post: Even your buddy Paul Krugman says the SS trust fund will run out of money in 2052. Ignore that one says donnadingle, doesn’t make my point.
Another post: From John Tierney in the NY Times: “With the help of groups like AARP, the elderly have learned to fight for the right to retire earlier and get bigger benefits than the previous generation – all financed by making succeeding generations pay higher taxes than they ever did themselves.” Liberal Speak again! Ignore that one says donnadingle, doesn’t make my point.
Another post: 450 Economists Endorse Personal Accounts for Social Security: Ignore that one says donnadingle, doesn’t make my point.
From the Cato Institute, another post: Although there has been relatively little analysis of the economic consequences of raising or eliminating the payroll tax cap, it seems fair to assume that they would be considerable. For example, Edward Prescott, winner of the 2004 Nobel Prize in economics, has compared high-tax societies in Europe with the
United States and found that workers respond to the incentives supplied by marginal tax rates. The higher marginal tax rates in Europe clearly discourage labor. The Heritage Foundation estimates that removing the cap would reduce the rate of U.S. economic growth by 2–3 percent. Over the next 10 years, it would cost the U.S. economy nearly $136 billion in lost growth. In addition, roughly 1.1 million jobs would be lost over the next 10 years. Ignore that one says donnadingle, doesn’t make my point.
Another post: For every year that we wait, Social Security reform will cost an additional $600 billion. Ignore that one says donnadingle, doesn’t make my point.
Another post: Former president Bill Clinton laid out the very limited options for fixing the problem: raise taxes, cut benefits, or privately invest. Ignore that one says donnadingle, doesn’t make my point.
Another post: Bill Clinton about Social Security reform: “If you don’t like privatizing Social Security, and I don’t like it very much, but you want to do something to try to increase the rate of return, what are your options? Well one thing you could do is to give people one or two percent of the payroll tax, with the same options that Federal employees have with their retirement accounts; where you have three mutual funds that almost always perform as well or better than the market and a fourth option to buy government bonds, so you get the guaranteed social security return and a hundred percent safety just like you have with Social Security.” Ignore that one says donnadingle, doesn’t make my point.
how @ 110
ya know…heres a idea for you and those of you that seem to believe that not disagreeing with abortion makes us Deathmongers (like your President!!!) How about taking that anger and push our government to change the rules and availability surrounding birth control?!?
Oh, but wait, the “Christian” right wants to have the ability to REFUSE bc to those who they want…
The difference in opinion stems from my Knowledge of a higher being, and your lack of wanting to find him and be responsible for your actions in long run.
We just need to accept that God and government has given us the freedom to make choices and form opinions, wether or not they are wrong is another story. Death is the ultimate buzzer after this long test, and the instructor shows us all the answers. Don’t worry I won’t say I told you so, I’ll be the bigger man.
and here…
…and here…
all that sounds like to me is the Monty Python’s skit on “every sperm is sacred”! So ya want a nation of unwnated children? Children of the raped? Children of their parents parents?
What a load of…again…hipocritical bullshit! Welcome to the United States of Jesus!
your full of shit!
You know NOTHING of MY faith, and the place God (my God of love, not your God of Power) takes in MY life.
The hipocritism that emits from your comment is beyond logic. All you have done is prove what a true to form ass you are. So you’ll be the “bigger man”, when? Is that what your god teaches? Funny for you to try to convince me to “accept God and government”…isn’t that the problen with you “pro-lifers”…ya CANT ACCEPT what choises the government has provided?
And the true difference of “opinion” is just that!
but let me clairify;
I DO believe in a higher power
I DO respect all life
I DO believe in the right to let people do what they want with their own lives.
I’m here because of choice…I know first hand the frigility of life, I live it every day.
DamnageD @ 138
I do not accept government’s laws when it conflicts with God’s. I would guess by your comments today and in the past that you are agnostic, aithiest, or hypo-christian (aka buffet Christian).
“I DO respect all life(When it doesn’t include responsability as in caring for a child.)”
how about I simply dont buy the bastardized, placticized, televised Jesus sold in Walmart!
And if your so in tune with Gods laws, ya sure are coming across as breaking one, if not 2 of the 7 deadly sins!
(When it doesn’t include responsability as in caring for a child.)
What the fuck are you talking about?
DamnageD @ 142
Men are not perfect, I have never proclaimed I was.
What is your take on diety? and what they expect from you his/her creation?
DamnageD @ 143
I’ll say it real slow this time A-B-O-R-T-I-O-N.
Don’t like abortion, don’t have one.
Donnageddon @ 146
Do you belive that that “higher being” you believe in would approve of you destroying one of his creations? And if not then why do you support it?
Puddin’ brain @ 135
Boy, you are one long winded moron. And liar to boot. You bring up the 911 non connection of Osama and Saddam, like it was your finest moment and not the most embarrasing sequence of posts ANYONE has ever made. But I am glad you brought it up again, because it reminds everyone what a full of shit nut you are.
Oh, about the rest of your 135 post. It included a lot of “Dingleberry says to ignore that”…
Nope never saids anything of the kind. Not once, but it does help to point out again that while you may be a long winded full of shit nutcase, it also demonstrates again you are a Class A Liar.
Go ahead and privitize your SS money, Puddin’ Brain. I may give you a quater when you are living underneath the viaduct. But for the rest of us, we already know it ain’t gonna happen because it is as your own links showed, it does nothing to help SS solvency, but in fact diminishes its solvency.
But parade another 25 paragraph missive of psychotic nonsense. If it keeps you happy and amused.
DamnageD: I am a right thinking type who despises abortion, but as God gave Adam & Eve choice in the Garden, I can not force my religion upon you for that. What the woman does with her body is her choice. I feel she will be given a first class ticket to Sheol, but hey dems my thoughts. I think abortions are despicable and have killed many people who could have made wonderful contributions. But as with everything else God will decide it in the end at judgment.
All Tools: I do believe in the laws issue as you do. The abortion law of the land sucks and I and my family will not abide with it. That is my personal choice. We believe in bringing children into the world providing them a chance, not aborting them and they never have a chance!
All Fools @ 147
I am an Athiest.
Absolutely, The left talks about protecting and providing more freedom but it is all smoke and mirrors, they only care about “what’s in it for me.” I haven’t seen any proof that would lead me to believe otherwise.
No, All Fools, it is more like Quit Trying to run other people’s lives”, you fucking moron!
Don-a-WTF? @ 150
“I DO believe in a higher power” post 139
“I am an Athiest.” post 150
Ok I’m confused, but I have the feeling you are too.
Little DmanageD-ette: “Mommy, what’s prabotion?”
DamnageD: “Honey, it’s A BOR TION. Can you say abortion?”
Little DmanageD-ette: “But mommy, what IS it?”
DamnageD: “It’s when a mommy has a baby growing in her and she doesn’t want it to be there so she goes to a special doctor to take it out”
Little DmanageD-ette: “So he takes it out and the baby goes home with the mommy?”
DamnageD: “No honey, the mommy make a choice that she just doesn’t want a baby right now so the doctor fixes it so there’s no baby anymore.”
Little DmanageD-ette: “Oh mommy, don’t be silly. Everybody likes babies. Babies are so cute and they smell so good, she’s really going to take that baby home.”
DamnageD: “No dear, sometimes mommies just make a CHOICE that it’s just not a good time to have a baby because of work or school or because the baby came because something bad happened to mommmy or the mommy doesn’t have enough money for a baby”
Little DmanageD-ette: “How does that doctor do that mommy? Does he get to take the baby home?”
Little DmanageD-ette: “Mommy?”
DamnageD: ‘Um, well, um, the doctor does a procedure. Yes, that’s it he does a procedure and makes the baby go away.”
Little DmanageD-ette: “But where does it go mommy?”
DamnageD: Well, do you remember when spot the puppy laid down and didn’t get up anymore? And then we took him to the puppy doctor and he said he would take care of him and then we didn’t have him anymore? It’s like that”
Little DmanageD-ette: “So that baby goes away and stays with spot the puppy?”
Little DmanageD-ette: “Mommy…?
Little DmanageD-ette: “Mommy what if it wasn’t a good time to have me or DamnageD Jr? Would you have had a prabortion?”
DamnageD: “Honey, it’s A BOR TION. Can you say abortion?”
Little DmanageD-ette: “Yes, mommy but what if it wasn’t a good time to have me or DamnageD Jr? Would you go get a prabortion?
Mommy? sob. Mommy? I promise I won’t be inconvenient. sniff. Please don’t make me go to that doctor that will make me go away”
I think all these donks that supports late term abortion but do not support infanticide are a bunch of hypocrits. What is the difference between a 9 month old carried at full term in the womb and a 2 week old that was born 1 mont premature. I mean it only make sense to give the parent a right to kill their two week old if they had that same right just 14 days ago.
Donnageddon @ 152
Where does the line between life and convenience begin and where does it end? Who chooses for whom protecting life and freedom matters? and who chooses for whom it doesn’t?
All Fools Please check the posts again. The only one confused is yourself.
don @ 156
um… no I quoted you correctly.
All Fools, you area again confused (seems to be a permanent state with you). I never said anything about “convinience”. And I certainly will not draw lines between “life” and convinience.
Try again moron.
Really All Fools… for your own sake and to save yourself more mebarrasment. Read post 139 and then read any post I actually made. You will notice a not so subtle difference. You moron.
Donnageddon Dingleberry: I posted 14 paragraphs. I tried to write in small words and short paragraphs because in another thread you told Mr. Cynical that you were slow of mind in the reading and comprehension department.
