I just had to watch Glenn Beck here in the 11 AM Pacific Hour, because some in the right-wing Twitterverse were all abuzz about a “big announcement.”
Beck complained about accusations that he is a McCarthyist, because he’s “not a Senator” and doesn’t have subpoena power, which of course is utterly true and utterly beside the point as he and the rest of the right continue their smear campaigns. Beck and the right have decided to repeat ad nauseam that there is some kind of secret “socialist” agenda at work by defining those who disagree with him as commies or whatever, so his crocodile tears are pretty transparent.
Beck then gave a rambling, nearly twenty minute speech in which he essentially compared Washington, D.C. to the swine flu and called for a “quarantine” of the city. I use the qualifier “essentially” because Beck goes all over the place in his little talks, earnestly professing his love for country and insisting that it’s not about partisanship, when in fact Beck has become the de facto leader of the kind of insane right wing partisanship that was last dominate when Bill Clinton was president.
It was all pretty awesome, with Beck standing in front of a big-screen graphic as the swine-flu-corruption disease spread across a map of the U.S, with Beck asking the computer controller to go back and start at the beginning of the outbreak for dramatic effect. He’s standing in front of a graphic! OMG!
Beck really wasn’t clear about his proposed “quarantine” of the seat of government, although at one point he seemed to be repeating something like “nothing in, no legislation out.” So it appears he’s not actually calling for a physical quarantine of D.C. Whew!
Then Beck moved into something of an Elmer Gantry act, promising redemption to members of both parties who would expose corruption, and asking for 56 “re-Founders” of the Republic, the same number as originally signed the Declaration of Independence. I’d imagine he might just get that number, seeing there are at least that number of far-right Republicans left in Congress who would likely have no compunction about hitching their wagon up to Beck.
Beck hit the corruption theme hard, naming mostly Democrats and liberal organizations but also at least one Republican. Beck promised his viewers (always leave them wanting more!) that on Monday he would tell members of Congress how to become a re-Founder, and promising to forgive members if they did the right thing. It’s a fascinating amalgam of populist rhetoric, Christian-like redemption talk and high-tech blinky lights that Beck uses.
Oh, it’s worth noting that Beck delivered his emotional appeal against corruption on the Rubert Murdoch-owned Fox Noise Channel, on the day that the 9-12 event Beck created was being sponsored by the following earnest grass roots organizations: (admittedly selective list, you can click through to see all of them)
Freedom Works
National Taxpayers Union
The Club for Growth
The Ayn Rand Center
Americans for Tax Reform
Senate Conservatives Fund
So yeah, corruption is bad, Glenn. Definitely bad.
devoreberg, you realize the hatred thats out their for your kind, right? and you should pray that the good ‘ol boys can continue to feed their kids.
“refounder” = “Contract with America” redux.
Any citations to back that up Jon? Is exposing the truth about Van Jones being a communist now a “smear campaign” because Jones shares your political philosophy? Is exposing Obama’s friendship with avowed communist Frank Davis Marshall a smear or fact? Or Ayers or Dohrn of the “Weather underground” domestic terror group?
Try thinking for a change, Jon. Simply attacking Beck for exposing the truth is a cowards tact.
Perhaps you’ll take up batshit crazy Seattle Jew’s offer of showing up armed to Safeco field for Beck’s visit. Of course, SJ was too dense to realize that Safeco was privately owned and that he couldn’t bring his pee shooter to the event.
Score another one for a liberal using irrational emotions over common sense…Here in Seattle, it’s the norm rather than the exception.
What? Beck didn’t play up the James the pimp and Hannah the whore sex tape?
Hmmmm. Must be because two right wingers playing a pimp and a whore hits a little tooooo close to home.
@ 4~ I’m not familiar with the sex tape. Perhaps if you had any sense you could link it for all to see. Any chance of that happening? or do we just get the pervert eye posting nonsense?
You’re actually HERE in Seattle Little Empty Suited Dumbass?
