Too bad you didn’t support the troops when you had the chance. I did. Fucking cheapskates. Blowhards.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What rock is Redneck hiding under this morning?
I think your headline should be Bush ACCEPTS Rumsfeld resignation. Rummy has offered to resign several times prior – he admitted to doing so in interviews.
Isn’t this whole “resign” stuff BS though? Don’t all these cabinet secretaries basically send in a “resignation” letter when they are confirmed so the President can “accept it” whenever it is useful to the President?
The wackjobs are urgently seeking counseling via Right Wing radio so they’ll have someone or something to blame. Since they are the party of personal responsibility, they’ll be blaming everyone but themseleves – the “librul media” (yawn), those mean Democrats, not being wingnut enough, voting machines (!), etc.
Face it – the GOP “product” sucks as the consumer rejected it.
Rummy gone! HAHAHHAHAHAH See you crusty old fuck bag.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This is only the beginning. GOP losses will deepen in 2008! Iraq will not get better. Ordinary Americans will not be better off. The economy may be in recession by then. Suck on it, wingnuts. Your time is over.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Criminal Activity By McGavick Campaign Reported
I’ve received a report of a crime committed by the McGavick campaign at a north King County polling station yesterday.
According to my informant, numerous McGavick signs were placed along the walkway into the polling station.
My legal research indicates this is a gross misdeamenor under RCW 29A.84.510, and is punishable by up to 1 year in jail and $5,000 fine under RCW 9A.20.021.
The Republicans left in the house are going to be more extreme. But now they won’t be able to throw pork at their districts to keep the voters distracted. 2008 looks like it could be a tipping point.
Add to that Democratic control of the Governorships, and we are looking at a very different playing field in ’08 than we have had in 12 years.
All that being said, the Democrats need to lead. There needs to be real reform (congressional, lobbyist and campaign), and they need to show that they can make things work.
There should be investigations so we know the truth behind the Bush administration and what the Congressional Republicans have done, but forget about impeachment unless you can show that the president or vice-president totally ignored the Consitution. This should not be about revenge, but good leadership.
Finally, lets not be like the Republicans and demand ideological purity and that everything be done tomorrow. The margin in the Senate is slim, and you need 60 votes anyway to really get things done. Add to that that most of the Democratic pick ups are moderates to conservatives. This is not a revolution but an evolution. Let’s show everyone what can be done with good leadership, and we can put this country on the righ track and strenghten the Democratic party.
Open Question:
Could it be that Rumsfeld was forced to resign so he can’t be forced to testify before Congress? That would explain why Bush deep-six him so quickly once it became clear that the Democrats are in charge.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think your headline should be Bush ACCEPTS Rumsfeld resignation. … Commentby Robert— 11/8/06@ 10:57 am
I think “fired” is the operative concept here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The wackjobs are urgently seeking counseling via Right Wing radio so they’ll have someone or something to blame. Since they are the party of personal responsibility, they’ll be blaming everyone but themseleves – the “librul media” (yawn), those mean Democrats, not being wingnut enough, voting machines (!), etc.
Commentby Robert— 11/8/06@ 11:00 am
Here is the official wingnut explanation:
(a) Their votes were “cancelled” by illegal immigrant votes.
(b) Their candidates lost because the military vote wasn’t counted.
(c) The lying liberal media didn’t tell the truth about how many family farms are taken every day by the death tax.
Mark Centzspews:
The JoeMentum watch begins as well. He’s going to be in the catbird’s seat, and with control of the Senate as the prize he’s going to milk the process for as much as it’s worth. Reid and the rest of the Senate dems are going to regret not supporting Lamont.
treasonous picklespews:
The irony is that if Rummy “resigned” last week or the week before, the repugs may have done better yesterday.
Poor rethugs. Poor, poor rethugs
The Real Markspews:
JDB @ 17
I don’t know if I’ve agreed with a Dem post more. I’m glad to see you, at least, recognizing the number of moderate and conservative Dems that took office. As I’ve said before, I have been consistently disappointed by the lack of GOP moderates both in office and running. That said, I was asked earlier this year to consider providing services to a “good” Dem’s campaign, but was quickly informed that they couldn’t bring me on because I didn’t pass some Hard Left litmus test.
I absolutely welcome the back-and-forth of a “loyal opposition.”
I would hope that the real goal of both parties is to weed out ALL of the bad apples. Some of the things that came to light in recent months were disgusting — though on par with things that have come out of the Dems in the past. We must demand more accountability and less outside influence — be it from corporations or unions or some shady business deal.
“This is not a revolution but an evolution.”
Now, let’s hope that the GOP can do the same in 2008 and give us spirited, responsible debate with common-sense results.
Daddy Lovespews:
11 Robert
I don’t know that it’s done exactly that way, but the essence is the same. They way I have heard it, someone comes to your office and tells you “The president wants to make a change.” You’re out.
Daddy Lovespews:
More thoughts:
For the next two years we’ll see Democrats passing legislation for the middle class while Bush keeps us mired in Iraq AND tries to privatize SS, having confrontation after confrontation with Congress. Congressional investigations FINALLY begin and evidence of previously unimagined Republican fraud, corruption, and incompetence starts to emerge.
THAT’S the backdrop for the 2008 Congressional and presidential elections.
18 I don’t see how resigning would make Rummy any less subject to being subpoena’d, and he’d probably have fewer options to avoid answering questions.
Congratulations USA. The road to recovery has begun. It will be long and strenuous but with perserverence and communication we can reconstruct this great nation and redeem the lost respect from the rest of the world.
Rummy is only the start.
Let the sworn testimony start.
Then the perp walks.
The line starts right over there at the Bible, crooks.
Daddy Lovespews:
Does anyone doubt that the Republicans in the Senate will filibuster, filibuster, FILIBUSTER?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Stock market’s up. Looks like Wall Street likes the idea of a Democratic Congress imposing fiscal responsibility on Bush’s reckless spending.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Does anyone doubt that the Republicans in the Senate will filibuster, filibuster, FILIBUSTER? Commentby Daddy Love— 11/8/06@ 11:58 am
They don’t have to. Bush will veto everything the Democrats pass. But even if absolutely nothing gets done in the next two years that’s still a big improvement over the last four years.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Election’s over. Gas prices will go back up.
Daddy Lovespews:
31 RR
I think that market’s up on Rumsfeld resigning. Who wouldn’t be up?
The ship of state has been off course since the Star Wars administration. Rumsfeld resignation is just an example of arranging the deck chairs. The Democrats might be able to turn our country around, but they must gave a long term plan of recinding two decades of folly.
It’s more important to be a 1st Amendment Democrat.
Proud to be an Assspews:
Now, let’s hope that the GOP can do the same in 2008 and give us spirited, responsible debate with common-sense results
Common sense results? You’re kidding…such results have not been delivered since Eisenhower. And responsible debate? Not likely. The GOP threw that overboard when they booed Nelson Rockefeller off the stage at the Cow Palace.
Right Stuffspews:
Congrats to the Dems…..
Now we wait and watch….
Be cafeful not to over reach this election as some “liberal mandate”..Reagan Dems won this for the left. And Liberman is a bright reminder of what happens when the far left attempt to flex their muscle… No doubt that the R’s lost this election and more to the point, weak leadership at 1600 Penn Ave…I hope and pray for our troops and our security. If what was promised by the Pelosi/Reed/Murtha/Dean/Wrangel wing of the party is delivered…we are all in danger.
Osama must be smiling.
Mike Barerspews:
I used to think McCain was one of the decent Repubicans
this is what your “party” is all about?
“This is only the beginning. GOP losses will deepen in 2008! Iraq will not get better. Ordinary Americans will not be better off. The economy may be in recession by then. Suck on it, wingnuts. Your time is over.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/8/06@ 11:03 am”
fascinating. i especially like the wishful thinking on the americans will not be better off and the economy will be in recession. so that’s what you idiots wish for? JUST SO YOU CAN WIN THE WHITE HOUSE?
now just how sick and revealing is that?
keep it up…i called it yesterday and you tools are already doing it. this is hardly a mandate for dems…especially the far lefties on this site. most of the democrats elected are CONSERVATIVE. that has just got to sting………..
Roger Rabbitspews:
One of the anti-American traitors who posts on the sucky little competing blog expressed his disappointment in the election outcome in these words:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. …” Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM
I’m posting this to make the public aware of just where these haters are coming from.
eponymous cowardspews:
Reid and the rest of the Senate dems are going to regret not supporting Lamont.
Go look and see who campaigned with Lamont: Wes Clark, John Edwards and Teddy Kennedy.
See BIll Clinton’s name in there? Harry Reid? Chuck Schumer? Uh…no.
Nice try at spin. I see you’ve been reading (un)Sound Politics.
If the Republicans had anything resembling a decent candidate, it would be Senator Lamont. Well, you’re going to find out what we already know: Joe’s about Joe and pontificating while being a weathervane. You R’s are going to be as sadly disappointed by him as the netroots are.
And Liberman is a bright reminder of what happens when the far left attempt to flex their muscle
Go look up Carol Shea-Porter and John Hall- you’ll find them under “Members of Congress”. Or look up Atrios’s winning Act Blue candidates:
Still clinging to the same old discredited wingnut lies, complete with the usual wingnut grammatical errors.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The preceding two posts illustrate the intellectual caliber of people posting on Sucky Politics.
