I suppose, if the American people want Sarah Palin a 72-year-old heartbeat away from the presidency, that’s up to them, but as for me, I’d fear for my liberty should she ever take the reins of our government.
Nazi Germany banned books. The Soviet Union banned books. Saudi Arabia bans books. But a small town American mayor firing a librarian for her lack of political compliance? You’d think that would be a career killer for anybody trying to climb the political ladder in, you know… a democracy.
Fascist? Nah, Christo-commie-fascist – a whole new breed. Home grown. There’s been nothing quite like it before.
another day and another flip flop by Goldstein. Yesterday: Big news…don’t distribute wrong information about Bristol, Baby or banning books.
Today: Sarah Palin planned to ban books.
Oy, talk about consistency in your message. Are you that scared about her ? I’m beginning to wonder.
I don’t have much faith in American voters — after all, half of them vote for Fascists — and I have zero faith in the rightwing-owned U.S. media that goes all ga-ga over a pretty face while ignoring the fact that the woman behind the face is an alleged fascist who allegedly cheats on her husband, allegedly uses her public office to persecute personal enemies, and allegedly ran her town like a KGB camp. I’m hoping past hope to have my faith in voters restored this fall, but I have no hope for the rightwing-owned fascist media — they’re a basket case. Best thing that can happen is for the internet to kill them off.
Hey Dutch…? Are you a moron or an asshole? Just curious.
Mayor Jim Fouts of Warren, Michigan, has told city department heads to buy American cars or lose their jobs. Fouts calls it “economic patriotism.” Warren, a Detroit suburb, is home to several large auto plants.
I could see his point — if he also jailed corporate executives who outsource jobs.
I can sign on to this and even raise the ante a bit.
Americans need to remember HOW totalitarian governments … Cuba, the USSR, Hitler’s Germany, come to power.
Rarely it is by a general election to a majority position in the government. More often it is because a totalitarian party becomes a major, but minority, party and uses that status in a democracy to engineer a putsch. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, all understood this very well.
Now look again at the Republican Party. If we all work hard, if the media starts to actually report things, then Obama will win. Three, no four cheers for that! But look beyond Jan. 20 th to the first Congress.
The USA is the only country in the world with an institutionalized two party system. Of necessity in such a system, the law gives extraordinary power to the minority. BUT what happens when the minority party falls into the hands of the Dobson/Ralph Reed/Pat Robertson in collusion with the hands of Rove, Gingrich, Discovery Institute come to BE the repubrican party?
I think they call this movement “Christian Reconstructionism.” As bad as Bush was and is, imagine government where Dobson, Carlson,Sun Myung Moon, Medved have committee charges!
Biden’s Debate Strategy
In a nutshell, Biden says it’s sexist and demeaning to treat Palin deferentially and not ask her tough questions or refuse to debate her like any other candidate.
The McCain campaign, of course, is trying to insulate Palin from having to answer media questions or debate issues — in which case, of course, she’ll look like the unqualified second-year small-state governor she actually is — by suggesting it’s somehow unfair to “beat up on a woman.” Ooooooo, pooooor baaaaaby!!!!!
I agree with Biden. As he points out, there’s lots of tough, experienced, capable women in politics, including several in the U.S. Senate who can hold their own against any politician in the land. If Palin isn’t one of them, well, maybe she should get a little more experience in the amateur leagues before trying to play in the NHL. That’s what everyone else does.
Yeah, I’d rather have Obama the Muslim than the Rhinestone Maverick McCain, ’cause I’m absolutely certain he would respect the Constitutional guarantee of freedom of religion, unlike McCain/Pfalin.
The Republican chant: “Drill! Drill! Kill! Kill! Mooses or Moosilims, they’re all the same. God put ’em here for us to kill!”
@6 It’ll be a lot less scary if every wingfuck in America knows we liberals have guns and know how to use ’em.
Liberals must arm!
No we would rather have Obama, the religious fanatic who believes that a soul appears at birth, God produce oil on demand, Jews should be converted, 44 yo women shuld have unproteted sex, etc.
Oh yeah; Marvin, since I know you’ll have a hard time figuing out the Rhinestone Maverick thing, I’ll give you a hint: rhinestones are fake, just like McCain.