The ultimate in self-loathing…
@ 5 the pedophile YLB
Actually, I’m in Edmonds with the civil folks. I abandoned Seattle years ago when perverts and pedophiles overtook the population there.
BTW, Beck shouldn’t have to take up the ACORN case of aiding and abetting international human traficking for the purposes of child molestation/prostitution….it should be the job of the main stream media, but they’re too busy covering for the president that’s too big to fail.
“A sea of protesters filled the west lawn of the Capitol and spilled onto the National Mall on Saturday in the largest rally against President Obama since he took office, a culmination of a summer-long season of protests that began with an opposition to health care and grew into a broader dissatisfaction with government.”
“‘Liar! Liar! Liar! Liar!’ the crowd shouted back.”
Thousands Rally in Capital to Protest Big Government
ooooh.. Don’t tell your fellow right wingers Little Empty Suited Dumbass.. You’re so tainted.
Already anyone can tell your self-loathing is eating you up inside.
It’s going to be entertaining to watch. I’m looking forward to it.
Little Empty Suited Dumbass.
Project much, YLB?
Beck is a hell of alot more Northwest than Goldy, Will or Darryl. He was born and raised in Mt. Vernon, WA and while he’s had his ups and downs in life, he’s overcome the obstacles.
He’s going to get the key to the city of Mt. Vernon at his event at Safeco.
Liberals can suck their thumb and throw their rattle in frustration, but this will happen. Deal with it toddlers….especially you east coast transplanters.
I pray we are successful in refounding the United States of America. If we do not stop big government. This will not be OUR country anymore. They want to turn us into a socialist one. We need to go back and enforce the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Yep, all that coke Beck snorted made a new man of him. Just as all the hillbilly heroin and viagra (with a sex tourist junket or two or more thrown in) has invigorated Limbaugh.
Incredible things drugs can do for a right winger.
Are you on anything Little Empty Suited Dumbass?
FWIW Guns to Beck
I contacted the Seattle Police.
Carrying a weapon, with a carry permit, in a public place is completely legal. This includes the sidewalks, etc outside of SAFECO. The officer did point out that doing so would be an act that impinged on others rights .. exactly the point I made, but that under our laws the police would not interfere.
On the original thread you claimed you’d “buy 2 tickets for the first persons” to join you. What kind of dumbass would pay $25 dollars a ticket to an event they didn’t plan to attend, and only stand outside?
A little confused or just liberal emotions overcoming their common sense? or all of the above?
removed by author
@13 .. Empty Suit
The offer, dumb or not on my part, remains there. Are you coming? Will you be armed?
Uh, no, SJ. I will be attending, but at 6’4″ 240# I don’t find it necessary to arm myself when going into Seattle for any event…thanks for the offer, though.
You still have yet to explain how you compare Beck to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebells. As an educated man, I don’t think that is too much to ask of you and wether you can back that assertion up with facts.
Wish Rick Perry would get his damn Republic of Texas started so the Rethuglicans can have their own damn government. I’d be glad to have the hypocrite christer Rethugs out of my damn neighborhood! Life without Rethugs-Fan-f@#king-tastic! By the way, hate Seattle and it’s damn music!
Anyone seen Stupes around? Usually he’s moldering in some church somewhere on Saturday but I was just wondering.
What does he think of so many right wingers wanting to KILL a black man?
The only thing funnier than watching these idiots spew their racism is watching them trying to explain afterwards that they’re not actually racists.
Any guesses as to when the Rethuglicans will finally give up pretense and declare war on America? If they haven’t yet done so already, that is…….
F@#k! The only good Rethug is one in an urn! Then I can flush it where it belongs! :-)
Beck threads are always red meat for the ill-educated amongst us.
If nothing else, the inbreds that posted @ 17, 18 ,19 and 20 prove this assertion beyond any doubt. Full of inner hate and looking for ways to project it somewhere else.
Thanks for playing then.
Little Empty Suited Dumbass.
Gee…too bab for those guys Obama is the President for 3 1/2 more years.