Right Stuffspews:
The US has been in Iraq since 2003. We’ve had 3 years of Republicans running of the War on Terror. Now we’ll see how the Democrats do as majority party in congress, running the war for the next two years….Like I said earlier. If the Pelosi/Reed congress deliver what they Promised/ran on, then I believe we will shortly be fighting terrorists here on US soil rather in Iraq where we are defeating Al Qaeida. I hope not. As an American I hope that their “plan” works….But I seriously doubt it. Like I said, Osama is certainly smiling today.
For the Cluelessspews:
that has just got to sting………..
Ghost, you’ll never learn. This is not a far left site. This site is quite moderate. The rabbit and me who supports gun rights? Goldy who supports a balanced budget? We celebrate the big tent of the Democratic party. We’re ok with pro-life people like Harry Reid and Bob Casey. We’re ok with pro-military folks like John Murtha and Jim Webb.
It’s never been that we’re so far left – it’s ALWAYS been that the Republicans have gone so far right!
If John Bridges were running for State Supreme Court or Nick Handy for SecState, with what I know right now, I’d support them in a heartbeat.
Hint: Go look at the House seats the D’s picked up in the South. A grand total of four. DeLay’s seat, Foley’s seat, another Florida seat, and Heath Schuler in NC.
Compare and contrast to the 3 seats in New York, 3 in Pennsylvania, 2 in New Hampshire and 2 in Connecticut. Last I checked, those were NOT red states.
Oh, and the D’s knocked off moderate Republicans Jim Leach, Nancy Johnson, and Lincoln Chafee… with liberals. As well as conservatives Richard Pombo, Mike DeWine, and J.D. Hayworth.
So much for your bogus contention that liberals didn’t pick up a BUNCH of ground in 2006. Better spin, please.
whereas you, roger, are a rocket scientist?
you are nothing more than a foul mouthed blow hard….in other words the poster child for the far left.
keep it up kids… really are this stupid aren’t you? living in the vapid echo chamber that is seattle you have lost touch with how most of real america feels. here’s a hint…it isn’t far right or far left….and gloating has never been something that signifies intelligence nor gains the public’s support.
i sure am glad that roger is a left wing democrat right now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ve repeatedly stated I’m against censorship — but there are limits to everything. Besides, Stefan already censors his blog. So why does he allow someone to use his board to call for the deaths of innocent Americans?
This is what I’m referring to:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. …” Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM
“terror attack on … passenger aircraft … that’s just what we need”
How about it, Stefan? are you going to let your blog be used to broadcast messages like that? are you willing to censor this terrorist-sympathizer? at the very least, you should post a comment rebuking him — ya know?
For the Cluelessspews:
But even if absolutely nothing gets done in the next two years that’s still a big improvement over the last four years.
If Bush doesn’t want to compromise then it’s hearings and supoenas baby! The Dems better have their ducks in a row when dealing with the nest of snakes in the White House.
CG @ 42:
This election was ONLY about the Republican national leadership. It was without qualifiers an absolute repudiation of Conservative Christian governance.
Speaker Pelosi now has a historic opportunity to dismantle the Conservative Christian movement by just merely exposing them to the light of truth and justice via subpoena powers and investigations and returning the Republican party to the days of Rockefeller Republicans.
When she “drains the swamp” we’re going to find the bodies and they’re all Republicans, sweet cheeks. Once the American people fully realize how dangerous the Evangelicals have been to our form of democracy the last 6 years more Republicans will lose their congressional seats in ’08.
Furthermore, there is not one Republican politician in DC that hasn’t been tainted by their staunch support of George W. Bush and his failed presidency. They will be “branded” by the Democrats as a “Bush Republican” and that just isn’t going to play well with the American populace.
You may not like Speaker Pelosi or her San Francisco “values” but you should recognize she’s smarter than George W. Bush. She will spend her political capital wisely, and not squander it the way George W. Bush did with his and our national debt.
When it comes to political clout, get used to being on the outside looking in wondering where your party went so, so very wrong.
Daddy Lovespews:
42 christmasghost
I like Roger and all, but if you think Roger Rabbit is “what the [Democratic] party is about,” you’ve been a Republican too long.
And I beg to differ:
“most of the democrats elected are CONSERVATIVE”
We elected a “conservative” Democrat here and there, but most of them are in the mainstream of our party and the mainstream of America. You guys have just forgotten what the mainstream looks like. And even the few “conservative” Democrats elected are socally conservative but economically progressive. Social issues probably won’t even come up without a GOP majority to force it down out throats in lieu of governing. This Congress will be about balancing the budget, raising the minumum wage, and cuttin tax breaks for rich people and rich corps. And if you think those “conservative” Democrats will side wqith Republicans on THOSE issues, you’re just fooling yourself.
BTW, Harold Ford is a conservative Democrat, and Jim Webb probably is (they’re who we need to win in the South) but Patrick Murphy, Joe Sestak, Carlene McCaskill, Chris Carney, Jon Tester (though he’s anti-choice), Keith Ellison, et. al. are not. Tester is a populist Democrat.
Roger Rabbitspews:
50 Comments by christmasghost — 11/8/06 @ 1:02 pm
“whereas you, roger, are a rocket scientist?”
Hell no, I’m only a rabbit living in a hole in a public park.
“you are nothing more than a foul mouthed blow hard….”
I’m a partisan hack. So what? So are you.
Had Enough Yet?spews:
I’m not sure which I enjoy more:
the cooly intellectual musings of the newly moderate Republicans in our midst;
or the sky-is-falling rants of the under medicated, re-trenched, still-fanatic trollfucks.
In the case of the latter, at least we can agree they have some sort of integrity.
For the Cluelessspews:
living in the vapid echo chamber that is seattle
The current home of Sharansky.
dearest coward…why don’t you check their voting records and background. then you won’t be so smug.
i ,for one, am really waiting to see just how much foot nancy pelosi will still have in her mouth when she doesn’t deliver on her promises.
and just what was the dem’s platform? we hate geaorge bush? hah hah hah….yup…you and the terrorists.
sadly…i think that “right stuff” may be right. if we cut and run or drop our guard now we will see attacks on US soil again. and they will probably make 9/11 look like a picnic. and gads…i hope i am wrong.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The wishful thinking is all yours, ghost. GOP rule is a recipe for unending disasters, many self-manufactured. You just don’t get it yet, do you, that things can’t possibly get better under Republicans BECAUSE REPUBLICANS ARE THE PROBLEM.
When the overthrow of you wingnut bastards is complete, then things will get better.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey ghost, any comment about the wingnut poster on (un)Sound Politics who thinks America needs a terrorist attack on a passenger airplane?
Roger Rabbitspews:
In the case of the latter, at least we can agree they have some sort of integrity. Commentby Had Enough Yet?— 11/8/06@ 1:07 pm
Are you mad? The trollfucks never had a shred of integrity and still don’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The trollfucks don’t even pay up when they lost bets on elections. And they didn’t give a damn cent to All their bloviating about “supporting the troops” was hot air.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Stock market closed up. Even Wall Street welcomes the end of the neocon dictatorship.
Daddy Lovespews:
40 Rightstuff
“Lieberman is a bright reminder of what happens when the far left attempt to flex their muscle…”
You mean, the Republicans will abandon their own candidate to spend millions of dollars to elect a conservative Democrat? I think that’s a funny, really. What a waste of NSCC money. But Liddy Dole was the worst NSCC chair they could have picked.
“No doubt that the R’s lost this election and more to the point, weak leadership at 1600 Penn Ave…”
Ya think?
“I hope and pray for our troops and our security. If what was promised by the Pelosi/Reed/Murtha/Dean/Wrangel wing of the party is delivered…we are all in danger. Osama must be smiling.”
Osama loves the Republicans, who recruit for him more actively than he can on his own. And it’s Representative Charles Rangel, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee to you. And Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Say it. Mean it.
You know what was promised? A Democratic tax plan. Raising the minimum wage. Balancing the budget. IOW, doing the people’s work, and holding the administration accountable to the people, which is a little item the Republicans have been leaving off their agenda.
Yeah, ooh, the “terrorists” are all about adjusting the Alterntive Minimum Tax.
BTW, state Murtha’s plan. You don’t even know it.
@ 43:
Of course wingnuts want terrorist attacks on American soil. What’s bad for America is good for Republicans.
Why else do you think George W. Bush opted not to carry out President Clinton’s war plans against al Qaeda? President Clinton was only waiting for George Tenet to confirm al Qaeda was behind the USS Cole bombing to launch an all out attack against al Qaeda.
George W. Bush knew that when, not if, we were attacked he’d have the political clout to invade Iraq and avenge his father’s failings.
But, hey, all the juicy details of George W. Bush’s failing to prevent 9/11 and invade Iraq will come out when Speaker Pelosi forces Bush and his minions to testify under OATH!
For the record, I’m disgusted with the wingnut poster on Sound Politics who hopes terrorists take out an American airliner, and I’m disgusted with Stefan for allowing that kind of comment on his board.
Richard Popespews:
Roger Rabbit @ 1
Even my 2000 performance (beaten by Christine Gregoire for Attorney General by 17.75%) was better than Mike!(TM) McGavick’s 2006 performance (beaten by Maria Cantwell by 18.15% so far, and probably more, since King County has reported fewer of their votes percentagewise than other counties).