What lies have I posted, oh yes, I just mention the direct commentary and words from democrapic leaders who make many of my points and you have no retort? It was your comments that Lee Hamilton proved to all HAs that you are a liar and your word holds no weight! In your tiny mundane experience you feel so inadequate that you project your world on others. If you are so good, please refute the posts with Republican speakers and stop with the innuendo and slander.
Who has said they were privitizing SS? No one except democrapic liberals like Alan Combes, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Chucky Schumer, Hilary Clinton, Barney Frank, John Kerry, Chucky Rangel, to name a few. Please find for me where a Republican have said “We’re Privatizing Social Security”? Why are liberals against letting people put part of their Social Security payments into private investments if they want to? Isn’t that what Billy “Bob” Clinton said in my previous post. Oh no, Bill Clinton was being honest. Can you be honest donnageddon dingleberry? Privatization of Social Security is a term coined in the democrapic caucuses of congress.
Can you agree that the main reason liberal opposition to partial private investment of Social Security payments is so virulent that it deprives democraps of control of billions of dollars that democraps have been spending from the Social Security trust fund for 22 years starting in 1983? Your side can buy a lot of votes with all sorts of giveaway programs, financed by money taken from Social Security.
I await your “pithy” response! As always, your best friend:
@ 153
Yeah, your confused alright…two different people!
I don’t play the name game
Donnageddon @ 159
I though you were posting under both names, I didn’t know the two of you were just tag teaming.
Puddin’ Brains @ 160 “in another thread you told Mr. Cynical that you were slow of mind in the reading and comprehension department.”
Puddin’ you are SOOOO CUTE when you are lying!
Donna @ 159
Don’t confuse fools…at least give him the right post # to reference. Lord knows we dont need people thinking that one person is using multiple names at once!
All Fools that is because like Puddin’ Brains, you cannot read with any comprehension. I will have to take all your posts with a grain of salt from now on.
…as for Damnaged I haven’t heard a response to: Do you belive that that “higher being” you believe in would approve of you destroying one of his creations? And if not then why do you support it?
I would honestly like to hear what you believe.
Donnageddon @ 165
Why not I always do it with yours.
DamnageD @ 164, it was All Fools who quoted “me” at 139 and 150.
Tools: DamnageD believes in a higher power, donnageddon dingleberry does not, she be an athiest. That’s why DamnageD’s thoughts aspire us righties to think and respond at a higher thought level. Donnageddon Dingleberry posts can be responded to by anyone with any intellectual level. We have to mentally thing like an elementary school person to comprehend her psychobabble. Notice how she, when caught with her tongue between her own legs, with her knuckles scraping the ground as she lumbers along, starting saying things that no one on our side has said. That’s why she can be so readily confused with facts from liberals. She can’t fathom their truths because she has been indoctrinated by whomever blows her way. Today, the Tooth Faery, tomorrow Thomas Trainwinder.
Yes All Fools, but at least I do not take on a conversation with two different people and think I am taking to one. It really kinda destroys your credability.
Puddin’ Brain @ 69 “starting saying things that no one on our side has said”
Damn you are just relentless with the lies tonight! Some naughty boy is going to go to hell for lying!
Donnageddon @ 170
You change screen names more than most people change socks, plus you were both ranting and ignoring common sense.
169 not 69 please forgive my error
All Fools, I have NEVER changed my name on this blog.
If you have evidence to the contrary post it, or quit lying!
And All Fools, any idiot can have common sense, it take a little more thought to actually “reason”.
Donnageddon Dingleberry: Please show me where a Republican has said “We’re Privatizing SS”. You said: “Go ahead and privitize your SS money”. Who said I was going to do that? Is it another knee-jerk reaction from you again? Let me give you an example: As a self-employed businessman, I pay the full 12.4% every time I pay myself. I see the $$$ going out and I wonder how much I will see when I retire. I pay that wonderful B&O tax too. I asked you some simple questions in my #160 post. I saved people the need to read all the links and I condensed it in #135 to small paragraphs.
I await your response again.
tools @ 144
My take on Diety is more than i’d like to type here, but simply that a higher power than ourselves exists…and that higer power will guide us, embrace us and FORGIVE us.
What do “they expect”? Maybe, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Maybe, love unconditionally. Maybe follow basic laws of virute.
Truly Puddin’ Brain, I have nightmares like this. It starts with a man with his finger up his nose telling everyone “the sky is green..” He seems to have no shame about it. He just keeps saying “the sky is green..”
This is analogous to your post at 176.
You ask “show me where a Republican has said “We’re Privatizing SS”
Answer: President Bush (albeit YOUR characterization is incomplete) Please have someone read the Shrubs SS stump speaches to you sometime, you will be shocked! And a little embarrased for asking me that question.
You also state “I pay that wonderful B&O tax too.” You should be proud! I mean, you do agree that you need to pay taxes, right? I mean you are a businessman, you know how things work, right?
You should also feel privilaged Puddin’ Brain, I rarely waste my time responding to such idiocy.
Maybe, love unconditionally. Maybe follow basic laws of virute.
Comment by DamnageD— 6/15/05 @ 8:18 pm
Yessirree bob, murdering babies fits right into THAT philosophy! Isn’t baby execution just oh so VIRTOUS.
And don’t give us that BS that YOU would never abort, YOU CONDONE IT, YOU ENCOURAGE IT.
Man, what a great human being you are … so smug in your virtue, as self delusioned it may be.
tools @ 166
How about some paients buddy? I have more to do that hover around here.
Listen, i’m not gonna play this game here and get sucked into some word play trap. I’ve stated my beliefs as far as I choose to here. There isn’t likely a single living soul in the rock that has never “destroyed one of Gods creations”…ever pull a weed? Cut down a tree? Kill ANY living thing? So dont patronize me with that crap…you and everyone else that reads this is guilty of that “sin”.
Point here still stands. The “Christian” “right” cannot see past the gold embossing of their King James version. Let GOD judge..and lay off people making their own life decisions. It’s between GOD the that individules Soul…stay the fuck out of it!
There isn’t likely a single living soul in the rock that has never “destroyed one of Gods creations”…ever pull a weed? Cut down a tree? Kill ANY living thing? So dont patronize me with that crap…you and everyone else that reads this is guilty of that “sin”. _Comment by DamnageD— 6/15/05 @ 8:27 pm
Oh now isn’t that just so cute? He wants you to believe that HE as a human with the ability to think, to reason, is the moral equivalant of a weed or a tree.
“A Rat is a Pig is a Dog is a Boy”
God, isn’t moral relevancy convenient?
DamnageD @ 177
I respect and agree with your views, I also believe that an anti-abortion stance goes hand in hand with “do unto others…”
My belief is that every being is sent here to make choices wether for good or for bad, to abort a young life is to rob that being of the same choices we are given.
This whole thing smacks of my upbringing in a private, Southern Baptist school.
Funny how they made us read the Bible front to back every year, then critize us for questioning THEIR teachings. Funny that THEY were the first to judge, first to condemn, first to TELL others HOW to live THEIR lives! These were the same folks that molested little boys in their cabins, had affairs with their secretaries, got caught in tax evasion.
Funny how I learned that the “word of God” is completly up to interpretation of the individule. Funny how the message was completly LOST in translation…
Funny how NOT funny that all is
I understand your frustration, and no word trap I save that for the truly ignorant and bull headed.
There are those extreme hypochristians that view Christ as a meal ticket and then there are those who whole heartedly believe in a loving and merciful saviour and God. I am sorry that you were hammered on by those that were wolves in sheeps clothing, I am ashamed of those that make others hate Christianity because of their abuse of power and trust.
the whole thing is too damn messy ( no pun intended )
Personally, I would have to be a COMPLETE fool to blindly blanket endorse abortions…because i’m adopted…and my birth mother was under 15. If the same situation were to arise in the current world…I might not exist.
I’ve assisted situations where women were impregnated against their will…and should they have been FORCED to be reminded daily, look into the face of their attackers spawn? Care and raise a child PROPERLY? It’s not as clean cut as a “yes” or “no”.
I do appreciate the nod…and if are view are similar, the nod goes right back to ya. It’s just the type of thing where the SPECIES needs to meet in the middle for resolve….and I fear that’s not going to happen any time soon.
No appoligies required. I’m not bitter, just “enlightened” so to speak.
That doubled with a Father who endured 15 tramua surgeries (car wreck), 4 of which he was clinicly dead…and was “sent” back. Me being a good son, listened to my father (now a devote Greek Orthodox)and what he was “told”. Theres more to this life than meets the eye, brain or soul.
Donnageddon Dingleberry: President George Bush did not say he was privatizing social security. Where is the whole program going private? Please, spare me the melodrama. He said 2-4% could be self-managed in private accounts where poor people have a chance to control their destinies. But having poor people not licking at the trough controlled by democraps scares you, right? Your side says that’s privatization. Typical demogoguery by leftist pinheads!!! Where is your gravitas donnageddon?
DamnageD: It is good to see another greek on this blog. Do you speak it? My grandfather died to early to teach my mother the great language! I am trying to learn a little of it in my spare time.
Damnaged @ all
Seems like you are a genuine guy, lets truce and try to talk about our differences in the light of our new found similarities from here on out.
Puddin’ Brain @186 “Where is the whole program going private? Please, spare me the melodrama. He said 2-4% could be self-managed in private accounts where poor people have a chance to control their destinies.”
Poor misguided and misquoting Puddin’ Brain. I never said Shrub wanted to privatize ALL of SS, That was YOUR assertion. And the 2-4% figure, that is from Gross Pay. His Privatization scheme would PRIVATIZE 40-60 % of SS funds. Moron.
