Yesterday, GOP frontrunner Rudy Giuliani sent out an email to supporters boldly proclaiming his “12 commitments to the American people”:
- I will keep America on offense in the Terrorists’ War on Us.
- I will end illegal immigration, secure our borders, and identify every non-citizen in our nation.
- I will restore fiscal discipline and cut wasteful Washington spending.
- I will cut taxes and reform the tax code.
- I will impose accountability on Washington.
- I will lead America towards energy independence.
- I will give Americans more control over, and access to, healthcare with affordable and portable free-market solutions.
- I will increase adoptions, decrease abortions, and protect the quality of life for our children.
- I will reform the legal system and appoint strict constructionist judges.
- I will ensure that every community in America is prepared for terrorist attacks and natural disasters.
- I will provide access to a quality education to every child in America by giving real school choice to parents.
- I will expand America’s involvement in the global economy and strengthen our reputation around the world.
And Giuliani will be able to fulfill all these campaign promises because… well… I guess, because he’s God. An angry, Old Testament God. And a somewhat nutty one, at that.
Let’s just consider Giuliani’s “12 Commitments” one at a time.
“I will keep America on offense in the Terrorists’ War on Us.”
Because “if we don’t fight them over there…” blah, blah, blah, and all that. Though a little defense wouldn’t be so bad either. You know, like protecting our ports, securing our nuclear facilities, inspecting cargo containers, and other boring stuff like that. On the bright side, in promising America an endless war, you can’t accuse Giuliani of pandering to voters by, um, actually listening to them.
“I will end illegal immigration, secure our borders, and identify every non-citizen in our nation.”
Just like he did in New York — all we need are 12 million taxi medallions. But really… identify every non-citizen in our nation? How’s he gonna do that? How large an immigration gestapo is he gonna need to “check the papers” of all 301,139,947 US citizens and residents? How militarized a border is Giuliani envisioning, and what exactly does he plan to do with the 12 million “illegals” he rounds up? I’m not sure what’s more frightening — that Giuliani thinks he can deliver on this promise… or that he wants to?
“I will restore fiscal discipline and cut wasteful Washington spending.”
For example, just think of all the wasteful spending Washington could save if the Justice Department doesn’t have to respond to habeas corpus writs from the 12 million Mexicans Giuliani plans to round up? On the other hand, fighting the eternal “War on Us”, building a wall around our nation, and identifying, detaining and deporting 12 million people, well, that costs big bucks. So I suppose to both restore fiscal discipline and pay for his ambitious foreign and domestic agenda, Giuliani is going to have to raise taxes, right?
“I will cut taxes and reform the tax code.”
Oops. My bad.
“I will impose accountability on Washington.”
And, um, I suppose if Giuliani “imposes” accountability on Washington, that must mean Washington will be accountable to him? Is he running for President or Dictator?
“I will lead America towards energy independence.”
The rendered fat from an average Mexican immigrant could fuel a bio-diesel powered SUV for a week. Hmm. Giuliani’s immigration plans are beginning to make sense.
“I will give Americans more control over, and access to, healthcare with affordable and portable free-market solutions.”
Because the ultimate “portable free-market solution” is for Americans to pick up and move to a country that actually offers affordable health care. You know, like Canada. Now if we can only sneak past the troops at the border….
“I will increase adoptions, decrease abortions, and protect the quality of life for our children.”
Just like he did as Mayor of New York. And of course, nobody is better qualified to “protect the quality of life for our children” than a man whose own kids won’t campaign for him.
“I will reform the legal system and appoint strict constructionist judges.”
We need judges who will strictly construct the US Constitution. Except for those pesky Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Ninth Amendments. And possibly the First. And certain inconvenient paragraphs in Article I, Section 8. And some other parts. Other than that, we need strict constructionist judges.
“I will ensure that every community in America is prepared for terrorist attacks and natural disasters.”
You know, just like Giuliani prepared New York City for 9/11 by ensuring that police, fire, and other rescue workers used communications systems that could not communicate with each other, and by insisting on locating the city’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) crisis center in the heart of New York’s most likely terrorist target. (The thousands of gallons of diesel fuel stored in WTC 7 to power OEM’s backup generators was a particularly bright idea… except for the part where the fuel spilled, burned, and likely led to the building’s collapse.) With preparation like that, who needs terrorists?
“I will provide access to a quality education to every child in America by giving real school choice to parents.”