Also, consider than the Blethen family editorial board endorsed Gregoire in 2000, McGavick in 2006, not to mention endorsing my opponent in 2006 as well.
Further consider that the Republican organization was solidly behind McGavick in 2006, gave me only very token support in 2000, and pretended that I didn’t exist in 2006.
In 2000, Kirby Wilbur backed the Libertarian candidate in my race against Gregoire. This year, Wilbur and John Carlson enthusiastically backed McGavick, and pretended that I didn’t exist.
Daddy Lovespews:
47 Rightstuff
“Now we’ll see how the Democrats do as majority party in congress, running the war for the next two years”
Excuse me, but back to civics class for you. In our system, the president runs the wars. Iraq is his baby, and he’s said again and again he’s not leaving no matter how badly it deteriorates. That misbegotten, ever-worsening conflict is what Demcorats will still be able to run on in 2008, and what Republicans will have to try to run FROM.
Daddy Lovespews:
via Atrios…
People we no longer have to hear from:
Governor Pataki
Governor Romney
Senator Santorum
Congresswoman Harris
Senator Allen
Senator DeWine
Michael Steele
Senator Talent
Senator Burns
Daddy Lovespews:
Progressive firsts in this Congress:
– Nancy Pelosi will be the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives and the third highest official after president and vice-president.
– Pelosi will also be the first Italian-American elected as House Speaker.
– For the first time, three African-Americans — Charlie Rangel (D-NY), John Conyers (D-MI), and Bennie Thompson (D-MS) — will serve simultaneously as House committee chairmen.
– Keith Ellison (D-MN), elected to the House yesterday, will become the first Muslim to serve in Congress.
– With Claire McCaskill’s (D) Senate victory in Missouri, a record number of women (15 16) will now serve in the U.S. Senate.
– Governor-elect Deval Patrick (D-MA) became the first black governor elected in Massachussetts and the second African-American elected governor in the nation.
Speaker Pelosi — That just has such a nice ring to it.
Speaker Pelosi. Yep, sweet, sweet music to my ears.
One more time!
Speaker Pelosi.
Smell that?
I love the smell of napalm and Republicans burning in the morning.
It smells like VICTORY!!!!
i have never been a fan of the evangelical christians in government…and i’ll admit anywhere else either. but they are part of our society…much more so than islamofascists, don’t you think?
perhaps you should remember that islamofascists deserve your ire much more than people who just believe in god, and are pushy about it. yes…they can be annoying but last time i checked they haven’t killed anyone because they weren’t a believer for at least 300 years.
if the dems move to raise taxes more companies will go out of country to contract work and there will be fewer jobs.why bother to raise the minimum wage? to what ? if you aren’t going to raise it to at least 15 an hour it is nothing more than tokenism and you know it. the next group of kids graduating from college should earn degrees in bio tech sciences or automation design…because that’s where we are going to be heading.
and as for the people that still want corporations and companies to pay more taxes? do you realize just how stupid you sound? companies don’t PAY taxes…they COLLECT taxes. the more you raise taxes the more expensive and less attainable to your peeps are goods and services. and the less jobs there are.for instance, right now, 20% of the cost of the average car is because of taxes upon taxes.
we are in the process of fully automating our manufacturing facility right now….we saw this coming and with nancy running amok we won’t be alone.
and nancy ,my sweets, is not from san francisco. good grief….do you really think that beautiful san francisco could actually produce an idiot like her? that was maryland’s doing folks…….
Not much noise from the baby-rapers on the right today. I guess most of them have CUT AND RUN from this forum, cowards, punks, and traitors that they are.
I LOVE this shit. The righties are reduced to bragging about losing some seats by ONLY 15 points! What a fucking blowout!
Hey, George W. Bush and the rest of you LOSERS. . .
In the immortal words of Homer J. Simpson:
In your face!In your face!In your face!In your face!In your face!In your face!In your face!In your face!In your face!In your face!In your face!In your face!In your face!In your face!In your face!
LMAO, at least christmasgoat has balls (like Coulter). The rest of the wingnut brigade are overdosed on their special koolaid. What happened goat?
GBS@65……….OMG you are always good for a laugh. president clinton was just “waiting” was he? well…how long was he planning to wait? till he got out of office? hah hah hah….
i’ll bet he compares notes with O.J. on finding the real guilty parties on the golf course huh?
what an idiot you are………
Richard Popespews:
It looks like the Democrats will have a nearly 2-to-1 majority in both houses of the state legislature: 32-17 in the Senate and 65-33:
So are the Democrats in Washington going to do anything to reform Washington’s most-regressive-in-the-nation state and local tax structure?
Are we going to see an activism campaign by Goldy, and by Andrew/NPI, urging the Democrats to use their total control of state government to make taxation in Washington fair, or at least fairer?
Or will we see nothing, with only a few token bills introduced, and nothing at all reported out of committee? Nothing in the 2007 session and nothing in the 2008 session.
Then, started maybe around May or June 2008, Goldy and Andrew/NPI will again complain about Washington’s still-most-regressive-in-the-nation state and local tax structure. They will point out the need to reform our hideously unfair state tax system. To achieve this objective, they will be urging the re-election of Gregoire and Democrat incumbents in the state legislature, and will target several Republican-held seats for a “blue makeover”, all in the promise of trying for tax reform in the next legislative session.
Right Stuffspews:
Hey Daddy, Speaker-elect Pelosi, if you are going to be so precise.
[Murtha – Roughly…. redeploy and watch. If it starts to go to sh** then we go back in. ] If it isn’t plain that this will be hailed as “defeat” by the Islam-o-haters then we just disagree.
“Osama loves the Republicans, who recruit for him more actively than he can on his own.” – We agree to disagree that those who hate the west already hate us no matter what we do… and that we are fighting those “haters” in Iraq instead of US soil.
I know that my middle class income has just got a little tighter.
Take a look at the truth that the top 25% of tax payers pay 83% of all income taxes, or that the top 50% pay 96%…….
That leaves 50% who pay only 4% of the taxes…….
So you tell me who is hurt by a tax rate increase…….
If you say the rich, then middle class in your mind is the rich.
Right Stuffspews:
Yes the President has lead us there.
But congress controls the money to keep us there.
That darn civics lesson again.
Had Enough Yet?spews:
RR @ 61,
I stand corrected.
Perhaps the term “consistency” would serve better than “integrity”.
After all, the one thing you can say for sure about the insane is they’re consistent.
cougar….ever the comedian. isn’t koolaid your guys trademark? [in a droning mindless voice…] “whatever KOS says we do…….”
let’s hope it all works out well. perhaps i have more perspective than some others here. from the rantings and gloating i suspect alot of you are either 12 or very very simple minded.i can remember a time when it wasn’t a big deal if the democrats won this or the republicans won that. they were all americans after all and that is our system.and here you are worried about the civil war in iraq? what about the one here? if you think that this is JUST partisan bickering anymore…..[try to actually think about some of these comments and the things you read on KOS]…then you are sadly mistaken.
but then i am not exactly talking to the left’s brain child right now either am i? goat? that’s the best you can do?
america …behold the new guns in town. they are snippy, childish and out for revenge.
RR @ 66:
What did you expect from the “Hate America, piss on the Constitution” conservative crowd?
Of course they want America to be hit by terroirst again, just so they might get back in power.
Of course they want America to suffer economically, just so they might get back in power.
For these guys, it’s all about the power and how they can line their pockets.
What’s bad for America is good for conservatives.
“they are snippy, childish and out for revenge. ”
Had Enough Yet?spews:
xmasspirit @ 82,
What, another plea for mercy?
Relax, you won already.
Another TJspews:
[in a droning mindless voice…] “whatever KOS says we do…….”
GBS….do you really think that roger is accurately quoting here?
come on roger…what did they really say? they are afraid that will happen…verusus your BS that they HOPE it will.
cheats and liars…..
as i said before this “win” for you guys is going to ensure that no democrats will be in the whitehouse in ’08.
it’s a thinker alright………
I wrote this before the election – it sucks to be so right.
November 8th – the GOP begins another 40 year cycle as the minority party in the congress. They’ll go back to whining about the budget deficits (which they made worse), big government (which they made bigger), and federal intrustion into our private lives (which they Rubberstamped).
Daddy Lovespews:
73 CG
“i have never been a fan of the evangelical christians in government…and i’ll admit anywhere else either. but they are part of our society…much more so than islamofascists”
I don’t know any “islamofascists” in our society, but there are pleanty of Muslims who feel as though they are not well treated by a party openly in thrall to Christian Dominionist leaders.
Commander Oggspews:
Yeah Robert, I read it two years ago (You wouldn’t happen to have this weeks lottery numbers).
Anyway, a little musical interlude to consol my Republican Brothers, courtesy of the master musician Ray Charles:
hold the phone…if we are going to be operating under the lefties ‘guilty by association” bs….then is new senator bill nelson going to be investigated?
” Only hours after Florida Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson won re-election against opponent Katherine Harris, his 30-year-old son was arrested and charged with battery on a law enforcement officer and other felonies, The Miami Herald reported.
Orlando police said they were called to the scene of a fight that reportedly involved 20 people. When they arrived at 2:45 a.m., they found Charles William Nelson, apparently drunk, sparring with a man and attempting to drag an unconscious woman to a hotel, according to the Herald.