I sure hope they all don’t have strokes!
23 – If they did have strokes it would only be because they brought it on themselves.
Just like the rest of their defeats.
Like I said @ 21, the ill-educated are always on full display here at HA…
And what party started the hate media over 15 years ago? And what party makes jokes about killing the president? RETHUGLICANS, THAT’S WHO! The good Christian adulterous GOP.
Won’t all those poor Glenn Beck fans be embarasssed when they find out just what a frightened little know–nothing he really is? And that the poor Mr. Beck gets led around by the nose by massive corporate interests that just want to take economic advantage of his veiwers and listeners. Boy, I feel so sorry for all of them. Especially that nice Mr. EmptySuitObama.
(Note to Self…be really careful about editing posts so Mr. EmptySuitObama won’t get so upset. His blood pressure! Merciful heavens!!!)
idiots. you’re all so ignorant of history. since i did admit to x’ad a while back that i’m jewish (half), it doesnt do to needle you about you mostly all being jews anymore. dont you see, we’re moving ourselves dwon the same path as happened in ww2 germany. and if this country crashes, who do you think they’re going to blame? fools
26 – Yeah right Mr “In sumnation”
Ooops. I think I just caused this right wing idiot to loathe himself even more..
I should be more compassionate.
heh. Just like the monkey president who slinked off the stage last Jan 20 to a mansion in Dallas – no ranch in the sticks or cutting brush for that chimpanzee anymore – no sir. A “compassionate” conservative indeed.
How awful of me.
@3, 9, 10, & 13:
Liberals, Socialists, and Communists! Oh, my!
Funny how you insist that what you and Beck are doing isn’t red baiting as we’ve seen so many times in the past, then go on to proudly state how many Communists and Socialists have been “outed”. Yep no red baiting to see here, move along.
What makes it even funnier is being accused of
“communist sympathies” in 2009 is about as relevant as being accused of being a monarchist.
“diots. you’re all so ignorant of history. since i did admit to x’ad a while back that i’m jewish (half), it doesnt do to needle you about you mostly all being jews anymore.”
Sorry fuckface, self-loathing isn’t an acceptable excuse for anti-Semitism or racism.
…what the fuck are babbling about, Darryl? Are you implying that Beck is a racist and anti-Semite? If so, put forth the proof and not merely your unhinged rantings.
Nope not at all. He’s just like them. Beck flatters them. His message is look I made it. I’m a millionaire and you can be too. Just make shit up like I do. Your anger, bitterness and resentment is a strength you can build on. Truth is for pansy. liberals. Lie through your teeth. There’s gold in lies.
If a liberal calls you on the shit you made up just SCREAM at him. Let all that hatred come OUT! Hate and bitterness is the real truth for the Beck addicts.
I bet Dori Monson makes an appearance, gets a picture taken and an autograph.
Just think of all the Dori Monsons who will be there. Angry, short white middle-aged men who had distant, passive, angry fathers and mothers who domineered or couldn’t take up the slack.
It’s pretty sad that there’s so many people like that.
Wow, YLB. Your ability to project in here is amazing. You may need some couch time there, squirt…and I don’t mean the “couch time” your layabout ass does for 18 hours a day, but the professional kind.
you know darryl, you’re either an idiot or ignorant. the principal of my childs school canceled a trip for the kids to see “miracle on 34th street” because he said he got complaints from people complaining it was offensive to people of other faiths. my daughter came home saying “daddy, my friends said we cant go because of the jews”. fucking great. so, not only do i have comfort my daughter, but are we sowing the seeds of a new generation of antisemites. for what? to shove it in the face of some gentiles that we have more political power than them. you reep what you sow. dont come crying to me. its not self loathing, moron, its self preservation.
33 – Whoa! Little Empty Suited Dumbass had a brain fart!
manoftruth (fiendoflies) is the HA.org comment thread’s resident anti-semite.
Now fiendoflies the fool admits he’s half-jewish!
Self-loathing doesn’t get more apparent than that.
