I have an idea for an initiative, and I was hoping some qualified attorney in my audience might be willing to help me draft the text. The idea is simple: I would like to amend RCW Chapter 49.60 to make it legal to discriminate in housing, employment, lending and insurance… against Christians.
As a Jew, I find the so-called “Christian lifestyle” offensive, and contrary to the teachings of the Torah. The Lord commanded Moses, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me,” and yet the Christians not only worship that Jesus guy, they’re constantly praying to Saint This, or Saint That, and the Blessed Virgin Mary of Whatever. I mean… what the hell is up with that?
That savior-on-a-stick symbolism is kind of gross, holy communion seems downright unsanitary, and transubstantiation? Don’t get me started — the whole eating your god thing just weirds me out. But then, what do you expect from a religion in which the end of the world is considered a good thing?
And then there’s all that pork. That’s just plain wrong. Except for bacon, which is delicious… and of course Chinese food. Anything in a Chinese restaurant is kosher.
The point is, I’m an American, and thus it is my right to be intolerant of all those who are different from me or who challenge my preconceptions or who make me feel uncomfortable in any way. Christianity is wrong; the Torah says so. And so I certainly wouldn’t want a Christian teaching my children or coaching their sports teams… or having anal sex with that nice gay man who lives next door.
Now I know what some of you may be thinking: discriminating against Christians is not “politically correct.” But if we let Christians take out mortgages or pay insurance premiums, we’re just heading down that slippery road towards normalizing their disgusting behavior. Next thing you know they’ll be putting Christmas trees in the public square, or singing Christmas carols in the public schools, or going door to door, recruiting our children to join their freakish, cannibalistic cult.
Don’t get me wrong. I love Christians. Especially the shiksas. In fact, I love them so much that I want to change them, by helping them abandon their abhorrent lifestyle. And change they can, for unlike race or gender or sexual orientation, Christianity is a choice. After all, I don’t know any ex-homosexuals… but I know a helluva lot of ex-Catholics.
Clearly, our arrogant legislators don’t agree with my anti-Christian stance, but this is a Democracy, and thus we the people deserve the right to vote on whether Christians should be denied their rights. So please contribute to my initiative campaign, and join me in saying no to preferential treatment, no to quotas, and no to church weddings.
The Lake Washington School District already tried discrimination against Christians. Witness the letter from Deputy Superintendent Janene Fogard on May 24, 2006, where they told Reverendum Ken Hutcherson and the Antioch Bible Church that they could not gather signatures for R-65 on school district property that they were renting at Lake Washington High School.
Fogard cited RCW 42.17.130, which purportedly prohibits use of government agency facilities to assist political candidates or to promote or oppose ballot measures.
Only problem is that RCW 42.17.130 has never been interpreted that way before, regarding people who rent public facilities. For example, the Lake Washington School District rented Redmond High School to the 45th District Democrats on April 22, 2006 for a party caucus. At the caucus, numerous Democrat candidates campaigned, either in person or by surrogates, gave speeches and distributed literature.
So the Lake Washington School District was discriminating against Hutcherson and his church solely based upon their religious beliefs, and not because of a mistaken interpretation of RCW 42.17.130.
Fortunately, I have taken considerable measures over the last 24 hours to figuratively rip Fogard and the Lake Washington School District administration a new anus. As of late Thursday afternoon, Fogard changed her position, retracted her letter of May 24, 2006. and decided that RCW 42.17.130 allows anyone who rents public facilities to engage in whatever kind of political activity they damn well please.
State law — Chapter 49.60 RCW — already prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion. It does not currently prohibit such discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation — since HB 2661 isn’t effective yet (and won’t become effective unless approved by the voters in November 2006, if Reverendum 65 qualifies for the ballot).
Religious discrimination is still a major problem in the State of Washington. For example, the Lake Washington School District attempted religious discrimination against Reverendum Hutcherson just this week. They only backed down after being assertively denounced and having their misdeeds extensively publicized.
By contrast, there just aren’t any documented problems with discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in this state. If sexual orientation is added to Chapter 49.60 RCW, this will simply divert attention from a real problem that still exists, in spite of being legally prohibited for several decades — namely religious discrimination.
You have accomplished absolutely nothing, Richard. You’re an ineffective bastard. So shut the hell up. I can’t believe you think you deserve credit for this.
You’re suck a moron.
You suck – you’re such a moron. There. Fixed.
The opponents of Reverendum Hutcherson call themselves “Washington Won’t Discriminate”. Their very name is dishonest, since they are in favor of discrimination on the basis of religion and political viewpoint.
For example, just look at Eli Sanders’ article in The Stranger blog on May 24, 2006, where he quotes from John Vezina, campaign manager for “Washington Won’t Discriminate”:
Vezina says that his group was considering its response to the so-called “illegal” signature gathering of R-65 signatures. Vezina further said: “We are making sure that we do everything legally, and it is vital that the other side does as well.”
You have accomplished absolutely nothing, Richard. You’re an ineffective bastard.
Commentby Mount Olympus Hiker— 5/26/06@ 1:05 am
I beg to disagree. The Lake Washington School District has backed away from their blatant discrimination and withdrawn its threatening letter of May 24, 2006 that it wrote to Reverendum Hutcherson.
Look at Eli Sanders posting in The Stranger blog at 5:50 p.m. on May 25, 2006. He includes the full text of the letter of retraction from the Lake Washington School District:
Dear Church Leader,
We are following up on the Lake Washington School District’s letter to you dated May 24, 2006, concerning use of school facilities for certain political activities under RCW 42.17.130.
Since we wrote to you, we have contacted the Public Disclosure Commission, the state agency charged with enforcing the guidelines governing the use of school facilities in campaigns. The prohibitions we described in the letter apply to the district’s use of school facilities, but according to the PDC, the guidelines do not restrict the ability of third parties to promote or oppose ballot measures in that part of a school governed by a rental agreement during the time of the rental. Thus, the district is retracting its May 24th letter.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Janene Fogard
Deputy Superintendent
If anyone happens to find a mind laying around in a gutter or garbage dump or such…..it belongs to Goldy.
Dan Savage at The Stranger is quoted in this AM’s Seattle P-U:
“There’s also three other homos in the House after (Murray) leaves then there will be (Murray) in the Senate,” he said. “It’s not as if there will not be advocates for gay marriage in the state Legislature if Pedersen doesn’t make it. And it’s not as if there aren’t other people running in that race aren’t going to be advocates.”
He’s also surprised at all the hubbub about a few tossed-off blog comments.
“I was drunk; I’d had a few beers at the street fair,” Savage said.
Funny stuff!!!
And this ought to be worth a few laughs!!
“Seattle’s liberal, never-bashful Rep. Jim McDermott has found temporary work that, like his day job, consists largely of saying what he thinks.
The nine-term Democratic Lunatic will fill in as host of “The Dave Ross Show” on 710 KIRO Radio next week while Ross — himself an unsuccessful Democratic congressional candidate two years ago — goes on vacation.
McDimwit is an odds-on favorite to set a world record for stepping on his dick during a radio show.
Republicans have no sense of humor.
There’s nothing wrong with saying what you think on the job, as long as you get your work done.
i try to find something at google.com and take it on your site…thanks
Nicely put Goldy, give them the perspective they lack.
Goldy, I love the idea. I also believe push-back is good policy. I want Satanists to demand their books in the library; an initiative that extends capital punishment to White Collar Crimes of a certain magnitude (hey, if you’re going to execute people, why only poor people? Lay and Skilling look pretty good to me…)
You fight the demands of Christian Dominionist not by using the establishment clause – this just plays into their martyr delusion. You fight by attempting to demand recognition of religious groups THEY would find objectionable.
Goldy it’s obvious that your well written post is WAY over the heads of idiots like 13-year-old Ms. Cynical and the wannabe lawyer Pope. It is an excellent way of showing how being a hypocrite is the way righties live their lives.
On another blog someone commented that wingers don’t get irony because narcissists just don’t have that cognitive capacity. Fascinating comment.
Perhaps that should be tested. How about somebody sending Goldy’s missive to Faux News. Let’s see how this plays nationally.
Sign ME Up!!!!!!!
Show me where to sign…
…or give me a stack of petitions!
I’ll go to Over(-the-Top)lake Christianist Church or
Antioch (forget what the Jesus message was…I’ll HATE who the rev. tells me to) Bible (sort-of) Church.
As a “RECOVERING CATHOLIC” I’d looooooove to stand outside St. James and watch Brunett’s ears burn.
Lemme at ’em!!!!!
16.Interesting, narcissists wouldn’t get irony, I think that is correct. Is it because
It does not reflect the deluded self image?
Let me get this right – Richard researches the Lake Washington letter of admonition against Hutcherson, finds that they are wrong, contacts them, and they rescind their letter of warning.
And the lefties attack Richard.