And nothing increases access to quality education like defunding public schools by siphoning dollars to religious institutions and for-profit “charter” schools. After all, an unfettered free market always leads to the most efficient allocation of resources. (You know, except when market forces entice 12 million Mexicans to come across the border to fill low wage jobs.)
“I will expand America’s involvement in the global economy and strengthen our reputation around the world.”
… By deporting 12 million workers, and staying the course in Iraq.
Giuliani doesn’t bother to tell us how he will keep these commitments, just that he will keep them. Apparently, all of our nation’s problems could be easily solved if only America had a president who had the will to solve them. And the power to impose his will.
No, Giuliani isn’t a God, he’s just a man. A man who would impose his will on the American people. A man whose apparent embrace of unitary executive theory makes George Bush look like James Madison.
All hail Benito Giuliani.
I would like comment on Rudy’s to do list. But I think I am going to be ill.
He just talking out of his ass, or does he really think we will buy this?
Anyone else notice that Rudy is the second coming of the quick sound bite and pretty picture. (You know “God damn those terrorists”. Accompanied by a picture of Rudy wearing a face mask, scurrying along a NY street, of course.
Please, someone assure me that the American people are not going to fall for this again. PLEASE, ANYONE?
So what does Butch Rodham Chavez propose: MORE SOCIALISM
Fuh Que
Rudy’s certainly no conservative, but he is infinitely better than whatever fucking socialist you moonbats end up picking.
Don’t you guys read?
Best line ever Goldy. I like, I like very much.
A tainted chicken in every pot blah-blah-blah
Blah-blah-blah-blah-two Hummers in every garage blah-blah
Blah-blah Motherhood and apple pie blah-blah-blah
Shake hands and kiss babies blah-blah-blah
What the fuck do you guys mean “impose his will”? How the fuck would that work exactly?
What the fuck do you guys mean “impose his will”? How the fuck would that work exactly?
Why don’t you ask someone who lived in New York when he was mayor? There’s a reason why Hillary crushes Rudy in a head-to-head poll among New Yorkers. He is hated with a passion for being a heavy-handed nutjob when he was mayor. But as always, New York Republicans may be a joke in their native habitat, but people out here in Washington are a lot easier to fool.
This is fucking hilarious… idiot fucking algore in 1992 criticizing Bush 41 for not taking on saddam and cleaning up the fucking mess in iraq.
wwwDOTyoutubeDOTcom/watch?v=9J E48XHKG64
Watch the whole fucking thing you fucking assholes. Your own gawd lays out a full catalog of reasons why we had to take him out.
MTR @everywhere,
Why so angry?
Not angry at all. LMAO at you fools…
Hmm… 12 new talking points outlining the same old unworkable positions on the same old issues. Wow, go Rudy. Yawn.
Hillary’s positions:
1) Wreck the best healthcare system in the world.
2) Destroy incentives for excellence by taxing The Producers into the same misery as you loser moonbats.
3) Lose the war against radical islam so they can kill a few million of us.
4) Allow illegal aliens to bankrupt us and destroy our culture.
5) Turn the SCOTUS into a band of Komissars who will regulate every aspect of our lives according to Her Will.
6) Destroy the oil industry by stealing their profits to put into her kooky socialist ideas.
7) Accountability? Fuck that… she’s better than the rest of us. She’s accountable to NO ONE.
Rudy is infinitely preferrable to her in every way…
I’m all for the immediate deportation of the 12 million+ forgeign invaders currently residing in our country (and 12 million is the most conservative number they give, the real number is likely much higher).
However, I don’t trust Giuliani. I don’t believe him when he makes the promises I agree with, and I don’t trust him when he promises to use the powers of the Presidency to help make this a better country. Before I look at issues, I look at the person and try to decide whether or not he is a decent person, or another power-hungry scumbag who will say and promise anything to get the Presidency; I think Giuliani is the latter.
So, as nice as it would be to have a president that honestly wanted to deport the illegals we have here, and strengthen our borders to prevent them from returning (or at least make it *very* difficult to do so), I am pretty sure it will only be an excuse to exercise dictorial control over the citizenry, just like this “War on Terror” that he promises to continue to fight.
Yep, you’ve got it. That’s the platform Hillary intends to run on. And, given the popularity of those positions among Democrats, she’ll surely get the party’s nomination. You truly do need medication. You are incapable of rational thought and have a massive anger control problem. You might remember the old adage from Mash, “Suicide is painless . . .” Go for it, big guy.
Hey Leftist asshole…. where am I wrong about her positions?