“poor people have a chance to control their destinies.” No Poor people could end up on the street like so much garbage while you “Christians” can piss on them.
It ain’t gonna happen, and you are an evil bastard for believing in this scheme.
Wait a minute.. when you mean “while you Christian can piss on” are you referring to “Piss Christ”.. I thought that was an NEA sort of deal. Am I wrong?
I was not referring to “Piss Christ” but yes, that was an NEA funded project (from my recollection)
It was a statement about how Right Wing fanatics had defouled the message of Christ. Ie. The religious right was pissing on Christ’s pure message of love.
WWJD? Start a war of choice in Iraq? I think not.
Donnageddon @ 189
It’s really commical how you get really fired up and jump to confusions, and then piss and moan about others who can’t back their assertions with facts. YOU ARE A RIOT, “Al Franken watch out here comes Don a retired government employee that thinks all non-government employees are out to get his pension and SS.”
ya read my mind! its a deal!
Hate to let’cha down, but I wont lie…i’m not Greek (although I was raised around the food…mmmmmmm, and the music) O-PA! My family has ties, but no blood, to the greeks. In fact my family burial plot is IN the Greek sector of a cemerty in Cheyanne(sic)WY. Honeymoon in the Cyclades (ah, Santorini!). And I could LIVE off of Avegolemno soup!
You know I was Greek before I found out I wasnt a greek. Its amazing but true.
HA! Thats awesome!
Maybe Greek blood runs deeper than we know….
All Fools @ 193 ““Al Franken watch out here comes Don a retired government employee that thinks all non-government employees are out to get his pension and SS.â€
I am really at a loss. I think you need to get medical help. I have NEVER worked for the government.
Really All Fools, you need help. I think you have me confused with Patrick, or Prisilla or someone.
I am just Donnageddon. Always have been. I work in the private sector.
… really,.. I am not sure what to say. You are confused again. Perhaps you have suffered an embulism?
I dunno.
All Tools, all fun aside, I am worried about you! Is there anyone in the house that can call an ambulance? There is no shame here… I enjoy our talks, I would hate to lose you! Get help!
Excuse me San Francisco Treat. I never said President George Bush wants to privatize SS. That’s the lefty mantra. You joined in into this privatization talking point, right out of the Kerry-Pelosi-Reid-Clinton-et.al playbook. Now you want to back track and say not all of it? Hmmm… If you wrote partial privatization, I would have had no beef (Clara Peller) with you. You didn’t say that so… here we are.
I’ll repeat what the democraps feel was their main man in elocution, since he was speaking in public: Bill Clinton talks about Social Security reform: “If you don’t like privatizing Social Security, and I don’t like it very much, but you want to do something to try to increase the rate of return, what are your options? Well one thing you could do is to give people one or two percent of the payroll tax, with the same options that Federal employees have with their retirement accounts; where you have three mutual funds that almost always perform as well or better than the market and a fourth option to buy government bonds, so you get the guaranteed social security return and a hundred percent safety just like you have with Social Security.” Did he say 100% safety? Donnageddon Dingleberry tell me it ain’t so! Maybe Mr Elocution should say it more often and come visit the troglodytes of Seattle! They drink the kool-aid from the EST time zone where all the MSM called it privatization when they know that’s a lie! Privatizing a pension fund is all the money being used. Not so with SS.
Goldy took a while to accept my post so I will repost a small portion of the Clinton “payment” to SS.
Well, in 2000 Supposed Surplus $236.9 Billion
Where it came from
Income taxes Overcharges (on budget) $87.1 Billion
Entitlement Overcharges (off budget) $149.8 Billion
What are these Entitlements
Social Security Funds from Taxes $95.4 Billion
All Other Entitlements (Medicare, etc) $54.4 Billion
Well, in 2001 Supposed Surplus $127.2 Billion
Where it came from
Income taxes Overcharges (on budget) -$33.5 Billion
Entitlement Overcharges (off budget) $149.8 Billion
What are these Entitlements
Social Security Funds from Taxes $98.7 Billion
All Other Entitlements (Medicare, etc) $62.0 Billion
Where did that money go? Into Social Security. No link I placed on this thread tonight said it went there. All smokum and mirrorus.
Puddin’ Brains anyone with eyes can see I never said anything anywhere approaching the lies you attribute to me.
I rarely post beyond two paragraphs,
Do you really think anyone actually reads your novels (posts)?
Small sentences. Backed up by facts. that is the ticket!
Why do I give away free advice? I must be crazy!
Donnageddon: Just think I almost called you a troglodyte, by the way another word with greek origins. I didn’t want to denigrate the gorrila or chimpanzee!
Dat Rufus, he’d be all funny like! I likes the humor of dat Rufus!
DamnageD: Shucks, I was hoping to find another Greek on this blog. Gyros, Spanikopita, Hummus, Choban Salatasi, Bourekakia, Chicken Keftedes, Kapama; yummy! When I get home in two weeks I am going to invite some friends and cook some good stuff.
Pudster @ 187
“It is good to see another greek on this blog. Do you speak it? My grandfather died to early to teach my mother the great language! I am trying to learn a little of it in my spare time.”
Wow, Pudster, my hat is off to you! You are learning Hebrew AND Greek, all while trying to gain a rudimentary understaning of written English! :-)
(I know, I know . . . cheap shot. But, this thread needed some humor. . . .)
Dont forget the Ouzo!
Tool @ 140
“I do not accept government’s laws when it conflicts with God’s.”
Accept them or not, if you break the laws, you are a criminal.
A foundational principle of this country is tolerance of ALL religions and “matters of conscience.” Since it is unlikely that all religions will agree on the rules, it is expected (indeed, demanded) that all people of all faiths suck it up and follow the rules—regardless of their personal opinions.
Well, when you come up with a cure for child abuse, let me know. When you’re willing to, God forbid, open your wallet so that some poor woman in the ghetto (stuck there because you shipped all the jobs to “low-wage countries” so you can increase the share price 0.004%) can “choose life,” then come talk to me. In other words, when you’re actually willing to do something to get your hands dirty that doesn’t just involve bitching and complaining, let me know.
when you’re actually willing to do something to get your hands dirty that doesn’t just involve bitching and complaining, let me know.
Comment by Dick Hertz— 6/15/05 @ 10:55 pm
As opposed to getting your hands dirty, Oh, I don’t know… murdering babies?
Your moral equivalence tit for tat doesn’t wash probort killing babies won’t get one woman out of the ghetto that doesn’t want to help herself.
And you actually condone ripping off a babies head in the womb to exterminate him to PREVENT child abuse??? You’ve got to be kidding – do you even know how utterly moronic that sounds?
BTW Eugenics @ 110 does your lies come with fries?
Pud Bud @ 204 “Dat Rufus, he’d be all funny like! I likes the humor of dat Rufus!”
You know, I have to cut you some slack. You are so dim witted that you have no idea how incredibly racist that is.
Pud.. you are in a class by your own. I hope.
Reply to 131
“And you aren’t guessing? Nobody knows for sure science is not a for sure thing, to think so is extreme arrogance and niavety given the history of science.”
Why don’t you borrow an A-bomb from the government, take it out in the desert and sit on it, and activate the detonator to see if it works.
Comment on 135
“Remember she was the one that adamantly said there was no links to Al-Qaeda and Saddam. I proved her idiocy with the words right out of the mouth of Lee Hamilton, retired democrapic congressman and co-leader of the 9/11 commission. Sorry donnageddon stoopid proven again.”
You’re quoting a congressman to prove something is true? That’s funny!
140 – “I do not accept government’s laws when it conflicts with God’s.” Now I get it! You’re a prison inmate, and you post on HA because you’re desperate for pen pals!
140 (continued)
How many wives did you have when they arrested you?
Comment on 147
“Do you belive that that “higher being” you believe in would approve of you destroying one of his creations? And if not then why do you support it?”
Well, He forgives Republicans for an awful lot of shit so why wouldn’t He forgive people who get abortions? Why should Republicans be the only people who need forgiveness?
149 – Pudster, what law says you have to get an abortion? I’m not familiar with that one. Cite please?
210 – It’s already been established in a previous thread that Pudwhacker is a racist.
Oh BTW Puddybutt (@202) when did you start believing everything Bill Clinton says? There are times when you truly surprise me.
Good Morning Wascally Woger Wabbit; Wascally Pudster here. Believe whatever Bill Clinton says? Hello? No way. But when he emotes, he is kind of funny, especially the tape of Bill as he arrives at Ron Brown’s funeral. You need to watch it sometime. When he discusses some common sense thoughts everyone needs to think about what he says. Does it scare you that your best elocution president proceeds to dissect an HA argument and that seems to piss many of you off when I find it and use it against you all?. I love it.
When Clarence Thomas supported the states rights to create medical marijuana laws, did one HA say wow, I agree with Clarence Thomas? What he wrote in his dissent was powerful? No? Because it seems to me that HA liberals can not find it in their fiber to give credit where it’s due. I don’t remember anyone saying thanks for agreeing with us Clarence. It’s because he left the liberal reservation and your hatred for Clarence, Condoleeza and any other minority that thinks diametrically opposed to you scares you at HA! I happen to disagree with Scalia and the other five. If a doctor says this works, so be it!
Donnageddon Dingleberry and Wascally Woger Wabbit: If I choose to enter ebonics mode, maybe, just maybe, I have experience in ebonics. Maybe I have that in my background, maybe not. I don’t ever need to explain to you my feelings in life unless I decide to. When you walk a mile in my shoes, experience what I have seen and felt in life, then you are fully obliged to criticize me. A racist I am not. You fail to comprehend that levity as dj ascribed in Post #205 releases endorphins. I laughed at dj’s comment. I laugh at Mr. Cynical’s comments. Many times he says things to torque HAs, and the torquing works magnificiently.
