Fox Noise still just makes stuff up.
SUMMARY: Fox & Friends hosts repeatedly touted the allegation that Steven Rattner “threatened to ruin” Perella Weinberg’s reputation, as Dave Briggs put it, if it continued to oppose the Obama administration’s Chrysler bankruptcy plan. Only hours later did anyone on the program mention that the administration and the investment firm have both denied the allegation.
And then the lie spins its way out into the conservative wank-o-sphere so conservative wankers can get their panties all in a bunch about something that didn’t even happen in the first place.
Way to rebuild your brand, guys.
Only fools believe Fox Noise about anything, and I don’t think the American people are in the mood for fools right now. I mean really, the guy with the annoying voice who sells television products late at night is more believable.
John Noise.
I want everyone reading John’s post to take a step back and look at the big picture. John’s governor is a Democrat. John’s president is a Democrat. John’s a resident of a state that has two Democratic senators. John’s a resident of state that has a Democratic majority house and senate.
And what does he do day after day on this blog? He bitches about Republicans. He bitches about how much his life sucks because of Republicans.
That’s because he’s right.
Why do you hate America?
Ok, I’ll play along. Explain to me why John is so angry and unhappy even though every local and national office is held by his party.
Why is John so miserable?
The key words being “citing fear of political repercussions.”
Creditors to Chrysler describe negotiations with the company and the Obama administration as “a farce,” saying the administration was bent on forcing their hands using hardball tactics and threats.
Conversations with administration officials left them expecting that they would be politically targeted, two participants in the negotiations said.
Although the focus has so been on allegations that the White House threatened Perella Weinberg, sources familiar with the matter say that other firms felt they were threatened as well. None of the sources would agree to speak except on the condition of anonymity, citing fear of political repercussions.
So inspiring to read blog commentary written by a guy who was convicted for fraud and lying. I am sure Henry is being truthful now about all those anonymous sources, because well, hey, you just have to believe, right Marvin. Of course one could easily project a similar such notion, perhaps suggesting that a relation, who needs to remain anonymous because of possible threats, has let leak that Marvin and Troll are one and the same Fox goony bird.
Excellent question. You could even ask why all the ha hooligans are still so mean and bitter. You never see threads how great obama is doing, it’s the same hate bush/republicans that they have based their lives on. I know if libertarians controlled all aspects of government that affect me I wouldn’t waste my time on this blog. I’d be a happy happy camper.
My theory…
The lefties know the damage to America that obama is doing. They want to speak out except so much of their lives are invested in the democrat party, they feel that to speak out now would prove everything they believed in to be false. Kinda like what lee said…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
On the other hand…
Soros bankrolls the left. Wanna talk about his convictions?
Trull @1, 3: Think about the even bigger picture: You yourself have nothing better to do than to sit around in the comments threads of a liberal blog bitching about the bloggers’ liberal bias.
Your comments are usually toward the very top of each thread, so clearly you stop by here early and often. You should be asking yourself why.
Unlike the obama presidency that has flip-flopped on his pledge for a transparent administration, any of the thread starters here can confirm that we are in different states.
See how easy that was. I used lefties to prove your claim false.
“My theory…”
Hey, Marvie-Poo…are you now gonna change your name to “A. Elk”?
The only “damage” Obama may be responsible for right now is not having the guts to do more, faster, to dump the remaining vestiges of the neocon polices that got us into this mess. That, and working to ferret out the remaining plants appointed to every agency and prosecute them and those who put them there for the criminals they are. The irony is that the “unitary executive” precedents set by his predecessor would probably empower him to do just that, but since his appointments of “members of the old club” like Holder and Geithner, I don’t see him exactly inclined to go that way.
It’s becoming increasingly obvious why Dumbya had that big, fat, shit-eating “My-work-here-is-done” smile as the Obamas walked him and Laura out the the chopper on inauguration day. He knew he and his merry band had already finished their looting and pillaging, and left lots of time bombs going “tick-tick-tick” all over the ruins.
The lawyer, representing those firms, made the statement of the .gov strongarming his clients. He has not retracted them.
So, somebody is lying, right?
Obama complained that these companies were “speculators” who were “not willing to sacrifice” because they would not accept the .gov terms of restructuring – not mentioning that it was their right under the law to do so. His comments are potentially libelous and a mis-targeted scolding for disobedience that he shouldn’t have done, IMO.
If those lenders thought they were getting a raw deal, they can legaly defer to a judge to decide in bankruptcy court. THAT is the law.