Charles Nelson tried to take the woman, Kimberly Baxter, away to a hotel when he heard that paramedics were on their way to help her.
Police told Nelson to put Baxter down, the newspaper reported, but instead he dropped her on the ground and refused to leave. He shouted at and pushed one of the officers, according to the Herald.
Charles Nelson also resisted arrest, police told the Herald. He was handcuffed, doused with….blah blah blah…
you get the picture right? i mean robert byrd was re-elected and he was a leader in the KKK. but allen “might” have used the “N” word and he is jetisoned.
oh that’s right…i forgot that in lefty-land saying something is so much worse than actually hanging people on a tree….right senator byrd?
Snarkies Minions of Sheeple;
Reading over at(U)sp it’s the same old song.
That is exactly the Windmills that I am talking about. You still think because of his snarkiness misleading writings that our governors election was a best 2 out of 3.
That election followed exactly the way the LAW said it should.
Snarky made you believe that there was some sort of laws broken by doing the proper procedures in a close election. Then even when a republican judge in a republican county couldn’t find any illegal activity except by REPUBLICANS. You think the guppy would move on. But no he works like Goebbels, just keeps repeating the same lie, over and over again until it becomes truth to the minions.
But it’s not.
Do we need to tell George “Maccaca” Allen to just give his concession speech now?
No, the law allows for recounts in Virginia and Washington.
So this is what I mean, that you need to be a critical thinker, versus a party hack. Just like the captain of The Poseidan (U)sp. Even when the whole country showed their unhappiness with the corruption and the war and a Tidal wave happens, the guppy sees voter fraud. If there was voter fraud, do you think Reichart would even be close?
Critical Thinking, not what the self loathing star of Nemo tells you what to think.
Commander Oggspews:
christmasghost, chill. You lost. Deal. Or not.
proud leftistspews:
John McCain sure looked pathetic when interviewed last night. He tried to spin the election as a repudiation of the strategy in Iraq, rather than of the war itself. If I heard him right, he even seemed to say that the election stood as affirmation of the strategy he has been advocating–that we should be more aggressive in Iraq, send more troops there. I think the good senator may be getting into his dotage if he truly believes his own spin. The nation has passed him by; 2008 is starting to look like a very good year for Obama.
Daddy Lovespews:
79 Rightstuff
“If it isn’t plain that this [the Murtha plan] will be hailed as “defeat” by the Islam-o-haters then we just disagree.”
That’s not an argument against the Murtha plan, because they’re going to refer to anything that happens as a “defeat” for us. And by the way, in Iraq, a good number of those “Islam-o-haters” are just “haters” of the hated occupier of their country.
“ “Osama loves the Republicans, who recruit for him more actively than he can on his own.” – We agree to disagree that those who hate the west already hate us no matter what we do… and that we are fighting those “haters” in Iraq instead of US soil.”
They “hate us no matter what we do.” That is not objectively true. That’s your justification for warring endlessly against the Iraqi people instead of working something out. And you obviously weren’t paying attention to the NIE conclusions that fighting those so-called “haters” is INCREASING the number of jihadists, not decreasing it. Ergo: The more we do this, the GREATER the chances of “fighting them on US soil.”
“I know that my middle class income has just got a little tighter. Take a look at the truth that the top 25% of tax payers pay 83% of all income taxes…So you tell me who is hurt by a tax rate increase…….”
What tax increase? You didn’t follow the link. Again, here’s the plan, pal:
– Let the estate tax reduction expire (no middle class hit)
– Extend the tuition and sales tax deductions (helps the middle class–blocked by GOP election year shenanigans)
– Adjusting the AMT (helps teh middle class no matter hwo it is solved)
Really. Pay attention.
vancouver sucksspews:
Bush says Cheney won’t go…the Bush dynasty needs a scapegoat.
CG @ 77:
How long was President Clinton going to wait? Hmmmm. . . this is a brain-teaser.
Let’s have a mock investigation.
October 12, 2000 the USS Cole was bombed.
November 7, 2000 the presidential elections are held.
December 8, 2000 Bush v. Gore is settled by the Supreme Court. Since the election outcome was in dispute President Clinton opted to give National Security updates to both candidates to fully prepare either man for the challenges that lie before them.
January 20th, 2001 George W. Bush is sworn in as President.
January 26th, 2001 George Tenet finally confirms than al Qaeda was in fact behind the USS Cole bombing and that we had been granted basing rights in Uzbekistan to launch a war against the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
February 5, 2001 George W. Bush declares the number one threat facing America was a rogue nation with nuclear missiles and pushes the ABM system. A boondoggle system that benefits his families holding in the defense industry.
June 13, 2001 Bush speaks to NATO lists the top 5 threats facing the West. Of the 5 none deal with terrorism, bin Laden or al Qaeda.
July 5, 2001 Dr. Rice gets Richard Clarke’s warnings regarding the al Qaeda threat.
August 6, 2001 Dr. Rice hands George W. Bush his PDB warning of al Qaeda’s intention to attack inside America using commercial aircraft.
September 10, 2001, Cheney holds his first meeting on anti-terrorism.
September 11, 2001. George W. Bush sits in stunned silence after being told America is under ATTACK for how long?
Yeah, sweet cheeks, you keep believing your RNC talking points.
Speaker Pelosi will find out the truth. Although, you’ll refuse to believe it.
Daddy Lovespews:
80 Rightstuff
“Yes the President has led us there“.
Wow. I wasn’t sure you knew. Yes, the president is COmmander-inChief of the Amred Forces, and it’s his job to run wars. If they go badly, it’s on him. If Iraq is still going badly by 2008, it’s still on him. Congress can try to give good suggestions, but they won’t take the blame for W’s mistake.
“But congress controls the money to keep us there.”
The Democrats have already said that they’re not going to de-fund the war. Funny that you never seem to be aware of what they have said. They certainly won’t unless a recalcitrant Bush refuses all other paths to change, and I don’t think they’ll do that at all. There’s plenty else they’ll do first, including tracking down billions of dollars in fraud around the war. It should be fun to watch the president get all red-faced railing against it.
Commentby Right Stuff— 11/8/06@ 1:44 pm
Daddy Lovespews:
93 danw
I think George Allen will decide that his chances of getting enough votes in a recount are vanishingly small and that the least damaging path is to concede.
It’s much harder, if not impossible, for Republicans to further repeal habeas corpus and do other nasty things like even bring up for a vote federal constitutional amendments taking away the rights of entire classes of citizens.
Daddy Lovespews:
Allen’s down around 7000 votes to Webb in VA. You just don’t make up that kind of ground in a recount. Maria Cantwell gained 300 votes in the 2000 Senate election recount.
Allen is toast. Will he concede? WIll Republicans urge him to for the good of the contry? The ones in here, I mean.
Jack Burtonspews:
It’s not just Rummy, he had some help.
From day one, the MSM has made things look WORSE that they are.
Always worse, bad, awful, a quagmire, unwinable.
I’m flashing back to the 60’s……like groovy man
The whole world is marchin’……………..
For the Cluelessspews:
To all you Sean Hannity fans out there – two words:
Daddy Lovespews:
104 JB
I agree, it’s not just Rumsfeld, it’s Bush who is the recalcitrant idiot who invaded Iraq out of some inner need and who, now that it’s been falling apart since Day 1, is proceeding without a plan because he is too stubborn to change direction because he thinks it means he’s losing, or less of a man.
Rumsfeld IS the guy who blew off all warnings about his Iraq War plans and lack of post-war prep, for which we’re paying a huge price right now. But Bush approved the Midget Fuehrer’s plan.
Can you even see how bad things are in Iraq? When’s the last time 50 tortured and executed bodies were discovered every day in your homethown?
Daddy Lovespews:
For those of you who think it was the Republican corruption only, that it was Foley because of the sex or the kids, or that America is really conservative but that these guys somehow “aren’t real conservatives” or some such shit, let me remind you:
When you can’t get an abortion ban passed in freakin’ South Dakota, America isn’t trending conservative. When you can’t get a gay marriage ban passed in Arizona, America isn’t trending conservative. When opposition to gay marriage bans was more than 40% in 5 of the 8 bans that passed, America isn’t trending conservative. When a majority of Americans choose Democrats to represent them, America isn’t trending conservative. When more than 275 seats and 10 legislative chambers from Iowa to Oregon switch overnight from Republican to Democratic hands, and Democrats are now the one-party government in 15 states (including New Hampshire for the first time since 1874, and Colorado for the first time since 1960), America isn’t trending conservative. Get it yet?
Speaker Pelosi will end COMMENT SPAM as we know it!
robert…. speaker pelosi will end FREE SPEECH as we know it.
kinda like that idiot gregoire and her frightening “talk radios”….talk about an idiot. she and pelosi are in good company there…although nancy is way too much of a snob to hang out with white trash christine.
handbags and propecia? goldy dear the spammers must have seen the picture of you and shark together and well…um…assumed things. about your hair that is…..LOL.
Allen will throw in the towel. Virginia does all electronic voting. You just recheck everything and hit count. The only thing that changes are the absentees, provisionals and other ballots that are hand counted, and you are not going to have a change of 7,000 votes in that.
Mike Webb Sucksspews:
Rummy should have been booted months ago. Too bad it cost us having to read this crap on this moonbat blog!
