As a follow up to Jon’s Deep Thought yesterday and post today, I’ve emailed the 3 Republican congresspeople what they think of Rush Limbaugh. Specifically:
Dear XX
I’m a blogger at HASeattle, and we were wondering what your thoughts were on Rush Limbaugh. Would you call him a leader of the Republican party?
Carl Ballard
If they want to stand up to the heroin addict who runs their party, I’ll post a response. I sent it to the addresses listed on the campaign websites, so I don’t know how staffed up they are at this point and they have no reason to respond, so we’ll see.
…Afternoon update, the email I sent Reichert’s campaign bounced back. Does anybody have a good email address for his campaign? I don’t want this to go to the Congressional staff. No word from the Eastern Washington Reps.
Finally a President who is willing to do SOMETHING about military procurement.
40 billion a year in savings? It’s modest but at least it’s a start.
Obama’s approval at an all-time high and Republican approval mired in the dirt cellar.
I’m really good with this!
@2 There will be a troll here soon to claim that the President’s high approval ratings are good news for the Rush Limbaugh led Republicans. Then they’ll laugh hysterically. Too weird.
Lest there be any doubt about how the WA GOP feels about Rush, check out Eric Earling’s two posts over at SP trying to point out the difference. Then check out the avalanche of comments excoriating Earling and affirming that Rush is exactly the personage they want speaking for them.
Could it possibly get any better for the left than this. The right embracing a morbidly obese, puffy faced, visibly angry, balding late middle aged white male, who spends three hours a day braying vitriol, racism and misogynism over the public airwaves. Oh, and he also happens to be a convicted felon, couldn’t finish even his first year of college, and was so badly addicted to drugs he wrecked his hearing. Throw in three divorces and a lifestyle that would shame Nero, and we’ve got a GOP Icon par excellence.
Is this a great country or what?
Go Right Wing!
Frankly, I think Operation Rushbo by the Democrats is a great idea….however the timing really sucks as there are no elections and these types of link/attack schemes have a half-life. By the time the next elections roll around, this will have been overplayed and the Dems in Congress will be accountable for their actions…including all the Pork they voted for.
Have fun with this KLOWNS.
It will definitely have a half-life.
Operation Rushbo? We’re just grateful spectators watching the show which is being produced and presented by your disintegrating political party.
The Republicans are stuck with Limbaugh as the trolls here are stuck with manoftruth.
Mr. Fool @ 5
It’s the Dem rank and file who are attacking that gas-bloated whale who is the leader of your bankrupt party.
We’ve got Obama’s back.
Keep on rallying behind that obese gas-bag cynical fool. It’s the best thing that could ever happen to President Obama.
We are in the era of the “perpetual campaign”. The Republican/Wingnut attacks strarted shortly after the election (before Obama had even taken office), claiming that his approval rankings were going down, and trying to shift the blame for the Bush economic crisis onto Obama. Roughly speaking, he had less than 24 hours to turn things around, otherwise they were proclaiming him to be a failure.
Since Rush Limbaugh is one of the leaders of this offensive (a term which applies in more than one sense), he is a legitimate target in terms of a counter-attack. If Republican Party leadership wants us to engage them directly, then we would be happy to oblige – but they have made it clear who is the real voice of the Republican Party when they allow Rush to take them to the woodshed anytime the depart from what he considers his ideological orthodoxy.
Pssst, he’s just a talk radio entertainer. You’re taking him way too seriously.
re 5: Yeah. Like Uranium.
Your right, These attacks have a few days of life knowing the trouble the democrats are in this attack maybe extended into this weekend news shows. Just think Obama started this attack on an America Citizen, then he ordered his goons to take over to ruin him (that’s a joke). In time of peril democrats need someone they can hid bad policy and CHANGE the subject to Rush. The Democrats are pathetic have always taken the low road and with 3 news cronies backing them they get away with it.
Well time is running out for the 3 news and on cable cnn and msnbc. BTW is Air America still on the air?
When Rush Limbaugh is the talking points in this time of our history shows how useless and helpless Obama and company really is.
It’s scary when the president and his henchmen are going after a private citizen. Isn’t that what hitler did?
he wouldn’t be president without a tsunami of Hillary-hatred expertly surfed by his campaign, mishandled by hers, a tsunami generated over the years precisely by people like Rush Limbaugh.
I know it’s hard for Democrats to appreciate how quickly political fortunes turn — the glow of victory, the high of electoral success gives a sense of inevitability and invincibility, of permanence. But there’s nothing permanent about power. The tide will turn again, and the engine that will drive it is the fury stirred by the likes of Limbaugh. Feeding that machine, expanding and enhancing it is a mistake. A serious one.
Not everyone is on the presidential bashing of rush. Some think it should be left to the haters on liberal talk radio and cnn/msnbc. Oops, considering their ratings, maybe obama better do it.
The fear of rush is astounding. You never heard bush call out michael moore or rachael madcow.
When rush speaks, the dems jump.
Rush just told obama come on down and let’s debate….
Knowing the little people on the left this should stop the attacks.