Doesn’t the referendum just say that the people should have a vote on gay rights, rather than having the legislature pass it? This is silly – I can’t imagine that it wouldn’t pass overwhelmingly in favor of rights for gays. Should they be able to marry? Who cares? Sure, it changes my life not at all.
Careful Hanet…
Evilfuckingchristianistbitch will “throw you under the bus”!
sorry, rujax – I just don’t think that the issue has traction with this state. Most Christians I know are quite liberal in social thought, and I am in a conservative area. I guess I just have to wonder why the dems are so afraid of the issue that they are taking extraordinary means to prevent it from coming up for a vote.
This is a state that legalized abo-tion years ago. Why wouldn’t they approve of gay rights?
Don’t Believe Goldy! He’s just in it for the shiksas! Which is why we should all send our girls to catholic schools. Well, that and the uniforms.
That savior-on-a-stick symbolism is kind of gross, holy communion seems downright unsanitary, and transubstantiation? Don’t get me started – the whole eating your god thing just weirds me out.
Jesus to Catholics: Eat me.
I actually (cough, cough) agree with you here, Hanet.
For different reasons, as you could surmise.
I DON’T fear a fight on the “Anti-Gay” Referendum. Reasonable people (and we’re NOTHING if not “reasonable” in Washington State) know when a measure is good or bad.
This IS a bad one for a variety of reasons…and folks know it.
Hey you at 22…
I survived 12 years of Catholic schools and the girls there were WORSE than the boys.
You forgot about the drinking of Christ’s blood. Us Catholics / Christians are blood thirsty types.
Last Sunday, while receiving Jeez-its, I mean Eucharist, I told Father Jim that the Lord seemed a little stale. Turns out it was about 2,000 years past the expiration date.
I wish Christians would stop forcing their lifestyle on the rest of us. I mean, I turn on the TV andall I see are people oging to church, getting married, praying to Jesus. They have no shame. They won’t convince me that such a lifestyle is normal. Never.
and 7th Day Adventists… fucking weird as shit. Go to church on sunday, assclowns! It’s in your bible for cryin out loud!
I belong to a modern group of “REFORM CHRISTIANS”. We don’t wear crosses but we do wear tiny hospital gurneys with leather restraints and really small intravenous needles and tubes. The impact is more realistic.
For the symbolism of the Communion we drink a tiny amount of chimp blood ( heck, they’re almost human ) and a small gibbet of raw chimp meat.
We’re right and everyone else is wrong — and if any politician claims to agree with me I’ll vote for him — especially if he resembles a chimp!
re 21: Hanet Esse : What is the connection between gay rights and abortion? They would seem to cancel each other out. bobolonga!
Would God be OK with aborting a foetus that he knew would be gay?
It’s the “Gorditos Knot”!!!!!!
Hey you at 22…
I survived 12 years of Catholic schools and the girls there were WORSE than the boys.
Commentby rujax206— 5/26/06@ 8:35 am
Rujax206 so your preference today is the boys due to the poor selection of women in Catholic Schools. Now did you date both sexes, or did you stick with the boys because the girls were all nuns. Why not sue the Church for not providing the ladies that could have prevented you from having this unusual sexual dysfunction?
“Of Trolls and Straw Men”: The Liberal whom you constantly and with an indignant air address exists only in right wing propaganda that you fill your empty cabeza with.
Naaaahhhhhh Dude,
You got it waaaay wrong.
LOT’s of stuff went on under those “rolled up” plaid uniform skirts. Gardens of Earthy delights. Mmmmmmmmm.
Oh the mammaries….Oops…the MEMORIES!…
Hi Goldy,
Is this your response to the LWSD withdrawing its letter to the Antioch Bible Church and agreeing that it is, in fact, perfectly legal for them to engage in political activity in their rented facilities?
Or can we expect a real retraction of your libelous “Churches broke law…” article?
Oh the mammaries….Oops…the MEMORIES!…
Comment by rujax206 — 5/26/06 @ 9:24 am
Sooo you say the boys were going threw a sex change and the hormones shots were turning you on?
You know…Ol’ Pop-ie…
I HAVE heard, that the higher up you get in the Church the more fucked up in the head (esp. about SEX) you get.
Must be true if yer talkin’ about sex changes in our good Catholic Schools.
Bad Pope.
Wassup with that creepy cut-and-paste you got goin’ on…that some kind of “Opus Dei” secret code?
Well well well Pope. I would think an esteemed lawyer such as yourself would not commit such a blatant post hoc fallacy. You no I once sent a letter to Bush saying Harriet Myers was a bad nominee and you know what he withdrew her. All my doing it was. Moron
As for Goldie’s idea, why the hell did you not think of this earlier? I would have loved to foot the filing fee and printed up a bunch of petitions. It would have been a lot of fun to stand around next to the anti-gay types collecting signatures. The funny thing is that being a Christian is much more of a lifestyle choice then being gay.
Goldy you are insane. happy to see every once in a while, you get to use your Jew trump card.
Seriously, what the fuck is that matter with you?
So Richard, are you on the Public Disclosure Commission?
The LWSD said they contacted the Public Disclosure Commission to clarify their responsibility under RCW. Did she merely fail to state that it was you in your official capacity?
Eli Sanders didn’t cite your pivotal role in this matter, either.
In Fogarty’s letter, she states: the guidelines do not restrict the ability of third parties to promote or oppose ballot measures in that part of a school governed by a rental agreement during the time of the rental.
I know that when attending caucuses at local schools we were told not to carry our signs of support with the messages visible while on the school grounds as we walked to the gym. At one school, there is a small courtyard in front of a busy street. We weren’t to display political messages there, either. Even though once we got to the sidewalk, about thirty feet, we could.
So, the matter isn’t as cut-and-dried as you are trying to make out.
We are being shown the shallownes of the sense of humor among righties.
Stephen Colbert is being cited in Republican campaign ads. They’re a little tone deaf.
This is just too good:
Yesterday, a guy was having trouble with his Kimber 1911. It was firing two rounds with every trigger pull. After figuring out what was wrong, we started talking about politics and he said something that floored me.
“George Bush is more dangerous to America than Osama bin Laden. He should be impeached, indicted, tried, convicted and hung.” Beyond the fact that he was very specific about the fact that Bush would have to be impeached before he can be indicted, he made this pronouncement in a gunshop with six guys standing around and I know I was the only one that had ever voted for a Democrat. This pronouncement was not greeted with silence or derision. Everybody agreed this is what needed to happen. I was encouraged today; Bush is not going to get away with it.
I’m going to bring in ten copies of Glenn Greenwald’s “How would a Patriot Act?” as soon as I get them. Bush has lost the guys at the gun shop and unless he makes the NSA scandal disappear, he will never get them back. They might shoot ’em, but they will never support him again.
If anyone happens to find a mind laying around in a gutter or garbage dump or such…..it belongs to Goldy
I don’t get it BOZO. I thought you were the guy with a sense of humor.
How many of our righties still support GWB?
@ 45:
Where are all the righties that used to post here? Hell, they’re too embarrassed to post here let alone declare their Nazi like support of Der Fuhrer Bush!
Zieg heil, Y’all!
re 7: Senor Cynicola: Without the appearance of your hilarious slogan: LEFTIST PINHEAD KLOWN, YOUR COMMENTS LACK THEIR USUAL LUSTER AND BITE!!!!!!!!! After 6,001 readings of the LPK slogan the risibility factor never fails to resonate with me and my drinking buddies, amigo de Cynicola!!!
Tell me this: When the East Germans were escaping over the Berlin Wall escaping the Stalinists they were, according to EL Maximo Supremo Presidente Reagan, escaping to the capitalist West. Hence his cheerful pompadoured headwag of victory. But, Senor Cynicola, the East Germans were escaping to Socialist Democracies, not the cheap labor capitalist hell of the US and Mexico. These Socialist Democracies were also described as Stalinist by the conservatives.
Do you have an explanation for these inconsistencies, amigo?
Congratulations goldstein and asses… I think you’ve chosen the perfect initiative to run in the next MANY elections. Please do. Get darcy the sacrificial donkette and dumb as a goat Maria to sign on. I can’t wait to hear mcdermott sloberring all over this issue, murray, kennedy pelosi and kerry finally bashing the faith they pretend to have.
Please. Donate to goldstein asses, and get your initiative written and made public.
@ 47:
Senorita Chickenhawk couuuuuld answer your question but that would require telling the truth which she is incapable of doing.
So, you’re either going to get:
A) No response
B) A response with insightful comments like”LEFTIST PINHEADS,” “KLOWNS” or “Karl Marxist Stalinists” but nothing original.
C) A lie.
And when you run ads for your popular inititative be sure to use some of the clever phrasing found here to convince those poor pedestrian folks who just aren’t as clever as you libs:
That savior-on-a-stick symbolism is kind of gross, holy communion seems downright unsanitary, and transubstantiation? Don’t get me started – the whole eating your god thing just weirds me out.
Jesus to Catholics: Eat me.