Unlike many HA lefties, I try and answer many of your questions, topical points, etc. There is no law that says one has to get an abortion, I just don’t see it in the constitution or the bill of rights of America. Please cite for me the paragraphs that says “We the People in the United States guarantee the right to an abortion”. When you demonstrate that law you’ll gain my respect Wabbit!
DamanageD, I gave up drinking when I graduated from college. I drove home drunk one night and I vowed to never do that again. I was a power drinker in college, could down a 12 oz. frosty one in 2.1 seconds.
Wabbit and others: If you disagree with someone I call that a disagreement in thought. You HAs hate Condi, Colin, Rod Paige, Clarence, and others because they are conservative. Thats racism and you HA lefties are such model citizens of hate here. Then HAs call me a racist? Ha ha ha!
PUd, as the lone conservative able to write multiple paragraphs; pls don’t dissipate your energies on donna and lucy and ilk. save your thunder for human libs like dj and damage etc. Lucy, donna, pris are some cyborg w/ no brain
Righton @ 223
They are just looking for a fight not a debate to meet in the middle with some kind of understanding, that is just the kind of ignorance that most Colleges breed these days.
Even with a difference of opinion there can be respect for others rights and thoughts. These people have no idea that these two parties can live in relative harmony when they try to understand, notice I didn’t say accept as their own, but understand why that person views politics that way.
They are trolls on their own leftist blog.
So, now you’re talking about meeting in the middle and seeing that the other person may have valid concerns? Well, you’ve waited a little too long to see things that way because we are now determined, since the pendulum has begun to swing our way, that total defeat is the only cure for neo-con policies. We are going to take the country back and REVERSE all the neo-con BS you have enacted. And don’t think that the neo-con judges you put in place will protect you because they have been put in place by an illegal fascist regime.
Lazy, corrupt, intolerant, foul mouthed, ignorant people like your lucy are Conservatives/Republicans best friend. Keep up the good work lucy – go forth and spew, froth, vomit more and more and more. Keep at it babe!
Lucy, you posting on the govmint dime again? I thought Cynical said it best:”Stop eating those urinal biscuits!” Mr. Cynical you are funny. Now lucy, in my posts where did I get so vitrolic? Are U tired of Bill Clinton making my points for me? Calm down lucy, calm down!!! Hmmm… Pendulum swinging, in headless’ case the swinging guillotine caused brainlessness! See donnageddon, short one!
Rossi is not and never will be governor. Cash talks, credit walks.
Tools: Remember, I accused brainless and others of being trolls on their own blog in another thread. Remember the nuclear explosion of lefty thought: a definition of a troll, asking me to visit their good friend Beelzebub, requesting that I implement sexual activities with myself, and other wonderful comments. You have to smile at them. I laugh everytime a new thread appears.
Hey, Puddy, the artful dodger, I see you’re back. You never did answer my question yesterday. Which branch of the armed forces did you serve in?
Yeah, that’s pretty much what I thought. You America hatin’, bin laden lovin, republi-nazi, pinko commie, hypocritical let’s go to war and let someone else do the fighting for me bastard!
Artful dodger? Hmmm… I was in the Navy, until they gave me a medical discharge for breaking my knee in college during a basketball game, which solidified my 4F status. Had a naval scholarship too which I gave up. Okay?
GBS idiot king. My older brother-in-law fought in WWII. Second brother-in-law fought in Vietnam. Two nephews fought in Iraq. I enlisted voluntarily. Was classified 4F by physical conditions beyond my control. I still said I wanted in be a naval officer. Was accepted into nuclear program. When I destoyed my knee, my physical movement was further limited. We mutually agreed to the medical discharge and I left. GBS, When you walk a mile in my shoes, experience what I have seen and felt in life, then you are fully obliged to criticize me. I tried to serve even when the Navy said we think you should decline it. That’s why I have many retired military friends whom respect me and I them.
There you go again! Now you’re saying Bill Clinton has “common sense.” Well sure I thought so too, especially when he tried to warn his successor that Al Qaeda and Osama were the #1 threat to America’s security. Unfortunately his successor ignored him.
“When Clarence Thomas supported the states rights to create medical marijuana laws, did one HA say wow, I agree with Clarence Thomas? What he wrote in his dissent was powerful? No? Because it seems to me that HA liberals can not find it in their fiber to give credit where it’s due. I don’t remember anyone saying thanks for agreeing with us Clarence. It’s because he left the liberal reservation and your hatred for Clarence, Condoleeza and any other minority that thinks diametrically opposed to you scares you at HA!”
Another possibility is that since the decision came out only a few days ago, none of us have read it.
(Sometimes the most pedestrian explanation is also the most logical one.)
Interesting that you single out whatever black Republicans pop into your head and then claim that HA posters collectively “hate” them. Perhaps you could link us to some specific comments as proof of your assertion?
“They are just looking for a fight”
No shit Sherlock!
Oh, and say, how would you describe the neocon trolls who come to HA looking for a fight?
OK “Wounded Knee” you’re not the only one with family history or actually serving. My great grand father served in the Army, my grand father served in the Navy prior to WWI, father served in the Navy during WWII out of Pearl Harbor, my oldest brother was wounded in Viet Nam and I served in the Navy and was on the beach when the Marine barracks were blown up in Lebanon and I got visit some of Noriega’s personal property.
So you know what? I will not reserve judgment on you, or the likes of you. I’ve earned it. Unlike Bush, Cheney, Hannity, Limbaugh, Jack-off Kemp – hey he hurt his knee, too, oh and so did Chambliss but didn’t serve either but feels comfortable attacking Max Cleland patriotism. Oh, yeah, Mayor Jim West.
Puddybud’s the big Lebowski! (“Hey! Be careful! There’s a beverage involved here!”)
No proxies allowed, Pudding Knee. You either served or you didn’t. My family suffered loss in WW2 but that doesn’t get me VA benefits. I need my own DD-214 for that. If you wanted to be a sub driver maybe you shouldn’ta risked your whole future shooting hoops with the hoods down in Belltown. Although what the hell anybody needs knees for on a sub is beyond me. I thought they used compressed air for most of those jobs.
Dear HowCanYouBePROUDtobeALucyLesshead?—
I’ll have more respect for your argument when you value living kids as much as the ones that aren’t born yet.
Your local “Culture of Death” Grand Vizier (or is it Mr. Minion of Death-I get confused, what with all this evil lying around),
Puddy ‘Wounded Knee’ @232
And “When Walk a mile in your shoes” Fuck off, I’d like to see you hobble through 1 hour of BUD/S training. You’d ring the bell before your 60 minutes were up.
I passed up your pussy mile way back in ’81. You should go to Coronado and sign up for the Superfrog Triathlon, they let civilians participate. You’ll get taste of what it takes there.
PS, in my circles I’ve earned the right to be called an “operator” and “meat eater” so fuck you again.
I still don’t wear my skivvies to this day. If you knew, you’d understand.
You shit head. You make me sick.
headlice lucy @ 225
If brains were gunpowder you wouldn’t have enough to blow your nose. Come back when are willing to debate rather than using hit and run attacks with no solid value behind it, civility can work when two intelligent individuals share a conversation.
If my brain were in that bad a condition Congress would be passing special laws to ensure my survival and longevity. Dr. Bill would be pronouncing me to be a sentient being worthy of rehabilitating. The president would interrupt one of his interminable and frequent “short yellow bus” vacations to make sure I was cared for.
Since none of those things are happening, it must be the usual explanation that you are so full of crap that your eyes are brown.
I prove my point!!!
Damn… All that work for nothing.
You start a conversation about civlity by calling me “Headlice”? I prove MY point………………….
Man, what’s a guy gotta do to get a little love around here? (see #53)
HowCan @ all
your nothing but hiproacy and propaganda…this fish AINT bitin!
want reaction, try constructing a real argument.
GBS: Whatever. Congrats on your service. I tried to serve, the Navy medically discharges me and you and your ilk get your rocks off. Fine. I hope you don’t step in your insignificant semen pool at your feet.
I have an official service date of 9 months. I received VA medical documents every few years from DoD which I declined. My great uncle fought with Sergeant York in WW1. My father served in the Atlantic and step-father in the Pacific in WWII.
Number one, I didn’t grow up here. Apparently you must think I am a troglodyte like most of you.
Number two, I fully respected Patrick, righton and others who served and never questioned their patriotism.
Number three, I fully tried for the military and you think I am one of those liberal deserters from Vietnam. You question my patriotism because the Navy discharges me for injury. Kiss my ASS! You piss me off hemmorhoid! I didn’t run away, I didn’t go to Canada like some of your HA friends here, I wanted to serve. I enlisted. I was ready to serve, against my parents wishes. I tried to serve. Kiss my ASS again! I wanted to see the world in the military. Again kiss my ASS!
BTW I easily passed the physical fitness test. I ran under 6 minute miles, less than 60 second quarter miles. I was looking forward to a full life in the military like my brothers-in-law. So kiss my ASS again!
Wascally Rabbit: About Clarence Thomas; You said “Another possibility is that since the decision came out only a few days ago, none of us have read it.” That is BS. You all would be reading anything that comes from Goldy in a flash. It was recently discussed here in a thread. Yeah, I’ll wait for your response after you “read” it.
Wascally Rabbit: The hatred for Condi, Clarence, Colin, etc. is readily right here on HA. Your fellow HAs curse them, call them stoopid, spew bitter vile at them. Just take a few minutes and look at previous threads. There is one thing to disagree with them it’s quite another to swear about them and curse them out.
