Fox 13 News at 10 just did a story on the continuing outrage over Obama’s Special Olympics joke. And for the duration of the segment, I had more confidence that a mentally disabled person being interviewed would point out how stupid this story is than I had that one of the news anchors would.
It is a good diversion, no?
Obama made an inappropriate joke.
The Republicans have destroyed the world economy. Will FOX 13 be doing a story on that?
Dear Diary,
Post-Bush Personal Agenda:
– Learn to speak Chinese.
– Cross your fingers Obama can actually clean up the shit pile Reagan-Bush I-Clinton-Bush II have left him.
– Buy guns, ammo, and stockpile water and food.
Dear Diary,
Additional Post Bush agenda Item:
– Shoot Republicans on sight, don’t wait to see the whites of their eyes. Use Infra-red scope.
@ 4 is a joke of course! I would never shoot a Republican unless he was trying to steal from my food-water stockpile!
But, that is what Republicans tend to do. That and destroy the world economy. They just can’t help themselves.
Open thread–outstanding–might I post?
Dear HA Ladies and Gentlemen, belatedly but with the usual great pleasure, I would like to announce this week’s winner of the Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat). Unlike the past couple weeks, we just did not see fervent scurry for the Goat. Sure, we had The Truth posting his usual nonsense, and probably setting a record for off-topic deletions for a week. We also saw Mr. Cynical posting the repetitive drivel that earned him the Goat last week. And, we saw a few of our other favorite trolls appearing periodically to fling some dung around. But, we just did not see the elbow-throwing, chest-bumping, get-down-and-dirty free-for-all that marked the last couple weeks’ competition. Rather, we saw one competitor take a big lead and just run with it. Simply, he lapped the field, then lapped it again. Man, we witnessed a blowout.
We all know him; we all love him. For years, he has kept us amused with a mixture of self-adulation, self-righteousness, and self-delusion that comes only with years of immersion in the deepest trenches of wingnuttery. We love him for the way he proclaims “victory” when his allegedly vanquished foe did not even know a competition was occurring. We love him for providing links that fail entirely to support whatever nonsense he might be spewing. We love him for providing us an example of how to be the perfect Christian, the perfect family man, the perfect American. (Just ask, or actually you don’t even have to ask, and he’ll tell you how charitable he is.) He also, let us not forget, has a perfect memory, according to him. We love him for his sock puppetry. We love him for assigning derogatory nicknames to other posters, which results in none of us knowing whom he’s talking to or about. We love him for the sheer volume of his posts, causing us to wonder: how the hell could someone be so talented at multitasking that he can be a superstar at his job, marriage, and church, and still constantly posting on HA? I hang my head in shame, recognizing I could never even reflect, let alone produce, the light that shines off this week’s winner of the Goat.
He’s earned it. None of us are surprised. We’re all grateful to him. And, the Goat goes to—
Puddybud. Dammit, you did it, man. With that beautiful wife of yours that you always tell us about, pop a bottle of bubbly, then kill the thing and have that wonderful marital sex you brag about. Call your kids. Update your curriculum vitae to identify yourself as a Golden Goat winner. Puddy, from the bottom of my heart, I offer you my congratulations. Cheers!
I am so proud to be trolled by pubby… I am just unworthy!
Pubbybud, you are the Golden Goat! Congrats!
Take a bow!
I want to hear his acceptance speech! I am sure he will give his props to FOX news, Rush, Hannity, Savage and Weekly World News, and all the peeps who fill his mind with the garbage that made this possible!
What an honor, Pubby!
@6: Bravo!
Also, has anyone looked to the left and noticed my DL ad? $30 for one month. That’s a bargain even if the only viewers are the 12 people who comment here.
Maybe PuddyB could spring for an abstinence ad or something. It’s only a dollar a day!
(good luck to the PI with their on-line venture!)
And if it were Bush who had said it, would you still think the story stupid? No, you wouldn’t. If any of your HA want to earn my respect, you are going to have to be more consistent in your beliefs.
@9 If Bush had said it, the rightwing-biased media wouldn’t have printed or broadcast it. And everyone knows it. That’s part of the reason why MSM is dying — because it’s not objective anymore, if it ever was.
Obama is a newly minted, green behind the gills, president. He made a dumb remark. That’s news, to a point, but only for a day or so, because it’s a little thing.
The real news story here is that Obama is a smart guy who learns from dumb mistakes and will improve as he gains experience on the job, in contrast to his predecessor, a guy who was just the opposite — an idiot who never got anything right, little or big, but excelled in getting the big stuff wrong.
And that, by itself, is enough to give us hope.