@4: Dutch may simply be an unfortunate example of the decrepitude of the American educational system, as evidenced by the lack of reading comprehension demonstrated in Dutch’s comment. If Dutch had read and understood both posts, there is no way Dutch would have made that comment. Unless, that is, Dutch is either a moron or an asshole.
re 2: “I’m beginning to wonder.”
You should have been doing that all along.
Sure, civil wars are bloody, but if we get a rightwing putsch it’s gonna be bloody anyway. You’ll have two choices: Let them kill you, or take one or more of the bastards with you. My thinking is, if you’re gonna end up dead anyway, you might as well make ’em pay for the privilege of killing you. More importantly, by doing that you even the odds for those still alive.
In virtually all modern wars, the kill ratios in infantry combat have been close to 1:1. In World War I, the Germans achieved a 1.3:1 advantage over the Allied powers in kill ratios, primarily because British and French generals stupidly made their men march straight into German machine guns time and again, in one fruitless offensive after another. A 1.3:1 ratio is extraordinary, and nearly won the war for Germany.
So it comes down to this: There’s as many, or more, of us as there are of them. (Liberals v. conservatives.) Given equal competence in self-defense, if it comes to a knock-down-drag-out, we liberals should be the side still standing if all we do is achieve a simple 1:1 kill ratio.
It’s not that difficult. When they come to arrest you, they’ll probably send a dozen guys. All you have to do is kill one of them before they get you. But if you let them quietly march you away to the police station for “questioning,” the kill ratio will be 0:1. Or maybe 0:10, because you know what’ll happen next. After the friendly little chat with the officer at the police station, they’ll hand you over to the state security forces, who will torture you into revealing the names of your liberal friends. Then they’ll go arrest them, too. Usually by swooping down on their houses at 3 a.m. to catch the liberals napping.
So, after the rightwingers overthrow our democratic government (arguably, they already have) and organize their death squads, you’ve got to kill the fuckers on your doorstep when they come to arrest you! Even if you get only one before they shoot you, if every one of us does that, we liberals will win the civil war and all the fascist motherfuckers will end up dead.
But it doesn’t stop there. The defense always has the advantage. Standard military doctrine holds that an infantry assault should never be attempted with less than a 3:1 numerical superiority. In the Battle of the Somme in 1916, the British attacked the German lines with a 7:1 superiority of manpower, but still lost, even though the German defenses had been prepped for a week beforehand with 1.5 million shells. Military history is replete with other examples of similar defensive triumphs.
You don’t need to turn your house into a fortress just because fascists have taken over our government. Even tiny advantages in the elements of surprise and maneuverability can readily enable you to achieve a kill ratio of 1:2 or even 1:4 if you’re being attacked.
So, get a gun and learn how to use it, and when they kick your door down, nail the first fascist motherfucker across the threshold. That’s a war-winning move.
We liberals don’t have to take rightwing dictatorship and fascist death camps lying down! We can not only make them trade on of their lives for every one of our lives they take, we can win the whole shindig simply by achieving that 1:1 kill ratio!*
* Hey, just kidding! This entire comment is a send up of Ann Coulter’s ghoulish death humor! What the hey, it works for her — she sells boxcars full of books and makes millions! I wanna be filthy fucking rich too! I’m practicing to be a successful author like her. Why not? She probably got her start on some obscure little political blog.
@8 Obama isn’t a muslim and under no circumstances do I want you lying fascist motherfuckers running this country. Does that answer your question?
@9 You probably should point out to Marvin the Stupe there is no muslim named “Obama” running for office in this election. The poor ignorant fuck is incapable of figuring it out on his own.
Liberals must arm!
(What the hell, I just thought I’d throw that in here.)
Palin Tried To Ban Books From Private Bookstores!
That’s right, ABC News reports that Palin was part of a group that tried to force local booksellers to remove a title they didn’t like from their stores.
According to ABC News, “Palin’s church … had been pushing for the removal a book called ‘Pastor I Am Gay’ from local bookstores, according to the book’s author Pastor Howard Bess, of the Church of the Covenant in nearby Palmer, Alaska. ‘And she was one of them,’ said Bess, ‘this whole thing of controlling information, censorship, that’s part of the scene,’ said Bess.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
I believe I understand what is behind your motivation to cleverly wordsmith your posts to weave lies and innuendo under the guise of “don’t do this”. It’s a very childish act…but there is something very deep behind it.