Wascally Rabbit: Regarding being a sub driver: I was told by the discharging group I had to be able to lift my knees throught the hatches and be able to run as needed. I lost some mobility with my cartilage removal.
Wascally Rabbit: Regarding Bill Clinton: Don’t make general statements to wit are contrarian to our feelings of Bill. He makes on sensible social security statement and you really think I feel he made great statements about other things. Regarding the Osama warnings, you could be right. I wasn’t there but it is curious and interesting that Clinton had more than one opportunity to take care of the “biggest security problem” and chose not to. What is his point? Bush failed just as much as he did. Well he wouldn’t have wanted to offend any Muslims now would he? If Clintons legacy is so great, why does he have to keep defending it?
headless lucy @ 247
I said that civility can be acheived by two intelligent parties conversing, you will also notice I started off saying you lacked intelligence.
remember, jesus loves you…
the rest of think your an asshole!
Amazing how quickly the GOP is backing away from the Schaivo case. John Carlson now says he didn’t believe the “Michael Schaivo is an abuser” bs, even though he gave it plenty of play. O’Reily, who apparenlty has gone off the deep end, is saying the same thing. And now this:
Frist Lies to Matt Lauer
Majority Leader Bill Frist this morning on the Today Show:
LAUER: But when you stood on the floor and you said, She does respond, are you at all worried that you led some senators…
FRIST: I never said, She responded. I said I reviewed the court videotapes – the same ones the other doctors reviewed – and I questioned, Is her diagnosis correct?
Frist on Senate Floor, 3/17/05:
I have looked at the video footage. Based on the footage provided to me, which was part of the facts of the case, she does respond.
No problem at all. I love the General (in a manly, platonic way, of course), and anything that gives him more exposure is okay by me. In fact, I just sent the link to a couple of friends.
Headless, where is your Tom DeLay rant for the day?
Just checking
Puddy “Wounded Knee” @251
1. What’s with all the semen, hemmoriod and anal/oral fixation? I wouldn’t trust you or Mayor Jim West to be within 500′ of a shcool yard or alone with children.
2. I don’t know if you’re a troglodyte, but I know you’re a real dumb-ass, though.
3. I don’t buy your crap story about serving either. Here’s why.
Your post @ 232
“I was in the Navy, until they gave me a medical discharge for breaking my knee in college during a basketball game, which solidified my 4F status. Had a naval scholarship too which I gave up. Okay?”
Your post @ 251
“I have an official service date of 9 months.” “I wanted to serve. I enlisted. I was ready to serve, against my parents wishes. I tried to serve.”
When I enlisted in the Navy (’79-’86) you enlisted, go to boot camp, then “A” school (most sailors do), then you go to the fleet for your first assignment. That process takes about 4-6 months depending on your rating.
Now how is it that you “enlisted” for 9 months, and yet you were attending college when you blew out your knee?
In what year did you supposedly enlist and where was the nuke power shcool located?
My crap detector just pegged out beyond the limit. I think I’ve just caught you in a whopper of a lie.
Wonderful GBS.
You know I respect every military person on here, except You! I am not going to go into full the detail because
#1. U is an ass,
#2.I don’t put personal information on this blog.
#3. Again, U is an ass.
#4. Why would someone want to lie about being a military man?
Those fake CMOH winners need to be shot. I met one once in my life. I bowed to him in honor. Maybe you know “The Duke”? A really nice guy! But what do you know about being nice? U are an asshole.
I was accepted into college in the 1970’s. I had to figure out how to pay for my IVY League education (yeah I got brains) as I received some scholarships but the costs were high. My parents were dirt poor. My starting civilian salary upon graduation was over 3X what my mother made in a factory. My older sister and her husband live in San Diego, Navy vets, lifers. She called and she suggested the Navy. My older brother-in-law knew personally knew and worked with Senior Chief/Master Chief Carl Brashear when he was stationed on the east coast. He told me stories. Yes he is 84 this year. Before entering college I enlisted U asshole. Walked into the office told them I was going to college and I wanted a career in the Navy. Signed the papers the same day being 18. Never told parents, just did it as I wanted self-sufficiency. Do you comprehend that Seal? No you are an Asswipe, toilet paper man! Went to a recruiting station in NY and they took me to another location to get my all day physical. I was told if they were going to invest in me I had to be checked out. There they noticed I had two birth defects. They took me back to college as the physical fitness information was being evaluated. I ran the first competency run to show I had mobility. I was then carted back two weeks later and they assigned me 4F. I pleaded with them I wanted to join. I won. I signed the waiver form. Do you know what that waiver form says? Probably not cuz U are an asshole!
I applied for scholarship as I have a brain, did well on SATs and I received a Navy scholarship with the proviso that I attend summer boot camp with everyone else the next summer. As a specific engineering type major I was offered two duty types, nuclear engineering on submarines or nuclear engineering on ACCs. I chose subs. I wanted the stealth career. Back then we were chasing Russian subs around the ocean basins. I wanted that. My good friend from Long Island was also going subs so we would be a buddy system. As a Seal, you know about the buddy system, right. Still an asshole though.
That spring during a basketball game I blew out my knee. I tore it up badly. Wore a cast for almost two months. Upon remove of cast, I was reevaluated by Naval medical personnel. I lost some mobility in the knee. I could not squat all the way down. Visited the medical facility again where I was pronounced unfit for further military duty. Do you know how that felt? Of course not because U are an asshole!
I still hear the words of that Doctor in his dress whites, “___ ___ of ___ in NY, I am sorry but your military career is over” As I sit here and write this now I relive that painful day. I thank you for reminding me of that feeling again. But what do you care? U are an asshole! Being told you are unfit for duty due to physical defects at birth and the loss of knee mobility, sucks man. Now I am thinking how am I going to pay for this IVY league education as the Navy Scholarship was revoked upon mutual agreement. I signed myself out May the next year. Full medical discharge, never being allowed to ever serve. I didn’t do well on my finals that semester. But what do U care? U are an asshole.
I wanted to be a fighter pilot since I was 7 years old. I was looking forward to the AFA in CS. But what do you care, U are an asshole! I lost that opportunity when my eyesight went bad. The same thing happened to both sons around the same time in their life. Maybe it’s heredity, who knows. But you are still an asshole.
There you go. A part of my life relived for your stinking eyes. I threw away everything associated with that life event. It was a painful memory. So I lived my college life making friends with Vietnam vets. I went out of my way to help them with their studies. I welcomed them home unlike you democrapic buddies who cursed at them, spit at them, and called them baby killers. Yeah, I bet some HAs parents were just like them wonderful war demonstrators! So you think you are better than me? Keep thinking it GBS. I tried to serve my country, was rejected for physical limitations and still wanted to serve. Kiss my ASS! You have no idea the shoes you’d have to fill, because nothing was ever given to me on a silver platter! Again congratulations on being a Seal. If you are an underwater demolitions expert, you are one of the few who earned it all. I commend you. Just don’t look down your nose at us who due to physical impairment were turned away from serving our country.
Puddy “LIAR Wounded Knee @ 251
“BTW I easily passed the physical fitness test. I ran under 6 minute miles, less than 60 second quarter miles. I was looking forward to a full life in the military like my brothers-in-law.”
The more of your posts I read, you miserable piece of shit, the more lies I see.
60 second quarter miles = a 4 minute mile. Your “claim” of less than 60 second quarter miles = sub 4 minute miles. If you were running even 57 second quarter miles that would put you at 3:48 in the mile. Those times weren’t being achieved by world class athletes until 1981.
Way, way past your prime time. I knew you were a friggin liar. You piece of shit liar.
Pudster, by claiming that you falsely served you bring dishonor to yourself, your family, patriots every where and to all of us actually risked life and limb for your security, freedom and constitutional rights. I have a great deal of disdain for military wannabe maggots like yourself. You are scum. You have no clue about sacrifice, honor, commitment, teamwork, integrity or dignity.
Please do all of us a favor and stick with your kind:
Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medved, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Kirby Wilbur, John Carlson, Dick Cheney, Denny Hasert, Tom DeLay, Bill Frist, Rick Santorum, Trent Lott, John Ashcroft, Jeb Bush, Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich, Phil Gramm, Saxby Chambliss, Jack Kemp, Paul Wolfowitz, Rudy Giuliani, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill O’Rielly, Pat Buchanan, Pat Robertson, Ken Starr, Anthony Scalia, Dick Armey, Roy Blunt, Mitch McConnell, Richard Shelby, Jon Kyl, Tim Hutchinson, Christopher Cox, JC Watts, John McHugh, and Clarence Thomas. All REPUBLI-NAZIS WHO GET OFF AND GOING TO WAR, BUT HAVE NO FREAKIN’ IDEA OF THE PERSONAL COMMITMENT AND SACRIFICE THAT IS REQUIRED.
GBS: I suggest a contest. We both put up $100,000 bond so I can take a lie detector test. A $100,000 bond only costs $10,000 cash. You will lose it immediately and I’ll take the balance in 12 nice payments. You game?
I’ll contact the Seattle FBI office and it will be a neutral location. That way you can’t complain about the test of the administrator.
Do I have anything to lose about me trying to get into the military? Hell no. But it will be sweet to have a $100,000 tax free. You game?
PacMan here: Can you believe I am 25 years old yesterday!!! I hope your enjoy playing my game [sic].
Long time no read. Here in Californeeea, our wonderful governator is taking on the unions in a special election. They complain of the cost, but are more worried about the voters telling them to shove it. Go, Ahhnold.