You forgot about the drinking of Christ’s blood. Us Catholics / Christians are blood thirsty types.
Last Sunday, while receiving Jeez-its, I mean Eucharist, I told Father Jim that the Lord seemed a little stale. Turns out it was about 2,000 years past the expiration date.
and 7th Day Adventists… fucking weird as shit. Go to church on sunday, assclowns! It’s in your bible for cryin out loud!
For the symbolism of the Communion we drink a tiny amount of chimp blood ( heck, they’re almost human ) and a small gibbet of raw chimp meat.
Zieg heil, Y’all!
Janet @ 21:
The dems are afraid of the issue because via polling here in WA state not that long ago the citizens of WA would have voted no to the Gay Rights legislation. Among them almost 50% of registered Democrats if I remember correctly. There is a reason why they don’t want it to come to a vote.
While all you dems vociferously defend the legislation about 50% of you (I believe the poll was in the Times) when faced with the choice, and the anonymity of a ballot, will vote no. There’s the hitch.
Giffy – and others —
In fact I think on this blog I raised the issue of tenants and their rights —- quiet and unfettered use —- was chided by Giffy as being stupid.
All due respect, Richard was on the right tract as well…. not as concise. So Richard and I have had you all by the balls….. now we will let go … huh, Richard?
All you strung out types need to mellow a bit, and substitute some reason.
Goldy, from my standpoint Jews and Christians are the same bunch of hocum and blather vendors.
Conservative Jewish groups are as bad to gay people as the Christian fundies …..eastern urban center problem.
Tax all churches, Christain and Jew and Moslem and Mormon and …. all the others. I dislike organized religion of all ilk….. too much focus on $$$$$$$$ not enough charity and piety.
I love the left trying to point out intollerance. It’s so funny and so hypocritical. There is so much intollerance on both the left and the right that either side talking about it is just so much self flagellation.
Goldy is one of the most intollerant people in any blog I’ve come across. Not intollerant to a race. But definetely to religion and highly to any viewpoint but his own. I love to watch all you Goldyite me too’ers. It’s amazing.
You know what I LOVE about Christian and Jews alike?
Real ones send their kids to Private schools…
They recognize that public schools are subject to the opinions of pieces of shit like Goldy, Local and state governments dictating policy and lesson plans and want to have the right to say, fuck off, David “I am jew for todays post Goldstein”, your input is not welcome here.
That bein said, it’s great to see that Goldy’s kids school is being closed. If anyone deserved this slap in the face by the liberal Seattle School board, it is Goldy.
On that note, if any of you doubters ever wanted proof that their is a God, there it is.
Harold at 52:
snip:Tax all churches, Christain and Jew and Moslem and Mormon and …. all the others. I dislike organized religion of all ilk….. too much focus on $$$$$$$$ not enough charity and piety. endsnip
What organizations in the US give the most to charity? Look it up oh ye of the un-informed. Why do you think churches pass the hat, so to say. After paying salary and ops costs the rest goes to helping the needy in the community and within the congregation. Education scholarships, rent subsidies for people between jobs, food handouts for low income members and communtiy. Wow it almost sounds like a liberal Utopia. It is constantly what you libs are working for in the government but Churches, for the most part, do it so much better and without a mandate.
Your comment is so beyond ignorant I’m out of descriptives.
You REALLY got NOTHING on this one do ya, evilfuckingchristianistbitch.
Let’s get this one going…even if it only gets the “fifteen minutes of fame” news cycle.
I’d LOOOVE to see the christianist assholes like our very own evilfuckingchristianistbitch get their knickers in a knot over the same kind of shit they are trying to pull on same-gender couples…who have WAY more “Christian” comassion than the Christ’s so called follwers do.
C’mon Goldy…”Let’s git it ON!”
What…we’d have till June 6th to get the 105 (or so) thousand signatures? Shit…we’d get THAT from “The Stranger’s” readership alone!
“Let’s ROLL!!!!”
At least over Goldy’s last umpteen posts we get to see what he is really all about. Everything liberal is good. Wait ,,, only until those liberal policies affect me negatively, then I’ll cry like a little baby and do all those things I say I hate in conservatives.
I’m truly sorry your school is being closed. Personally I think every school should remain open and class size reduced. If the public every saw the “management’s” salaries that are considering the school closures there would be an even bigger hue and cry. I truly am sorry. I rarely agree with your politics (it does happen though) but when it comes to kids whatever is best for them I am for.
So please don’t take my above rant wrong. I am 100% for keeping schools open but I couldn’t help pointing out the irony of your latest posts.
You REALLY got NOTHING on this one do ya, evilfuckingchristianistbitch.
Let’s get this one going…even if it only gets the “fifteen minutes of fame” news cycle.
I’d LOOOVE to see the christianist assholes like our very own evilfuckingchristianistbitch get their knickers in a knot over the same kind of shit they are trying to pull on same-gender couples…who have WAY more “Christian” comassion than the Christ’s so called follwers do.
C’mon Goldy…”Let’s git it ON!”
What…we’d have till June 6th to get the 105 (or so) thousand signatures? Shit…we’d get THAT from “The Stranger’s” readership alone!
“Let’s ROLL!!!!”
Commentby rujax206— 5/26/06@ 12:35 pm
Unlike Soundcrossing… I get a lot of joy out of the fact that Goldy is being directly affected by this.
You definitely should do this. This will tell everyone the truth about how evil you emerald city nuts actually are
If Reverendum 65 makes it to the ballot, and the people vote to reject the law, David Goldstein will deserve a lot of the credit for such an achievement. Goldstein has changed the fight from whether or not sexual orientation should be a category protected against discrimination, to whether or not Christians should be allowed freedom of religion and protection from discrimination.
This matter certainly didn’t start off as anti-Christian fight. Reverendum Hutcherson mainly had the backing of a group of largely independent pastors. Some of them were totally unassociated with a larger denomination (such as Hutcherson), or belonged to highly autonomous denominations (such as Joe Fuiten of the Cedar Park Assembly of God).
Many organized Christian denominations were in support of HB 2661 — such as the Episcopalians, United Methodists, Evangelical Lutherans, and so on. The state’s two largest Christian denominations — the Roman Catholics and the Latter Day Saints — almost never take official positions on political matters, and have not done so either way in the case of HB 2661.
Goldstein has now turned this whole matter into a religious dispute, by attacking the religion of HB 2661 opponents. Goldstein has turned this into a struggle between gay rights supporters and “Christians” — even though the anti-HB 2661 pastors represent a decided minority of Christians in Washington.
Goldstein started out with many weeks of increasing levels of rhetoric and drivel. Then he got things into higher gear by urging videotaping of church services and reporting churches to various government authorities.
Goldstein’s fans acted on this message, and videotaped many services last Sunday May 21, 2006. The results of this, and more anti-Christian commentary, were posted on many liberal blogs.
Then some Goldstein fan came up with the innovative idea of saying that Reverendum Hutcherson was violating RCW 42.17.130, since his services are held on facilities rented from the Lake Washington School District (i.e. Lake Washington High School gymnasium). Never mind that public facilities are historically rented out for political purposes all the time, including Democrat and Republican caucuses and conventions, party meetings and campaign rallies, and even Darcy Burner fundraising dinners.
When some leftist administrator at LWSD wrote Reverendum Hutcherson and told him his church couldn’t collect signatures, etc. because of RCW 42.17.130, Goldstein and his allies were beside themselves with broad-faced shit-eating grins. They triumphally posted the LWSD letter on numerous blogs, harped on Christians being called to the table from breaking the law, and even predicted that they could get the signatures thrown out in court because of this.
The level of hypocrisy by the Goldstein-ites is truly amazing. For example, Andrew Villeneuve, who runs Northwest Progressive Institute Blog, was beside himself with glee over the LWSD letter. Never mind the fact that Villeneuve is an officer in the 45th District Democrats. And where did the 45th District Dems hold their caucus on April 22, 2006? Redmond High School, a LWSD institution from which Villeneuve recently graduated. And what did this caucus include? Campaigning by and for Democrat candidates — the same conduct that is mentioned in RCW 42.17.130 (along with ballot proposition pro/con work). However, Villeneuve didn’t mention a word about his Democrat group recently “getting away” with the same kind of conduct that LWSD wanted to prohibit for Reverendum Hutcherson.
Fortunately, the leftist administrators at LWSD were quickly told by state officials that their novel interpretation of RCW 42.17.130 was just plain wrong. LWSD rescinded its threatening letter the very next day. But you didn’t see Goldstein or any of his allies report THAT STORY, now did you?
Instead, Goldstein proposes an initiative to make it legal to discriminate against Christians as a specific religious group. Mind you — Goldstein isn’t proposing to make all religious discrimination legal, only that directed against Christians. It would still be illegal, under Goldstein’s proposal to discriminate against Jews or atheists, or to discriminate in favor of Christians.