35 – Just calling it as I see it little empty suited dumbass.
Projection is the mental malady that plagues your tribe.
@ 37 and 38~ sorry, squirt. From hereon in I’m boycotting speaking to someone of your depraved humanity.
You gave tacit approval on the other thread of ACORN’s attempts to aid and abet human traficking for the purpose of underage prostitution.Only a sick fuck and could give such approval throwing morals and decency out the door in order to defend your political philosophy that ACORN holds.
I advise you to seek psychiatric help, as you’re obviously in need of it.
Open threat! thread:
My GOSH…Mr. EmptySuitObama…are all these TRUE???? And there are so many more!!! The Republicans can’t be WORSE than Democrats…can they? The Republicans say they are the party of family values. Is rape and molestation a “family value” Mr. EmptySuitObama?
What about Mr. Newt Gingrich, Mr. EmptySuitObama? Isn’t Mr. Gingrich a really prominent leader in the Republican Party? Is this true about Mr. Gingrich, Mr. EmptySuitObama? I’m shocked and confused!
Gee…I don’t think anyone has proved anything against ACORN except that Mr. Beck does not like them.
Undercover video team: ACORN is willing to help us run underage, illegal immigrants in a brothel. Here’s the video.
ACORN: No we’re not. It was two bad apples in the Baltimore office. Isolated incident. Abnormal. Smear campaign. Trilateral commission. Black Helicopters.
Liberal Media: Two bad apples. Isolated incident. These are not the droids you’re looking for. Nothing see here. Move along.
Undercover video team: BTW, here’s the Washington DC office offering the same help. Here’s the video.
lol…did you see wolfe blitzer run the story? his lead question to candy crowley was “arent some people perplexed that these people were political activists rather than law enforcement?” what a joke. first, law enforcement usually innfiltrates right wing and religious groups (except for jewish groups). second , oh wolfe, what does that make them less guilty? remind anyone of the linda tripp attacks? and they wonder why people are in washington right now screaming their lungs out.
I think you need an editor, Jon. Or is that slip just a glimpse into your personal life?
I love when the left use all of those overused and redundant adjectives when describing the right. Too funny. Each one uttered shows a deeper form of mental imbalance in my opinion.
Foolish tool@18,
rujax tried to pull that crap on Puddy but was rejected by Darryl’s Rule. Too bad you are six days late, but that’s your speed. Slow as a turtle and a brain the same size! So Puddy will use Darryl’s Rule on your sorry brain.
BTW Puddy already showed how CNN’s Rick Sanchez is soooooo liberal.
Let Puddy reeducate another moronic liberal. Sometimes the reeducation doesn’t work by Puddy always tries.
rujax farted
Too bad rujax is continually stupid about the real facts. Here is more material to educate leetle rujax. ESO already posted the March meeting of Big Pharma at the whitey house.
Man ylb blind left-eye shows more stupidity…
He admitted it long ago fool. But then you are already a fool!
Yeah you, little empty suited dumbass, gave tacit approval to your right wing peeps to dress like whores and pimps and make pervy movies to sell to Glen Beck and the rest of the crew at Faux News Channel.
Such movies are very entertaining to right wing males.
So much so that to date no right winger can tell me what the James/Hannah sexploitation tape reported as the total amount of funds the federal government has granted to ACORN to date.
49 – I’m relieved you have a clear conscience now when you call out to him Stupes.
His self-loathing is apparently part of God’s plan for his chosen people even if he’s only one-half chosen I guess.
Lil’ Empty Suit Dumbass @ 33
“…what the fuck are babbling about, Darryl? Are you implying that Beck is a racist and anti-Semite? If so, put forth the proof and not merely your unhinged rantings.”
Dumbass, you are one stupid motherfucker. Re-read my comment again…very slowly.
It had nothing whatsoever to do with Beck.
manoftruth @ 36,
“you know darryl, you’re either an idiot or ignorant. the principal of my childs school canceled a trip for the kids to see…”
Wait…what does any of that babbling have to do with you being a self-loathing anti-Semite????