Phat Knopfspews:
Only reason South Dakota didn’t pass an abortion ban is the Governor did not send the bill back to include exclusions for rape and incest. If he had, the bill would have passes by 60 40.
Richard Pope did better than Mike!? McGavick!
This one is for the ages.
“You did a heckuva job, Rummy!”
A week ago, Rumsfeld was going to serve for two more years. Today he is gone. Yet Bush insist that his decision wasn’t affected by the election.
That’s wingnut logic for you.
JCH, come out and play!
Loser Yellowback, come out to play!
Flake, come out to play!
Doofus, come out to play!
Wingnuts! I won’t ask you to donate to anymore — we’re going to take it out of your paychecks!
Too bad you didn’t support the troops when you had the chance. I did. Fucking cheapskates. Blowhards.
What rock is Redneck hiding under this morning?
I think your headline should be Bush ACCEPTS Rumsfeld resignation. Rummy has offered to resign several times prior – he admitted to doing so in interviews.
Isn’t this whole “resign” stuff BS though? Don’t all these cabinet secretaries basically send in a “resignation” letter when they are confirmed so the President can “accept it” whenever it is useful to the President?
The wackjobs are urgently seeking counseling via Right Wing radio so they’ll have someone or something to blame. Since they are the party of personal responsibility, they’ll be blaming everyone but themseleves – the “librul media” (yawn), those mean Democrats, not being wingnut enough, voting machines (!), etc.
Face it – the GOP “product” sucks as the consumer rejected it.
Rummy gone! HAHAHHAHAHAH See you crusty old fuck bag.
This is only the beginning. GOP losses will deepen in 2008! Iraq will not get better. Ordinary Americans will not be better off. The economy may be in recession by then. Suck on it, wingnuts. Your time is over.
Criminal Activity By McGavick Campaign Reported
I’ve received a report of a crime committed by the McGavick campaign at a north King County polling station yesterday.
According to my informant, numerous McGavick signs were placed along the walkway into the polling station.
My legal research indicates this is a gross misdeamenor under RCW 29A.84.510, and is punishable by up to 1 year in jail and $5,000 fine under RCW 9A.20.021.
The Republicans left in the house are going to be more extreme. But now they won’t be able to throw pork at their districts to keep the voters distracted. 2008 looks like it could be a tipping point.
Add to that Democratic control of the Governorships, and we are looking at a very different playing field in ’08 than we have had in 12 years.
All that being said, the Democrats need to lead. There needs to be real reform (congressional, lobbyist and campaign), and they need to show that they can make things work.
There should be investigations so we know the truth behind the Bush administration and what the Congressional Republicans have done, but forget about impeachment unless you can show that the president or vice-president totally ignored the Consitution. This should not be about revenge, but good leadership.
Finally, lets not be like the Republicans and demand ideological purity and that everything be done tomorrow. The margin in the Senate is slim, and you need 60 votes anyway to really get things done. Add to that that most of the Democratic pick ups are moderates to conservatives. This is not a revolution but an evolution. Let’s show everyone what can be done with good leadership, and we can put this country on the righ track and strenghten the Democratic party.
Open Question:
Could it be that Rumsfeld was forced to resign so he can’t be forced to testify before Congress? That would explain why Bush deep-six him so quickly once it became clear that the Democrats are in charge.
I think your headline should be Bush ACCEPTS Rumsfeld resignation. … Commentby Robert— 11/8/06@ 10:57 am
I think “fired” is the operative concept here.
The wackjobs are urgently seeking counseling via Right Wing radio so they’ll have someone or something to blame. Since they are the party of personal responsibility, they’ll be blaming everyone but themseleves – the “librul media” (yawn), those mean Democrats, not being wingnut enough, voting machines (!), etc.
Commentby Robert— 11/8/06@ 11:00 am
Here is the official wingnut explanation:
(a) Their votes were “cancelled” by illegal immigrant votes.
(b) Their candidates lost because the military vote wasn’t counted.
(c) The lying liberal media didn’t tell the truth about how many family farms are taken every day by the death tax.
The JoeMentum watch begins as well. He’s going to be in the catbird’s seat, and with control of the Senate as the prize he’s going to milk the process for as much as it’s worth. Reid and the rest of the Senate dems are going to regret not supporting Lamont.
The irony is that if Rummy “resigned” last week or the week before, the repugs may have done better yesterday.
Poor rethugs. Poor, poor rethugs
JDB @ 17
I don’t know if I’ve agreed with a Dem post more. I’m glad to see you, at least, recognizing the number of moderate and conservative Dems that took office. As I’ve said before, I have been consistently disappointed by the lack of GOP moderates both in office and running. That said, I was asked earlier this year to consider providing services to a “good” Dem’s campaign, but was quickly informed that they couldn’t bring me on because I didn’t pass some Hard Left litmus test.
I absolutely welcome the back-and-forth of a “loyal opposition.”
I would hope that the real goal of both parties is to weed out ALL of the bad apples. Some of the things that came to light in recent months were disgusting — though on par with things that have come out of the Dems in the past. We must demand more accountability and less outside influence — be it from corporations or unions or some shady business deal.
“This is not a revolution but an evolution.”
Now, let’s hope that the GOP can do the same in 2008 and give us spirited, responsible debate with common-sense results.
11 Robert
I don’t know that it’s done exactly that way, but the essence is the same. They way I have heard it, someone comes to your office and tells you “The president wants to make a change.” You’re out.
More thoughts:
For the next two years we’ll see Democrats passing legislation for the middle class while Bush keeps us mired in Iraq AND tries to privatize SS, having confrontation after confrontation with Congress. Congressional investigations FINALLY begin and evidence of previously unimagined Republican fraud, corruption, and incompetence starts to emerge.
THAT’S the backdrop for the 2008 Congressional and presidential elections.
Good luck, wingnuts.
The repubs even lost to a dead woman:
18 I don’t see how resigning would make Rummy any less subject to being subpoena’d, and he’d probably have fewer options to avoid answering questions.
Congratulations USA. The road to recovery has begun. It will be long and strenuous but with perserverence and communication we can reconstruct this great nation and redeem the lost respect from the rest of the world.
Rummy is only the start.
Let the sworn testimony start.
Then the perp walks.
The line starts right over there at the Bible, crooks.
Does anyone doubt that the Republicans in the Senate will filibuster, filibuster, FILIBUSTER?
Stock market’s up. Looks like Wall Street likes the idea of a Democratic Congress imposing fiscal responsibility on Bush’s reckless spending.
Does anyone doubt that the Republicans in the Senate will filibuster, filibuster, FILIBUSTER? Commentby Daddy Love— 11/8/06@ 11:58 am
They don’t have to. Bush will veto everything the Democrats pass. But even if absolutely nothing gets done in the next two years that’s still a big improvement over the last four years.
Election’s over. Gas prices will go back up.
31 RR
I think that market’s up on Rumsfeld resigning. Who wouldn’t be up?
Great, and short, KC Journal story on the Reichert-Burner vote count.
The ship of state has been off course since the Star Wars administration. Rumsfeld resignation is just an example of arranging the deck chairs. The Democrats might be able to turn our country around, but they must gave a long term plan of recinding two decades of folly.
Commentby 2nd Amendment Democrat— 11/8/06@ 12:14 pm
It’s more important to be a 1st Amendment Democrat.
Now, let’s hope that the GOP can do the same in 2008 and give us spirited, responsible debate with common-sense results
Common sense results? You’re kidding…such results have not been delivered since Eisenhower. And responsible debate? Not likely. The GOP threw that overboard when they booed Nelson Rockefeller off the stage at the Cow Palace.
Congrats to the Dems…..
Now we wait and watch….
Be cafeful not to over reach this election as some “liberal mandate”..Reagan Dems won this for the left. And Liberman is a bright reminder of what happens when the far left attempt to flex their muscle… No doubt that the R’s lost this election and more to the point, weak leadership at 1600 Penn Ave…I hope and pray for our troops and our security. If what was promised by the Pelosi/Reed/Murtha/Dean/Wrangel wing of the party is delivered…we are all in danger.
Osama must be smiling.
I used to think McCain was one of the decent Repubicans
this is what your “party” is all about?
“This is only the beginning. GOP losses will deepen in 2008! Iraq will not get better. Ordinary Americans will not be better off. The economy may be in recession by then. Suck on it, wingnuts. Your time is over.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/8/06@ 11:03 am”
fascinating. i especially like the wishful thinking on the americans will not be better off and the economy will be in recession. so that’s what you idiots wish for? JUST SO YOU CAN WIN THE WHITE HOUSE?
now just how sick and revealing is that?
keep it up…i called it yesterday and you tools are already doing it. this is hardly a mandate for dems…especially the far lefties on this site. most of the democrats elected are CONSERVATIVE. that has just got to sting………..
One of the anti-American traitors who posts on the sucky little competing blog expressed his disappointment in the election outcome in these words:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. …” Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM
I’m posting this to make the public aware of just where these haters are coming from.
Reid and the rest of the Senate dems are going to regret not supporting Lamont.
Go look and see who campaigned with Lamont: Wes Clark, John Edwards and Teddy Kennedy.
See BIll Clinton’s name in there? Harry Reid? Chuck Schumer? Uh…no.
Nice try at spin. I see you’ve been reading (un)Sound Politics.
If the Republicans had anything resembling a decent candidate, it would be Senator Lamont. Well, you’re going to find out what we already know: Joe’s about Joe and pontificating while being a weathervane. You R’s are going to be as sadly disappointed by him as the netroots are.