Interesting that every senior lender of chrysler who took TARP money agreed to the .gov restructering plan for Chrysler…
And of course the non-TARP lenders will deny it happened. Who wants to directly anger the President?
But anyways – the lawyer did say that his clients were getting strong armed by the government. Obama did come out with some strong and strange statements against the non-TARP lenders.
Certainly, lawyers can lie. And certainly, the President can say stupid stuff. Maybe that’s all that’s happening here…
Either I missed that day in school or that message thread…
A. Elk?
I want my President strong arming people when my money is at stake.
As far as Obama, he has done a number of things that Bush never even dreamed of:
1. Getting Pakistan to go after the Taliban – the pussy Bush never could move Pakistan to do anything meaningful after wasting billions in aid there.
2. Going after the credit card companies and their fraudulent practices of raising rates with no notice and charging usurous interest.
Republicans did nothing on this since they are in bed with big business and rip off schemes.
3. Going after the big corporation that hide money away overseas to get tax breaks. time to make them pay their fair share and not sneak around the law. Republicans turned a blind eye on this fraud.
4. Getting rid of tax breaks for people making of 250K – thye need to pay their fiar share.
5. Going after waste in the military – including the 38 billion for KBR and Cheney’s old company (Haliburton) that has been totally wasted. the m,ilitary is the sacred cow of the republican hypocrites who scream about the budget and applaud military waste in the billions.
I want my President strong arming people when my money is at stake.
What money are you talking about?
If you’re talking about the billions of taxpayer dollars that we gave Chrysler over the last few months, the government has decided not to “jump” other secured investors. Us taxpayers will get ZERO return on that investment.
Or, are you talking about these funds that oppose the .gov restructuring plan? It’s very possible that you, your grandmother, your union, a mutual fund that you’re invested in, are managed by one of these non-TARP lenders and they loaned your money to Chrysler. These guys are doing there jobs (and lawfully allowed to do so) to get the absoulte best return on their(YOUR) investment that they can. Is that your money that you’re talking about?
Obama is asking these non-TARP institutions to make a “sacrifice” in accepting a lower return than they think is warranted, and asking them to defer their legal right to let a judge decide. He basically wants to take money from bondholders to give to the auto workers union that gives him money and votes.
Why can’t he sacrifice money and votes?
This is not a partisan issue.
Why didn’t you link the article they relied upon??
Here it is…
Not quite as bad as the fringe lunatic left’s totally unsubstantiated rumors that Bush was behind 9/11 and it wasn’t an airliner that hit the pentagon.
Read the article Jon.
Instead, you link us to a leftist spin-zone??
C’mon Jon..
1st the source of the controversy..then your Daily Kos-type heroes.
re 1: What’s that got to do with Fox News lying about the news to present a partisan viewpoint.
I want you to step back from what you think of Jon and think about a supposed news organization that lies to you and you accept it.
re 3: Jon is unhappy because your retarded president ran the country into ditch.
12 Oh, dear….
If you really don’t know, explaining Monty Python is far, far beyond the scope of this discussion.
Have you ever to your knowledge been referred to as “a man with three buttocks”?
@1 His life doesn’t suck nearly as much as your life sucks. Nothing is worse than being a Republican!
‘Fox Noise still just makes stuff up.’
Add MSNBC, CNN, ABC and NBC to that shit. Typical one-sided mouth diarreha for the HA Happy Hooligans and for Jon with the stupid last name. Enjoy the rain.
@19 Rodent:
At lease Troll dosen’t suffer from the beginning stages of senility and extreme obsessive compulsive disorder as the almighty Wabbit/our favorite retired courthouse janitor does.
@4 “Creditors to Chrysler describe negotiations with … the Obama administration as ‘a farce,’ saying the administration was bent on forcing their hands using hardball tactics and threats.”
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Obama administration! Since we taxpayers have to front $6 billion and guarantee Chrysler’s warranties, I as a taxpayer want to be in first position for repayment, ahead of the hedge funds and bankers who helped run the economy into the ground. Bush would have given them the money — taxpayers be damned!! I’m sooo glad the new people in charge are not Busheviks and don’t do business the Republican way! Again, thank you, thank you, thank you, Obamites!