She has said every one of those things.
popularity of those positions among Democrats
ain\’t enough, dumbass.
Fuh Que
Mark @ 15
She, of course, has said none of those things. Only those who reside in Wingnut World, who are delusional and have a special immunity to facts, could make a statement like yours. I’m worried about you, son. I truly think you have completely lost touch with reality. You make Tom Tacredo look moderate.
I will keep America on offense in the Terrorists’ War on Us. I will continue to justify ill-conceived wars through fear, and ignore the consequences of my actions.
I will end illegal immigration, secure our borders, and identify every non-citizen in our nation. Right to privacy is an outdated relic. You should be happy to let authorities know EVERYTHING about you at ALL times. And if we have to spend billions deporting people, then that’s a nice bonus.
I will restore fiscal discipline and cut wasteful Washington spending. Well, since I’ve said I’m going to spend HUGE sums of money on border patrol and infiltrating citizens’ lives while cutting taxes, where do you think I’ll cut spending? On wasteful liberal programs like Medicare and Social Security that do nothing besides offer a layer of protection to our most vunerable citizens.
I will give Americans more control over, and access to, healthcare with affordable and portable free-market solutions. No public accountability when private companies screw people over. But there’s no reason to think that an INSURANCE company would fail to deliver on needed services, right?
I will increase adoptions, decrease abortions, and protect the quality of life for our children. Abortion will be legal, just impossible to actually get. See the legislative attacks on Planned Parenthood in Mississippi for an example.
I will reform the legal system and appoint strict constructionist judges. Free will shall be ignored on every personal matter, except for owning guns.
I will expand America’s involvement in the global economy and strengthen our reputation around the world. We’ll send them our jobs, then buy their products.
She has said every one of those things.
It is straitjacket time, my friends. Wow.
“I want to take those profits…”
www DOT youtube DOT com/watch?v=j1PfE9K8j0g
Rudy – married three times – had multiple affairs – once married to his cousin – dresses up like a girl – his own children think he’s an asshole. WOW you Publicans really got yourself a winner.
What’s really going to be hilarious will be when “Mark” gets pressured to give a pass to some stone-headed basketball player up at SU. I would think that will elevate his anger level beyond belief.
How ’bout it “Mark”?
Maybe Rudy can tell us all about how he fought to protect America when he had his chance? – Oops another Publican chickenshit chickenhawk.
Wasn’t it Rudy who brought us the criminal that Bush picked to run Homeland Security? Wasn’t it Rudy who fucked up communications so bad in NYC that hundreds died in 9.11 who didn’t have to? Wasn’t it Rudy who the NYC firefighters blame for their fellows who fell on 9.11?
Man you publicans sure know how to pick em.
He left off the thirteenth point: He will solve the traffic problem of gettin into and out of Manhattan by parting the waters of the Hudson River. . . . .
“I will keep America on offense in the Terrorists’ War on Us.”
If it’s their war on us, it’s a defensive war, by definition. Mr. Giuliani’s statement suggests he hasn’t given this issue serious thought, and his lack of expertise in this area is showing through.
“I will impose accountability on Washington…” unless it involves Republicans like Scooter Libby. In that case, IOKIYAR.
Mark The Jihadist Redneck:
Either you can’t grasp reality or your memory is shorter than your teeny, tiny needle dick.
You’re so fucking dillusional as to believe the GOP has a shot at the White House or regaining control of congress or worse yet; getting control of both.
You seem to forget, or wilfully ignore the fact that you guys got broomed BIG TIME in the last election. Not one Democrat running for re-election in 2006 as governor, congressional rep or senator was defeated. Not ONE. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
You have the worse president ever, dragging your sorry asses down in popularity, you have to defend 21 of the 33 seats up for grabs in the senate, and Osama bin Laden is still FREE which won’t bode well for you in the House. Given the staunch record of support Republicans have given Bush, they have a record they can’t run away from, nor can they hide from it. The Democrats are going to POUND all those words and deeds of support for Bush’s shitty polices right down their throats. And you fuckers ARE going to swallow it. I cannot wait to see the political ad commercials in the coming year. All the generals talking about the “leadership crisis in the White House since 9/11” or “I WAS one of the commanders on the ground and President Bush, you did NOT listen.” Just to name a few.
The only thing you have left is what you had before the conservatives had before coming to power in the early 90’s — CRYING.
And, you are doing nothing but crying.