This is quite different than simply not approving HB 2661. The law before HB 2661 didn’t cover discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation at all. It was just as okay to discriminate, for example, in favor of gays as it was to discriminate against gays. Never mind the relative lack of discrimination against gays, versus the larger problem of religious discrimination (including the recent efforts of Goldstein and his allies).
Goldstein may intend his latest proposal to simply be satire (although he does not explicitly say this). But it comes against the backdrop of a lot of anti-Christian statements by Goldstein and his allies, as well as actual threats of discrimination against Christians opposed to Goldstein’s political positions. If someone were, for example, to propose making it legal to discriminate against Jews, even if expressly stated that it was purely satirical, Goldstein would be all over this outrageous “anti-Semitism” in the blink of an eye.
In fact, Goldstein likes to call any political opponent “anti-Semitic”, if he can find a perceived opening. Recently, Mike McGavick wrote an editorial, in which he condemned the Iranian government for being anti-Semitics, and cited specific examples of anti-Jewish statements and actions by the Iranian leadership. Goldstein’s response to McGavick’s article was to accuse McGavick of glorifying Nazism!
Anyway, Goldstein deserves a lot of credit for helping energize the R-65 signature gathering efforts. R-65 still may not make it to the ballot, but it would have almost certainly been dead without Goldstein’s constant inspiration.
If R-65 does qualify for the ballot, it will be interesting to see how far Goldstein goes with his anti-Christian rantings and ravings. Goldstein may very well prove to be a public embarassment to the many Christian (and Jewish) leaders who actually support the HB 2661 gay rights law.
Don’t you all find it funny that in the heart of one of the most liberal areas of the U.S. we find the liberals struggling the hardest? Substandard education system, up until recently a very high unemployment rate, businesses trampling each other to leave the state, failing healthcare system, failing social service system, budget woes.
If the liberal and democrat system was all that and a bag of chips our area should be the glowing example to the rest of the country. But instead we are the proverbial red-headed step child along with parts of OR, and CA. You think there’s a message there?
Maybe Poop is REALLY evilfuckingchristianistbitch!
Ya think?
…Or vice versa!
Hey Dickie,
Rather than being the ambulance chaser of other people’s blogs, you should get your own blog…
You could call it “Dickie’s Pooppouri”…or “Desperate Lawyers”, or “Musings of an a guy with too much fuckin time on his hands”
What do think? Feel free to use any of the above.
Maybe Poop is REALLY evilfuckingchristianistbitch!
Ya think?
Commentby rujax206— 5/26/06@ 1:14 pm
A word to the intellectually crippled (that would be YOU, rugrat)… don’t plan on going into sales or the law
or any occupation where you have to use superior skills to convince anyone of anything…. you may have to think twice about McD’s and 7-11 too, come to think of it… your patter won’t even convince customer to ‘supersize’ or add “fries with that burger”.
…to quote myself… and pointing out yet again that rugrat, with the cognitive abilities of an earthworm, lowers the overall IQ of the seattle libs posting here by at least 125 points… why do you libs put up with such inanity?
Not only are you an idiot, you’re a B O R I N G, uneducated, repetitive IDIOT. Thanks for aptly proving so often! -Commentby howcanyou be PROUDtobeanASS— 5/21/06@ 1:38 pm
Still without anything of value to add to a conversation, eh rug-idiot?
What does your facial hair, er wife of 4 years {snicker} have to say about your gross inability to communicate even the simplest original thought?… Of course, to communicate an original thought, you’d actually have to THINK one… -Commentby howcanyou be PROUDtobeanASS— 5/22/06@ 12:11 pm
More on Poop and the evilfuckingchristianistbitch:
…After all…they are BOTH…EXCEPTIONALLY…impossibly…narcissistic.
Neither has much of a sense of humor.
They’re both pompous, opnionated asses.
They could get MARRIED! They have SOO much in common.
We could all attend the “virtual” wedding.
Why do you feel the need to display your sad idiocy so publicly, rugrat? Do you enjoy presenting yourself as totally irrelevant?
I took Goldy’s post as satire.
Pope obviously has research skills. Perhaps he should apply these skills to finding the documentation of discrimination in the cities of our state that already declare that it’s illegal to fire someone just because of their sexual orientation. Or he could look at FBI statistics on hate crimes. The fact is that Pope generally only researches things in ways that help him spin his latest grandstandings. What a dope.
Or he could look at the case in Pierce County where a judge ruled that under our states laws a school was within the state’s law to fire a teacher just because he is gay.
Many conservatives, liberals, religious people, straight people, young people and old people think there ought to be a law in our state that declares that it is illegal to fire someone just because they are gay. Just like it is already illegal to fire someone based on their religion, marital status, gender, race and a few other things.
The backers of R 65 think it ought to be OK for the majority of people to decide whether they want to condone discrimination of people who happen to be a minority. By that way of thinking, we could all decide to make it legal to fire a Mormon, just because they practice a particular faith that a majority of people don’t.
Nobody I know thinks we ought to make it legal again to fire someone because of their religion.
A few vocal preachers with a particular religious calling preach that we ought to make it legal to fire someone just because they are gay and argue that if we don’t, that our government would be “normalizing” gay people. The fact is that in our state it is quite normal for gay people to live here, and has been for a very long time.
I don’t think voters in Washington want to normalize the imposition of certain religious views on our laws. And it seems crazy to me that people in our state would want to make it legal to fire someone just because they are gay.
The promotion of the idea that our state legislature has recently enabled a wave of cross dressing teachers on our public schools, and that if we don’t put Tim Eyman’s stupid referendum on the ballot there is nothing we can do to prevent this terror, may qualify as reason enough for some idiots to make this a big ass deal.
Research question for Pope: Aren’t most crossdressers straight?
62 – so much bullshit it’s not worth responding.
All that coming from the hag who worships the chickenshit in chief and his Krazy Killer Kronies. Who smears innocent members of a family she knows nothing about (a favorite M.O. of the evilfuckingchristianistbitch, BTW).
Something that even I…of whom it was said:
“Not only are you an idiot, you’re a B O R I N G, uneducated, repetitive IDIOT. Thanks for aptly proving so often! -Commentby howcanyou be PROUDtobeanASS— 5/21/06@ 1:38 pm”
…don’t have to do. Nooooo evilfuckingchristianistbitch, you’re just a real credit to humanity, you are. Oh and just a GREAT “Christian” you are, too. Fred Phelps would be proud. Demonstrated at any military funerals lately little miss evilfuckingchristianistbitch? Miss intolerant, bigotted hypocrite?
Oh yeah…having a “conversation” with you, as I have observed, is like having a “conversation” with the speaker on a fucking ice cream truck:
Same give and take…NONE!
Same content…”It’s A Small, Small World.”
Reply to the evilfuckingchristianistbitch:
“Why do you feel the need to display your sad idiocy so publicly, rugrat? Do you enjoy presenting yourself as totally irrelevant?
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 5/26/06@ 1:31 pm”
I just like to nail hypocritcal sicko fucks like you.
How delightful that as usual everyone, left and right, has snapped on the bait. Every time a politico-religious issue like this comes up, I’ve seen in this blog and elsewhere that the folks on the left side, who might otherwise simply be indifferent to religion or even harbor some vestiges of faith, get goaded into spouting all kinds of anti-religious invective. At the same time, the knee-jerk dominionist zealots start throwing figurative rocks. Then the big bunch of us who are devoutly religious AND politically leftist find ourselves standing in the middle not knowing whether to shit or go blind. Polarization and angst are the fuel that’s consuming our nation, alienating American against American and allowing the fascists who now control the Republican party to play “divide-and-conquer” right out of the pages of “Mein Kampf”.
If anyone happens to find a mind laying around in a gutter or garbage dump or such…..it belongs to Goldy.
Commentby Mr. Cynical— 5/26/06@ 1:51 am
Hey! I found one, Cynical, but it has your name on it. Could you forward a return address?
“If R-65 does qualify for the ballot….”
Yes. The big “if” Richard. But it won’t. Time’s running out.
If I’m wrong, post on this blog….oh, wait….
@74 con’t: Don’t worry about the postage. It’s about the size of a peanut.
Now THAT’S funny stuff right there. Great sarcasm, whit, and genuinely funny perspective.
And, for the record…..I’m a Republican. A moderate one certainly (or my right-wing whacko colleagues would call me a RINO and shun me), but a confirmed R nonetheless.
…..I guess that point is secondary now. I have to try and call 911 now because I just ruptured my spleen from laughing so hard.
I think that’s the best piece you’ve written Goldy.
McCabe and I’ll get a good laugh over this one.
I just like to nail hypocritcal sicko fucks like you. -Commentby rujax206— 5/26/06@ 1:44 pm
Ah yes, the 8th grade style of ‘debate’.
And tell us, oh mature one, how exactly does that/will that convince anyone of anything?
That’s not really…uhhh, the point, miss evilfuckingchristianistbitch:
“More on Poop and the evilfuckingchristianistbitch:
…After all…they are BOTH…EXCEPTIONALLY…impossibly…narcissistic.