And Liberman is a bright reminder of what happens when the far left attempt to flex their muscle
Go look up Carol Shea-Porter and John Hall- you’ll find them under “Members of Congress”. Or look up Atrios’s winning Act Blue candidates:
We flexed our muscle just fine. You don’t win them all.
“Saddam was less than a year away from having a nuke. Saddam opening supported terrorist.” Posted by Brad Strecker at November 8, 2006 12:25 PM
Still clinging to the same old discredited wingnut lies, complete with the usual wingnut grammatical errors.
The preceding two posts illustrate the intellectual caliber of people posting on Sucky Politics.
The US has been in Iraq since 2003. We’ve had 3 years of Republicans running of the War on Terror. Now we’ll see how the Democrats do as majority party in congress, running the war for the next two years….Like I said earlier. If the Pelosi/Reed congress deliver what they Promised/ran on, then I believe we will shortly be fighting terrorists here on US soil rather in Iraq where we are defeating Al Qaeida. I hope not. As an American I hope that their “plan” works….But I seriously doubt it. Like I said, Osama is certainly smiling today.
that has just got to sting………..
Ghost, you’ll never learn. This is not a far left site. This site is quite moderate. The rabbit and me who supports gun rights? Goldy who supports a balanced budget? We celebrate the big tent of the Democratic party. We’re ok with pro-life people like Harry Reid and Bob Casey. We’re ok with pro-military folks like John Murtha and Jim Webb.
It’s never been that we’re so far left – it’s ALWAYS been that the Republicans have gone so far right!
If John Bridges were running for State Supreme Court or Nick Handy for SecState, with what I know right now, I’d support them in a heartbeat.
most of the democrats elected are CONSERVATIVE.
Uh, I call bullshit.
Hint: Go look at the House seats the D’s picked up in the South. A grand total of four. DeLay’s seat, Foley’s seat, another Florida seat, and Heath Schuler in NC.
Compare and contrast to the 3 seats in New York, 3 in Pennsylvania, 2 in New Hampshire and 2 in Connecticut. Last I checked, those were NOT red states.
Oh, and the D’s knocked off moderate Republicans Jim Leach, Nancy Johnson, and Lincoln Chafee… with liberals. As well as conservatives Richard Pombo, Mike DeWine, and J.D. Hayworth.
So much for your bogus contention that liberals didn’t pick up a BUNCH of ground in 2006. Better spin, please.
whereas you, roger, are a rocket scientist?
you are nothing more than a foul mouthed blow hard….in other words the poster child for the far left.
keep it up kids… really are this stupid aren’t you? living in the vapid echo chamber that is seattle you have lost touch with how most of real america feels. here’s a hint…it isn’t far right or far left….and gloating has never been something that signifies intelligence nor gains the public’s support.
i sure am glad that roger is a left wing democrat right now.
I’ve repeatedly stated I’m against censorship — but there are limits to everything. Besides, Stefan already censors his blog. So why does he allow someone to use his board to call for the deaths of innocent Americans?
This is what I’m referring to:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. …” Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM
“terror attack on … passenger aircraft … that’s just what we need”
How about it, Stefan? are you going to let your blog be used to broadcast messages like that? are you willing to censor this terrorist-sympathizer? at the very least, you should post a comment rebuking him — ya know?
But even if absolutely nothing gets done in the next two years that’s still a big improvement over the last four years.
If Bush doesn’t want to compromise then it’s hearings and supoenas baby! The Dems better have their ducks in a row when dealing with the nest of snakes in the White House.
CG @ 42:
This election was ONLY about the Republican national leadership. It was without qualifiers an absolute repudiation of Conservative Christian governance.
Speaker Pelosi now has a historic opportunity to dismantle the Conservative Christian movement by just merely exposing them to the light of truth and justice via subpoena powers and investigations and returning the Republican party to the days of Rockefeller Republicans.
When she “drains the swamp” we’re going to find the bodies and they’re all Republicans, sweet cheeks. Once the American people fully realize how dangerous the Evangelicals have been to our form of democracy the last 6 years more Republicans will lose their congressional seats in ’08.
Furthermore, there is not one Republican politician in DC that hasn’t been tainted by their staunch support of George W. Bush and his failed presidency. They will be “branded” by the Democrats as a “Bush Republican” and that just isn’t going to play well with the American populace.
You may not like Speaker Pelosi or her San Francisco “values” but you should recognize she’s smarter than George W. Bush. She will spend her political capital wisely, and not squander it the way George W. Bush did with his and our national debt.
When it comes to political clout, get used to being on the outside looking in wondering where your party went so, so very wrong.
42 christmasghost
I like Roger and all, but if you think Roger Rabbit is “what the [Democratic] party is about,” you’ve been a Republican too long.
And I beg to differ:
“most of the democrats elected are CONSERVATIVE”
We elected a “conservative” Democrat here and there, but most of them are in the mainstream of our party and the mainstream of America. You guys have just forgotten what the mainstream looks like. And even the few “conservative” Democrats elected are socally conservative but economically progressive. Social issues probably won’t even come up without a GOP majority to force it down out throats in lieu of governing. This Congress will be about balancing the budget, raising the minumum wage, and cuttin tax breaks for rich people and rich corps. And if you think those “conservative” Democrats will side wqith Republicans on THOSE issues, you’re just fooling yourself.
BTW, Harold Ford is a conservative Democrat, and Jim Webb probably is (they’re who we need to win in the South) but Patrick Murphy, Joe Sestak, Carlene McCaskill, Chris Carney, Jon Tester (though he’s anti-choice), Keith Ellison, et. al. are not. Tester is a populist Democrat.
50 Comments by christmasghost — 11/8/06 @ 1:02 pm
“whereas you, roger, are a rocket scientist?”
Hell no, I’m only a rabbit living in a hole in a public park.
“you are nothing more than a foul mouthed blow hard….”
I’m a partisan hack. So what? So are you.
I’m not sure which I enjoy more:
the cooly intellectual musings of the newly moderate Republicans in our midst;
or the sky-is-falling rants of the under medicated, re-trenched, still-fanatic trollfucks.
In the case of the latter, at least we can agree they have some sort of integrity.
living in the vapid echo chamber that is seattle
The current home of Sharansky.
dearest coward…why don’t you check their voting records and background. then you won’t be so smug.
i ,for one, am really waiting to see just how much foot nancy pelosi will still have in her mouth when she doesn’t deliver on her promises.
and just what was the dem’s platform? we hate geaorge bush? hah hah hah….yup…you and the terrorists.
sadly…i think that “right stuff” may be right. if we cut and run or drop our guard now we will see attacks on US soil again. and they will probably make 9/11 look like a picnic. and gads…i hope i am wrong.
The wishful thinking is all yours, ghost. GOP rule is a recipe for unending disasters, many self-manufactured. You just don’t get it yet, do you, that things can’t possibly get better under Republicans BECAUSE REPUBLICANS ARE THE PROBLEM.
When the overthrow of you wingnut bastards is complete, then things will get better.
Hey ghost, any comment about the wingnut poster on (un)Sound Politics who thinks America needs a terrorist attack on a passenger airplane?
In the case of the latter, at least we can agree they have some sort of integrity. Commentby Had Enough Yet?— 11/8/06@ 1:07 pm
Are you mad? The trollfucks never had a shred of integrity and still don’t.
The trollfucks don’t even pay up when they lost bets on elections. And they didn’t give a damn cent to All their bloviating about “supporting the troops” was hot air.
Stock market closed up. Even Wall Street welcomes the end of the neocon dictatorship.
40 Rightstuff
“Lieberman is a bright reminder of what happens when the far left attempt to flex their muscle…”
You mean, the Republicans will abandon their own candidate to spend millions of dollars to elect a conservative Democrat? I think that’s a funny, really. What a waste of NSCC money. But Liddy Dole was the worst NSCC chair they could have picked.
“No doubt that the R’s lost this election and more to the point, weak leadership at 1600 Penn Ave…”
Ya think?
“I hope and pray for our troops and our security. If what was promised by the Pelosi/Reed/Murtha/Dean/Wrangel wing of the party is delivered…we are all in danger. Osama must be smiling.”
Osama loves the Republicans, who recruit for him more actively than he can on his own. And it’s Representative Charles Rangel, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee to you. And Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Say it. Mean it.
You know what was promised? A Democratic tax plan. Raising the minimum wage. Balancing the budget. IOW, doing the people’s work, and holding the administration accountable to the people, which is a little item the Republicans have been leaving off their agenda.
Yeah, ooh, the “terrorists” are all about adjusting the Alterntive Minimum Tax.
BTW, state Murtha’s plan. You don’t even know it.
@ 43:
Of course wingnuts want terrorist attacks on American soil. What’s bad for America is good for Republicans.
Why else do you think George W. Bush opted not to carry out President Clinton’s war plans against al Qaeda? President Clinton was only waiting for George Tenet to confirm al Qaeda was behind the USS Cole bombing to launch an all out attack against al Qaeda.
George W. Bush knew that when, not if, we were attacked he’d have the political clout to invade Iraq and avenge his father’s failings.
But, hey, all the juicy details of George W. Bush’s failing to prevent 9/11 and invade Iraq will come out when Speaker Pelosi forces Bush and his minions to testify under OATH!