More damaging will be when his involvement with “vulture” investors becomes more widely known. One, named Singer, who is involved with a major scandal involving AID money to Zambia, has [;edged ten million dollars to “Benito’s” campaign. Apparently this will be money siphoned away from aid money meant for Zambia through extremely unethical lending loopholes in British law.
This may make his involvement with Bernie Kerak a pass around the maypole.
Paul Singer is the largest single contributor to George W. Bush and the Republican Party in New York State. Connecting his pledge of ten million dollars to Rudy Giuliani will allow Giuliani’s opponents to link him to the Pulitzer Prize winning picture of a vulture following a dying african child, waiting for it to die. . . . .
Source: CIA Factbook
This entry gives the number of draft-age males and females entering the military manpower pool in IRAN in any given year and is a measure of the availability of draft-age young adults.
males age 18-49: 862,056
females age 18-49: 808,044 (2005 est.)
This entry gives the number of males and females falling in the military age range for the country and who are not otherwise disqualified for health reasons; accounts for the health situation in the country and provides a more realistic estimate of the actual number fit to serve.
males age 18-49: 15,665,725
females age 18-49: 15,005,597 (2005 est.)
How many airstrikes do you suppose it would take to neutralize this country and prevent them from massacring our miliitary people already in Iraq.
Not to mention China. China is a major customer of Iranian oil.
Congressmen John Conyers and Donald Payne went to the Whitehouse to confront Bush before the G8 summit to take every step possible to end thepractice of these “vulture” investors of buying up old, bad debts pf Third World countries for pennies on the dollar shortly before they are to be written off, and then through a combination of corrupt bribes and threats of lawsuits to collect the full amount. Often the only funds available to impoverished countries like Zambia are funds dedicated to AIDS.
When asked if the subject was brought up byBush at the G8 Summit, the BBC correspondent reported that she thought he was ‘hiding in the boy’s room’. Prime Minister Brown, on the other hand has pledged to end these practices.
Was your comment supposed to make sense?
Paul Singer only functions as a predatory, “vulture” investor. This is the only source of his income. He has pledged ten million dollars to the election campaign of Rudy Giuliani.
Will this ten million dollars come straight from immorally collected debts from starving African Nations? Will Rudy join that vulture in that picture following the dying child? Will MTR join them in the same picture?
1) Wreck the Cuban healthcare system.
2) Destroy incentives for excellence by taxing the middle class and the poor into the same misery as Salvadoran peasants.
3) Lose the war against corpora/fascism so they can kill a few million of us.
4) Allow illegal aliens to bankrupt us and destroy our culture just so corporations can have a ready source of cheap labor.
5) Turn the SCOTUS into a band of SS Officers who will regulate every aspect of our lives according to Presidente for Life, Bush’s Will.
6) Destroy the alternative energy industry by stealing their profits and repealling their tax incentives. We’ve got Reagan to thank for that.
7) Accountability? Fuck that… Bush is accountable to NO ONE.
re 32: If you are in favor of attacking Iran, these statistics may serve as a cautionary warning. Some of the people commenting on this thread are intimating that it would be a good idea.
These stats. prove otherwise. Oh, and kiss my ass, fuckwad.
Re: 12
1 It was once, but hasn’t been in a long time.
2 Incentives for “excellence”? Maybe in the Tom Peters sense. That used to be called “greed”.
3 “They don’t like us anyway, so let’s DROP THE BIG ONE…”
4 Then who’s gonna clean your toilet?
5 Can you say “wiretaps”? Can you say “gitmo”? I KNEW you could! Seems that shit’s more like the old Soviet Union than what’s supposed to be America.
6 Oh, the poor oil dudes! Boy, they’re really suffering, aren’t they? Don’t you just cream your khakis every time you fill the tank in your Suburban because you know they’re oh-soooooo deserving of so much of your money?
7 And Smirk, the “unitary preznit”, thinks he’s accountable to whom?
As usual, Mark, when you or your ilk open your mouths or pound your spew into a keyboard, you just make fools of yourselves and further discredit the neocon “ideology” that sane Americans have long since given up on.
I think it would be interesting to have a psychiatrist review a sampling of posts from some of the more rabid rightwingers here–MTR, Puddy–and see what diagnosis is warranted. Some of these folks seem to have more than just personality disorders going on.
Another example of right wing ethics at play.
re 32: If you are in favor of attacking Iran, these statistics may serve as a cautionary warning. Some of the people commenting on this thread are intimating that it would be a good idea.
These stats. prove otherwise. Oh, and kiss my ass, fuckwad.
Sorry, I totally misread your comment. I thought you were saying something completely different. My bad.