Neither has much of a sense of humor.
They’re both pompous, opnionated asses.”
That’s All, F-F-F-F-F-Folks!
Real question, ProudAss…
Do YOU really think you convince ANYONE of ANYTHING here?
You gotta love the way the Janet S types try to confuse the issue. Dems aren’t afraid of the referendum. We beat your lousy gas tax referendum like a red headed step child. We’re afraid of wasting tax dollars on elections that duplicate the work of our Legislature. You know Janet S, taxdollars? The things you say you want to save? You don’t mind spending tax dollars for some right wing feel good election I guess. We have a Legislature that approved this bill – the Legislature is elected to represent us. You don’t like their decisions? Vote them out. But the problem is here in Washington we’ve soundly rejected your sexist, racist, homophobic views so go somewhere else if you don’t like it here. You won’t be missed. And neither will your kids who are hiding under your skirt so they don’t have to fight in Iraq!
What is it about these right-wing wackos?
Just like the mouth-breathers backing Tom Delay — who show Stephen Colbert’s interview with Robert Greenwald (producer of THE BIG BUY) and suggest that Colbert “skewered” Greenwald — Richard Pope and his ilk appear to be incapable of comprehending satire.
No wonder every single comedian worth his or her salt is a Democrat. Reactionaries have no sense of humor.
Perhaps I can’t convince a lefty of anything here (and actually don’t really care if I can… it’s oh so much more fun to point out the inconsistancies and hypocrisy of you koolaid libs) – BUT, I can present a coherent arguement about the subjects of which I’m passionate, without resorting to the gutter language of an insecure 12yr old or the fatuous and stale monotony of a stuttering, simple-minded parrot.
My Dearest Proud Ass-
For all the roughhousing and drop-kicking we do around here this is (with some NOTABLE exceptions) a really savvy well informed political populace.
Your view are waaaayyyyyyy to the right of the general population (this comment ALWAYS excepts the trolls).
So who the fuck do you think you’re convincing of anything here? How about GBS…has he EVER changed your mind of influenced your thought? or Donnageddon, or dj, or Roger (where IS Roger anyway?), or Proud Leftist, and the grest of the great posters here?
Do we stop you from venting your right-wing christianist bullshit?
Do anty of us even WANT to? (well maybe)
So vent away…your holy haughtiness…just hold still while I aim my little slingshot….
dictionary.com, rugrat… take all the time you need, sweetcheeks.
“resorting to the gutter language of an insecure 12yr old or the fatuous and stale monotony of a stuttering, simple-minded parrot.”
You mean like you, evilfuckingchristianistbitch…
…parrotting the RNC and 700 Club talking oinks…I mean…points?
As IF…
Interestingly enough, rugrat, other than the times you predictable leftys were insulting the Pope (both the current and former) I have made it a point NOT to inject religion into ANY argument. I challenge you to prove otherwise.
Now tell me little rugrat, WHO makes the assumptions and WHO is the bigot?
FUCK WITH MY FAMILY, evilfuckingchristianistbitch…
Thank you for proving your maturity yet again, rugrat.
and by the way… it’s spelled CAPISCE
More holier-than-thou bullshit from the evilfuckingchristianistbitch…
You spew so much CRAP you can’t even remember what you spew.
At 70:
Then rebutt it. What a coward. Tell me where I’m wrong. Tell me where we, as a State, and a County haven’t been liberal as long as you can remember. Tell me how, under liberal leadership, our state’s education and finances are the beacon to which other states flock.
You can’t. You will find some way to say, “We need to be in power just a little bit longer.” “We’ll change it you just watch.” “We just don’t have enough money to fix it.” Well Goldy just found out that your promises are so much bullshit.
The liberals in this state, just like liberals and conservatives nationwide, are worried about one thing; Their asses/jobs. Screw your kids, screw your economy, screw your safety, and screw our international image. They flipping placate you with useless drivel they will never execute on so you elect them and then they tow the party line. How many times have you heard the following in our state?:
1)We need more money for education and it will be fixed. Well everytime they get more the problem remains the same. Large classes or school closures. F.
2)We need more money for transportation. They are already spending well beyond their means and traffic is as poor as ever. Light rail? A total boondoggle in our geography. F. Ron Simms gets a huge Z minus in leadership there.
3)Keeping industry in our state. F.
4)Health Care affordability and accountability. A HUGE whopping F.
5)Labor and Industries. F.
Yep @70, you liberals and dems rock my world. Now rebutt your fucking statement or get the troll out of here.
More holier-than-thou bullshit from the evilfuckingchristianistbitch…
You spew so much CRAP you can’t even remember what you spew. -Commentby rujax206— 5/26/06@ 2:28 pm
Can’t quite meet the cahllenge, eh sweetcheeks?
OK… let loose with your superior knowledge of gutter language… it seems to be all you have to offer…ever.
Wow, mama got me there…I been…
…by the evilfuckingchristianistbitch…
OMG, I’ll never live it down.
(nyuk, nyuk)
BTW…what’s a “cahllenge”? More “gutter language” I don’t know about?
OMG, I’ll never live it down.
(nyuk, nyuk) -Commentby rujax206— 5/26/06@ 2:32 pm
Oh, sure you will… you consistantly live down to the lowest common denominator.
well actually, I believe you ARE the lowest common denominator!
Hey Rujax. Been to your blog. You aren’t even popular with just one of your leftwing buddies. Think there’s a reason for that? Think maybe even though you are parroting what they want to hear your venom pretty much makes everybody discount you?
He has a blog???
So to speak. Pretty much it is just a bunch of cut and paste from sources that rujax would be agreeable to. But yes it’s there.
The cool thing about Goldy and his blog is that fact that he has an opinion. And most of the time it is well thought out. Even well researched in the “it’s a debate and I’m only going to give you info that supports my argument” way. But nonetheless it’s good and that is why some of us right leaning people like to read it and comment.
Then there are the blogs like rujax’. Cut and paste, no thought, he said it so it must be true type blogs.
YIKES… 2004 was a banner time for the rugrat… Mike 11.05.04 – 9:29 pm was his ONLY COMMENT EVER!
1. Tell me this: When the East Germans were escaping over the Berlin Wall escaping the Stalinists they were, according to EL Maximo Supremo Presidente Reagan, escaping to the capitalist West. Hence his cheerful pompadoured headwag of victory. But, Senor Cynicola, the East Germans were escaping to Socialist Democracies, not the cheap labor capitalist hell of the US and Mexico. These Socialist Democracies were also described as Stalinist by the conservatives.
Do you have an explanation for these inconsistencies, amigo?
Commentby GORDITOS DE LOS ALBERTO— 5/26/06@ 11:58 am
Yaw Gorditos De Los Alberto they were escaping into the Socialist Democracies of Western Europe and not swimming the Atlantic Ocean. (No rivers between the two continents) Their reasons probability is not the same as those crossing the Rio Grande today into the United States. Unfortunately they were used for cheap labor until they got a visa to enter this country. Today some of the wandering emigrants entering Europe from Africa and settling into France find no jobs and treated like third class citizens. That is not the case in the United States and they receive respect for who they are and what they contribute to this society. Now in this country street we find demonstrators who come from Central America and Mexico promoting this type of Government like France, Cuba, Russia, and other Democrat Socialist governments. The present Democrat Party is being taken over by these types of people. “Where are the real Democrats?” Read more below and you might feel at home.
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is a socialist organization in the United States and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International, a federation of socialist, social democratic and labor parties and organizations.
DSA was formed in 1983 by a merger of Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee, the largest remnant of the defunct Socialist Party of America led by Michael Harrington, and the New American Movement, a coalition of writers and intellectuals with roots in both the New Left movements of the 1960s and the more traditional parties of the Old Left.
Originally DSA, like DSOC before it, was very strongly associated with Michael Harrington’s position that “the left wing of realism is found today in the Democratic Party”. In its early years DSA backed relatively mainstream liberals such as Walter Mondale in spite of the dramatic growth of a left wing associated with Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Coalition, which the DSA largely ignored.[1] The DSA’s position has since evolved; its present official position is that “Democratic socialists reject an either-or approach to electoral coalition building, focused solely on a new party or on realignment within the Democratic Party.”[2] In 2000, the DSA took no official position on the presidential election, with several prominent DSA members backing Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader. In 2004, the organization backed John Kerry after he won the Democratic nomination. The only resolution on upcoming elections at the DSA’s 2005 convention focused on Bernie Sanders’ independent campaign for the U.S. Senate.
AND to quote the hit and run Lazy Man, fondly known as rugrat… “Wednesday, April 12, 2006
This… Well, You Just Can’t Make Something Like This Up…”
LOL entertainment this great and all for free… gotta love it!
Thanks rugrat, we all now know what purpose you serve.
So what about you brainiacs…
…nothing to say for yourselves????