Sweet Jesus, I’m going to TiVo that on C-SPAN!
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
For the record, I’m disgusted with the wingnut poster on Sound Politics who hopes terrorists take out an American airliner, and I’m disgusted with Stefan for allowing that kind of comment on his board.
Roger Rabbit @ 1
Even my 2000 performance (beaten by Christine Gregoire for Attorney General by 17.75%) was better than Mike!(TM) McGavick’s 2006 performance (beaten by Maria Cantwell by 18.15% so far, and probably more, since King County has reported fewer of their votes percentagewise than other counties).
Also, consider than the Blethen family editorial board endorsed Gregoire in 2000, McGavick in 2006, not to mention endorsing my opponent in 2006 as well.
Further consider that the Republican organization was solidly behind McGavick in 2006, gave me only very token support in 2000, and pretended that I didn’t exist in 2006.
In 2000, Kirby Wilbur backed the Libertarian candidate in my race against Gregoire. This year, Wilbur and John Carlson enthusiastically backed McGavick, and pretended that I didn’t exist.
47 Rightstuff
“Now we’ll see how the Democrats do as majority party in congress, running the war for the next two years”
Excuse me, but back to civics class for you. In our system, the president runs the wars. Iraq is his baby, and he’s said again and again he’s not leaving no matter how badly it deteriorates. That misbegotten, ever-worsening conflict is what Demcorats will still be able to run on in 2008, and what Republicans will have to try to run FROM.
via Atrios…
People we no longer have to hear from:
Governor Pataki
Governor Romney
Senator Santorum
Congresswoman Harris
Senator Allen
Senator DeWine
Michael Steele
Senator Talent
Senator Burns
Progressive firsts in this Congress:
– Nancy Pelosi will be the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives and the third highest official after president and vice-president.
– Pelosi will also be the first Italian-American elected as House Speaker.
– For the first time, three African-Americans — Charlie Rangel (D-NY), John Conyers (D-MI), and Bennie Thompson (D-MS) — will serve simultaneously as House committee chairmen.
– Keith Ellison (D-MN), elected to the House yesterday, will become the first Muslim to serve in Congress.
– With Claire McCaskill’s (D) Senate victory in Missouri, a record number of women (15 16) will now serve in the U.S. Senate.
– Governor-elect Deval Patrick (D-MA) became the first black governor elected in Massachussetts and the second African-American elected governor in the nation.
Speaker Pelosi — That just has such a nice ring to it.
Speaker Pelosi. Yep, sweet, sweet music to my ears.
One more time!
Speaker Pelosi.
Smell that?
I love the smell of napalm and Republicans burning in the morning.
It smells like VICTORY!!!!
i have never been a fan of the evangelical christians in government…and i’ll admit anywhere else either. but they are part of our society…much more so than islamofascists, don’t you think?
perhaps you should remember that islamofascists deserve your ire much more than people who just believe in god, and are pushy about it. yes…they can be annoying but last time i checked they haven’t killed anyone because they weren’t a believer for at least 300 years.
if the dems move to raise taxes more companies will go out of country to contract work and there will be fewer jobs.why bother to raise the minimum wage? to what ? if you aren’t going to raise it to at least 15 an hour it is nothing more than tokenism and you know it. the next group of kids graduating from college should earn degrees in bio tech sciences or automation design…because that’s where we are going to be heading.
and as for the people that still want corporations and companies to pay more taxes? do you realize just how stupid you sound? companies don’t PAY taxes…they COLLECT taxes. the more you raise taxes the more expensive and less attainable to your peeps are goods and services. and the less jobs there are.for instance, right now, 20% of the cost of the average car is because of taxes upon taxes.
we are in the process of fully automating our manufacturing facility right now….we saw this coming and with nancy running amok we won’t be alone.
and nancy ,my sweets, is not from san francisco. good grief….do you really think that beautiful san francisco could actually produce an idiot like her? that was maryland’s doing folks…….
Not much noise from the baby-rapers on the right today. I guess most of them have CUT AND RUN from this forum, cowards, punks, and traitors that they are.
I LOVE this shit. The righties are reduced to bragging about losing some seats by ONLY 15 points! What a fucking blowout!
Hey, George W. Bush and the rest of you LOSERS. . .
In the immortal words of Homer J. Simpson:
In your face! In your face! In your face! In your face! In your face! In your face! In your face! In your face! In your face! In your face! In your face! In your face! In your face! In your face! In your face!
LMAO, at least christmasgoat has balls (like Coulter). The rest of the wingnut brigade are overdosed on their special koolaid. What happened goat?
GBS@65……….OMG you are always good for a laugh. president clinton was just “waiting” was he? well…how long was he planning to wait? till he got out of office? hah hah hah….
i’ll bet he compares notes with O.J. on finding the real guilty parties on the golf course huh?
what an idiot you are………
It looks like the Democrats will have a nearly 2-to-1 majority in both houses of the state legislature: 32-17 in the Senate and 65-33:
So are the Democrats in Washington going to do anything to reform Washington’s most-regressive-in-the-nation state and local tax structure?
Are we going to see an activism campaign by Goldy, and by Andrew/NPI, urging the Democrats to use their total control of state government to make taxation in Washington fair, or at least fairer?
Or will we see nothing, with only a few token bills introduced, and nothing at all reported out of committee? Nothing in the 2007 session and nothing in the 2008 session.
Then, started maybe around May or June 2008, Goldy and Andrew/NPI will again complain about Washington’s still-most-regressive-in-the-nation state and local tax structure. They will point out the need to reform our hideously unfair state tax system. To achieve this objective, they will be urging the re-election of Gregoire and Democrat incumbents in the state legislature, and will target several Republican-held seats for a “blue makeover”, all in the promise of trying for tax reform in the next legislative session.
Hey Daddy, Speaker-elect Pelosi, if you are going to be so precise.
[Murtha – Roughly…. redeploy and watch. If it starts to go to sh** then we go back in. ] If it isn’t plain that this will be hailed as “defeat” by the Islam-o-haters then we just disagree.
“Osama loves the Republicans, who recruit for him more actively than he can on his own.” – We agree to disagree that those who hate the west already hate us no matter what we do… and that we are fighting those “haters” in Iraq instead of US soil.
I know that my middle class income has just got a little tighter.
Take a look at the truth that the top 25% of tax payers pay 83% of all income taxes, or that the top 50% pay 96%…….
That leaves 50% who pay only 4% of the taxes…….
So you tell me who is hurt by a tax rate increase…….
If you say the rich, then middle class in your mind is the rich.
Yes the President has lead us there.
But congress controls the money to keep us there.
That darn civics lesson again.
RR @ 61,
I stand corrected.
Perhaps the term “consistency” would serve better than “integrity”.
After all, the one thing you can say for sure about the insane is they’re consistent.
cougar….ever the comedian. isn’t koolaid your guys trademark? [in a droning mindless voice…] “whatever KOS says we do…….”
let’s hope it all works out well. perhaps i have more perspective than some others here. from the rantings and gloating i suspect alot of you are either 12 or very very simple minded.i can remember a time when it wasn’t a big deal if the democrats won this or the republicans won that. they were all americans after all and that is our system.and here you are worried about the civil war in iraq? what about the one here? if you think that this is JUST partisan bickering anymore…..[try to actually think about some of these comments and the things you read on KOS]…then you are sadly mistaken.
but then i am not exactly talking to the left’s brain child right now either am i? goat? that’s the best you can do?
america …behold the new guns in town. they are snippy, childish and out for revenge.
RR @ 66:
What did you expect from the “Hate America, piss on the Constitution” conservative crowd?
Of course they want America to be hit by terroirst again, just so they might get back in power.
Of course they want America to suffer economically, just so they might get back in power.
For these guys, it’s all about the power and how they can line their pockets.
What’s bad for America is good for conservatives.
“they are snippy, childish and out for revenge. ”
xmasspirit @ 82,
What, another plea for mercy?
Relax, you won already.
[in a droning mindless voice…] “whatever KOS says we do…….”
No, you idiot; we chant “All hail Dark Lord Kos“. Sheesh.
GBS….do you really think that roger is accurately quoting here?
come on roger…what did they really say? they are afraid that will happen…verusus your BS that they HOPE it will.
cheats and liars…..
as i said before this “win” for you guys is going to ensure that no democrats will be in the whitehouse in ’08.
it’s a thinker alright………
I wrote this before the election – it sucks to be so right.
November 8th – the GOP begins another 40 year cycle as the minority party in the congress. They’ll go back to whining about the budget deficits (which they made worse), big government (which they made bigger), and federal intrustion into our private lives (which they Rubberstamped).
73 CG
“i have never been a fan of the evangelical christians in government…and i’ll admit anywhere else either. but they are part of our society…much more so than islamofascists”
I don’t know any “islamofascists” in our society, but there are pleanty of Muslims who feel as though they are not well treated by a party openly in thrall to Christian Dominionist leaders.
Yeah Robert, I read it two years ago (You wouldn’t happen to have this weeks lottery numbers).
Anyway, a little musical interlude to consol my Republican Brothers, courtesy of the master musician Ray Charles:
If you do not like Ray Charles, here is some Queen:
hold the phone…if we are going to be operating under the lefties ‘guilty by association” bs….then is new senator bill nelson going to be investigated?