Lucy: Some pensions are well managed (Plumbers and Pipefitters Union) while others have have problems (United – remember employee owned). I wonder about investing union pension monies in someone’s personal pet project. If the fund managers are walled off from the political or social wings of the union, I can probably support your position.
Pud: You really willing to bet $100,000 on a lie detector test? Apparently what you wrote must be true. I feel for you man. Sorry you had to experience that. Where are the other HorsesAss posters? This thread sure did get quiet.
GBS: I’ll say up front I am against wars, and never having been in the military I have no idea of your background. Underwater demolition sounds like fun; getting to blow up things clandestinely. Not everyone has to be military bred to be a patriot. But to me it seems that more Republicans support our troops in actions vs. Democratic support by words. I still wonder about these actors and others who in public say (in your best John Kerry voice) “I support the troops”, yet their personal actions and deeds speak otherwise.
I fully take exception to your characterization of Republicans. I fully take exception to your placing us in a bowl. Remember it wasn’t our side who protested the Vietnam war. It isn’t our side who makes comparisons of Iraq to Vietnam. Some of the same stupid protesters of the 1960’s children are the ones making the same loud noises now. I don’t know you or where you came from, but when you challenge a person’s manhood through an ad hominem attack, you find out what he’s made of. I think you went too far and now your quietness on his $100K challenge shows me what you’re made of, bluster buster!!
I suggest what someone said on another thread weeks ago. Take a chill pill GBS. You seem strident in your beliefs, but mischaracterizations diminish your argument. I hope you hold Robert Stetham in high regard. I do too. I hold his wife in higher regard, watching the execution of her Seal husband. I wonder how many HorsesAssers know that story without looking it up on the Internet.
Everyone: Well keep up the wonderful attacks on each other. I visit this blog every so often to break up laughing at the dual sided attacks. Cynical vs everyone. Priscilla, the lawyer, righton vs. DJ. Felix Fermin: What position did you play on the diamond? The comments are BRILLIANT! Oh, that’s a beer commercial!
Pud: In closing, I see from afar how you attack their side, using their heroes against them. Maybe you should be somewhat less strident in your comments. I suppose having my hero words be used in arguments against me would cause me some angst. I do understand when they go about demeaning you but you claim to be a Christian, so take the higher road, “Lord plant me feet on higher ground”!!!
Till next time. David Goldstein, you have a funny site here. I do enjoy the articles you post eventhough I disagree with some of your commentary. What is this sign thing? What does it accomplish?
PacMan @ 25
Donnageddon, I have to ask this: Are you a man or a woman? Some of your commentary has a feminine slant and other commentary has a masculine one. Androgenous?
PacMan, thanks for the commentary. I know my background because I lived it. Funny thing about GBS, for all of his intelligence he can’t figure out things. I said I ran a sub minute 440, not 4 subminute 440s. It was 58.3 seconds to be exact. I ran a 5:58 mile. He takes 58.3 * 4 and says I did this. I never said that.
My father told me that when one challenges you, take a lie detector test and put BIG $$$ on the line. So I am. I await his answer on my $100K change. How dare he accuse me of things democraps are known for! I also know when the test answers are known, I want him to shake my hand and apologize to me face to face.
Once again you correct. The damnation, hellfire & brimstoners can eat it. The pure as the diven slush groupies, those whose cries and pleas for mercy for Terry Schiavo resounded like bellowing cows calfing afore the fact, hypocritically & paradoxically crucified Michael while claiming to respect human life. Bah-Hummbug!
JDB@ 2—-re “summer of apologies for right wingers.” Don’t hold your breath or you will end up brain dead as Schiavo. Not only was she blind, the right wingers were blind as bats.
Nice try tugging at my heartstrings. The simple fact is that you people don’t give a shit about these kids once they’re born. You’ll cut Head Start funding, cut education funding, the list goes on. Hell, the women who “choose life” can’t even get fucking prenatal care! So how, pray tell, are they supposed to have a healthy baby?
Oh for crying out loud, here we go again!!
Gov. Jeb Bush asked a prosecutor Friday to investigate why Terri Schiavo collapsed 15 years ago, calling into question how long it took her husband to call 911 after he found her.
Let me try to undrestand this for a second. Terrys’ injury occured roughly, uh, FIFTEEN FRIGGEN YEARS AGO. During that time roughly “…40 judges in six courts were involved in the case at one point or another. Six times, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to intervene…Over the years, the Schindlers had sought independent investigation of their daughter’s condition and what caused it. Abuse complaints to state social workers were ruled unfounded and the Pinellas state attorney’s office did not turn up evidence of abuse.”
But thats either a) not good enough for jr.shrub, or b)every judge and court is complete inept. Does jr acctually believe that in FIFTEEN FRIGGEN YEARS nobody thought about this?
Gawd, they must loose IQ exponentially as they breed
Pudster @ 264
I’ll expose all your shit here once and for all and dispense with you completely.
Your post @ 73:
“I volunteer enlisted and joined the military even though my classification was 4F due to two small birth defects and my date number
Comment by Puddybud— 6/15/05 @ 3:47 pm”
When you’re having discourse with other honest people and you make a statement like that, the inference to your post is that you served on active duty despite overcoming birth defects. Something that most people, especially me of all people, find admirable and honorable.
I strongly suspected that you may have been formal military by some of the tones in your posts. The reason I threw out the question in my post @ 65 (Army or Marine?) was to see if I you might have been a grunt. Me being a sailor, and if you were a grunt, it would have given me ammo to give you some inter-service ribbing over if you would have bitten on it.
As you ignored my repeated inquiries about which branch you served in @ 74 and 81 I started to become suspicious at the veracity of your military service claim. How hard would it have been to type “Navy” then click “Say It!” That would have been the end of it. I wouldn’t have pursued it any further since you were a squid, too. BUT, you tipped your hand @ 232 that you never actually served. The clue was your post 73 stating you enlisted and joined the military, couple that nugget of info with blowing your knee out in a b-ball game at college set the crap detector off. At that very moment I KNEW you were “in” the military only on a technicality, at best. You were in the Delayed Entry Program. You were never went to boot camp, or issued a real sea bag, or uniform. Scary how right I am, isn’t it?
@ 251 you continued to verbally vomit all of the blog by trying to convince me that you had actual time in service with your “I have an official service date of 9 months.” comment. What you really had was fall & spring semesters at college with NO time on active duty. Again, you’re trying to publicly portray something that didn’t really happen. And, when you say you ” I ran under 6 minute miles, less than 60 second quarter miles.” the comma is tying the first and second part of your sentence together. That’s how I came to the conclusion you ran sub 60 second quarter miles. So fuck your post @ 264. When you’re running timed miles you mark the quarter mile. When you just running the quarter mile you state it as 440’s. But again, they are your words, not mine. Take fucking responsibility for your words. You tied the mile and quarter mile times together, again inferring something that didn’t REALLY happen. A pattern is developing.
@ 258 I asked you where the “nuke power” school was located. Anyone going into nuke power in the Navy knows exactly where they are going to be stationed for the 1st two years of their training. I specifically asked that question to test the veracity of your claims of being accepted into the nuclear power program. You wanted to be in Zummie’s Navy you should have easily known that answer. And who Zummie is considering the timeframe of your college entrance. You, however, declined to answer.
Your diatribe post @ 259
I’m not going to comment on all of your whining, but I will hand you a box of “purple” Kleenex to wipe your sniveling, dripping nose. There, there now, fell better, Alice?
I never inferred that I looked down my nose at you because you tried to enter the armed services but couldn’t for physical limitations. That’s commendable. What I ALWAYS had a problem with is you inferring that you actively served the country when it became obvious that you DID NOT. I’m quite certain you can pass a lie detector test that you wanted and to join the military and that you actually signed some papers. My beef with you is why didn’t you just say you entered the Delayed Entry Program while attending your freshmen year of college but because on an injury I didn’t actually get in? I’ll tell you why. Because that didn’t fit with your desire to be military man. So you publicly portray yourself as something different. That’s why!!
“I volunteer enlisted and joined the military even though my classification was 4F due to two small birth defects and my date number.” “I have an official service date of 9 months” Your quotes, you fucking chump.
This is the epitome of Republicanism: State a portion of one thing that is “truthful” but say it in a way that conveys a completely different meaning. Then, if you are called out on the mat (like you were here) you can squirm your way out of it by slowly sprinkling in the other details that completely alter the meaning, but lends credence that what you originally stated is, in part, true.
Well, FUCK YOU! You’re not GETTING off the hook this time no matter what “challenge” you want to pose.
Now for your stupid challenge. Myself, being an honorable man, cannot monetarily accept your $100,000 challenge. I don’t have access to that kind of cash. And you, being a dishonorable maggot, will never shake hands with me. I will never, never, never apologize to the likes of a scumbag, liar like you. PERIOD. I wouldn’t extend my hand to pull you out of a burning building.
However, speaking of challenges, if you EVER want to meet me face-to-face, name the place and the time. I’ve never shied away from a confrontation, and I’m not about to start now. If you ever want to find out what your tax dollars created, I’m walking, talking living proof of it.
Now: You GAME?!?!?!
“it is curious and interesting that Clinton had more than one opportunity to take care of the “biggest security problem” and chose not to”
whatsmatter didn’t Bill fire enough cruise missiles for ya?
didn’t drop enuf bombs?
well ok smart guy, if it’s so easy to take care of “the problem” how come Shrub hasn’t done so? he’s had over 4 years.
RR @ 270.
Excellent point, if I may pose a question in additon to your comment. When President Clinton was focused on firing cruise missles into Al Qeada terrorist camps, what were the Republicans focused on at the time?