And if it were Bush who had said it, would you still think the story stupid? No, you wouldn’t.
Bullshit. I’ve been blogging for 5 years. I dare you to find any instance where I’ve gotten on Bush (or any Republican) for making an offensive joke.
We need some BART cops up here to hand out some instant justice.
The best thing about the right wing turds attempt to remain the party of NO is that the American people have rejected them and that tactic. As the shrill, cowardly, cunts who make up the rank and file of the GOP attempt to undermine our country by taking cheap shots at our PRESIDENT, the rest of us are moving on trying to make things better. Voters PUNISHED the inbred righties on Nov 4th for taking this approach – and you can bet they’ll do it again and again. So I for one applaud the right wing ass-eaters in their strategy. It will cost them more seats soon and that is a very good thing for America. They hope to divert attention away from the fact that they have done their best to destroy our economy and our world standing – and it won’t work.
Report: Iran Dismisses U.S. Outreach as a ‘Slogan’
Did not take Iran long to find out what change means.,2933,510059,00.html
PL AKA moe,
I refused to read anymore of your childish rants. Boring !!!!! with no substance. Use less words next time and spend less time ranting like a idiot. You need to get to the point.
You must lay wake going over your story next time run them through you wife if you have one.
I’m sure she has the smarts in the family to filter out your rants and rubbish.
Use less words next time and spend less time ranting like a idiot.
Oh, the irony.
Congrats to Puddy – my favorite Puddy quote this week was the one where he claimed that he felt safer with Bush.
Almost exactly what the idiot Dick Cheney said, that we were less safe with Obama. What a hoot! Here is what republican (and honest guy) Chuck Hagel said about Cheney claiming the US was less safe after 40 days of Obama:
Chuck Hagel slams Dick Cheney and Puddy.
@16: While you are at it ask PL not to use any of those big words (you know, over two syllables or 6 letters long).
Also, anything over two paragraphs is too long for The “truth” – you see the “truth” can be distilled down to short, puffy, understandable little slogans. That kind of simplistic thinking is what the “truth” understands. Anything too complicated, that requires actual thought and comprehension, that actually explains the way the world works – well, if it is beyond Sesame street – it frustrates the “truth”.
He might as well just be ‘The Truthiness’. Just another chickenshit chickenhawk hiding behind a keyboard.
But who cares, how ’bout those Sounders?
But who cares, how ’bout those Sounders?
That was a beautiful way to start this season. Wish I’d been there.
@21: Go Sounders
Hard to believe they have more season tickets that the Mariners. then again, Baseball has 162 games and soccer has what, 30? Only half of which are home games.
Still – it is very impressive. But how is it the 32K sells out the field for soccer but 67 + 5 K can sit for football?
Why has Puddy not given his acceptance speech? Hell, he won the Goat, goddammit. That is no small thing. I thought we would hear him thank Ann Coulter, Rushbo, and Dick Cheney, then pridefully declare that he earned the honor. I am saddened that Puddy isn’t stepping up to acknowledge his victory. After all, he generally claims victory even when no battle has been engaged.
This last week in the “Outrage” 3/15 thread Puddy and I got into a discussion about the 1964 Civil Rights Act wherein Puddy gave credit for the passage of the Civil Rights Act only to Republicans. He could not bring himself to give any credit whatsoever to John or Robert Kennedy. None. As in zero.
We continued the discussion in the “Happy St. Pat’s” thread on 3/18. In that thread, losing the argument, Puddy, in a pathetic attempt to save face, came up with this strange post:
Steve I gave you 5 links. Too lazy to view them.
03/18/20009 11:01AM
This was his first mention of these five links. I told him I had no idea what links he was talking about as he had posted no links durring our discussion of this subject. He has since repeatedly brought up these mysterious five links while still demanding an apology from me. I’ve repeatedly asked what links is he talking about? How do they pertain to our discussion? He’s provided only evasive answers while still demanding an apology from me. Of course, through it all, he has never once conceded that the Kennedy brothers had anything to do with the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
I’ll ask Puddy again. What five links are you talking about? If you cannot produce the posts with the five links you’ve repeatedly said you’ve posted to my attention about the 1964 Civil Rights Act, then I demand that you apologize for lying to me and everybody else on this board.
No more bullshit, Puddy. No more running away. Produce the five links or apologize.
I’ll tell you what’s going on here. When Puddy is getting drubbed in an argument, he starts making shit up out of whole cloth as a diversionary tactic. In other words, he resorts to lying in order to save face.
You’re not going to get away with it this time, Puddy.