” Only hours after Florida Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson won re-election against opponent Katherine Harris, his 30-year-old son was arrested and charged with battery on a law enforcement officer and other felonies, The Miami Herald reported.
Orlando police said they were called to the scene of a fight that reportedly involved 20 people. When they arrived at 2:45 a.m., they found Charles William Nelson, apparently drunk, sparring with a man and attempting to drag an unconscious woman to a hotel, according to the Herald.
Charles Nelson tried to take the woman, Kimberly Baxter, away to a hotel when he heard that paramedics were on their way to help her.
Police told Nelson to put Baxter down, the newspaper reported, but instead he dropped her on the ground and refused to leave. He shouted at and pushed one of the officers, according to the Herald.
Charles Nelson also resisted arrest, police told the Herald. He was handcuffed, doused with….blah blah blah…
you get the picture right? i mean robert byrd was re-elected and he was a leader in the KKK. but allen “might” have used the “N” word and he is jetisoned.
oh that’s right…i forgot that in lefty-land saying something is so much worse than actually hanging people on a tree….right senator byrd?
Snarkies Minions of Sheeple;
Reading over at(U)sp it’s the same old song.
That is exactly the Windmills that I am talking about. You still think because of his snarkiness misleading writings that our governors election was a best 2 out of 3.
That election followed exactly the way the LAW said it should.
Snarky made you believe that there was some sort of laws broken by doing the proper procedures in a close election. Then even when a republican judge in a republican county couldn’t find any illegal activity except by REPUBLICANS. You think the guppy would move on. But no he works like Goebbels, just keeps repeating the same lie, over and over again until it becomes truth to the minions.
But it’s not.
Do we need to tell George “Maccaca” Allen to just give his concession speech now?
No, the law allows for recounts in Virginia and Washington.
So this is what I mean, that you need to be a critical thinker, versus a party hack. Just like the captain of The Poseidan (U)sp. Even when the whole country showed their unhappiness with the corruption and the war and a Tidal wave happens, the guppy sees voter fraud. If there was voter fraud, do you think Reichart would even be close?
Critical Thinking, not what the self loathing star of Nemo tells you what to think.
christmasghost, chill. You lost. Deal. Or not.
John McCain sure looked pathetic when interviewed last night. He tried to spin the election as a repudiation of the strategy in Iraq, rather than of the war itself. If I heard him right, he even seemed to say that the election stood as affirmation of the strategy he has been advocating–that we should be more aggressive in Iraq, send more troops there. I think the good senator may be getting into his dotage if he truly believes his own spin. The nation has passed him by; 2008 is starting to look like a very good year for Obama.
79 Rightstuff
“If it isn’t plain that this [the Murtha plan] will be hailed as “defeat” by the Islam-o-haters then we just disagree.”
That’s not an argument against the Murtha plan, because they’re going to refer to anything that happens as a “defeat” for us. And by the way, in Iraq, a good number of those “Islam-o-haters” are just “haters” of the hated occupier of their country.
“ “Osama loves the Republicans, who recruit for him more actively than he can on his own.” – We agree to disagree that those who hate the west already hate us no matter what we do… and that we are fighting those “haters” in Iraq instead of US soil.”
They “hate us no matter what we do.” That is not objectively true. That’s your justification for warring endlessly against the Iraqi people instead of working something out. And you obviously weren’t paying attention to the NIE conclusions that fighting those so-called “haters” is INCREASING the number of jihadists, not decreasing it. Ergo: The more we do this, the GREATER the chances of “fighting them on US soil.”
“I know that my middle class income has just got a little tighter. Take a look at the truth that the top 25% of tax payers pay 83% of all income taxes…So you tell me who is hurt by a tax rate increase…….”
What tax increase? You didn’t follow the link. Again, here’s the plan, pal:
– Let the estate tax reduction expire (no middle class hit)
– Extend the tuition and sales tax deductions (helps the middle class–blocked by GOP election year shenanigans)
– Adjusting the AMT (helps teh middle class no matter hwo it is solved)
Really. Pay attention.
Bush says Cheney won’t go…the Bush dynasty needs a scapegoat.
CG @ 77:
How long was President Clinton going to wait? Hmmmm. . . this is a brain-teaser.
Let’s have a mock investigation.
October 12, 2000 the USS Cole was bombed.
November 7, 2000 the presidential elections are held.
December 8, 2000 Bush v. Gore is settled by the Supreme Court. Since the election outcome was in dispute President Clinton opted to give National Security updates to both candidates to fully prepare either man for the challenges that lie before them.
January 20th, 2001 George W. Bush is sworn in as President.
January 26th, 2001 George Tenet finally confirms than al Qaeda was in fact behind the USS Cole bombing and that we had been granted basing rights in Uzbekistan to launch a war against the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
February 5, 2001 George W. Bush declares the number one threat facing America was a rogue nation with nuclear missiles and pushes the ABM system. A boondoggle system that benefits his families holding in the defense industry.
June 13, 2001 Bush speaks to NATO lists the top 5 threats facing the West. Of the 5 none deal with terrorism, bin Laden or al Qaeda.
July 5, 2001 Dr. Rice gets Richard Clarke’s warnings regarding the al Qaeda threat.
August 6, 2001 Dr. Rice hands George W. Bush his PDB warning of al Qaeda’s intention to attack inside America using commercial aircraft.
September 10, 2001, Cheney holds his first meeting on anti-terrorism.
September 11, 2001. George W. Bush sits in stunned silence after being told America is under ATTACK for how long?
Yeah, sweet cheeks, you keep believing your RNC talking points.
Speaker Pelosi will find out the truth. Although, you’ll refuse to believe it.
80 Rightstuff
“Yes the President has led us there“.
Wow. I wasn’t sure you knew. Yes, the president is COmmander-inChief of the Amred Forces, and it’s his job to run wars. If they go badly, it’s on him. If Iraq is still going badly by 2008, it’s still on him. Congress can try to give good suggestions, but they won’t take the blame for W’s mistake.
“But congress controls the money to keep us there.”
The Democrats have already said that they’re not going to de-fund the war. Funny that you never seem to be aware of what they have said. They certainly won’t unless a recalcitrant Bush refuses all other paths to change, and I don’t think they’ll do that at all. There’s plenty else they’ll do first, including tracking down billions of dollars in fraud around the war. It should be fun to watch the president get all red-faced railing against it.
Commentby Right Stuff— 11/8/06@ 1:44 pm
93 danw
I think George Allen will decide that his chances of getting enough votes in a recount are vanishingly small and that the least damaging path is to concede.
I had forgotten about this:
Allen’s down around 7000 votes to Webb in VA. You just don’t make up that kind of ground in a recount. Maria Cantwell gained 300 votes in the 2000 Senate election recount.
Allen is toast. Will he concede? WIll Republicans urge him to for the good of the contry? The ones in here, I mean.
It’s not just Rummy, he had some help.
From day one, the MSM has made things look WORSE that they are.
Always worse, bad, awful, a quagmire, unwinable.
I’m flashing back to the 60’s……like groovy man
The whole world is marchin’……………..
To all you Sean Hannity fans out there – two words:
104 JB
I agree, it’s not just Rumsfeld, it’s Bush who is the recalcitrant idiot who invaded Iraq out of some inner need and who, now that it’s been falling apart since Day 1, is proceeding without a plan because he is too stubborn to change direction because he thinks it means he’s losing, or less of a man.
Rumsfeld IS the guy who blew off all warnings about his Iraq War plans and lack of post-war prep, for which we’re paying a huge price right now. But Bush approved the Midget Fuehrer’s plan.
Can you even see how bad things are in Iraq? When’s the last time 50 tortured and executed bodies were discovered every day in your homethown?
For those of you who think it was the Republican corruption only, that it was Foley because of the sex or the kids, or that America is really conservative but that these guys somehow “aren’t real conservatives” or some such shit, let me remind you:
When you can’t get an abortion ban passed in freakin’ South Dakota, America isn’t trending conservative. When you can’t get a gay marriage ban passed in Arizona, America isn’t trending conservative. When opposition to gay marriage bans was more than 40% in 5 of the 8 bans that passed, America isn’t trending conservative. When a majority of Americans choose Democrats to represent them, America isn’t trending conservative. When more than 275 seats and 10 legislative chambers from Iowa to Oregon switch overnight from Republican to Democratic hands, and Democrats are now the one-party government in 15 states (including New Hampshire for the first time since 1874, and Colorado for the first time since 1960), America isn’t trending conservative. Get it yet?
Speaker Pelosi will end COMMENT SPAM as we know it!
robert…. speaker pelosi will end FREE SPEECH as we know it.
kinda like that idiot gregoire and her frightening “talk radios”….talk about an idiot. she and pelosi are in good company there…although nancy is way too much of a snob to hang out with white trash christine.
handbags and propecia? goldy dear the spammers must have seen the picture of you and shark together and well…um…assumed things. about your hair that is…..LOL.
Allen will throw in the towel. Virginia does all electronic voting. You just recheck everything and hit count. The only thing that changes are the absentees, provisionals and other ballots that are hand counted, and you are not going to have a change of 7,000 votes in that.
Rummy should have been booted months ago. Too bad it cost us having to read this crap on this moonbat blog!
Only reason South Dakota didn’t pass an abortion ban is the Governor did not send the bill back to include exclusions for rape and incest. If he had, the bill would have passes by 60 40.