Republican base is abandoning George W. Bush: Bush’s approval rating hits ALL time low for his presidency at 29%.
This fall from Grace is going to end with a gigantic SPLAT when the GOP elephant finally hits rock bottom.
Ahhhhh, MTR, you’re going to be sooooo bitter. I’m just going to love wathcing you become even more unhinged and angry than you are now.
I’d laugh at you getting your taxes raised, but since your a freeloading bottom feeder, well, you won’t have to worry about it.
MarktheRedNeck at work:tinyurl
Goldy @ 9
Remember, MtR laughs in a way not unlike the way Ann Coulter tells jokes.
Tiny Earll,
To complete the mea culpa on my stupidity, the way I misread your comment was that I thought that the second set of figures were the figures for the United States (as compared to Iran). That’s what led me to totally misinterpret your comment. I need to chill out… :)
BTW, for those who are fascinated by the “hortatory subjunctive,” there’s an implicit “Let us” at the beginning of my comment @ 41.
“The rendered fat from an average Mexican immigrant could fuel a bio-diesel powered SUV for a week.”
“Fill ‘er up with Soylent Bio-Diesel™, please.”
Thanks, amigos!
I would like to thank MtR. He’s been doing all he can to get as many people as possible to watch a video of Al Gore that makes Gore look good.
Gore was correct in 1992, and he was correct in 2003. Thanks, MtR, for pointing that out!
Do you think Giuliani’s distance from displaying a familiarity with material reality is obvious to those watching the Republican “debates” in other countries? The Iranians were intmidated by “looking into Ronald Reagan’s eyes” so they released the CIA “hostages” 2 hours after he was sworn in as President? Never heard of the “October Surprise” scenario arranged by later CIA chief William Casey? Ollie North Iran/Contra playout creating fascist killers in Nicaragua contra/arms dealing/crack cocaine plague? Fascism in action.
Attacks Congressman Ron Paul for suggesting that 9/11 was blowback from generations of US arming Isrealis to elimiminate Palestinian homeland for Ashkenazis, 10 years of bombing/sanctions on Iraq, Bin Laden voiced fury at US bases in Saudi Arabia, even after being trained and equipped to be “Freedom Fighter” by Reagan for overthrowing revolutionary gov’t in Afghanistan? Blah, blah, disingenuous Manhattan Institute inspired blathering attempts at disinformation. He ain’t really good at nothin’, including that constant shit-eating grin. Beware, this guy is the McCarthyite proto-fasciat incarnate. See “Giuliani Time”dvd. Read Barrett & Collins “Grand Illusion” if you want detailed information of Giuliani’s criminal incompetence up to and including his “chicken without-a-head” fibrillations on 9/11. Danger, this punk could make it, just like the runt who ruins the world further daily from the White House.
“Watch the whole fucking thing you fucking assholes. Your own gawd lays out a full catalog of reasons why we had to take him out.”
….but, but, but, 9-11 changed EVERYTHING!!!!!!!
You really are a moronic dipthong, vagina lips.
Giuliani is one prime jerk. But worse, he is a dangerous meglomaniac. Watch out. Sometime soon he’ll be surrounded by black shirted thugs. Mussolini would be proud.
Too bad for you cum-drunk right wing cowards. Latest polls show Rompin Rudy getting his ass completely kicked by Senator Clinton. WOW that must really fry you turds. HE HE!
MTR at far too many:
Impose his will.
For how to do that please see:
George W Bush.
Whoops! I mean Rove/Cheney
And since you are tossing it around tonight:
Fuck you, you fucking fuck!
BTW, since Rudy has a history of womanizing, which will become campaign fodder once the real race starts, can we impeach him if he gets a blowjob in the oval office? His history with women, not to mention his personal finances, is very tenuous.
Suck on that wingnuts.
Yes he is swimming the pool of family values. His own children don’t talk to him and won’t campaign for him. What is that old saying about keeping your house clean? Or throwing stones and glass houses?
Actually, Kenneth Pollack made a far better case for taking out Saddam, but even he thought Bush was premature. The job in Afghanistan hadn’t been finished yet (hell, it’s still not done), but Chimpy wanted to go traipsing after Saddam.
That’s the trouble with wingnuts. No patience.
Mark made the claim that we have “the best health care system in the world”. Well, here’s what that health care system has led to in the City of Angels…
There’s been a big debate going on over the one public hospital on the south side of LA. The county has been trying to come up with an excuse to close it, but it seems that having to go 25 miles for emergency care is a bit much for the folks who live in that area. That’s like saying if you lived in Redmond, you’d have to go to Seattle because the hospitals on the east side closed and sold their property to Micro…oh, wait….