The right is embracing michael moore???
Damn, the right is screwing up.
The dems are falling into the trap rush is setting up.
All the dems are doing is elevating rush to higher and higher status.
And unlike a politician that has to be concerned with contributions and votes, rush is free to speak his mind.
Looks like the attack plan on Rush was planned since October 2008…
Now we see the rest of the Caterpillar story.
“I was ambushed.”
Instead of ruining him all they have done is increased his audience. People that had never listened to rush before are now checking him out. Just like rush thanked the dems in congress when he auctioned off their letter to raise money for the families of soldiers, I’m sure rush will thank obama for increasing his audience.
It’s sad that whitehouse chief of staff rahim emanuel has t have daily phone conversations with george stephanopoulos on how to spin the obama administrations policies to the public. Isn’t this like what hitler did?
Seattle Transit Blog bashes Horses Ass:
Even back when the obama was grandstanding for the press, the CEO of caterpillar was speaking out…
Caterpillar CEO contradicts Obama, sees layoffs
Owens seemed to back away from Obama’s assertion that the Caterpillar CEO had promised him he would rehire some of the laid-off workers if Congress approves a sweeping stimulus bill.
I did find it funny that obama would be associating with a company that made machines to destroy houses in gaza strip and killed rachel corrie.
You won’t stop the Rush bashing by blogging. Get out in the streets and show your support.
We have a ‘free speech zone’ waiting for you.
The little people are now complaining rush wants the debate on his show…
Obama wants no debate unless his goons ask all the question. Also Rush wants it during 9am-12pm week day,Obama wants it 12am-1am Sunday
Obama also demands his teleprompter be installed in the studio. He demands a 15min delay in broadcasting so obama can add combacks to his teleprompter.
The only way the little kid would do this.
I’m now convinced a sort of talking points directive has gone out encouraging all Democrats to call talk show host Rush Limbaugh the head of the Republican Party.
John is now obediently doing it in every post.
Now that the Democratics called Rush the Republican leader, he is calling out the Democratic leader. Open public debate on radio. Democratics claim conservatives dominate radio so Rush is giving Obama “fairness’.
Th truth wrote:
That’s funny. What will he look for as answers in the teleprompter?
Isn’t this what Rush has been saying all along?
“As for the tax increases on high-income earners called for in Obama’s plan, Bayh said, “I do think that before we raise revenue, we first should look to see if there are ways we can cut back on spending.”
“The American people and businesses are tightening their belts,” Bayh added. “I think we need to show that the government can economize as well.””
The difference is so noticeable that one only has to listen to obama speaks to know if he is using a teleprompter.
So easy a blind man can tell when he’s using a teleprompter.
Like a good little serf for his masters.
That clown Limbaugh won’t even debate people who call into his radio program.
Who do you think you are kidding?
A social studies major at a community college could beat Limbaugh in a debate.
Where you one of the libs wanting Rush to debate?
I was listening that day…
You were rambling and not making any sense what so ever. That’s why he hung up on you. A suggestion, next time you call him be sober.
re 31: You can get a contact high from Limbaugh even over the phone.
That man is definitely full of piss, vinegar, and oxycodone.
Do you conservatards understand the implication of being called a ‘dittohead’? Anyone who doesn’t ditto Limbaugh is ‘not making sense’. You can’t debate with a person who hangs up on all but dittoheads.
I heard a conservative caller once ask him how a product like gasoline, that is controlled by a handfull of producers from the time it is in the ground to the time you pump it into your tank could in any way be described as participants in a free market?
Limbaugh just sputtered and hung up.
That might be a question Rush would like to debate.
Where you one of the libs wanting Rush to debate?
34 comments so far and TWENTY-ONE are from screaming screeching “hair-on-fire” trolls.
Yayyyy!!! We really ARE doing something right!
Now the wh made the bed. the spineless freaks of the goon squad are backing down.
Obama is told about Rushes challenge he then bowed down and prayed for forgiveness.
Which he will receive.
@35 The DOW is up nearly 250 today. That has the trolls upset. They’d rather that America and the economy go down the shitter so that they might score a political point or two.
Steve, au contraire, I want the stock market to rise. It seemed to rise after Rush’s challenge.
@36 Amazing how your typing skills and grammar have improved even as your mind deteriorates.
Using your logic… than rush getting obama and his fellow democrats whining about him proves rush is doing something right.
Glad to see you can finally count to 21. Don’t give up, keep working at math and you’ll soon be doing those gozintas.
From watching the video…
It’s about that time that white house press secretary robert gibbs gets a teleprompter to answer questions. The ums, ahs, and the looking down isn’t a very effective method of communicating.
Even clinton made the suggestion that now the election is over it’s time for obama to talk up the economy.
Talking the economy down during the election was a winner for obama. A loser for taxpayers.
For eight years everything was Clinton’s fault. Now everything is Obama’s fault. I must have missed the day, if it ever happened, when a Republican took responsibility for anything these last eight years.
Left to the country courtesy of the chimpanzee that shuffled off the buffalo last Jan 20.
And not a moment too soon.