Goldy, you are a posterchild for someone who has had serious rejection in their life. You can laugh it off….but you know it’s true. Your ex-wife rejected you…but I doubt it was the first time. I think it goes back deep in the Goldstein Family roots. Did you receive a lot of encouragment growing up?? I’ll bet you rarely, if ever, were told by your parents that you were loved and valued.
I’m serious Goldy.
You & every other Atheist I know have deep-seeded rejection issues they have never resolved. They believe their is No God because if there were, they would not feel so empty and angry.
The good news Goldy is there is hope thru Christ. I’m serious. I have seen many the devout Atheist fall to their knees when they set thier inflated, protective ego’s aside and open their hearts to him.
The other good news is it’s YOUR choice. You can continue to languish in the cesspool with the other miserable HA atheists. Or you can seek help from Christian Lefty’s like proud leftist & others unashamed to confess their faith.
I have attended a church for many years where Liberals outnumber Conservatives by more than 2-1. I found most of the Liberal members to be warm, well-intentioned, welcoming human beings. Many to this day I consider to be my friends. Where we differ is on the role of government as the mechanism to provide for people. Most of these Liberals are willing to dig deep into their own pockets…which I admire and willingly join in for Food Banks, temporary housing, Habitat for Humanity, buying someone a car…whatever. However, they feel so deeply for the depravity of the human condition they they believe Government has an obligation to give handouts…as opposed to a helping hand. O-blah-blah tugs at their heartstrings. They do not look at the long-run consequences of big brother government….just that everyone gets a roof over their head, health care, food and self-esteem….no matter what it costs or what personal actions got them into their dilemma. Their generosity has been taken advantage of many times….yet they persevere. The perserverence is to be admired.
You and most of the Atheists on this site do very little to help others. You spend your time wallowing in self-pity and lashing out at those who are successful…wanting to take from them.
So Goldy, since you hit 13, how many times did your parents tell you they loved you…and how many times did you tell them you love them??
My kids are grown. But my wife & I tell them we love them every time we talk with them or see them.
I fully expect the angry Atheists to twist and lash out at my comments. That’s ok…your reaction is a reflection on you and your own personal issues. There are a lot of people in this world in some degree of pain….the vast majority. But we all handle past injustice and distress differently. Many of us have turned to Christ. We expect those Atheists and naysayers to try & shame/ridicule us…just like you attack Sarah Palin. It must ease your personal pain temporarily to do so….put after the “angry attack fix” wears off, you are still left with you.
Meanwhile, as reportage of the librarian affray deepens, emerging information calls into question the accuracy of FactCheck.org’s debunking of a local citizen’s e-mail accusing Palin of firing the librarian for refusing to ban books from the public library.
FactCheck.org says Palin didn’t ask the librarian to remove any books, and says the librarian was fired as part of a broad purge of city department heads — and was rehired by Palin the next day.
But FactCheck.org’s analysis, although no doubt well-intentioned, omits two key facts reported by ABC NEWS:
1. “The local newspaper reporter who covered the controversy, Paul Stuart, claims he was later told by the librarian that Palin wanted three specific books removed from the library.”
This materially changes the story. FactCheck.org says the librarian said Palin never discussed any specific books. But what the librarian told ABC was,
“In her statement to ABC News, the librarian said, ‘I am unable to dispute or substantiate the information Paul Stuart provided to you.'”
And that’s very, very different from what FactCheck.org says. The accuracy of FactCheck.org’s conclusion that Palin didn’t discuss specific books or ask the librarian to remove any books is now in serious doubt.
2. “After a public outcry, Palin rescinded the dismissal of the librarian.”
FactCheck.org portrayed the librarian’s dismissal as simply a pro forma request by Paline for resignations of all department heads serving at the mayor’s pleasure, with most of them being immediately rehired. But what ABC reports — that the librarian was fired a few days after voicing opposition to Palin’s scheme to ban books from the public library and was rehired as a result of Palin yielding to citizen protests — is very, very different from what FactCheck.org concluded.
I admit that I believed FactCheck.org’s analysis when I read it in Newsweek. As a general rule, I trust both of those sources. But this is a developing story, and it now appears that FactCheck.org (and Newsweek) may not have had all the facts when they went to press with this story. And the new facts dug up by ABC — also a source I generally trust — completely change the conclusions.
It turns out that in the formerly sleepy town of Wasilli, Alaska, a vote for Palin was a vote for religious dictatorship.