Does anybody remember their fixation? Clue: it was sexual in nature.
I believe you, Putty Knees. Your story rings true. I have no fucking clue where the nuclear power training is either. But it didn’t matter because I had no hope of getting into the Navy, because I was born with crappy eyesight. I mean shitty eyesight. I can point the rifle in the general direction you tell me but I won’t be responsible for which side takes the bullet, know what I mean? This wasn’t a problem for the Army in ’68. They were so desperate they were taking 4-Fs then, kinda like today. So there I was, unqualified to fly a jet, walk a deck, or blow up shit underwater but good enough to point and shoot — oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I had blown-out ankles and knees but could do a 6:30 mile in combat boots. It’s not easy to convince a stranger in cold hard type that a cripple can do it, but it’s true. You and me, bud, are proof of that.
Yeah I believe ya Pudster, and I feel for ya, man. You were born 10 years too late. You coulda got into the military if you had enlisted in ’69, weren’t picky about the branch, and didn’t mind too much what job you got.
If it makes you feel any better, Putty Knees, I had a buddy who washed out of OCS because of a broken ankle. He was just as disappointed as you, and perhaps a bit bitter too — but them’s the breaks. Shit happens, even to close relatives of very famous generals. All the skids would have been greased for him — he could’ve had a pretty good army career with his last name — “Patton.”
BTW I’ve never met a fake MOH winner but I knew a real one — ate a frag to save his squad — you get the Big One for that — posthumously of course. You gotta be in a war to have MOH buddies. They’re kinda rare in the peacetime army.
As far as I’m concerned, if you signed the enlistment papers, you served. Thank you for your service and welcome home, Pudster, you slimy unpatriotic America-hating piece of Republican shit.
It’s lovely that whenever Pudster gets the ever loving shit kicked out of his ever lying posts, good ol’ “PacMan” from California starts a posting.
Hey PacMan, does Pudster give you blow jobs for coming here to try to support his lies? May be just a llittle good old fashined Republican sodomy then?
And BTW The 911 commission and the Senete Intelligence comitty STILL have not founed a connection Between Osama and Saddam.
But then having the exact text posted for you would not change your myth based world. Why??
Because you are a pathetic, miserable lying sack of elephant diarrhea.
re#252: You’re the one with all the tools and yet the screws are still loose. Thanks for the advance warning about your incompetence. It’s kind of the way you guys do everything. Ya know, I wish Dubya had as good an exit plan for Iraq as he did for Vietnam.
In the interest of being accurate, I’d like to amend my post @ 258. My time in service was from Dec’79 – Dec’89, not ’86 as I stated. I guess the keys on the number pad are too close for my stubby fingers.
Hello Donnaschmuckbreath:
1.) You said Puddy sucks my schlong. No, I doubt Puddy ascribes to Donnaschmuchbreath activities. I bet you have a big johnson in your mouth right now, right? I am hetero through and through, even living in SF environs. You have such a potty mouth.
2.) You said I only show up to save Puddy. Wrong oh again white liquid breath. I posted way back in May about the election contest. I come on when I want and a crusie when I want. Is this your only site. I even said I was ambivilent about abortion back in May. I view other blogs. I even agreed with Headless Lucy more than once, something I doubt Puddy would ever do. But you’ll need to verify that yourself. You can verify, correct?
3.) I work, have a family and I sometimes travel for a living. The boss creates work events and I go to them. But why do I explain that to you. By your posts you have proven to me that you are truly, truly ignorant in your rants.
4.) I see your type all the time here in the SF area. You know they walk bow-legged and wiggle like a corn cob is up the ass sideways. From now on I will ask are you Donna Geddon when I see one!
I ask Donnaschmuckbreath one last question? What part of the 9/11 report did you read? How many pages is the report? Is it on your hard drive.
I have to go now, as I have work to do. You take care Donnaschmuckbreath, cause I’ll be watching for you!
PacMan @ 25 years. I am the best game ever!
GBS: You can rant on all you want. I thought you would respond to my challenge and I already emailed the FBI for a sitdown BEFORE I posted the challenge. I could care less about your need to know my life. The delay was because I was working and I was internally debating should I answer you and how much information should I give you. I have nothing to prove to you, except maybe have the Navy release a DD-180 and send it to your sorry ass. No, on second thought I would then forfeit the $100,000 you would owe me. But then what would you care? U are a liberal ass. Do I need to swear on the Bible for that? Well you’ll just have to deal with my kind some more.
Am I game, sure? But you ignorant but tough Navy Seal, I am not posting the IVY League university I attended or when I went to what enlistment office. Some HA posters said don’t post your personal information to the site. I am not going to subscribe to your intell methods because I am not giving my info off to you.
Here is why I know you went into demolition. You are as dumb as a brick and have a mind full of concrete. Do you know how long a mile is? 1760 yards. What is 1760/4 440 yards. What is 440 yards? Quarter mile. I went out and ran my first quarter in 58.3, then I slowed down because I realized I didn’t need to kill my self for the test. Damn you are dumb. I bet even Donnageddon Dingleberry knows a mile distance. I was waiting for you to figure out I was in NROTC, not the delayed entry program, but you are so dumb that you couldn’t figure it out. If you truly read the post you would have picked up the fact of having to attend a summer boot camp for incoming sophomores. BUt again you are a demolition person, and you must have scored very high on the demolition dumbness scale. Was it the dumber you are the better opportunities in demolition activities?
So GBC and Rabbit, I commend you for your service. Yes you do look down at people who do not agree with you. But there is a big difference between you and me. I would rush into a burning building to even save your sorry ass. Why? My religious makeup requires me to. You game?
Donnageddon: What is your problem? Having a memory failure? Are long document difficult for you to read. I admitted to dj that I stopped reading the Duerfer report after page 114. Where did you stop reading the 9/11 report, page 1?
Gee Puddy that’s the thanks I get for defending you! Well I shouldn’t be surprised considering you’re a Republican. No I don’t look down on you. You’re forgetting I’m a cute fluffly little bunny about 6 inches high. I’d say we’re at roughly the same level — approximately the height of a cow pie. That’s where most Republicans are. Thank you for your service and welcome home. You unpatriotic America-hating Republican troll. Please give credit where credit is due; this time I did NOT call you a lying sack of shit!
Geez I go out on a limb for the guy and look at the thanks I get. Well that’s what happens when you try to be nice to an unpatriotic America-hating Republican troll.
Putty Knees, if your god demands self immolation, perhaps you should shop for another religion?
Puddin’ Brain and PacmyassMan, your posts are, as always a great study in the minds of the depraved. Regarding 911 again.
911 commission report Chapter 2 page 66
“But to date we have seen no evidence that these or the earlier
contacts ever developed into a collaborative operational relationship. Nor
have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States.â€
Senate Intelligence Report on 911
Conclussion 96 THE CIA’s assesment that to date there was no evidence proving Iraqi complicity or assistance in an al-Quaida attack was reasonable and objective. No additional information has emerged to suggest otherwise.
Conclusion 97 The CIA’s jusdgement that Saddam Hussein, if sufficiently desperate, might employ terrorists with a global reach – al Quida – to conduct terrorist attacks in the event of war, was reasonable. No information has emerged thus far to suggest Saddam did try to employ al-Quida in conducting terrorist atacks.
Conclusion 99. Despite four decades of intelligence reporting on Iraq, there was little useful intelligence collected that helped determine the Iraq regime’s possible links to al-Quida
Now, just like every ever lie you tell daily (and remember Jesus is watching you as you put the vibrator up you ass and lie… he is not happy with you!) you will again try to deny the written word, but again no one but you and your friend is sodomy PacMan (what an appropriate name!) will believe you.
You are righteous fraud, a liar, a hypocrite, and if there is a hell, you will be in the lowest level of it right next to Bush and Cheney.
Roger Rabbit, that comment was meant for GBS and GBS only. I was answering both of you on your service. I should have expressly separated the last couple of sentences. Sorry if there was any confusion. Rabbit you are good people in my eyes.
Donnageddon, I stand by what Lee Hamilton says: No complicity with the 9/11 attacks, complicity with bases and contacts with Al Qaeda in Iraq. If you can’t understand that, you didn’t read the full report. Also, I think what PacMan said was hilarious. Ha ha ha.
Wounded Pride with Putty Knees @ 278
You’re THE quintessential, atypical, amoral, Republican. And that is, if you repeat the same lie often enough, you’ll come to believe it yourself. Hell, you might even convince others of your lie. (i.e. Fox News, KVI, KTTH)
I could go through and completely dismantle the lies in your posts item by item again and prove two things:
1) You are still a liar, and;
2) Either you weren’t accepted to an Ivy league school, or NO ONE should ever waste their time and money on and Ivy league education. The former, rather than the latter most likely applies to you.
Instead of rehashing all of your dirty laundry again, I’m only going to go over a few items.
First of all I’m not going to parse out whether NROTC or Delayed Entry Program was the correct nomenclature to establish the credibility of my statements regarding your supposed military service. The red herring your are interjecting is completely irrelevant. The ONLY bone of contention was that you tried to publicly portray yourself as a military man. Clearly, you are not now, or ever have been on active military service. The end.
Don’t send me your DD-180. I know you have it. You signed some papers in college. Whoppieeeee for you! I’ve already addressed that to everyone’s satisfaction at the expense of your dignity; what little you may have left.
Your going on ad nasueam about my being a dumb blow ’em guy only goes to prove all of my points about you even further. You don’t have a case (just like Rossi) and you’ve been publicly humiliated (just like Rossi). I can’t say I know how you feel because I stick with the truth and therefore I don’t have to regret my past. Unlike you, you Tin Soldier.