Would everyone STOP attacking Obama. He’s the Commander in Chief and we’re at war! As Ann Coulter has merrily pointed out over and over for 7 years, disagreeing with the President “at a time of war”(tm) means you’re giving comfort and aid or our enemies, it makes you a traitor. Why are Republicans traitors now? They supported the Commander in Chief without question for the last 7 years. Why do Republicans support our enemies now?
What? Disagreeing with the President doesn’t make you a traitor NOW? Oh…interesting. Or maybe the “war”(tm) ended just by electing a new President. I’m confused.
@8 “You yourself have nothing better to do than to sit around in the comments threads of a liberal blog bitching about the bloggers’ liberal bias.”
To be honest, YP, this isn’t a big deal. I can hardly complain, because I myself have nothing better to do than sit around in the comments threads of a liberal blog bitching about the stupidity of conservatives. I don’t have a job. Why should I work? Republicans get special tax breaks for not earning their income, and I want the same tax breaks! I don’t see why Republicans should get all the tax breaks and Democrats should get all the work! I think it should be the other way around, because we’re more deserving than they are. So, I don’t work, and I get special tax breaks for flipping stocks, which is totally useless to the economy — just like they do!!
Frankly, spending my time loitering on beats the crap out of working! Work sucks!! Bosses suck! I don’t have to work! I flip stocks and get a 2/3rds discount on my taxes! I don’t see why anyone works. Being a capitalist beats the crap out of being a worker! When you’re a capitalist, you can blog on all day, get paid for not working, and get a big tax discount! I don’t want to be a worker.
@11 If someone wanted $6,000,000,000.00 from me, I’d strong-arm them, too!
@14 “This is not a partisan issue.”
Of course it’s a partisan issue. Everything is a partisan issue. Wingnuts can’t piss without getting partisan about it.
@21 You think a lobotomy is better than the medical conditions you mentioned?
@25, two things:
1 – The bondholders aren’t trying to get $6B from the federal government. They are trying to get a fair return of the money they loaned Chrysler. They are trying to get their own money back.
2 – They they have the right to let a judge decide how much they get in bankruptcy court.
Re 26:
What a steaming hypocrite of a rabid rodent!!
‘Wingnuts’ can’t do anything without it being partisan!?
Your precious Billy Joe Jimbob Clinton suborns a jury, intimidates witnesses, lies under oath (you worked, if you aren’t lying, in the legal department of some government office, so you wouldn’t know this, but it’s called perjury) and that’s just about sex and no-ones’s business. It’s a vast right wing conspiracy.
Anyone with a different view of what is good for this country is a wingnut or some more vulgar term. And we’re partisan!?
Several months after the prior president leaves you still can’t think about anything else. Not that I blame, you considering the catastrophic future your moronic little boy of a president is creating with his tax and spend and spend and spend and spend. But the point is you still obsess on someone no longer the president. News flash. For much much worse you idiots won. But you can’t think about anything other than the prior 8 years.
What a deluded little rodent you are.
a. Why watch Faux News? It’s devolved (if that’s even possible) to pure and complete horseshit.
b. Faux News revenues are down 56% from last year. People are starting to get wise to their lies.
c. Their tactics don’t work. Their candidates lost by a landslide.
d. They are complete liars and never ever tell the truth.
e. They are aiming to stir up the base (the knuckle dragging, inbred right wing assholes.)
Re 30:
Translation of above-
I am an unimaginative moron who can only say “I hate conservatives.” Over and over and over again. Without any real issue at all. I just hate conservatives. This is probably because I am a complete loser without any skills to sell in a real market. I need the government to help me because I couldn’t feed myself without help.
That about it?
re 20: If one kid tortures a cat and another steps on a bug, do you consider that to be the same offense?
The only three people to call HA commenters “Happy Hooligans” are the Pooper, Mark I, and Headless Lucy.
I now realize that Mark I is Headless Lucy trying to make Republicans sound like idiots.
13 I wish Obama could get democrats to pay their taxes. Imagine your outrage if every single cabinet pick of Bush would have been a tax cheat. Just imagine!
Let me translate #31 for you all.
“I am a dildo loving, cum-drunk, ass-licking, draft-dodging, cowardly, inbred traitor who can’t stand the fact that the overwhelming majority of Americans voted my guys into oblivion. I am extremely defensive about Faux News because they are the only people who tell the same lies as my daddy Lush Flimbaugh. I hope by trying to change the subject you won’t notice that everything said in #30 above is absolutely true. When I go to sleep at night I dream of child porn.”
Think about it?