She won the race for mayor because of demographic changes: Fundies who flocked to Wasilli comprised a new voting majority that overwhelmed the long-time residents and took over the town’s government — much as the Rajneeshees did in Antelope, Oregon, two decades earlier.
The leaders of the Rajneesh sect turned out to be terrorists who committed the biggest bioterror attack in American history that sent over 700 people to hospitals. Does Palin’s sect have the potential to become a gang of terrorists willing to kill people to get their way? I don’t know. I’m merely wonderin’ and askin’ …
The information coming out about Palin is frightening. This woman is a closet Nazi. But I feel pessimistic about the media reports of Palin’s true nature changing anything. People who read news and care about such issues already vote Democratic. And none of this will make any difference to the brain-dead fools who vote Republican. I know some people like that. They’re impervious to facts and reason. They’re a brick wall. You can’t reach them. Nothing sways them. They’ll vote for Palin no matter what. They won’t even discuss it. They call themselves “patriots,” but they’re not even Americans because they’ve abrogated the citizen’s most basic responsibility: To vote responsibly. They’re no better than the southerners who elected KKK thugs as sheriffs and judges. And years from now, if their votes deliver America’s government into the hands of thugs like Palin, history will damn them, just as it has damned the KKK voters.
Nice thoughtful post Mr. Cynical. You show the kind of person you are…which is fundamentally good, decent and honest.
We certainly DO disagree on many issues, me being an unreconstructed 1960’s “knee-jerk liberal” Democrat.
Regarding the point you bring up…
Please don’t attribute the outrage that I as a person on the “left” (as I can speeak only for myself here) feel about the terminallly corrupt Bush/Rove/McCain/Palin machine as caused by some psychological or sociolgical unresoved issue or problem.
My outrage and real rage over the damage to this counttry our governmental institutions and our Constitution is directly BECAUSE OF the damage to this counttry our governmental institutions and our Constitution by this gang of theives, thugs and hooligans. And I DO include Ms. Palin with this crowd, based on what has been revealed about her conduct as Governor of Alaska.
Whether we agree or disagree on social policy, I can not for the very life of me understand how all you so-called conservatives and libertarians can excuse, accept and explain away the outrageous conduct of this Republican Party with regard to personal liberty, national defense, economic policy, corporatism and corporate welfare, and so much more.
If there IS a point at which I become insulting and angry it is on that and those issues. I JUST DON’T GET IT. And I don’t get why you all…mostly smart, honest and decent citizens don’t get it either.
My secret admirer is already posting today.
I’m flattered that someone is so fixated on me.
PS-I raised three beautiful, fully formed persons and contributing members of society as a single dad and they never not know that I love them as I tell them (and my gorgeous grand-daughter) every chance I get.
Love of family and family values are not limited to the religious, Mr. C. Despite what the Christianists would have you believe.
@20 Cynical, I’m a Christian, and I have a hard time visualizing you as a Christian. I can’t reconcile what you believe and say with my Christian beliefs. Your Republicanism doesn’t square with the Christianity I was taught. I think you’re one of those hypocrites who goes to church but is an actual Christian for only 1 hour a week on Sunday morning.
Oh, and please forget about trying to “save” Goldy. He’s a Jew. He’s happy with his religion. He and his people don’t feel they need any more “saving” by you Gott Mitt Uns types.
It’s amazing how people that like to pretend they’re smart keep getting suckered by the fake posts of my secret admirer.
It’s very telling that goldy and his buddies aren’t doing anything about the sockpuppet.
At least in #24 my fan changed my name slightly.
@30 Ouch, that one hurts!!! That’s rough even by Roger Rabbit standards! Well, as I’ve always said, the ad hoc HA posting rule is, “No mercy for wingnuts.” Cynical, I think like Ulysses Grant: When you throw down your arms and stop fighting, I’ll send the chow wagons into your lines and give your men medical care and welcome you back into the Union. But as long as you’re a fucking wingnut traitor, no quarter! Stick the bayonet in and twist to make the blood run! Sorry, but war is hell, and you wingnuts started this one. But we liberals are gonna finish it. Remember the ad hoc HA posting rule: Our terms are unconditional surrender. I’m ready to accept your surrender whenever you’re ready to be an American and a Christian.
@31 A wingnut troll looking for sympathy on a liberal blog? You gotta be kidding.