Anyway, to get back to the original story, there’s a huge civil case pending over some poor soul who went to the ER at said Los Angeles hospital with what turned out to be a perforated bowel. The staff there looked her over, mis-diagnosed and then discharged her. On the way out, she collapsed on the floor in the ER waiting room. The hospital staff refused to do anything to help her despite the pleas of the people who brought her in. At one point, a custodian came in and swep the floor around her as she lay convulsing and vomiting blood.
It took her about half an hour to die. One of her friends went outside to a pay phone and called 911, only be blown off by the Sherriff’s dept. dispatcher who claimed there was nothing they could do because the subject was already inside the hospital they’d have taken her to anyway.
I don’t know what Mark might think about all this. I’ll betcha he’d be more willing to rant about abortions, out of the misconception that the life of a foetus is of greater value than that of some poor person a few years out of the chute.
Rudy Giuliani may be the only individual currently active in American politics who is even more narcissistic than George W. Bush.
Let’s try this again. This is MTR at work: tinyurl
Well, it’s stuck in the filter again. Here it is an inactive link: MTR at work:
I only saw the headline. That is terrifying. I have no idea how this crap is still not being fixed.
Art @ 55
I heard the 911 transcript of that episode. The dereliction of hospital personnel and the derision of the 911 operator were remarkable, especially given that we are supposed to have “the best healthcare system in the world.” Of course, MTR and his sorry ilk would have it that the family of the deceased woman should not be able to sue anyone for her loss; that no one should have to account for her death. Yet, Republicans claim they are the party of “accountability.” They have no idea what accountability means. My parents taught me that if I made a mess, I was supposed to clean it up. Republicans do not believe in cleaning up their messes.
59 Whoah! Dude, you need to take your meds.
The reason for the drop in popularity of the Democrats in Congress is that they’re playing all nicey-nicey with your neocon pals. The folks who voted ’em in wanted to see some Publican heads roll by now.
Oh, yeah…they were supposed to stop the God-damned war.
Relax, folks. Let Rudito Mussoweenie spout all he wants. The closest he’ll ever get to the White House will be on the sidewalk holding up a sign saying ‘will demagogue for food’. The people want change, and it will happen on Nov. 4, 2008. Hell, Goldy could beat just about any Recraplican out there. I bet even the Popester could win, now that he’s switched sides.
ME @ 61
Naaaaa, you are just too fucking stupid to know how to read polls.
In the most recent Rasmussen poll, Bush’s approval is 33% versus his disapproval of 64%. Notice 97% of people responded to disapproval/approval.
For Reid, his approval is 19% and disapproval is 45%. Notice that only 64% responded…the rest likely have no idea who Reid is.
Using your flawed comparison one might claim that Bush has much higher disapproval (64%) than Reid (45%).
Pollsters tend to use the (Approval – Disapproval) spread to “correct” for such artifacts. By that measure, Bush is at -31% and Reid is at -26%. So Reid is still doing better than Bush.
Now…if you want to look at Party opinion polls, check out this poll.
GOP: 37% favorable, 57% unfavorable.
Dem: 45% favorable, 51% unfavorable.
Spread: GOP -20%, Dem -6%
Sucks to be you, loser!
every candidate makes pre-election talking points like this… few of them keep them…
This is exactly what the codpiece-worshipping Republican base wants to be told. They want Daddy to recite this list to them every night when he tucks them in (accidentally brushing his forearm across the little bulge in the blanket –it’s all right if Daddy cops a little feel now and then, as long as he protects them from the _real_ predators out there).
Horsesass speaks for all 12 million illegals. Too bad this shithole of a blog doesn’t speak for Americans.
GOP: 37% favorable, 57% unfavorable.
Dem: 45% favorable, 51% unfavorable.
Rudy is an ass that makes a lot of promises he’ll never be able to keep, even if wanted to. It’s the same blah blah BS that’s coming from Clinton. In reality, these two Council on Foriegn Relations gurus could run on the same ticket. The power elite don’t care how bad Rudy is because he’ll just pass the baton to Clinton II/Obama (also on the CFR). Either way we end up in the same place, war with Iran / conflict with China / collapse of the fiat Dollar.
Screw the Fed, CFR, PNAC and the rest, Ron Paul 2008. rEVOLution.