When it comes to tax cheats – the GOP knows all about harboring tax cheats…
Swift Boat financier Sam Wyly cheated the U.S. of at least $300 million in taxes. The scam is detailed in a report issued Aug. 1 by the Senate Subcommittee on Investigations.
Wyly did his cheating through an offshore scheme that hid $1 billion in profits via Isle of Man “shell companies” that existed only on paper, were registered under front men to hide the Wylys’ names, and were used to carry out transactions and launder money. And that’s only the hidden income that was found. The Dallas mogul, with a $1 billion admitted net worth, may be guilty of the biggest personal tax fraud in U.S. history.
Then of course there’s the GOP’s new intellectual leader – Joe the Fake Plumber who didn’t seem to think he needed to pay taxes so the state put a lien on his property.
Then there are the ten GOP US Senators who voted for Geithner…OOOOPS!
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
Ensign (R-NV)
Graham (R-SC)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hatch (R-UT)
Shelby (R-AL)
Snowe (R-ME)
Voinovich (R-OH)
And who can forget the former chairman of the Manhattan Republican organization pleaded guilty this morning to tax evasion and violating the public officers’ law in connection with money he was paid as a consultant to a real estate company and as an arbitrator in a dispute over helicopter services on the West Side.
The former chairman, James A. Ortenzio, 62, admitted in a hearing in State Supreme Court in Manhattan that he had knowingly failed to disclose the income, totaling about $180,000, that he made in 2004 and 2005.
I could go on (and will) if we want to talk about tax cheats.
Now He’s Blind@23:
Why are you confused? Oh that’s becuz liberalism is a mental disorder…
Obama changed the “War on Terror” to “Overseas Contingency Operation”. So it seems the War ended per Obama.
Golly stillbentover@36, still on the Sam Wyly kick. Unfortunately Sam does not hold any political office.
What a fool stillbentover is.
Wait for it…
He’ll claim to have had imaginery sex with my wife and female siblings.
Stillbentover… a tool!
Okay, I’ll play along. And I’ll try to use small words and simple concepts.
Let’s say you invited a friend over for a couple of days. He stayed for months, and invited all his friends over. They trashed your house, stole your identity, ran up your credit cards, and generally ruined your reputation and credibility, and all the while his ‘friends’ mocked and insulted you because you were too busy to join them. Then, after you’d finally had enough and kicked their asses to the curb, they go around telling the neighbors that you’re the reason they did all those things, that you and your unnatural ways corrupted them. Now you’re left to clean up the mess while the people who created said mess skate away, all the while threatening revenge upon you while looking for another victim.
And now we reveal the players’ roles. ‘You’ are America, your ‘houseguest’ was the last presidential administration, and his ‘friends’ are the righty echo-chamber. Do you get it now? Of course you don’t. Go back to your delusions, Trollie. BTW, when does the militia have its weekely meeting?
Good point.
Except, we’ve already lost the war. So said harry reid.
If the war wasn’t over, how could harry determine the winner and in Americas case, the loser?
byebyegoober is so uneducated he has no idea who marc rich is. Nor does he know anything about marc rich and his tax evasion. And even worse, he has no idea the connection between clinton and marc rich. Nor does byebyegoober know any facts about the connection between marc rich and eric holder. Obviously, byebyegoober doesn’t know anything about the tax dodger and a pardon from clinton.
Wow. I never figured you for one that supported our border agents and our laws against illegal immigration.
@37: Just to get the facts straight – the official change in the name of the war on terror (a stupid name to begin with) was done by the Pentagon and Rumsfeld wanted to change the name in 2005 because it was stupid then and it was stupid later.
but if Puddy wants to use a stupid name……go for it!
Start your war on terror like Bush did, by being impotent in Pakistan (notice how Obama is getting much better results and from a democracy than from the dictator that Bush claimed we needed to prop up with billions in aid dollars that were wasted), by allowing bin Laden to get away, by declaring bin Laden was no longer important and by alienating Muslims throughout the world to allow bin Laden to recruit better.
Oh,…and go invade an Arab country under false pretenses and lie about it. Then torture Arabs and lie about that. Then look like a fool before the rest of the world and alienate our allies.
Yup – the war on “terror” and the Bush “doctrine” have been such successes.
The right wing japes and jibes are a little to esoteric for the average man to understand.
30 years of Republican rule and an empty wallet are all he/she needs to know about Republicans.
You guys are dead. Wejust argue with you because it’s more fun than solitaire.
Why don’t you guys take some personal responsibility for the mess you’ve made?