The left has lost any opportunity to win this election.
I have never seen such hate towards women other than against Hillary.
Obama record on attacking women started in Chicago politics.
More we see and hear of Obama the more he looks like a little boy lost in politics.
Palin banning books?
Keep spreading your smears.
Even snopes knows the truth.
Not looking for sympathy.
I’m amazed that people, like you, that like to think of themselves as smart keep falling for the fake me.
I guess that explains why you’re voting for obama. You can’t tell the difference between real and fake.
Goldy is a JINO (Jew in Name Only).
I have lots of Jewish friends who regularly pray and attend the Synagogue. They know all about angry JINO’s who use Jewish as a Race not a religion.
You question my Christianity…I suppose I could question yours based on the vile vulgarity you repeatedly regurgitate….but our faith is a personal choice which using our FREE SPEECH RIGHTS have every right to share…unashamedly.
You are 100% right about the fact that you do not have to be a Christian to live a good & decent life…and raise good & decent children. We decided long ago that it was important to give our kids a Christian upbringing so when they time comes, they can make an informed decision. Some on the Left call that brainwashing….but it is a knee-jerk response caused by their own lack of knowledge. We all make choices as parents. We can raise our kids as Atheists or ignore the subject all together (which is pretty much the same as Atheism).
We are proud of all 4 of our kids…and 2 grandkids. I love my wife. I’m certainly not perfect…but I try hard. And I truly believe the purpose of our life on Earth is to learn more about and draw closer to God. WWJD?
5 I wonder if Mayor Fouts would include in his definition of “American cars” a Hyundai made in Alabama, or a Volkswagen built in Kentucky.
Maybe what he’s really blabbering about is Michigan cars.
There’s a new book about GOP voters called “Just How Stupid Are We?: Facing the Truth About the American Voter” by Rick Shenkman.
It’s available from the King County public library, but you’ll have to get on a waiting list, and if you don’t want to do that, you can buy it for $16.50 at Amazon.com.
Newsweek Online also has a new lede article about the irrationality of American voters.
Hell, I’ve known for years that (many) American voters are irrational. Bush is proof of that. The entire Republican Party and all of its voters are proof of that.
@34 We only abuse people who deserve it — fools, traitors, liars, sycophants, incompetents, thieves, warmongers, murderers, torturers, and their ilk.
@35 Whatsamatter, can’t your women take it? Not ready for prime time? Big-time politics too rough for them? Booo-fucking-hooooo!!! They should stay home and take care of their kids! Do they even know where their kids are, or what they’re doing?
Don’t get me wrong. This isn’t a slam on women in politics. There are plenty of women who can hack it in politics, make fine leaders, and should be elected — Gregoire, Murray, Cantwell, Burner, Feinstein, Boxer, Pelosi … even a handful on your side, such as Snowe.
You’ve got to rate ’em individually according to their talents and ability, that’s all. If your hockey mom can’t take it, well, maybe she’s in the wrong business. Steven Hawking wouldn’t have been much of a hockey player but fortunately he was smart enough to do something appropriate for his talents and ability. There’s good in everyone. I could see Palin as a hunting guide or professional witch. I just can’t see her as a vice president, or any kind of politician, that’s all.
@37 Marvin, the fake you is better than the real you, so what’s the big deal?
@39 “I could question yours based on the vile vulgarity you repeatedly regurgitate”
That sounds awfully strange coming from you, Cynical. All you Republicans think you’ve already been forgiven so there’ll be no consequences for what you do. Well, why doesn’t that apply to me, too? And I don’t invade countries, bomb villages, kill women and children, torture innocent people, or run try to petty dictatorships. All I do is swear a lot. If I go to Hell for that, I’m sure my job assignment will be holding the gate open when you arrive.
Fiber-rich Reality-Chex:
Palin didn’t ban any books from any library, nor did she ask that any books be banned on her behalf, nor did she use her office to lend support to a grassroots book-banning movement already active under the previous administration.
There was no showdown over removal or restriction of books in the library collection.
Palin didn’t fire any librarians, not even Mary Ellen Baker (nee Emmons), even though Wasilla department heads serve at the pleasure of the mayor and Emmons was an active supporter of Palin’s political opponent, John Stein, and even though the two clashed over Palin’s opposition to building a new library. (Emmons resigned at the end of August 1999, two months from the end of Palin’s first term as mayor, with Palin a shoo-in for re-election.)