Did the dicksucker prousd ass say something about being concerned about the Pope? Well asswipe. I’ll say something about the Pope – past and future. The Pope sits in a throne that oversees a bunch of child molesting maggots and they all deserve to die. Fuck the Pope and his ilk. I said that proud ass – what you gonna do about it bitch?
So what about you brainiacs…
…nothing to say for yourselves????
Figures. -Commentby rujax206— 5/26/06@ 2:52 pm
Ahh, hit and run Lazy Man, fondly known as rugrat, you’re the best free entertainment going… don’t have to be a braniac {snicker} to appreciate that fact!
So the evilfuckingchristianistbitch can get a tip (not even “surf” the “internets”) and READ something!
Oh…thanks for the traffic!
Did the dicksucker prousd ass say something about being concerned about the Pope? Well asswipe. I’ll say something about the Pope – past and future. The Pope sits in a throne that oversees a bunch of child molesting maggots and they all deserve to die. Fuck the Pope and his ilk. I said that proud ass – what you gonna do about it bitch? -Commentby LeftTurn— 5/26/06@ 2:52 pm
Advertise it.
Did the dicksucker prousd ass say something about being concerned about the Pope? Well asswipe. I’ll say something about the Pope – past and future. The Pope sits in a throne that oversees a bunch of child molesting maggots and they all deserve to die. Fuck the Pope and his ilk. I said that proud ass – what you gonna do about it bitch? -Commentby LeftTurn— 5/26/06@ 2:52 pm
Advertise it.
Loudly and often.
Huh? Cutting and pasting isn’t saying. Cutting and pasting only from sources that you agree with should be considered negative IQ points.
Like that evilfuckingchristianistbitch?
I KNEW you did!
Oh my…the casual hypocrisy of the right.
Did the dicksucker prousd ass say something about being concerned about the Pope? Well asswipe. I’ll say something about the Pope – past and future. The Pope sits in a throne that oversees a bunch of child molesting maggots and they all deserve to die. Fuck the Pope and his ilk. I said that proud ass – what you gonna do about it bitch? -Commentby LeftTurn— 5/26/06@ 2:52 pm
Advertise it.
Loudly and often.
You do realize that the dumbest senator in US history (Murray) and her tail (Cantwell) are Catholic, right?
Did the dicksucker prousd ass say something about being concerned about the Pope? Well asswipe. I’ll say something about the Pope – past and future. The Pope sits in a throne that oversees a bunch of child molesting maggots and they all deserve to die. Fuck the Pope and his ilk. I said that proud ass – what you gonna do about it bitch? -Commentby LeftTurn— 5/26/06@ 2:52 pm
Advertise it.
Loudly and often.
Just in time for campaign season.
Like YOUR blog, butthead?
Wow, the last 30 posts or so of this board has got to be most degenerate I’ve ever seen the talkback get on this blog. I was going to try to add something to the debate, maybe make a point or two but now I just want to go throw up. Thanks guys!
Did the dicksucker prousd ass say something about being concerned about the Pope? Well asswipe. I’ll say something about the Pope – past and future. The Pope sits in a throne that oversees a bunch of child molesting maggots and they all deserve to die. Fuck the Pope and his ilk. I said that proud ass – what you gonna do about it bitch? -Commentby LeftTurn— 5/26/06@ 2:52 pm
Advertise it.
Loudly and often.
Just in time for campaign season.
There are 131 Catholics — 58 Republicans and 73 Democrats — in the House, and 24 — 11 Republicans and 13 Democrats — in the Senate.
I’m at least willing to give Richard credit for putting his brain in gear, collecting information and trying to make cogent arguments for his side of the equation. I haven’t seen a shred of evidence to the effect that Ken Hutcherson is anything more than a has-been athlete who fell into the country-revival preaching racket and continues to spout malarkey trying to convince anyone, including himself, that he’s important.
You sinners new to read a new book and repent,for being a Liberal is a sin in God’s eyes.
New York Times bestselling author Ann Coulter. In this completely original and thoroughly controversial work, Coulter writes, “Liberals love to boast that they are not ‘religious,’ which is what one would expect to hear from the state-sanctioned religion. Of course liberalism is a religion. It has its own cosmology, its own miracles, its own beliefs in the supernatural, its own churches, its own high priests, its own saints, its own total worldview, and its own explanation of the existence of the universe. In other words, liberalism contains all the attributes of what is generally known as ‘religion.’ â€
GODLESS throws open the doors of the “Church of Liberalism.â€
Jesus was a liberal
So God thinks His only son is a sinner then?
It’s amazing what the mention of religion does. Goldy posts a hilarious SATIRE and all the humorless righties get their panties in a twist.
Why don’t you all get a sense of humor and then pop off?
Anne Coulter is a professional hater. Why does anyone listen to her. Oh yes, they want to hate too.
Sooooooooooooo evilfuckingchristianistbitch…
Which part of LeftTurn’s comments do you disagree with…
…the part about the Church covering up for child molester priests, or the part about the Church covering up for child molester priests?
LeftTurd sez:
Did the dicksucker proud ass say something about being concerned about the Pope? Well asswipe. I’ll say something about the Pope – past and future. The Pope sits in a throne that oversees a bunch of child molesting maggots and they all deserve to die. Fuck the Pope and his ilk. I said that proud ass – what you gonna do about it bitch? -Commentby LeftTurn— 5/26/06@ 2:52 pm
I suppose LeftTurd will defend that statement to the 73 Dems in Congress and the 13 Dems in the Senate who are Catholics!!!!
LeftTurd…..you are a silly bastard!
…the part about the Church covering up for child molester priests, or the part about the Church covering up for child molester priests?
Commentby rujax206— 5/26/06@ 5:08 pm
speaking of which this is another benefit of closing Seattle public schools. We have safer kids with less of them getting molested. Man you liberal whine like pigs when they close dont ya!! hehehehe
Cynical: LeftTurd is a stupid bastard. He wouldn’t know a Catholic if they slapped him silly. Oops… the Catholics here have slapped him silly!
Rights are not negotiable. You can’t put them up for a vote. You’re playing with fire and burnt you will get, trollobamba amigos.
GORDITOS DE LOS ALBERTO ET CABRON: Rights? Where are these rights the loony left always speaks about?
Which part of LeftTurn’s comments do you disagree with…
…the part about the Church covering up for child molester priests, or the part about the Church covering up for child molester priests? -Commentby rujax206— 5/26/06@ 5:08 pm
Ahh, hit and run Lazy Man, fondly {snicker: like one would refer to a roach fondly…but I digress} known as rugrat, do you ever get tired of being shown as the incompetent koolais swilling boob you are?
According to a survey by the Washington Post, over the last four decades, less than 1.5 percent of the estimated 60,000 or more men who have served in the Catholic clergy have been accused of child sexual abuse. According to a survey by the New York Times, 1.8 percent of all priests ordained from 1950 to 2001 have been accused of child sexual abuse. Thomas Kane, author of Priests are People Too, estimates that between 1 and 1.5 percent of priests have had charges made against them. Of contemporary priests, the Associated Press found that approximately two-thirds of 1 percent of priests have charges pending against them.
Almost all the priests who abuse children are homosexuals. Dr. Thomas Plante, a psychologist at Santa Clara University, found that “80 to 90% of all priests who in fact abuse minors have sexually engaged with adolescent boys, not prepubescent children. Thus, the teenager is more at risk than the young altar boy or girls of any age.”
In the spring of 2002, when the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church was receiving unprecedented attention, the Christian Science Monitor reported on the results of national surveys by Christian Ministry Resources. The conclusion: “Despite headlines focusing on the priest pedophile problem in the Roman Catholic Church, most American churches being hit with child sexual-abuse allegations are Protestant, and most of the alleged abusers are not clergy or staff, but church volunteers.”
Finally, in the authoritative work by Penn State professor Philip Jenkins, Pedophiles and Priests, it was determined that between .2 and 1.7 percent of priests are pedophiles. The figure among the Protestant clergy ranges between 2 and 3 percent.
Rabbi Arthur Gross Schaefer is a professor of law and ethics at Loyola Marymount University. It is his belief that sexual abuse among rabbis approximates that found among the Protestant clergy. According to one study, 73 percent of women rabbis report instances of sexual harassment. “Sadly,” Rabbi Schaefer concludes, “our community’s reactions up to this point have been often based on keeping things quiet in an attempt to do ‘damage control.’ Fear of lawsuits and bad publicity have dictated an atmosphere of hushed voices and outrage against those who dare to break ranks by speaking out.”
Rabbi Joel Meyers, executive vice president of the Conservative Rabbinical Assembly, reports that 30 percent of rabbis who changed positions in 2000 did so involuntarily, and that sexual abuse was a factor in many instances. [xxiv] The Awareness Center devotes an entire website to “Clergy Abuse: Rabbis, Cantors & Other Trusted Officials.” It is a detailed and frank look at the problem of sexual abuse by rabbis. [xxv]
The problem of sexual abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses is evident among church elders but most of the abuse comes from congregation members. “The victims who have stepped forward are mostly girls and young women,” writes Laurie Goodstein in the New York Times, “and many accusations involve incest.” There is a victims support group available, “silentlambs,” that has collected more than 5,000 Witnesses contending that the church mishandled child sexual abuse.
