– Poland has some draconian blasphemy laws.
– Radical Muslims are trying to shut down the Facebook profiles of Arabs who profess to be atheist or otherwise anti-religious.
– Israeli settlers are suspected in a recent fire at a West Bank mosque. This is following the burning of a different mosque in December and vandalism at another mosque last month.
– Commenter ‘slingshot’ sent me this NPR piece with Philadelphia Daily News reporters Barbara Laker and Wendy Ruderman. Laker and Ruderman won a Pulitzer Prize this year for their investigation of corruption within the Philadelphia Police Department’s narcotics division. As a result of their work, hundreds of drug cases in Philadelphia were re-examined.
Last summer, when my parents (who still reside in suburban Philadelphia) came out to visit me, I asked my dad what he thought about the case. My dad reads the Inquirer and watches local news, but he’d never even heard about it. At least the Pulitzer folks can still recognize that a rogue narcotics unit that may have sent hundreds of innocent people to prison counts as an important news story.
Well, it looked like Doda Rabczewska has been learning a lot from her fiancee. He’s been persecuted in homeland for years for his vocal anti-Xtian beliefs, and is considering moving to the US. And there are rumors that Seattle is a possible home for him. Why, you ask? It turns out that he’s a serious Starbucks junkie. Seriously. Poland has no coffee culture whatsoever, and he discovered Starbucks in London during Behemoth’s first tour of the UK. And he loves that he doesn’t really have to go far to get some when he’s in the US.
And the pairing of Doda and Nergal – makes you want to pick up a guitar now, doesn’t it?
Florida AG Bill McCollum, the lead plaintiff attorney in the Florida et al v. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services petition claiming the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional that our own AG, Bobby Mac has teamed with is one helluva prudent and politically astute attorney.
Way to hitch your wagon Bobby Mac.
Governor Skelator and her cronies circling the bowl….in a dirty public restroom at that. :)
great article on Greece…its a vision of our future…debt too great, unions and lefties want everything for free
and back to 3 and governor/budget; wow, what a shamefull and wimpy way to handle this. Undefunding the pension plan; but not clipping any of the benefit packages.
lefties be warned…you did this intentionally; don’t blame bush.
dimbulb @ 4: Explain these nuggets,
1. Swedish government debt/GNP ratio is 44%. How do those socialist do it?
2. Japanese government debt/GNP ration is 200%. How can their interest rates be so low, and why is nobody wailing about the “Japanese debt crisis”?
Greece does not control its own finances. Their problem has nothing to do with unions or a few anarchists “wanting everything for free” (just like rich people, fancy that!).
@3: No winger has published an actual proposed state budget with real numbers to show a balance given current economic conditions: massive revenue loss coupled with huge increases in obligations due to unemployment.
Heh. Wingnuts citing Seattle Times’ editorials as if it were Faux News..
Live long enough you see it all.
@3 Mark1,
The supplemental budget to address a $2.8 billion deficit is clearly a radical socialist plot. Just look at the numbers!
– Cut about $755 million from state programs.
– Another $780 million came from higher revenue, mostly tax increases.
– Counted on about $625 million in federal aid.
– Fund transfers and reserves of roughly $600 million.
Such a balanced approach is clearly unsustainable. No doubt the ST editorial page has much better answers like get rid of the state liquor stores. Surely had the legislature done that the $2.8 billion shortfall would have evaporated and ad revenues at the ST would have picked up…. or something.
Lefties love to complain about underfunded pensions; ’cause its your union cronies complaiing. I can see the play unfolding…first cure a budget by underfunding, couple years later start blaming everyone, then enact big taxes to take care of the unions.
its just Goldman sachs style sleight of hand…hide it for now…push it out till later
this used to be something only GOP did,…right?
@10: Let me see if I have this straight. Lefties complain when corporations don’t honor their pension obligations, and will complain when government entities do the same thing.
This is inconsistent exactly how?
And you fuckers used to have rather embarrassing public wet dreams about Goldman Sachs. What changed?
@10 righton 05/09/2010 at 8:30 am,
You want to tell us the name of the person who as the chairman of the WA Senate Ways and Means committee wrote the state’s operating budget for the fiscal year 2004 when the first pension contribution went by the wayside?
Hint: He was an ST hero for balancing the budget without a tax increase.
11. you aren’t complaining right now, as they gut the pension plan.
@13 Hypocrite who whines today but won’t tell you it was WA State Senator Dino Rossi who wrote the operating budget that first skipped paying pension obligations on 05/09/2010 at 9:45 am,
Where is the proposal you support for reducing the WA budget deficit?
Got one? Or do you just like to whine?
@13: What do you care about heavily unionized public employees who are simply “parasites” according to your psycho world view who just loaf about “asking for free stuff”? And now you call me a hypocrite?
You’re not even a good bullshitter.
As for “gutting” the plan, that only happens when promised benefits are not kept, an all too common occurrence in the private sector. No doubt your solution is to fire the lot of them, thus eliminating this burdensome pension obligation in its entirety.
Meanwhile back at the “ranch”…
May 6 (Bloomberg) — KBR Inc. was selected for a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through 2011 for military support services in Iraq, the Army said.
Looks like Odumba’s Army brass like Halliburton!
Ahhh yes, Hedge Funds may have caused the stock market panic of last week. Now which DUMMOCRAPTIC jack strap has his $Billions involved in hedge funds?
Do the HA Libtardo faithful understand the issue? Read fools!
Strangely Don Joe has been quiet on Nouriel Roubini. Puddy been following his commentary. It’s been two weeks and Don Joe is mum.
This last Wednesday, the Senate passed by a vote of 96-1 an amendment to s.3217, the financial-regulation bill the GOP has been screaming would lead to more federal bailouts of large financial institutions. This amendment permanantly bans such bailouts.
The lone vote against the amendment was cast by a Republican.
Only in WhackJob SF area America is is wrong to wear Red White and Blue any day of the year!
When ziplock bags are outlawed…..only outlaws will have ziplock bags.
Good goin Puddy
You ate your own in Utah.
Next on the Reprican Cannibals Suck Tea Menu:
Crist, McCain, .
mmmmmmmmmmmm good
Oops …
left out the Suckme party’s plans for Rand Paul in Kentucky.
for TWO straight elections, our governor flat out LIED about her intentions of raising taxes…and of course the liberal lemmings believed her.
Lies seem to go hand in hand with our state’s progressives….you know the old mantra: do anything to stay in power.
@6…its that type of thinking that will economically doom us all…..who the fuck do you think is financing the debt? Could it be the same people who flood our market with cheap shit, and destroy our own industry?
ever wonder why we dont have any decent trade agreements with that same country?
why do you hate the american worker?
perhaps you name should be Proud to be a Dipshit.
and on a side note…lets have some immediate, summary executions for the four pieces of shit who shot Jim Sanders. Their guilt is not in question, so lets just have a quick little trial, and put a .45 to good use.
piles of shit like these “people” need to run out of society..for good – and they should not take up jail space.
Heterosexual Love.
More Heterosexual Love – The Love Machine
@28…how do you know they were heterosexual?
and isnt this telling…both posts involve women who murder….gman, why do you hate women?
seek some help….for your own good.
Who ate who’s Utah?
Wrong! Gotta love that Kagan pick!
Looks like hedge funds were involved in a quick fix last week for some prime fund manipulation. Blame it on some “computer glitch”.
Where is Odumba’s SEC? Oh yeah picking on Goldman Sucks!
Gotta love the arschloch’s hero Soros!
Puddy – One of your friends?
Do you think he had fun in April during Happy Confederate Month?
What is the best way to recover from Substance Abuse ?::.