The sockpuppetry here is out of fucking control. My money is on Marvin having lost his mind.
@49 I think Marvin actually lost it a few weeks ago. Sorry if I helped push the hapless goatfucker over the edge. If he’s fallen into the abyss then there’s no saving his sorry ass.
Seems like your Christianity is floundering.
How is you health these days?
What is you prognosis?
We do joust from time to time with words & ideas…but it doesn’t mean I don’t care about your spiritual & physical health.
Someone with identity issues is posting with my handle. I’m afraid if we all start doing that, it will create a bigger mess on this Blog.
Goldy, it’s your Blog.
I know you don’t like a lot of rules…which I admire. But this might be where you want to draw the line.
@13 “Unless, that is, Dutch is either a moron or an asshole.”
There’s really no reason why he can’t be both.
@23 LMFAO!!
Sarah Palin and family had been warned by judge to quit trashing the trooper.
And then she became governor, escalated the conflict, and now we have Troopergate.
Mr C @ 56, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Mr C @ 58, what an amazing self portrait. Accurate too. I didn’t know you were honest enough to admit such failings.
@53 “Someone with identity issues is posting with my handle”
Identity issues? That’s always been the case with your posts, Mr. Cynical. My bet is that it has something to do with your being a commie-fascist goatfucker.
@50 If Condi is associating with Gadaffi she must be a muslim too.
@60 My money is on the Stamn/pudlicker/Cynical sockpuppet being a righty troll.
@55 There’s no problem with my Christianity. Their “Christianity” is out of whack, though.
@38 Just one question, Cyn: Why is Goldy’s choice of religious beliefs (or non-beliefs) any of your business?
@44 The concept of “truth” is utterly inconsistent with anything you have to say.
“Mr. Cynical” is a right-wing poster that posts here and argues points that often seem absurd, but are occasionally backed by some actual facts. He also posts over at unSP, and probably a few other places as well. Arguing with him can be fun, but requires a bit of intelligence.
“Mr Cynical” (without the period) is an imposter, lampooning Mr. Cynical. For reasons that escape me, this become a popular passtime here at HA.
Attention to detail is important.
You once again prove why your viewpoint, and that of this blog, are the absolute fringe of the left…..
BTW – way to go internet tough guy…..You too Steve….tough guy.
A rhetorical question – if then Mayor Palin’s goal was to understand how the library operated – she would have said,
“What do you do if someone comes to you about banning or pulling a particular book from the shelves?”
That’s a get-the-lay-of-land question.
But that’s NOT what Palin said. Asking what would happen if SHE asked is totally different. She was the Mayor and the librarian’s boss.
I think Sarah Palin knew exactly what she wanted to elicit from the librarian.
“Steve spews:
Sarah Palin and family had been warned by judge to quit trashing the trooper.
http://www.newsweek.com/id/158 140
And then she became governor, escalated the conflict, and now we have Troopergate.”
The Ex Gov. Ak. a Democrat said the Trooper should have been fired and that Gov. Palin did the right thing. The left wing progressive station he appeared on did not ask him any questions before going on air. They where dumbfounded to say the least. We have one Democrat who can STILL say the TRUTH.
The mainstream media has failed us on Gov. Palin to the point we need to ask how much lower can they go for Obama? We can’t believe what they say or print.
@70 Typical troll, making shit up.
Sarah Palin……MILF?
You lie Steve, wait until the pimps from the DNC finish their witch hunt.
You’re losing the battle and you’re post proves it.
Mr, Cynical, Puddybud, and Marvin, like me support liking Iraqi children to spread the message of Jesus. What a few thousand dead and maimed brown kids to us. We are not spineless liberals. We are willing to pay a price for freedom.
I want to apologize to everyone for being such a stupid and gutless fucking Christian hypocrite.
B.O. has no judgment as his VP pick tells supporters today:
Joe Biden told supporters at a town hall Wednesday afternoon that Barack Obama might have been better off choosing Hillary Clinton as his running mate.
Stand back folks they’re killing their own.
@65 Still making shit up.
@64 It’s the goat who deserves the apology.
As far as Sarah Palin–well I’ll just say this:
She’s hot! I’d crawl through a mile of crushed glass just to suck the dick who fucked her last. Hear me suck! I am a Christian conservative compassionate war mongering Republican.