According to one study, .2 percent of athletic coaches nationwide have a criminal record of some sort of sexual offense. This translates to about 6,000 coaches in the U.S. who have been tried and found guilty of sexual offense against children. It is not known how many more offenders have escaped the reach of law enforcement.
Between 3 and 12 percent of psychologists have had sexual contact with their clients. While today virtually every state considers sexual contact with a client as worthy of revoking a psychologist’s license, as recently as 1987 only 31 percent of state licensing boards considered sexual relations between a psychologist and his or her patient grounds for license revocation. What makes this statistic so interesting is that many bishops in the 1980s took the advice of psychologists in handling molesting priests.
The American Medical Association found in 1986 that one in four girls, and one in eight boys, are sexually abused in or out of school before the age of 18. Two years later, a study included in The Handbook on Sexual Abuse of Children, reported that one in four girls, and one in six boys, is sexually abused by age 18. It was reported in 1991 that 17.7 percent of males who graduated from high school, and 82.2 percent of females, reported sexual harassment by faculty or staff during their years in school. Fully 13.5 percent said they had sexual intercourse with their teacher.
In New York City alone, at least one child is sexually abused by a school employee every day. One study concluded that more than 60 percent of employees accused of sexual abuse in the New York City schools were transferred to desk jobs at district offices located inside the schools. Most of these teachers are tenured and 40 percent of those transferred are repeat offenders. They call it “passing the garbage” in the schools. One reason why this exists is due to efforts by the United Federation of Teachers to protect teachers at the expense of children. [xxxi] Another is the fact that teachers accused of sexual misconduct cannot be fired under New York State law. [xxxii]
One of the nation’s foremost authorities on the subject of the sexual abuse of minors in public schools is Hofstra University professor Charol Shakeshaft. In 1994, Shakeshaft and Audrey Cohan did a study of 225 cases of educator sexual abuse in New York City. Their findings are astounding.
All of the accused admitted sexual abuse of a student, but none of the abusers was reported to the authorities, and only 1 percent lost their license to teach. Only 35 percent suffered negative consequences of any kind, and 39 percent chose to leave their school district, most with positive recommendations. Some were even given an early retirement package.
Moving molesting teachers from school district to school district is a common phenomenon. And in only 1 percent of the cases do superintendents notify the new school district. According to Diana Jean Schemo, the term “passing the trash” is the preferred jargon among educators.
Shakeshaft has also determined that 15 percent of all students have experienced some kind of sexual misconduct by a teacher between kindergarten and 12th grade; the behaviors range from touching to forced penetration. She and Cohan also found that up to 5 percent of teachers sexually abuse children. Shakeshaft will soon be ready to release the findings of a vast study undertaken for the Planning and Evaluation Service Office of the Undersecretary, U.S. Department of Education, titled, “Educator Sexual Misconduct with Students: A Synthesis of Existing Literature on Prevalence in Connection with the Design of a National Analysis.”
darn! forgot to close the a tag…get over it… too bad cheapo goldstein won’t pony up for a PREVIEW button like that smart, NON-cheapo guy at http://www.soundpolitics.com/ has…
You go #133. You have some great Internet skillz. Rudejacks will deliver a mental midget attack of facts. Remember ProudAss, facts and rudejacks don’t mix!
So, ASS, it’s OK for priests to bugger Puddybud’s “virgin” sons because other people do it? How many times did your priest have you speak “directly into the microphone?”
Once again ASSnonymous projects his vile, disgusting, inner most thoughts about my sons on this blog. Thsi time my older son passes on ASSes!!!
That’s not what ProudAss wrote and you know it. Let is out ASSnonymous. Take your time, breathe and let it flow. Is there anything else you want to get off your small brain ASSnonymous? Please continue and demontrate your mental prowess here on ASSHeads.
ASSnonymous, you need mental assistance and a straight jacket, with that leather harness strap right on your “vagina”!
When I reflect on my years in the Hitler Youth, and later as a member of the Luftwaffenhelfer, and on to my time in Austria working in the Nazi Army working the anti-tank defences in the Hungarian border, even to the days as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, where I shuffled the abuse of children under bureaucratic red tape, and to this day…
I must say to the Christians, and the Jews and the Muslims: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING????
It is all complete bullshit. Why do you hide your humanity behind mythology and hatred? There are many great moral teachers, but not a one of them is worth killing a gnat over. Or using your warped interpretations of their teachings to claim moral high ground, or to discriminate against others.
You are all lost, clueless automatons.
That’s not what ProudAss wrote and you know it.
-Commentby Puddybud Robert Kennedy Jr.— 5/26/06@ 9:10 pm
All’s well Puddybud! The loonie left gathered here haven’t a prayer of winning a cultural battle nor the hearts, minds or votes of thinking adults. Their ramblings present us with golden opportunities to show voting middle America what the DemocRAT party stands for… such as this gem:
Did the dicksucker prousd ass say something about being concerned about the Pope? Well asswipe. I’ll say something about the Pope – past and future. The Pope sits in a throne that oversees a bunch of child molesting maggots and they all deserve to die. Fuck the Pope and his ilk. I said that proud ass – what you gonna do about it bitch? -Commentby LeftTurn— 5/26/06@ 2:52 pm
Advertise it.
Loudly and often.
Just in time for campaign season.
There are 131 Catholics – 58 Republicans and 73 Democrats – in the House, and 24 – 11 Republicans and 13 Democrats – in the Senate, including
109th U.S. Congress, 2005: Senators
109th U.S. Congress, 2005: Senators
Ken Salazar (Colorado-D) Catholic
Christopher Dodd (Connecticut-D) Catholic
Joseph Biden (Delaware-D) Catholic
Tom Harkin (Iowa-D) Catholic
Richard Durbin (Illinois-D) Catholic
Mary Landrieu (Louisiana-D) Catholic
Edward Kennedy (Mass-D) Catholic
John Kerry (Mass-D) Catholic
Barbara Mikulski (Maryland-D) Catholic
Mike DeWine (Ohio-R) Catholic
Jack Reed (Rhode Island-D) Catholic
Patrick Leahy (Vermont-D) Catholic
Maria Cantwell (Washington-D) Catholic
Patty Murray (Washington-D) Catholic
109th U.S. Congress, 2005: Representatives
Ed Pastor, D Catholic
Raul Grijalva, D Catholic
Mike Thompson, D Catholic
George Miller, D Catholic
Nancy Pelosi, D Catholic
Ellen Tauscher, D Catholic
Richard Pombo, D Catholic
Anna Eshoo, D Catholic
Dennis Cardoza, D Catholic
Jim Costa, D Catholic
Xavier Becerra, D Catholic
Hilda Solis, D Catholic
Diane Watson, D Catholic
Lucille Roybal-Allard, D Catholic
Grace Napolitano, D Catholic
Linda Sanchez, D Catholic
Joe Baca, D Catholic
Loretta Sanchez, D Catholic
John Salazar, D Catholic
John Larson, D Catholic
Rose DeLauro, D Catholic
Jim Marshall, D Catholic
Cynthia McKinney, D Catholic
Dan Lipinski, D Catholic
Luis Gutierrez, D Catholic
Jerry Costello, D Catholic
Lane Evans, D Catholic
Charlie Melancon, D Catholic
Mike Michaud, D Catholic
Richard Neal, D Catholic
James McGovern, D Catholic
Martin Meehan, D Catholic
Edward Markey, D Catholic
Michael Capuano, D Catholic
Stephen Lynch, D Catholic
Bill Delahunt, D Catholic
Bart Stupak, D Catholic
Dale Kildee, D Catholic
John Dingell, D Catholic
Betty McCollum, D Catholic
Mark Kennedy, R Catholic
James Oberstar, D Catholic
Gene Taylor, D Catholic
William Clay, Jr., D Catholic
Frank Pallone, D Catholic
Bill Pascrell, D Catholic
Robert Menendez, D Catholic
Timothy Bishop, D Catholic
Carolyn McCarthy, D Catholic
Joseph Crowley, D Catholic
Nydia Velazquez, D Catholic
Charles Rangel, D Catholic
Jose Serrano, D Catholic
Michael McNulty, D Catholic
Maurice Hinchey, D Catholic
Brian Higgins, D Catholic
Marcy Kaptur, D Catholic
Dennis Kucinich, D Catholic
Timothy Ryan, D Catholic
Peter DeFazio, D Catholic
Robert Brady, D Catholic
Paul Kanjorski, D Catholic
John Murtha, D Catholic
Michael Doyle, D Catholic
Tim Holden, D Catholic
Patrick Kennedy, D Catholic
Jim Langevin, D Catholic
Ruben Hinojosa, D Catholic
Silvestre Reyes, D Catholic
Charles Gonzalez, D Catholic
Henry Cuellar, D Catholic
James Moran, D Catholic
David Obey, D Catholic
Did you happen to notice that over 66% of Catholics in Congress are DemocRATS?
a special note of THANKS to Stefan Sharkansky at http://www.soundpolitics.com/ for the generous availability of his PREVIEW button
re 139: Republicans have shrunk “voting middle America. I doubt they are going to stand for more.
