Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels announced today that the city has reversed its policy against using road salt to combat ice and snow. Sorta.
The mayor set certain conditions for using salt: on hills, arterials or snow bus routes, and on routes to hospitals and other emergency facilities when at least 4 inches of snow is predicted, if ice is predicted, or if extreme cold is expected to last more than three days.
So they’ll use salt on some roads, every few years or so, when the conditions warrant. There. Is everybody satisfied?
Heh. Now, all the anti-Nickels whiners can complain about their cars getting rusty.
The policy dated back to 1998, when Paul Schell was newly elected as Mayor. It also is just about the time Tim Eyman was getting started, as well. Which is when complain about everything and pre-judge local government as not getting anything done right pretty much started. I have learned over the past decade, if one is elected to public office, they will never please everybody.
I have concerns. Are vehicles sold in this area given the same factory undercoatings as vehicles sold in the midwest, to resist salt corrosion? If not, if all the vehicles that Puget Sound-area residents presently own are not protected against use of salt on roadways, this policy could result in millions of dollars of damage to hundreds of thousands of vehicles.
seattle rarely gets this much snow. do you really think we will see “millions of dollars of damage to hundreds of thousands of vehicles” if a pinch of salt is added to the roads on the rare occasion?
Spoken like a true Atheist Progressive MicroDot Head!
What a stellar representative of the Progressive Movement.
Apparently there is such a thing as being toooooo Progressive!
Rabbit @ 3
Your concern is Idiotic…as usual.
A real leader would make a statement like….
“In the event of a large snow/ice accumulation in the greater Seattle city limits, the city will take all measures to keep roads clear and passable for all vehicles, especially those of first responders.”
Greg Nickels – what a tool.
It’s with great pride that I tell you people “I told you so.” I was the only one here saying they should use salt, when everyone else was agreeing with Goldy.
Let the apologizing begin.
Troll: truly a legend in his own mind.
Actually ALL of us right-minded folks believe in salt. It’s the MicroDot Heads..politically correct FUBAR’s that overthought the salt thing.
They know who they are…idiots.
@8 A Republican leader like George W. Bush would say, “In the event of a large snow/ice accumulation in the greater Seattle city limits, the city will take all measures to keep roads clear and passable for all vehicles, especially those of first responders.” And that’s all you would get — a statement that sounds great, but isn’t backed up by snowplows or truckloads of sand and salt, it’s just empty hot air.