Steve spews:
@65 Still making shit up.
Yeah, try this if you can read.
James: You are a very sad useless person. REally, do you have anything useful to say. People who pay attention are attacking Palin because she LIES – and she LIES repeatedly.
Her record is sorry:
Corruption (currently being investigated for corruption)
Lies (about the bridge to nowhere – now over 7 times)
Traitor (attended the AIP convention twice and was a keynote speaker)
Earmark Queen – her state leads in earmarks and she publicly thanked Ted Stevens for his work on earmarks. When she was mayor she cheered the earmarks and hired a lobbyist.
Dutch: Stick to your guns: “Palin did not ban books in Wasilla as mayor”
Since we know Alan Neuharth is a big time liberal…
Jennie Tlaz’ commentary has been going downhill lately. Steve continues to drink his patented Steve’s Stupid Solution, W. Klingon Headless continues to name morph, Pelletizer is oxygen starved, and the rest are Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat!s grasping for the life preserver ring and are starting to lose their holds.
What happened to bybygoober?
James: You have to excuse Steve. He is the biggest consumer of Steve’s Stupid Solution.
“she is qualified to be president of the United States of America, she’s easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America, and quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me.”
Steve, you need to flush it (and yourself) down the toilet.
John Barelli: Usually Goldy removes sock puppets. Sometimes he gets busy or gets lazy and forgets. It’s a lot of work.
But you know lefties, they can’t win the argument on merit so the attack the messenger with sock puppetry.
Pelletizer@51: That’s why you are broke. You make dumb bunny bets.
“Reformed republican spews:
James: You are a very sad useless person. REally, do you have anything useful to say. People who pay attention are attacking Palin because she LIES – and she LIES repeatedly.
Her record is sorry:”
You can’t prove any of this garbage.
Even the DNC had to send dirt bags to Ak. still nothing but false media stories to sale papers and advertising as more Americans follow her than BHO has ever seen. Even the scumbags on abc and nbc are fighting to get her on their time slots.
She is a great women and the World is at her feet even you little people know it.
Idiots like Rujax! try to tie Palin with Rove. It’s in their Donkey DNA.
Even when confronted with the fact Rove had nothing to do with Palin and didn’t know of her pick until revealed shows everyone how demented Rujax! is.
“James spews:
“Steve spews:
Sarah Palin and family had been warned by judge to quit trashing the trooper.
http://www.newsweek.com/id/158 140
And then she became governor, escalated the conflict, and now we have Troopergate.”
The Ex Gov. Ak. a Democrat said the Trooper should have been fired and that Gov. Palin did the right thing. The left wing progressive station he appeared on did not ask him any questions before going on air. They where dumbfounded to say the least. We have one Democrat who can STILL say the TRUTH.”
Sorry, I heard this on the radio today I know the Democrat was an ex-politician in Alaska, maybe a mayor but not Gov. I’m sure it will take the mainstream media weeks to report this in the OB section of the paper but it will be reported.
Obama picks Biden who runs every four years to become POTUS gathers less than 2000 votes drops out and Obama picks him for VP. Tell me Obama has Judgment.
This is going to be the funnest year to watch Dems fail again. It will be called PROZAC TIME again.
“I suppose, if the American people want Sarah Palin a 72-year-old heartbeat away from the presidency, that’s up to them, but as for me, I’d fear for my liberty should she ever take the reins of our government.”
Really? I thought you lost your liberty under President G.W. Bush?
The democrats lied to us again.
Hey you TARDS. I’ll let you in on a little
secret. Conservatives wont ever take away
your ability to abort your babies. We don’t
want more liberals.
I was wondering where bibigoober went. He’s the horses ass sockpuppet.
Your right…
It’s ByeBye reincarnating his sick self.
Let’s pray for him.
I remember in June when Newsweek had Obama up by 15 and the HA Crazies were apoplectic with joy and mirth.
Then the libtard MSM started doing them favors!
So Goldy:
Will you issue an update regarding the original limp thrust of this thread?
Could anyone advise how best to have my book, Below Mile Zero, A Novel of Key West, ‘allegedly’ banned by Gov. Sarah Palin?
Despite having garnered 5-star reader reviews, the sales could use a boost, so any guidance toward having the Governor take an ‘alleged’ dislike to the book would be very much appreciated.
Brooke Babineau
Sarah Palin……MILF?