But what do you care as long as you have Diebold?!?!
N @82,
P.J. O’Rourke is genuinely funny. Other than that, I can’t really think of another conservative humorist.
But it is amusing how many people on the right are entirely lacking the satire gene.
Where do you get the list of members of Congress by religion?
Where do you get the list of members of Congress by religion? -Commentby Richard Pope— 5/26/06@ 10:31 pm
Start taxing churches! Why? Churches are businesses!
Thanks and please KEEP advertising it ASS – SUCK! Fuck the Pope! There, I said it again! And by the way, fuck all Christians too!
92 – Oh did I touch a nerve?
Again, so much bullshit not worth responding.
howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS you go! Way to stick to these commie lefty child molestors.
As a TRUE Christian, I am saddened by the HEATHEN psuedo-conservatives here defending the evil Catholic satanists!
We here at godhatesfags.com cannot condone the Catholic animal! Catholics are Satan’s right hand! God Bless George W. Bush!
We use the word “fag” as a contraction of the word “faggot.” A “fag” is a firebrand. A “fag” is used for kindling — it fuels fire. “Fag” is a metaphor used in the Bible, for example, in Amos 4:11 (where it is translated “firebrand” in the KJV). Just as a “fag” fuels the fires of nature, so does a sodomite fuel the fires of God’s wrath. We do not use the word “fag” in order to engage in childish name-calling. Rather, we use it because it is a metaphor chosen by the Holy Ghost to describe a group of people who BURN in their lust one toward another, and who FUEL God’s wrath!
Hail Jesus!
As I, the prime example of Good Conservative Values have said before on Pope John Paul II’s watch, the Catholic Church became the church of the holy pedophiles. And sodomite feces replaced the wafer for their communion service. And Sodomite semen replaced the wine that the Pope drinks.
I am a Bush Conservative , and I hate Catholics and the Fags that evil religion creates!
There are 1.07 billion members of that monstrous machine called the Roman Catholic Church. Every last one of them are going to hell!!
God Bless George W. Bush!
148. – is that for real? if so phelps is scary and his followers are even more so. news flash folks – we are all the same. no gets to be special. it’s only the mental atitude that makes us seem different. hate promotes hate.
love promotes love. make your choice. there is a reason for separation of church and state.
LeftTurd sez:
“Thanks and please KEEP advertising it ASS – SUCK! Fuck the Pope! There, I said it again! And by the way, fuck all Christians too!
Commentby LeftTurd— 5/26/06@ 10:53 pm”
On LeftTurd’s Tombstone, it will read:
Here lies LeftTurd….He died an ANGRY man!
RE 141: Jonathan Swift’s baby recipe is a for-real entry in many Conservative cookbooks. The only major change is that they’ve substitututed brown babies for the original Irish ones.
Hey Goldysteinberg, Your school must be closed so union teacher’s salaries can be raised. The Democrat NEA and the union hack Democrat teachers know what is best, Goldysteinberg. I am disappointed at your lack of respect for the Democrat union hack “education professionals”!!! [Hey commie lib “progressive” Democrat loser idiots!! Hello from Pennsylvania.]
re 150: Senor Cynicola! Hola, Lector! I wish I had upside down exclamation points and question marks on my Norte style keyboard. It is a demand I will make in my next march while grasping my Portuguese flag. That will really alarm your hairy, knuckle dragging cohorts in ZANY WINGNUT LAND. “Hey,look, Elmo! Now they got the PORTOGEES marchin’!”
How do I know they will say PORTOGEE, Senor Cynicola? Because I knw what I know , Senor. Tautology is , after all, a word with a Latin root! And speaking of Latin Roots!!,,,,1 Ah! But I digress into the comedic world of Beaviso y Culocabeza!
GORDITOS DE LOS ALBERTO: Beavis & Butthead is the ONLY thing you comprehend in life. Your writing style and blogging attitude demonstrate it.
Mr. Fred Waldron Phelps, Sr. – I realize the Roman Catholic Church has a lot to answer for. Just read Foxes Book of Martyrs. It will open your eyes on how the Jesuits treated anyone whom they thought was a heretic during the dark ages. I think JPII apologized for the dark ages. And there is “some” controvery over what is translated as the “official” title of the Pope.
V – 5
I – 1
C – 100
I – 1
U – 5 U = V
I – 1
L – 50
I – 1
I – 1
D – 500
I – 1
TOTAL – 666
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.
My take is there are sincere people who are Christian in their Catholic Church. Donna, you can skip this part. The Holy Word of God will singe your eyes!
John 10: 11-18 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand, who is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away — and the wolf snatches them and scatters them.The hired hand runs away because a hired hand does not care for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. And I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd. For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it up again. I have received this command from my Father.” Jesus has people of all denominations that believe that He is the Son of God.
So when LeftTurd sez what he sez, he demonstrate absolute ignorance of the Bible. I’ll guess his parents never read bedtime stories from the Bible. I’ll guess his parents didn’t have a Bible in the house! I’ll guess LeftTurd is a repressed Christian. Hehehe
But I say to LeftTurd, go to the local library and open the Bible New Testament to Romans 1:18-32. Come back and tell me what it says.
Man if I could only spell …controversy…!
someone posted:
>Don’t you all find it funny that in the heart of one of the most >liberal areas of the U.S. we find the liberals struggling the >hardest? Substandard education system, up until recently a very >high unemployment rate, businesses trampling each other to leave >the state, failing healthcare system, failing social service >system, budget woes.
Yeah, it could be construed as funny I guess. But it pales in comparison to what is going on in the current bastion of neo-conservativism (eg: our nation’s capitol)
What with a hearty helping of indictments all-around, finally the corrupt asshats you neo-thugs support are finally getting what they deserve. Even the shills are jumping ship and throwing each other to the wolves (Novak/Rove/DeLay/et al) in order to save their own skin. Even classic conservatives are turning their backs on this group of a$$clowns. Bush’s administration is politically and morally bankrupt. You idiots can’t even find a decent ticket to run in ’08, and it’s no wonder. Good riddance. Any of you folks that supported shrub and his merry band of idiots have now spent the little credibility you had to begin with. Even clear channel and fox can’t save you from yourselves.
Comparitively, your post is not even worthy of a snicker compared to the above gut-buster. We all know who the real terrorists are.
My Dearest Cyniclown,
Goldy’s post was “TONGUE IN CHEEK SATIRE”. Only a moronic asshole with the sense of humor the size of a gnat would not understand that or make a comment disparaging his very funny musing.
What is really funny, hilarious even, is the look that will be on your face this coming November. When the pendulum swings back to the left in a big way. The Congress and the Senate will be placed back into the hands of Democrats and your villiage idiot of a President can spend the last two years of his impotent presidency sitting on his ass, knowing of course, that God himself ordained his very presidency. But as we all know, his “talking point” will be that the terrorists and Jews have subverted him, by controlling the media, and foisted this change upon him.
Never once will he or his cronies look back and see the mistakes of their actions. Never once will they give the American public credit for seeing the evil,the corruption and the unadulterated power mongering that has become the hallmark of the Republican party. No, they will blame everyone but themselves.
One last thing before I go, Fuck you, Cyniclown.
I am weary of your endlessly mindless blather. I am worn out by your nasty, unkind, undeserved criticism of any idea, or anyone, that happens to not agree with your Christian, Ultra Conservative RightWing agenda. So just go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.
If you don’t like the change that is coming, perhaps you can move to Vatican city. There the religious right is the rule and law of the land. You will be very happy there. (Word of advice, don’t bend over in church). Again, go fuck yourself. You just keep proving yourself to be the ignorant fool that you are, and frankly, it was entertaining for a while, but now it is just annoying.
Carl Grossman
Liberal Democrat, Jewish (and proud to stand and say so)
Dear Commentby Pennsylvania JCH Kennedy @152,
Don’t come back! For the love of your Christian God, don’t come back.
Carl Grossman
Cyniclown @ 150…
On your tombstone it will read “Here lies….ahhh, fuck it, no one cares..”
Carl Grossman
Nice work evilfuckingchristianistbitch…
The idea is that you’re supposed to govern os that NOBODY knows what religion you are or that indeed you even have one.
Puddyamigo Enrico Cheney: You’re no Robert Kennedy. You’re not even a Susan Kennedy. So, stuff it where the sun don’t shine — which is in your culo and in your soul.
Pendejo GORDITOS DE LOS ALBERTO: Gracias por hablar de su culo!