The ultimate irony, however, is in your rebuttal regarding the entire paragraph devoted to your 440 time. You spend so much time and energy defending your statement. What you said or didn’t say or what you meant. Here is exactly how your sentence read @ 251 “I ran under 6 minute miles, less than 60 second quarter miles.” Again, your poor grammar infers something else. You never clarified or conveyed in that post what you meant. Having others come to incorrect conclusions based on your words seems to be the mode of operandi for conservatives. Your words can never mean what they mean, unless, of course, they benefit your argument. Until you get caught in your lie that is, then, the gloves are off, and your words mean something else entirely.
In the end, your grammar it is indicative of a sub par education. Certainly, not one worthy of a prestigious Ivy league education. Which goes back to my 2nd point in opening of this post.
As far as what your religious make up requires you to do if I were in a burning building, I too, would reflect on my religious conscience to determine the correct course of action that I should follow if you were trapped in a burning building.
If I were walking by a burning building my first thought would be to see if anyone needs help. If you were trapped inside and began yelling, “Help! Help! I’m a veteran of the military.” “I have an official service date of 9 months! Someone, please help me!” I would shout back, “Pudster, is that you???” Then, your voice trembling in fear and self-pity, you’d yell “Yeah! Who’s there? Is that you Tools, righton, Mr. Cynical?” “You gotta help me, I’ve soiled myself and I’m 10′ from the door, but I’m paralyzed with fear.” “In my college days I could have covered that distance in .441 seconds.” “Really! Birth defects, bum knees, crutches, undescended testicles, drool bucket around my chin and all.”
At that point I would think “Fuck him, that’s the asshole who flipped me a bunch of shit on HA blog. I’m not doing a damn thing.” Then I would look down at the bracelet on my wrist that reads “WWJD.” You know, “What Would Jesus Do?” Without hesitation or second thought I would know exactly what Jesus would do, so I would be compelled by a higher moral authority to act. I would first pull out my dummy cord and knife and cut the cord into sections long enough to tie all the doors shut. Then let the flames of hell consume you, thus banishing you to eternal damnation with your lord and master, SATAN. Also know as our 40th President, Ronald Wilson Regan (6 letters in each of his names, 666) the Anti-Christ. Because, quite frankly, that’s exactly what Jesus would/is going to do.
And now, like Jesus, I’m done with you. You are vanquished from my eyes. Never again will I read or respond to your posts. You are an dishonorable man, you wallow around in your own cesspool of lies and self-pity. You are a miserable wretch, a scum bag, and a parasite on the ass of society. You’re mischaracterization and politics of personal destruction of honest people are disgusting. Your life is a pitiful existence built on shame, deviance, and unfulfilled dreams which you blame on others. You should be ashamed of yourself. Take responsibility for you life, look in the mirror, decide that you don’t like yourself and then change for the better. You’ll be glad you did. So, too, will the rest of the world.
**POOF** You’re gone!
Poof I came back. Now how did I do that GBS?
Wow GBS, powerful words. I am so glad you are so high and mighty. Did I ever say I saw combat? Uhhh, Nope. Did I say I led men into battle? Uhhh, Nope. So just WTF as you bitching about? Glad to know you’d leave me roasting in the tinderbox. Thank you for those kind thoughts and words.
I am so happy to have known you. I am cowering in my shoes. Who cares how I write on this blog! I don’t care and neither do my clients. I have seen so much garbage spewn so why push myself. Oh, I’m sorry if my ebonics bothers you. When I have to write correctly I will.
The US Government has said I served. If the US DOD said I served and I was medically discharged, I guess the DoD are a bunch of dunderheads because GBS says no Pudster you didn’t serve. If I didn’t serve why did I receive Veterans Administration materials? Hmmm…? If you can’t fathom that, you have a problem. Damn, GBS you are the new yardstick by which all people will be measured in the future. The US Government has my running times. If you can’t fathom that, you have a small problem. I spent the whole paragraph explaining what a mile is because you missed it. Now you can’t admit how wrong you are and you still try and puff out your chest. Well you go ahead! You are a wonderful opponent. Are you worthy? Not really. You were the one who ASSERTED I ran an under 4 minute mile. I never asserted it or claimed it.
My my my, how you lorded over me. Golly I am so glad to know that. I never led anyone down that path. I have my diplomas, my past employers know that. I know another background check is ongoing right now by a professional service for a potential client. You now are trying to prove my graduations didn’t occur. You can assume all you want. I don’t assume anything. If I go to hell, so be it. I’ll probably see you in Sheol too.
Have a wonderful day GBS. Poof I am leaving now!!!
Pud @ 285: “I served.”
You signed up to serve, but you did not serve. You just signed up. You’re a wannabe.
Perhaps you served in a tennis or volleyball game. Is that what you meant?
Then by your logic David, the DoD would have said on my medical discharge papers: Length of signed up period – Nine months. Didn’t happen. Good try though. I like what GBS said paraphrasing like a John Wayne movie. So GBS you don’t like Marion Morrison either? Now I clearly see your mental attitude.
GBS @ 284
OMG I never thought I would be defending a disgusting little Republican troll. Ah well — fate is cruel.
First of all, Reagan was not the Anti-Christ. Maybe John the Unbaptist, but not A.C. himself. How do I know? An angel dancing on the tip of a blade of grass told me, “Don’t eat me! Don’t eat me! I know who the Anti-Christ is!” “Okay,” sayeth I, “spill it!” Here’s what Ms. Angel explained to me:
George – 6 letters
Walker – 6 letters
Bush Jr. – 6 letters (yep, count ’em)
“In the end, your grammar it is indicative of a sub par education. Certainly, not one worthy of a prestigious Ivy league education. Which goes back to my 2nd point in opening of this post.”
Ummm, okay. No comment. You’re a liberal, you’re a Democrat, you’re a friend; I’m just a cute, fluffy, dumb bunny – so I won’t say anything.
“As far as what your religious make up requires you to do if I were in a burning building, I too, would reflect on my religious conscience to determine the correct course of action that I should follow if you were trapped in a burning building.”
Gee-Ess, why on Earth would you lock Putty Knees in a burning building to be consumed in a Pillar of Fire? It’s obvious what Jesus would do. Do you think Jesus wants to become unemployed? Holy cow, man, there’s enough salvation work here to guarantee full employment for a battalion of evangelists for a generation. Come back and post again when you’ve thought this through. Putty Knees is not a dangerous fascist who needs to be thrown into the Fires of Hell yet. He’s insignicant, and we can do that later, after having some fun with him.
Like I said before, he became a veteran the moment he signed the papers, because at that point in time he could no longer call his ass his own, From then on, it was stamped, “U.S. Government Property – Bend, Fold, or Mutilate At Will.” Whether they bent, folded, or mutilated him is not the main point here. They COULD have, if they had felt like it. Cut the guy some slack, he’s not a fake Medal of Honor winner or a fake POW. He’s merely one of the three or four most ignorant Republican trolls on the planet, which when you think about it, is not all that serious a problem — merely a personal tragedy, a sad sad affair. Remember, Jesus loves everybody, even insignificant little Republican trolls.
RR @ 288
Your posts never fail to put a smile on my face. Whether you’re citing stone cold facts, or utilizing your razor sharp wit, your writing prowess never ceases to amaze me. You truly have an immense amount of talent at your fingertips – literally.
OK, now on to some of your points. I must confess I never considered the angle that W is the anti-charts. I just merely thought of him as one of Satan’s minions and Karl Rove was the evil puppet master. I trust your judgment and I’ll gladly acquiesce to your point of view on this one. Frankly, it makes much more sense given all the signs of the End Times.
Now, as far as the burning building with, he who shall remain nameless, you missed one very important detail. Remember, I looked down at by What Would Jesus Do bracelet and I was compelled by a higher moral authority than myself. Yep, as George Carlson said, “The Man In The Clouds” spoke to me and obeyed his commands. How could I, being a mere mortal, argue with God as to when one of Satan’s republican trolls must be cast into the fires of hell? I can’t.
Whether or not, he who shall remain nameless, had a desire to join the military, or actually went to the recruiters office and signed up is not what’s in dispute. What became problematic is that “he” was not exactly truthful as to how he portrays himself militarily. Quite honestly, I can handle deceit for many reasons and on many levels, but not that singular issue. You’re more forgiving than I am, and for that you are truly the bigger man between you and I.
To demonstrate my willingness to learn from your wisdom, I hereby declare that I will no longer use, he who shall remain nameless, as my non-military whipping boy. Oops, that slipped, sorry RR. I mean just whipping boy. I can say whipping boy, right? No wait. I may want to use him as my whipping boy on other issues. OK, OK, I heaby declare that I will no longer whip, he who shall remain nameless over his military service. **snickering** **snickering louder** **smiling ear to ear** **covering my mouth with my hands** HAR HAR HAR HAR, HA HA HOOOOOO, DAMN! THAT’S IS FUNNY. OK, I’m calm now. OK really, no more beating him senseless over his military service.
As I said in my post @ 284 I have vanquished him from my eyes. I no longer read any post that is submitted by, he who shall remain nameless. You’re right, he who shall remain nameless, is really just an ignorant, insignificant story of a personal tragedy.
Ah, the fickle finger of fate – you defended a minion, troll republican and I agreed at your behest to leave him alone.
Hey, Roger, one last thought / request. Since I’ve agreed to cut “him” some slack, do you think it would be OK, sort of as a running gag, that from now one we encourage the other posters on this site to refer to, he who shall remain nameless, as just “nameless” for short?
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