My political philosophy stand opposed to this:
I believe you voted for that twice.
@13 You said:
“I contacted the Seattle Police.
Carrying a weapon, with a carry permit, in a public place is completely legal. This includes the sidewalks, etc outside of SAFECO. The officer did point out that doing so would be an act that impinged on others rights .. exactly the point I made, but that under our laws the police would not interfere.”
How does that impinge on others’ right?
Then read about the posted topic and comment on it, dumbass.
If anyone is a self-loathing anti-semite here at HA, it’s Goldy or Lee. Neither of which support Israel in their effort to remain a sovereign state in a world of Islamo fascism that is hell bent on eradicating it.
@ 55- The original intent of the unhinged SJ was to attend the Glenn Beck event at Safeco armed…..up until I pointed out that the venue was private property and his dumbass and his posse couldn’t do so.
Another knee jerk emotional liberal reaction to free speech.
Inspired by the example set by unhinged right wingers at townhalls conducted by President Obama.
Don’t like it when you receive in kind do you?
@ 56,
Awww, somebody’s feelings are hurt, and he’s too emotional to apologize.
Is that supposed to mean something dumbfuck, or are you just sucking Darryl’s balls gratis?
The President today seemed to strengthen his support for the public option.
President commented today that just as public colleges and universities in no way hinder the excellence of private institutions, the public option in health care insurance should in no way pose any kind of insurmountable threat to any private insurer who focuses on delivering a good value to the American people.
He is using the bully pulpit. Using it well.
Wow ylb blind left-eye@54,
Wow you really know where to get the “fine” photos. That porn eye is working well.
Unless he’s willing to have some skin in the game, don’t expect the average American to fall for his sales pitch.
In short, put up or shut up, Mr. President…otherwise, we just dismiss you as an infomercial
If this public option is so good for all of us, doesn’t it make sense that the president puts his family in the same plan??
actually, for him to make that analogy, means either he is a moron or a liar, because it a false analogy.
@ 59,
Still overwrought, I see. Breathe, honey. Breathe.
You know, if you could deal with issues more rationally and not get so emotional, you might not make such a fool of yourself so often.
And that in turn would help modulate your mood swings. Bonus!
By what you measure a northwestener by, I’m more of one than Beck is, in part because I didn’t have to move away.
(Deleted and fuck you too)
@ 29. manoftruthIS an idiot
Are you an yutter idiot or a kliar? Judaism does not recognize anything abut be /1/, 3/4, .5, or .049 Jewish.
If you think having Jewish blood makes you a Jew, then Heil Hitler!
van JOnes “petition”
I recommend that folks here actually read what VJ signed! It is a set of 12 questions, most of which were and are valid.
Anyone who wants to read this can go to SJ.
So even in this BeckGoebells has lied!
The only thing that will grab their limited attention span is $$ Advertisers Pull Support from Glenn Beck http://yesmagazine.org/democra.....glenn-beck
Chris Dodd DOWN 10 points in Connecticut!
55. Rae
Carrying and displaying a gun in a public place intimidates others. This is esp true if the place is where free speech is occuring.
Why else do you suppose the Beckistas show up with guns?.
Last gasp of a dying breed.
I love how you pretend that the Buttholes in our government have given any of us out side of a special interest group an ounce of consideration while passing laws which they feel they are above. The fact of the matter is our government has been high-jacked by a party system. so go ahead and name a few more so called reformer groups. as long as the two parties have us bickering over race, sex and abortion they will continue to switch back and forth making government bigger and bigger, taxing more and more. Glenn has not called any one a commie, who did not call themselves a commie. But just kep spewing the same old left talk with out actually watching the show. and hell why we are at it lets just keep fighting over the special interest concerns while they continue to pass laws until we can no longer take our country back. tell ya what, you want government answering all your problems, do me a favor and move to France!
Advertisers who pull from Beck lose money. Beck ratings soar! Advertisers who advertise on Beck make money.