Clark County Commissioner Tom Mielke and other state Republicans are grumbling about Dino Rossi’s endless dawdling, but not me. No, I urge Rossi to take a much time as he wants.
Kittitas County Republican Party chair and crazy-ass blogger Mathew Manweller (known around these parts as “the nutty professor“), defends his man by insisting that Rossi still has “a week or so” to make his decision before “the milk is going to sour,” but there are still 23 days before the June 10 filing deadline and I hope Rossi makes every one of them count.
In fact, why should a state leader like Rossi live his life by other people’s schedules? Screw the deadline… he could still run in the August primary as a write-in candidate, and I say he should reserve that right, just in case Sen. Patty Murray’s numbers plummet between now then. Good things come to those who wait. Lamentations 3:25, and all that.
Yeah, sure, I suppose Rossi’s Hamlet-like indecisiveness must be pretty frustrating to the field of Republican extras longing for their moment in the spotlight, but Hamlet was a noble character, so I applaud the role Rossi has chosen to play. Of course, by the end of Hamlet, just about everybody ends up dead, but it sure does make for some entertaining theater.
I just drove by a house this morning that had a ten-foot by six-foot Clint Didier billboard-like sign on their lawn. I am guessing that he elicits fervent support from a small minority.
Whereas Dino Rossi elicits “meh” from the vast majority. That’s the man we want running!
Goldy, why are you so obviously terrified by Dino Rossi?