@23 He also claims victory when he loses. If necessary, he’ll lie his ass off in order to claim that victory, as in our discussion about the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Notright, AKA moe
Your better off speaking about issues your well informed about like Beastly issues and child prono. have no fear God loves you.
I detest your actions on and off the web, However it’s your wife and kids if you have any I fell sorry about. Perhaps you could live in a controlled environment. The internet surly isn’t you friend. Doubt by your posting you any any friends.I will pray for you.
I’ll be your friend in spirit.
The Pud Man repeatedly tells me I have failed to answer a question he posed to me some time ago. When I tell him I’d like to know what the question is that I am supposed to answer, he says look it up. Lacking both time and patience, I will not do that. The rightwing mind is a perplexing thing, isn’t it?
Holy fuckeroonie, have you guys read The Truth Troll’s post at 26? If that is our competition, then we should rule the world forever. The Truth suggests that maybe the theory of “The Survival of the Fittest” has not carried the day. Evolution, indeed, just might be a sham.
Sen. Gregg says Obama budget will bankrupt US
Health care is not in critical mass never has. 18 million nurses needed to fill vacant jobs this is a crises that loser will not address. Money flowing from Banks to us is crises that loser hardly understands and his team is charging us taxpayers for doing nothing everyday except on the job training..
Losers stimulus plan has not created one job yet.The loser is laughing and make more jokes about his screwed up economy he is laughs at you. What a scumbag loser you voted for.
How many more mistakes can you afford. Not only that he has hit his head so many times getting on and off his chopper. The name of the chopper is medic one. He has actually tried to gain access into the wh through a closed window thinking it was a door? His trip to England you know where PM gave a beautiful historic gift from the people of England.The loser gave him 50 DVD from the employees of Acorn. LOL!
Angry liberal
@ 31, I think the most interesting thing about “The Truth” is that he cannot even sense how ironic his chosen moniker is when he posts such obvious lies.
But, by “interesting”, I actually mean extremely boring.
Ironic, isn’t it?
The reason Qwest Field’s capacity is capped where it is (27k or so, they upped it to 32k+ for the opener) is for cosmetic reasons, and practical ones as well. You have to admit that the game’s atmosphere looked awesome, even on TV. Now imagine if that crowd was spread out over the entire stadium. Even if another 10 or 20k showed up, it’d still look like a half-empty stadium on TV, which MLS is desperate to avoid. Concentrating the crowd in the lower bowl makes the game look a lot better to TV audiences. Keeping the upper deck closed also reduces expenses for the club, i.e. not having to hire the people needed to staff the upper deck’s security, concessions, etc.
The hope is that as the interest in the team builds, more sections of the stadium will be opened, with the Hawk’s Nest being first. Coach Schmid hopes in the near future to have attendance levels up to 35 to 40k, and this first step is a good one. And limiting the crowd size creates more demand the 5-10k single-game tickets left for each match, and also makes season tickets a more desirable option for those left outside.
In so many words, there’s a lot of psychology going on, among other things. And it’s working.
@27 Puddy is delusional. He went off the deep end with his so-called “facts” late last week. He keeps telling us that we ignore his “proof” (TM) that so-and-so poster on the left is really one of Headless Lucy’s 28 sockpuppets. Puddy’s MO? Babble on and on about sockpuppets, non-existant links, declare victory, and then cut & run. As a last resort, he challenges posters to meet him at MLK and Othello. Like I said, he’s delusional.
So where’s Puddy with his delusional rants about his five non-existant links and his demands that I pay homage to his proof (TM) and his facts?
Stupes must have had a meltdown of sorts.
I’d think he would be here to claim his “Goat”.
There’s only so much right wing bullshit a fella can absorb apparently even into an empty skull as vacuous as Stupes’.
@37 I see that you used the word “fella”. I can just hear Puddy saying that only Headless Lucy (TM) would ever do that.
Real America LOL!
You chose to look through filtered glasses are your choice. Living in a fairyland with the likes of HA team and the loser is your choice.
In my postings I may add some fun, like calling the chopper Medic one or add Acorn. All else is the truth. Anyone who is up on current events would see these.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you get all your news from HA web site.
With a simple search you will find all these are true however the press has not published most of them still covering for the fool of fools.
Roger Rabbit spews:
“Obama is a newly minted, green behind the gills, president.”
Excused me in my 40 years of voting I have NEVER heard this accuses before.
The real news story here is that Obama is a Is not smart guy who never learns from dumb mistakes and will not improve as he gains experience on the job training.
A loser is a loser he started his in the alley education chum around with some sleaze characters you would bring home to momma
The smartest move he made was to have two kids in the WH. are they his?