But, I’m not holding my breath on that one.
re 42: ..and illegal employers. They wouldn’t come here if they were’nt getting jobs.
Christine Gregoire: Supreme Court Justice.
Sounds good to me!
NutTool@43: Puddy just stating facts fool!
Overseas Contingency Operation.
The Obama Flying Monkeys chant: OCO oooooooooh go! OCO oooooooooh go! OCO oooooooooh go!
Where’s Dorothy?
only fools belive fox about anything??????
then i guess the majority of american are fools since they have the highest ratings. or should we harken for the days of dan rather, when he could used forged documents to throw an election. u morons
“Where’s Dorothy?”
Well, if that’s the name of Marvin’s goat, then I’d say she’s probably out in the pasture with her head stuck in a fence.
Looks like the Oreo Puffybutt wants to continue to make the GOP look bad by causing me to point out ADDITIONAL Publican tax cheats. Here are four more for you Puffy.
Rep. Steve King, R-Kiron, has been identified as one of four members of Congress who are improperly receiving a homestead tax deduction, according to the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call.
The exemption allows people who own homes in Washington, D.C., to receive a $67,500 reduction on the assessed value of their home. The deduction also caps increases on the assessed value of homes at 10 percent above the previous year’s tax assessment. It is not supposed to be available to those who claim residency in another state even if they have a home in the District.
King, who bought a one-bedroom condominium in D.C. in 2005 for $325,000, told Roll Call he believes “the D.C. tax department made a mistake.” A King spokesman declined further comment to Roll Call.
In 2005, an investigation found that 22 senators were receiving the tax break. District officials blamed a computer glitch and have since audited the program to purge those unqualified to receive the tax break and collect back taxes owed.
At the time, several observers questioned how lawmakers could not know they were receiving the exemption since it is noted on the property tax bills homeowners receive twice a year, including a calculation of any savings.
Pete Sepp, spokesman for the National Taxpayers Union — a longtime King ally — told Roll Call that accepting the deduction amounts to “tax avoidance.”
More than the law here is the appearance,” Sepp added. “Constituents already tend to feel that lawmakers spend too much time in Washington and not enough time at home, so how is this going to help improve that image?
One group upset with King is supporters of allowing the nation’s capitol voting rights in the U.S. House. Earlier this month, the Iowa Republican helped stall a bill granting those rights by attaching an amendment gutting the city’s gun laws. District-based blog DCist chided King for his misstep.
King comes out looking worst of the bunch — not only is he seemingly cheating on his taxes, but he also helped stall the recent D.C. voting rights bill. Tsk tsk.
Others named in the Roll Call story were Rep. Tom Petri, R-Wis.; Rep. Phil Gingrey R-Ga.; and Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala.
I can do this all day bitch.
And by the way, your fat ugly wife says hi and can she have her dildo back.
Fell right into my called trap @38. So typically predictable. Not only a sick moron, but a delusional one.
You mean you forgot about Robert Tax Cheat Wexler (Donkey)-Maryland who has been doing it for years fool?
Oh you must mean Pete Tax Cheat Stark and his homestead claims fool?
Oh you mean Charles Tax Cheat Rangel and his multiple indiscretions fool?
How about Dirty Harry Land Deal Reid fool? Puddy posted his dealings many times here.
How about Dianne Tax Cheat Feinstein fool? Puddy posted her dealings many times here.
How about Chris Mortgage Tax Cheat Dodd fool? Puddy posted his dealings many times here.
I can go on forever stillbentover with so many Donkey tax cheats. BTW have you found your WHITE dildo yet? Still searching those sex stores? Keep looking.
BTW Stillbentover, where are your “sources”? Everyone can see Puddy placed his on the blog!
A fool and a tool who was just schooled!
Steve, only you would think that of Dorothy. We don’t need to wonder why either…
Steve has gone over the edge.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Puddy thinks talking about Marvin and the naming of his goat to be out of line. Strange, he thinks it much more appropriate to discuss white dildos. I wonder why? Hmm, a black Republican with a thing about white dildos. Perhaps I shouldn’t ask. Nevermind.
48 “Where’s Dorothy?”
Why are you asking, Puddy? Are you one of her “friends”?
Oswald Spengler spews:
“Christine Gregoire: Supreme Court Justice.
Sounds good to me!”
Jesus-tap-dancin’-Christ! You’d want the Grinch’s sister on the SCOTUS?
Are you nuts?